The Glory of God: The Day of Reckoning by Ibunda Ratu - HTML preview

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Year 2013

Meeting Isaiah Al Maseh


I met Isa A.S (on the night of Israk and Mikraj). He was of a medium size (not too tall or too short), his skin color was reddish white, as if he had just came out of the steam bath. ” (Narrated by al-Bukhari and Muslim)

I read this passage and thought about it all day. The dream that I had about 6 months ago now appeared again for me to write in September 2013. I could not afford to keep the secret of this dream to myself, but I did not know how it should be written.

Six months ago, before meeting with Maryam, I met a handsome man. He was my secret admirer all along because I was afraid to write, of being misunderstood of what I have seen.

When I read on further, the description of Him was quite similar to the description of Prophet Muhammad, in his vision of Isaiah Ibn Maryam.

In my vision, I saw a man entered my house. From a distance he looked like my husband came home. Then I greeted him with a smile and said,  'Abang, you are back?'.

As he came nearer to me, he put the golf bag off his shoulder. I saw that the man in front of me was a good-looking man. He sat down a sofa couch.

I knelt down in front of him with both hands on his thighs. As I looked up, stared at his face, the man that I called 'abang'. Abang in malay can be translated as ‘husband or honey’ in English.

Not a single word was uttered.

It was a clear picture of his look to my sight.

His skin looked like a little wet as if sweat with his blushing red white skin.

Surely he was not from the Malay race. His was from a foreign nation.

The sweat on his face radiated a reddish glow to his skin, as if he had just played golf in the evening.

How beautiful was my husband's when he sweat, I whispered in my heart, in the dream.

A medium-tall body, broad shoulders, slightly brownish thin hair, short and neat as in neat of hair-gelled. The hair looked like it was wet by his sweat. His forehead was a little bumpy and his cheeks were full. His cheeks were not of wide facial bones shape but have rather high cheekbones and full cheeks, made his face oval.

No mustache and no beard. There are no frowns on his face. Clean.

The sweat glowed quite reddish. Maybe the blushing red of his look caused by the heat and sweat of playing golf?

After waking up from a short but vivid dream, I smiled to myself.

Definitely he was not my husband in this world.

After this dream passed, I was extremely curious.  I knew that this figure I met was Isaiah but I didn’t knew that he was so a good-looking man.

I tried to find out more by looking at some drawings of him from those claimed to have met Isaiah.

When I met Maryam soon after my vision with Isaiah, I had confirmed it when I asked Maryam about Isa and Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jilani.

God has sent down His vision one by one so I could connect the puzzles. 

I met Isa but I didn’t recognise if the person was really Isa other than as my ‘husband’ at the time of vision.

Then Maryam came into my dream. Since I knew she was Maryam in the dream so I asked her about my struggle discovering the truth.

Who are you to verify my vision about Isaiah?

The picture of Isa, painted by a group of Christians, showed his cheeks was a little sunken inwards. Looked a bit old, unmotivated as well as messy with long hair and unmanageable sideburns.

But Prophet Isa was a very handsome and good looking man. His skin smooth white, broad chest, neat hair and short with no beard.

Well, painting without a vision was like a syrup without sugar.

Prophet Isa looked like Keanu Reeves (American actor), the figure I knew in this world, for comparison.

Isaiah's face was oval and his forehead was a little bulging. Handsome indeed for me.


In hundreds of pictures of Jesus, only this picture resembled the real face of Isa.


Isa had no beard, no mustache and no sideburns. The face was not masculine, but softer.

The question here was, why would I saw him a little sweat, same description as Prophet Muhammad’s about the dripping water on Isa’s face but the water didn’t drip?

I saw his face blushed in reddish skin after playing golf, was this coincidence?

Did Isaiah came to his people with such a look of trademark?

Or will this dream be the first and the last meeting I had with him? Sigh.

Prophet Muhammad narrated about Isa in his vision;

There is no prophet between me and Isa, and he will certainly came down (from heaven), when you saw him, then know that, he was a medium-bodied, reddish-white man. He will come down wearing two layers of clothes dyed red, his face looked as if dripping water even though it is not wet”. (HR Abu Dawud).

Those who are lucky are those who recognises the Lord, who truly believed in the coming of Isa and the end times.

No one here would ever believed if I really have met Isa Al Maseh.

And verily Isa is a Sign of the Hour, so doubt not about it, but follow Me. this is the straight path. Surah Az Zukhruf: 57-61

Thank you O Allah for pointing me to Prophet Isa, indeed I knew He was Isa from the beginning. I trusted You that I am on the straight path with Rasulullah ..