The Glory of God: The Day of Reckoning by Ibunda Ratu - HTML preview

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Year 2014

The Glory of God


On 5 March 2014, I received a vision, a new chapter of the Glory of God. 

The night before went to bed, I had my prayer, a little longer quiet time with God. I was saddened to think about the people, the Islam we embraced and discussions I had with the religious people over the contents of my website.

My prayer in silent, ‘O God, why did they narrowed Islam and made it smaller and limited to my sight?

Is not thy words so vast and unlimited with undefined layers of secrets underneath?

Why did humans limiting down your boarders of knowledge and become contend?

What I wrote was wrong, in any ways.

They said that I am perverted and apostate.

Their interpretation of Your verses had made Islam sounded limited and contended.

While You are odd O God, please make me odd and different from them.

What was the true Islam, O God?

I am ignorant of your verses but I had never underestimate Your knowledge and Your miracle.

Because my heart was sad thinking about this matter, I fell asleep and dreamed.

At 3 am, my tongue repeatedly uttering the word,  ‘verse, verse, verse’ …so my husband startled from sleep and asked me what has happened?

Yes, the dream I had was hard to describe, but let me write it here for you to learn.


I saw smoke clouds billowing in the sky forming an appearance. I was in my car, driving. Quickly I pulled it over.



I saw three humans formed from the clouds, they were very tall, enough to reach the clouds in the sky.

A woman in the middle, two men left and right. They were so tall above the clouds that I had to look up to see them.

I ran out of my car to take pictures.

Then the woman came up to me. Apparently she was only as tall as me. Praised to Allah. I asked her, ‘who is that tall’? The woman said, ‘that is my shadow’.

The woman wanted to give me the verse, but suddenly I found that I was in a mosque.

I looked up at the sky and I saw the clouds gathered again and became the verse (Quranic verse). I'm trying to read them. It was difficult, because the letters of Arabic alphabet formed from the clouds were not clear to me. Then the imam of the mosque gave me the scroll of the same verse. I read the verse to the end even though it was like crawling. Then I looked up at the sky again .., the verse turned into another verse.

I called my father to help me read the verses quickly. While calling ‘father, look at the verses in the sky’, ‘verse, verse, verse…’, the last words uttered were a bit louder in my sleep to the surprise of my husband.

I couldn’t read what was the verse but the one I remembered was, ‘Bismillahi Rahmanir Rahim’ (In the name of God, the Most Merciful and the Most Loving).

The length of this word seems long enough to complete like reading the words from the right end to the left end of the huge sky.

That was my journey. When I shed tears yesterday, thinking about the truth of Islam, and the vast words of Allah. I was given a breath of knowledge, that the words (verses) made our self-worth.

With the knowledge, the person will be given the blessings to  carry the great word of Bismillahi Rahmanir Rahim. They will be given the scroll to learn and to graduate from.

The shadow of myself, as high as the sky. The word Bismillah showered onto me as far as from the right to the left of the mighty sky.

I had been chanting Bismillah as zhikr for a long time, not knowing the power and miracle it has over me in times.

Great thanks to my awliya guru who had pushed us hard to embrace Bismillah in whatever we do.

My awliya guru was once said to me, ‘there is no need to chant many verses for the afterlife, just asked for Allah’s loves and mercy and it should be sufficient. He taught us to uphold to ‘Bismillah’ as the only a’mal prayer we should prioritized in this life.

He said the word will be our saviour on the day of retribution. Do not despair if I do not get any sign from the zhikr. The benefits is unseen and the zhikr Bismillah is the essence to penetrate into many layers of heavens in comparison to others.

I really practiced the chanting of Bismillahi Rahmanir Rahim ever since then. I even orchestrated Bismillah into a melody and carried the song with me all along.

Have faith in God and in Bismillahi Rahmanir Rahim.

“And who is better in religion than one who sincerely submits to Allah, while he is doing good and following the religion of Ibrahim (the religion of Tawhid) which is straight? And Allah chose Ibrahim to be His beloved " - An Nisa

"Indeed, God knows best who strays from His Path and He knows best those who are guided"- Al An'am.

Islam has the highest and abundance of knowledge. Narrowing it down and downgrading it to fit into your limited thinking just because you had followed some KNOWN imams of the world? Please do not discount the UNKNOWN person here to spread the words of God.

I do not follow you nor the follower of Imams you knew. But I have faith in God that His words are true.

He is the ruler of the unseen Kingdom so be afraid of what you’re thinking and what you’re saying to the unknown people as they could have been graduated from the unseen world of Ālam al-Ghayb.

 “O God of power, You give power to whomever You will, You take away power from whomever You will. You glorious whoever You will and You despise whoever You will, indeed You are omnipotent over all things " - al Imran