The Glory of God: The Day of Reckoning by Ibunda Ratu - HTML preview

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Year 2013

Mother Maryam’s Visitation


On Monday morning, 26 Syawal/ August 2013, I met with the Queen mother, Maryam who I never thought of meeting in person. It was at 3 am in the morning, when I was awoken by the dream.

Coincidentally, before this, I had a dream a week ago, about the power that came out of my palms. Meeting Maryam somehow had connected to my earlier dream which happened last week.

It sounded very weird, knowing that my earlier dream where I sealed the power on my palms, and used that power I had in this dream, revealed something unbelievable.

How can I connected two separate dreams in one story?

All praise to Allah.

He who had given me the visions, to clear the uncertainty and allowed me to walk the earth with clearer understanding.

My soul knew that both dreams I had, lived alive in me and connected.

Last week, when I was given the wisdom of the palms, it showed me the power was like of the mirror’s reflection. When I placed my palms onto a wooden table in my house, I saw my palms’ reflection turned it into a mirror that showed me the origins of the wooden table where I saw the wood in the forest.

The energy reflections was like a mist then turned into a mirror where I can see things from there.

Then I tried it on a TV. A few seconds, the empty TV appeared ON with an interactive channels. My hand was like a magnet,  attracted the satellite tv frequencies then radiated it through the tv screen.

I told my father about it. I said to him, how wonderful it would be if I could use the wonders of my palms in this world. Sigh.

In my second dream, I met with Mother Maryam at her house location in this world.

I used my palms in this dream that brought me to meet with Maryam at her house. Seemed that I knew the power sealed in me and took the advantage to use it in my dream.

Last night, I was at the foreign place, in hiding from being tracked by a tyrannical government. That was the sort of situation I felt at the time of the vision.


I was with several friends (more men and a few women), hid in a place like the shed of a shabby house. The next day, we started walking, from the mountains and came to a relic house of Mother Maryam.


My friends told me that it was the house of Maryam, who lived 2000 years ago. Somehow I don’t know why 2000 years and not 3000 years ago.

Then I put my palms an inch away from the wooden wall of Maryam's wooden house. The energy of my palms became foggy and turned into a mirror until I can see my own face. Suddenly Maryam appeared behind me and walked towards me.

I was shocked and looked at her. I came towards her while calling her name ‘Bonda’ (Mother).

‘Mother Mary? I said in a hushed voice, probably because I always speak English and sometimes Maryam became Mary. ‘Mother Mary?’, I said again…

The woman was in her 20s, small, not big and not tall.

She said to me, ‘Who do you want to meet as your intentions?’

‘Mother Maryam’, I said quickly.

Ooh..apparently Maryam had already knew my intentions the moment I put my palms on the wall of her house.

Then Maryam extended her hand to shakehands with me and I kissed her hand too. I was very excited, didn’t believe that Mother Maryam came to see me.


Maryam had thick and long hair up to below waist level. She tied her hair in a traditional braided style, where the braids were made up into four (4) bundles (4 braided hair) in one bundle.


I noticed that her braided hair for quite a bit, because very rarely met a women with braids in modern times. Her hair brown and her skin smooth white.


Usually the children of Israel had black hair, but Bonda Maryam had brown copper or golden brown hair. She wore a necklace that had five -digit code (let the number be my secret).

I never imagined that Maryam's face like this. If you looked at the sculpture of Mother Mary, Maryam did not styled her hair that way. Her face wasn’t the same either.

Maryam face looked so sweet and young. She's 20, but I called her Mother. Astonished. In the dream world everything seems surprising. How can I recognized her ‘status’ as the Mother when both of us looked like in the same age?

Dreams were the honest interpretation and manifestation of oneself, without a control of desire nor under a shadow of mind.

Dreams cannot be hoped for and it happened by chance.

I talked to Maryam about a few things especially my struggles to find the truth and to convey the truth.

I also asked her about Isaiah Al Maseh and Abdul Qadir Jilani. What I could concluded here was, everything I heard and seen was true.

Maryam invited me to pray at the white mosque which I have no clue about it, but she gave me a vision of the wuduk ablution place outside the white mosque. While sending her away I was jerked out and woken up at 3 am. Alhamdulillah, all praise to Allah.

The secret of breathing, had opened up a path to meet Maryam. The mother of the children of Israel.

May I be connected to a family and descendents of Bani Israel.

In 2018 I went to Baitul Muqaddis of Jerusalem and had a chance to take the wuduk ablution for prayer at the white mosque (Al Qibli), located hidden behind the Al Aqsa (the Golden Dome mosque). I made a prayer there alone and away from the groups.

I noticed that the wuduk ablution place where located outside, sort of behind the white mosque. This could be the place that Maryam mentioned, but God knows best.

According to history, the picture of Mary's house (pictured above) was considered to be the last place of Mary where her body was buried, adjacent to Mount of Pion in Ephesus, Turkey. The privilege and superiority of Maryam can no longer be denied through the verses found in the Qur’ān and Bible, Maryam is a person who is obedient in the knowledge of the Lord.

The three attributes of Mary are submission, obedience and faith.

Allah said: "And (remember) Maryam bint Imrān who kept her honor, so We blew into her womb some of Our spirit (creation) and she confirmed the words of her Lord and His Books and she was among the obedient". (Surah At-Tahrim: 12).

"Verily Allah has chosen Prophet Adam, and Prophet Noah, and also the family of Prophet Ibrahim and the family of‘ Imrān, above all nations (who existed in their respective times) ". (Surah Al Imran 33)