The Glory of God: The Day of Reckoning by Ibunda Ratu - HTML preview

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Year 2013

Shahada Statement of Lailaha illallah


In January 2013, I dreamed again. The calendar year had opened a new page in my life.

I was in a bright realm as bright as the sun at noon. I was in the office, a tall glass-wall office building. The glass covered the entire walls and the building looked rather round in shape. I was looking at the vast blue sky stretched out in front of my eyes. I saw quite a busy city with many buildings close to each other.

Then I saw a large plane appeared from the sky.

The plane was coming down so quick towards the earth. Looked like it was in distressed and to plummet into earth. Suddenly the plane moved upwards again and flew through the crevices of the buildings.

The plane headed towards me!

I ran out of time!  To escape or to get off the building.

It happened so fast that I only had a few moments there before the plane crashed on me.

I was shocked, as death was so near to come by. I prayed that the plane will be diverted and I will be saved from been destroyed.

Then I saw the wing side of the plane sliced through the glass wall where I was standing on, and the glass shattered.

My eyes saw a slow-motion movements, and everything so slow that my whole body froze to death.

I felt my spirit was out of my body. I lost my senses. I felt like in the sakaratul death!

Before death upon me, my tongue recited these words, ‘I bear witness, that there’s no God but God (Allah), and I am the messenger of God’.

This sentence I recited upon my sakaratul death in the unseen world of Ālam al-Ghayb, with tongue and lips witnessed the presence of God and myself as the messenger.


I witnessed this shahada in the Unseen world, in my vision and it was not uttered in this world.


There was no mind control in the dream. Everything has been set. My Faith, my Shahada witnessed the God’s existence in my presence in the unseen world of Ālam al-Ghayb.

I woke up at 5.00 am in the morning. The freezing cold body had no blood flowed in me for a second. I was shocked to froze.

I was Fana’, in destroyed stage when I recited the shahada statement of faith.

I recalled the words that I had spoken.

I never say anything like this in this world before. I never was the messenger of God. I didn’t know such shahada existed.

Why was this shahada statement of faith been taught to me?

During the destruction moment, I did not have a second to think about my family. It was as sudden event came to destroy me and my whole existence became slowmotion.

But the faith in God had showed me who I was in the unseen world.

God does not bestow pleasure on a servant greater than giving her the knowledge of la ilaha illallah, there’s no God but God.

The messenger of God in the Unseen world means, I am the servant of God in this world.

How can I deny my own statement even though it was a different statement from the one I used to state before God.

I have faith in my witness and in my statement.

I do not fear what’s coming to me and the punishment for being apostate.

Just because it is against the islamic law, I must deny my vision?

The shahada will not be lifted until I perished. I had testified the witness on the day I perished.

If I rejected this vision, I will be revoked and became apostate in the hereafter.

This is the path of enlightenment to test my Faith in Him.

I had been through the journey of witnessing His Kingdom and His Prophets, not knowing about the unseen and the unknown but my Faith in Him grew stronger that I had been uplifted with His Knowledge and His Wisdom.

I will never deny my statement.

The plane symbolises the vehicle that carrying my prayers.

When it destroyed me to death, I became perished which means my a’mal prayers had shattered to dust and turned into ‘benefits’.

Humans have no duty to impart the knowledge of the Unseen if there was no shahada had been endorsed in the unseen world.

The shahada statement of faith is the foundation of any witnesses of God before you could spread His words.

In this world, in the Islam syari’a law, any mualaff foreigners to embrace Islam, the first thing to do is to witness the shahada of Muhammad as the Messenger of God. The shahada was embraced in front of the Hakim in the religious council or Imam in the mosque.

In my journey in the Unseen world, I embraced the shahada ‘no God but God and I am the messenger of God’, in the presence of the Majestic Lord, The Judge of the Unseen.

I have faith in Him and the vision He gave. My words were uttered in a state of divine nature.

My age was 41 years old at the time of this shahada.

The shahada was the fact that I, officially His servant in this world. He will guide me, teach me, remove my veils so I could received His Wisdom.

My journey had been arranged and written. He had the power over me in this life and the hereafter.

I have no power to change my storyline.

I'm not the fortune teller and I am not the priestess.


Note: I apologize if the content in this dream was a bit confusing to some people in the way I witnessed my shahada. Know that I expressed the words in my dream and without deep understanding of the context in supernatural, you won’t be able to acknowledge this.

I had not been taught to debate, I was taught what I knew not. But I see myself self-sufficient so you do not forbids me from praying the way I prayed as I am rightly guided.