Matthew wrote: “The report about Him went out into all Syria.... Great multitudes from Galilee, Decapolis, Jerusalem, Judea and from beyond the Jordan fol
lowed H
im .” Here ἠκολούθησαν αὐτῷ
is translated as “[they] followed Him.” But, in general, the verb ἀκολουθέω refers to following after someone who leads. And, in the context of following after Jesus, a teacher, it actually means “to follow [Him] as a disciple” (BDAG3). Here Matthew was commenting on how many elect souls became disciples of Jesus. And he was just stating a plain fact, although he did seem to also marvel at how many were drawn to Jesus, even many elect among the Gentiles in Syria to the north and from the Decapolis (“Ten Cities”), east of the Jordan. But, as we read this Gospel, and the rest of the Bible, we see that Jesus never sought fame, and certainly did not try to leverage fame into financial gain! Matthew did not, in any way, imply any such thing, although many big media preachers like to interpret it that way. When we look at what our God Jesus actually did, throughout His ministry in a body of flesh on earth, we see that His first and foremost intention was to gather disciples, to teach and train elect souls in the ways of God. And the main reason the elect were so attracted to Jesus was because He was such a perfect Teacher of these truths, not because they were impressed by all His miracles. For these elect Jews saw how the wise truths taught by Jesus set their spirits free from the lies and delusions of the devil. These elect contrasted the truths from Jesus with the lies of the many Page 254
Mat. 4:23-25, Jesus in Galilee
false teachers striving to bind their lives into slavery, serving human gods. In Jesus, they found truths that freed their lives, that made their lives truly meaningful and abundant, which bound their hearts together in joyous and fruitful love, which caused their spirits to serve the true God through their hearts’ desires, as true citizens of God’s kingdom. This meant everything to them. Miracles were merely an aspect of the love they felt and received from their Lord, directly from the heart of Jesus.
Mat. 5:1-12,
Christ’s Eight Blessings
“Seeing the multitudes, He went up onto the mountain. When He had sat down, His disciples came to Him. He opened His mouth and taught them, saying,
“‘Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven.
“‘Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted.
“‘Blessed are the gentle, for they shall inherit the earth.
“‘Blessed are those who hunger and thirst after righteousness, for they shall be filled.
“‘Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy.
“‘Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God.
“‘Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called children of God.
“‘Blessed are those who have been persecuted for righteousness’ sake, for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven. Blessed are you when people reproach you, persecute you, and say all kinds of evil against you falsely, for My sake. Rejoice, and be exceedingly glad, for great is your reward in heaven. For that is how they persecuted the prophets who were before you.’”
(Mat. 4:1-12, WEB).
These eight blessings are often called “beatitudes” because the Latin word “beatitudo” referred to a state of being happy and fortunate. Yet all these blessings are a direct contradiction of everything which the world order, especially the Latin Roman Empire, considered necessary, in order to possess a state of happiness in fortunate circumstances. So these eight blessings are actually the opposites of what the Romans, and most of the other pagans, would call “beatitudes.” To Gentile Greek-speaking people, that noun, “beatitudo,” usually implied being happy as an effect of having physical things, especially enough wealth to never worry about one’s needs and to provide for any emergencies. So it implied being free from financial losses, maintaining pride, indulging in whatever sinful pleasures one desired, wielding enough power to crush enemies, possessing coveted property and clothing to indicate one’s higher status, an ability to hire soldiers to intimidate trespassers, plunder the weak and protect oneself from others, as well as to be completely free from any kind of reproach or bad report.
But Jesus proclaimed these blessings directly against all that the Latin word “beatitude” might imply.
Jesus spoke of inner blessings for human spirits from God, and proclaimed these to those who would never see any pagan “beatitudes.” Each of these eight proclamations begins with a nominative plural form of the adjective μακάριος, which had a secular meaning, but also a well-known ecclesiastical meaning. And Jesus obviously used this adjective in the sense of its ecclesiastical meaning. Here it refers to a spirit’s state of joy, as a result of a fully gratifying spiritual life that is entirely pleasing to God, with a heart full of love for God and for others. As with the true prophets of God, this state of being truly blessed by God did not depend on outward circumstances, nor anything of the flesh, but Page 255
solely upon a deep and close relationship between one’s own spirit and God’s Spirit. Some physical circumstances can build up and enhance this inner joy of the spirit, and one’s relationship with God, although those physical circumstances usually involved trials of the flesh, such as those mentioned in these eight blessings, not money, power and status in Satan’s world order. Jesus listed only trials of the flesh, the kinds of things which cause an elect spirit to more fervently seek and rely upon God.
Paul once said, “we ourselves have had the sentence of death within ourselves, that we should not trust in ourselves, but in God who raises the dead” (II Cor. 1:9, WEB). All troubles of the flesh do this work in us. They cause us to turn away from relying on our flesh or things of flesh, allowing our spirits to gain control over our lives as our spirits seek the Spirit of God. As our spirits frequently do this, we begin to develop an ever closer relationship with our God, learn to trust and love Him, then walk according to faith in Him. So, if this is the effect of fleshy troubles, they are actually good for us, even in an eternal way. Our fleshy troubles develop, enhance and grow salvation in our spirits.
For the Poor
Christ’s first spiritual blessing was for those suffering from the most common tribulation of the flesh.
That is, He blessed the poor, the souls struggling to put food on the table and clothing on the backs of their children: “The poor are blessed, in the spirit, because the kingdom of the heavens is theirs”
(Mat. 5:3, from: Μακάριοι οἱ πτωχοὶ τῷ πνεύματι, ὅτι αὐτῶν ἐστιν ἡ βασιλεία τῶν οὐρανῶν, SBLGNT). Clearly, the articular nominative plural form of the Greek noun πτωχός is the subject of the clause, and it refers to those who are physically impoverished. The anarthrous nominative plural adjective at the beginning of the clause is the subject predicate. Then the linking verb between the noun and the adjective is implied. After this, the articular dative form of πνεῦμα is singular. So the singular does not modify the plural noun, that has a different article in front of it. The dative form of πνεῦμα indicates the place where a state of being blessed occurs in the lives of impoverished ones.
That is, the state of being blessed occurs “in the spirit.” Next, Jesus gave a purpose for this state of being blessed in the spirit, and told us why God allowed so many to remain in poverty. The reason is because God’s infinitely wealthy kingdom of the “heavens” (plural, meaning both His kingdom of loving righteousness and justice on earth and His more perfect eternal spiritual kingdom in heaven) will be inherited by these blessed poor ones. For God keeps His elect heirs of heaven away from Satan’s invention of money and the materialism of his world order, prevents them from relying on money to solve their problems, and certainly forbids His children, created in His image, from ever exploiting their own siblings through financial means, and destroying the world as wanna-be gods.
Now we should address false interpretations. Some say Jesus referred to “spiritually impoverished”
souls, not to physically impoverished souls. That is definitely not true! For one thing, their doctrine of being “poor in spirit” simply use the like “spirit” or “spiritual” with Platonic definitions. They think spirits are ethereal “forces,” not entities more real than material flesh. And they tend to define
“spiritual poverty” as some kind of humility that human gods with “free will” might arrogantly and outwardly display for publicity purposes. So they use this beatitude in a purely carnal attempt to sound more spiritual and godly, although their false doctrines about “spirituality” are actually far more carnal and materialistic than plain, ordinary hedonism. The extremely fleshy and materialistic Romans, in their completely materialistic cults, often used allegorical and figurative language to artificially appear to be more deep, wise and spiritual, as they murdered, pillaged, enslaved, raped and exploited their siblings for their own profit and pleasures. But we must not be fooled by all that.
The demonic Roman cult of Middle Platonism began to interpret Jesus’ words as “poor in spirit” as a defence of their wealthy and psychopathic elites. The problem with this was that, in the first century, Page 256
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neither Jesus, nor any of the true Jews and Christians, condoned any of the carnal materialism of the devil’s four humanistic kingdoms (Rome, Greece, Persia and Babylon). Those who trusted in the real God and in God’s own interpretation of His Word, had real elect spirits that truly loved others and would not allow exploitation by the rich, if they could stop it. So these true elect believed that an
“poor spirit” was not the kind of spirit that God ever blessed, since an “impoverished spirit” is the opposite of a good and humble spirit enriched by God’s wisdom and love. To real disciples of Jesus, a “poor spirit” was evil and proud. If one walked according to the flesh, always seeking more wealth, power, sexual gratification and other rewards of Satan’s world order, then one’s spirit was said to be impoverished, since that one’s spirit was unable to love, empathize, or show mercy and compassion.
Only the “rich in spirit” were humble, contrite, empathetic, merciful, compassionate just and loving, because those ones knew and loved God in a way that was willing to give up their lives and all they owned for His sake. None but the “rich” and blessed in their elect spirits served God’s people and His creations with all their hearts. Furthermore, other Scriptures confirm that Jesus was indicating the physically impoverished here, people who made up more than eighty percent of the population at that time. This fact is indisputable, since all the true prophets and apostles were very clear about this: 1. First look at the parallel passage in Luke 6:20: “Blessed are you who are poor, for yours is the Kingdom of God” (WEB). Here Luke directly contrasted this with these woes: “But woe to you who are rich! For you have received your consolation. Woe to you, you who are full now, for you will be hungry” (Luke 6:24-25a, WEB). Since the rich he was referring to were those who were not physically hungry while they lived on earth, but were those to whom men on earth gave them their “consolation” (παράκλησις, “act of emboldening another in belief or course of action, encouragement, exhortation; strong request, appeal, request; lifting of another’s spirits, comfort, consolation,” BDAG3), those rich ones were cursed by God. In contrast, the poor who hunger on earth, who receive no “consolation” from Satan’s world order, are blessed with the consolation of God and His beloved elect. So Luke realized that Jesus was talking about the physically impoverished souls standing on that mountain. As for the physically rich minority, Jesus gave the opposite of a blessing to their self-indulgent lives. These woes for the rich are curses. Jesus was indicating how, after their flesh dies, and they face the judgment of their Owner and God, their spirits will definitely and eternally pay for their obsession with things of the flesh, their incessant focus on rewards for the flesh, since literally all those pleasures of the flesh were actually God’s property, stolen from God.
2. James, the brother of Jesus, also referenced these words of Jesus (from Mat. 5:3), and he interpreted Christ’s words about the “poor” as meaning the physically impoverished. For He said: “Listen, my beloved brothers. D
idn’t God choose those who are poo
r in this world to be
r ich in faith , and heirs of the Kingdom w
hich He promised to those who love Him ? But you
have dishonored the poor man. Don’t the rich oppress you, and personally drag you before the courts? Don’t they blaspheme the honorable name by which you are called?” (James 2:5-7, WEB). In context, James is clearly speaking about earth’s poor people who do not have
“gold rings” and “fine apparel,” but are dressed in “filthy clothes.” Those physically “poor in this world” are those whom Jesus called the heirs of God’s eternal kingdom of the heavens, those who would inherit God’s lands on earth and in heaven. Physically impoverished elect ones in “filthy clothes” were also those whom God chose to make “rich in faith.” And this kind of faith refers to the kind in the mind of a spirit, not in a mind of flesh. It is the spirit’s trust and confidence in God and in God’s words. Meanwhile, the rich are actually unfaithful, since they trust in their money and the ways of Satan’s world order, not in God, nor in any of Page 257
God’s just, equitable, loving ways. Literally all the rich are thieves who steal from God, by manipulating souls with Satan’s invention of money, by causing people to serve them instead of the rest of God’s creation, so they can get their self-indulgent desires while others starve and suffer from want. For God provided enough resources for all upon the earth, and enough knowledge to provide an equitable and good life for everyone, including wildlife, even with an abundance left over. But the rich sabotage the works that could be done for God and His creation, just so they can gain more stolen wealth. And the rich do worse than these deadly and murderous sins as well. Every kind of sin is committed by them. The rich sin far more frequently and more wickedly than the poor. Of course, there is no partiality in God. Our God will bless all whose spirits truly repent into the wise, just, equitable truths of God, into the kind of true wisdom that builds up His loving kingdom on this earth. But do the rich ever truly repent? Yes, some hype up some emotions in their minds of flesh, at times. Yet you will seldom ever see a rich person bear true fruits of loving, wise, just, equitable words or deeds.
Therefore, God definitely grants far more blessings of the spirit to the physically poor souls.
3. At the very beginning of His ministry on earth, Jesus proclaimed: “The Spirit of the Lord is on Me, because H e has anointed M e to preach good news to the poor . He has sent me to heal the broken hearted, to proclaim release to the captives, recovering of sight to the blind, to deliver those who are crushed, and to proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord” (Luke 4:18-19, WEB). And here Jesus was quoting a prophecy about the Messiah from the Old Covenant Scriptures (i.e., from Is. 61:1-3), because all God’s words in Old Covenant times also gave blessings for the physically poor while cursed wealthy exploiters. So the first and foremost task of Jesus, our God, was to preach the “good news” or Gospel, that is, to teach about His New Covenant salvation. Yet the principal recipients of this salvation were to be the poor in the land, since only the elect spirits of these humbled ones were able to develop enough trust in God to actually heed the teachings of His Holy Spirit, and gain enough confidence in God to actually do His works of training. Most of the elect spirits who were able to mature and grow this kind of faith were physically impoverished, and learned to rely on God for all the matters of life, and could not depend upon Satan’s invention of money. Most physically poor were “broken hearted,” and walked among the “broken hearted.” For the wealthy elite had imprisoned or enslaved them and their loved ones, as “captives” made “blind.” The poor were the contrite of heart whose fleshy pride was “crushed.” Therefore, Jesus was fulfilling God’s mission of nullifying the devil’s works of building hierarchies of human gods, and replacing their unjust systems with just, equitable, flat organizational structures that God had designed for all families of mankind. Jesus came to bring God’s kingdom to all the poor on earth, just as God had always done from the beginning. Everything related to Jesus revolved around the poor. Jesus’ earthly parents were so poor that they had to sacrifice doves at His circumcision. On the day Jesus was born, God called shepherds, the most poor and despised outcasts in the land, to witness His birth, since Jesus was also to be a poor and despised Good Shepherd. And notice how God did not call any of the most prominent, widely renowned Bible scholars in the world to witness the Messiah’s birth, although all those scholars lived about six miles away, in Jerusalem. For those scholars were all too busy trying to make God’s words more appealing to the rich, were placating Satan and the world order to obtain money.
4. To the church at Laodicea, Jesus said: “So, because you are lukewarm, and neither hot nor cold, I will vomit you out of My mouth. Because you say, ‘I am rich, and have gotten riches, and have need of nothing;’ and don’
t know that you are the wretched one, miserable, poor ,
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blind, and naked; I counsel you to buy from me gold refined by fire, that you may become rich; and white garments, that you may clothe yourself, and that the shame of your nakedness may not be revealed; and eye salve to anoint your eyes, that you may see” (Rev. 3:16-18, WEB). Here Jesus was clearly contrasting the materially wealthy, whose spirits were poor and wretched, with the physically impoverished, whose spirits were rich and blessed. Jesus was declaring that “Christians” who sought to become physically wealthy became spiritually wretched, miserable, poor, blind, and naked. Here is a clear and obvious connection between the wealth of the flesh and the poverty of the spirit. So the “poor/impoverished of spirit” are the unloving, arrogant and cursed of the world. Being “poor in the spirit” definitely is not a good thing! For all works of God, all that is done by God’s priesthood of His church, must be done through the spirit. Thus, an impoverished spirit can only do “lukewarm” works. After all, a “poor” spirit has very little trust or faith in God, since it trusts in money. A “poor” spirit has no strength, power, joy or ability granted by the Spirit of God, since the mind of flesh is suppressing that spirit, turning to things of the flesh, to the things of Satan’s world order. A
“poor” spirit cannot receive truth, which is the fabric in all garments of loving righteousness that Jesus grants all His faithful disciples. So a poor spirit is blind and naked, unable to ever effectively use either the spiritual or physical resources that God grants. And, soon, if those poor spirits do not repent into God’s truth, those rich people shall be vomited out of Jesus’
mouth, abandoned to Satan, to the one they trust most—so their minds of flesh may become deluded by his lies within his world order. What all the elect truly need is the “gold” of God’s truth and wisdom, which is refined and purified by “fire,” by suffering in the flesh. Then their spirits will be “rich.” Then Jesus will dress their spirits in white garments of true and just love, build real desires for equitable righteousness in their spirits, so they do not stand naked and ashamed before the holy ones in God’s kingdom. Throughout this process, God opens the blind eyes of some worldly wealthy spirits, those eyes swollen shut by Satan’s blows, and heals them with the “eye salve” of His Holy Spirit. Jesus causes some earthly rich to repent into the truth of what they are actually doing to their siblings in mankind, and what God now wants them to do. But most love Satan and the rewards of that devil’s world order to heed the calling of Jesus. And each day the calling of Jesus for repentance gets louder and clearer, for the end of Satan’s world order is drawing near. So it is time to cast out fake preachers of the wealthy. Now it is time to let the rich and upper-middle-class hear this warning and repent.
Once we actually know God’s intended meaning of His words spoken through our Messiah, we can begin to realize that Jesus simply stated a clearly evident fact in this first “beatitude.” The physically impoverished people of this earth are actually and truly blessed, since their spirits are almost forced to turn to God whenever they must face their many troubles of the flesh. And, if they have any true preachers of God’s truths and wisdom to serve them, their spirits grow in love and saving faith. As they are exploited and abused by arrogant rich damned souls, who are the most preferred children of Satan in his unjust world order, they then rise up to undo Satan’s works, and to build up God’s just, loving kingdom on earth. However, throughout church history, most preachers have severely and greedily compromised Christ’s messages of blessings for the poor, even as they helped the rich crush the poor through their ruthless false teachings. Many preachers have spent their entire lives serving Satan, by providing “consolations” for the rich, so they too could gain more money for themselves.
This is why churches invented false doctrines, why they love to claim that Jesus was merely talking about the “spiritually poor” in this first beatitude. This is why they spend so much time explaining how the worldly rich can be blessed too, if they use their “free will” to pretend to be humble, while Page 259
they are busily exploiting their siblings for financial gain. But I have seen those who say Jesus was talking about a “poverty of the spirit” here, and I know they teach this solely because they do not want to offend the rich and upper-middle-class members of their churches, especially those who tithe and donate money for their trips to tropical paradises for “Bible conferences.” They simply tell them:
“As long as your spirit knows it is needy and requires you to go to church every Sunday, where you can give your generous tithes, God will bless you and keep you rich, then send you to heaven after you die.” But these same preachers snub the poor, because their arrogant rich members demand that they must receive the bulk of the preachers time and attention, since they paid for it. So none of those preachers have any real time do do God’s true works, such as proclaiming the true Gospel or helping the needy. For waste need all their time and energy on their carnal works of inventing the kinds of false teachings that will appease the rich, who contribute to their “ministry.” Thus, these false preachers teach and practise the exact opposite of what this first blessing of Jesus proclaimed.
And not one of these fake preachers, nor their rich church members, is willing to repent into truth.
Let me interject with a little experience related to this first blessing. At one time, I was taken by an indigenous friend to visit and help an indigenous, unwed mother living in Edmonton, since she was in danger of being evicted and had no money. Because I was also very poor then (my wife, two children and I were living on about $500 to $1,000 per month), I could not do much for her in terms of providing rent money. But, since she had been attending a very large and wealthy Pentecostal church, I went to them. In the old days, some Pentecostals were known for helping the needy, and most members were poor themselves. Yet, by the early 90’s, all this had changed. By that time in my life, I was quite familiar with many different churches, mostly evangelical, since I was publishing a province-wide Christian tabloid. So I thought this mega-church might listen to me. When I got there, a secretary called one of several nicely dressed junior pastors. He listened for a minute, but began to brush us off, as soon as he realized we were asking them to help an indigenous unwed mother. And I got the feeling that the only reason he listened to me was because I was white and respected by other white people. And, even to this day, decades later, I remember one remark he had made: “What do you think we are? A charity!” Well, actually, yes, I did think that their church, and every single other church that claims to serve Jesus, is indeed a charity! So I then politely asked if I could speak to the senior pastor, but was told that he did not have time for nonsense like that. So was this a true church?
If our spirits desire the genuine New Covenant salvation of Jesus, our Messiah and our God, we must learn to trust in Him and in His words. If we do not, we can make no legitimate claim to be Christians of any kind. And, no matter how many fake Christians choose to gather together, they cannot call themselves a true church, even if they build multi-million dollar buildings with very big crosses on them. And, just as it was in ancient Israel, as well as throughout history, there are now many fake churches lining our streets. In fact, most churches are fakes, and most now even like to demonize charitable works, by attributing all charitable works to a secular “social gospel,” or to a political form of communism or socialism practised by the devil’s world order. Most of the time, most churches will at least pretend to care for the poor, since everyone knows that God commanded His people to do so. But, eventually, those fake churches would find ways to deceive the people into believing that God cared nothing for dirty, impoverished souls, and that only the rich had been blessed by God. Thus, those fake churches were actually calling Satan by the name of God, because it was Satan who rewarded those lying, sinful, loveless rich people with so much of his invention of money. God did not reward with money. And this is exactly what most fake churches are doing again in our day. Yet, every time the fake churches became so hypocritical that they trampled over the poor Page 260
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in God’s name, and proclaimed the rewards of the devil to be God’s “blessings,” God began to crush and slaughter those those fake churches. So let the fake churches remember this and be duly warned.
Of course, oppressive forms of socialism or communism should be condemned, since they simply replace one wicked elite class with another wicked elite class. And, what God calls us to do is serve one another as equal siblings, where everyone’s only Head and final decision-maker is God. But, if we should condemn communist and socialist hierarchical dictatorships and oligarchies, then we also should condemn the more ancient demonic hierarchical systems that gave birth to them, the capitalist and fascist dictatorships or oligarchies. For all those Satanic hierarchical systems are essentially the same, all merely puppet kingdoms belonging to that devil’s world order. All commit the same sins of serving money and elite human gods, and all war against the one true God. All systems based upon economic hierarchies use the same methods to coerce the majority into surrendering their freedom and spirits, so all can serve the elite flesh belonging to Satan’s most psychopathic enslaved children.
Every system that serves an elite at the expense of the majority robs from God and His creations in way that eventually destroys itself and everyone it touches. And the more effectively a demonic system is allowed to perform this kind of theft, the faster it is able to destroy all. Since economic systems are all ruthless authoritarian systems, designed for the sole benefit of the worst psychopaths, they can never become just, equitable systems that promote God-like love. But all God’s laws, which Jesus fulfills in us and through us, define just, equitable love. So literally all hierarchical economic systems, built on a foundation of Satan’s invention of the exploitative manipulation of the majority through money, are fundamentally lawless. That is, God’s kind of just, equitable, loving ways can never function in those kinds of systems, and the devil’s elite in those systems can never be limited or constrained by godly justice. The elite in all such systems can not only steal and murder with complete impunity, but are granted all the helpers they need to steal and murder in the most effective ways possible. The only way to build a just, equitable system is to follow God’s biblical blueprints.
God’s Word commanded democracies where there are no human gods ruling over their siblings. All were to choose or elect those whom God had chosen for kinds of decision-making roles needed by the communities and extended families. That is, elders and other mature, responsible souls had to vet those who might be qualified for any position, to see if God had indeed made them able and willing to serve the people in God’s name, sacrificially and with the courage to do what God commanded his or her spirit to do. These are the kinds of systems God wants in our churches and secular governing bodies, just, equitable, merciful, loving systems which are able to care for all the most vulnerable, impoverished people in it, because literally everyone will become vulnerable at one time or another.
All the elect who love the real Jesus and heed His words, know that all family, church and secular government workers are simply equal siblings. All are God’s servants like everyone else. And our governing authorities at the highest levels are the servants of all, the kinds of servants who wait on tables and do His household chores (θεοῦ διάκονός, Rom. 13:4). Government workers were even called God’s religious ministers, the kinds of servants who dedicate their lives to God’s good works of mercy, justice and physical providence (λειτουργοὶ θεοῦ, Rom. 13:6). So even all of the secular governments are called to serve God, and do what even churches refuse to do in our day. One of the main reasons God allows governments to collect taxes is so they can provide for the needy. Secular servants of God must also provide real justice, by teaching sinners to repent and by suppressing sins of the unrepentant who will not stop harming or exploiting others. Then churches, the priesthoods of God, are not only supposed to do all these same things, but in a much deeper, more thorough, more wise and more biblical way, as God’s assistants and as examples to God’s secular servants. This is God’s Law, which Jesus fulfills in and through literally all the elect He actually saves through faith.
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Also, God-approved secular governments must rule over people following various religions and creeds. So God only allows them to judge according to a narrow and limited subset of His natural laws. And even the truly awakened elect disciples of Jesus do not make any demands upon any of their unbelieving neighbours, except a bare minimum of God’s natural laws, such as do not murder, do not rape, do not steal in overt ways, and do not lie to harm others. For God commanded even the priesthood of His true church to keep “no company with sexual sinners; yet not at all meaning with the sexual sinners of this world, or with the covetous and extortionists, or with idolaters; for then you would have to leave the world. But as it is, I wrote to you not to associate with anyone who is called a brother who is a sexual sinner, or covetous, or an idolater, or a slanderer, or a drunkard, or an extortionist. Don’t even eat with such a person. For what have I to do with also judging those who are outside? Don’t you judge those who are within? But those who are outside, God judges” (I Cor. 5:9-13, WEB). So God wants us to ignore most carnal or natural sins of uncommitted secular souls living all around us, including those in cults and obviously fake churches. People today are just like the secular Romans living in Corinth when this Scripture was written, and this Word of God commands us to accept them as they are—including the massive number of homosexuals, lesbians, temple prostitutes and abortionists among us. Rather, we were only to expel and shun deliberate sinners from our true churches. In those days, many unbelievers came to church services, to listen to the teachings of the elders after the Scriptures had been read. But only the true believers would then serve their community together during the week days, doing everything from feeding the poor to counselling the lost. Only brothers and sisters in Christ did the works of the church. And none of these serving brothers and sisters could be liars, thieves, sexual exploiters or violent, lest they harm the very people they were helping in the name of Jesus, and thus slander His name. So God wanted the teaching elders to wisely judge all serving in His true church, according to all His Law and truth.
A true church seeks the repentance of its members into the whole truth of God, and must expel any stubbornly unrepentant sinners, especially those who teach false doctrines and refuse to accept the truths in God’s Word. But a true Christian, who is being taught and trained by Jesus, who is learning to fulfill and practise the full and true intentions of God revealed in His Law, does not place the same standards upon the people outside of the one and only true church. And, if any true Christian serves in a government ministry of any kind, that true Christian is duty-bound to keep himself or herself from making or enforcing laws which judge and condemn any outside the true church who do not know or follow God’s ways. We do not judge sexual sins that do not directly and inherently cause harm to others (including homosexuality). Likewise, sins like covetousness (including greed), mild forms of extortion (like charging interest for loans), and most forms of idolatry that do not involve deadly practices like human sacrifices or murder, are also allowed and not to be legally condemned.
In other words, God forbade His church from ever attempting to establish any kind of theocracy in any land. For only our God Jesus can rightly judge and cause literally all the elect to repent into the truth, then eliminate all demons and all the non-elect from our lands, even from the entire earth. And this is exactly what Jesus will do when He returns. But, in the meantime, infantile, weak and very ignorant human beings in our true churches are never capable of such things. And all true elders in all true churches, who are all very aware of their own stupidity, would never dare to seek any kind of secular power, would never attempt to govern their land as a fake theocracy, and certainly would not coerce unbelievers into hypocritically reciting creeds which God’s Spirit did not teach to their spirits.
But one thing the true first-century church did was minister to the poor. They fed, clothed, sheltered, counselled, trained and uplifted the lives of the impoverished into dignity, into equality with all their other siblings in God’s family of the church. And they exhorted the governments of their lands to do Page 262
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the same. They helped impoverished refugees, immigrants, widows, abandoned women, orphans, the disabled, the elderly and so on. Yet, throughout history and in our day, fake churches have rebelled against God and His words. Religious deceivers have demonized good works commanded by God in His Law, then deceive dupes by making them think all just, equitable compassionate works are done by the devil, and are forms of Satanic “communism.” Haters of God use pulpits to condemn good as evil, twist the truth into lies, and claim that God’s New Covenant works for the salvation of spirits is are merely works of an evil, man-made, “social gospel.” So they replace the real Gospel with many of their own fake gospels, and the real Creator God with many false gods, all of which they invented for the financial benefit of their own fake churches. Then they demand that the governments of their lands enact “austerity” measures, so the rich do not need to pay their fair share of taxes, even though God commands the rich to pay far more than a fair share of taxes. So wealthy fake preachers help the rich get richer, and help psychopaths in the land build up ever more power to exploit victims. Fake churches help Satan’s children gain wealth and power, at an ever greater cost to the majority, whom they trample for a profit. Due to the lies of fake churches, the masses begin to think God favours the rich who steal from Him and from His creations. For those liars tell the people that God blesses the rich and curses the poor, although God has always said the opposite. And the rich bribe these fake preachers to proclaim this lie, just as they also bribe greedy government officials to make laws that allow them to exploit the land. So haters of God in fake churches, working together with the traitors in government, help thieves steal from the poor, to make them poorer, so the rich can get richer, until these liars become so powerful that they utterly destroy their nation and themselves in Satan’s name.
It seems amazing that the people fall for this con over and over again, throughout history. One false religion will raise up psychopathic despots who destroy the land for one generation. Then a slight variation of the same false religion will thoroughly convince the very next generation that their only hope of salvation is to believe their lies and worship new psychopaths, until that next generation destroys itself too. So the cycle goes on, generation after generation, where a few elite exploiters gain temporary power and wealth as they oppress and murder the majority of the people in their land. Yet, if one looks at how those religious liars do this, and how those psychopaths rise to power, their methods are so stupidly simplistic and unoriginal that one would logically assume that it would be impossible for them to be able to con even the greatest fools in those lands. Nevertheless, they are able to deceive enough educated and mature people to take over those lands, over and over again, one generation after another. Why? It is never because those liars are so cunning. The only reason the people fall into those very obvious traps is because God blinds all those whose spirits pursue selfish ambitions for carnal gratification instead of true justice through God-like love. God keeps handing nations over to destructive, murdering psychopaths, and begins this process by first handing the nation’s corrupt people over to Satan’s kingdom. Then that devil uses false religion, preferably a humanistic form of fake churchianity, to delude those self-indulgent rebels against God. However, if even one or two percent of the people in any generation will remain half faithful to God, so their flesh allows their spirits to speak the truth through love—to expose lies with the light of truth and lead souls into an acknowledgement of God’s created historical realities—then all that pain, loss, oppression, murdering and destruction caused by false religion can be averted for that generation.
Of course, it is true that mainline churches aided and abetted murderous rebels in impoverished nations, even while they also advocated for the rights of the poor and gave much charity to the poor.
And their destructive heresies were called a “social gospel.” Yet evangelicals forget that those particular mainline churches were not condemned because they did what Jesus commands all faithful elect disciples to do for the poor. God did not condemn them because they advocated for rights of the Page 263
poor and helped them in times of need. Rather, God condemned them because they were violent and unjust, because they murdered innocent lives. So, just because they helped the poor in very evil ways, it does not mean that helping the poor is evil. For God commands His priesthood of the church to help the poor, but wants us to this with equity and justice approved by our King and Lord Jesus.
Yet our evangelicals actually teach us to carefully study the lives of the evil, so we can learn to not do what they did and to do what they did not do. They say, if the evil did good, then we should never do that kind of good ourselves. And, if the evil failed to do some kind of sin, then evangelicals must not fail to fail to commit that sin themselves. Thus, evangelicals do all things backwards. Rather than study the lives of the evil, as they do, we should study the life of our perfect, just, loving God, our Teacher Jesus. Then we should learn to do all that He did, and never do anything He would never do.
The fact is, the only two reasons that true elect believers condemn the“social gospel” of the mainline churches are: (1) because they aided and abetted ruthless murderers and did not “overcome evil with good,” as well as (2) because their “social gospel” was far more about politics than about the loving truth and wisdom which the Holy Spirit teaches to all the elect spirits whom Jesus is saving through the New Covenant promises of our heavenly Father. As for striving to uphold rights of the poor, God has never, and never will, condemn this. God’s Law, which Jesus fulfills in us and through us, clearly and unequivocally demands equitable justice and care for the poor of all races and creeds. Jesus and all His apostles demanded equity among all in the priesthood of His church, as we saw above in the words of James, the brother of Jesus. A principal work of Jesus, by which Jesus trains the elect for their salvation, is learning to provide wise, just, equitable, loving care for the needy. Likewise, Jesus also trains us for our salvation by teaching us to undo and nullify all the unjust, inequitable works of Satan and his world order. God’s Law, the words of Jesus, and every book of the New Covenant Scriptures, have all repeatedly and consistently demanded that we share all our excess with the poor, even as those words of God also soundly condemned the rich who refused to do so. So our Creator God is not a socialist or communist who establishes authoritarian governments ruled by wanna-be human gods. Yet, from the day our Creator God made the earth, He established the law requiring that all He made must be shared equitably by all, that each should only take what one needs for the day, leaving the rest for others to gather according to their own individual needs. So our God is indeed a socialist, but a socialist who commands us to form democratic governments, where all authorities and responsibilities are shared by all equal brothers and sisters. God forbids any kind of hierarchical systems of men. And, throughout history, since the days of “cavemen,” people have always thrived in democratic and socialistic families, tribes and communities, where each serves God as his or her only Head. Yes, ancients had different names for the one true God. But they all knew that same God and they all found abundant lives, full of love and joy, by following His same true immutable laws.
Now we need to address the fake “Christians” who condemn all the good and loving souls who advocate for equitable justice and provide for the poor. Those fakes slander all true disciples of the real Jesus, and call all genuine Christians “filthy communists.” So all those ruthless fakes are, in reality, actually calling the real Jesus, our God, a “filthy communist” too. Those evangelicals are slandering and condemning their God Jesus whenever they slander and condemn those who obey Him. Jesus irrevocably declared to the evangelicals of His day, to those who also refused to provide charity and justice for the needy: “Because you didn’t do it to one of the least of these, you didn’t do it to Me” (Mat. 25:45, WEB). Since those fakes did not provide necessities for their poor brothers and sisters among them, nor for the impoverished immigrants and their children, they proved that they hated their God. And now, in our day, fakes in evangelical churches still prove that they actually hate our God Jesus, every day and in every ways. For literally all true Christians continuously strive Page 264
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for just, wise, loving equity for the poor, and work toward that goal in their worship of God, since all true worship involves serving God according to His loving will, through our loving esteem for Him.
One way that literally all awakened elect spirits worship and serve their God by directly or indirectly doing works for the poor. And all treat the elect among those impoverished ones as equal brothers and sisters under God. Of course, we are not foolish, and do not allow the corrupted non-elect among the poor to exploit the innocent. Rather, we try to do our works wisely and justly, since all we do for the poor is done for God as well. But, if we selfishly refuse to help the poor, it is actually a refusal to worship God, since all true worship involves serving God through our spirits’ love and trust in God and in His words. Since His Law and words command us to provide justice and an equitable share of His creations for the poor, our worship of our God obeys these commands of God. Also, we should realize that the Father of our elect spirits is training us for works in heaven, by commanding us to do loving works for the poor on earth. So those who do not do works for the poor are clearly not being trained for eternal life heaven. Those who call such works “filthy communism” are actually judging God’s truths to be false, and condemning God Himself. They imagine themselves to be gods able to judge the Creator God, able to invent their own laws that nullify or correct God’s laws. Then, as they also condemn the innocent and reward the most psychopathic criminals in their lands, they strive to destroy God’s kingdom on earth, so they can build up and serve Satan’s kingdom on earth. They are children and servants of the devil, and are not God’s people at all, not the true elect children of God.
Most churches in the world have now exposed themselves as fake churches, and proved all of their principal members to be children of the devil. In the last century, many evangelical and mainline churches have become outright fascists, and supported demonic dictatorships, in the same way the false churches of history supported Rome, feudal lords and despots. For those not familiar with fascism, it is characterized by: (1) a totally blind loyalty to a psychopathic, deluded human god; (2) a desire to establish an autocracy headed by that human god; (3) a blind trust in all the obviously lying propaganda spewed from the deceiving mouth of that human god; (4) a severe condemnation and violent suppression of truth, by censoring every organization or individual who speaks the truth or any other words opposing the lies of their human god; (5) a violent persecution which threatens, slanders, imprisons or murders all who oppose their insanity; (6) a deluded nationalism that esteems their meritless state; (7) the creation of a state that exclusively serves their own fascists, while it oppresses and plunders all others in their land, as well as all non-fascists in other lands; (8) a total disregard and dehumanization of all who are not ruthless fascists; (9) an extremely steep hierarchical system; (10) a ruthless exploitation of their fellow fascist souls at the bottom of their hierarchy, since upper classes claim the “right” to plunder, abuse and kill lower classes; (11) a forced labour for all enslaved lower classes; (12) an extremely superficial system of determining who is designated to the lowest and highest classes of people, such as by physical appearances; (13) a radical capitalism that only rewards a chosen few fascists, with severe discrimination against non-fascists; and (14) many other kinds of slander, bullying, violence and oppression to uphold their fascist delusions and lies.
Of course, as you can see, these fascists are simply pure Romans, more Roman that all other kinds of humanists. And this is why fascism is the ultimate religious, political system promoted by the devil.
Since all these fascist practises are based on lies, while all facts and truths are denounced as fake, fascism is directly opposed to the equity, freedom and love that our God Jesus, the only Head of every true Christian, teaches and trains every elect believer’s spirit to uphold. So everything about fascism is demonic. So, although those so-called “Christian” fascists call all true Christians fakes, they are the most hypocritical, loveless, ruthless, vile fake “Christians” that have ever existed since the days of the equally demonic fake Roman churches that tortured and murdered the true Christians Page 265
of the apostolic churches. Yet literally millions of so-called “Christians” throughout the world have become fascists. For the last hundred years or so, false churches have supported fascist leaders like Hitler and Trump, and will continue to do so for years to come. Thus, none these fascist Christians have ever even begun to love God or His words, and all have lived only for the desires of their flesh.
So all have been handed over to Satan for the deluding of their minds of flesh, which will inevitably lead to their eventual destruction. All are what the Bible calls spiritual “prostitutes,” who sell their souls to demons or to Satan’s children for a few dollars or a few token favours, to please their flesh.
Another sign of their utterly fake so-called “Christianity” is their racism and their support for “white supremacists.” And that is indeed a strange delusion! For they hate “brown” people, even as they all claim to worship Jesus, with reverence for the prophets and apostles too. However, the historical fact is that Jesus, as well as literally all the prophets and all the apostles, were “brown” men. Within the eastern Greco-Roman empires, up to the end of the first century, there were basically three kinds of people. A very small minority were the “yellow” or “blond” people from the north, who were mostly seen as “barbarians” from Germany and Scandinavian countries. And this tiny minority were the only ones today’s racists would identify with, as “white” people like themselves. Then a far larger minority were the “blacks,” the very dark-skinned African people, who were distinguished from the lighter-skinned African people. And many of these were nobles, Roman citizens and soldiers in the Roman army during the time of Jesus. There were far more of these darker-skinned Africans than there were “yellow” people (i.e., now called “white” people) from the far north. Then the majority were brown-skinned people, like the middle-eastern people of our day. And many “brown” Romans discriminated against both the “black” and the “yellow” people equally. Still, more “black” people fought in the Roman armies, even in the wars that conquered most of western Europe and Britain.
However, since some African people were so much darker than the majority of Romans—especially in the eastern regions where Jesus lived—that majority of Romans, whom modern racists would now call “brown” people, were called “white” or “light” people back then. Nevertheless, almost all those who were called “white” people back then, were actually what racists would call “brown” people in our day. For those “white” people included all the brown-skinned Greeks, Italians and populations from the middle East (Persians) and the far east (Indians and Orientals). In fact, even lighter-skinned African people in Egypt and northern Africa were called “white” people. The people at the end of the trade routes, in China and Japan, were also called “white” people, together with the Persian and east Indian people. Thus, the people whom the Greco-Romans called “white” included most of the people whom modern racists in our lands now call “inferior brown people.” And many Romans actually hated the people whom racists now call “white,” since most “white” Europeans were “uncivilized”
and “uneducated,” living in warring tribes of “barbarians,” and worshipping demonic pagan gods.
So the vast majority of people in Israel and the Middle East, until modern times, were what racists would now call “brown” people. And almost none were what modern racists would call “white”
people, except a few rare barbarians from the north, who had come from very primitive tribes of hunter-gatherers. Thus, we are forced to conclude that the very Spirit of our Creator God chose to inhabit the body of a “brown” Man. Jesus looked just like all the other “brown” men of the Middle East look today, much like all the “brown” people whom racist fake Christians discriminate against in our day. Jesus looked more like the indigenous people of North America than like any of the
“white” racists in North American churches. Then we also know that many black Africans entered into the nation of Israel during their Exodus in the days of Moses, such as the Cushite woman whom Moses married after his first wife died. Furthermore, all the best aspects of civilization came from these “brown” and “black” people, including all of God’s Word and the saving grace of God’s New Page 266
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Covenant, which was established by the sacrificial works of the “brown” Messiah’s body. All the prophets and apostles were brown. All the most profitable scientific works in history, such as the breeding and domestication of all our most critical plants and animals in agriculture, came through the “brown” people as well. The agricultural methods that feed us from eternal cycles of starvation originated from “brown” people in the Middle East, far east, and the Americas. The “brown” people were, by far, the best agriculturalists in the world for most of history. While these “brown” and
“black” people were finding ways to feed us and teaching God’s Word, to enable justice and order in our communities, tribes with a genetic disorder causing their skin to be “white” had contributed nothing for the benefit of mankind. About all the “white” people ever perfected were the demonic arts of warfare, torture, murder and oppression. And “brown” and “black” people were already good at those demonic arts long before those “white” people were. So what did white races contribute?
What do they have to be proud of, as a race? Well, there is only evidence to prove that “white” races were historically inferior to all “brown” and “black” races. However, all “white” races are actually the “brown” and “black” races, but with genetic defects, since literally all the ancestors of all
“white” people had “brown” or “black” skin. Their skin only began to grow whiter less than seven thousand years ago. Thus, in reality, there is no such thing as a race, only elect and non-elect souls.
We all need to realize that people are just people, some with spirits that are able to love and some with spirits not able to love. There are elect and non-elect in every race on earth, and literally all races come from the same two original ancestors. All are brothers and sisters in the flesh, although only about half of all their spirits have the same spiritual Father in heaven. Also, the most natural, beneficial colour of a human being’s skin is brown. It is a actually a physical disorder to have white skin. So my white skin does not contribute anything of any real value whatsoever to me, as a human being. Nor does any other skin colour make anyone else more or less human or valuable. In reality, modern racism was created only a few hundred years ago, then became wildly popularized in the 19th century through the doctrines of Darwinian evolution. In ancient times, before nations became as spiritually stupid and barbaric as they are today, skin colour and race were simply physical traits that mattered nothing to God’s people. Only spirits in the heart really mattered. And all that matters in the eyes of our God is that an elect spirit is willingly and faithfully learning to love in a just, pure way.
The state of most churches today is absolutely wretched. And most will continue to be ungodly until the great revival, which will occur after the world-wide earthquakes and falling meteors of the sixth seal (as described in Revelation 6:6 to 7:17). For these sixth seal events will totally devastate all the economies of the world, casting billions of souls into extreme physical poverty. Since Satan’s money is a key tool of corruption used by fake preachers, the elect will not be blessed with a true revival until they become poor. Then the world-wide destruction and this revival will cause great and bitter divisions. The non-elect will be driven to psychopathy, as their demon owners mercilessly press them into hopeless labours, to keep the devil’s crumbling world order from collapsing altogether. Yet the devastating blows of the next seventh-seal events will thwart their futile efforts at every turn. In the meantime, Jesus will gather ever more elect into the priesthood of His church, into the true Israel.
So the dichotomization of the elect and non-elect will be completed during those last days. And Jesus will return to us after the devil’s evil messiah, the beast and his seven nations, becomes the dominant financial and military world power for seven years. But our God, the Messiah Jesus, will obliterate the beast’s kingdom at His second coming. For now, God has begun to make countless elect souls grow more spiritually mature, as He teaches them to walk according to their spirits, through a trust and confidence in Him, and in His words of freeing truth and wisdom. All these increasingly impoverished Christians will learn to share their time, strengths and resources, to Page 267
provide for all equitably. Then more and more elect will join them, until a complete and clearly discernible dichotomy is formed, dividing the elect from the non-elect, and all are ready for Jesus to return. Then all the non-elect will perish at Christ’s command, leaving only the elect to inherit God’s kingdom on earth. They shall be poor, but inherit all. And Jesus shall also bring with Him the spirits of all the awakened elect souls who died in the beast’s persecutions, by the hands of the non-elect.
He will resurrect these into bodies of flesh, so they too shall inherit His kingdom on earth. All these shall be ruled by Jesus alone, as He guides each individual elect spirit into greater truth and wisdom.
No Satanic world order, no money and no hierarchies of human gods will exist on the earth during those days, not for a thousand years. All the elect will exist without all those unnatural and ungodly systems of demons and the non-elect, freed to live as God intended, in the blessings of His spiritual and physical gifts, where all receive whatever they need for life and their labours of love. All selfish ambitions will be nullified, when all serve their Creator God alone, and distribute to each as each has need. After a millennium, and all is completed by Jesus’ final crushing blows to Satan’s religion of humanism, our heavenly Father will withdraw His power which maintains the material universe. So all physical existence will “burn” away, become nothing. Then the judgment day will begin, to fully complete and perfect literally all the elect, so all will inherit His eternal, spiritual, loving kingdom.
Jesus gave us this first “beatitude” to prophesy that the physically impoverished shall be blessed in their spirits, “because theirs is the kingdom of the heavens” (ὅτι αὐτῶν ἐστιν ἡ βασιλεία τῶν
οὐρανῶν). As Jesus said this, He was reminding us of a prophetic event, of the day He put an end to His Old Covenant kingdom of Israel. When all in His Old Covenant kingdom became corrupted, He handed His nation of wayward priests over to the initiator of the devil’s own invented religion of humanism. God allowed Satan to raise up and send Nebuchadnezzar, the king of Babylon and the golden head of that devil’s religion, to enslave the carnal elite of Israel within their belief system.
God let Babylon destroy His temple, then take all the corrupting wealth and power of Israel into its captivity. For God had ordained that all those “leaders” of Israel, who trampled the poor, would forever remain under the power and influence of Satan’s religion, created by those four kingdoms, by Babylon, Persia, Greece and Rome. And they remain captive to this very day. Yet God forced the devil to make one concession, to preserve Israel forever. Thus, the king of Babylon “left some of the poorest of the land to work the vineyards and fields” (II Kings 25:12, WEB). The poorest became the heirs of Israel. We need to remember this prophetic event, and not forget that God will judge those who hoard the resources of His earthly creations for themselves, using it to force many to serve them as human gods, even as they let other siblings starve and destroy their land for their own selfish gain.
For Those Who Mourn
The second blessing was for those who “mourn.” Since Jesus was speaking to His true disciples, not to the non-elect, He was referring a very specific kind of mourning, within the spirits of His elect disciples, a kind that all His devout Jewish disciples would instantly associate with their spirit’s repentance into God’s truth. It was a godly sorrow practised through daily introspection, especially on the Day of Atonement, a realization of sin, with grieving for failing to love God and His people enough. And it was to prevent spiritual ruin with eternal loss. “For godly sorrow works repentance to salvation, which brings no regret. But the sorrow of the world works death” (II Cor. 7:10, WEB).
In this verse (Mat. 5:4), Jesus used a present participle form of πενθέω, which means, “to experience sadness as the result of some condition or circumstance, be sad, grieve, mourn” (BDAG3). And this form of this verb has a durative aspect. Then a future form of παρακαλέω refers to God drawing near to one’s spirit, to provide counsel, to grant the spirit advise or comfort. So Jesus was actually saying: Page 268
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“Those who are often grieving [about sins and failures] are blessed [by God], because they will be counselled [by God]” (ALT, from: μακάριοι οἱ πενθοῦντες, ὅτι αὐτοὶ παρακληθήσονται, SBLGNT).
Jesus was speaking in Greek, to both Jewish and Gentile disciples who spoke Greek as their native tongue. And the Bible of the Jews there, in Galilee of the Gentiles, was primarily a Greek Septuagint version of the Bible. Thus, the devout Jews in His audience would have associated this blessing with a Messianic prophecy in Isaiah, especially since the Septuagint used a similar wording. This often-quoted passage from Isaiah proclaimed that the Messiah’s advent (actually His second advent) would be: “to proclaim the year of Yahweh’s favor, and the day of vengeance of our God; to comfort all who mourn; to appoint to those who mourn in Zion [i.e., mourn in repentance from sins that caused God to hand them over to their enemies], to give to them a garland for ashes, the oil of joy for mourning, the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness; that they may be called trees of righteousness, the pl
anting of Yahweh, that H
e may be glorified ” (Is. 61:2-3, WEB). The Septuagint used both of the
verbs found in this “beatitude,” a present participle form of πενθέω, and an aorist infinitive form of παρακαλέω. Of course, the original Hebrew word in the relevant clause, nawkham, is most often translated as “comfort.” But it actually means, “to denote some strong impulse of the mind, and so is understood of sympathy, comfort, revenge, etc., and applied to those acts by which it finds ease for itself” (Wilson, William; Old Testament Word Studies). So the Hebrew word nawkham can also refer to a compelling and urgent “counsel” from God, just as the Jewish translators of the Septuagint implied when they translated it into the Greek word παρακαλέω. For the context indicates that His nawkham made them righteous, in a way that glorified God. And mere “comfort” cannot do that, although His wise counsel can, even while it comforts them at the same time, because His counsel provides effective solutions to their problems. So nawkham—as the “planting of Yahweh” that caused sinners with “spirits of heaviness” to grow righteous enough to glorify God Himself—was associated with a spirit’s full repentance into the truth of God’s counsel, not His mere comforting.
When Jesus declared, “The often mourning ones are blessed, because they will be counselled,” it was a promise to His disciples who grieved in the spirit, longing to repent into the truth which their spirits were hearing from Jesus—because they failed to overcome evil with good, because they were not strong enough to love justly, in a way that was entirely built on a foundation of truth and reality, nor powerful enough in word and deed to stop the wicked from harming or killing their loved ones; because they were not like the perfect Lord who stood in a human body before their eyes. Jesus was promising to make them more like Himself, to personally teach and train their spirits according to His New Covenant promise of salvation, until all became truly just, loving images of their Father, God. Jesus was promising to guide them into truth for repentance, specifically so another blessing He uttered for those whose spirits hungered and thirsted after righteousness—the promise that they would be fulfilled in their lives, and love abundantly. All eight blessings of this sermon are related, and all would be granted through the kind of faith that the Father of elect spirits grants to the citizens of His kingdom, who are mostly found among the impoverished souls rejected by Satan’s kingdom.
The first step that every elect spirit takes for repentance into the truth is a bitter grieving about the damage one has caused to others, especially to those in God’s earthly kingdom, through one’s own sins and crimes. This repentance is actually granted by God. For it is God who awakens the inner being, the spirit, so it can see and hear the present realities and eternal truths He ordained for His creations. Then it is God who pours complex concepts into the mind of one’s spirit, realizations of reality and truth, often in a mere instant. Lastly, once He causes an elect spirit to realize the horror of the harm one caused through one’s sins and crimes, that spirit becomes alarmed, ready to begin to turn away from sins and crimes, into the truth. The elect spirit goes out to the scene of one’s crimes, Page 269
and to the victims of one’s sins, to directly face all the damage and destruction one actually caused, as well as to seek out all possible ways of repairing and healing what one broke or hurt through one’s sins. A deep grief and mourning permeates the heart, along with a disgusted rebuke of self and much humble begging, many appeals to God for the knowledge, wisdom and power to right one’s wrongs.
Gradually the wise counsel of Jesus’ Holy Spirit comes to one’s spirit, guiding one into wise ways that will profit the hearts and lives of many that one harmed. Jesus teaches and trains that meek and humbled spirit about the wise, just, loving ways and laws of the heavenly Father, of the Creator God.
This is the salvation that Jesus grants us, the promised salvation of the New Covenant ratified by the blood of His tortuous death on the cross, when He died in our stead. This salvation always involves pain in our spirits, a grieving and mourning over our failures, sins and crimes. No soul’s salvation comes without this pain, leading to the spirit’s repentance into the truth. Yes, Jesus suffered in His flesh so we could be freed from the sins we committed through our flesh, when our flesh caused us to be unfaithful stewards of our lives, when we abused all He had granted us. Yet we still partake in the sufferings of Christ. When Jesus took the blows of the barbed whip from the mocking citizens of Satan’s world order, and their psychopathic murdering of His body on the cross, He did all this to spare us what we justly deserved for our sins. But, just as we died on that cross with Him, because He died vicariously for us, our spirits also partake in His disapproval of sins and crimes, with our most disdaining wrath against our own sins and crimes. And our flesh will sometimes bear pain too, since our spirits are to govern our flesh, and our spirits take up causes which sacrifice our flesh in the same way our Lord Jesus sacrificed His flesh for us. For Jesus teaches all His elect to destroy the works of Satan and the dark world order, to build His just, loving kingdom on the earth in its place.
Therefore, it is absolutely sinful and wrong to declare that a sinner or criminal must still pay the consequences of one’s sins and crimes, after that one truly repents into God’s created realities and truths. For all true repentance bears godly fruit, a striving to right all of the wrongs one committed.
So, if the unjust force punishment upon the truly repentant, then the truly repentant cannot complete their repentance by bearing the good fruits of striving to right their wrongs. And, if wrongs cannot be righted, everyone suffers foolishly and in vain. Rather, if a spirit has gone through the kind of godly sorrow and mourning that God Himself grants, and this led to true repentance, then God has forgiven that one, and has released one from any kind of penalty for that sin or crime. Therefore, if God has fully forgiven and unbound that one, then no property of God, including a government, has any right to make that one pay a penalty of any kind, for any sin or crime. This is the basis for parole systems and pardons. If we see a criminal sinner truly desiring to make amends and live a godly life, we free that person, then also help that spiritually weak one avoid any further temptations, by giving that one a good start in a new life—while also keeping that one away from the persuasion, manipulation or coercion of other criminals. We educate, remove stigmas and provide whatever is needed to begin a new and godly life. However, we also maintain wise safeguards against unrepentant spirits who try to deceive, who pretend that they intend to do good, while all their real intentions are to commit sins.
Salvation never frees us from all pain and death. For pain is a teaching tool. Then death is either used to rescue from sins or to return us to the comfort of our eternal home, if the flesh grows too weary to carry on. First of all, salvation certainly does not free us from the pains of grieving and mourning in our spirits, since that is needed for our repentance. Second, even the judgment day will definitely involve much painful grieving and mourning in all elect spirits, beyond anything they ever felt on earth, and more acute pain for some than for others, as the fire of Christ’s rebukes purify the minds of our spirits from all corrupting delusions and lies, so we may become complete and perfect in His truth. In addition to all this, there are pains of our flesh, as we serve Jesus, possibly with the deaths Page 270
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of our earthly bodies. For Satan’s world order will always oppose our works for God’s kingdom on earth, will always attack our flesh with both lies and violence. Thus, the flesh of all awakened elect shall partake in the sacrifice of Christ’s flesh upon that cross. “Yes, and all who desire to live godly in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution” (II Tim. 3:12, WEB). Still, we will suffer in the spirit and in the flesh to an end, so it produces utter joy within our hearts, through the counsel of Jesus and His Holy Spirit. And we will live to lovingly serve our God through a complete freedom from our sins and crimes, totally unbound from all consequences and penalties for our sins, both in God’s kingdom on this earth and in His kingdom of heaven. Only Satan’s world order will continue to persecute the elect for repented sins and crimes, because they hate justice. True Christians do not do such a thing.
For all the elect spirits who have begun to experience a deep and painful “godly sorrow leading to repentance,” God grants this gift, that all these “often mourning ones are blessed, because they will be counselled.” At first, an elect spirit’s inward mourning feels like it is threatening to kill one, as the elect spirit withdraws into the chamber of the heart and locks the door, leaving the mind of flesh alone and confused in the chamber of the soul, without its managing source of life, without the spirit to counsel it, to give the mind of flesh its purpose and direction. Then the counsel of our God flows into the mind of the spirit. But Jesus is not so vain as to always announce that this counsel originates from Himself. Jesus does not demand any glory (good opinion) for granting all these concepts and principles to an elect spirit. For He counsels our spirits through His loving grace alone, humbly, without any desire to take credit. So Jesus grants this gift of His counsel even to the elect who do not yet know His name, to pagan elect who have never converted to Christianity or Judaism. Then that counsel of His Holy Spirit gives that elect spirit all the direction and purpose it needs, and draws it back into the chamber of the soul again. By then, the renewed and guided elect spirit now bears more power than it had before. So it issues all kinds of commands to its flesh. Christ’s counsel results in actions, in loving, just goals eventually brought to fruition in one’s life, especially for the sakes of those harmed by one’s sins, as the “fruits of repentance.” So, as the final gift from Jesus, He allows all the godly, just, loving intentions of elect spirits to eventually become effective. But He does this in a humble way, without ever demanding any glory for His power that makes their works effective.
This is why God’s elect children are so critical to every place on earth. The elect are the “salt of the earth,” which refers to the wages paid in quantities of valuable salt during ancient times, paid in the healing and disinfecting salt that could be traded for almost any kinds of goods or services. They are not the “money of the earth,” since money is an invention of Satan’s world order. Rather, they are the
“salt,” a creation of God, and an essential substance for life, which the hands of a man must gather from the earth through the sweat of labour. And these elect accomplish, by God’s counsel, power and grace, all that is truly needed for the people of their lands. God is continuously saving and working through His elect everywhere, for the good of people in all communities everywhere. Whether or not any of the Father’s elect know His revealed names in the Bible, or the names of Jesus, they are still His children, still His beloved, who will be saved into heaven through His perfecting counsel on the judgment day. And, while they live on earth, Jesus is building up the inner conscience of their spirits, in each and every one of them, so each will eventually repent into His eternal truths, into His just, loving laws and ways. If some cannot know His ways through the Bible, they can read about His ways in His natural creations, then repent into them. For, within the chamber of the soul, the mind of an elect spirit will take all that is enters one’s mind of flesh through physical senses, and interpret all that is seen and heard according to the counsel of God’s Holy Spirit, as He grants this to their spirits.
Through the process of our elect spirits grieving and mourning over our own sins and crimes, we repent into a new life, as new creations who hate our own sins and crimes, who want to do only Page 271
God’s will. We begin to walk according to “renewed” or “reborn” spirits, instead of according to our minds of flesh. Then our spirits will better resist the demands of our flesh. We no longer let our flesh ignore, suppress and “take captive” our infantile spirits. Rather, our awakened spirits will only want to heed the counsel of our God, His wisdom whispered in the ears of our spirits by His Holy Spirit.
Then, when Satan reminds us of our past sins, to stifle our zeal for God and depress our souls with guilt, so we might stop serving God, Jesus Christ’s counsel reminds our spirits: “Whoever you people might have bound upon the earth is the effect of already having been bound in heaven. And whoever you people might have freed upon the earth is the effect of already having been freed in heaven” (Mat. 18:18, ALT, a literal translation of the perfect passive periphrastic constructions in: ὅσα ἐὰν δήσητε ἐπὶ τῆς γῆς ἔσται δεδεμένα ἐν οὐρανῷ καὶ ὅσα ἐὰν λύσητε ἐπὶ τῆς γῆς ἔσται
λελυμένα ἐν οὐρανῷ, SBLGNT). In other words, only God in heaven bears the authority and power to determine which souls He will awaken, those who will truly repent into His truth and be set free.
As for all human beings and devils, they have no right to either bind or free anyone, not until God first binds or frees. Only God bears the authority and power to keep souls bound in their sins. Thus, His faithful elect will heed their God and stand in the freedom God Himself has granted to their repentant spirits, so they can bear good fruits of repentance. And they may also deny forgiveness to the unrepentant, who sin by trying to make them fall into fruitless and destructive false guilt, who are always trying to gaslight them. For some of those are Satan’s children, who sometimes never will know any godly sorrow, no mourning over their sins, who never will repent into His truth. His elect will know, from God, when they must leave those non-elect ones and their ruling demons, forever bound in their own sins. They will not forgive and not try to free them from the penalty of their sins.
Only God’s elect have already been freed in heaven, through the highest authority and power of all.
So Satan and his human children will never have any authority and power to justly condemn them.
All their binding of the truly repentant is illegal, and none will escape God’s judgments. None will be forgiven the sins of their unrepentant hearts, since there is never any mourning in their spirits over the harm and damage they have done through their sins, never any realization of truth, never any empathy or compassion for those suffering from the losses and deaths they caused. But every single one of the true elect shall know this grieving in their elect spirits, for all the wrongs they have done, and for all the good works they failed to do when they had the chance to do them. If the elect are so carnally minded that they do not allow their spirits to experience this mourning now, while living on earth, they will surely feel it, magnified a hundred-fold, on the judgment day. For literally all elect will repent into all truth on that day, and literally all will be forgiven, so literally all will enter into a restored relationship with their heavenly Father. Yet, now on earth, many elect can hear the voice of their Father calling their spirits to repent, then forgiving them. The spirits in the elect siblings of those truly repentant ones are also compelled to forgive them too, and more than willing to gather them back into the family of God on earth. Elect souls, who committed real sins or crimes, will even be able to forgive themselves, after God forgives them. For elect spirits dare not oppose judgments of their almighty, omniscient God, even His judgments of themselves. Therefore, if Satan and his unjust children begin to stir up guilt for one’s own repented and forgiven sins and crimes, in order to prolong one’s grieving beyond repentance, and ultimately to stop one from bearing the good fruits of repentance, let those liars shut their lying mouths, or face God’s unbridled wrath. The awakened elect will not tolerate such lies. However, the awakened elect who can heed the counsel of their Father are also wise enough to not forgive the falsely repentant, to keep them bound in their sins.
To neglect this critical aspect—the spontaneous grieving and mourning of the spirit after becoming aware of the harm one has done through sins and crimes—is to neglect the saving works of Jesus Page 272
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Christ Himself. For there can be no salvation without this grieving of the spirit over sins. A godly sorrow of the elect spirit opens us to God’s counsel, and to His power over our flesh, to all that leads us to repent into God’s truth. So we must not think we should always be “positive” and “upbeat.”
Rather, we need to let our spirits go through this process of grieving and mourning, whenever it is truly godly sorrow. Of course, we must let our spirits hear God’s Spirit, so we do not fall into any fruitless kinds of ungodly sorrow and depression, based on delusions and lies. Yet we also must not let our minds of flesh suppress this inner grief of the spirit regarding our sins and foolish errors. And we must not try to avoid that sorrow through drugs like antidepressants, unless we need a little for a short time to maintain the health of the flesh. Every true disciple of Jesus must let their spirits remain constantly aware of Christ’s rebukes, which are most often very painful to our spirits. We need to let our spirits seek and find God and His counsel. Each spirit must ponder God’s words, read the Bible, think about what He truly desires for our lives, and do what His wisdom and truth calls us to do.
Each elect spirit must stare directly at the carnage caused by one’s own sins and crimes, face them in the truth God allows one’s heart to realize, then act according to His counsel. Only we must carefully and diligently ensure the counsel we act upon is directly from the real God, not from men or demons.
Of course, the mourning or grieving that leads a spirit to repentance is not an emotion worked by the mind of flesh. Therefore, this kind of godly sorrow cannot be “psyched up.” Naturally, one’s mind of flesh can convince itself to believe all kinds of lies, and work up all kinds of “sincere” emotions of the flesh through those lies. But an elect spirit cannot be manipulated in that way, since it is far too rational and far too solidly grounded in the realities created by God to ever believe such lies. Thus, we must never strive to convince our flesh to mourn and grieve about our sins and crimes, or it will come to nothing, or those lies may even cause harm or death to ourselves or to others. Rather, we must let our spirits hear the painful rebukes from our God Himself. Then our elect spirits will spontaneously recoil in the fear of our God, and in disgust over what we have done. Our spirits will then truly grieve and mourn about our sins and errors. After this, emotions of the flesh will often accompany the grieving of the spirit, since the mind of the flesh often reacts to the state of the mind of the spirit, when both minds meet in the chamber of the soul. So we do not suppress the emotions of the flesh, since they are true. Yet the grieving emotions of the flesh do not always occur when the spirit is deeply mourning over sins. For the mind of flesh cannot always understand the spiritual concepts that God pours into the mind of the spirit. So the mind of flesh may carry on with its daily tasks as though nothing is wrong, even as the spirit is bearing deep regret and sorrow. This is why we do not judge repentance by emotions of the flesh. But, eventually, elect spirits need to bring their minds of flesh into repentance as well, since we must bear fruits of repentance through our minds and bodies of flesh. So elect spirits must eventually counsel their minds of flesh in the chambers of their souls, until their flesh acknowledges the concepts God puts in the minds of their spirits, then acts upon them. Otherwise, an elect spirit can remain in perpetual sorrow and never find any relief.
Of course, if a liar is weeping with a big show of repentance to impress us, or because that liar is sad about needing to face the consequences of one’s own sins, is not a real repentance. Yet we must not always assume that one who is not weeping is not repentant either. For true repentance is a complex inner process involving learning and realization by the mind of the spirit, then another process of making the mind of flesh aware of its need to obey that spirit by bearing fruits of repentance. And we know that emotions of the flesh can be deadened in many souls, so the flesh will not respond when the spirit is mourning or grieving. This is especially true of the elect who have suffered a severe or prolonged trauma, or in the elect who have fallen into extreme or repeated sins. Yet those elect, once they silence their distracting mind of flesh for a moment, to let their spirits speak in the soul, will Page 273
indeed consciously and immediately feel the pain of grief for sin. Or, if God sends a truth into a soul, where both the mind of the spirit and the mind of flesh can hear it, that truth will cut deep into both minds, and cause an instantaneous outpouring of emotions, with sorrow reaching the core of one’s whole being. Sometimes it will even physically incapacitate one for a time, making one unable to function through the flesh, until one fully repents into that truth. But repentance is seldom so overt and instant. Most true repentance gradually develops in an elect spirit over a period of many years.
But it is a blessing for elect spirits to truly grieve and mourn over their sins, including their sins of failing to be good and faithful stewards of all the gifts and resources God has granted to them. If God has allowed their spirits to hear His painful rebukes, the Holy Spirit of Jesus will also come to them and grant His counsel of truth and wisdom, so they may bear good and effective fruits of repentance, so they might begin a new, fulfilled and abundantly loving life in Him. And God is patient. Even if He must cause an elect child to repent thousands of times during one’s life, and begin a new life thousands of times, God will do this. All whom He causes to experience the pain of grief in their spirits, will repent into the truth and wisdom of His counsel, into eternal life, as true citizens of His kingdom here on earth and in heaven, no matter how much or how often these may sin. For God has ordained that none of His elect shall ever die. Many elect spirits shall not even sleep after death, but remain aware, active and awake in the vast lands at the gates of heaven, serving as disciples of Jesus.
During all the time until until the last day begins, they shall stand behind Jesus and watch their loved ones on this earth, praying that their spirits will hear and heed His counsel, for their repentance and salvation. Then, when the sleeping elect awake for the last day’s judgment, to be corrected by Jesus’
teachings, so they will repent into the truth, the elect who remained awake elect will help Jesus teach and judge those who had been sleeping. Those called to remain awake after death, will serve all the rest of the elect one that day. Then all the elect will enter heaven’s gate, so all might serve all the creatures in their homeland, so all might eternally labour there beside Jesus and their Father, forever growing in love and joy, infinitely and without end. So, since mourning becomes joy, it is a blessing.
For the Meek
The Greek adjective translated as “meek,” “gentle” or “mild” in this blessing (Mat. 5:5), is πραεῖς, the nominative plural masculine form of πραΰς, which means: “pertaining to not being overly impressed by a sense of one’s self-importance, gentle, humble, considerate, meek” (BDAG3). It actually does not have an equivalent English word, but indicates “ha
ving no
sense of entitlement .”
Since the English were heavily influenced by Romans, and entitlement was a quintessential to the humanistic Roman culture, there is no English adjective meaning “having no sense of entitlement.”
So, for English-speaking readers to truly understand this third beatitude, they must first comprehend a totally foreign concept. One whom our Jewish Messiah and God called a πραΰς is the opposite of the rich, opposite of white supremacists, opposite of Hitler and Trump, and never even begins to imagine that he or she deserves any more esteem, respect or privilege than anyone else on earth. A πραΰς never feels superior to any other human being, but simply accepts that he or she is a very faulty and unwise servant of God, just like everyone else. A πραΰς has been so humbled by God, throughout life, that he or she merely sees oneself as just another common soul among billions living on earth. On the other hand, a πραΰς does not esteem other human beings as gods either, because he or she knows that none but the Creator God is great, and literally all humans are equal in sins and weaknesses. Consequently, a πραΰς both trusts does not trust one’s own judgments, but waits for God’s confirmations in all. And a πραΰς treats all the judgments of all other human beings the same way as well. For a πραΰς is a respecter of no person, just as God is a respecter of no person. And, as Page 274
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a realist, a πραΰς, never demands anything special for oneself nor for others—no higher status nor any exalted title, not a higher wage, not a bigger home, not anyhing to distinguish oneself from other common workers. A πραΰς takes only what one needs, then gives away all the rest to those in need.
In Satan’s world order, only the opposite of a πραΰς is rewarded. The devil only allows the most arrogant, deluded, self-important, self-confident, self-esteeming psychopaths, who feel insanely entitled, who are also willing to lie, cheat and steal from innocent souls, to reach the top of the world order’s steep hierarchical ladder. But, in God’s kingdom on the earth, those self-important kinds of ruthless souls are either severely suppressed, imprisoned or executed. In God’s kingdom, only “the πραεῖς are blessed, because they will inherit the earth.” Jesus will only appoint a πραΰς to any and every position requiring one to manage and bear responsible authority over other souls. Every one of the “greatest” in God’s kingdom is a πραΰς, one who simply serves equals for their good, who will even sacrifice himself or herself for another equal soul, just as Jesus sacrificed Himself for our sakes, even while we were still unworthy sinners who should have been condemned by His own just laws.
All eight blessings of Jesus were the causes and effects of His New Covenant salvation, relatively placed in a rational order. And the effect of an elect spirit fully realizing the terrible results of one’s own sins, until the heart grieves with urgent repentance into God’s loving ways (Mat. 5:4), creates a low self-estimation, where one completely lacks any feeling being entitled to any kind of special treatment above any other common sinner on earth. Yet, at the same time, Jesus promised the highest entitlement of all to those who lacked any sense of entitlement. Jesus promised that only these would inherit the entire earth. For God also promised this to them in a psalm of David, where God had also promised to kill all arrogant, prospering evildoers on earth. Through David, God said: “Cease from anger, and forsake wrath. Don’t fret, it leads only to evildoing. For evildoers shall be cut off, but those who wait for Yahweh shall inherit the land. For yet a little while, and the wicked will be no more. Yes, though you look for his place, he isn’t there. But the humble shall inherit the land, and shall delight themselves in the abundance of peace” (Ps. 37:8-11, WEB). In the Greek version of the Bible used by His disciples, the underlined clause was: οἱ πραεῖς κληρονομήσουσι γῆν (“the meek will inherit the earth”). So Jesus used exactly the same words in His third “beatitude” (Mat. 5:5).
When devout Jews heard these words about the πραεῖς being blessed and inheriting the land, they may have also recalled an end-time prophecy in Isaiah, about a day when God’s faithful would sing:
“For He has brought down those who dwell on high, the lofty city. He lays it low. He lays it low even to the ground. He brings it even to the dust. The foot shall tread it down; Even the feet of the poor, and the steps of the needy” (Is. 26:5-6, WEB). In the Jews own Greek version of the Bible, the Septuagint, the last sentence contained a different form of πραΰς and read like this: Καὶ πατήσουσιν
αὐτοὺς πόδες πρᾳέων καὶ ταπεινῶν (“Even feet of the meek and lowly will trample them”). All the devout were taught, from the immutable Scriptures, that the arrogant in the city, “those who dwell on high,” will be brought down, crushed into dust. Then only those with no sense of entitlement, the πραεῖς, who are also the “lowly,” will tread on their dust with their feet. The πραεῖς will inherit all.
In another prophecy about the end times, Zephaniah also stated: “In that day you will not be disappointed for all your doings, in which you have transgressed against Me; for then I will take away out of your midst your proudly exulting ones, and you will no more be haughty in My holy mountain. But I will leave in your midst an afflicted and poor people, and they will take refuge in Yahweh’s name” (Zeph. 3:11-12, WEB). In their Greek Septuagint, the underlined clause read: καὶ
ὑπολήψομαι ἐν σοὶ λαὸν πρᾳῢν καὶ ταπεινὸν (“And I will leave in you a meek and lowly people”).
The “holy mountain” here is the temple mount in Jerusalem, of course. When Jesus returns, He will kill the “proudly exulting ones,” so no “haughty” worshippers will be left there. Our God, Jesus, will Page 275
leave only the “meek and lowly” in Jerusalem, only the ones lacking any sense of entitlement, who are also the “lowly.” And the same will occur everywhere else upon the face of the entire earth too.
And, of course, there was also this Messianic prophecy: “Rejoice greatly, daughter of Zion! Shout, daughter of Jerusalem! Behold, your King comes to you! He is righteous, and having salvation; lowly, and riding on a donkey, even on a colt, the foal of a donkey” (Zech. 9:9, WEB). In their Greek Septuagint, the underlined phrase read: δίκαιος καὶ σώζων, αὐτὸς πραῢς (“just and saving, He is meek”). So even their saving Messiah was to be one who lacked any sense of entitlement, for that Messiah was to be God and just. The greatest πραΰς of all who ever lived was our Messiah, Jesus.
And He shall definitely inherit the earth, as the King of the earth, serving every other elect πραΰς.
Now we should all realize that God’s words are true. All have proved true, over and over again throughout history, by every honest scientific or rational endeavour from the beginning of time, and not one word has ever been proved false. Yet these words of God tell us that the wickedest of the non-elect will only succeed for a moment. Then all the non-elect will be crushed in the end, and cast into eternal death, into hell’s bottomless abyss, so all might forever cling to their inner darkness. So only the faithful servants of God will survive on earth in the end, since God’s power will preserve them. In fact, all the prophecies about the last days, which we should take seriously, say that Satan’s world order shall fall, and all his children on earth will be slain. Then nothing but the kingdom of God shall exist on earth, until the end of the earth, with Jesus as the eternal King of all. And every citizen in that kingdom will be a brave, humble, loving πραΰς. Surely it is true, “T he mild, gentle, l owly π
ραεῖς are blessed, because they will inherit the earth ” (Mat. 5:5, ALT, from: μακάριοι οἱ
πραεῖς, ὅτι αὐτοὶ κληρονομήσουσι τὴν γῆν, SBLGNT). In the present and the future, it will always be that the πραεῖς shall inherit the earth, while entitled non-elect stab each other in the back for gain.
When the ancient Babylonians, who are the head of the beast living to this day, were sent to destroy the unfaithful priesthood of Israel, they took the traitors of God’s kingdom captive, all the souls who felt entitled and crushed the poor for their own personal profits, all who willingly believed the flattering lies of the carnal false prophets. But Babylon left behind the πραεῖς, the souls who owned nothing but their own hands, to work the land and keep it productive. Later, the greatest of all the πραεῖς came, Jesus, to establish the New Covenant branch of the priesthood of Israel on the earth, to create the apostolic church, which shone with a blinding bright light. Then the entitled humanists of Rome, the legs and feet of the beast who still lives to this day, stomped upon that church, hoping to extinguish the fires of God’s white-hot flames. Yet all those Romans managed to do, over the last two thousand years, was spread sparks from the flames of that true church throughout the world. For it is impossible to find and extinguish all of God’s πραεῖς, since those without entitlement become almost invisible in physical terms, although their spirits burn brightly with the loving fires of God.
So those deluded elite and entitled Romans scattered God’s light more and more, as the πραεῖς fled into distant places, as far as they could from the swords of the arrogant. Now the elect πραεῖς have ignited the truths of God from one end of the globe to the other. The Holy Spirit of Jesus has been writing all the principals of God’s Law inside these children of the heavenly Father, and upon their spirits. And now these elect πραεῖς, scattered by the winds of Jesus’ Spirit to the four corners of this dark planet, have disseminated those truths from God everywhere. Some of those truths were mere sparks. But our loving Jesus did not snuff them out. Instead, He fanned them into full and consuming flames, which terrify the wicked. Many truths are no longer sparks, and have begun to burn brightly, even while we still live in unruly bodies of flesh. And soon all these elect πραεῖς shall be separated, apart from the dampening darkness which prevents them from igniting, so all will become the bright, unquenchable fires of God, even providing the light that will make all things grow at Christ’s return.
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The devil’s beast will burn the false churches with physical fires, causing physical pain and death.
But the spiritual fires of God in His elect πραεῖς will spiritually comfort and nourish abundant life, as a light exposing lies and enabling the wise works of truth by loving souls. Throughout the last two millennia, His fires of truth and justice have been spreading and igniting in the mild and gentle hearts of the elect πραεῖς, everywhere on earth, in every race and far-off land. However, during all this time, prototypes of the final beast have also been trying to stomp out the truth and those elect, especially during the last century. Recently, we have seen countless entitled dupes from every kind of fake church vomiting out slandering lies and delusions, all in the names of little demonic beasts like, Hitler, Stalin, Trump, Islamic dictators and so on. But the elect πραεῖς speak truth against them, and will eventually overcome them in the power of their Creator God, in the name of the Lord Jesus.
Throughout history, Satan has raised up his psychopathic non-elect children, to enslave and oppress their siblings in mankind, to delude the masses, so an entitled elite few could terrorize the many into submission. Then those demonically inspired human gods created artificial classes of utterly useless superiors who were blindly worshipped by the inferiors, whom the forced to labour at tasks which provided worthless symbols of status and false religion while the people starved. And these elite lied, calling all this garbage by the names of “civilization,” “progress” and “order.” Yet all those “great”
gatherings of beaten-down masses under the thumbs of those entitled elite few were merely hells on earth, with pretty polished exteriors. All the grand palaces and demonic temples built by Sumerians, Assyrians, Egyptians, Babylonians, Persians, Greeks, Romans, East Indians, Chinese, Incas and so on, were disguising the petty, foolish, vile, bitter, vengeful, ugly and loveless wretchedness of those elite human gods, who were stupidly stabbing one another in the back as they tortured and murdered their own people. Not one of those factious hierarchical systems created by those despots was ever good for the people. Not one was ever just, equitable and godly, including the fake humanistic and demonic “Christian” empires. All were places that hounded, persecuted, enslaved and murdered God’s true elect πραεῖς, whose spirits sought love and justice. All were enemies of the Creator God.
To this days, we see fake churches and little beast prototypes, like Trump, rise up to delude and gather dupes into self-entitled armies, who hope to stamp out God’s true elect πραεῖς. Both Hitler and Trump also spent much time and effort to woo the Great Prostitute and her harlot daughters, just as the great demonic beast will do in the future. And those harlot churches do serve those little beasts as faithfully as they will serve Satan in the end times. The original humanistic fake church, as well as all the other humanistic churches born of her, including most false evangelicals, gladly extol the virtues of Hitler, Trump and the other arrogant, vile, wretched destroyers who have been artificially entitled by the delusions of Satan. For all those fake churches lust for the same kind of entitlement.
Yet, in the end, all those Hitlers and Trumps , all secular prototypes of the beast, all little copies of the final beast, failed. And, like the great beast, all burn the Great Prostitute and her harlot daughters as soon as they face their own destruction. But none of those demonic empires have ever been able to wipe out God’s elect πραεῖς. From the days of Adam, through to the days of Noah and the eight, in every continent on earth, the elect have been fleeing from those psychopaths and their oppressive hierarchies. Because the Holy Spirit of the Creator God was teaching His ways to the spirits in their hearts, these elect established truly democratic communities which functioned as loving families, where all pursued the individual destinies God called each to seek. Although demonic empires would destroy them and enslave their people, over and over again, they kept on building godly, just, loving families who taught the spirits of their children to follow the teachings of God. There has never been a time on earth, nor a continent on the earth, where God failed to build just, loving families of elect.
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But, by now, after almost two thousand years after the Creator God visited the earth in a body of human flesh, His truths and wisdom have spread in a broader, clearer and more deeply understood manner than they have ever been in all history. As a result, more of the elect πραεῖς are realizing just how evil those psychopathic hierarchical systems of Satan truly are, with his entitled elite oppressing the masses by using his invention of money. The elect are waking, opening the eyes of their spirits.
And God’s light is exposing the lies of those psychopathic human gods. No! They truly do not need those psychopaths to beat them, to force them to produce their vain palaces, bobbles and temples of the demonic spirits they worship. They do not need to labour endlessly in futility, while they watch those monsters starve their brothers and sisters to death, in order to grab just a little more personal gain. Now the elect, who have no sense of entitlement, desire justice, care, equality and love in their lives, more than ever before. And these elect have become thoroughly disgusted with the hypocrisy of the harlot churches and the prototypes of the beast whom they serve. So the elect are abandoning them to the darkness that those liars love more than God’s light. Many elect πραεῖς are escaping the hierarchical structures of demons. Now Jesus has ignited His just, loving sparks of truth in many more elect hearts, a desire to return to the kind of light that Jesus once lit in the apostolic church.
Jesus has been working to save the elect πραεῖς of this earth from the beginning, and even the devil has unwittingly helped to chase the elect toward that salvation. And this was our God’s plan from the moment He allowed Satan to tempt Adam and Eve. For remember, the very moment Adam and Eve sinned, they became more like God (Gen. 3:22). For their spirits, formed in God’s image, then began the process of being taught and trained in the ways of their Creator. At that moment, they began to know and discern between good and evil, between all that aligns with the attributes and ways of God and all that does not. And this knowledge of good and evil, this awareness of the difference between what is spiritually and morally right or wrong, is exactly what make human spirits like the Spirit of the Creator God. Yes, all other created spirits, of angels and animals, can love, and can even feel regret about the harm they may have done through loveless deeds. But all those other spirits cannot see ahead, and merely do what the minds of their spirits and the minds of their flesh desire at the moment, without any knowledge or discernment about the good or evil nature of those thoughts. It is only God’s Spirit, and human spirits, that are able to judge their motives and intentions themselves.
Since the beginning, all the elect πραεῖς who have descended from Adam and Eve have been going through this same process of salvation. All elect human beings were granted bodies of flesh on earth so all could learn to discern between good and evil, experientially, in the minds of their infantile and inherently loving spirits. Meanwhile, all the fallen angels, and all their non-elect human children, also possess a foundational knowledge of good and evil. In fact, this foundational knowledge was what made Satan and those fallen angels so much brighter and glorious than the other angels in heaven in the beginning, before they fell, before they desired to be their own gods. However, the innate desire to love causes literally all the elect to unite as one mind and for one purposes, since all eventually acknowledge and apply the truths and wisdom of God through love. But all the non-elect spirits rebel against the innate knowledge of good and evil, in a desire to be their own gods who can invent their own “truths,” though all their own “truths” are just a mess of irrational and destructive lies. Then, as each strives to be the greatest god, the stronger and most psychopathic non-elect spirits suppress, exploit and abuse the weaker and less psychopathic spirits, placing them in classes defined by the degrees of usefulness to the chief psychopaths. So very steep hierarchies are formed in all the subject kingdoms within the devil’s empire of the world order. Yet not one of those subject kingdoms can ever be united in the irrational, conflicting, ever-shifting-and-changing lies of their chief human gods, who all eventually die or are murdered, then are replaced by new psychopathic liars. And each Page 278
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human god of each subject kingdom not only must war against the backstabbing usurpers in his or her own kingdom, but must war against other subject kingdoms in Satan’s empire, since each of those wanna-be human gods wants to become the god of all the earth. Consequently, all the subject kingdoms in the devil’s entire hierarchical world order always outwardly appear to be highly structured and orderly, in order to fool the dupes enslaved within it. However, literally all those subject kingdoms have always been, and always will be, chaotic, factious, unstable, fragile, weak and on the verge of collapse. Meanwhile, all the families of God, all the democratic, free, just and loving subject kingdoms within God’s earthly kingdom, remain strong, solid, effective, united and just, although none of those kingdoms have any human heads except the Spirit of God teaching all.
And God’s kingdom on earth has been growing bigger and stronger each year since the first advent of Jesus the Messiah. Throughout history, Satan’s subject kingdoms have been destroying those good subject kingdoms of God, but could never eliminate them all, since psychopathic human gods have no unity, and because the cold darkness of their delusions and lies are always overcome by the sheer energy and power of God’s light. Then all their works of destroying those elect also have been done in vain, because soon all those elect will be completed to perfection during the long judgment day at the gates of heaven, during a time when all shall be kept safe from the obstructing lies of demons and their non-elect brood, a time that may be equivalent to about a thousand earthly years. And, in our day, the amount of truth and wisdom God has fed to the humble, meek, gentle elect on earth has grown so much that the devil’s chosen human gods are finding it almost impossible to delude and enslave those true children of God any longer. All this is our immutable, almighty, omniscient God’s plan. All this is His will set in stone, which cannot possibly change, nor be impeded in any way, nor thwarted in the least part. So let all the elect realize that they are the πραεῖς of God, all equal siblings in God’s family, who must not trust in themselves nor any man, but only trust in God and His words.
Self-entitled racists and ultra-nationalists, like the fascists, shall not inherit the earth. They have long desired to own the world, to establish the entitlement of their elite race or faction over and above all other races and factions, in the same way the humanistic Romans lorded it over all who did not look or act like them, all who did not place their faith in the lies and delusions of their chief human gods.
White supremacists, Romans, Greeks, Persians, Babylonians, Incas, Chinese, Japanese and other slaves of other empires all remained blindly loyal to lying human gods, and suffered the painful labours of uselessness for the glory of those kingdoms. All tortured and murdered, in order to raise themselves into artificial classes at the tops of teetering and poorly constructed hierarchies, so they could look down upon their equal siblings below. And the higher they climbed, the further they fell when another greedy little competitor tripped them. So the highest of all often became the deadest of all. Throughout history, the non-elect have sought entitlement, simply because they hated the fact that God made all human beings equal, and has called all to become the unentitled servants of all, just as God has made Himself the unentitled Servant of all. Yet they have always failed and fallen, because God has always upheld only the good causes of His own equal, just and loving elect πραεῖς.
From the very beginning, only the elect πραεῖς have been blessed. And, in the end, only these elect πραεῖς have always inherited the lands of the earth. But the destroying, back-stabbing, psychopathic, arrogant warriors, who fought to gain entitlement for themselves, have only ever gained a temporary, uncertain, fragile delusion of “greatness” for themselves, while they have destroyed God’s creations and themselves to get it. Only the meek, gentle, humble, unentitled elect will be able to rightly use their stewardship of God’s property, including their bodies of flesh, to build up and benefit God’s creations. Only the quiet, unassuming, lowly, hard-working, gentle elect πραεῖς, who have only ever wanted to see their beloved ones thrive in a truly just and equitable family, who have had no selfish Page 279
ambitions, who do not strive to be human gods, who do not enslave nor force selfish human wills upon other equal siblings in mankind, will be allowed to survive and work the land which actually belongs to God alone. After God lets the entitled ones slaughter one another, and after His wrath has slaughtered the rest of them, the elect πραεῖς shall be the only survivors left to inherit all the earth.
Let all the elect allow their spirits to build up saving faith in the love, words and power our God, in Jesus, so they can make themselves ready to inherit the earth. Let them remember, “The πραεῖς are blessed, for they shall inherit the earth.” Only those with no sense of entitlement, who see all others eye to eye, as equals, will survive in the end. When Jesus returns, there will be no survivors from any church that felt entitled over Jews, “black” people, “brown” people, people who dress differently, people who think differently, people from different cultures, members of other churches, followers of other religions, supporters of other political parties, immigrants, foreigners or anyone else. No matter how “sincere” and emotionally vested those church members may be in their fake gods which they call by the names of the real God, in those heavenly god they invented through self-serving lies, they will be slain with the rest of Satan’s servants on the day Jesus returns. Only the unentitled elect will survive Christ’s judgment on the day He returns, and see the day after His second coming. Only the elect πραεῖς, who know they are nothing, who know that every human being on this earth is nothing, who know all are equal sinners, will survive that day. For only God, our Creator, is something, even the embodiment of all the truth, wisdom, justice, joy and love the humbled elect can possibly desire.
There are no real human heroes. All those whom the fake churches claim to be “God’s warriors,”
“anointed ones,” “exalted ones,” canonized saints, good kings, righteous leaders, wise ones, just souls, or any other kinds of human gods esteemed above the masses, are complete fakes. There is not one with any right to any kind of entitlement whatsoever. Literally all are sinners worthy of eternal hell. Literally all need the teaching and training of their infantile spirits by Christ’s Holy Spirit for their salvation. Surely it is time that every elect soul on earth began to truly believe what the Holy Spirit constantly exhorts their spirits to believe, that no one is special, that we are all alike extremely ignorant and foolish sinners who always cause nothing but harm and death when we are left to our own counsel, worthy only of being beaten with a whip of cords then hung on a cross. And this is why Jesus took those blows and accepted that kind of death for us, vicariously, on our behalf. Our God Jesus repeatedly reminds our elect spirits that literally all human beings who ever lived, or ever will live, every human except His sinless Self, is an ignorant sinner, though some grow into His likeness:
“What then? Are we better than they? No, in no way. For we previously warned both Jews and Greeks, that they are all under sin. As it is written, ‘There is no one righteous; no, not one. There is no one who understands. There is no one who seeks after God. They have all turned aside. They have together become unprofitable. There is no one who does good, no, not so much as one. Their throat is an open tomb. With their tongues they have used deceit.
The poison of vipers is under their lips; whose mouth is full of cursing and bitterness. Their feet are swift to shed blood. Destruction and misery are in their ways. The way of peace, they haven’t known. There is no fear of God before their eyes’” (Rom. 3:9-18, WEB).
Yes, a few elect spirits are being taught and trained by the Holy Spirit of Jesus, so they can become less sinful. But all who are truly being saved, through this teaching and training from Jesus, are the πραεῖς, the elect who know they are ignorant sinners, accurately described by this passage (Rom.
3:9-18). So they do not even look down on murderers, because they know even murder has entered into their own hearts. They do not look down on the sexually immoral—not adulterers, playboys, prostitutes or homosexuals—since they know their own flesh has often taken their spirits captive and delivered them into one kind of sexual immorality or another, though they know God has assigned a Page 280
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death penalty for all who commit intentionally exploitative acts of loveless, selfish sexual lust. All infantile spirits ruled by the lusts of their flesh prove to be thieves, and literally all have even stolen the dignity and humanity of other siblings too, which is a far greater sin than merely stealing some physical goods. Worse yet, all have stolen from God and His creations, have taken far more than they need, even to the point where humans have collectively destroyed the earth. All have born false witness against brothers and sisters, even wishing death upon them, although God’s Law states that a liar like that must receive the same penalty that one’s lie intended to bring on the victim of that lie.
So who is left? Who is the hero? Who is noble and worthy of praise, deserving entitlement over even one single other human being on the face of this earth? The only way anyone can possibly believe that anyone is entitled to more esteem, wealth and power than another human being is if one makes a very stupid and wrong judgment based on delusions, lies and pure ignorance. But we must learn the truth and wisdom of God, then honestly judge others, as justly and rightly as possible, in a way that is guided by God Himself. And, if we do this, we will soon realize that it is impossible to execute every sinner worthy of the death penalty, since every human being on earth is an extremely harmful sinner who deserves the death penalty, and there is only one exception among all in all history, the Man named Jesus. The one and only thing that makes every human being fully equal to every other human being is the reality that literally all are factually and actually sinners who deserve a death penalty. Therefore, let the elect πραεῖς. those who are now being saved, seek God’s counsel in all judgments, and only imprison the unrepentant who are a genuine risk to others, only the real threats to a peaceful and just community. Only in rare cases do the elect πραεῖς, through humble and fearful prayers to Jesus, and by His command, ever execute an extremely malicious, totally unrepentant, fully deluded psychopath, to protect the well-being and lives of guards or other souls in a prison.
The elect πραεῖς, once their spirits have begun to be taught and trained by Jesus’ Holy Spirit, know exactly who they are. They live in the reality and truth that God created and now controls through His will and power. They all realize they are common sinners, just like literally everyone else. So they do not let their spirits become deceived by any sect of the devil’s religion of humanism, neither by any theistic nor secular cult of humanism. For their spirits cannot see themselves as gods in control of their own destinies, since they know the real Creator God alone controls every detail of their lives, and only their Lord Jesus can save them into heaven. Nor can their spirits worship any human god, by esteeming that wretched sinner and serving that one’s whims. Those pitch-black delusions from hell’s elite psychopaths are utterly vile and repulsive to the awakened elect, and even seem ridiculous. So they want no part of them. And, whenever an elect πραεῖς is granted wealth or a position of authority, they take this stewardship seriously, and use it for the benefit of all, to the very best of their ability. Yes, the devil will tempt them through their minds of flesh, just as he tempted Jesus. But these elect have learned the words of God from Jesus, and can always use those truths from God to carry their hearts back down into reality, and nullify the lies and deluding propaganda of Satan. Every hard-working, honest, diligent πραΰς who is granted wealth or authority simply uses whatever God grants him or her for the benefit of Christ’s just and loving kingdom, as His faithful stewards equitably administering whatever He deems necessary for the well-being of all souls alike.
I do not know how often I have heard or read preachings about the Sermon on the Mount. It seems that every church on earth, even the most demonic ones, will quote and teach about the “beatitudes.”
Yet I very seldom see churches who actually believe these words of Jesus, in their spirits. And, since they do not trust these words of Jesus, since their spirits do not believe these blessings are true, they also do not place any actual saving faith in the real Jesus Himself, none whatsoever. None of their spirits are true disciples of Jesus. That is, none can be called true Christians, not in any way. For a Page 281
Christian is, by definition: a disciple of Jesus who trusts His words; a member of Christ’s family and household; a common brother or sister who is led, taught and trained to faithfully do the words and fulfill the will of Christ; one who not only believes all Jesus says, but relies upon Jesus to lead one into the light of God’s true, wise, loving laws and ways, as well as out of the darkness of the world order. So, if a church only seeks a human god’s private interpretations of Christ’s words, nothing but a self-serving existential interpretation that sells the delusions of personal entitlement, but they care nothing for Jesus Christ’s own interpretation of His own words, then that church is not being saved by the real God and Messiah, Jesus. Then that church does not consist of the elect πραεῖς, and they will not inherit the earth when Jesus returns. This is a fact that God Himself shall prove on that day.
For Those Craving Righteousness
The greatest hope of an awakened elect spirit is to become truly loving, in the very same way God is loving. Then the second most desired thing of an awakened elect spirit is to be loved. Still, by far, the strongest consuming and heart-felt calling of every conscious elect spirit is to learn to love in an ever-increasing, wise, just, beneficial way, with a love built solely on truth alone, to become a true blessing to a beloved family and friends, even to all the suffering souls in this beleaguered world. So, once an elect spirit begins to actually see the lives of loved ones, that spirit longs to effectively work good for them, and covets this ability more than anything Satan’s world order could possibly offer, more than all the wealth or power the devil could ever grant. Every elect soul craves to be perfected in love, even much more than they want to enter God’s sinless land of heaven. For our homeland of heaven would be nothing if we could not love and express love there. Thus, Jesus promised to bless us with this inner gift we so fervently seek: “Those hungering and thirsting for righteousness are blessed, because they will be fed until fully satisfied” (Mat. 5:6, from: μακάριοι οἱ πεινῶντες καὶ
διψῶντες τὴν δικαιοσύνην, ὅτι αὐτοὶ χορτασθήσονται, SBLGNT). This means that our God Jesus will teach and train us to love in a just and God-like way, in the way which fulfills His laws that tell us how to love. He will feed our elect spirits with the knowledge of right ways, with the wisdom to practise those ways effectively. He will keep on feeding our spirits truth and wisdom until we are full, until we have become completed and perfected, until we have become just like Him, our God.
Here we see the Greek noun δικαιοσύνη, which linguists define as: “generally the quality of being upright ... a sense of equitableness combines with awareness of responsibility within a social context ... the quality, state, or practice of judicial responsibility with focus on fairness, justice, equitableness, fairness ... quality or state of juridical correctness with focus on redemptive action, righteousness. Equitableness is especially associated with God ... in contrast to human wrath, which beclouds judgment ... t he way God acts in justifying or restoring people to a relationship w ith God’s
self serves as a model for Christian interaction ... for the time being it is a matter of hope ... God’s uprightness as a gift ... the quality or characteristic of upright behaviour, uprightness, righteousness ... Described as a characteristic to be taught and learned, because it depends on a
knowledge of God’s will ... fulfilling divine expectation not specifically expressed in ordinances ...
uprightness as determined by divine/legal standards” (BDAG3). So “righteousness” (δικαιοσύνη), that which Jesus promised to feed us until we are fully satisfied, fulfills literally all God’s Law. But this not only practises all God’s intentions for the effective application of His Law, it also practises God’s loving will, which extends far beyond the words of His Law written on paper by His prophets.
The calling of God’s Law is to wisely love God, as well as to equitably love those He brings into the spheres of our lives. And this love for Him and His people takes responsibility for justice, for the fair and equitable well-being of all in His creations, in whatever ways He gives us the ability, power and Page 282
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strength to accomplish. Therefore, our love also wars against lies, sins and crimes, to protect and provide for those whom sinners and criminals try to deceive and unjustly exploit, harm or murder.
But, as we learn all this, we also seek to redeem every sinner who is willing and able to repent into the just, wise truths of God. For, through the repentance of their spirits, we restore a loving, trusting and fruitful relationship between ourselves and those repentant sinners, just as God restores our relationship with Him through our repentance from our lies and sins. This restoration of a trusting relationship, full of love, is called atonement, and is costly. The goal of a sinner’s forgiveness is to repent into wisdom and truth, to be able to love and be loved again, to rebuild a relationship upon the realities of who we actually are, as fallible, weak sinners whose spirits can also possess this bright, wondrous and God-like attribute of just, equitable, wise love. Yet, at the same time, we know we have never fully achieved this ability to justly and equitably love, never enough to truly please our God, our oldest Brother Jesus and the Father of our spirits. And we never will, not while we are still living in these unruly, self-seeking bodies of flesh on earth. So our spirits continuously hunger and thirst for more, although the most we can hope to be are mere disciples of Jesus, who continuously learn to love justly and wisely through the teaching and training of our spirits by His Holy Spirit.
Because this loving and God-like righteousness is what we hope for with all our hearts, for the sakes of everyone and everything we love, yet we always fail to possess it in full, then what did Jesus mean when He said we will be blessed by God, and “fed until fully satisfied”? Well, if we look at His eschatological teachings, this obviously means two things: (1) Every individual elect soul will be taught and trained to love wisely and in all truth by the end of the judgment day, since all biblical judgments involve teaching and training for the repentant; and (2) all the elect still living on earth after Jesus returns, will be fed all the wisdom and truth they need to build abundant lives of love, through His direct and indirect teaching and training of their souls. But only the first, our perfecting and completion on the final day, will feed our hearts until we are fully satisfied, and crave no more.
The very moment we shed these wickedly faulty, temporary bodies of material resistance to that just kind of spiritual love, we will be granted new bodies made of spiritual substances. And those new bodies cannot be tempted by lies into sin. So the minds of our new bodies shall always and fully submit to the minds of our fully taught and trained spirits within the chambers of our souls. Then we will love in wise, responsible, just, equitable ways, and labour beside God for the good of all His heavenly creatures. We need to realize that this is the goal of our salvation by the New Covenant works of our God, Jesus. For, if we do not understand this, we will not be able to even define that word δικαιοσύνη, in the ecclesiastical and biblical way that our God Jesus used it here. Only if we comprehend all that was taught in all the Old Covenant Law and Scriptures, can we define all that Jesus and His New Covenant Scriptures spoke about, and define terms like “love,” “righteousness,”
“justice,” “equity” and so on. Otherwise, every false church and individual sinner will invent their own personal definitions of all these words, then deceive themselves into thinking they love and serve God, even while they actually hate God and war against all that God teaches to His elect.
Throughout this struggle to perfect and complete our loving righteousness, we grow relationships.
First and foremost, we learn to seek our heavenly Father and our oldest Brother, our Teacher. We learn to rely on Him, more and more, since only His words of real truth and wisdom prove to be entirely effective, while all other words fail us and our loved ones. Then, after spending hour upon hour, day upon day, together with Him, our spirits become extremely familiar with Him, learn to trust Him, and find that we truly love Him, much more that we ever thought we could. This process occurs among all our beloved elect siblings on earth. Literally all elect souls inevitably fail God and one another. Then, through Christ’s works in our spirits, we begin to see and admit our sins, which Page 283
causes us to inwardly mourn about the harm our sins have caused. In time, as we reflect on our own failing in a state of godly sorrow, seeking some way to restore rightness and love, Jesus reveals the right, true and loving ways of our God, all that we should have done, rather than sin. So our spirits repent into that truth and beg for forgiveness from God, and from the victims of our sins who are willing and able to respond through love. And God does forgive. Likewise, the loving elect made in His image also forgive. Then, in this forgiveness from God and others, a restoration of an even more deep and trusting relationship results. Our relationship begins again, and we find it has even grown beyond the measure it was before sin’s separation. For the elect who are forgiven love the forgiver more for their grace in freely forgiving them, without strings attached. And those who forgive rejoice greatly in the recovery of what they had once lost. Thus, even our sins that end in repentance work good for our spirits. And that is why God created the training ground of this earth, where both sin and righteousness can exist together. For, in the holy heaven, God could never allow us to learn to rely on Him and His loving grace in this way. For, in His utterly sanctified homeland of heaven, God cannot allow sins and, therefore, cannot work in us the facing of our own sins, in order to increase our love for Him and for one another. This process must be done on earth, and is done always here.
This is a fact: “Those hungering and thirsting for righteousness are blessed, because they will be fed until fully satisfied.” The elect who fervently desire God-like, loving righteousness are and will be blessed in multitudes of different and eternal ways, whenever their spirits merely look at Jesus, at the Man that Satan’s world order vilified. The devil hates Jesus because Jesus destroys all of that devil’s precious delusions, all the fake “glory” of wealth, status and power in Satan’s world order. Simply by His life and example, the light radiating from Him burns away all those deceptions. His face looking upon our elect spirits in our hearts causes our souls to loosen our grip on everything that Satan has handed us, on all that demon’s bribes and false promises. All the elect need to do is let their spirits raise their eyes to the Man with God’s Holy Spirit in His body of flesh, whom His haters hung on a tortuous cross to die. Then He will grant our spirits real food and drink, the kind that will fulfill the promise of the New Covenant established and ratified by that trusted Head Teacher and King of our spirits. Jesus will feed our spirits with the Bread of Heaven, teaching us all the truth and wisdom residing in His heart, until each and every elect spirit becomes fully satisfied, until literally all of us are completed and perfected on that final day, able to work in His kind of righteous love.
Jesus told us: “I am the bread of life. He who comes to Me will not be hungry, and he who believes in Me will never be thirsty.... All those whom the Father gives Me will come to Me. He who comes to Me I will in no way throw out.... No one can come to Me unless the Father who sent Me draws him, and I will raise him up in the last day.... I am the living bread which came down out of heaven.
If anyone eats of this bread, he will live forever. Yes, the bread which I will give for the life of the world is My flesh.... It is the spirit who gives life. The flesh profits nothing. The words that I speak to you are spirit, and are life” (John 6:35,37,44,51,63 WEB). “If anyone is thirsty, let him come to Me and drink! He who believes in Me, as the Scripture has said, from within him will flow rivers of living water” (John 7:37-38, WEB). Here John was exegeting that fourth “beatitude” for all of us.
Jesus is thee Teacher, thee Bread of Life. He feeds our spirits with all the truth and wisdom we need to grow and thrive. He pours the “living water” of His Holy Spirit’s love and energy into our souls, until it overflows from our hearts. His life-giving Spirit of God so managed His body of flesh that He was utterly sinless. Then He willingly gave His flesh over to torture and death, to pay for the sins of our flesh, so we might no longer live for our flesh, so we could begin to walk according to the desires of our hungry and thirsty elect spirits. Our flesh died with His flesh on that cross. Now He feeds our sanctified, unencumbered spirits with teachings of eternal principals and realities. Now we Page 284
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serve Him and His creation through a just love, in righteousness that wisely benefits all, both on earth and forever after. Whether or not an elect human soul consciously realizes it in the mind of one’s flesh, the heavenly Father forcibly compels literally all elect spirits to go to Jesus, for the food and drink of heaven, for nourishment and growth. And not one elect spirit is turned away from Jesus.
Each and every elect spirit feeds and drinks from Him to the full, until all can mature and go home.
All the elect living in flesh on earth must bear with their irrational and easily duped minds of flesh, which readily believe the imaginings and speculations presented as “facts” by many lying citizens of Satan’s world order. And all minds of flesh are prone to believe the world’s empty promises of carnal gratification, or hollow words that flatter, esteem and exalt the pride of the flesh. All flesh falls to the temptations which appeal (1) to the needs and lusts of the flesh, (2) to the coveting eyes of flesh and (3) to the pride of physical life on earth. Yet all the elect also have spirits created in the image of the Spirit who created all things, who made both the temporary material universe and the eternal spiritual space-time continuum of heaven and hell. Elect spirits were “breathed” from God’s Spirit, originated from the very substance of His spiritual Being, and will be granted new bodies in heaven that will be like the body of our God Jesus, who shall dwell among us there. Our elect spirits were created from within God, and were fashioned in His image, while all other spirits were created with spiritual substances created by His energy flowing from His hands. Therefore, as we exist now, as infantile and ignorant spirits in these unruly bodies of flesh, we are all nothing, and not even able to recognize our own siblings living here among us on this earth. However, our eternal future is being prepared for us through this wretched state we must endure on earth, and that future will fulfill us.
So which mind should we be most concerned about? Which should we gratify first, so it might be strengthened and grow? Which needs its thirst quenched first and foremost, so it does not languish and die? Do we prioritize our time and energy to gratify our minds of flesh or the minds of our elect spirits? What desires should we heed, desires in our minds of flesh or desires in the minds of our elect spirits? Our daily walk in life, our behaviours in every aspect of life, are affected by choices to either serve our flesh as our first priority, or to serve our elect spirits as our first priority. Every decision we make in life depends on this choice. We either walk according to the desires of our flesh or else according to the desires of our elect spirits. And we cannot do both at once, since the desires of the minds of flesh frequently oppose the desires of the minds of elect spirits. And all elect spirits will always hunger and thirst for the will of God, will have no other god besides God, will innately desire to make every decision align with God’s will. But the flesh has no other god other than itself.
So now we can begin to see how there has always been a consistent, harmonious definition of true righteousness upon the earth, and how this one truth and one way has always been known within the spirits of the elect, but never fully and rightly defined or understood by any other creations of God.
For all righteousness is solely and entirely defined by the Creator, by thee uncreated Spirit. Thus, first of all, all righteousness is spiritual, not physical. And righteousness is all that perfectly aligns with the attributes of the uncreated Creator, who created all according to His will, according to all that perfectly aligns with His own harmonious, rational, immutable self. So righteousness is itself harmonious, rational and immutable. True and pure righteousness has always been exactly the same thing that both Adam and the elect today know it to be, exactly the same effective ways that pure reason throughout eternity will seek and accept as truth wisdom, the kinds of principles which shall never contradict but always uphold one another. But the spirits of heaven’s angels, and the spirits of all living beings on earth, were never granted the attributes of God. The minds of their spirits are not created to be like the mind of God, since they were not created in His image. Therefore, the only Page 285
ones who are capable of learning and understanding true righteousness, the only beings capable of defining and judging according to the ways of righteousness, are the elect with well-taught spirits.
And this is what we have observed throughout all history. Whether or not the elect have heard or read the Scriptures, whether or not they know our God Jesus by His biblical names, literally all the elect have always hungered and thirsted after exactly the same kind of righteousness. Always, even when Satan’s psychopathic children have established huge and powerful empires that suppress and war against the righteousness of God, which use the weapons of this world to terrorize and crush the righteousness of God, which invent the most devious lies to slander the righteousness of God, the elect have always found and fed their spirits with exactly the same righteousness of God. Literally all the elect in all history and in all places upon this earth have craved the food and drink of exactly the same kind of righteousness as an expression of exactly the same kind of love in their spirits. So all of them have defined the justice and equity of that righteousness in exactly the same ways too.
The very essence of all God’s Law in the Bible, which is what Jesus called the fulfilling of that Law inside us and through us, was practised by Abraham and by Job in about 2,000 BC, long before most of the Scriptures were written. Yet both pleased God in the way they practised righteousness, through the love of their spirits for God and for His creations. God said, “Abraham obeyed My voice, and kept My requirements, My commandments, My statutes, and My laws” (Gen. 26:5, WEB). And remember how Job’s churchy-like friends wrongly judged and condemned him, according to their own man-made principles of righteousness, but would not hear Job’s correcting wisdom. So God declared that He would accept Job, but told those false friends: “... you have not spoken of Me the thing that is right, as My servant Job has” (Job 42:8, WEB). So Abraham and Job were God’s elect children and now dwell at the gates of heaven, where they will serve Jesus until the end of the last day. Then both will enter their homeland of heaven, to labour beside God for all eternity, and build up the love in their spirits forever. Yet neither Abraham nor Job were Jews or Christians. Both were pagans, and neither belonged to God’s eternal church of Israel. And both lived 600 years before God gave Israel His Law, and about a thousand years before the prophets of Israel redacted the writings of Abraham, Job, Moses and other servants of God, into what we call the earliest books of the Bible.
So now we see how the definition of righteousness, from the very beginning, is God’s own personal interpretation of His Law, the one that He gave us through Moses. And God Himself summarized all that Law in ten statements that we now call the Ten Commandments. Then God further summarized those Ten Commandments, and all His other 613 laws, with only two commandments: (1) “Love God” and (2) “Love the one near you.” So we need to realize that literally all the righteousness of all the awakened elect spirits existing throughout all history has always fulfilled these same laws that God granted us through Moses, and always in exactly the same ways. Of course, all the elect have always sinned by breaking these laws too. But, whenever their spirits felt godly sorrow because of their sins, and their elect spirits were willing to hear the very same Holy Spirit of the one and only God, that Creator Spirit has counselled their spirits with exactly the same teachings about exactly the same righteousness that is described in His Law. Then, if we look closely into history, literally all the elect spirits existing everywhere throughout history have repented into this same truth and wisdom of that same Law which all received from that same God. The only consistent essential definitions of righteousness in any and every culture on earth, throughout history, have all been exactly the same.
Literally all elect spirits who ever lived on earth have always hungered and thirsted for exactly the same kind of love which expresses itself in exactly the same way, through exactly the same kinds of righteousness, through the same kinds merciful and forgiving justice equally administered to all the souls in their lands. No matter how different their flesh may have lived, in various environments and Page 286
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cultures, with all kinds of languages, clothing, shelters, sources of sustenance and so on, literally all the elect have always ended up with exactly the same essence of love and the same expression of that love through the same kinds of righteousness, equity and justice. And the more awakened the elect became among any people in any land, the more clearly and accurately they could hear the voice of the one Creator Spirit counselling, teaching and training their spirits, and more closely they harmonized their definitions of love, righteousness, justice and equity with the revealed Law of God.
Many attempt to dispute this claim, but all fail. They point out how this or that culture would define love, righteousness, justice and equity in one way at one time, then in a different way at another time in their history, and how each culture defined all these concepts differently. But did the mature and awakened elect really do so in all those cultures? Or did the non-elect in every place simply always attempt to corrupt the one true definition of love held by all the mature awakened elect in their land, then try to twist all the just, righteous, equitable expressions of love for personal gain? Whenever we see deviations from God’s own definitions of love, righteousness, justice and equity, that deviation always comes from human beings, and usually from psychopaths claiming to be human gods. Yet, in all history, we always see some of the people in every culture of every land gravitate towards the way God Himself defines love, righteousness, justice and equity in His Law and in all His teachings.
From times as far back as we can perceive, in every place on earth, we have found groups of people defining love, righteousness, justice and equity in exactly the same way as we find in God’s Law.
Always, whether they have been families and tribes of hunter-gatherers, or larger communities with far more sophisticated agricultural and manufacturing technologies, we have seen people groups who love one another in exactly the same ways that God’s Law commands: who care for the needy, infirmed and elderly; who forgive repentant sinners and help them restore the damages and losses they caused; who suppress the greed, violence and lies of the unrepentant wicked; where justice is not about revenge, but about teaching sinners to take responsibility for their words and deeds, whenever it is possible; who establish democratic governments, where vetted siblings serve their people for their good, as equals to all other siblings; where God’s Law is fulfilled in the way Jesus taught. Evidence of these spiritually and philosophically “sophisticated” democratic and free tribes or states goes back to the earliest records of mankind, and in accounts of the “primitive” indigenous peoples in every continent on earth during the last few millenniums as well. Of course, at the same time, from the beginning, we also find evidence of evil, manipulative, deceiving, gaslighting and psychopathic leaders attempting to sabotage, destroy, conquer or enslave all those free people too.
In the end, literally every elect spirit will choose God, and all will enter heaven. Then non-elect spirits will try to confuse, obscure, suppress or oppress choices for God and His ways. But right now, we all have choices to make. So let all choose wisely. Now those who take up the Platonic doctrines of determinism and fatalism like to say that, if all is predestined, then all choices are a delusion, since all our choices were predestined. They say all our choices are already made for us, because the future, like the past, already exists. Well, they are right about one thing. The entire future of the whole material space-time continuum does already exist and has already been created in its entirety.
Yet do not forget the loving purposes of our heavenly Father. Because the non-elect have no love in them, and have convinced most elect to suppress their starving and thirsty spirits so they will think only with their irrational minds of flesh, that Platonic nonsense is believed. Yet, let me tell you that only our minds of flesh are subject to the predestination of the future and to the laws of entropy which cause the inevitable dissipation and destruction of all material existence. Our elect spirits are not subject to entropy, but were placed into this dying and predestined material universe strictly for teaching and training purposes. Our spirits can and do indeed grow and mature, can actually become Page 287
disciples of Jesus, can make real choices while being limited in a body fo flesh on this temporary earth, while bound to the “arrow of time” in the material creation, while constrained in a body that is subject to laws of entropy. Yes, it is true that God, in the beginning, knew every decision our spirits would ever make while we would be bound within a perceived flow of time in this material space-time continuum. But, when God created all the past and future time here, as one moment of heavenly time, thus predestining all that would ever occur in the material universe, He knew each elect spirit and planned all the lessons He would teach to each. So our spirits perceive earthly time as moving, though it is not. And, through this perception, our spirits learn and grow, by making our decisions.
So, although God knows the decisions our spirits will make on earth, and has already ordained the good results or bad consequences of those decisions, our spirits learn from those decisions. And, yes, elect spirits sometimes fail to love, even as they also sometimes love rightly. Then our spirits often learn more from our failures than our successes, although we need successes, or at least need to see the successes of others, to be encouraged to pursue love, justice, equity and God Himself. Thus, just because God predestined the physical acts of failing or succeeding to rightly express love from our spirits, as well as predestined the effects of those acts, it does not mean that our spirits do not make those decisions. And predestination certainly does not mean that our spirits cannot learn from those failures or successes. On the contrary, it is because the lessons our spirits learn during our lives on earth are all predestined, just like curricula of courses at school, that our spirits can learn so much.
Some insist that they only way our spirits can learn to love in a righteous, just and equitable way is if each disciple of God defines his or her own curriculum and decides exactly what each wants to learn.
But that is irrational, since students do not know what they need to learn, and cannot even decide what questions they need to ask, in order to find out what they need to know. And, yes, I agree that human teachers often decide their curricula based on what an elite oppressor wants them to teach, so those children can be deluded and brain-washed into serving those fake human gods. However, our God’s predestined lessons for His elect children are perfect, based solely on the most important truths each individual needs to learn from the circumstances each will face on earth. And we cannot second-guess all that God designed and predestined for each of our own elect spirits. So, without any knowledge of the future that God knows and has predestined for us, our spirits actually do make real choices with real effects or consequences. And all that our spirits learn is actually eternal. All our earthly experiences will affect what we will be taught on the judgment day at the gates of heaven, as our spirits remember all we experienced on earth. For Jesus will point to all we remember, as the examples and illustrations of how His ways work best, and how deviations from His ways always prove to be ineffective or outright harmful. In the end, literally all the elect, because of their inherent nature, will become all that God predestined them to become. All will enter heaven totally completed and perfected, to forever be all they were meant to become, so all can immensely enjoy working in heaven beside their Father and Brother, with a satisfaction that is its own great reward. And a part of that completing and perfecting of our elect spirits depends on the choices of our elect spirits bound to earthly bodies in predestined earthly time, so we can become priestly heirs of all in heaven above.
Do not make choices frivolously, and do not let your mind of flesh become confused by the crafty rhetoric of foolish human beings who know neither the Scriptures, nor God’s truths revealed in His spiritual and physical creations. For those foolish ones can never know how or why all things work together for the good of God’s elect children, through the righteous love which permeates the Being of our heavenly Father and Brother. The Father of our elect spirits predestined and planned all solely for the teaching and training of our elect spirits, so that all the choices of our spirits, as the heads and Page 288
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managers of our bodies and brains of flesh, will continuously grow a just and effective knowledge of the truths and wisdom He personally predestined for each, through His unfathomable love for each.
We see so many elect allow their minds of flesh to suppress and “take captive” the minds of their spirits in the chambers of their souls. So their shallow, empty lives seek only food and drink for their minds and bodies of flesh. They are unfaithful stewards of their physical existence, who let their own spirits starve and thirst in the chambers of their souls, ignored and forgotten. Then they even try to cause others to do the same, while also letting the flesh of their brothers and sisters starve and thirst, ignored and forgotten, because their own starving and thirsting elect spirits have no strength to love, no ability to manage their flesh as it should be, in the way God wants them to be good stewards of their flesh. Only if elect spirits feed on Jesus, on His words of truth and wisdom, can their spirits grow strong and mature enough to do the loving works of their Father and Brother. So, if any of the elect decide to walk according to their spirits, instead of according to their flesh, that decision of their spirits will be predestined, but it will be a real decision of their spirits and produce real effects, real fruits of God’s Holy Spirit working with their elect spirits to do good. But, to do this, the elect must first become aware of their own spirits, and realize the hunger and thirst of their own spirits.
Only then can they heed the calling of their Father to Jesus, and let their spirits be taught by Him.
Once the elect know the hungering and thirsting of their spirits for the loving justice and equity of God, let them also know that their God longs to grant them so much food and drink for their spirits that they shall be completely satiated. In Jesus, their spirits will find abundant lives, overflowing with just and pure love, all built on a solid foundation of real truth. In Jesus Christ’s truth and power, they will find effective righteousness, the kind inherent to His kingdom on earth. They will begin to see how His kingdom on earth existed from the very beginning, though it has always been violently opposed by Satan’s kingdom, and hidden from the blind eyes of Satan’s brood. Let the elect know that God’s just, equitable, loving kingdom began as a small glowing ember in darkness, but shall grow until it fills the earth with the full brightness Jesus as its King. Then the elect will no longer be taken captive by any other kingdom, since God’s kingdom will be the only kingdom on earth. His is the only truly powerful kingdom on this earth, backed by all the strength and wisdom of our just, omnipotent, omniscient and loving Creator God. And His is the only kingdom that will endure for all eternity, even after He withdraws His power to end the material universe. And the death of our God’s body for our sins of our flesh, the death of Jesus’ flesh, ensured the ultimate success of His kingdom.