The Full Bible of Steel by Lucifer Jeremy White - HTML preview

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We have the golden gate bridge and Alcatraz. Star trek headquarters, often in movies and shows I mean. But I came here for the fact it’s always been religiously agreeing with me. Turns out the weather is great here, no freezing, no real heat waves. Mellow throughout the year for most part. No snow stuff. A sweater in the summer kind of place. A better sweater in winter. Stuff to do? Not much of a stuff doing person apart from within my home. But if you like there is the beach. Fisherman’s Warf has live bands all day and into the night. Especially at summer time. Art museums. Large columns and the like of old Rome architecture in one area. Nice movie theaters. Good food. The thing about our food is that the portions are so large. Thinking back in other states I lived in the portions seem so small.

Oh and the beach is too cold to swim in. Lots of crazy people. Packed crowds of people at the fisherman’s warf.

It’s that city that stands out. It’s a special place.

I was drawn to San Francisco for a few reasons. Maybe the strongest reason was for the amount of Satanists residing here. And where it was difficult to find one Satanist where I was before in New Mexico, it is common to see them here. It’s not overrun by Christianity (Christianity and power don’t equal a good thing.) But if there’s going to be a Satanic community it is going to be here. I have always wanted to move to New York City though. Since an early age, too. But as I arrived here homeless and came here homeless because of the weather. Could not be homeless in a wintery storm and it was August. I’ve known people again and again who had their favorite places. Cities and other countries. A Montana guy, Las Vegas person. But I never moved for the sake of “the grass is greener on the other side,” bit just for the fact I really had better places to be. I didn’t move to California to be a Californian. I still have the same mentality I always did. I always will. My thoughts, ideas, and conceptions didn’t come easily or without uniqueness.



Or Humans Evolving Life. Is a secretive organization whose purpose is to evolve and progress human life. Agents of progression. And that’s all that I can say.


The Luciferian

By definition the original attributes of Lucifer as found the Biblical scriptures is an entity of perfection, one whom God made perfect. One prideful, too. Naturally one who is interested in human evolution. A being who desires our progression. He is the other side of the coin. Not full of so much pity. One that propagates strength. Sometimes one of whom could be said that it’s the end result that matters. In being Luciferian the practice pridefuly exhibits itself in the creation of quality. That which doesn’t kill us makes us stronger—and that which grows in us a presence of strength is to be sought. And that which we create can either be poor or great. And life may remain mediocre for so many but the established Luciferian will cone into greatness. As only the truly Luciferian can. If only for the validation of pride (earned pride) that this is so, that is reason enough. Reason enough to work hard. To be the best you can be. And through success and superiority attain a level if greatness that only the Luciferian can both have and appreciate. To find yourself in a throne, it may be all that the Luciferian strives for, but only the most naturally Luciferian shall obtain. Pride and superiority are the two keywords of Lucifer. There are some that would abolish the word superiority. But it’s an inner knowledge that should not be desecrated. May it naturally be shown what good you are. If you are as good as such then it will be visible by others. Individuality is also an attribute of a Luciferian. Self-inclusivity is the best way to put it. Being as oneself and not the mish-mash of others. To actually be of oneself and not of others. It is the purest of being. It is to totally be. 

There are many who would say Satan and Lucifer are different names. Many are going for the term Luciferian which is far less used and pigeon holed into certain things like a Satanist is with “atheistic Satanism.”  And all those good attributes of Lucifer as not found in the name Satan but Lucifer—belong to him. Individuality, freedom, intellectualism, brilliancy.. Bringer of Light/ Light Bearer. They can gave atheistic Satanism. But hands of Luciferian connotations!


The Significance of Intellectual Freedom

The permission from others to make your own “mistakes.” To go about your own way without help being forced upon you. Not having to pay for the mistakes of others either. Like a prohibition on alcohol, sugar. To even be able to smoke anywhere in peace. As long as the owner of the place doesn’t mind. Like at a bar. To not have medication or emotionally scarring of needles and vaccinations. No help forced on you by family, friends, or strangers. And to stop tying up so much money from taxes in regard to these things. In the process not stigmatizing others. No posting on their forehead “socially flawed.” And no targeting and elimination of such people through propaganda that slowly corners and eliminate them. And if a mutual fight breaks out, not being arrested by it. For a person to be overlooked if they aren’t really doing any harm.

And as for other kinds of intellectual freedom there are things of popularity among people. To deem one thing good and another bad. Rooting for the same team and enjoying music most largely popular. Shaming those who don’t. However, it’ll always be that way. So for that I’d suggest one of two things: that you just blend in, liking unpopular things privately. Or you just don’t care what others have to say about your tastes.


Among Those I’ve Known

I sometimes wonder just how different one life is than another. Like according to different lifestyles and mentalities most of all. I could go in great depth about the greatly rich. They have the world handled to them on a silver platter. Hell, a gold platter sometimes. But I’m more talking about different kinds of people right now. I can start by saying I have known for the first time ever a person that likes making others envious of him. I mean really enjoys having what another does not. And parading it. Such as fast food meals while the rest of us in this house are having very plain food. He will cut the entire power off on the TV because he doesn’t want another to use it. And he generally thinks he should be privileged to be first. So there’s that guy. A first of his kind in this life of mine.

I’ve known people that spat Jesus said things at others like golden little bullets. The God shall punish you kind. So I didn’t give her a dollar. San Francisco is full of beggars. They don’t even beg. They just ask all day for things while walking around town. No kidding. I cant smoke without being asked for a cigarette. That never happened to me elsewhere.

Hustlers- I know them well. They can be conniving. Trickly tricking.

People shouting at their voices. I’ve been around them for a long time. And those sharing babble talk together. People perversely proud of their culture. They should get a religious rooted pride instead but Christianity, Buddhism, most of em discourage personal pride. At least pride from an occupation. Certainly being born into something isn’t an awesome source of pride really. Really! Pride should be earned.

I’ve seen a lot of people erupt in anger on the bus here. I really think it is a “shared experience.” That they just need a good argument before arriving home. One gets to be on stage and seen fir a moment. Who will be the better arguer or arguet

People at my hone never ask me for a cigarette. They know I will say no. But it has happened before on the streets that people were seriously hurt for not giving someone one. And they’ll go into begging mode if you turn them down. For a person proud to hustle, saying no can hurt their identity.

My favorite kind of people are computer people and video game people. Devil worshippers are cool too, and also Wiccans. I asked God to bring a Wiccan into my life not very long ago. Which He did, rather quickly. And I thought I was going to get one of those cute people with a crystal in their pocket that pray to candles and look for the sacred book. Nope! Turned out to be a total jackass. Maybe among the most desirable are the least desirable.

Video gaming people are my best company. Those into either new or old games. Computer people too. Such as hardware types and programmers. And I can add to it for a top three electronics people. Those who know how to make circuit board stuff and teach me. Patiently teach me. College is free in San Francisco. Halleluiah. I would like to get an electronics certificate and a programmer certificate.

I lived with a dragon awhile. Before that I meet him a few times, here and there. Like the time I wandered out into the wilderness. And afterward. The guy showed up to the room next to mine in a highway hotel. I call him The Dragon. He said that was his name. He spoke like a dragon. It was a neat feeling when I listened to him. I didn’t feel like, you know, just a person was talking to me. I had this feeling of hell fire all around when he spoke. Like he was also talking to hell itself. And an urge of motivation listening to him. At least sometimes. But he always had the voice of a dragon.

I lived with him and his girlfriend. He called her that though they never had sex. She called herself the Devil. And so I kept company with the dragon and The Devil. Though I thought those were the same. The Dragon didn’t act like much a person would. He’d say give me! Instead of saying something like pass the salt. And when he ate he devoured food. One time he made this joke that he was going to eat its children too. Something about the way he said it made it incredibly funny. He looked down on me like my laughing annoyed him. Which laughter often did.

He had this little blue house. I knew I could always show up there if I hadn’t a home. And often did while I was still in town (In Clovis.) Sometimes I would hear voices coming from the house next to the street. Saying things like, “Its Adam!” Giggling. Sleeping in his home was difficult for some reason. He said that he didn’t sleep. That he rested. I took it to mean that he faked like he was sleeping. But did want rest. So he would lay down pretending to be asleep. Often in fifteen minutes he would be back up eager to talk. I really was a close friend of his. I’d lay on the couch and sometimes would go through a long period of hallucinating. I was doing any drugs. But his place had that effect on me. A few times right after I’d gotten there. So I knew I wasn’t being drugged. One time he said “Wanna see my dog?” And I said, “where?” and he raised his palm toward me. And I was looking down at like a glass floor staring at some awful creature, very grateful it didn’t see me. I flashed back into reality and he said, “Be good or I’m going to feed it you.” And one time I was just laying on the couch thinking it is hot. It is way too hot!” I felt on fire. I woke up and still felt it. I had to jump in the bathrobe frantically stripping off my clothes. Then I heard a laughter outside of the bathroom.


May you have a lot of little pleasures

You know, lots if things to pass the time. If you like working on something I encourage you to. Or if you have just a few sets of things you like, to add to them. Having many. Having lots of things you enjoy throughout the day. It helps to schedualize. Because it builds up momentum. You know that at a time of day you’ll do it. You are then both prepared and ready. And so as to not get burned out. I do that with writing and video game stuff. And my job which has a specific schedule. One that doesn’t change.

I save my money so that I can have two bottles of iced tea and a nice drink besides after work. And it keeps me going. Depression can set in if you haven’t much you regularly do. Kind of should be “methodical" with things throughout the day so it is useable. Otherwise a person is always in bed refusing to do anything, has found or kept nothing. Let your day so shine before you.

I am much more bored in the early hours. I admit. I will wake up in the weekends really thinking well what do I do. And just sit around awhile. Turning to writing always helps. By later in the day I am full of desire to do things. But I’m not sure how I hot into a morning rut. I am slow to rise on the weekend. Way too quickly risen on work days. And during the weekend I just sort of crash down. Where are my old friends? They haven’t been here in awhile. Meeting me in the morning. Sharing their appreciation of me and what I am doing for all of them.

But I’m sure that the worse could happen to me and I could bear it. I am as one strong when he approaches a fate unfair. And to slip through the cracks, left to fight another day. Looking upon the news of the world and slightly pleased. Not in a sadistically way. But as recognition of the final days and the return of Jesus Christ. Say all you will about Christian Satanism. But it was approved by God. It was a must be thing. Even if for some it tastes really bad. God made the lion, sheep, the goat, the wolf.

I like to think to myself in ways that furnish pride and positivity. Brighter side things of optimism. Of hope and better days than these.


Daily Victories, Ultimate Success, Ultimate Failures

There are billions of humans. Only an incredibly small percent of them will truly achieve success. Even if that is referring to a high level of success. Yeah you can say holding a job and doing well in life is a success. But I am talking about those who are very wealthy or obtain a degree of power and fame. So few are they among us all. How many can say they were on the news a few times unless some tragedy struck them (which doesn’t count.) How many can say that they are talked about on TV. Maybe sold a record beyond a one hit wonder. Appeared in a single movie. Or have a very sizable amount of money? So few! And there are billions of humans!

After all the history of humankind there have only been a few major religions between a few that created them. Given Christianity holds a monopoly on it. But what’s there to say but three, maybe four, at most five major religions. I find the topic irresistible. Let’s all throw a lot in the pot and see what cooks. Let us be cooking up religion all of the time.

People can be on TV very easily nowadays. Only it isn’t TV. It’s the internet. I still remember when digital cameras were the newest thing. And terribly slow internet. As for books. Well, I encourage you to write your own. Especially one like a bible. Most people buy their books online nowadays anyway. Certain sites publish them. Maybe your most important objective is to just have them survive. To be preserved. And with that there is power in numbers. I suggest providing them as free eBooks. Get them a rollin. The internet is great. Software too. You can write your book anywhere on a smart phone. That’s what is so nice about being an author. If you have a lot to say, you may as well make it into a book instead of spread apart and hidden like it is with posting things instead. No no, what the best thing is about writing is that you can do it anywhere. On the train on the plane. At home or where you roam.

Write all you can about Christian Satanism and trust me, fate will favor you. My words are the instructions for angels. Maybe you can be as well. Trust me, the world will change accordingly, not merely from people but from the angels of heaven and hell as well.

You can be a part of this new great thing. I will give you some advice. Try to write 10 pages a day. Do not count how many pages you have written any given day however. Write until you feel it was enough. Write several books at once. Believe me, it helps. So that you have variety in what you write instead of stuck on one topic for a few weeks. That has actually been the greatest help for me. And make it a draft and get it out. You can improve it all at a later time. Write as much as you can getting out as many books as you can.

Do you talk to ghosts? I am startled by them every time they appear. It feels like being jolted out of reality. Must be how a shift in dimension feels. I talk for a brief time and they go. Sometimes I am staring at the floor. It becomes reflected of something and I see a red demon there. There I stand gazing as my focus becomes forced. And I come out of it knowing things. There was a place in town that I would look into a sewer pit, maybe that was just a large square caged water drain. I sat there sometimes looking down talking to a demon.

And I’d seen demons in certain places. Sometimes not seeing with eyes. But seeing in mind. Knowing them in mind. What they looked like. How they felt. One at a light house kind of structure inside sitting there and thinking. Near that place there was this weird room above a building. It made me think does anyone live up their? Dies anyone ever even go up there? And I saw in my mind’s eye a demon in eternal panic looking in there for what he lost.

I can see my demon pets. Others cant. While they are right in front of me I look down at them. If no one is around I pet them. They are these really short demons like you may have seen in the Ghoulies movie. And I play with my Mickey doll sometimes like it is a demon. Having it dance to music. And I have in my mind sometimes the vision of him doing so apart from me.

Going about in town used to bring about certain reactions. Something about me was just off. Usually in a scary way it seems. Like being told things like “you do not belong in the house of God.” I mean, apart from a horror movie what priest would ever say that? And I was told I was the Devil and things such as that. Like “The Devil is a formidable enemy.” There are so many things that point to Christian Satanism in the Holy Bible. I am sure if you read just a few verses about the Devil you could see that’s so. Has two horns like a lamb but spoke as a dragon? Masquerades as an angel if light? Finds another way of getting in? Cannot serve both God and Mammon? If Satan casts out Satan? Iniquity standing where it shouldn’t? Better to be hot or cold lest I spit you out as luke warm? A one world religion uniting all?

Believe me, only your own happiness really matters. I told it to many who were hooked on religion. Like Satanists following after every word of a frail old bald guy. I used to practically worship that bald guy myself. Even thought he may have been the Devil. But then thanks to the internet I watched a really late interview of his and saw nothing but an old man who didn’t age very well saying his last words. But to anyone hooked on religion I ask them: have you ever really thought about what matters in life apart from this philosophy? Have you ever been able to find pleasure beyond it? Ever just think for yourself and get by on that alone? I told this to people who repeat the words of their religious idols feverishly, those with these urgencies to propagate their beliefs. In short I tell them to think for themselves as only they can find their own happiness and understanding. 

Just remember it is the Christian’s turn to be fiddler on the roof and we are happy to play fir them. We shall hold the sword they cannot. As genuine Christians really are the salt if the Earth. For genuine Christians we will do anything.

Oh what sad days are those of youth while things still matter. But in old age one has settled down with the truth and has talked with it awhile. It is time for a change and that change will come through Christian Satanism.


The Gray Sheep of the Family

Not too hot headed nor ever cold. But warm in your ways. To be touched upon without being burned by those who would know you. But not frozen still. To be a book that opens wide. To be very considerate of a person’s personal choices and thoughts. Think much about the good you could do. Only quicken to anger when another rips out your pages. To worship openly, yet privately, and to look hard for your own route mastering it. To sit next to another enjoying your food and drinks more than they. And to invite another into the good you have learned, but nothing else. Walking out of a fight, even if it us cowardly. Looking upon all the world for the grand show that it us. Viewing what is choice. That which is simply the best of entertainment. Not taking things so seriously. Letting the cards fall only as they could. But betting on only the best chances. Knowing the game before you play it. Not playing the game or fitting into the role that you aren’t any good at. Unless you want to learn. And learn about your tastes. Find much to like. Much that is liked would be had. Adorn your family with good things. Accomplish the most. Be the most different. Be the smartest, but in subtle ways. Have a sharp point. Be a person powerful. Go on greater adventures. You will be a golden sheep.

A golden cross for the Christian Satanist. One beautiful but heavy.

The color gray for most is one dull. I wouldn’t call it void. I’d say it is a stable color. One of balance. But mixing cold and hot produces something luke warm. Fortunately things aren’t so simple as that. There are many shades of gray. It can be called a borderline color because of it. Other than color you can say shadow. Some have referred to Christian Satanic good/bad things as a shadowy thing. The yin yang is a most perfect symbol for us. Ideally anyway. Personally it has never been one of my favorite symbols. And Christian Satanism isn’t necessarily a dualism. It can also be a duality under my design. I wouldn’t say evil but would rather say iniquity. Iniquity in the bible was used for a word that meant bent or twisted. As I’ve created Christian Satanism it is a gray thing that produces many colors. As such I breathed life into it. Having something powerful come out of a gray tomb wasn’t easy. It’s not a monster coming out of a grave but a spirit that has been freed.

What a Satanic Church Should be Like

There are a lot of kooks in Satanism. The “atheistic" Satanist type. They are an anti person type. They drive themselves into isolation believing it will let them achieve a desired level of individuality. They aren’t any fun. They make Satanism incredibly useless and boring. And are frauds. Satanist atheists are like Christian’s who don’t believe Jesus ever walked the Earth. And they’ll proudly profess their atheism leading others to think, well.. that’s weird. They are ashamed of theistic stuff- they have been taught that it is shameful. Like a lie. They practice rituals for some reason.  But overall magically they are very inept. It is boring. It isn’t any fun. And overall it is just a bunch of gobbledygook philosophy made to brainwash people. But they are in a cult just like any other.

They have no demons to pray to. To draw. To worship. No idols to go to. No meaningful life beyond the face value. At best they have stuff for a kind of ritual or two but don’t really believe in its power. They had been taught atheism. I’m sure the rituals make them feel foolish. Or suspicious about why they exist in the framework of an atheistic Satanist religion.

But here is how a Satanic church should go: they should have church music devoted to a large amount of demons. They should have great idols adorning the walls and pulpit of the Church. Diabolical stain glass windows. Heavy metal / black/ death metal. Maybe a small concert within its walls. Baptisms. Things of indulgences- feasts. Prayer sheets handed out such as a “prayer to Lilith” page. And perhaps best of all a preacher preaching about Satanism. A guy or gal who knows their stuff on demonology. Teaching about demons. Teaching about magic and the occult. The history with scripture, of Satan, of the Satanic.

Oh what a joy it would be to attend! To sit down there in throne like chairs to listen. The lights going down low, black lights shining down on Satanic images, statues, and a goblet of wine produced for the attendees to commune with the Devil.

But he didn’t want to work and nor do the other leaders that so easily sprouted forth through him. They are entangled in his brainwashing. He was a con artist, the Devil told me so. He just wanted to sit around toying on his organ selling membership cards that were meaningless. He turned the tables on what he started and formed it into atheism. He knew nothing of Satan. And others retaliated against it. He shamed them using the big fat chunk of deceptive influence he held. “They weren’t to oust me.”

Taken by the serious it’s all just a bunch of absurd ideas and practices strung together for his own amusement.


Some Book Ideas, Some Other Ideas

A book of: Christian Satanic art, of video game ideas, of inventions, a journal, a shopping list, of personal tastes, a list and description of everything you love, gray magic, of imaginary worlds, of prayers. They are all good book ideas, most of them never done.

Majic the Encyclopedia would be a collection of books used to play a game. Would use the letter S for spells. The letter V for villages. The letter K for Kingdom. The the letter S for summoning. The letter R for rules. The letter S for shop. The letter C for characters. Etc. Take the thin books of D&D and expand it into an encyclopedia.


Living in the Coming Kingdom of Science and Technology

With a few ideas in place that Kingdom will become a reality. Just a few are all that’s needed. One, a youth formula. Could be a cellular renewal thing. And sciences that extend life, such as a cure for cancer. Anything that preserves life. Second: easier food procuring. Could be quickly growing seeds. Or a food replicator. Third, a hologram room. Solid holograms. Letting you live very much where you want to. Fir example the old west, or a 30s home with holograms that play music. Like a hologram of a record and record player inside, with just the right couch. Fourth: advancements in AI and robotics. So as such they do all of the human work. Even building great homes. Mining fir us. Creating things. Growing crops if we need. And fifth, free energy. Maybe not literally free. But that which is so abundant as easily procured.

With those come the paradise founded upon science and Technology.

Other things can be added. Like AI siding in protecting the innocent. That could be done fairy easily at this point. Could be more implemented and worked on. Like cameras that listen and see when things run afoul. Being seen from point A to B. As long as some spoil sports don’t detest being seen by a camera. A few things that will drive our progress but they mostly relate to the five I mentioned. Like solid energy/ force shields. It may be possible to create an anti gravity effect with force shields. Homes, walls, and a personal barrier too. There we go! Makes me wish I was born a hundred years later but who knows, maybe reincarnation is true. It does say in the bible we were with God in heaven before we arrived here. But I greatly digress.


Why You Should not Care.. Not Too Much

Have an agenda. Have a purpose, too. But don’t sacrifice the quality of a day too much over them. If you’ve tried, that’s what matters. Consider the fact that things are better than they ever were. I could just be a guy at a type writer myself. At best have piles of paper that I couldn’t even staple together. But not so. I have digital copies. As many as I could possibly need. And I could be hanging on the radio all day waiting for my favorite music. I use to do that. But now my music can be instantly pulled up. Things used to be worse for me technologically. Physically too. Was starving at one point. Locked up. Homeless. Committed.

There are highly lucky people who will insist they are being victimized and treated unacceptably. Things all round could be great. But they just want more power. Over others. If you looked at their poor problems and those insignificant trifles of theirs, you’d wonder about people. Why good is never good enough. Elsewhere in the world horrible things are happening to people. They’d probably just off and kill themselves if they had to face the same.

So I say be lazy a moment. Don’t stir. Just sit and enjoy the moment. Enjoy a day. Even if it is just for an hour, enjoy it in full. And if a problem comes to mind then flick it away. We call those flies. They are bothersome maybe, but they are harmless.


The Good.. The Great Things About Being Human

Lots of things we take for granted but when given due consideration you can see it’s a wonderful life.. or an awful one for the less fortunate. For the very less fortunate I would say.

We get to eat. We have taste buds to enjoy a countless amount of food and mixed foods. I always have to tell myself eat slowly. To enjoy food. Maybe you are better at enjoying your food than I am. But from an early age I took into account the importance of eating slowly and enjoying my food. My grandma’s greatest lesson. But what awaits your taste?

Humans are very smart. We can remember things. Or have nostalgia rooted in childhood. We can perceive beauty. Have more or less good aesthetics. There’s music to absorb yourself into. Interesting stories from movies and books. We can perceive and predict the future fairly well at all times. What awaits us in a day, a month, a year. We can calculate all things that better serve our future.

We can creatively work. We have great things at our dispersal these days.

Sleeping can feel sweet. And for a lifetime