The Glory of God: The Day of Reckoning by Ibunda Ratu - HTML preview

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Year 2008

Meeting with Iskandar Zulkarnain

(Alexander the Great)


In 2008, I had a vision of a Prophet which I never knew who he was before this dream. I met the prophet in the horrifying night of the emergency.

In the unseen world, I saw the city was undergoing a state of emergency, chaotic with extreme poverty. That night I was destined to be travelled at the wrong place and at the wrong time.

I saw many human beings (men) were everywhere on the street. They committed vandalism when they wilfully damaged the buildings and cars and they stole food from the shops.

It was a chaotic night where I was there, witnessed the event, in the darkest place at the darkest time.

There were no good human beings to ask for help.

I totally felt like a stranger in the foreign city and was alone.

I ran from being caught by the street criminals.

Then I saw a policeman so I asked for help. Sadly, the police said, ‘this place is in the emergency, the criminals are everywhere and I can’t help’.

I continued my walk in the night of chaotic.

Until I arrived at the intersection where there was a man standing at the brick wall. There were several cars parked near him, so a little bit hidden from any sights.

I saw a young male standing and leaning against the brick wall, his legs crossed while he was singing.

The young male was like a 'white male', white skin with reddish hair. I saw his hair red, short, curly and thick. His age 26-33 years old.




The real him looked quite similar to these drawings except I saw his hair more reddish than ginger color.


At the time I saw him, he was singing a song. I heard the wordings clearly.

 ‘… .And I built  a barrier in between these two mountains with the hot iron, preventing the evil from one mountain to come down to another mountain to steal, so flee you from that mountain’…



Spontaneously I stopped there and approached him.

I whispered in my heart that these are the verses of the Injeel (gospel) and he asked me to flee.

I approached him and said, “Sir, I knew you are a good person, please help me sir,

 I just wanted to go home safely’.

I held his hand and he led me to the steep of hillside behind him. We jumped from a high place. Suddenly I saw the ‘familiar’ KLCC underneath me. He brought me down to earth, and KLCC (KL twin tower) was the sign that I was safely arrived ‘home’.

Then startled out of my sleep. It was such a relief.

The subuh prayer just in a couple more minutes. I took a prayer and unconsciously, I recited and repeated Al falaq verses three(3) times. I seemed to forget about other surahs verses.

Why did I confuse in my prayer?  Why forgot? And why Al Falaq?

I wondered if I had a daydreaming while praying.

I was quite late for work, so I quickly picked up the Quran translation to see the meaning of al-falaq.

I knew I recited the verses often,  before sleep, for protection from the evil spirit. But just to double check the meaning again..

Nah, hear what I found.

The verse of al-falaq was about last night. The night of chaotic, the darkest night, the fear that I had that night and the evil human actions in the dark of the night.

Goodness. Now I knew why I recited this verse three times repeatedly and unconsciously in my morning subuh prayer.

That evening, I called my father to refer to him further about my dream. We used to share the spiritual journey together sometimes.

I read to him the verses that I thought was from the Injeel gospel.

My father commented that the verse was actually from the Quran, the Al kahf verses.

It was about Iskandar Zulkarnain (Dhul- Qarnayn), a traveller, who God had given him the power to rule places he visited.

Zulkarnain met with the giant creatures that loved to spoil and to steal crops from the good people who lived on the other side of the mountain. Zulkarnain helped the good people to build the wall between the two mountains with the hot iron.

MasyaAllah. All Glories to Allah.

That was really like a mock-up version of my dream.

If according to history, Iskandar Zulkarnain is a Prophet and he had the Shakti power that God had gifted him to rule the world from east to west.

Some narrated that he was the half-God because his father was Zeus of Macedonia.

Why I visited him in the unseen world of Ālam al-Ghayb?

I knew God wanted me to recognize His Ministry. But why Iskandar Zulkarnain?

This dream reminded me of the greatness of Allah, that had showed me my Saviour from the gog and magog. I prayed that Allah saved me from the slander of the antichrist ad Dajjal at the end times.

There is a question mark here. I mentioned this verse from the Injeel Gospel the fact the Quran had these wordings too. But I knew my words are true. The verse is indeed from the Injeel scripture.

I trusted my dream and my words were originated from the Divine nature, to give me the Wisdom of His Scripture.

I knew the verse of Al Kafh in the Quran, but indeed Al Kafh was revealed much earlier before the Quran. As I said again, I trusted my words in the dream.

God had gifted me His Wisdom to discover the knowledge and acknowledged them wisely.

May Allah showed me His Wisdom to all these knowledge that I never knew before. I had memorized Al Kahf surah (verse) ever since this dream came alive as a remembrance of my meeting with Prophet Iskandar Zulkarnain. In God’s will.