Now God has carefully defined love, righteousness, justice and equity very clearly, many times and in many ways, both in His Word and in His creations. So let the elect spirits learn those ways well, and flee into God’s kingdom on earth, as freed souls, as full citizens, even though all will be called to continuously fight for all that this kingdom enjoins us to responsibly uphold. For every elect soul will be drafted into His army, into His peace-keeping force. But His army only works part-time as an aggressor who undoes and nullifies the evil works of the enemy. And His army labours full-time as builders constructing and defending liberty, justice, equity and truth through love. We never seek any personal power, nor plunder for selfish gain of any kind. Yet we stand firm, and will not be moved from equitable, loving justice. And we will not fall, as long as we are armed with the sword of His Word; the shield of faith in His counsel, power and love for us; the helmet of knowledge about His New Covenant promises for our salvation; the hard, impenetrable breastplate covering our chests and backs to guard our loving, just thoughts of our hearts; and the utility belt around our waist to hold every truth required to feed hunger, quench thirst, cut through the cords that devil uses to bind our loved ones, and do all that needs doing; so we can walk securely in the shoes which will carry us and our Gospel of just peace to every land on earth. We do not want war, but war is always cast upon us, Page 289
by the devil and his minions. So we fight on, and must not shrink from our duty to our beloved God, and to all the others in our family born of Him. Then, when our King returns, we shall see peace with blessed biblical justice on earth, so all may love freely, with fully fed and quenched spirits. Until then, all our painful wounds and scars of our flesh, from the blows of our enemy, will only make our spirits more attentive and watchful, better able to against the devil, strengthening our zeal and love in ways that suppress our fleshy fears and incite our determination to overcome injustice and hate. Our failures even help us empathize with our brothers and sisters who know the same pain. So, no matter what Satan’s world order does against us, it will only make us wiser and stronger in Jesus, and will work toward a swifter destruction of the devil’s temporary, factious, unfaithful kingdom of sinners.
Jesus proclaimed a blessing for all who hunger and thirst for His kind of loving, just, pure, equitable righteousness. That is, we are blessed when our inner hunger is fed and our inner thirst is quenched, and He will even satiate our spirits. So we do not let cunning lies of this world distract us from a pursuit of that blessing. For Satan’s world order will tell us things like, “You can be too spiritually minded to do any earthly good.” But to be rightly spiritually minded, where the mind of the spirit is filled with real and freeing truths and wisdom from God, is the source of literally all earthly good ever done, or ever will be done. Of course, Satan will provide fake proof to support his lie, and point to deceiving spiritual guides who accomplished nothing effective or just through their vain and self-serving delusions. But do not believe this fake anecdotal “proof,” based on the failures that devil’s own lying servants in his own false churches. Instead, look to Jesus, whose life-giving Spirit of God perfectly managed His body of flesh, keeping Himself from ever committing even one loveless sin in His entire life. Jesus accomplished this, with countless healings and good works that bear freeing and just effects on earth to this very day, because He was entirely “spiritually minded.” Literally all He did and accomplished, to produce more loving justice than anyone who ever lived in all history, originated from the Spirit of God in Him. It was God’s Spirit in Jesus who healed multitudes of the sick and fed five thousand with one small basket of fish and bread, then taught us God’s own true interpretations of His words in the Bible. And everyone in Jesus’ true church also walked according to their elect spirits in the counsel of Jesus. All did all in Christ as totally “spiritually minded” souls.
Throughout history, Satan’s world order has attempted to prevent elect spirits from hungering and thirsting after righteousness. The devil’s servants have used every devious means possible to trick the elect into serving only their minds of flesh, preventing their elect spirits from feeding on Christ’s truth and wisdom. They lie and tell the elect that material sacraments, physical rituals or prayers from mouths of flesh are a means to “spiritual” and eternal salvation, to keep elect from listening for the words of Christ’s Holy Spirit spoken directly to their spirits. They feed their carnal pride with
“good works” done solely to advertise their fake churches, to lure in more who will give tithes to the fake heads of those false churches, to wanna-be gods. Others say that worldly careers and selfish ambitions are important for their “religious” pursuits, needed to serve the religious lies of their false churches, while they suppress every genuine opportunity to truly serve God through the works of their hands in their daily occupations. Then, if any elect spirit is fed even a small scrap of God’s pure truth or wisdom, then attempts to put that truth into practise, false churches and governments who serve Satan will persecute, silence or even murder that awakened elect soul, to suppress that truth.
However, the fact remains that every elect spirit inherently hungers and thirsts after God’s kind of just, equitable, pure, loving righteousness. For God is continuously calling every elect spirit to serve Him through a every kind of truly useful and lawful occupation, to do good works with our hands, in ways that our souls will find full satisfaction and joy, to fulfill each of our own unique destinies, to be taught and trained for our eternal future occupations in heaven above. Literally all elect souls are Page 290
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assigned works of the flesh. For Jesus’ Holy Spirit feeds and quenches our spirits through the works which express our love. God trains each elect child’s spirit through an honest and useful occupation.
Our spirits learn the ways of our heavenly Father by being a butcher, baker or candlestick maker; a lawyer, judge or politician; a doctor, nurse or surgeon; a carpenter, mason or welder; a seamstress, factory worker or clerk; a mechanic, engineer or physicist; an artist, musician or actor; a farmer, biologist or environmentalist; a homemaker, manager or teaching elder; or something else. In fact, the only way our spirits can be fed and quenched until satiated, is by doing works of the flesh for the good of all, according to the love flowing from our elect spirits, as our spirits learn from our one and only Head Teacher, the King, Jesus. Our works of the flesh, for Him, were predestined to be used by our Father, for the teaching and training of our spirits. And Jesus Himself laboured as a carpenter.
Now let every elect soul allow his or her spirit to hunger and thirst for Jesus Christ’s kind of loving, just, equitable righteousness, then work hard to see that loving righteousness expressed everywhere in each one’s own community, even everywhere on earth. Do not stifle that inner hunger and thirst, but let Jesus’ Holy Spirit feed and quench it. And do not simply walk according to the superficial outer conscience, created in your mind of flesh by the customs and laws of your land, by your often faulty parents, teachers and “leaders.” Instead, walk according to your inner conscience, which only Jesus’ Holy Spirit can build in the mind of your elect spirit. For only your inner conscience, created by God, can cause your spirit to hunger and thirst for truly loving, wise and honest righteousness, so you can wisely apply God’s intentions of His Law, effectively. Now let us become truly faithful and attentive disciples of Jesus. We now need to let Jesus directly teach and train our elect spirits. Hear and trust His words of truth and wisdom. Heed His call to do His works which shall train our spirits.
For the Compassionate
I repeat, Jesus gave this “Sermon on the Mount” to faithful disciples, to those who willingly heard Him, who trusted Him as Israel’s wisest Teacher regarding all matters of life and faith. Jesus did not preach this to the general public in a marketplace or lecture hall. Therefore, as Jesus began to satiate the hunger and thirst for loving righteousness in His true disciples on that day, He knew that their elect spirits would then invariably begin to express compassionate love. This is a law, that never deviates or changes. God ordained that compassion will always be a spontaneous effect resulting from elect spirits who receive the teaching and training of our God Jesus. Literally every elect spirit whom His Holy Spirit awakens, teaches and trains always responds to Him with an outpouring of just, merciful love that actually takes actions to help, heal and benefit all needy souls around them.
Every real Christian, every elect spirit awakened by our Head Teacher, is taught, trained and called to grant compassion and mercy to repentant sinners like oneself. There are no exceptions. Therefore,
“The compassionate are blessed, because they will receive compassion [from God]” (Mat. 5:7, from: μακάριοι οἱ ἐλεήμονες, ὅτι αὐτοὶ ἐλεηθήσονται, SBLGNT). Every day here on earth, and even during the final judgment day at the gates of heaven, Jesus will correct our many errors and sins.
Jesus will utter His rebukes directly to our spirits, then teach us a better and more just way of loving His creations, especially His human creations. If we trust and heed His words to our spirits, with saving faith, our whole being will respond to those words. The minds of our spirits will then take charge of the minds of our flesh in the chambers of our souls, and manage our lives in ways that try to apply all Jesus teaches us, as an aspect of His daily training. We all will attempt to practise His wise counsel, all the ways of our Head Teacher, through the works of our hands and the words of our mouths. Thus, all His works in us lead us to acts of just love, including compassion for the repentant.
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By now we should all realize that Jesus, also in a body of flesh like our bodies of flesh, did not enter this world “in order to condemn the world, but rather in order that the world might be saved through Him” (John 3:17, from: ἵνα κρίνῃ τὸν κόσμον, ἀλλʼ ἵνα σωθῇ ὁ κόσμος διʼ αὐτοῦ, SBLGNT, and note, this particular ecclesiastical use of κόσμος refers to “all elect Jews and Gentiles alike”). Since Jesus did not come to judge, condemn and sentence any of His repentant elect sinners, not even for their worst crimes and sins, neither should His disciples. Yes, throughout all time, Jesus has indeed been judging, condemning and sentencing sinners, but only those who never repent—which means that God has primarily been judging and punishing the non-elect, but also many stubborn elect. Yet this has never been His first and foremost priority. Rather, our just and loving God came to us in a human body of flesh to save repentant elect sinners from the bondage of delusions and lies, to gather them into His abundant life as His true disciples. As long as the earth has existed and will exist, this has been His top priority. Thus, it is our main priority as well, while living in bodies of flesh, since all of us also are, without exception, those unworthy sinners whom Jesus came to save. Yes, Jesus also came to war against the delusions, lies, crimes and sins of the loveless non-elect, who will never have any kind of genuine compassion nor mercy for anyone. And, yes, Jesus came to war against the false churches more than any other kind of enemy serving Satan’s world order, because those are the non-elect whom the devil raises up to slander His name throughout the earth. But, first and foremost, Jesus came to save repenting elect souls who are able to learn to love in a just and pure way, all who can learn to practise compassion and mercy daily, through all they may do and in all they might say.
Now consider how the elect are scattered throughout the world, and we can never readily determine who is or who is not one of God’s elect. Elect souls can be found in every nation, race, religion, political party, organization and place on earth. Every brothel and every false church will often have at least some elect in them. We discover loving elect among all whom God’s Law judges against, among criminals, violent gangs, Trump supporters, abortionists, homosexuals and others. Other than a rare clearly psychopathic soul, who openly and clearly displays the spirit’s birthright from Satan, there are actually very few we can justly exempt from the compassion and mercy of our saving King.
Jesus presents His compassion through the awakened elect citizens of His holy eternal kingdom, and especially through His priesthood of the true church of Israel, His genuine disciples. But Jesus will also work His compassion through undiscovered elect as well, through elect who do not yet know His name in their minds of flesh, who have not yet entered into His priesthood of Israel and do not consciously serve as disciples of the High Priest. For these elect are citizens of His kingdom too, but many of these elect will only enter His service, in the real church of Israel, on the final judgment day, after their flesh dies, when they are granted new spiritual bodies. So, in the meantime, we are to grant respect to sinful human beings of every “kind,” with the compassion and mercy of our Lord, since we cannot know which sinners might be God’s elect trapped in lies, and which are non-elect.
This is why Jesus warns true Christians to not judge against any identifiable group of people. We are not to partake in any kind of judgmental condemnation of any identifiable body of people, since God’s just judgments demand that we examine each individual accused soul, to determine each one’s inner motives and intentions of the heart, then strive to teach the truth to each one. All of the judgments that God’s Law and Jesus commands us to make are for individuals. Jesus compels us to avoid all unjust, merciless displays of delusional superiority over any “kinds” of people. Genuine disciples of Jesus never judge against races or nations, nor even against groups identifying with any political, religious or moral stand, such as abortionists, homosexuals, fascists and so on. And this is because there are almost always at least some elect brothers and sisters among those “kinds” of people. In fact, God’s Word explicitly commands His church of Israel to refrain from judging any Page 292
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who remain outside of their true priesthood of the real church. God only allows us to judge those inside our true churches, and only if we are very careful to hear them individually, in just hearings with multiple witnesses and solid evidence, or through real prophecies from God, where we judge rightly. Then, if we find a deliberate, wilful sinner who refuses to repent into God’s actual truth, the most God allows us to do is expel that one, to no longer allow that one to partake in our works for Him. After that, we can allow them to visit us, to hear our compassionate appeals to follow the just ways of God. For we must also remain ready to hear that one’s repentance at any time. So, if we see one who is not claiming to belong to our true church, and that one sins, yet that one’s sins can be overlooked because those sins do not cause direct harm to others, we are to freely converse and do secular works with that person. And we do not even try to “convert” or “save” that soul either, since only God Himself can actually do genuine saving works in a heart. Rather, we simply make our words and deeds conform to Christ’s just, wise, loving ways, to fulfill and demonstrate His truths.
Yes, we may stand with some who peacefully protest against injustice, lies and criminal actions. And we may even form militias which stand beside allies in times of war. But we cannot partake in the sins and crimes those others usually commit for their causes, no matter how just those causes might be. We cannot look down on, dehumanize or disrespect the other sinners whom those sinners are protesting or warring against, not when we know that we too are sinners. We may stand with those marching in a peaceful protest against racism, but not with those who attack and kill racists, nor with those who commit other crimes against other human beings, even against despots. Very often, we work with legitimate governments to imprison violent racists, or anyone else who commits serious crimes against God’s “natural laws.” That is, true Christians will oppose those who murder, oppress, commit violence, dehumanize, sexually exploit, steal, slander, commit fraud and intentionally commit other crimes that disrupt the liberty and order of the states we live within. Yet we merely imprison criminals temporarily, and only if they intentionally harm, exploit, oppress and kill others.
We only remove them from the community if they will continue to harm or kill other souls, but also grant them the opportunity to repent into the just truth of their Creator, into a new and just life. For we dare not seek revenge against criminals, since only God can exact just vengeance (Rom. 12:19).
In this verse (Mat. 5:7), the theological passive (ἐλεηθήσονται) indicates that God is the one who will be compassionate to compassionate souls, when He judges them on earth and on the judgment day. God will be merciful to those who are merciful. After all, because we are all sinners, God has exhorted us to show compassion for the repentant, and attempt to restore love and trust in our relationships with other sinners like us. For, through James, God said: “In this way speak and in this way do, a s through a law characterized by liberty . For the judgment [of God] is without compassion for one
not having granted compassion. Compassion is continuously exalted over judgment ” (James 2:12-13, ALT). The noun ἔλεος is used in the last two clauses of this Scripture from James. And ἔλεος is a cognate of the verb and adjective used in the blessing of Matthew 5:7 as well. All these cognates refer to: “kindness or concern expressed for someone in need, mercy, compassion, pity, clemency” (BDAG3). God will grant clemency on the judgment day for each justly merciful and compassionate soul who was continuously striving to guard the welfare and liberty of all brothers and sisters in humanity, for one who provided for God’s creation through unmerited grace, as much as one’s God-given ability and resources allowed. Whenever possible, whenever we see repentance into truth, whenever we can restore right relationships, we need to wisely forgive for the sakes of all.
Since all elect spirits bear the attribute of love, and this God-like love is the only attribute which makes us able to repent into the loving ways of God, or give compassion to the repentant, Jesus will only grant compassion to elect spirits on that last day. Then He will complete the writing of His Law, Page 293
fulfilled in every detail, upon their hearts. Once this writing is perfected, He will set these elect free, into heaven. And then we will truly have a genuine free will there, for we will only possess enough wisdom, knowledge and power to make free choices, without being manipulated by any deceptions, ignorance or coercion. And God only allows one the freedom to say and do whatever one desires if literally all of one’s desires work good for all. Only if one always loves in a just and wise way, and fulfills all God’s intended purposes of His Law, can He grant one full liberty. This liberty from our God also applies to life on earth as well. The more our spirits learn from Jesus to wisely apply the truths of God, the more liberty He grants us, the more He hears our prayers and grants our requests.
However, God does not grant mercy and forgiveness to those who do not repent into the truth, since it is impossible to restore any kind of truly loving relationship with them. Yes, we might say that God is merciful even with those loveless, wilful and unrepentant sinners, because He is very patient with them. But God has reserved the penalties of His Law for those who do not love, who have no mercy nor compassion. Likewise, we are to be of the same mind as God. We do not forgive sinners and criminals who ruthlessly commit harmful crimes, who lie and never repent into the truth. We may be patient, but there comes a time when we must act, to justly prevent them from destroying the trust, love, well-being and lives of the innocent. Still, we realize that the penalty of God’s “Law is not made for a righteous man, but for the lawless and insubordinate” (I Tim. 1:9, WEB). We know the lawless non-elect will only do right if they are compelled to do it. Yet all the elect spontaneously work merciful justice, whenever God writes His compelling love and truth in the minds of their spirits. God reaches into elect spirits, to pours His truth and wisdom inside. And elect spirits do not vomit His truth out of their souls, like the non-elect do. For elect spirits inherently love the flavour of God’s truth, since it fully nourishes their souls and quenches their thirst. But non-elect spirits were born with a taste for poisons of dark delusions and lies alone. Consequently, in all matters of justice, only the elect can exalt compassion over judgment for the repentant, and do so as much as possible.
But Satan’s brood always seek vengeance, and mercilessly punish even the innocent if they are able.
Conversely, there will be no compassion from God for the non-elect. For even the sleeping non-elect spirits are perfectly content to follow the amoral and apathetic desires of their minds of flesh. If left relatively untouched by spiritual desires, the flesh of the non-elect will only pursue selfish ambition, greed and sexual gratification, but will generally walk according to their outer conscience and obey man’s laws. At times, to make themselves look good, they may even do some “good works,” solely to earn “brownie points” in their community, to advertise their own respectability. Yet, in reality, their spirits hate their God-given obligation to be their “brother’s keeper,” and all non-elect souls lack any genuine compassion or empathy for anyone. So literally all those law-abiding, slumbering non-elect continuously commit “sins of omission.” That is, they all sin by not doing the works that God calls everyone to do for His creations through love. So even the least of the non-elect children of Satan will be condemned without mercy on the judgment day, sent to hell. Then, whenever a non-elect spirit awakes, that one becomes much worse. Satan can quicken a non-elect spirit, cause that spirit to invent and believe lies which oppose the laws and will of God. Satan will sometimes make his children begin to think in terms of ruthless delusions, which justify their sins. The non-elect start to imagine insane and self-serving nonsense, such as: “If I care for the poor, they will not have any incentive to work. So it is my duty to let them and their children die of hunger, thirst, homelessness and a lack of medical attention. Yes, my ruthlessness is good, and God wants me to be cruel!” They become psychopaths who cause the deaths of innocents. But God will show no mercy, not on earth nor on the judgment day, for any who trample the poor under their feet. All who slander, persecute and kill the souls who cannot defend themselves, will receive only the deepest hell of dark delusions.
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In all God’s administrations of His Law from His heart, in all that the Bible and history portrays as the just acts of God, we have very good examples of how He teaches and trains us to behave as well.
So we have seen God’s patience regarding sinners, such as how He waited four hundred years for Canaan to repent. Yet, after He sent them a long line of prophets who called them to repent, they continued to oppress the poor, sacrifice children on alters to demons, and exploit their siblings in sexual orgies. So His wrath fell on them, although He also spared some, even whole tribes who did not practise extreme psychopathy. And God even commanded Israel to let those pagan souls live in relative freedom among them. Likewise, His priesthood of Israel must sometimes execute God’s wrath upon the unrepentant, but also exercise patience and show mercy when they can: “Execute true judgment, and show kindness and compassion, every man to his brother” (Zech. 7:9, WEB).
Our compassion is to be for a brother or sister, for any other elect soul in the family of God. And we do not know which sinners are our elect brothers and sisters. Only God does. Thus, whenever we judge others, we need to provide teachings of truth, so the elect among them have an opportunity to repent. We need to prove how cruel and destructive their lies and sins were and, if they respond to that, teach and train them in the ways of God. Every soul must be judged individually, through the methods God taught in His Law, with mercy for the repentant. And the repentant include all elect souls brought low, in a way where the heart deeply yearns for a simple, godly, loving life. Thus, even when we hear no words of repentance, nor evidence of conscious repentance in the mind of flesh, we must look beyond the flesh, into the motives and intentions of the spirit, for true repentance. Then, if we see the signs, we can grant compassion and mercy to that elect soul. If we see a soul made hard through poverty, or by being disenfranchised, dehumanized or persecuted, yet we also see how that one’s spirit truly desires what is just and good for their children and loved ones, how that one longs for peace in one’s life, and only wants to work, laugh and love again, that one is ready to repent.
To every soul able to repent into a life of love, built on a foundation of godly truths and wisdom, God calls us to provide the fruits of our compassion. But God does not allow our spirits to grant compassion and forgiveness to merciless hearts driven by selfish ambitions, to those who seek only bitter vengeance in pure hatred, who want to be powerful, wealthy and esteemed above other souls in Satan’s world order. For it is impossible to redeem anyone who loves darkness rather than light, or to restore any kind of genuine relationship with them. It is useless to show them mercy, no matter how poor and wretched they might be—although we must provide them with the basic necessities of life, and not allow even criminals to suffer and die, but may need to imprison them for the protection of the public. The utterly ruthless and merciless are enemies of God, the enemies of all who love, the enemies of compassion and mercy. Those loveless destroyers of God’s people and kingdom cannot be shown much compassion or mercy, since they consider all who show them compassion and mercy to be mere dupes. Therefore, these merciless ones will only exploit, plunder, harm or even kill those who are merciful to them, for their own selfish gain. They will turn compassion and mercy into a work of the devil, so they can further destroy human lives and God’s other creations, without mercy.
So we need wisdom to grant compassion and mercy, and withhold if from some unrepentant spirits, from spirits lacking any compassion or mercy; lest we partake in their sins, lest we aid and abet their cruelty and crimes, lest they transform our compassion and mercy into ruthless works of the devil.
The devil’s children, especially psychopaths, will only use our mercy to enable all their merciless works for Satan. Even our smallest works of compassion and mercy for them can be magnified into much greater and more destructive, ruthless works against the innocent, against the very ones God wants us to grant compassion to most of all. Consequently, all our compassion and mercy must be worked through wisdom taught to our spirits by the Holy Spirit of Jesus, and by His commands to Page 295
our spirits. We must build all our compassion and mercy on the truth acquired through honest labour in prayerful diligence, through God-given knowledge about others, which only comes through many hours and days of empirical observations with the eyes of our flesh, added to candid and unbiased thoughts which Jesus directs in the minds of our spirits, by soul-searching requests for strength to face realities in our lives and the lives of others, to walk in the realities created by God. Research must also include reading behind the faces of our subjects, with right interpretations of witnesses, by the spiritually well-informed and awakened elect whom Jesus has called and sent to do this work.
Christ’s calling to apply His teachings in wise and genuine love, through our spirits’ compulsion to administer compassion and mercy, is a difficult and complex task, full of traps and hardships. Yet it is also so easy and spontaneous that even a little child can do it. And every loving little child does indeed grant real compassion and mercy. Even animals—who cannot judge like humans, who are granted laws of God in their spirits but cannot wisely make laws for themselves, because they possess no knowledge and discernment of good and evil—can still grant mercy and compassion in the way God’s Law commands us to grant it. But, when the elect grant compassion and mercy, “the accuser of our brothers ... who accuses them before our God day and night” (Rev. 12:10, WEB), will immediately move in to slander, deride and persecute us, then cause his evil brood to do the same.
For example, if we grant compassion to an inmate in a prison, because we see that he has an ability to truly love others, and is beginning to repent into God’s realities and truths, some non-elect prison guards will soon begin to slander us, to accuse us of aiding and abetting some kind of crime which they have invented in their own devious, hate-filled minds. And some of the other non-elect inmates will also slander and attack both us and that repentant inmate, even try to frame that inmate, or lie about him, saying he is a snitch who revealed their secrets to outsiders. For there are children of the devil, heirs of the great lying accuser, among both guards and inmates. This is true in every prison, and in most human institutions, especially those worshipping human gods and demons. Whenever a people are imprisoned in delusions and lies, with the devil’s children guarding them, and Satan’s offspring among the inmates themselves, that prison will try to crush the works of God, try to divide and conquer by destroying works of godly, just, loving compassion and mercy for all of God’s elect.
Satan’s offspring in false churches incessantly attacked and slandered Christ because He offered His compassion to repentant sinners, even if He simply spoke with them at a dinner table. They despised our God Jesus because He was always mercifully forgiving sinners. And they do the same today. If we see an elect and loving heart in a Jew, Muslim, Hindu or Buddhist—especially if we invite that one into our home to discuss the spiritual truths and realities God created—children of the devil from fake “Christian” churches will attack and slander us, even with physical violence at times. Then the people from that elect soul’s own false religion will do the same to the elect one who spoke to us. In a racist community, if we recognize an elect brother or sister from the “wrong” race, Satan’s children from both opposing races will soon slander and attack us and that elect sibling from the other race.
We need to be aware of that there are many kinds of prisons in this world, and most are religious cults serving Satan and his world order, although there are plenty of secular prisons too. And, in all of them, there are hierarchies of guards set over hierarchies of inmates, where the vengeance of both is incited against anything which might work repentance into the truth, as well as any kind of effects related to loving righteousness. So all Compassion and mercy must be practised with wisdom and an expectation of opposition. Usually, we should do compassionate works in private, so only our God witnesses it—although we should never hide loving good works in a way which the devil’s brood can misconstrue as evil. When Jesus commanded us to do our works of compassion and mercy in secret (Mat. 6:3-4), there was more than one good reason for this. It was not only to ensure sincerity Page 296
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of the heart in our good works, but also for more pragmatic “security” purposes. Still, no matter how privately and personally we act with compassion and mercy, Satan and his children will often find out what we have done. Then those malignant spirits will strive, with all their might and cunning, to slander those works, as well as God and His people. For they want to maintain the delusion that they are good, even “holy” and “loving” gods. I am not being paranoid when I tell you these things. For I have often experienced this slander and persecution originating from cunning, deceiving Churchians.
Now, since the devil incites so much opposition against God’s works done through and for His elect children, by spontaneously stirring up hatred and vengeance in his own lying children, we will need to learn much wisdom from Jesus, then studiously rely on both His counsel and power. For any elect soul who stands alone will never accomplish much good. Whatever the elect might do outside the truth, wisdom, counsel and power of Jesus will most often be ineffective, usually nullified, or even transformed into something evil to be used by Satan, to benefit his dark kingdom of the world order.
So, just as Satan’s children can so easily allow their hellish father to instantly inspire their attacks against God’s works, the elect also must allow their heavenly Father to influence the spirits in their own hearts, so those elect might spontaneously rise up together and do the just, loving works of His compassion and mercy. Then the elect can hold the front lines of God’s earthly kingdom against all the attacks of Satan’s factious, deluded, weak children. Yet the elect clearly are not standing together at this time in history. For the devil has sent many skilled deceiving saboteurs into our churches and nations, wanna-be human gods whom the elect blindly worship, like their slaves. Most elect serve the subject kingdoms of Satan’s empire, because the devil’s children pretend to own the elect, and the foolish elect believe this lie. For millenniums, fake Churchians have told the elect that they belong to them, and must serve their own vile, selfish interests. And, whenever the elect see those pretenders smile, pretend to love them, and passionately utter words like “God,” “holy,” “love,”
“justice” and “good works,” they believe those liars must be sent by God. But now it is time for the elect to grow up and judge them in mature, wise ways. For, as long as the elect allow fake churches and the golden tongues of Satan’s preferred children to take them captive, so they might serve the kingdoms of those human gods, Satan will win every battle against us, except when Jesus intervenes.
So the solution to our problem is not to seek Satan’s counsel from his lying children, from those wanna-be gods who pontificate about a church unity by severely compromising all God’s critically needed truths and works. To win God’s battles, we do not need to unite in great numbers under vain, enslaving, “great” men who lead us into hell, who force us to labour in the ruthless, unjust works of Satan against the poor, the lost, the marginalized, minorities, captives, refugees, the homeless, the hungry and the thirsty. What we need is to rid ourselves of all those liars, so that each and every elect spirit hears and heeds only our Master, King, High Priest and God, Jesus. Then we will have victory.
If each elect spirit learns to spontaneously respond to the Holy Spirit of Jesus, so that each begins to say and do what He actually wants us to say and do, then there will be true unity. Then we will all be of one mind, since all will be taught and trained by the same Teacher. Then we will all work for one purpose, as the one body of Jesus, with every cell and member of that body skilfully coordinated and in harmony with the other. In His Holy Spirit, all our spirits and our lives will joined together in His true and faithful priesthood of Israel, accomplishing His works throughout the world together, with every individual joyfully accomplishing his or her works for the whole through the power of God.
And His Spirit will help us find other elect brothers and sisters within the family of God, wherever they might be, among every race, religion and political persuasion. Then we must work together, speaking the truth and wisdom received from Christ’s real Holy Spirit, through our love for one Page 297
another, helping one another do genuine works of just, godly compassion and mercy. In time, Jesus Himself will “convert” our elect siblings who do yet believe or comprehend who He is. His Holy Spirit will directly teach their spirits about pure, biblical Christianity, and often through the rest of us. Jesus will save, by using what He has done in us and through us as an example to their hearts, to show them the effects of His salvation. Jesus may use some of the words that our mouths might utter from the teachings He has granted to our spirits, or use some of the truly good works which He calls us to do for the training of our spirits, to enlighten other elect souls, to facilitate awareness of His own presence. For, in the end, no one except Jesus can directly call, teach, train and gather those elect into the “royal priesthood” of His church of Israel. None of us can do this work of salvation.
Our sole duty is to find the elect everywhere and work together with all who inherently possess the ability to love in a just, pure, God-like way. Jesus calls none of us to “join a church, because they are all headed by human beings or councils of human beings. Rather, Jesus Himself, the only Head of His one true, eternal, New Covenant church of Israel, chooses whom He will gather into it. And He only chooses to humble and awaken elect spirits, enabling them to rely upon Him as their Teacher in all matters of life and faith. Then He trains these, by calling them to work beside Him in this world.
False churches gather the elect into their subject kingdoms within Satan’s world order, so they can all be deluded by the rhetoric babbled by wanna-be human gods from Roman-like pulpits set above the “common” fools who worship them. So, in reality, their churches prevent any kind of loving and empathetic kinds of fellowship, since their fake preachers want all eyes turned to them on the pulpit, away from the real God and away from one another. But the kind of fellowship the real God wants for all His elect is a communion of spirits in our hearts, with Him and one another. So know this, if we refuse to go to those false churches to hear their lies, they will have the audacity to accuse us of
“forsaking the fellowship of the saints,” even though they are forcibly preventing any real fellowship of the real saints within all their fake church services. However, true fellowship is a works of God, and He builds up our communion causing us to work together in His name and authority, in one mind, where all of us are being taught and trained by Him, and for one purpose, so His loving works of truly wise compassion are done on earth as they are in heaven. Therefore, reject and abandon those blind leaders of the blind. Let the elect seek each other out, and be joined together in our God.
If awakened and well-taught elect spirits, whose spirits truly know the real Jesus, seek only to build a deep fellowship with other loving elect souls, even with those who do not yet consciously known Jesus by His biblical name, those other elect will respond to the words uttered by the awakened elect from Christ’s Holy Spirit. Then their whole hearts will unite with one another, through genuine and eternal covenants of their spirits. Then, together, all these elect will actually do wise, compassionate works, by the commands of Jesus whispered to their spirits. As we engage in true fellowship with them, in the kind of fellowship which interactively gives and receives the teachings of God’s Word and partakes in the real works of God, the true kingdom of God will advance and grow, with the Lord Jesus as the one and only Head of every man. As the real God’s truths are discussed by His children who live and work together—that is, as all of you “shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise up” (Deut. 6:7, WEB)—it will develop into a deep and inwardly gratifying fellowship of God’s sanctified people.
All the elect whom God has set apart for His own good purposes, will glorify the real God with all their hearts as one body of Christ. And this will spread His actual Gospel of salvation everywhere.
In the end, we cannot live alone. First and foremost, we each need our God, Jesus, dwelling with our spirits in our hearts. We need His Holy Spirit to counsel, guide, teach and train each of our infantile spirits. Then the elect need one another too, or else the demonically controlled puppets of Satan will Page 298
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will be able to trap us one by one, with no one to cut the cords of their nets and set us free. Of course, the elect cannot expect every other elect soul to do all things well, since we are all babes in Christ, and all are still sinners. So we cannot trust any other elect soul in all matters, cannot worship any of them as our saving gods. The Holy Spirit of our God Jesus Himself reminds us every day that every elect soul remains weak and untaught in many matters, and incapable of doing all His works.
Also, all the elect have been infected by at least some parasitic delusions and lies during their lives on earth. The human gods from Satan’s world order spread their eggs everywhere. So the elect often cannot be trusted with certain matters of God that conflict with those delusions and lies. Yet we find that God has grants each elect soul some kinds of works which they are able to do. For the teaching and training of one’s spirit by His Spirit kills those parasites in them, although usually a few at a time, since they would die if He killed them all at once. But the more His Holy Spirit heals them, the stronger they become, and the more clearly their spirits can reason and skilfully labour. But each and every elect soul is called to express some just, God-like aspect of love, and do some works of God in His kingdom. And, when He call any number of elect souls to work together, no matter how few, so that each effectively does his or her unique part, the whole of God’s work will be accomplished by them, no matter how great that work might be, because their omniscient, omnipotent will work in them, with them and through them. Then none can nullify or destroy their works. Thus, we seek God and other elect souls at all times, so the honest and true works of God’s justice, wisdom love will fill our lands and bless our people. Even if some elect are still held captive in the bonds of delusions and lies from institutions and subject kingdoms within Satan’s world order, we will seek them out. For Jesus Christ is able to free them into His truth and wisdom, into our family of God. But we reject Satan’s ruthless children, even the “great” ones in fake churches, since they only sabotage works of God and nothing good ever comes of working with them. Jesus only calls the elect to partake in the building of His true kingdom on earth, never the non-elect. And His true kingdom consists only of the elect, since not one non-elect soul is able to do any truly loving works for Christ’s true kingdom.
So this compassion and mercy that Jesus calls our hands to fulfill, especially for the elect who work compassion and mercy themselves, is often an extremely complicated matter. Yes, as the Holy Spirit of Jesus calls us to do works of compassion and mercy, the elect spirits in our hearts readily respond and are spontaneously willing to do them. So that part is simple, if we set our spirits free to hear and heed Him. And even an elect infant can do some compassionate works, if they are not very difficult and complex. Jesus gave us examples of some basic works of compassion, such as giving a cup of water to the least of His thirsty disciples, or simply welcoming an elect soul who does just works through genuine love from one’s own spirit. However, many works of true compassion and mercy will involve trials, opposition, complications, considerations of future bad effects, planning that will involve multiple stages of implementation, cultural barriers, legal limitations and even little things like inclement weather. Works of God can result in a flurry of attacks from Satan and his children too, which greatly complicate our works of compassion and mercy. Thus, we will need all kinds of teaching and training to do our works of godly love. And we will require deep research, teams of experts, vast resources, masses of equipment, extremely detailed planning and strategic campaigns against physical opposition. Yet Jesus calls us to do these works, so the elect must labour together.
If the elect fail to gather together and do these critical and complex works of compassion and mercy, not only will many beleaguered human souls suffer and die needlessly, along with many of God’s other creations, but there will also be a heavy price to pay regarding God’s judgment of our lands here on earth, as well as a very substantial price that each unwilling elect soul will pay on that final judgment day. There is very much at stake here! Our negligence can cause the suffering and deaths Page 299
of hundreds or even millions. And we definitely cannot rely on Satan’s fake Churchians, nor any other hypocritical institutions of Satan’s world order. For none but the awakened elect are able to do these works of God’s compassion and mercy in the wise, effective, just and loving ways they need to be done. The only ones Jesus will empower to do these works of compassion and mercy are His elect, both the awakened elect of His true priesthood and the elect who have not yet consciously discovered the name of their Creator and God. So let us find all of these elect and do these works.
For the Clean
Jesus then declared: “The clean ones are blessed in the heart, because they shall experience and clearly discern God” (Mat. 5:8, from: μακάριοι οἱ καθαροὶ τῇ καρδίᾳ, ὅτι αὐτοὶ τὸν θεὸν ὄψονται, SBLGNT). First, we need to examine the more technical aspects of this statement, which Jesus preached in Greek to Greek-speaking Galileans. Here the same grammatical rules apply as in the first blessing (Mat. 5:3). That is, the dative singular articular noun (τῇ καρδίᾳ, “in the heart”) does not actually modify the plural articular adjective used as a substantive (οἱ καθαροὶ, “the clean ones”). Rather, this dative indicates where the blessing takes place, “in the heart.” And its singular form also implies “in the heart” of each individual. For Jesus would have changed the order of these words if He wanted to indicate that their “hearts” (plural and collectively) are blessed. Now, since the heart is the place God figuratively designated as the spirit’s dwelling, Jesus indicated that God shall bless everything in the “home” of the spirit, both the spirit and its entire environment, each individual’s whole inner life. And, if the spirit is blessed, it will bless the flesh too, when it meets with the mind of flesh in the chamber of the soul. Next, we can look at the lexicon’s definition of the adjective καθαρός (“clean”): “pertaining to being free from moral guilt, pure, free from sin ...
guiltless ... of things related to a person as a morally or spiritually responsible being” (BDAG3). But the real ecclesiastical meaning, which Jesus intended, extends far beyond a mere feeling of freedom.
To be “clean” (καθαρός), in the sense Jesus was talking about, involves the saving works of God in and upon an elect human spirit. For literally all human beings are sinners and none but God (as the Owner of all that anyone can sin against) bears the right to forgive sins. Also, only God can purify the spirit in the heart from corruptions. Only God can humble the spirit, by working circumstances, experiences and pains that can soundly rebuke the spirit. Then only God’s Holy Spirit can directly speak words of counsel and teaching to a spirit, which guides a spirit through the training exercises that He calls us to undertake. So this word (καθαρός), to all devout Jews and to all true Christians, referred to one whose spirit had been forgiven by God, then thoroughly taught and trained by God, until that spirit became pleasing to God, until all of its desires were to do God’s will through love.
As for the transitive future middle third person plural form of the verb ὁράω, with the accusative form of θεός, it is speaking about seeing God with the eyes of the spirit in the heart. Now this word means “to perceive by the eye, catch sight of, notice” (BDAG3). But, in context, it also means: “to see someone in the course of making a friendly call, visit ... to experience a condition or event, experience, witness ... to be mentally or spiritually perceptive ... notice, perceive, understand ... with focus on cognitive aspect: look at or upon ... consider ... become conscious of” (BDAG3). Now, since the eyes of flesh cannot see any spirit, much less God (i.e., not until our flesh is exchanged for a new spiritual body after death), Jesus was clearly talking about our spirits seeing God. And our spirits do not see in the casual way our flesh does. Rather, God visits our spirits in our hearts, so our spirits fully experience His presence, so our spirits perceive, understand, consider and become entirely conscious of Him and His wise words of teaching and counsel. Our spirits discern all of Him and all that He says, in a way where we truly comprehend exactly what He means in all His counsel.
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Now, in those days, every devout Jewish and well-taught Gentile disciple of Jesus was very familiar with a certain psalm of David, where he cried out for God’s mercy after committing adultery with Bathsheba, and after murdering her husband, along with many soldiers who happened to be with her husband. So you can imagine how David’s spirit felt; utterly dark after seeing the faces of widows in complete devastation, because they would never see their beloved husbands again, and wondered how they would feed their children without household providers. David’s guilt would have been crushing his soul, and nothing he could do would ever restore the lives he stole from those widows and their children. None but God Himself could restore the losses he caused for those he murdered, by rewarding them in the afterlife. And only God could work the healing and rebuilding of lives and relationships on earth. David now realized that no man, king or not, ever had a right to do what he had done, since all those murdered soldiers, and all their widows and orphans, were God’s property, not his property. So now David’s spirit repented into that truth. But only God could counsel his heart into the wise works he must do as his fruits of repentance, to restore, as much as possible, what he stole from God and from those widows and orphans. So David not only begged God for forgiveness, but also for the wisdom to bear effective fruits of repentance, for the sakes of all he sinned against.
All Jesus’ disciples knew they were sinners just like David. So they all also felt the inner killing of godly sorrow that he felt, the extreme pain, the mourning and grieving over one’s own evil. All could identify with David, as he earnestly prayed to God: “Wash me thoroughly from my iniquity. Cleanse me from my sin. For I know my transgressions. My sin is constantly before me. Against You, and You only, have I sinned, and done that which is evil in Your sight.... Behold, You desire truth in the inward parts. You teach me wisdom in the inmost place.... Create in me a clean heart, O God.
Renew a right spirit within me” (Ps. 51: 2-4a,6,10 WEB). In the Septuagint, their Greek version of the Bible, forms of the same verb (καθαρός, “clean”) were used in this well-known and often-quoted psalm. So this is the Scripture they all likely thought of first, when they heard that sixth blessing from Jesus. Furthermore, all knew that God did indeed forgive David, through his repentance into the truth. Then God washed away the whole of David’s iniquity, by teaching His wisdom to David’s innermost place, to his heart. God created a renewed heart in him, a “clean heart” with a “right spirit” in it. David’s spirit, in both his heart and soul, were blessed, were granted a full, restored relationship with the Creator God. Then his spirit could once more joyfully experience God’s whole presence. David became fully conscious of God visiting him, able to understand all He said to him.
This is the blessing of cleansing for all the humbled masses who become disciples of Jesus; all who grieve over their sins; all who do not feel entitled to anything except a basic, simple life of serving God; all who hunger and thirst for loving righteousness; all whose spirits know the compassion that God teaches and trains their spirits to work through the deeds of their hands; all who have been forgiven and inwardly cleansed by the wisdom taught directly to their spirits by God Himself. All these elect will experience the visiting of the Spirit who created all things. The Holy Spirit of Jesus will enter their hearts, to feed and commune with their spirits until they are satiated. Jesus will not just visit, so their spirits might see Him. Rather, His Holy Spirit shall live with their spirits, until all of their spirits fully know Him, experientially and thoroughly. All will eventually become constantly aware of Him, conscious of His presence, able to seek His counsel at any time, day or night. And, once these cleansed ones know Him, all will comprehend His words, all His counsel of wise truth.
Everyone whose spirit truly hopes on Jesus, for His New Covenant salvation, desires a wise heart full of compassion and mercy. The one and only goal of every elect spirit on earth, confined to this training equipment of human flesh, is to be thoroughly washed and cleansed inside, to be purified in spirit and soul, completely freed from every selfish and wicked thought, full of good, godly, just, Page 301
wise and loving desires. Our elect spirits inherently need this, because we all know how our selfish ambitions and loveless, carnal sins instantly create a towering black wall between us and our utterly holy Father, between us and our oldest Brother, as well as between us and our loved ones. For God is never able to allow Himself to partake in sin, by aiding and abetting the sins of sinners. Then every little sin also separates us from the rest of our brothers and sisters in the family born from our God, since God dwells in their hearts with their spirits. We never want anything to disrupt or hinder these relationships, much less completely wall us off from them forever. So, above all, we want and need to become “the clean ones,” through the sacrifice of Christ’s blood on the cross, through His wise rebukes and counsel, through His continuous teaching and training of our elect spirits on this earth.
When Jesus chooses to awaken our elect spirits, so our spirits become aware of His payment for our lifetimes of sins, which He worked on that cross in that one day for all earthly time, and we know that He grants us full forgiveness through repentance into God’s immutable truth, we are once more joined to “the clean ones.” The infinitely high black wall of sin crumbles to the ground. Light pours from above onto our forgiven spirits and souls, into the whole dwelling places of our hearts. The Holy Spirit of Jesus moves into those dwellings, to counsel, teach and train our spirits, to prepare our spirits for our eternal home. A full atonement of our relationship is restored. We see God. We know and experience every word and attribute of Jesus. This is indeed His greatest blessing for the heart.
“The clean are blessed in the heart, because they will experience God.” Our God Jesus awakens our spirits to all that is clean, right, wise and loving. And once His purchased forgiveness cleans us, there is only maintenance work to be done in our lives, only the daily teaching and training of our spirits.
Let us remember how Jesus washed the feet of His disciples, as a sign of this continuous work that His Holy Spirit does in our hearts, all their lives. At that time, Peter asked Jesus to wash more than his feet, since Peter’s mind of flesh still did not “feel” clean. And we often feel like him, because the accusers of our souls, spirits of Satan’s kingdom, convince our easily manipulated minds of flesh that all our thoughts are filthy, full of sin. For our minds of flesh are surely soiled, easily led into selfish, ignorant, hurtful, and even murderous thoughts. Yet Jesus does not cleanse our temporary minds of flesh, only the minds of our spirits, then trains our spirits to manage our minds of flesh. So Jesus rebuked the emotions of Peter’s mind of flesh, saying: “Someone who has bathed only needs to have his feet washed, but is completely clean. You are clean, but not all of you” (John 13:10, WEB).
The whole spirit of Peter, and the spirits of all the other elect disciples, were washed by Jesus, in the sacrifice He would make on the cross, and in His purifying teachings. Only one—the self-seeking, non-elect disciple of far-right rabbis outside the Messianic promise, Judas—had an unwashed spirit.
Now let me repeat: Once a spirit is forgiven and receives the atonement of a right relationship with God, once a spirit has bathed in the presence of the Holy Spirit of the utterly holy God Himself, once a spirit is being thoroughly and consistently taught and trained to rightly manage its body and brain of flesh according to God’s irrevocable and infallible promise of the New Covenant, God counts that spirit to be among “the clean ones.” The whole of that chosen or elect spirit is counted as “clean” in the just eyes of God, who paid all our debts of sin. So, just as Jesus said, there is no longer any need to wash that already entirely clean spirit. Yet, while living in a body of flesh, an elect spirit does get its “feet” dirty, since every elect spirit must walk in the world, where there is much filthy spiritual dirt. Every time the mind of the spirit meets its mind of flesh in the chamber of the soul, that flesh drags some dirt of spiritual sin into the inner parts. All day and every day, the flesh gets soiled with delusions, lies and lusts, by the precepts and philosophies of Satan’s world order. And the feet of an elect spirit will step on that filth as the flesh brings it into the soul. It is impossible for a spirit to avoid stepping on that muck brought inside by the flesh. So Jesus must pour the living waters of His Page 302
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Spirit over the “feet” of our spirits, the truth we need to wash that filth away, to dissolve delusions and lies with spiritual and physical realities. Then our spirits can take a broom and mop, starting from the clean corner of our souls, and remove the rest from within us. Yet the elect spirit, washed in the blood of Christ’s sacrifice of flesh, remains clean above the feet which step upon the souls’ floor.
Therefore, a washed spirit remains clean, even though the mind of flesh is never clean, nor ever feels clean, since flesh is temporary and made of dirt, made to last only until it will be forever cast aside.
When Jesus responded to Peter in this way (John 13:10), He spoke to Peter’s spirit, not to his mind of flesh, because the flesh profits nothing. Jesus was telling Peter that his mind of flesh will always and invariably desire common, profane things that it needs to survive, or things that will provide carnal pleasure. But all these desires of the flesh are amoral, lacking any moral attributes at all. And the flesh never really cares whether or not those things might be acquired either through sin or God’s ordained will. For all sin and all righteousness are strictly and solely spiritual matters. Thus, amoral flesh is utterly incapable of desiring either sin or righteousness, although the flesh certainly can be used by a spirit to either commit sin or do righteousness. Only the moral spirit ultimately commits sins, especially many sins of omission, by allowing its body to pursue carnal desires rather than doing God’s will. It is the manager of the soul, that is, our spirits, which bears the final responsibility for our sins or righteousness. And, without question, our most common sins involve the criminal negligence of our spirits; the ignorant, foolish, lazy and careless management of the body and brain of flesh. For the spirit is responsible for reigning in the sinful words and actions of the flesh, and all the excesses of the flesh. Then the spirit also bears a responsibility to educate and strengthen itself and its flesh, so its life can do God’s works, so the spirit will not be “taken captive” by its flesh, not commit sins of omission and negligence. Still, all material entities, including all things desired by the flesh, are neutral, neither sinful nor righteous. And literally all morality—including all laws and everything that can be deemed either sinful or righteous, evil or good, unholy or holy—pertains to the spirit alone. Absolutely nothing physical can be good or evil, holy or unholy, clean or unclean.
However, our human spirits on earth are actually far too infantile, ignorant and weak to take on all this responsibility. So all our spirits require a very mature, wise and strong Teacher. We need Jesus.
At the same time, every mind of flesh is easily duped into believing the filthy spiritual delusions and lies of the devil’s world order, and frequently falls into wrong thinking through temptations of greed, lusts and pride. Then the mind of flesh brings these spiritually sinful aspects with it as it confidently struts into the chambers of our souls. The flesh is always dragging in the filth of the outer world’s sinful essence, even large clumps of its mud, onto the floor of the soul. Then a washed and clean spirit often steps on that filth, when it meets with the mind of flesh in the soul. Thus, the feet of our spirits get dirty and feel soiled. Our spirits no longer feel fit and ready to enter the presence of our utterly holy and clean God. The minds of our spirits become distracted, dull, unable to think clearly, confused and ashamed. For our spirits know our utterly holy Teacher is always immaculately clean, never dirty like us. Still, Jesus is more than willing to stoop down and wash the feet of His infant brothers and sisters, to serve them for their good. Jesus’ Holy Spirit will counter every delusion and expose every lie that a mind of flesh brings into the chamber of the soul. He will clean the feet of our spirits, then help us clean our whole souls, just as we would if our infant children stepped into mud and tracked it into the house. Thus, we let our spirits go to Jesus for the washing of our spiritual feet.
But what is God’s cleansing? What does it look like and how does it manifest in our lives? John’s Gospel of experiential effects and results from Christ’s salvation helps us answer these questions, as we see in the quotes above. And, if any elect spirits are washed clean and are learning to be free from the delusions and lies that cause sin, through the wise teachings from the Holy Spirit of Jesus, they Page 303
will begin to love, to lovingly accomplish God’s will on earth as it is done in heaven. John quoted Jesus saying, “A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another, just like I have loved you; that you also love one another” (John 13:34, WEB, cf., I John 2:5-10). All our cleansing by the living waters of the Messiah’s Holy Spirit and by His words results in and manifests through our love for God and one another. We begin to respect brothers and sisters who are able to love as God loves, all the elect of every race, language, creed and kind. All begin to share God’s property, all He has put under their stewardship, including the strength and thoughts of their flesh. In sharing all with all siblings, all works together for the good of all. And this love, where all heed and serve Jesus as each one’s only Head Teacher, is not found in false churches who esteem and worship human beings.
Remember the words of Jesus: “Now you, the Pharisees, cleanse the outside of the cup and plate, yet your inside is full of extortion and evil. Ignorant ones! Did not the One having made the outside also make the inside? Rather, give the things being within, compassion! And behold, everything is clean for you” (Luke 11:39-41, ALT). In the Greek, the dative pronoun in the last clause (ὑμῖν) implied that “everything is clean for your benefit,” and suggests that this state of being “clean” comes from another source. Yet, at the same time, this state of everything being “clean” is directly related to the command to “give the things being within,” such as “compassion,” referring to help for the needy in particular. So Jesus was telling us that God, who made that which is inside us, will command us to give, from our hearts, from our spirits and souls, things like compassion for the needy. And when we begin to do this, we will know we have been made “clean” by Jesus, by our God’s Holy Spirit. The Pharisees relied on themselves to do the physical requirements of their own carnal interpretations of God’s Law, just as most so-called “Christians” do today. But we are not to do what they did. Rather, we are to rely on our God, Jesus, to make us truly clean inside. Then, once He makes us clean inside, for our own benefit, we will begin to manifest this cleansing, our salvation, through just, pure love.
Now, in the symbolic laws of the Old Covenant, a priest with a flaw or blemish was not allowed to enter the temple (e.g., Lev. 21:17-23), where God’s presence resided all day and every day. Any kind of a physical blemish in any descendant of Aaron made him unclean and unfit to serve God. But now Jesus fulfills this physical law in every spiritual way it symbolized, just He also fulfilled all the laws requiring a flawless and unblemished sin sacrifice, by offering up His utterly sinless body for our lifetimes of sin. For each and every awakened and cleansed elect spirit is His priest, even a priest in His “royal priesthood,” like the Old Covenant priests descended from Aaron. Our one God, Jesus, through His Holy Spirit, heals and removes every flaw and blemish of our spirits, to make us into His royal priests, so we may speak His wisdom and truth to His people, and do His loving works for His whole creation. The saving works of Jesus, which gather us into His royal priesthood and ordain us as priests serving our King, make our elect spirits “clean,” not just forensically and ceremonially through rituals symbolically performed by the flesh, but actually clean and able to love. The sacrifice of Jesus on the cross allows Him to approach our spirits, to actually heal them, then teach and train our spirits, to wash our spirits clean with His words of truth and wisdom. And any spirit which is not healed and washed by Jesus is not His priest, cannot serve Him, is not a Christian dwelling in His household together with all His other disciples. Soon literally all elect will be joined to this one and only priesthood, the true church, after the judgment day makes all of them clean, without a single flaw or blemish. But, for now, only a few elect spirits have been made clean and are serving as His priests, ministering to His earthly creation. And these elect are still mere novices. Yet Jesus will soon make many mature disciples, mature brothers and sisters of His priesthood, to serve this dying earth.
“Having therefore, brothers, boldness to enter into the holy place [where the very presence of God promised to forever reside] by the blood of Jesus, by the way which He dedicated for us, a new Page 304
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and living way, through the veil, that is to say, His flesh; and having a great Priest over God’s house, let’s draw near with a true heart in fullness of faith, having our hearts sprinkled from an evil conscience, and having our body washed with pure water, let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering; for He who promised is faithful. Let us consider how to provoke one another to love and good works” (Heb. 10:19-24, WEB).
Jesus is faithful. Jesus will fulfill His promise of the New Covenant for our salvation in His blood.
Jesus will make our spirits and souls clean, then maintain that cleansing daily. All we need to do is trust in His love and power, put our confidence in His teachings and commands granted to our spirits in our hearts. He surely will wash the “bodies” of our spirits, then keep the “feet” of our spirits clean, as we traverse this world, as our flesh treads on dirt. Then our hearts will surely and spontaneously obey His command to “give the things being within.” And we should remember that “the end result of this command is [God-like] love, originating from a clean heart and good [inner] conscience [of the spirit] and faith without hypocrisy; from which some have strayed, having been turned aside to worthless babble, resolving to be teachers of the law, not rationally thinking through neither what they are saying nor about what they repeatedly affirm” (I Tim. 1:5-7, ALT). All loveless and outright ruthless churches preach a cacophony of contradicting and clashing lies as a “gospel of salvation.”
And many believe them, since they have repeated their delusions and lies so often and with so many confident assertions by so many false witnesses, that their empty, useless words seem like the truth.
But look at the fruits of their arrogant hearts, particularly their lack of compassion for the suffering and the needy, and you will soon realize that their spirits have never been cleansed by the real Jesus.
Those who have strayed from Jesus and His intended meanings of His words are not the clean, not blessed in the heart, not able to experience the real God dwelling within their hearts. But this dark and troubled world needs real clean ones, serving priests of the real Jesus, who rightly minister to those being trampled under the feet of Satan’s children. This crumbling planet will soon be judged for its crimes and criminal negligence, which it perpetrated through lies. So now the earth needs elect souls being made genuinely honest in their hearts, who go through the deep pains of admitting the truth about themselves and all they have done or failed to do, about all the lies they have believed and taught, who repent from all delusions and lies that turned them and their loved ones away from a just and pure love, from a trust in their Creator God, who is the Holy Spirit dwelling in Jesus’ body.
Once Jesus makes elect souls honest and clean inside, they will experience God and know Him well.
He will enter their hearts, to continuously teach and train their spirits about His wise and effective ways, so they can become beneficial to all His creations, so they can work in joy, to the complete satisfaction of their hearts. Then He will grant each individual elect child, each unique disciple in His priesthood of the church, the kinds of spiritual gifts that are able to fulfill all of that one’s tasks of God-like love, to accomplish all He put in and ordained for that one’s spirit. And, as each elect soul fulfills God’s ways and laws on earth, through works of the spirit’s love, a great inner peace and fellowship, where all become one in Christ’s mind and purpose, will develop among the people of His priesthood, in many local churches and in His true church throughout the world. While Satan’s world order still stands, this peace will come at an enormous cost to the flesh, with the loss of many bodies slain by the ruthless hands of the non-elect. Yet this true church will stand until the end, and many faithful elect shall see their life-giving spirits restored to their flesh at the first resurrection, when Jesus returns. Then these clean ones will joyfully labour for a thousand years in His kingdom on earth, forever freed from the lies and delusions of Satan’s vanquished kingdom of the world order.
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For the Peacemakers
Jesus clearly and intentionally chose to declare His Sabbath blessing next. This seventh blessing of Jesus relates to the completion and perfecting of the elect by the works of Jesus. For a biblical life revolved around an endless series of sevens, where the completion of seven days, seven years and seven Sabbaths of years stabilized their lives in the flesh. Thus, Jesus deliberately made this seventh blessing pertain to the Sabbath rest which all true Israel enters, after Jesus begins to accomplish all of the six previously mentioned blessings, all God’s works upon their spirits: “The peacemakers are blessed, because they will be called the inheriting children of God” (Mat. 5:9, from: μακάριοι
οἱ εἰρηνοποιοί, ὅτι αὐτοὶ υἱοὶ θεοῦ κληθήσονται, SBLGNT). Here, the first thing we should notice is that the masculine noun υἱός was also used as a gender indefinite term, that is, to indicate a male or female heir, or one who followed the teachings and ways of a guiding “father.” Even secular Greeks called a woman a υἱός if she was an heir of her father’s estate. And, in its plural form, it frequently indicated heirs of both sexes. So this phrase, υἱοὶ θεοῦ, was an ecclesiastical term to indicate the elect spirits of both males and females, all the souls whom God appointed to inherit His kingdom.
And God’s kingdom, both on earth and in heaven, is symbolically represented by His Sabbath rest.
Now look at this phrase in the Septuagint’s version of Hosea 1:10: κληθήσονται καὶ αὐτοὶ υἱοὶ Θεοῦ
ζῶντος (“even they will be called sons of the living God”). The same forms of the same words that Jesus used in the promise of Matthew 5:9 are found here too. So Jesus actually quoted this clause in the blessing He promised for the “peacemakers.” Yet this was an end-time prophecy that God gave through Hosea, when the northern tribes of Israel were sinning greatly. At that time, God told Hosea to marry a prostitute, as a sign that Israel had become a spiritual prostitute. That is, Hosea was to symbolically demonstrate that, while Israel still claimed to worship God, she actually worshipped false gods. Israel claimed to respect, hear and serve God, but actually disrespected, ignored and did nothing for the real God, because they respected, heard and served the more carnally appealing false gods of foreign lands much more. Israel was just like a woman who claimed to be married to her husband, but frequently committed adultery for profit and pleasure. Later, Hosea’s wife gave birth to several children, and Hosea named one of those children “Not-My-People,” as a sign that God had now declared that Israel was no longer His people, and that He was no longer their God. Yet God also said Israel would multiply into countless descendants over time. Then, in the end times, God would call them back and once more, and call them “sons of the living God,” heirs of His kingdom.
This, of course, was a prophecy of the New Covenant salvation God would work in the hearts of the elect, until they all knew Him well, until all served Him as their God and became His people again.
Therefore, Jesus was calling His disciples the υἱοὶ θεοῦ or heirs of His kingdom, all who came to hear His preaching and believed His words. These blessed ones—those whom God transformed into
“peacemakers,” who work for peace through the six previous blessings that God had worked in their hearts—would soon become the people of Israel, whom Hosea prophesied about. Devout Jewish and Gentile disciples would have recognized that Jesus was quoting from Hosea’s end-time prophecy, and that Jesus was about to fulfill that prophecy for all who made peace with God, and with their siblings in mankind. These were now being gathered into God’s true church of Israel, having been turned away from their spiritual prostitution, from their adultery with false gods. All were now being made faithful to God, to their true Husband. Now they would reject gods in the devil’s world order, and serve God alone, trusting in His love and honest words. Now they would build up His kingdom on earth. These disciples would also reign with the prophesied Messiah, with Jesus, when He came again to rule the earth for a thousand years, after eliminating the devil’s world order. Then, after the Page 306
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final judgment day, these υἱοὶ θεοῦ would include all the elect born in all history, and literally all of these would be brought into God’s eternal home, into the infinite and far more real lands of heaven.
These υἱοὶ θεοῦ would include many suppressed souls, the impoverished and marginalized elect, whose spirits are blessed by Christ’s Holy Spirit, called into God’s kingdom of the heavens. For all these elect possessed spirits that were able to learn truth, and that truth caused their whole hearts to grieve and mourn regarding their own sins, to repent into that truth received in the counsel of our God, from Jesus Christ’s Holy Spirit. These υἱοὶ θεοῦ will be the humbled souls who learn to forsake the delusions of entitlement, so they can do God’s good, fruitful, wise and beneficial works on earth, for the good of all God’s creations and inherit the earth. The υἱοὶ θεοῦ have spirits that hunger and thirst for the loving righteousness that Jesus taught and trained them to desire more than life itself, the satiating food of their spirits, which nourishes abundant life in His elect. These are the truly compassionate souls, whose mercy for other sinners rewards their hearts with the infinite mercy of God, who washes away their own sins. Christ’s Holy Spirit shall make these elect spirits of the υἱοὶ
θεοῦ clean, able to continuously approach Him and commune with Him, so they all can know Him experientially, more and more throughout their lives. As God was granting these six blessings to the elect, He gathered them into the church of Israel and called them the υἱοὶ θεοῦ, heirs of God. And all would make peace with the utterly holy Spirit of their Creator, and between all the other elect spirits.
These peacemakers will no longer strive to make themselves wealthy heirs of Satan’s world order, because there are only internal and external wars in that kingdom, as each citizen competes with the other for survival and more power, while the devil laughs in glee. And these peacemakers also know enough to avoid the strife and battles of false religion too. They rebuke all minds of flesh which tell them to make themselves heirs of God’s kingdom through works of the flesh. They all realize that God’s kingdom is the spirit’s Sabbath rest, that it is utterly impossible to save oneself by causing the flesh to perform deeds selfishly, that an earthly body cannot save one’s eternal spirit and soul from hell. For the Sabbath rest of God ceases from all works for oneself. These elect know their spirits are ignorant infants, lacking any ability to teach and train themselves about all God requires to be clean.
The awakened elect being saved by the real Jesus Christ accept this fact, because God Himself fully reveals it to their spirits. So they make peace with their saving God in this truth. Their spirits remind themselves that all human spirits are completely incompetent in all matters that can make them fit to enter God’s utterly holy home as His inheriting children. Likewise, they refuse to join any who trust in the deeds of the flesh to make themselves “holy,” by magic rituals, magic prayers and nonsense like “holy underwear.” They mock these physical works of the flesh that are supposedly “for God,”
and all attempts to physically earn a ticket into a human invention of a “heaven,” into an imagined
“paradise” of the flesh. For, if their spirits cannot possibly make them spiritually holy, then their irrational and self-seeking flesh certainly cannot make them holy either. All the inheriting children of God shake their heads at such stupidity. Since an elect human spirit can never possibly earn the right to inherit the salvation of God’s New Covenant in Christ’s blood—the salvation where God Himself promised to personally write His ways and laws upon their spirits—then the unruly, vastly inferior, easily deluded, self-seeking mind and body of temporary flesh definitely cannot earn it in any way.
All of salvation’s works must be done by God Himself, by God who walked among us in a human body of flesh, by the Messiah, who alone can fulfill God’s Law in us and through us. Therefore, we place all our faith in Jesus alone. We trust all the words He whispers to our spirits in our hearts, that they are all true concepts. In faith, we then submit to His calling into His service, so He might train our spirits for our future eternal life in heaven. In this way, we rest from all of our own works for salvation, and rely only on what Jesus does in our spirits and flesh. This is the Sabbath rest of God.
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God gave this command to His Old Covenant church of Israel: “Observe the Sabbath day, to keep it holy, as Yahweh your God commanded you. You shall labor six days, and do all your work; but the seventh day is a Sabbath to Yahweh your God, in which you shall not do any work ...” (Deut. 5:12-14, WEB). This was an archetypal commandment, summarizing many other Sabbath laws found in God’s Old Covenant. And Jesus came to fulfill these Sabbath laws in us and through us, even every letter of those laws (Mat. 5:17-20), not to alter His Sabbath laws in any way, nor nullify them. And those Sabbath laws were not symbolic in the same way as the ritual laws, such as the sin sacrifices, which were fulfilled by the actual works of Jesus, our God. Rather, God blessed the Sabbath day and
“sanctified” it ( set it apart for His purposes) in the very beginning, the day after He created Adam (Gen. 2:1-3). Then we must remember how God later declared the Sabbath to be “a sign between Me a nd you throughout your generations; that you may know that I am Yahweh who sanctifies you ,” as
“a perpetual covenant” and “a sign between Me and the children of Israel forever ” (Ex. 31:13,16,17, WEB). Also, God stated, “whoever does any work therein, that soul shall be cut off from among His people” (Ex. 31:14, WEB). And, clearly, since many works were done every Sabbath, only those who did works for themselves were to be cut off from God’s priesthood of Israel. Therefore, the Sabbath laws are not like any of the other symbolic or ceremonial Old Covenant laws, and fulfilling the Sabbath laws, by the works of Jesus Himself for salvation, in a way that gathers us into God’s eternal and only church of Israel, is the work of God, in which He sanctifies us, sets us apart for His purposes. Jesus joins us to His people, to the priesthood of Israel, by fulfilling these Sabbath laws.
And what do those Sabbath laws actually say? Are we to cease from literally all kinds of works on that seventh day, from sundown on Friday to sundown on Saturday? No, because all those Sabbath laws only forbid “your works,” works for oneself, that is, works of selfish ambition and works to provide an inheritance for loved ones. We know this because God’s Law also commanded His royal priesthood, the Aaronic priests, to work longer and harder on the Sabbath days, more than on any of the other days of the week. God Himself commanded His priests to work much harder on Sabbaths of all kinds, even Sabbath feast days. Thus, since it is impossible for God to contradict Himself, His Sabbath commands must only forbid one kind of work, only the kind He called “your work,” in the singular. That is, God only forbade each individual’s works for oneself. For every Sabbath is “to Yahweh your God,” who “sanctified” that day, who set that day apart for His purposes alone, as a
“sign” that we are His people who serve Him alone, who work for God alone, as a sign of belonging to the one and only God, as His people of the only church or priesthood that He ever created, Israel.
In other words, the kingdom of God on earth and in heaven, the one and only true church or Israel of God, is the reality of this “sign” of the Sabbath. All in His kingdom enter a true, eternal Sabbath rest from all works for ourselves, a rest from selfish ambitions, a rest from the slavery to the world order.
If we look at the much more labour-intensive works that God commanded the Levitical priesthood to perform on the Sabbath days, we find that none of them worked for themselves as individuals. None of their intensive Sabbath labours were for selfish ambition, nor to provide any inheritance for their own loved ones. All Sabbath works of the “royal” or Aaronic priests were for God alone, in service of God, only for God’s purposes, by ministering to God’s people and His creations. Likewise, every other day of the week was also a Sabbath day for all the Levitacal priesthood, since none were ever allowed to provide any kind of material inheritance for their families. Literally all the priests, all the Levites, were to be the υἱοὶ θεοῦ, heirs of God. God explicitly commanded that the only inheritance for everyone in the Levitical priesthood was to be Himself alone (e.g., Deut. 10:9). They were heirs of all truth, wisdom and other blessings in His kingdom. No other inheritance was permitted for even one of the Levites. All those of the “royal priesthood” of God were forced to lay aside literally all Page 308
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works for themselves, every day of the week. They were all required to do only Sabbath works every day of their entire lives, only works for God and God’s purposes. All were to labour solely for the building up of God’s spiritual kingdom alone. They could do nothing to gain anything that belonged to Satan’s world order. God’s priesthood, within the priesthood of Israel, were only allowed to inherit that which belonged to God’s spiritual kingdom, that which is not of the world order. And, in Jesus Christ, the New Covenant “royal priesthood” now exists, which Jesus will cause to completely and entirely fulfill and practise every detail of the Sabbath laws recorded in the Old Covenant Law. So this new priesthood will be sanctified by God Himself, made righteous and set apart to do only the works of God, for His purposes alone, all their lives. All will enter His “perpetual,” eternal Sabbath.
The Levitical priesthood of Israel, whom God commanded to be “heirs” of Him alone, were the teachers, judges and “peacemakers” in Israel. And God created Israel as the priesthood of the entire world. Then the seventh beatitude of our God Jesus declared: “The peacemakers are blessed, because they will be called the inheriting children of God.” Thus, our God Jesus called His true disciples the teachers, judges and “peacemakers,” as wells as the “heirs” of God, in the same way His Levitical priesthood had been all this during the Old Covenant times. Therefore, if any disciple of Jesus does works through selfish ambition, or strives to gather things of Satan’s world order as an inheritance for loved ones, and does not do all his or her works for the purposes of God alone, then that one is not a citizen of His New Covenant “royal priesthood.” If one does not do all one’s works through a desire to fulfill the loving justice of all God’s laws, then how can one make peace between oneself and God? And, if one has no peace with God, how can one do any works through the power of God for God’s people and His creations either? For God cannot allow Himself to help Satan’s kingdom.
Every worldly one who claims to be a Jew or Christian is a fake, a pretender. So “that soul shall be cut off from among [God’s] people,” will not be counted as a member of Christ’s New Covenant
“royal priesthood.” For that one has made war against God, not peace. That one has cast off the
“sign” of the relationship between the Sanctifier and those whom He has sanctified. Only those who live simple and godly lives, sharing all things in common as a confession of their worship of God, as an admission that only God owns all that exists, including all that God granted them to hold in stewardship, are the υἱοὶ θεοῦ. These know all they “own” is actually owned by God alone, even their own bodies and lives, just as literally everything the Levites “owned” was the communal property of Israel, owned by God alone. All true disciples of Jesus know their only inheritance is God and His kingdom, not things of the devil’s world order. So all their works are Sabbath works.
The author of Hebrews once referred to a psalm in which God described Israel as “a people that errs in their heart” and “have not known My ways,” and where God then also swore in His wrath: “They won’t enter into My rest” (Psalm 95:10-11, WEB). After this, through the author of Hebrews, God declared: “There remains therefore a Sabbath rest for the people of God. For he who has entered i nto His rest has himself also rested from his works , as God did from His . Let us therefore give diligence to enter into that rest, lest anyone fall after the same example of disobedience” (Heb. 4:9-11, WEB). Notice how God calls us to “give diligence” (an exhortation using the aorist subjunctive form of σπουδάζω) if we want “to enter into” His Sabbath rest. So we need to work, labour, make an effort and carefully endeavour to enter God’s eternal Sabbath rest. And we are to do so in the same way God forever entered His own Sabbath rest on the very first of the Sabbath days. God created all things during the first six days of the material space-time continuum, all that He would ever make for Himself. But, as the seventh day began, God forever stopped creating things for Himself. Yes, God also continuously worked on that first Sabbath day, and every day since then, including every Sabbath day after that. Yet all of our Creator’s works after those first six days were the kinds of Page 309
works that served and maintained all He had created for Himself on the first six days. God did not do any more works for Himself, did not create anything new for Himself, did not do anything more for Himself in any way. From the seventh day on, God only lovingly served what He previously created.
Like God, we are to lovingly serve His creations, especially human souls. This is our entire focus.
Thus, we do not even attempt to do works to sanctify ourselves. Rather, we “give diligence to enter into that rest,” into the Sabbath rest of being sanctified by God. For we know God now serves His creations for their good, especially His elect children. So we do not place faith in ourselves, because that kind of faith fails us. Rather, we put all our faith in our God Jesus, who surely can save us. Also, we remember that God served His creations even during the seventh day, after He had created all things. To maintain the existence of all His creations, it was absolutely necessary for God to serve His creations every single moment in all the created time. For not one spirit or material thing could continue to exist for one moment if His will and power did not maintain it. But, after His creating works, the only works He ever did were to serve what He had already created for Himself. God has continuously done works of loving service for His creations, without ceasing for even a fraction of a second, and God only ever did works for Himself in the first six short days. So God differentiated between the works He did for Himself and the works He did to serve His creations. Then God called His loving works of serving His creations a “Sabbath rest.” Then God commanded all His children, created in His image, to also stop working for themselves and enter this Sabbath rest too. This rest is ordained for literally all His elect children ever born on earth. All are to serve others through love, just He commanded His Aaronic “royal priesthood” to do every day of the week. Now this is also the only kind of work that His eternal New Covenant “royal priesthood” may do every day. And, in the end, after the judgment day, every elect soul who ever lived will be joined to the “royal priesthood”
of Christ’s true church of Israel. Then all will eternally serve His creation in this eternal Sabbath rest.
Again, notice how Jesus called these υἱοὶ θεοῦ the “peacemakers” (εἰρηνοποιοί), a term “pertaining to [those who] endeavour to reconcile persons who have disagreements” (BDAG3), that is, to the teaching and judging Levitical priests and elders of Israel. And the phrase υἱοὶ θεοῦ was also used with reference to these same Levitacal priests, to all whom God is sanctifying and has predestined to inherit His eternal Sabbath rest. Then God defined that Sabbath rest as works for Him, to serve His creations for their good through love. These heirs of God, this New Covenant “royal priesthood,” the spirits who receive the previous six blessings, abide in an eternal peace with God. And they build up this peace with God in the elect spirits of their brothers and sisters, whenever they share in the deep fellowship of doing godly works, and in other forms of communion which share life, in all fervent prayers and their hearts complete participation in applying the truths Jesus teaches to their spirits.
These “royal priests” provide interactive teachings to their siblings during Sabbath meetings and at other times, so all might delve into and discover their Teacher’s intended meanings of His words.
Then the justice of their wise judgments from God, and their effective works through the loving power of God, bears a harvest of peace between God and their lands, unites bickering human souls whom Jesus chooses to affect through the words and works that He has caused them to say and do.
Throughout history, from the days of Adam and Abraham to the present day, the elect heirs of God have worked peace between God and themselves, between God and other elect souls, and between the lost human souls who unjustly war against others for vain selfish gain. The υἱοὶ θεοῦ—although they are soberly honest about their own sins, and lack the confidence of deluded entitlement found in the devil’s brood, and are often starved of justice for themselves—have always remained equitable and have granted compassion to the repentant, have always been merciful to all the clean spirits in this dirty world, and have served all who are despised by Satan’s world order. These are the only Page 310
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ones God has used to prevent mankind from destroying itself. For demons and their children have also been on earth from the beginning, working through psychopaths to build oppressive kingdoms through incessant wars. These are the “peacemakers” who keep God’s wrath from burning away all life on earth. And, even if there are only ten υἱοὶ θεοῦ in any ruthlessly unjust city, God will spare its people from destruction, since God will call those ten to make peace between that city and Himself.
But there is no one else who can do this work, as God’s loving peacemakers, except these υἱοὶ θεοῦ.
For the Persecuted
We need to understand that Jesus preached to predominantly Jewish disciples who attended schools at synagogues from the time they learned to talk, and regularly attended Sabbath services in those synagogues all their lives. And those services did not simply have revered lords and wanna-be gods giving Roman-like lectures while standing on a podium above the people. Rather, some designated Scriptures were read out loud every Sabbath, until the whole of the Bible had been read to them every two years, and all of God’s Law (the first five books of the Bible) every year. Then they held an interactive teaching session, a Bible study study for the males older than twelve, where women and children could listen to those teachings as well. So men and boys asked questions and others responded, while multiple teaching elders presented relevant points to consider, or commentaries and detailed information relevant to the topic. So most Jewish disciples of Jesus were literate, could read and write in two or more languages, and possessed a thorough knowledge of the Scriptures. And all had heard various points and counterpoints made regarding every verse of the Scriptures. Then we must also realize the stability and closeness of those Jewish communities. Most stayed in the same community all their lives. So most not only attended the same synagogue with their neighbours since birth, but also worked together with them during the week, exchanged thoughts, rejoiced and grieved together, argued or agreed with some, and knew one another well. Each knew one another well, and each learned about oneself too, since no one was afraid to confront the other about any weaknesses or failures and the whole community also took pride in each individual’s strengths and successes as well. Because the vast majority were poor, but their dignity was based solely on spiritually honest and equitable love, they had very few delusions of entitlement. And all suffered under the tyranny of an external oppressing elite, so all endured continuous unjust persecution as an unavoidable aspect of life together, where only their common shared lives in God provided safety and relief from that.
As mentioned, the other thing all these Jewish disciples had in common was the governing of their lives by Sabbaths, by sevens of days and years, according to the laws of God. Since these sevens or Sabbaths were always the completion of a cycle, before a new cycle of seven began, many of their teachings and procedures were also divided into sevens. Christ’s list of blessings were no exception.
So the previous seventh blessing was the completion of His blessings. Yet, after it, results and effects were discussed. During this teaching time, after Jesus proclaimed the seven blessings, men would ask questions or make comments about these seven blessings, particularly regarding the difficulties of being blessed by poverty, grieving, mild and gentle ways, longing for righteousness, merciful forgiveness, inwardly clean thoughts and a Sabbath life as God’s peace-making teachers and judges.
Some of these difficult results and effects came from God, and some from Satan’s world order. The reactions from the devil’s kingdom were extremely negative, including physical attacks against the people and works of God. Then the effects from God were positive, eternal and spiritual. Also, after God blessed His elect directly in their spirits, He also blessed them again through the attacks by the devil’s world order, as the non-elect tried to dehumanize, subjugate and kill them, through violent physical persecutions. So this eighth blessing, in the last verses of Christ’s “beatitudes,” would be Page 311
Jesus’ response to questions or comments made about having to endure His blessings. If we interpret the perfect passive participle form of δεδιωγμένοι as a reference to resulting effects, it would be this:
“Those experiencing the effects of having been persecuted due to their own righteousness are blessed, because theirs is the kingdom of the heavens. You people are blessed whenever they might defame you and persecute you, even constantly lying [as] they might lay every kind of evil down on you, because of Me. Remain cheerful and frequently rejoice, because your reward is much in the heavens. For, in this way, they persecuted the prophets before you”
(Mat. 5:10-12, from: μακάριοι οἱ δεδιωγμένοι ἕνεκεν δικαιοσύνης, ὅτι αὐτῶν ἐστιν ἡ
βασιλεία τῶν οὐρανῶν. μακάριοί ἐστε ὅταν ὀνειδίσωσιν ὑμᾶς καὶ διώξωσιν καὶ εἴπωσιν πᾶν
πονηρὸν καθʼ ὑμῶν ψευδόμενοι ἕνεκεν ἐμοῦ. χαίρετε καὶ ἀγαλλιᾶσθε, ὅτι ὁ μισθὸς ὑμῶν
πολὺς ἐν τοῖς οὐρανοῖς· οὕτως γὰρ ἐδίωξαν τοὺς προφήτας τοὺς πρὸ ὑμῶν, SBLGNT).
Here Jesus uses plural pronouns because He is speaking to all His disciples, to the multitudes of well-taught devout Jews who had sought Him out and took the time to hear and weigh all that He was teaching. And here Jesus exhorted them, saying that all must suffer persecution together, as a unified body, where the whole body supports each individual in this endless struggle. For Satan and his world order will defend their “right” to do evil, by hounding, pursuing and persecuting all whom God is making righteous through His inner workings. Most often, the devil and his minions ignore or even reward the worst of sinners and criminals. Yet they never ignore those bearing the inner mark of Jesus, our Messiah and living God. For everyone in Satan’s world order longs to be one’s own god, with a “right” and “freedom” to invent one’s own realities and ways of living, so each may live by one’s own “laws,” no matter how much they harm and kill others. So each and every one of the spirits born of Satan hates the effective, immutable and eternal truths and wisdom of the Creator.
Since truth and wisdom from God is worked by the Messiah in the spirits and core of all His true disciples, those disciples will be despised by the devil’s children, more than the worst of criminals.
In fact, because the Holy Spirit in Jesus awakens elect souls, then teaches and trains them to be pure, honest, just, equitable, merciful and loving, these are a dire threat to hypocritical, lying, unjust, very inequitable, ruthless and empty kingdom of Satan. Then God even does these same works in the spirits of the sleeping elect who do not consciously know Him. Therefore, literally all the elect bear this mark of the true God upon their hearts and minds. So literally all the elect are persecuted to some extent, but especially those whose spirits have been awakened and called to become true and serving disciples of Jesus. Nevertheless, all are inwardly blessed. All belong to His kingdom on earth and above. To all elect, Jesus said, “theirs is the kingdom of the heavens,” that is, a plural “heavens,”
to indicate His kingdom under the earth’s atmosphere, in this universe, and His eternal spiritual land.
Now we must be careful to not become deluded disciples of deceivers. For many now think they are
“special” or “privileged” ones, just because they are slaves in some kind of cult. Then, when others, mostly the elect, proclaim some actual and proven truths about them, and demand that they face true and equitable justice for all of the harmful and even deadly sins and crimes they committed against the innocent, those persecuting evil ones claim to be persecuted. Also, cult members feel that their invented delusions should be counted as the only legitimate reality, and their lies should be seen as the only real truths. Thus, every real fact and truth is denounced as a lie, and all genuine reality is a conspiracy against them. Fake Christians, and terrorists from every false religion, including secular humanists, are the blind dupes in cults who do all this. Then most cults also claim that they alone can save their lands, the only ones qualified to bring “liberty” and “freedom,” and solely because they are the only psychopaths willing to practise murderous “austerity measures” and slaughter innocents through oppressive terrorism and violence. They believe they alone bear the ability to work this kind Page 312
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of injustice, which they call “justice,” though it is always a completely irrational and based solely on lies and delusions, since they only trust the dishonest witnesses and fake evidence presented by their own cult, while strictly forbidding any honest cross-examination, and denying any reliable witnesses or real evidence that proves the real truth. For all are caught in a trap of distrusting any of the reality God created, as well as all biblical truth God has revealed. Thus, if anyone attempts to counter their lies and delusions, they consider it to be persecution, censorship and enmity against their own cult.
All God’s true elect are eventually pulled out of those traps of unjust, ruthless delusions. And elect disciples of the real Jesus are all granted the ability to clearly see how God has handed over all who do not love the truth—all the non-elect and even some stubborn elect—into the dark delusions of demons and men. For we have all experienced the way that Satan continuously tempts the flesh into a sinful and destructive pride of life. That devil wants us all to believe they are the rulers of their own destinies, even able to bend the will of the Creator God Himself. Satan lies to all, all day and every day, striving to make the foolish think they should be entitled lords, esteemed above others, subject only to the laws and ways ruled by their lusts. All hate the immutable, just and loving laws and ways of the real Creator. Thus, many fall into a false, fleshy feeling of entitlement, because of their arrogant and unjust religion of ruthless lies that the real and loving Creator soundly condemns; such as due to the “superior” colour of their skin, or due to the “greatness” of human sinners found in their genealogy, or due to the “superiority” of their unjust nation of sinners, or because of the elite nature of their knowledge and education that has been personally endorsed on fancy pieces of paper by the “noblest” of deluded liars, or due to the power of their position and rank, or because of the wealth they have “earned” through various kinds of theft. Yet none can ever be counted as any more valuable or worthy than the most impoverished in their lands, except through this carnal nonsense.
We, and literally all we have, belongs to God. And anything good that anyone owns or accomplishes is entirely due to the gifts God has granted to that one. But God only grants each one a temporary and accountable stewardship of all those gifts, which shall end as soon as one dies, after only a very short time on this earth. Then everything one has said and done, with the gifts God granted, shall be judged. On the final day, all who did not use those gifts to rightly serve the living Creator God, all who did not use their gifts to lovingly, justly and equitably serve His creations, will be cast out from the gates of heaven, out from the reality of God’s kingdoms. All unprofitable servants, all who used God’s free gifts for selfish purposes, in ways that denied their brothers and sisters a just portion of God’s creation, will be cast into the abyss of their own dark delusions and lies, into a bottomless pit where they will forever fall deeper into that darkness. For, in the reality God created on earth, which functions most effectively according to the truth and wisdom revealed by God in His Word and in all of His natural creations, none can claim any privilege or entitlement, no esteem above anyone else on earth. Every individual is the “keeper” of his brothers and sisters, of all found on this earth. All whom God grants life are responsible for the physical and spiritual welfare of all other living souls.
Each and every person also has been commanded to tend the garden of the earth, to keep it fruitful.
And all have been given the duty to “name” all living creatures too, to take responsibility for them.
Only if we have been faithful stewards of God’s gifts and God’s earth; only if we have spoken and acted in a just and equitable way, through the love God put in our elect spirits; only if we have said and done all through the reality of the truth and wisdom which Jesus whispers to our spirits; will we be counted as good and faithful stewards. Only those whom Jesus fully prepares for the loving works to be done in His eternal lands of heaven, will be allowed to serve in those lands, together with Him.
Now we must realize that the “prophets” mentioned here (Mat. 5:12) were ordinary elect souls who simply uttered the concepts that God Himself granted to their spirits, who spoke those truths to the Page 313
ones God commanded them to address with those truths. God sent those prophets to confront the delusions and lies of deceivers, so the elect souls of that day, as well as all the elect living in times after that day, might realize how they had been led astray, so they could repent into the truths God revealed through those prophets. But the deceivers, who deluded and lied to them for financial gain and for the acquisition of god-like power, have always opposed those truths from God. For all those truths prevent their dupes from giving money and power to them, cause their captive slaves to stop serving them. Those truths set souls truly and inwardly free from their dungeons of delusions and lies, cause the hearers and believers of those truths to lovingly serve the justice and equity of God instead, for the benefit of all God’s creations, in ways that do not allow those deceivers to steal from God’s people and His created lands. God’s truths never forbid them to indulge in their own selfish lusts of their flesh. Therefore, those deceivers always wage war against prophets, with campaigns of slanderous lies against all who believe any real truths. Then, based solely on their lies, they stir up their deluded followers to pursue, hound, persecute and kill God’s prophets, even all who believe any real truths. This has occurred over and over again, throughout the history recorded in the Bible, in both the Old and New Covenant Scriptures. This kind of persecution also continues to this day, and will continue until Satan’s world order is utterly crushed by our God, Jesus. However, we must all realize that these persecutions are actually a war against God Himself, not us. And our almighty, omniscient Creator of all just principles, through which all creations function most effectively, can never be harmed in any way by any opposition, nor ever defeated. Thus, their war against God is futile, and only continues because Satan’s servants are themselves fully duped by delusions and lies.
So literally all the elect possess some measure trust God’s words spoken to their spirits, so all will continue to be persecuted “due to their own righteousness,” due to their just and equitable words and works through the love God puts in their spirits. Even the “unconscious” or “sleeping” elect, whose minds of flesh do not yet know the name of their spirits’ own heavenly Father, nor Jesus, will be persecuted for speaking and acting upon the truth and wisdom their spirits invariably receive from God. Then the awakened elect, who consciously serve the real God, the real Jesus, will be persecuted even far more than them, by all the non-elect of the world. The non-elect gaslight the elect, try to make them feel crazy and stupid because of their spirits hunger and thirst for the loving, wise, just, equitable and merciful righteousness taught by God’s Holy Spirit in their hearts. They mock, deride, slander, dehumanize, suppress, oppress and violently attack the elect, just to maintain their own little kingdoms of beloved delusions and lies. And this has been occurring since the elect spirits of the first human beings woke up and became able to discern between good and evil. For Satan has been able to create human spirits in the fetuses of women since the day Cain was born to Eve. Since the day Cain, through his lust for power and influence, slew Abel, the non-elect have persecuted the elect.
Yet the elect cannot stop speaking and acting upon God’s truth and wisdom through love. For they realize that the only alternative to that truth is to let all their loved ones, even all of God’s creations, fall to the destruction caused by deceivers. If they let the Hitlers and Trumps of this world have their way, the delusions and lies of those psychopaths will inevitably produce only injustice, oppression, exploitation, terrorism, extreme violence, extensive devastation, massive poverty, mass murdering and every other kind of evil under the sun. If the elect will not stand, God eventually will stop that evil in some way, such as by self-destruction through internal conflicts. Or God may even send other deluded souls to war against them, until both destroy each other. But, if God chooses to destroy them through the words and works of His loving elect, through His truths and wisdom, many lives will be spared death and set free. God will indeed save their entire land through peaceful means, even if only one or two out of hundred remain faithful to the truths He grants to their elect spirits. For the Page 314
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devil’s world order is incapable of winning any war against God and His faithful elect, since they are far too selfish, deluded and factious. So, whenever God chooses to act through His faithful elect, all lies and delusions of the wicked fall. Yes, God may let the wicked think they have won an occasional battle, in a land that will not hear Him. But, in the end, God and His truth will win, will rise again to work His freedom and abundant life. Therefore, let the elect learn to speak and act upon the truths and wisdom of God, for the sakes of their loved ones, even if it brings them persecution and death.
If the least of God’s elect are too cowardly to stand against evil, fearing the slanderous lies and false accusations of the devil and his children, trembling at their every threat of violence against their loved ones and themselves, they will never escape the bullying dehumanization, persecution and deaths they fear so much. For Satan will persecute, enslave and destroy them no matter how much they bow before him. Thus, making concessions to the devil and his psychopathic kingdom will only prolong the misery of the elect, never alleviate it. Their blood-lust loves the sport of baiting, trapping and killing prey, so they will attack even the enslaved elect who diligently serve them. There can be no appeasing nor hiding from the devil and his children. Consequently, the elect cannot make any kind peace with them, through any kind of compromise. A war between God’s loving elect and the ruthless, self-seeking, amoral brood of the devil is inevitable and incessant. It has never ceased and will never cease, until the day Jesus returns to destroy Satan’s world order. So we must fight back.
However, we need to always remember that this is a war that is always initiated by the lies, sins and crimes of Satan’s offspring. Therefore, although it is a war the elect cannot possibly avoid, it is a war which can be won without physical force, without resorting to physical devastation. For, if we can stop the lies, sins and crimes soon enough and effectively enough, through the truths and power of God, then Satan and his non-elect brood will not be able to muster the physical ordnance for any kind of army large enough to do massive damage. If the elect diligently provide effective and swiftly responsive checks and balances in a biblical democracy, with just and controlled enforcers of the peace, as well as speedy and fair trials for all, physical violence can be kept to a minimum. Yes, the non-elect will never stop declaring war against God and His children, will never stop lying and committing vile sins and crimes. But this means that the duty of the elect is to let the Spirit of their God train the “hands” of their spirits for battle. And they need to realize that this training of their spirits is a transferable skill, which their heavenly Father wants them to learn, because it will also be useful to them in their eternal heavenly labours. So the elect must not make vain attempts to run and hide from the enemy. Rather, elect spirits must learn to be very wise in the strategies and works they do, to build up defensible families in God’s kingdom, with well-taught and well-trained soldiers of God, who can uphold the liberty of Jesus in their lands, as guards of Christ’s just, loving kingdom.
Every body of God’s elect must practise God’s ways, or else they will end up becoming just another little subject kingdom within Satan’s kingdom of the world order. “For though we walk in the flesh, we don’t wage war according to the flesh; for the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh, but mighty before God to the throwing down of strongholds, throwing down imaginations [or delusions]
a nd every high thing that is exalted against the knowledge of God , and bringing every thought into captivity to the [heeding] of Christ; and being in readiness to avenge all disobedience, when your
[heeding] will be made full. Do you look at things only as they appear in front of your face? If anyone trusts in himself, that he is Christ’s, let him consider this again with himself, that, even as he is Christ’s, so also we are Christ’s. For though I should boast somewhat abundantly concerning our authority, (which the Lord gave for building you up, and not for casting you down) I will not be disappointed” (II Cor. 10:3-8, WEB). Let this be a reminder to the minds of amoral flesh in all of the elect, when those minds of flesh rage against evil, seeking revenge. Violence of the flesh can never Page 315
bring a spirit into peace and unity with the omnipotent God, and with the masses of elect on earth.
Yet the power of the flesh is the only power the devil’s children have. So all the elect who allow their spirits to hear and heed the truths and wisdom of their Creator’s Spirit, actually possess a great advantage over all the weak, unstable, foolish, blind and failing non-elect, even over the Satan’s
“best” and most cunning psychopathic offspring. For God’s power works through His faithful elect.
A just and free society needs to choose teaching judges who are able to make right decisions and serve them effectively, justly, equitably and through sacrificial love. So they need to vet those who are possible candidates for any office. Every biblical and true democracy needs to select elders only from among those whom God has chosen to be their teaching judges (Deut. 17:15). His people must elect only the elect spirits God has taught and trained for the tasks that the people require for their well-being in peace. So they are to build democracies by appointing older, wiser decision makers who have learned to be peacemakers; clean of spirit; compassionate; hungry and thirsty for God’s just and loving righteousness; who lack any sense of entitlement; who have repented into much of God’s truth and wisdom through deep grieving and mourning in their hearts; and who also bear an honest, realistic, ever-present empathy with the stigmatized, marginalized, voiceless, poor and lost.
Then these authorities must take the time and effort to diligently work true justice, to ensure that the innocent are not falsely accused and do not suffer the penalties of the law unjustly. They must always ensure a thorough examination and cross-examination of genuine evidence and hear only the most reliable witnesses, deeply questioning all, before they make or enforce any laws, before they make any judgments. And they must grant forgiveness for true repentance, without penalties. Also, each must search for the undiscovered elect among all sinners, criminals and enemies in their land, so these can be taught and trained to work with God and beside them for good of all in their land. For more taught and trained elect are always needed, and each new generation will require qualified elect to replace the retiring or dying elect. But the people will never need “austerity measures” to keep the rich wealthy, nor to be ruled by terrorism that is unjustly and inequitably harsh with lawbreakers and enemies. Rather, every land needs teaching and judging elders who are slow to wrath, just as God is slow to wrath, who patiently clean the harvest, to separate the good grain from useless weed seeds.
Only the elect can build a just governments, “because theirs is the kingdom of the heavens,” which includes God’s kingdom on earth. This is the “blessing” of the elect, those able to love, God’s gift to those who are “persecuted for their own righteousness,” for those who experience the lies and unjust violence that the wanna-be gods cast on them. God will grant these elect the wisdom to build a part of His kingdom on earth, a land of just love. And God will confound the vain and power-hungry for these elect, whenever they steadfastly hear and heed His Holy Spirit teaching and training their spirits, even if these elect do not consciously know Him in their minds of flesh. God’s Spirit surely is able to divide, trouble and affect the thoughts of the wicked, until they can no longer speak and act upon the delusions and lies of their lying and murderous father, who is destined for hell. The elect can indeed overcome those who war against God and His ways, and “avenge all disobedience, when
[their] heeding will be made full.” But this vengeance seldom needs to be physical. For the worst kind of vengeance against the arrogant wanna-be gods is the exposing and shaming of their lies and delusions, by the bright light of God’s created realities and eternal principles, by truths effectively working for the good of all. This is what Satan’s children fear most. For the darkness they carefully craft in the minds of their spirits and in the minds of their proud, self-serving flesh is beloved to them, more than life itself. This is why they hate the light of God’s genuine truth and reality most.
So the most powerful weapons we can bear against unjust, lying, bullying, murdering children of the devil are the truths and wisdom which God privately grants to our spirits, whenever we allow our Page 316
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spirits to hear and heed Him, all that He teaches us from His creations and through His Word. In the end, whatever Jesus is continuously leading our hearts toward needs to be our goal. Our lives need to focus on doing both the little daily tasks of love, as well as wisely taking the opportunities to pierce the darkness with light, whenever we can. The facts, realities and truths we free into world order will live on, and shall overcome the lies and delusions of our enemies. If we do not falter and flee from their threats and violence, God will make the “weapons of our warfare” effective, to overcome all opposition. Yes, we often need to be patient, and chip away at fortress foundations of the enemy, a little at a time. And our complete victory will usually require multiple generations. Also, when all else fails, there may be times when we must physically restrain or war against sinners, criminals and enemies. Yet our focus must remain upon disseminating the truth, so it can deliver its weakening and even deadly blows to non-elect egos, by burning away their beloved self-serving lies and delusions.
Only the just, pure truth, spoken honestly through a spirit’s genuine love for God and His creations, will be “mighty before God to the throwing down of strongholds, throwing down imaginations and every high thing that is exalted against the knowledge of God, and bringing every thought into captivity to the heeding of Christ.” We cannot fight lies with even more lying propaganda, as the allied nations did our wars, since it only causes the people to distrust the truths we speak, and incites violent rage against the innocent, in the way so many false preachers and politicians do today. We do not need to fight the fires of the devil’s persecutions with fires of our own lying violence. For the best offence or defence against both kinds of fire is the fire-quenching water of God’s created truth, the effective wisdom of His Word, as well as the facts He created and revealed in His creations all around us, even the evidence of created history and currently existing things that expose their lies.
This is why our spirits are always trying to submit to the teaching and training of Jesus Christ’s Holy Spirit, who labours in us for our salvation. This is why we earnestly beg Jesus for the strength to fulfill our “heeding” (Note: ὑπακοή is often translated as “obey,” but “obey” does not imply any kind of willingness while, throughout the NT, ὑπακοή almost always implies an eager, willing and careful attempt to comprehend and apply the words one hears or reads). Only after Jesus fills the minds of our spirits and the minds of our flesh with His truth and wisdom, will we be able to crush the lies and delusions of Satan’s minions. Then the children of Satan will be severely weakened and divided, no longer able to unite through their self-destructive lies and delusions, and unable to use their weapons of the flesh to terrorize the people of our lands. To gain God’s kind of victory, where loving justice and wise compassion shall rule the land, we let our elect spirits trust Jesus. For we desperately need His strategical wisdom to apply the truths against evil. “Stand firm therefore in the liberty by which Christ has made us free, and don’t be entangled again with a yoke of bondage” (Gal. 5:1, WEB).
We have been granted God’s gift of lessons learned from all past persecutions of all righteousness recorded throughout history, to use as weapons against unjust liars. And we have already seen some results and effects of these truths, of using the realities and wisdom learned from history and God’s Word. For literally all the democracies and just laws now existing have originated from the elect who have seen and suffered persecution for the truths taught by God’s Word, for the same truths found in the realities God created everywhere in this world. All we know to be wise and just in the world today, came from loving elect souls, especially from true Jews and Christians speaking the truths of God against God’s enemies. And, from about the 14th century AD, especially between the 16th and 18th centuries, many truths began to be proclaimed at a much greater rate than ever before. Of course, the earliest proclamations of truth, from the days of Adam to the birth of Jesus, did often succeed in overcoming the destruction, oppression and slavery worked by Satan’s hierarchies of his wretched world order. But God’s truths grew in power and disseminated more rapidly after Jesus came, and Page 317
increased their influence over mankind at a faster pace, while the violent opposition from Satan’s brood raged against them. And now, as we approach the end times, the pace has quickened yearly.
As one preacher or theologian wrote a truth or two, although he surround it with many false traditions invented by men, that truth was embraced and did not die, while his errors faded into the darkness. Then another wrote a different truth or two, surrounded by false traditions, where that truth lived on as well. Each one’s pride would clash with the other one’s pride, causing their errors to fall in their senseless conflicts. Nevertheless, God’s real truths and His effective wisdom were revealed more and more throughout the earth, although in scattered and diluted fragments. And God’s real truths survived in the hearts of the elect to this day, in both the awakened and sleeping elect, while the countless false traditions of men have been eroded, weakened or destroyed. Thus, a purifying process, especially in the last seven centuries, has enabled us to discover the true and God-intended meaning of the Bible. And, from this, the elect formed Christian democracies. Many unjust Roman laws from Satan’s kingdom have been severely weakened or nullified in many lands, as God’s just laws and ways have replaced them. Slowly and surely God’s light is rising in the horizon, a light that has caused an ever-increasing dichotomization process, the dividing of the elect from the non-elect.
However, we must also realize that these Christian democracies can never be theocracies, not until Jesus returns to rule the earth. For infantile human beings are easily corrupted and led astray. Then Satan, and the non-elect spirits with him, roam the earth, looking to deceive and take souls captive for their own pleasure and profit. So, since the elect have very weak and ignorant spirits, which can only grow partly wise and mature during life on earth, and only through the works of Jesus in and upon their spirits, even the elect chosen by God to serve His people in “authoritative” roles, are not fully qualified to hold absolute and God-like power, and God commands them to grant compassion and mercy to their weaker elect siblings who fall into traps, errors and sins. So let the elect heed the authoritative words of Jesus, and refrain from harsh judgments against the less harmful sins of the remaining outside of true churches, those who do not claim to be members of our churches. We only judge the active members of our local church, who labour beside us, and hold them to the higher standards of God’s Word (I Cor. 5:9-13). Even then, we do not use violence nor rule in the ways of Roman terrorism, but merely expel the most deliberate, stubborn offenders. Then the elect in secular authorities must compassionately and justly judge all, both in and out of the church, according to a limited subset of God’s “natural laws,” and only enough to keep freedom and order in our lands. For our work is to build up the love, wisdom, justice and truth of our God, not to “hunt” evil. Because all this results in a liberty which benefits all in our land, our “reward in the heavens is much,” both in all that is upon earth under the first heaven and all that will be waiting for us in the third heaven of God.
We should remember how Jesus used the perfect tense (οἱ δεδιωγμένοι) when He referred to “the persecuted” in Matthew 5:10. So His emphasis was upon the current effects or results of a past and completed persecution. Jesus was talking about a blessing for “those who now know or are currently experiencing the effects and results of having been persecuted in the past.” In other words, His blessing is for all who have learned truths from their past sufferings. For these can now more readily empathize with those who are currently suffering under similar persecutions. These become more willing and able to work against persecutions. Since Jesus has been granting all the seven previous blessings in their spirits, so now their past persecutions will keep their spirits awake and alive, as members of God kingdom, both His temporary earthly kingdom and His eternal kingdom above. Of course, as the elects, these will always be persecuted and slandered. But, in this, they learn even more about how to effectively war against evil, against Hitlers and Trumps in the devil’s world order.
They realize they cannot simply ignore, forgive and forget that injustice, but discover its root causes, Page 318
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learn to recognize attributes of its perpetrators, and how to overcome it. Rather than growing bitter like the non-elect, the elect learn how to build and maintain God’s just, loving kingdom on earth.
And once His kingdom is built, or as it is being built, they “remain cheerful and frequently rejoice”
in the liberty, justice and love accomplished through the works of Jesus in them. This is their reward.
Mat. 5:13-16,
Christ’s Similitudes
“You are the salt of the earth, but if the salt has lost its flavor, with what will it be salted? It is then good for nothing, but to be cast out and trodden under the feet of men.
“You are the light of the world. A city located on a hill can’t be hidden. Neither do you light a lamp, and put it under a measuring basket, but on a stand; and it shines to all who are in the house. Even so, let your light shine before men; that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father who is in heaven” (Mat. 5:13-16, WEB).
A “similitude” is a comparison of someone or something to another entity that shares some of the same characteristics or attributes. Here Jesus used a plural pronoun to indicate that His disciples, corporately—as a body of people who willingly, eagerly and carefully work to understand and apply His teachings—are like salt or like a man-made light. And both similitudes revealed truths to them.
The Salt
The first similitude actually needs a little better translation to make sense of it: “You people are the salt of the earth. Now, if the salt might have been created flavourless, in what will it be salty? It is then good for nothing, except to be cast out, to be trampled under the people” (Mat. 5:13, from: Ὑμεῖς ἐστε τὸ ἅλας τῆς γῆς· ἐὰν δὲ τὸ ἅλας μωρανθῇ, ἐν τίνι ἁλισθήσεται; εἰς οὐδὲν ἰσχύει ἔτι εἰ μὴ
βληθὲν ἔξω καταπατεῖσθαι ὑπὸ τῶν ἀνθρώπων, SBLGNT). Most English translations imply that salt can lose its flavour, which is false. Jesus and everyone else knew this. Most knew that water was not able to make salt lose its flavour, since one method they used for purifying salt was to dissolve it in water, then evaporate the water so only the pure salt remained. Most also knew that salt could never become flavourless through heat and other causes, because salt remained on the earth since time began. Although they did not know modern chemistry, most did know, through experience, that salt is one of many very stable molecules on earth. Yet Jesus and those people also knew that salt was extremely expensive in their day. Thus, many frauds tried to sell them counterfeit “salt,” crushed crystals of other substances that looked like salt. And that fake salt, which they could not visually distinguish from real salt, is what Jesus was referring to when he spoke of flavourless, useless salt.
That is, the Greek verb μωραίνω means “make tasteless” (BDAG3), or an act of removing flavour or usefulness. So the clause, ἐὰν δὲ τὸ ἅλας μωρανθῇ, using the third person aorist passive subjunctive form of μωραίνω, would thus mean: “Now, if the salt might have been made or created tasteless or flavourless.” For the aorist tense indicates a past completed action and the passive voice indicates an action received by the subject. So, perhaps if Jesus used an imperfect active form, we might want to interpret it as “has lost its flavour,” because it might imply that the subject (salt) endured a process of losing its flavour. But these words do not imply this. And those people knew that some “salts” were created without a salty flavour. That is, they knew some minerals merely looked like salt. Of course, other salts were actually different chemicals, not table salt, and what they called flavourful useful salt, was sodium chloride. Still, many other kinds of salts do exist, aside from sodium chloride. But, Page 319
in their eyes, all those other kinds of salt were useless, except for throwing on paths and roads to sterilize the ground and kill weeds, so the people could walk there without tripping on the foliage.
Therefore, since used this verb in the passive voice, Jesus was not actually talking about the elect
“losing their religion,” in the way some interpret this phrase, “losing their saltiness,” and supposedly through their own negligence or sins, through actions performed through a “free will,” thus causing them to become useless for God’s works. Rather, Jesus spoke about two kinds of salt that God had created. And Jesus was comparing the two different kinds of “salt” to two kinds of people, a useful kind, created with flavour, and a useless kind, created without flavour. Jesus was implying these two kinds of people had been claiming to be His disciples, or had been claiming to worship God. For He was preaching a sermon to His followers, His disciples, people with religious interests. And many souls claimed to be Christ’s disciples or members of God’s church. Yet not all had awake elect spirits being taught and trained by the Holy Spirit of the Creator. And some did not have elect spirits at all, no inner consciences of their spirits created by God Himself. Many were loveless non-elect spirits who did not trust in God’s words, and were never willing to do God’s works on earth, not in the way God does His works in heaven! Counterfeit worshippers could be found in every church, primarily due to the fact that cultural and religious pressures forced every Jew, whether one’s spirit was born of God or born of Satan, to attend church services, though God only called truly loving elect souls.
Also remember that, at that time, the good-flavoured kind of salt (sodium chloride) became a form of money, and was actually used to pay the wages of some soldiers and workers. Therefore, in context, Jesus was saying that His faithful disciples were the wages or valuable gifts of God for the earth. So the earth would become impoverished and die without these loving elect souls God gave to it. And it is clear from the theological passive that God is the Creator of the salt for the sake of the earth. The phrase, τὸ ἅλας τῆς γῆς, would not likely mean, “salt [mined] from the earth.” For most of their salt came from the Dead Sea, where salt lay on the surface nearby—after the shores of that lake, and other lands nearby, flooded with extremely salty water, then evaporated away, leaving a new layer of dry salt. So their salt was not “from the earth.” And, in the context of the next similitude, Jesus was clearly indicating that this salt “belonged to the earth.” This salt “was for the purposes of the earth,”
and originated from God for the benefit “of the earth.” These faithful disciples were God’s servants who laboured for God, for the good of all God’s creations. They were God’s blessing for the earth.
Also notice how Jesus did not call His true disciples the man-made money of the earth, because Jesus hated money, since it is an invention of Satan’s world order, and specifically designed to help the preferred children of Satan control and oppress other souls. Money was never really created for the purpose of a more efficient exchange of goods and services, since that could be accomplished in many ways, especially among honest, just, equitable and loving souls in a community ruled by God, through His appointed distributors. Rather, money was designed to be accumulated by thieves, who could then deny the just and fair needs of others, if others did not submit to their demands. Money, by its very nature, was created to enable the worst of souls to manipulate, coerce and enslave others, to extort labour from others by threatening to deny the food, drink, clothing and shelter those others desperately needed, if those other souls did not obey the whims of those hoarding unjustly acquired money. But, although salt could be readily exchanged for goods and services, or money, it was not so easily hoarded. Yes, it was an essential item for life, a good that could be exchanged for other goods.
But salt originated from God, and was found everywhere in God’s creation. So it could be gathered by those having no money, through the labour of their hands. People could easily purify it, crush it, package it and transport it for themselves. Since gathering and processing salt could be exchanged for other goods and services, salt was like all other goods and services originating from God and His Page 320
Mat. 5:13-16, Christ’s Similitudes
earthly kingdom. All that came from God’s land and through the labours of God-owned flesh was the same. So some could gather salt while others laboured to grow food, and both could share their excess production with each other to benefit one another. So salt was a part of the trading economy that God originally created for the earth. In the beginning, God’s created economy was an equitable and just system. Each individual joyfully laboured in one’s own God-given sphere of attributes and abilities, for the good of all, through love for all. Then each individual’s produce or services supplied the needs of others, so all thrived through the collective works of the entire community serving God.
As for the kinds of salt which God created without a palatable flavour, they had some usefulness as well. And Jesus gave one example. All knew that some other kinds of salts suppressed the growth of plants, or outright killed them. So they could cast these salts onto the ground, in the places where no plants should grow, such as on roads, where people trampled on those salts. Thus, in this similitude, Jesus implied that the non-elect could be used for some destructive purposes, for the kinds of works that require suppression and death. Even though the non-elect are the children of the great destroyer named Satan, their propensity to destroy can be useful for the tasks that involve destruction, such as in wars against aggressively attacking enemies or to suppress criminal gangs hindering progress in their land, in ways that use their natural propensities. Of course, especially in our day, people have discovered other useful properties of those other kinds of salt as well, and none are entirely useless.
However, the loving elect are the most useful and flavourful kind of salt, and absolutely necessary for life itself. The earth would continue to survive, even thrive, without any non-elect. But the entire earth would soon perish if it was deprived of the elect. Yet, knowing this proven fact, when the non-elect gain power, they often try to rid themselves of all the loving, just, honest elect. And, whenever they succeed in doing so, they destroy themselves through their own incessant injustice, ruthlessness, greed, wars, lies, inefficiencies and paranoia. For, if there is no salt left in a body, “in what will it be salty?” Every body of people needs some elect to do the loving and effective works that God calls their spirits to do, or the whole body will die. Thus, God ensures that some elect remain in almost every body, unless He decides to destroy that body. Only if God wants to burn an extremely unjust and stubbornly evil body of people, will He remove all the elect from them, just as He withdrew Lot and his family from Sodom and Gomorrah. A lack of God’s true elect in a body of people is a sign that it will soon perish. If God allows a people to expel or kill all the elect among them, so they no longer have voices crying out for God’s loving justice, it is a sign that God will soon destroy them.
The Light
In the second similitude, Jesus proclaimed this to His disciples: “You people are the light destined for the [dark] world order” (Mat. 5:14, from: Ὑμεῖς ἐστε τὸ φῶς τοῦ κόσμου). Here Jesus addressed them collectively, as one body of trusting elect souls. Each individual awake elect soul was to work with all together, as one body, to shine the light of Jesus and His truth. And, in context, τοῦ κόσμου
would be a genitive of destination, indicating “where the head noun is going ... the direction it is
‘moving’ in ... the purpose of [the head noun’s] existence ... for the purpose of, destined for, toward, or into” (Wallace, Daniel B.; Greek Grammar, Beyond the Basics). So Jesus said that this genitive (“the world order”) is a dark place which needed the light to shine into it, and the light must shine into it, because this is the purpose of that light, the destiny of that light. Now the dark “world order”
is clearly Satan’s kingdom on earth. The Greek noun κόσμος always implied an ordered system and it was often used as an ecclesiastical term referring to Satan’s “world order,” to evil hierarchical kingdoms of the world that oppose God and His truths, through demonic influences. And the only reason God lets the dark world order continue to exist is to teach and train the spirits of His elect Page 321
children. So the duty of His children is to grow ever brighter, so they might shine the light of God’s truth and wisdom into the people all around them, into the darkness of Satan’s world order, in order to remove the darkness all around them. They bring daylight to God’s property on earth. This is their destiny, to become God’s light and overcome the darkness, as their training for life in heaven above.
Let me repeat: “He who [deliberately practises] sins is of the devil, for the devil has been sinning from the beginning. To this end the Son of God was revealed, that He might destroy the works of the devil” (I John 3:8, WEB). Jesus “was revealed” (ἐφανερώθη) to His elect for the purpose of God, so these elect might become His disciples for life, so their spirits might begin and continue in a lifelong process of being taught and trained by the Holy Spirit of Jesus, prepared on earth for the rigours of their future lives in heaven. This training involves works commanded and directed by Jesus. Jesus does God’s just works in us and through us for this purpose, “so that He might undo the works of the devil” (ἵνα λύσῃ τὰ ἔργα τοῦ διαβόλου). Jesus causes us to be a light that shines into the darkness of Satan’s world order, to drive all that darkness away. For all that darkness consists of the lies and delusions which the devil pours into the hearts of the people enslaved by his kingdom. Those dark lies and delusions are the principal works done by the devil, and by all the other loveless demons he has dragged into earthly captivity with him. Now, in Christ, we work together as His body, as His one and only true priesthood on earth, as His true church of Israel, to undo those lies and delusions.
All the sins and crimes on earth are ultimately caused by those inner spiritual lies and delusions put in the hearts of sinners and criminals. First comes the lie or delusion, to the mind of the spirit in the heart. Then the physical sin or crime of the flesh occurs. First a lying spirit, either a human being’s spirit or a demonic spirit, will confuse, anger, distract, delude or bind the spirit. Then the deceived one acts through the flesh to commit a sin or crime. So our principal work is to undo those lies and delusions put into the minds of spirits. Of course, the spirits born of Satan will always prefer the lies and delusions of their father, and will never respond to any truths. For they love the darkness more than the light. So that kind of person can only be restrained by laws and penalties for the flesh. Yet Satan’s world order has also taken captive many elect souls, whose spirits were born of the heavenly Father. And those elect only practise sins and crimes because their spirits have been filled with dark lies and delusions originating from the devil. Thus, when Jesus’ enlightened disciples shine the light of God’s truth, wisdom and love into their hearts, the minds of those elect spirits respond. Those lost elect will soon repent into that light of truth, and His light will drive away the darkness within them.
So we must be careful to give them only God’s real light through our love for them, the genuine truth and wisdom that our spirits actually receive directly from Jesus’ Spirit. And, as God told us through John: “My little children, let’s not love in word only, neither with the tongue only, but in deed and
truth” (I John 3:18, WEB). God’s light is truth that must be granted by Jesus Himself, worked by Him into elect spirits, through His power and God-like, just and pure love. We must remember this and not think we can do this work ourselves. Rather, we can merely be the agents or instruments of Jesus, His servants used by Him in His works of waking, teaching and training some of the sleeping or unconscious elect. And this is why we simply speak the small array of the few truths He grants to each of us, and why we diligently do the small tasks He assigns to each, for one’s training. Then, as His people collectively, and as the cells of His entire body on earth, we will see Jesus save the elect.
But, in our day, many churches use shallow, carnal methods of Satan’s world order to trick souls into thinking they are saved by God, so those captive souls will attend their churches and tithe. Because those churches are merely subject kingdoms within the devil’s kingdom, they use the deceptive and cunning marketing techniques and methods of the dark world order, to lure inept, ignorant, infantile elect souls into their fold. They train and hire motivational speakers, professional musicians and Page 322
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other kinds of frauds to tempt the flesh of the elect, to deceive them through emotions like fear and guilt worked into their mind of flesh. Then their physical rituals turn the attention of the elect flesh away from the warnings voiced by their elect spirits in the chambers of their souls, until those elect learn to call their far more honest and rational spirits foolish and useless, then totally ignore their own spirits and all the counsel of God whispered to their spirits. The appeals of fake churches to their flesh causes their flesh to take their spirits captive, so their elect spirits remain bound, hooded and unable to hear and heed Jesus as His disciples. Fortunately, Jesus not only owns that flesh, but can also open the doors to their elect souls whenever He pleases. So He will knock on the doors of those captured souls, with the truths and deeds of His faithful ones. But, if those elect have become so fearful in the flesh that they will not let Jesus inside, Jesus can simply open their souls and hearts, enter inside, and speak with those elect spirits, as His hand silences every objection from their flesh.
The only thing those churches offer the people is yet another delusion to relieve guilty emotions of the flesh, and the very fears which they themselves instilled within their minds of flesh. All those fake churches offer to alleviate those negative emotions of the flesh are more lies, the kinds that stir up euphoric feelings in the mind of flesh, so their victims will be temporarily deluded into believing that God has freed them from guilt, and He will grant victory over their fake enemies, according to the wills of their great human gods ruling over them. But they never truly release their spirits from guilt or fear, since those fake churches need those elect to remain chained to them with the bonds of guilt and fear. Their paid deceivers maintain their inner spiritual darkness, or exchange one darkness for another, because all their delusions and lies causing guilt and fear keep those dupes enslaved to them. Thus, if the elect want to build God’s kingdom of light, freedom, equity, justice and God-like love on earth, we must not be like those deceivers. We must not enslave through lies and delusions which build up the Satan’s dark kingdom of the world order. We must never trick souls into thinking they are saved through “magic” sacraments, a “magic” sinner’s prayer, or anything else. Rather, we must speak God’s genuine truths, then our spirits must actually engage in the real works of the real Jesus, through the genuine love that our spirits learn as disciples being taught and trained by Jesus.
To shine as a true light, able to actually penetrate and overcome the spiritual darkness of demonic lies and delusions, we must actually speak the truths that Jesus whispers directly to our elect spirits, and limit ourselves to the words that Jesus commands us to utter, then only speak when, where and to whom He commands. Our hearts must listen to Jesus, so we might know when we should be silent and when we should voice His effective truths and wisdom. Otherwise, we will accomplish almost nothing, and may even unnecessarily stir up trouble from the non-elect. So now let each individual elect heart do the small good works Jesus calls each one to do, “from whom all the body, being fitted and knit together through that which every joint supplies, according to the working in measure of each individual part, makes the body increase to the building up of itself in love” (Eph. 4:16, WEB).
In this way, as the entire body of the priesthood of Jesus Christ, we will shine into the dark lies and delusions that the devil pours into the minds of captive elect. This is the only way to overcome that darkness in them, the only way to replace that darkness of demons with genuine light from our God.
Only Jesus can be the Head of His own body. Only Jesus can enable all the limbs and internal parts of His body to effectively function, to accomplish all that He desires. We can only speak and work together, with one mind to fulfill thee one good purpose, in Jesus. Let us learn one truth from Jesus Christ’s mind and for His purpose. In this, we will burn away lies and delusions, and nullify all the works of the devil. Once His light exposes and dissolves dark lies and delusions, the entire kingdom of the devil perishes. If we overcome the root cause of sins and crimes inside the deceived elect, they will stop worshipping human gods and cease their works for Satan’s world order. Then Jesus, our Page 323
God, will use His power to build up His kingdom on earth through those previously lost elect and us, to the point where His army shall storm the very gates of hell. Jesus will work through us until we drive all Satan’s minions from our lands, back into their dysfunctional father’s arms, nullifying all the power of that devil’s dark world order. Our principal work in this war against Satan’s kingdom is entirely spiritual. And, if we fight our battles in Christ from the beginning, according to His wisdom against demonic lies, we will not need to fight physical wars, and never need propaganda designed to deceive souls into violently attacking physically identifiable human beings. Our principal work is to let our spirits trust Jesus in all He teaches directly to our spirits, and to faithfully do His loving, wise and just works for the training of our spirits. For only Jesus can make our words and works effective.
Jesus is the only source of the “light destining [the destruction of darkness in] the world order.” And we can only be this light in Him. Of course, each individual awakened elect spirit also bears the duty of shining Christ’s light in a unique way, through the particular words and works Jesus calls one to say and do. Each individual is a lantern in a city of lights, in complete unity of purpose with all the other elect siblings whom Jesus has gathered into His priesthood of Israel. Only if we shine together, as one body guided and empowered by our one Head, will we become a city set upon a high hill overlooking the plains stretching below into the night. Now God required the whole land to endure a very long night, with nothing but the light of His priesthood of Israel. So His elect must practise their due diligence as Christ’s disciples, or their lands will have no light at all. Then, in total darkness, the people will destroy themselves. So let us now shine. And there is much hope in doing these works of light. For the dawning of the day of Christ’s return will soon occur. At that time, the lights of some early rising citizens in this city will already be turned on, to prepare for the works of that day. But, at the dawn, He will shine through all, so brightly that not even one corner of the land will remain dark.
Then Jesus also warned His disciples, the body of elect who spoke His words and did His works, that: “A city, being laid upon a hill, is not able to hide.” (Mat. 5:14b, from: οὐ δύναται πόλις
κρυβῆναι ἐπάνω ὄρους κειμένη, SBLGNT). The implication here was that the city wanted to hide from an enemy seeking to destroy it, but was not able. The enemy was always able to find them, whenever that enemy wanted to attack them. For darkness is the enemy’s natural habitat, and they can see best in the dark, since light blinds them. Therefore, the only way this kind of city can survive continuous attacks of that enemy is to shine their light. This is God’s powerful defensive plan and how He trains every soul in His kingdom to effectively guard that city. Every citizen must be able to lift up God’s light. The whole city, the true church, must hold their lamps, “and the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not taken it down” (John 1:5, from: καὶ τὸ φῶς ἐν τῇ σκοτίᾳ φαίνει, καὶ ἡ σκοτία αὐτὸ οὐ κατέλαβεν, SBLGNT). If we become a body of true believers, a people who actually trust God’s intended meaning of His Word, as taught directly to our elect spirits by the Holy Spirit of Jesus, and our church also heeds the call of Jesus to do His loving, wise, just works for the training of our spirits, the dark world order will not be able to take down our light and extinguish it.
Of course, this does not mean that the dark world order, while God allows it to exist on earth, will not try to attack the body of Christ’s awakened elect. In fact, they will never stop attacking the true priesthood of Israel, until the very moment Jesus returns to cast Satan, all other demonic spirits and all the non-elect into the pit of hell for a thousand years. And some of those belonging to Satan will be allowed to kill the flesh of some bearers of that light—although the awakened elect will never see true death, since their spirits shall remain entirely awake, actively thinking and alive for all eternity.
Remember, the elect have never lost even one of their own loved ones. Our spirits see our beloved deceased elect fathers, mothers, brothers, sisters and children every day, standing behind Jesus, just an arm’s reach from us. Although the flesh of the elect may die, their light consists of concepts or Page 324
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understandings of true spiritual and moral principles which God forever set and established within their spirits, while they lived on the temporary earth. And that light is even brighter in their eternal home of heaven. Furthermore, if the elect release that light on the earth, that light will continue to shine into the darkness on earth even after their deaths, will continue to drive away the darkness, in a way that the darkness cannot penetrate or extinguish. That light will freely shine wherever Jesus wants it to, burning away every shadow of lies and delusions that get in its way. Yes, the devil managed to kill the flesh of many prophets and apostles, and God allowed it, so they could rest at home. For God appointed all to shed their bodies of flesh. Nevertheless, the pure light God chose to let shine into the world, through those servants of His, has remained on earth. Their words in their original languages are still with us. The light released on earth through them still shines, and the world order has never been able to stop that light from penetrating into its dark lies and delusions.
Then that light, which God released in the Scriptures through His prophets and apostles, continued to grow in brightness and intensity throughout history. The elect demanded real truth, and the power of God’s loving, wise, just and immutable principles. So God let that light grow for them. We now see principles of justice, such as care for the needy and for God’s creations, become standards that the world will no longer relinquish for themselves or others. The people now condemn those following the principles of greed and self-indulgence, all who practise a psychopathic exploitation of the poor, or the destruction of life in God’s creations. Many souls around the world now desire the biblical model of a Christian democracy, ruled by God through His just laws, where every sinner is treated equally, and where repentance into the truth is rewarded with mercy. But, at the same time, the dark world order has raised up more fake churches and cultic kingdoms, all proclaiming Satan’s darkness of lies and delusions against the light of God. As it is growing brighter outside, the devil is calling his minions to build ever more windowless dungeons and dig bigger caves so they can hide both themselves and their captives, from Christ’s light. Yet it is true that darkness cannot take down, seize and overcome His light in any way. All the power of Satan and his kingdom cannot stop God’s light from shining in this world, once He releases it. Nor should the bright light of Christ’s priesthood of the church try to hide themselves from Satan’s world order. Rather, we seek to overcome them and their darkness. And the priesthood of awakened elect cannot hide. It is impossible for their gleaming city on a high hill to not be seen from the darkness of the plains below. Thus, we simply accept that the devil’s world order will find and attack us incessantly. We only try to remain as brightly lit as Jesus allows. Then He will eternally save us, and use His loving, just elect to overcome them, since an attack on any part of His body is an attack on His whole body. And He shall defend mightily.
Jesus calls His church to allow each individual elect soul in His city to do one’s own part in shining His light into the world. His true elders do not stifle the abilities of each awakened elect, even the least of them, to speak the truths He taught their spirits, nor stop any from doing the works of God.
On the contrary, true elders are brothers sent to help each gleam brightly in the darkness of the world order. He instructed His faithful disciples: “Neither do you people light a lamp and place it under the bushel basket, but upon the lamp stand, and it shines for all those in the dark” (Mat. 5:15, from: οὐδὲ
καίουσιν λύχνον καὶ τιθέασιν αὐτὸν ὑπὸ τὸν μόδιον ἀλλʼ ἐπὶ τὴν λυχνίαν, καὶ λάμπει πᾶσιν τοῖς ἐν
τῇ οἰκίᾳ, SBLGNT). True churches were never to be pagan Roman-like institutions, where everyone passively listened to lectures of an inordinately esteemed human sinner, a wanna-be god, who tells them to serve him as their exalted and titled one, and give him money. Rather, the churches Jesus established would begin their Sabbath services by reading the Scriptures. Then all the male members partook in an interactive teaching session, where all had a voice. Then God also called, taught, trained and raised up a number of older men to be elders in each church, where some were teaching Page 325