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Year 2012

The Flying Exploration


Back to the year of 2012, I had similar dreams before this dream #theflyingexploration.

In June, I dreamt about floating in the air but this time around I was showed the way I flew.

Since I had been practicing the walking in the air, over and over again, my foot did not touch the earth while walking in the unseen world.

I was hovering in the air.

But this time I had a little different dream than before. I met a friend, a 17 year old girl (we were same age). I recognized her in my dream as if we were from the same school in the unseen world of Ālam al-Ghayb.

I saw myself and her flying that night exploring the vast sky.

Just the two of us, I sensed that no evil spirit were around us and the place we flew.

It was a cold night. I saw my friend’s hovering style was a little different than mine. Her hands spreaded wide and her legs sort of lifted up one side. Pretty easy. Flew like an eagle.

I saw my way of flying style, quite comfortable with closing both palms and pressed them towards my chest. We both in the same leg position with the right leg slightly uplifted.

The strong energy that came from my both palms became my steering wheel.

I can turned my whole body to the left and to the right.

This picture below explained the yoga position we flew.

 Our flying style





My yoga position

My friend’s yoga position

My friend accompanied me that night exploring the earth and we viewed them from as high as above the clouds, higher than the mountains.

We made a stop at a mountain peak.

I noticed a snowy capped mountains underneath me.

Masya Allah. Goodness. The view was majestic.

My friend was quite brave, invited me to continue flying through gorges of the mountains. We were like in yoga position, just silence but floated in the clouds, passed through the human settlement area and headed towards a small town.

There was no evil power approached us that night.

We didn’t fly like a superman, but just in yoga position.

I managed to have a quick chat with her. She told me that she acquired the knowledge of float and fly ever since she was small.

She also mentioned one name that familiar to me, a friend with similar benefits. He was also from the circle of my awliya guru.

Alhamdulillah, Hallelujah.

We stopped at a small town and I saw from above, the people had their night market, lighted up with neons. I saw Bubble tea and ‘yong tau fu’ stalls at the night market. Somewhere, like a place in China town.

The clock showed 5.45 am in the morning when I woke up.

It was at night there in my dream but it was at dawn here in Malaysia.

I smiled to myself, it was indeed the most enjoyable night I had so far. The journey of flying while observing the earth from the clouds above the mountains will never be forgotten.