The Glory of God: The Day of Reckoning by Ibunda Ratu - HTML preview

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Year 2007

Prophet Adam, the Father of all Knowledge


The dream was intermittent, but yet it was a good dream. I put my writing here because the one I met was not just any human being but he was a Prophet Adam.

I saw that I was with my mother (or a women) in a wooden house, and the house has some stairs.


I saw the figure of an old man black skinned like Arab Bedouin, was praying underneath our house, near the front stairs. He was quite moderately small in size, quite skinny and black skin.


He was praying the last tahiyyat (in final sitting position). He wore a white robe and a white turban. There was no prayer mat or rug there, he sat on the ground soil for his last tahiyyat.

Then he greeted right and left, after the prayer. I heard like my mother’s voice telling me, ‘That is him, the Father of All Knowledge (Bapa Segala Ilmu Putih), the Prophet Adam ’.




Her voice kept ringing in my ears until I woke up.

It was indeed a short dream, just at glanced of Prophet Adam. Though it was just a glimpse of him, importantly the message that God wanted to convey was for me to acknowledge the meeting with Adam, the father of us all.

Why did she called him the Father of All Knowledge (Bapa Segala Ilmu Putih), God knows best.

I referred my dream to my spiritual awliya guru. Can Adam be an old man, small and black the way I saw him. Guru just nodded right.

We all know Adam wasn’t in our normal height and size but I saw him otherwise.

If I saw Prophet Adam again, without any second doubt I will bow and knelt before him, greet and kiss his hand.