The Glory of God: The Day of Reckoning by Ibunda Ratu - HTML preview

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Year 2006

Meeting Prophet Zoroaster


I had many short dreams during these years. The dreams revolved around my lineage and started to connect me to other holy saints and other religions I never heard before.

A dream in 2006 brought me to a foreign place and met with a male foreigner. At glanced, I saw him as a white male, on his 30s, black hair, his black beard encircled his chin up to ears. The beard was short and neat wrapped around his jaw face. His hair short and neat too.

I did not recognized him even I saw him at glanced, from 10 feet away. The dream was like been in a campus, with many rooms and students of the same age. I guessed we were 17 years old.

I saw a black mercedez car, 1998 E-class, appeared in front of me. The male got into this car. He must be a lecturer at this campus. The Mercedes car showed a plate number written in Persian (or Indian) letters જરતોશ્ત but I could read them.

The plate number belonged to Zarətauštra, Zoroaster.

Who was Zarətauštra by the way and why I saw him?

I googled, and found some details here about this guy.

He was a prophet of the Aryan nation, from Persians (Iran) who sparked the religion of Magi (Majusi). He lived in the age of 1200-600 BC (BC), before the time of Prophet Enoch (Idris) and Prophet Noah. He was prophet for the Persians people.

I studied about his origin and turned out he was among the world's 100 most influential leaders and his knowledge and the book of Zend Avesta is still in practice until today. MasyaAllah, All praise to Allah.

But why the prophet Zarasthura wasn’t mentioned in the Quran? Did Bible and Torah mentioned about him?

After years of wondering, I concluded that he was indeed a true prophet. But why I got to meet him, only God knows best.

I might have been in the same lineage or in the same path and in the same school as him.

I believed our path had crossed. The path of the righteous always been in the foreign path, where we, foreigners meet.

I had acquired an odd knowledge but historically correct and he had been documented in this world.

I was enlightened and now recognized the leader that hold the book of Avesta for the righteous people of Magi (Majusi).

Alhamdulillah, Hallelujah All Glory be to Allah.