The Gospel of Matthew; The life and times of God in a body of flesh by Gregory Stephen Supina - HTML preview

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Then the suffering of one can also teach all of us His truths and wisdom, since all share all with all.

The elect need to seek the counsel and power of our God Jesus, at all times. For the devil surely counsels his non-elect children at all times, teaching them to live as though they are their own gods, in control of their own destinies. Then Satan allows some of his preferred children to become the makers of their own hypocritical, double-standard “laws.” And the “laws” in their kingdoms allows the elite gods to break God’s loving laws at will, with complete impunity, and with the power to force others to serve them. So those elite human gods parasitically leach blood from the “inferior”

lives of everyone else, expect all others to be perfectly submissive, to love and worship them instead of God, and to also perform harm and destruction at their command, for their personal benefit. Then the elite lie, and tell the elect that they come in the name the real heavenly God, with the authority to rule in their oppressive, demonic ways. And the elect bear an inherent propensity to respect and obey God, but lack the knowledge, experience and ability to realize how God commanded them to choose only the authorities whom He chose for them. Consequently, while they live with those non-elect in Satan’s world order, the elect come to believe that lie. And the non-elect censor and corrupt the truth so diligently, that most elect are never exposed to any spiritual or even physical realities existing outside of the hellish world order they live within. So most elect continue to live entirely according to their minds of flesh, and never even try anything not conforming to the demonic life they have become accustomed to. In fact, the elect fear and war against their own salvation from God, because they think their saviours are those sons of Satan, and cannot even imagine what real salvation is.

But, whether the elect like or not, God will awaken some of their spirits enough to hear His Spirit.

God has always done this, throughout history. Then, as God teaches their hearts, and they start to lean some of His laws and ways, those elect souls begin to reject the lies of the non-elect, and leave the elite exploiters in Satan’s world order, so they might follow the real God as their God. God rescues them from the wicked, and from their Satanic lies. Yes, our heavenly Father often rescues us through much suffering of the flesh. But it is not God who causes that suffering. It is the non-elect, who war against God and against all truth from God, who attack, kill and enslave the elect, in order to defend their vile father’s kingdom. And this is why we need God’s counsel and power, so we may gain the wisdom and strength to more effectively overcome those servants of hell, without casualties.

To obtain the fullness of God’s salvation for our spirits, which also results in a free, healthy and joyful life for even our flesh, the elect must take the time to let their spirits hear God’s Spirit. To free our spirits from the lying counsel of the wicked, so our spirits might willingly receive His own wise counsel, we must let our spirits learn to trust and love that Holy Spirit of Jesus as He teaches and trains our hearts. We desperately need to frequently approach our loving heavenly Father and pray:

“May You not lead us into temptation, but please rescue us from the wicked.” However, we should also know that our Father does not rescue all His elect children immediately, while they live in flesh on earth. If the spirits of His elect children are content to let their minds of flesh manage every Page 430

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aspect of their lives, while their spirits ignore and remain wilfully ignorant of His just and loving ways, if their spirits refuse to love and seek His truth, our God may punish them. Instead of lifting them out of the traps and snares fell into, our Father may hand them over to the lies and delusions they cherish, to those deceptions from the vile sons of Satan. If the elect do not love the truth which God’ Spirit pours into their spirits, but live for their flesh, God may let them continue to worship themselves and other human beings, as their gods and saviours. God has allowed many stubborn elect to become members of false religions like humanistic “Christiandumb.” Yes, God will allow some of His elect, “who are determined to be rich, fall into a temptation and a snare and many foolish and harmful lusts, such as drown men in ruin and destruction” (I Tim. 6:9, WEB). Although God sends many warnings to their souls throughout their lives, or causes many circumstances which should turn their spirits to Him, some stubborn elect will not repent. Some will love Satan’s carnal rewards of the world order too much, and become too afraid of losing their worthless bribes to be rescued from the futility of wasted life. Thus, these can only be saved on the judgment day after death, not during life on earth. Yet it is imperative that we pray, “but rescue us from the wicked!”

All our spirits are so infantile and ignorant that we do not even always know when or how we have fallen to temptations. We often sin in ways we do not recognize as harmful or even deadly sins. And, even if we do see that something is a sin, our flesh is very strong in its lusts, but extremely weak in terms of actually doing the unpleasant tasks of repenting and bearing fruits of repentance, to please the Father of our spirits. So our flesh easily falls to temptations, then tries to reason sin away. Our minds of flesh will boldly enter the chambers of our souls, to tell the minds of our spirits sins are not really sins, then use all kinds of anecdotal evidence and false reasoning to justify its sins. Demonic spirits are also happy to oblige the mind of flesh in this endeavour. Both Satan and his children will teach our flesh all kinds of tricks and pseudo-rational arguments to use against our elect spirits. And, since our spirits are so infantile and ignorant, they often fall for those tricks and lies. So it is critical to have our almighty and wise Father “rescue us from the wicked.” For they can tempt us into many kinds of sins, and are even able to cause our spirits to think that some of our sins are works of God.

On the other hand, there are some elect who fear temptations and the wicked so much that they will refuse to step outside of the little prisons that the devil’s world order made for them. These elect are much like the worldly elect who do not love the truth, because both kinds believe the lie that, if they reject Satan and that devil’s appointed elite, they will lose their lives. That is, both kinds believe that their only saviours are the rulers of Satan’s kingdom. So even these abused and imprisoned elect allow their minds of flesh to dictate every decision of their lives, lest their enslavers murder them for their “rebellion.” They become too terrorized to hear God and escape into his freedom. Yes, their fear comes entirely from their minds of flesh. But their elect spirits are not mature and strong enough to overcome and manage their trembling flesh. So their flesh panics and locks their infantile spirits away in the chambers of their hearts, silenced and never visited. Then, of course, that flesh is never able to hear or trust God. Thus, none of those terrorized elect ever hear from nor know God at all.

We must not allow our flesh to rule over our lives, because that is not life. To even begin to have any kind of true life, full of love and truth, we must allow our spirits to trust the words of God which He whispers to our spirits, in a language our flesh cannot comprehend, and so quietly that our flesh can never detect it. Then our spirits must be bold enough to bring those received truths into the chambers of our souls, where our spirits can instruct our minds of flesh to obey those concepts from God. Then we must act in the wisdom of God, according to His effective counsel, and not allow our flesh to devise its own plans for our salvation, nor do what seems right to our flesh, especially not plans Page 431

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involving sins like murder. Rather, we need to wait upon God and His counsel. Our spirits must command our bodies of flesh to do God wise will, so we might overcome the evil with good works.

Let the elect pray to God for their rescue from the wicked, and keep the ears of their spirits open while they pray, then walk according to His just, equitable, wise and loving counsel. For the elect must no longer in constant fear of the weak, schismatic, inept, foolish wicked. Nor should they fear that they might be tempted by the wicked, in ways that may be beyond their strength to overcome.

Rather, listen to God, who strengthens, who leads not into temptations, but also can call us into works that will undo the works of the devil, and destroy the power of his temptations through a right understanding of the crushing wisdom in God’s Word. And the end of that devil’s kingdom is nearer now than ever before. So the elect cannot afford to be found in his kingdom, together with his own doomed children. We must no longer behave in ruinous ways, through the lusts and addictions of the flesh, led into lies the and heresies which damn their souls for eternity. Know that their spirits cannot grow wise, no matter how long they live, because no wisdom exists in their hellish father, and they were all created in his image. Yes, Satan is cunning, but never wise. So those foolish despots may think themselves to be very wise in all their terrorizing tactics to subjugate their slaves, or in all the precautions they take to save themselves. But all are extremely vulnerable, easily destroyed through the wisdom and power of God, if only we will hear and trust in His counsel, if we follow His calling.

The citizens of Satan’s world order, including its captive elect with their innate ability to truly love, become extremely adept slanderers of our heavenly Father’s good name, and the name of our holy Brother and God, Jesus. For the devil teaches the elect to hate and fear both God and His truths, and to make the eyes of their spirits turn away from God in fear. For Satan does not want any of those useful elect slaves to catch a glimpse of the real God, lest they learn to trust Him, follow His just ways, and leave his demonic kingdom bereft of souls to exploit for their own profit and pleasure. So the fearful, distrustful and faithless elect in Satan’s kingdom refuse to let Christ’s Holy Spirit teach and train their spirits, but close the eyes and ears of their spirits to any knowledge and wisdom from God. If any truths oppose the lies which Satan’s threatening commands tell them to believe, those elect fear that truth. Then their great fears stir up rage, because fear and rage are actually the same emotion of the flesh. As a result, even though the elect all possess a potential ability to love, they will violently beat, torture or kill the flesh of their own elect brothers and sisters whom God sends to proclaim the truth to them. For the minds of flesh in those elect will cling to the only life and culture they know, thinking they will die if they do not heed the devil and his minions. So they war on the side of their own enslavers and destroyers, thinking those liars are their saviours, and try to destroy their true Saviour, along with those whom their Saviour sends to rescue them. Because the only life they have ever experienced involves the worship of their own bodies of flesh, those elect lose the lives of their flesh to save their flesh for the sakes of fake saviours who exploit and kill their flesh.

Countless elect become comfortable in lives they live for their flesh. Consequently, their flesh never dares to step out of their spiritually imprisoning life, never lets their spirits hear and learn from the real God, who is their loving Father and oldest Brother. Since all they know is an empty, dark life of delusions, lies and sins, a life which exploits their own siblings in mankind, in the same way they are exploited by their elite human gods, the flesh of those elect remain terrified of God’s truth and His abundant life. Even though their spirits would gladly embrace God’s just, equitable, peaceful, joyful kind of life, which He is calling their elect spirits to receive from Him, their flesh prevents their spirits from looking in that direction. So Satan’s world order has securely chained them in slavery.

But God always causes some spirits of His elect children to remain at least partially awake, to serve as His true church of Israel on earth. And the work of these awakened elect servants, the ministry of Page 432

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His true church, is to help the sleeping elect break through that barrier of fear which Satan’s world order erected in their souls. Since the devil and his minions turned the minds of their flesh against the minds of their elect spirits, and built up a wall between the two, our job is to tear down that wall and free their spirits to rule over their lives. We are to say and do all that appeals to those oppressed spirits. And this is not a difficult task, because all elect spirits are inherently attracted to God’s true and loving justice. So their spirits are drawn to even our most infantile and fumbling words of truth and our most inept good deeds. Although we too are sinners, whenever our loving justice and truths are seen, the spirits of the sleeping elect take notice and the eyes of their spirits begin to crack open.

But, of course, Satan’s kingdom will immediately slander good deeds and wisdom, even those from God Himself. For the devil needs his enslaved elect spirits to turn away from it, fear it, refuse to love it, and go back to sleep. Therefore, as we share in God’s work of waking His children, we not only need to speak truths and do God’s good works, but also expose the inner motives and intentions of our spirits, in a way which nullifies Satanic slander, so the lost elect spirits can understand which of our words and deeds originate from God. Our hearts must be seen too. For literally all elect spirits possess an innate knowledge of good and evil. So they all realize that nothing can be evil if it bears right motives and good intentions. Then, when the world order says our motives and intentions are wrong, but they see they are right, and realize exactly why we pursue the will of God through love, why we strive to build up God just and equitable kingdom, Satan’s slander falls flat. Thus, we cannot simply show and tell, merely say and do, but must also reveal our spirits and expose the reasons of our spirits. We cannot simply drone on about how God’s Word commands this and that, because Satan’s minions do the same thing. Those deceivers also quote God’s Word to falsely prove that their lies and sins are God’s works, in twisted ways to justify themselves. So we must do more than quote God. As we exegete God’s truth and wisdom, then do good works through love, we also need to lay bare the motives and intentions of our hearts, openly and candidly, so we can reach those lost elect.

This openness and transparency, revealing the motives and intentions of our spirits, necessarily will involve confessions of our weakness, wretchedness and sin. For the whole reason our spirits love the truths of God so much, and so strongly desire to do His will on earth as it is done in heaven, is solely because we have all believed lies and sinned, even in terrible ways. We have all done much more than “mess up big time.” All the elect have actually murdered, by serving Satan and his world order.

All of us partook in the works of demons, which caused the extreme suffering and deaths of our innocent brothers and sisters. And literally all of us committed many sins of omission. For none of us have done all we had the means and ability to do, when our siblings of mankind needed us the most.

Rather, we left God’s children in pain and let them die through our own wilful negligence. We have all experienced a dark and vain life in the unjust kingdom of the loveless one, both as sinners and victims. But becoming the sinning servants of that devil pierced our elect hearts and hands the most.

It is the inner condemnation of our sins which drove us away from Satan and toward our heavenly Father, especially when we heard the words of Jesus calling to our elect spirits. Therefore, all the motives and intentions of our spirits involve a truly honest exposure of our sins, but a wise and truthful one, developed through introspection guided by the counsel of Jesus’ Holy Spirit inside us.

Now and throughout history, we have seen countless false, so-called “Christian” churches and other religions constantly striving to build and preserve prison communities for their people. These have all served as subject kingdoms within Satan’s world order. And they have maintained their kingdoms by always warning their people to either focus upon or flee from physical things. They falsely define some physical words, deeds or material items as being “evil,” then call others “holy.” But they never allow any of their people to define good and evil spiritually, because their vile father knows full well Page 433

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that literally all good and evil is worked by spirits. So those institutions of Satan’s world order will incessantly strive to cause their people to fear all physical things which do not serve the desires of their human gods, and will call anything “evil” if it threatens the power and control of their human gods. They tell their people that, if they touch certain physical entities, or believe certain truths and realities, or eat certain foods, or do not fast on certain days, or allow siblings of a different race or culture to live among them, or do not distinguish themselves from others by doing stupid and even dangerous deeds (like refusing to wear a mask during a pandemic), or do not praise and support a certain psychopathic criminal who falsely promises to empower their human gods (like Trump), or do not perform some other physical deeds, then God will reject them and utterly destroy their prison community. Those human heads of false churches feel compelled, by their hellish father, to prevent God, His truths, His wisdom and His true servants from influencing their people. For if their people might begin to believe some realities and truths, they might abandon those liars. Then the heads of those false churches will lose their sources of income from their exploited people, not to mention their power, prestige, status, and arrogant titles of esteem. Therefore, through the senseless fears they instill in captive minds of flesh, they stir up rage, so their people will mock, suppress, persecute, oppress, imprison, torture and kill innocent souls whom God commanded us to leave in peace. And those liars actually make them think they are doing all this evil in God’s name, as His true servants.

Consequently, when we ask our God to rescue us from the wicked, we must pray this directly from our spirits, with spirits that are open and willing to let the Father of our spirits also rescue us from our own false churches, from the religious liars that our minds of flesh serve and trust so much, and from all lies that our flesh takes comfort in. For, once we allow our spirits to hear and heed the real Holy Spirit of our heavenly Father, He will certainly and frequently call us into an abundant life of genuine love, where our hearts find truth and meaning in joy. And He will rebuke very much of what we previously believed, even our most welcomed lies, even concepts that our minds of flesh have dutifully accepted and falsely proven to be “truths,” through fake evidence from liars. Our Father will absolutely crush our souls at times, bring us to the brink of death in godly sorrow, just to cleanse the devil’s delusions and lies from our spirits. Our God can and will discipline our rebellious flesh, and may even take everything from our flesh, so His Holy Spirit can effectively counsel our spirits to repent into His truth and wisdom. Nor will our Father stop this process after our flesh dies. For He will continue His sanctifying work on the judgment day, until He completes and perfects our spirits.

Now, before I continue, I should mention that, after the eighth century, some Greek manuscripts added a clause to the Lord’s Prayer. This line which can be translated as: “because Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory unto the ages. Amen!” (Mat. 6:13). Of course, there is nothing wrong or false about this text. And it is a good reminder that we pray to the omniscient, omnipotent Creator of all that exists. However, it was likely a comment made by a devout scribe responding to the wisdom and truth of Jesus’ teaching about prayer, and all the early Greek texts omit these words.

In our day, most new versions of the Bible do not include this clause either, since it also may have been added for political reasons, possibly through concerns about the Muslim invasions threatening the so-called “Christian” nations of that day. Perhaps this clause was a reaction to the way Islam had seized control of Palestine and Jerusalem (AD 637), then continuously advanced throughout the Middle east, into Asia, Africa and Europe. Since members of both the Byzantine and western churches often mindlessly recited The Lord’s Prayer, their false humanistic churches may have added this clause to brainwash their people into believing that the God of their church, and their church alone, was the real God. They possibly wanted their people to believe that only their church worshipped the real God, and that other humanistic Islamic “church” did not. They wanted their Page 434

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people to believe that only they possessed the glory of God. But God is the only one who possesses His own glory, and God distributes His glory to His awakened elect throughout the world, to all who are just and loving in every nation and religion that exists. So, although this clause declares a truth, we must be careful to remove any implied power and glory that might be stolen from God through it, by false churches. When Jesus gave us this prayer, He clearly assumed that everyone praying in the way His template sample prayer taught them to pray, would already believe “the kingdom and the power and the glory” belonged to God alone. Otherwise, those disciples would not have been following Him nor attempting to pray this kind of prayer. So, although this verse (Mat. 6:13b) will definitely do no harm, it is redundant, since its teaching must be believed before one even begins to pray this kind of prayer. And it is all the other teachings of Jesus and Scriptures which prove it true.

Reciprocal Forgiveness

After Jesus gave us a blueprint to build the basic structure of our prayers, He taught us about some of the reasons for the things He wanted us to pray about. And He began by explaining how God works for us and inside us, to cause us to fulfill forgiveness, the most important matter of our prayers:

“For, if you [disciples] might forgive for the benefit of the people, regarding their offences, your heavenly Father will forgive even for your benefit. But, if you [disciples] do not forgive for the benefit of the people, neither will your Father forgive your offences” (Mat. 6:14-15, from: ἐὰν γὰρ

ἀφῆτε τοῖς ἀνθρώποις τὰ παραπτώματα αὐτῶν, ἀφήσει καὶ ὑμῖν ὁ πατὴρ ὑμῶν ὁ οὐράνιος· ἐὰν δὲ μὴ

ἀφῆτε τοῖς ἀνθρώποις, οὐδὲ ὁ πατὴρ ὑμῶν ἀφήσει τὰ παραπτώματα ὑμῶν, SBLGNT). And notice the implications of the datives here, “for the benefit of ...,” which is a very important consideration.

This teaching of Jesus is usually included with His teachings about prayer, as though He started this teaching immediately after providing us with His template prayer. But, actually, it was likely a separate teaching, a response to another disciple’s question or comment, after He taught the prayer.

Perhaps a wealthier disciple understood exactly what Jesus implied when He told His disciples to pray: “And please entirely forgive our debts for our benefit, as even we have entirely forgiven for the benefit of our debtors” (Mat. 6:12). A Jewish disciple would know it referred to the forgiveness that wealthier Jews were legally bound to grant their debtors every Sabbath year (Deut. 15:1-11). But the Jews could not always force lenders to obey the law of debt forgiveness, although it always benefited everyone in the land, by redistributing wealth, by pulling it out of the narrow parasitic economy of the wealthy and pouring it back into the broad economy of the people. Now the man who questioned Jesus might have forced his debtors to pay back their loans after the Sabbath year began. So he may have been feeling guilty. Yet, at the same time, he also did not want to incur the financial losses of forgiving all those debts. Thus, the questioner probably asked: “Does this mean God will not forgive me if I do not forgive those who owe me money?” Then Jesus gave him this very honest response.

Now, of course, Jesus was talking to knowledgeable disciples. Thus, all would realize that He was referring to the entire biblical process of forgiveness, not to a mere act of speaking words, even if those words were sincerely spoken. For, in God’s Word, we know their can be no completed process of forgiveness if the victim of the sin is truly willing to forgive, but the sinner does not truly repent.

For it is confession and repentance that are offered, then repentance is a response to that offer. And a biblical kind of forgiveness can occur if the sinner truly repents into the truth, even if the victim of that sin refuses to forgive. For God is the Owner of all that every sinner sins against. Thus, only His forgiveness matters to a repentant sinner. However, forgiveness always involves a restoration of a relationship. So, if a victim refuses to forgive a truly repentant sinner, then that sinner’s relationship with God is restored, but the relationship between the sinner and the human victim is not restored.

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And, if the sinner is related to God but the victim is not, then the unforgiving victim is setting oneself apart from both the forgiven sinner and the forgiving God. In God’s created reality, there can be no completed act of forgiveness unless both a willing victim and a truly repentant sinner fully agree about all the realities and truths regarding the sin, in the same way that God Himself sees those realities and truths about the sin. Both minds must meet in that truth, and join with God together.

A genuine and completed act of biblical forgiveness serves only one purpose, to restore a loving and trusting relationship between the sinner and the victim of the sin, where both become right with God.

Consequently, this restored relationship must be built on a foundation of genuine truths alone, void of any disabling lies, since lies always and inevitably crack and crumble the foundation of love. So this process of forgiveness always and necessarily requires the repentance of the sinner into the real truth. For without the spirit’s repentance, real forgiveness is not possible. And, before any spirit can ever truly repent into the truth, that one’s spirit must first learn, accept and fully agree with all the truth regarding all one’s inner motives and intentions, as well as all the details of the physical sin.

Then, when the victim of the sin hears the sinner’s confession, and believes the facts about the sin, that one must forgive from one’s whole spirit, without any residual bitterness, hoping only for God’s eternal rewards, without dwelling on one’s losses of the flesh during one’s temporary stay on earth.

Now, in this particular teaching, it implied that the ones needing the Father’s forgiveness were the victims of sin, those who had to forgive “the debts” of others, since this teaching clearly referenced a previous line of the sample prayer (“And please entirely forgive our debts for our benefit, as even we have entirely forgiven for the benefit of our debtors,” v. 12). So some of those needing forgiveness obviously would be the wealthier disciples whom God’s Law caused to suffer financial loss by forgiving all debts at the start of every Sabbath (seventh) year. Yet this also applied to all others too, even to the poorest disciples, since they all had “debtors” as well. For many sinned against them, and owed them a “debt” or obligation to “bear fruits of repentance,” that is, to pay for non-financial kinds of harm or loss suffered, as victims of sins. But notice how Jesus did not call these debtors

“sinners.” He did not use a form of the word ἁμαρτία (“sinner”), but merely employed a form of the word παράπτωμα (“one making a false step so as to lose footing,” BDAG3). And παράπτωμα can refer to any degree of offence, from a slight error in judgment to a terrible sin like murder. But here, in this context of referring to offences of debtors to their wealthy lenders, the word παράπτωμα

referred to very small offences, those similar to an inability to repay a debt for a loan used solely to purchase necessities. The “offence” was an unpaid debt that debtors felt coerced into borrowing, through circumstances beyond their control. It referred to an offence the debtors felt compelled to commit. It is regarding offences where the debtors wanted to pay their debts, but were not able to.

Then the context of the datives used here (τοῖς ἀνθρώποις and ὑμῖν) imply that the forgiveness of those debts had to be for the accrual of or for the benefit of the entities represented by the datives. So Jesus is suggesting that we, His disciples, must willingly forgive those who commit offences against us, for their benefit, offences like not being able to repay debts before they came due at the end of the sixth year. In other words, we must automatically forgive offences that God calls “unintentional,”

just as the Father does (see chapter four of Leviticus). If offences committed against us were without any evil motives against us, nor any malicious intent toward us, such as through ignorance, through desperation, by coercion or through some other mitigating factor, then must forgive immediately. Yet this teaching would also include many intentional and maliciously deliberate sins too, those actually committed with evil motives and intent, that is, if the spirits of the those committing the sins against us have truly repented into God’s truth. For repentance changes the intentions of a spirit, causes intentional sins to become unintentional, and thus forgivable. If a the mind of the spirit turns away Page 436

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from its bad intentions when it learns the whole truth, then bears good motives, it is forgiven. Now, since we may die and face judgment at any time, it implies that we need to complete this process of forgiveness quickly, for the benefit of the people, for the good of our community, while we are alive.

Both the sinner and victim need to restore their relationship as soon a possible after the sin, or the sin will lead to more and greater sins. If a sinner’s spirit does not repent, that sinner will continue to live a dark and empty life in vain, without God and without love. If the victim does forgive a repentant sinner after finding out the whole truth and hearing the confession, but instead seeks revenge, then that one will also plunge oneself in the very same dark and empty life of sinners, without God and without love; because that unforgiving victim also sins by refusing to accept God’s acquittal of that repentant sinner, and is now warring against God. Then the lives of unrepentant sinner and the unforgiving victim will negatively affect many other lives as well, through their sins built on lies.

Our God declared that He will forgive all the sins we commit through ignorance or coercion, as well as all the sins that our spirits repent from, whenever we change our spirits’ intentions and motives, in order to follow Him into the truth. But our loving Father does not do this because of any kind of binding contract or covenant. Rather, the Father of our spirits does this for the benefit of His elect children, so our spirits may find what is good and loving in our lives, through His love for us. The forgiving Creator of our spirits always works for our good, through His love for us, not through mere contractual obligations. His unconditional New Covenant of salvation, through the Messiah, was His promise to teach and train our spirits, until we knew Him and His inner ways so well that the loving relationship we developed with Him would grow strong enough for us to work beside Him forever.

So, in the same way our Father forgives us for our benefit, through His love for us, we are to forgive others, for their benefit and for the benefit of our people in our community and our land. And we are to do this through our love for them all. It is because of the heavenly Father’s love for all the elect on this earth, even all the elect spirits born throughout history and all who will be born in the future, that literally all will surely receive forgiveness and the fulfilling of our Father’s promises of the New Covenant. All will be forgiven, taught and trained, so all can enter His home in heaven. And, if some elect do not forgive their debtors during their lives on earth, they will repent and forgive them after they die, when they stand at the gates of heaven on the judgment day, when they shall all answer to our God, Jesus. The fiery rebukes of Jesus will burn in their hearts, turning all their bitterness to ash.

The truth from His lips will free them from all their fears and all the binding lies of Satan. And this rebuke of Jesus, added to the loss of many years lacking love on earth, will be very painful. Yet all will gain the liberty to forgive every offence against them, with all their hearts, and be forgiven too.

On the other hand, Jesus also taught His elect disciples about the non-elect too, about those who lack the ability to truly love, in the way God loves. For, without that kind of love, the non-elect bear no ability to forgive. And it is also impossible for the non-elect to reestablish a truly loving and right relationship with any who committed offences against them, because they had not loved anyone in the first place. One cannot restore a love that one never had. Therefore, Jesus warned the disciple who asked Him this question (and everyone else who ignorantly believes that the forgiveness of debts is fiscally irresponsible and not for the good of the people), that the consequences of not forgiving will be that they shall not receive the forgiveness of their spirits from God on the judgment day, nor mercy from Him during their lives on earth either. To all non-elect spirits—who all keep little black books of vengeance in their hearts, who studiously record every little real or perceived debt owed to them, who bitterly punish innocent souls who unable to pay back debts in full—Jesus, the High Judge, frankly proclaimed: “But, if you do not forgive for the benefit of the people, neither will your Father forgive your offences!” And it is time for us to remember this warning from Him.

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But let me repeat again, Jesus was not making a contract with His disciples when He uttered this teaching, but was simply stating a fact. He was not saying that, if we superficially speak the words,

“I forgive this sinner,” then God will automatically forgive us. Nor was he saying that, if we do not utter words of forgiveness to unrepentant sinners, by psyching our minds of flesh into believing a lie that this nonsense is God’s will, then God will not forgive us. For no such contract exists! And God does not forgive based on the performance of magic words and deeds. Rather, God is a Judge, not a puppet manipulated by human words and deeds. So God takes the time to carefully teach spirits through His infinitely deep wisdom and love when He judges them. Therefore, here Jesus was saying that, even if a non-elect person claims to follow Him as His disciple, and thus claims the forgiveness of sins and the salvation promised in His New Covenant, that person will receive neither forgiveness nor salvation. For His New Covenant salvation is through faith alone, through the trust of the spirit in the teaching and training of the Messiah Jesus, through a confidence in His words and deeds. First our spirits must rest in the love, power and words of Jesus, the only one whom God appointed to ratify and fulfill His New Covenant. Then the Judge of our inner motives and intentions will decide whom to forgive and save, and whom we forgive, according to the loving forgiveness He works in each spirit for the benefit of all. And only elect spirits possess an inherent ability to receive all this.

And let me repeat, to interpret any verse of Scripture, we must do so in the global context of all the other words of God in the entire Bible. We must strive to find out what the mind of God intended His words to mean, and never merely interpret His words to mean what some bitter human sinner wants them to mean. For we all know that two people can utter exactly the same words, but each one will clearly mean something entirely different while uttering those same words. Thus, when our God utters His words, we dare not interpret His words without first going through the difficult task of first considering all we know about the attributes and character of the God who spoke those words, and without first harmonizing His words in the one verse with literally everything else He ever uttered.

Therefore, when we examine all God’s Word, we find that God always causes forgiveness to flow spontaneously from an elect spirit. That forgiveness rises in an elect heart according to the working of Christ’s Holy Spirit. God even works the physical, emotional and spiritual circumstances which stir each elect spirit to forgive. And God also works the repentance of every elect sinner in the same way, through His counsel and power. Thus, it is abundantly clear that God does all this so there can be a full restoration of the relationship between His two elect children, between an elect victim of a sin and a repentant elect sinner. At the same time, this proves that God’s kind of just love in both elect spirits is the goal of all true forgiveness and repentance. Therefore, the full process of true and biblical forgiveness can only be completed, in full, between an elect victim of a sinner and an elect sinner, so a truly loving relationship between the two can be established or reestablished in full, through Christ’s works. On the other hand, Scriptures teach that a demonic spirit, called Satan, also seeded his own spirits upon the earth. And that devil created his own children in his own loveless image. So, without the possibility of any love ever existing in any of those non-elect spirits, they will not ever receive true repentance nor true forgiveness. Since both are worked through the love of a spirit, it is impossible for the elect to ever complete the process of forgiveness with any non-elect.

It is a plain fact that the process of forgiveness cannot even begin between an elect spirit and a non-elect spirit. For, if an elect spirit is willing to forgive a non-elect offender, but that non-elect spirit is not able to truly repent, due to a total lack of love, then the beginning of a truly loving relationship between the two can never occur, since no reciprocated love in their relationship can exist. Likewise, if an elect soul commits a sin against a non-elect soul, and God causes the elect spirit to truly repent, but the non-elect spirit cannot forgive, since there is no love in that non-elect spirit, then no balanced Page 438

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and reciprocating relationship can possibly be formed between the two. The only way the process of true biblical forgiveness can ever be completed is if God causes loving forgiveness in the victim as well as loving repentance in the sinner. And God only causes loving forgiveness or loving repentance in the spirits of His elect children, never in the spirits of Satan’s non-elect children. And it is utterly impossible for any spirit to cause itself to love, repent or forgive. So no spirit can either forgive or repent unless God works in that spirit, and only the elect can complete the process of forgiveness.

Thus, if a church requires everyone to psyche up their minds of flesh until they “feel” forgiveness for everyone who sins against them, and does not teach about true repentance of the spirit and bearing real fruits of repentance through love, then they are teaching a demonic heresy. So are the other kinds of fake forgiveness, such as the “official” forgiveness of God granted by a supposedly priestly

“authority” in a place that God presumably designated for the purpose, such as a confessional booth or church pew. Those false acts of forgiveness serve one purpose only, to enable the most wicked, ruthless and manipulative of Satan’s children to appear righteous in a church of Satan’s world order.

If a fake kind of forgiveness for true forgiveness that involves the true repentance of the spirit to fully restore a truly loving relationship, then that fake forgiveness will free the children of Satan to do whatever they please, with total impunity, without ever facing any consequences for their sins and crimes. Then sinners will no longer fear the law either, although the law is the only thing that can be used to prevent the non-elect from sinning. Fake forgiveness gives the non-elect the opportunity and ability, even the right, to abuse other souls in any way they choose. And none will be able to hold any of those non-elect in check. This is why the non-elect hijack churches and whole lands, with the help of the dupes who refuse to hold them accountable for their sins. It enables the non-elect to use God’s name to profit through exploitation, or to do worse sins. With the great help of this demonic and psychopathic doctrine of fake forgiveness, the non-elect establish themselves as the human gods and owners of most churches and governments on earth, where they are free to slander God’s name.

Of course, it is absolutely true that Jesus did not want any of His disciples to cling to bitterness and hatred. If someone offends them, they must let it go. If someone sins against them in a serious way, then their spirits will need to go to the Holy Spirit of Jesus, in order to work through the process of grief, even with loud and angry words, if necessary. They must converse with God, and listen to His counsel, until they finally become inwardly ready and willing to forgive the sinner. But willingness to forgive sins, by relinquishing all bitterness and hatred in the spirit, does not complete the process of forgiveness. For the one who sinned must also go to Jesus, until that one’s spirit truly repents into God’s created truths, into all that is built upon His uncreated attributes, especially His love. The sinner must be confronted about the sin, if God calls the victim or others to expose the the sin and guide the sinner’s spirit to repentance through the proclamation of truths. Only after both the victim and the sinner have gone to Jesus, and only after Jesus’ work is completed in both of their spirits, can a loving relationship between the two be fully restored. Both elect spirits must willingly take the journey toward the goal of salvation, forgetting what is behind and searching for the path leading to spiritual maturity in Christ. Otherwise, one may be inwardly healed and set on the right path while the other may keep wandering on wrong paths, lost and enslaved in the devil’s dark world order.

No one ever has the ability to truly forgive a sinner whose spirit does not or cannot truly repent. For only God can work true forgiveness in the spirit. Also, since all sins are ultimately against God, all sins must first be forgiven by God, before we can also forgive. But God only forgives a sinner through the sinner’s repentance, the kind of repentance that He Himself must work in that spirits, the kind that God only works in the hearts of His elect children. Therefore, trying to falsely forgive only unleashes evil into the world. Yes, we definitely must let go of all bitterness and hatred, so we can Page 439

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focus on life and love, on building God’s loving kingdom on earth, instead of evil thoughts like revenge, since revenge only builds up Satan’s kingdom. But unjust fake forgiveness tears down God’s just and loving kingdom on earth, because the spirits of sinners never get a chance to repent.

Rather than teach a fake forgiveness through emotions from the mind of flesh, we must hold sinners accountable for their sins. And we must do so through the biblical processes taught by God. That is, if God calls a victim to attempt the restoration of one’s relationship with a sinner, the victim can then confront the sinner about his or her sin, and explain why God’s Word calls it a sin. The victim should show the sinner how God’s Word wisely strives to prevent the harmful effects of that sin, possibly giving examples of how that sin has also caused harm in the past. Then, if the sinner denies the sins or refuses to repent into God’s truth, and God calls one to pursue the matter further, one can return with others to confront the sinner. If the sinner rejects them too, one can take up the matter before our entire church fellowship. If there is still no repentance, we may need to expel that sinner, and no longer allow the sinner any right to partake in the works of the church. For, if we hand a sinner over to Satan and his world order, for the deluding and destruction of the flesh, that sinner may see how God’s ways are best, then finally repent. And, if an unrepentant sinner broke the laws of the land, we may also need to hand that one over to secular authorities, to prevent others from being harmed by that sinner. As for the non-elect, they will only respond to threats, and only obey laws if the breaking of the laws will cause them harm or loss, since they feel entitled to do whatever they please, without any love or concern for those whom they harm, since the non-elect all think they are their own gods.

Real forgiveness is wonderful miracle worked by God. The process of forgiveness He works in us, between an offended elect spirit and a repentant elect sinner, is amazing to the hearts of both, a most blessed gift from heaven above. It fills both spirits with calming relief and comfort, with great joy and praise for God. It is so welcome that it seems utterly impossible to express its infinite worth to our hearts. And God’s forgiveness of our repented sins, with the resulting complete restoration of our right relationship with Him, is so critical to our lives on earth, as well as to our lives in heaven, that we are even willing to die in the flesh for it. Nothing matters more than a restored relationship with the Father of our spirits and our oldest Brother. For all that our spirits love comes from Him alone.

Therefore, in all matters of sin and forgiveness, we need to wait upon our God. If He frees any sinner in heaven above, then we also free that one here on earth. Or, if His judgment from His heavenly throne chooses to leave an unrepentant sinner bound in sin, then we too keep that sinner bound on earth, possibly even incarcerated to prevent that one from sinning again. But, if anyone tries to free a sinner whom God chooses to leave bound in his or her sin, that fake forgiveness will be granted in vain, through a futile delusion, and will likely end up causing more sins, more harm and possibly even more deaths. For no one can make any judgment that is better than God’s judgment. Worse yet, one who tries to free a sinner bound by God declares oneself to be God’s enemy, and causes oneself to be bound in the same sin which binds the sinner whom one tried to set free. For fake forgiveness is actually an act of aiding and abetting the sins and crimes of the sinner, so one shares in the guilt of those sins and crimes. Then one has also bound oneself in an even greater sin, the sin of rebelling against God, by rebelling against His judgments. Conversely, if anyone refuses to forgive and unbind a truly repentant sinner who God has freed, one has also made oneself into an enemy of God, and God will also condemn one for the great sin of rebellion. Then there is a sin worse than all of these.

If one teaches or leads others into the false doctrines of fake forgiveness, or into the false doctrines of refusing to forgive and relinquish all penalties for those whom God forgave, or if one condones and encourages these kinds of rebellion against God, then one is committing third-order sins. That is, one is abusing God’s name by claiming that God taught or willed something that God did not really Page 440

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teach or will. When anyone teaches or endorses false doctrines in His name, that one is slandering or blaspheming God. And one is also leading souls into committing the sin of conspiring to commit an insurrection against the High King. Yet gathering souls to partake in a conspiracy to sin is far worse than privately sinning. So it is a sin worse than murder if anyone is teaching and leading souls into the doctrines of fake forgiveness. And the same applies to those teaching or leading into the false doctrines of “making all sinners pay the price for their sins, without mercy,” even those whom God Himself has forgiven and no longer requires any penalty for their sins. All this is worse than murder.

If anyone teaches you to forgive every sinner, even clearly unrepentant sinners, try to correct that one’s false doctrines and lead them to repentance, into the truths taught by our God, Jesus Christ.

Then, if they do not repent, treat that one as an outsider, as an unbeliever, and do not fellowship with that one as a brother or sister. Do not do works in God’s name together with that person, although one can do secular works with that sinner, or talk with them. Remember, God wants us to wait on Him, so we might act only upon what He works within our hearts, upon what He chooses to reveal to us. We must not work against His will, neither God’s revealed will in His Word, nor His will that He personally revealed to our spirits, His will which He hides from all His enemies. Now let any harm done to us, with the help of Jesus and His true servants, remain unavenged, so all bitterness in our spirits will evaporate, so our spirits will be able to forgive if the sinner repents. Then we can pray for and work for true justice. Or, if we have sinned, we let Jesus teach our spirits all the truth we need to fully repent. Yet, after our bitterness is washed away, or after Jesus teaches our spirits to repent into the truth, we must still wait for God to complete process of forgiveness. We wait until He will bring together both the victim hurt by sin and the sinner who did the hurting, so they can love one another.

Remember, Jesus came to save the lost and undo the works of the devil. Jesus came to replace futile bitterness and hatred with an eager zeal for truth and just love. Jesus came to undo all Satan’s works of inciting revenge in the name of pride and greed. Once this done, He will build up His kingdom on earth, by causing His elect children to repent into the truth, which He will teach and train their spirits to receive. And Jesus’ teaching about reciprocal forgiveness is actually a promise too, a promise of our infallible God who cannot ever fail to keep any of His promises. So we can be absolutely certain that, as Jesus teaches our spirits the truth we need for repentance, or as our confidence in Him washes away all bitterness and hate, He will also free us from all our sins committed during our entire lives on earth, even now, but also when He judges us on the last day. He will cause us to repent and forgive on that last day, through His inwardly piercing wise words. He will surely cause the Father of our spirits to totally forgive literally all our sins. We can definitely trust in this promise.

Mat. 6:16-18,

Fast For Your Spirit

“Moreover when you fast, don’t be like the hypocrites, with sad faces. For they disfigure their faces, that they may be seen by men to be fasting. Most certainly I tell you, they have received their reward. But you, when you fast, anoint your head, and wash your face; so that you are not seen by men to be fasting, but by your Father who is in secret, and your Father, who sees in secret, will reward you” (Mat. 6:16-18, WEB).

After teaching His disciples how to pray, one disciple seems to have also asked Jesus how they should fast, since Pharisaical rabbis taught their disciples that the most effective prayers are made while fasting. But some Pharisees, to demonstrate their great piety before the eyes of the people, would make a big show of how they suffered so much while fasting, in order to make their zealous Page 441

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supplications for their people before the face of God. They glorified themselves, publicly revealing how they sacrificed so much to pray selflessly on behalf of the people they supposedly served. Yet they actually served only themselves, in a fleshy lust for worship and adoration from their people.

So the first thing Jesus taught about fasting was how not to fast: “Now, whenever you people might be fasting, do not become like the sullen-faced hypocrites. For they cloud over their countenance, in a way that they might be seen by the people to be fasting. Assuredly, I reason with you people, they are receiving their reward” (Mat. 6:16, from: Ὅταν δὲ νηστεύητε, μὴ γίνεσθε ὡς οἱ ὑποκριταὶ

σκυθρωποί, ἀφανίζουσιν γὰρ τὰ πρόσωπα αὐτῶν ὅπως φανῶσιν τοῖς ἀνθρώποις νηστεύοντες· ἀμὴν

λέγω ὑμῖν, ἀπέχουσιν τὸν μισθὸν αὐτῶν, SBLGNT). Here Jesus was likely alluding to a rebuke by God, recorded by His prophet Isaiah. For God hated Israel’s hypocrisy in Isaiah’s day. They had long since fallen into sin and idolatry through their prosperity. Then foreign lands had turned their eyes to them, like wolves watching potential prey. So, since Israel trampled the poor in their land, and their hard hearts served demons, while still thinking they devoutly worshipped Yahweh, God told Isaiah:

“... declare to My people their disobedience, and to the house of Jacob their sins. Yet they seek Me daily, and delight to know My ways: as a nation that did righteousness, and didn’t forsake the ordinance of their God, they ask of Me righteous judgments; they delight to draw near to God. ‘Why have we fasted,’ say they, ‘and you don’t see? Why have we afflicted our soul, and you take no knowledge?’ Behold, in the day of your fast you find pleasure, and exact all your labours [likely referring to the labours of the poor among them, the way the rich exploited the poor through usury and virtually enslaved them through their debts, while also exploiting them in every other way possible as well]. Behold, you fast for strife and contention, and to strike with the fist of wickedness: you don’t fast this day so as to make your voice to be heard on high. Is such the fast that I have chosen? the day for a man to afflict his soul? Is it to bow down his head as a rush [i.e., like a reed mindlessly bowed by the wind], and to spread sackcloth and ashes under him? Will you call this a fast, and an acceptable day to Yahweh? Isn’t this the fast that I h ave chosen : to release the bonds of wickedness, to undo the bands of the yoke, and to let the oppressed go free, and that you break every yoke? Isn’t it to distribute your bread to the hungry, and that you bring the poor who are cast out to your house? When you see the naked

[i.e., those inadequately dressed for the cold days], that you cover him; and that you not hide yourself from your own flesh [i.e., from one’s own siblings in the family of Israel and the world]? Then your light shall break out as the morning, and your healing shall spring out speedily; and your righteousness shall go before you; Yahweh’s glory shall be your rear guard. Then you shall call, and Yahweh will answer; you shall cry, and He will say, ‘Here I am.’ If you take away from your midst the yoke, the putting out of the finger and speaking wickedly; and if you draw out your soul to the hungry, and satisfy the afflicted soul: then your light shall rise in darkness, and your obscurity be as the noonday; and Yahweh will guide you continually, and satisfy your soul in dry places, and make strong your bones; and you shall be like a watered garden, and like a spring of water, whose waters don’t fail” (Isaiah 58:1-11, WEB).

Clearly, God does not listen to those who do not listen to Him. God will not bless deliberate sinners, lest He might aid and abet their sins, and thus partake in those sins. But, if our spirits willingly hear and heed the words of God’s Spirit, then God will definitely hear our prayers, and give us all that ask of Him, because we will be asking for only the things which are according to His will. In fact, from the beginning of time, God ordained that we shall receive all our good and godly requests from Him.

There are many who “afflict” their own bodies of flesh while they pray, thinking they will get what their minds of flesh desire, if only they psyche up their minds of flesh enough to persuade God to Page 442

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grant what their pride and lusts of the flesh desire, and if only they can make God feel so sorry for them that He will feel they have earned whatever it is that they are requesting. The only reason they make themselves suffer is because they somehow think they can manipulate God’s emotions of the flesh, in the same way they can often manipulate human emotions of the flesh. But God is a Spirit, not flesh. And, even when God came to us in a body of flesh, His Spirit ruled over His flesh and did not allow his emotions of the flesh to rule over His Spirit. If anyone thinks their fasting and suffering will cause God to hear them and grant whatever they request in their prayers—whether they want their own salvation into a fake heaven’s carnal paradise, or a “victory” in the completely unjust subject kingdom of Satan’s world order—then that one is revealing a profound ignorance about the real Creator God. And the real God calls all who do this kind of thing, disobedient souls, hypocrites who merely pretend to worship Him while they are actually worshipping false gods; even themselves or other human beings as their gods. After all, if one is merely fasting and causing one’s own flesh to suffer in order to invoke carnal sympathy from God, and to coerce God into granting one’s requests, is not that kind of thinking completely self-centred, revealing that one possesses an extremely low opinion of God? It proves that one seems to think God is like the most gullible and stupid of human beings, that one somehow believes God can be fooled and manipulated by one’s outward behaviours.

As you can see in this passage from Isaiah, God does not define fasting as “abstaining from food.”

Rather, God here defines fasting as “afflicting the soul,” that is, as making sacrifices through both the mind of flesh and the mind of the spirit, and all for the sakes of others, through love for siblings in the family of humankind. Since the soul is the chamber where both the mind of flesh and the mind of one’s human spirit dwell, then “afflicting the soul” indicates the challenging and troubling of all one’s inner thoughts and decisions throughout each day of one’s entire life. In other words, real fasting is denying much to one’s bodily life on earth, forfeiting many kinds of lusts of the flesh, the things flesh craves most, and doing so every day of one’s life. And we are to “afflict” our souls through our spirits’ love for God and His creations, in order to build up God’s just, loving kingdom on earth, even as we undo “the bonds of wickedness,” the evil works of the devil, as we tear down the prisons where he holds deceived souls captive. To truly fast is to allow one’s spirit to hear the Father’s Holy Spirit, then let the mind of one’s spirit manage the mind of one’s flesh, as one’s spirit heeds God’s wise counsel. A genuine fast always works God’s purposes for His people, through the spirit’s love. The purpose of a true fast is to “release” souls from Satanic lies, “let the oppressed go free,” “break every yoke,” “distribute your bread to the hungry,” “bring the poor who are cast out”

into your house, and clothe those without adequate protection from the cold. A fast does not hide oneself from the suffering and dire needs of brothers and sisters in the family of humankind. Rather, it seeks to stop all the spiritual, emotional and physical deception, oppression and exploitation of our beloved siblings. A true fast wars against evil with weapons of truth and in the power of Yahweh.

If we “afflict our souls” by vexing our inner thoughts through love for all who are in dire need, and actually work towards the goal of building up God’s kingdom as we war against Satan’s totally unjust and lying world order, then our almighty, loving, just Creator and God will answer our prayers to Him, and will make our works for Him effective and powerful. If we pray to know His will, then pray for His will to be done on earth, He will hear our prayers and respond with His unstoppable blows against the wicked, but first against the liars who are slandering His good name. Then He will set the abused captives free, bring equity to our land, levelling down the high places of human gods, and raising up the low places where the disenfranchised continuously dwell in the shadows of vain mountains. Then “Yahweh will guide us continually, and satisfy our souls.” This is His sure promise!

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Then Jesus taught His disciples how to fast in the right way, while also alluding to that passage about fasting from Isaiah. For Isaiah was a favourite book among the Jews, well-known from the first word to the last. Therefore, Jesus instructed them: “But [when] each of you are fasting, anoint your head and wash your face. In this way, each of you might not ever be seen by the people to be fasting, but rather by the Father in the hidden place belonging to each of you. And the Father of each of you, the One seeing in the hidden place, will give rewards to each of you” (Mat. 6:17-18, from: σὺ δὲ

νηστεύων ἄλειψαί σου τὴν κεφαλὴν καὶ τὸ πρόσωπόν σου νίψαι, ὅπως μὴ φανῇς τοῖς ἀνθρώποις

νηστεύων ἀλλὰ τῷ πατρί σου τῷ ἐν τῷ κρυφαίῳ· καὶ ὁ πατήρ σου ὁ βλέπων ἐν τῷ κρυφαίῳ

ἀποδώσει σοι, SBLGNT). Notice how Jesus switched from using the plural pronoun in the previous verses, and started to use singular pronouns again (σύ and σου). Employing this singular second person pronoun, together with the singular second person verb, signalled and emphasized that His teaching was now to be applied by each disciple individually. So Jesus was indicating that fasting should be a private and personal matter, between each individual and God alone, just like our prayers (Mat. 6:6). When our spirits become deeply vexed and angered by the injustice of our churches and our governments, the full extent of this inner suffering must be kept private between us and God, so we might pray effectively. Yes, we can and should express this rage against evil, but only in the ways and at the times God Himself tells us to do so. Yet we place all of our confidence in God, in His own power and love to overcome that evil. Then we simply do the works He commands our spirits to do, in order to undo that evil and, more than that, to build up His just kingdom on earth. We do not go out to protest in the streets, to draw attention to our vain selves, but actually work towards our goal.

Also, His instruction about true fasting employed some of the same words He used when He told us how to express compassion and do works of righteous love (Mat. 6:3-4). Thus, by using these same words, Jesus seemed to be connecting true fasting with compassionate works done through a very personal and loving relationship with God. In other words, Jesus defined fasting in the same way God did in Isaiah’s prophecy, and in the same way some other Jewish rabbis did. That is, fasting was actually about afflicting the thoughts of one’s spirit, as well as the managed thoughts in one’s mind of flesh, with a deep and troubling concern for the welfare of one’s brothers and sisters in the family of humankind, and for all else that God loves in His creations, as His children. So all one’s prayers, while one is fasting, should be extremely private, between one’s own heart and God’s heart, between His Holy Spirit and one’s own human spirit. For our Father sees all that is in each one’s own “hidden place” of the soul, and He Himself enters the chamber of an elect soul to commune with one’s spirit.

The reason Jesus ended this didactic saying with instructions on how to fast in a way that pleases the Father of our spirits was likely because His last words would be what we remembered most clearly and acted upon. So now let us remember them, and fast in the way Jesus taught us to fast. When we vex our souls in private fasting, with prayers from our “hidden places,” we will “anoint our heads”

with gladness, to remain cheerful and compassionate among our people, as though we received the best of blessings from our God. For God—the Holy Spirit of our Father who gave birth to our elect spirits—did indeed come to the “hidden places” of our souls, to commune with our spirits, through His love and care for our spirits. And we can place our faith, even all the trust and confidence of our spirits, in His love and power. So let us “wash our faces,” until our smiles and countenance will be like those who hear truly good news. For He grants our spirits a blessed assurance that our heavenly Father loves us, and that all that shall ever occur will be according to His plan for the eternal good of all who love Him, for all whom He loves. In this way, our spirits will enter His eternal Sabbath rest, into a knowledge that He has made and predestined all our trials and tribulations on this earth solely for the purpose of teaching and training of our spirits to cherish and act on truth alone, through love.

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When we fast, we will not focus on abstaining from food, in an attempt to make God feel sorry for our poor little bodies of flesh, in an attempt to make Him do what we command Him to do. For that is a great sin, worse than murder! And those kinds of sins can lead souls into committing physical acts of murder too. So, instead, we will focus on silencing the loud demands of our unruly flesh, so we might manage the thoughts and actions of our flesh, so we might employ our minds and bodies of flesh in doing the works of our loving spirits, as our spirits seek to do the effective works our heavenly Father calls us to do. For our Father will surely meet with and counsel our elect spirits as we fast and pray, if our spirits are willing to hear and heed Him, and not heed the whining demands of our flesh, whenever our spirits enter our “hidden places,” whenever the minds of our spirits meet with the minds of our flesh and with the Holy Spirit of our Father, inside the chambers of our souls.

The whole purpose of fasting is so that our spirits may seize control over our minds and bodies of our flesh, so we might humble our flesh and our spirits before the face of our just and equitable God.

There is no other purpose for fasting. For God is a Spirit, and will never recognize the self-inflicted pain of the flesh as a “spiritual” act of devout worship. All such self-inflicted pain is self-worship, not the worship of God. And God will soon remove every spirit from its mind and body of earthly flesh, in death, usually through the pain of the flesh. For our flesh is not the purpose of our lives.

The only aspects of our lives that matter to God are the spiritual aspects, the just, moral, honest and loving thoughts, motives and intentions expressed by our spirits. At times, our elect spirits might express themselves through our minds and bodies of flesh. But our spirits also express themselves directly to God as well, without involving our flesh. As for our flesh, it only exists for a moment, during this earthly teaching and training time for our spirits. Therefore, our spirits are to employ and manage our minds and bodies of flesh, use our flesh solely to express just love for God and His creations, to do God’s will on earth as it is done in heaven. Then, when our Father grants us our permanent bodies at the gates of heaven—new bodies made of a spiritual substance, bodies that will never rebel against the wills of our spirits—our spirits will have learned on earth how to employ those new and better bodies in a much better way. By the burden of amoral flesh on earth, we will learn to more adeptly serve the diversity of living creatures in our Father’s homeland. Therefore, the point of fasting is not to make our bodies of flesh suffer, but to make our flesh submit to the will of our spirits. And, consequently, true fasting is any act which accomplishes this purpose of the spirit.

For instance, we see how one prophet engaged in various kinds of fasting to keep his spirit from falling subject to the pride of his flesh. He did not always abstain from food to afflict his soul and humble himself before His just and equitable God. For, while he was serving the secular king as his esteemed counsellor, while that king granted him much wealth and great privilege, that king was expecting him to always look cheerful and grateful. Otherwise, that pagan king would suspect some kind of rebellion and kill him. Thus, this prophet devised a different method of fasting: “I, Daniel, was mourning three whole weeks. I ate no pleasant bread, neither came flesh nor wine into my mouth, neither did I anoint myself at all, until three whole weeks were fulfilled” (Dan. 10:2-, WEB).

Daniel was not able to abstain from all the food received from the king, lest the king interpret such an act as some kind of disdain for him, and as rebellion. Yet Daniel could choose to eat only the most basic necessities and drink only water or fruit juices, so his flesh would remain healthy and energetic before the king and the people. Also, after he bathed, he also could abstain from anointing himself with the extremely expensive perfumed oils given to him, those which the wealthy used in pride, so his scent would be like that of a common person. Thus, Daniel’s fast was a rebuke against his flesh, in a way which caused both his flesh and spirit to stand humbly before God in prayer. But he did not cause his flesh to suffer any type of real hunger or pain at all. Nevertheless, when his prayers finally Page 445

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received a response, three weeks later, God’s messenger said: “Don’t be afraid, Daniel; for from the first day that you set your heart to understand, and to humble yourself before your God, your words were heard: and I have come for your words’ sake” (Dan. 10:12, WEB). So God acknowledged the humbling of Daniel’s soul immediately, although his response was delayed. But the only reason God delayed His response to Daniel’s very specific prayer was because God had to do some preliminary works first, some of the deeds which would affect Daniel’s understanding of God’s answer to prayer.

Thus, we should not be alarmed nor feel forsaken when we do not immediately receive an answer to our prayers. Nor should be “buckle down” and “get serious with God” by causing even more pain and suffering for our flesh, in a vain hope that God will somehow admire our stupidity. Rather, we need to wait upon our God, with patient spirits. For the kind of self-control we need most is our spirits’ control of over our flesh, and our spirits’ patience in waiting upon God for His responses to our prayers. As for the kind of self-control that a mind of flesh has over its body, even the ability to be so stubborn that it can needlessly punish its body and force it to suffer, is vain and useless. Then, when the mind of flesh causes the body to suffer, in an attempt to get God to grant its foolish and usually carnal desires, that kind of self-control is actually sinful and deadly. On the other hand, the kind of self-control found in an awakened and well-taught elect spirit is always valuable. For such an elect spirit will know what its own flesh needs, then skilfully manage its flesh in a way where that flesh gets what it needs but does not rebel and take control of one’s life. Then the wise elect spirit will be able to use its own mind and body of flesh to express love, to do God’s works on earth, for His earthly kingdom. After an elect spirit learns truth and wisdom from Jesus, that spirit will not punish its flesh in a futile attempt to coerce God into answering prayers. Rather, a wise elect spirit will simply cause its flesh to obey it, then humble both itself and its flesh, so there will be no pride or feelings of entitlement in either the mind of flesh nor in the mind of the spirit. Then that wiser elect spirit will also realize that God must often do some works in one’s own heart, and possibly also in the world, before God can answer one’s prayers. So a wise elect spirit does not demand immediate answers to prayers, but waits upon God’s perfect timing. If an elect spirit listens to Christ’s Holy Spirit, it will know when He wants one to wait for a reply, so He might be able to answer in a way where one’s own infantile mind of one’s own spirit can comprehend and trust that response. Thus, we pray for more self-control in the minds of our spirits, not more self-control in our minds of flesh.

We have much to pray about, for all our loved ones and for our nations, for the entire earth and all the creatures upon it. But the prayers of our big-name preachers are usually carnal or outright demonic, even when they fast for 40 days while exploiting their people (although their fasting is often fake, and they are simply taking nutrient supplements to lose weight and look more “sexy”). So now let us pray and fast ourselves, honestly and humbly, in ways that God will hear. “But when each of you are fasting, anoint your head and wash your face. In this way, each of you might not ever be seen by the people to be fasting, but rather by the Father in the hidden place belonging to each of you. And the Father of each of you, the One seeing in the hidden place, will give rewards to each of you.” Only then will our heavenly Father answer our prayers and counsel us with effective wisdom, telling us what we must say and do through love, and grant His power to all our words and deeds.

Mat. 6:19-34,

Choose God or Wealth

“Don’t lay up treasures for yourselves on the earth, where moth and rust consume, and where thieves break through and steal; but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither Page 446

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moth nor rust consume, and where thieves don’t break through and steal; for where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.

“The lamp of the body is the eye. If therefore your eye is sound, your whole body will be full of light. But if your eye is evil, your whole body will be full of darkness. If therefore the light that is in you is darkness, how great is the darkness! No one can serve two masters, for either he will hate the one and love the other; or else he will be devoted to one and despise the other. You can’t serve both God and Mammon.

“Therefore I tell you, don’t be anxious for your life: what you will eat, or what you will drink; nor yet for your body, what you will wear. Isn’t life more than food, and the body more than clothing? See the birds of the sky, that they don’t sow, neither do they reap, nor gather into barns. Your heavenly Father feeds them. Aren’t you of much more value than they?

“Which of you, by being anxious, can add one moment to his lifespan? Why are you anxious about clothing? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow. They don’t toil, neither do they spin, yet I tell you that even Solomon in all his glory was not dressed like one of these.

But if God so clothes the grass of the field, which today exists, and tomorrow is thrown into the oven, won’t He much more clothe you, you of little faith?

“Therefore don’t be anxious, saying, ‘What will we eat?’, ‘What will we drink?’ or, ‘With what will we be clothed?’ For the Gentiles seek after all these things; for your heavenly Father knows that you need all these things. But seek first God’s Kingdom, and His righteousness; and all these things will be given to you as well. Therefore don’t be anxious for tomorrow, for tomorrow will be anxious for itself. Each day’s own evil is sufficient”

(Mat. 6:19-34, WEB).

It seems that, after Jesus taught about praying and fasting, it is likely that one of His poorer disciples asked Him a question something like this: “Why do some pray only a little, and never fast. Yet God grants their prayers and makes them wealthy and powerful. Then they dress up in their expensive clothing and turn up their noses at their brothers and sisters, on those whom God has not granted as much wealth and power, on those forced to dress in cheap rags. Yet the poorer ones, whom they treat like dogs, work harder, pray from the heart daily, fast and are often forced to go hungry. So why are some blessed so much more than others? Why does God ignore our pleas? God keeps us poor, no matter how much we pray, fast and work. Why would He do this?” Now, since the vast majority of Jesus’ disciples were very poor, just as Jesus and His parents were, our God Jesus gave them this teaching about the spiritual eternal lives of both the wealthy and the poor, about realities and God’s highest priorities for our lives on earth, placing the faith of the rich and poor in a stark juxtaposition.

Here our God Jesus pointed out that a god of some people does grants them wealth and power in Satan’s dark and unjust world order. But the god of those wealthy and powerful elite is not the Creator God. Rather, their god is Mammon, as well as a host of other demonic spirits serving the devil. And this is certain, because the evidence exists for all to see. The upper classes prove their god is Mammon every time they look down upon their siblings in mankind, each time they practise wilful negligence against their family members, and as they exploit, enslave, oppress, abuse and kill them, though they often do all this in indirect and technically legal ways. So they clearly hate God, since they hate His laws and ways, since none live modest lives of service to God and His creations.

Then Jesus pointed out how God’s laws are also written in nature, how God’s wild creations tell us what He wants for us, and what He does not want for us. God provides food and clothing for us just Page 447

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as He provides for plants and animals in His garden of the earth. Birds neither sow nor reap, yet God grants them a good life, with all the food, drink and beautiful feathered clothing they need. God even gave each bird a nest to raise children, a home it could build in a day, anywhere the bird chose to build it. And God gave the flowers an ability to create their own clothing, garments which are far more beautiful than anything any king ever wore. Yet plants also do nothing to earn any of Satan’s invention of money in his unjust world order. All plants and animals see money as intrinsically worthless, just as we should. For life is not about money, nor about climbing the ladder of artificial hierarchies built by inept psychopaths. Rather, life is about serving God’s creations that provide all our needs, and even the great treasures of love, far more than our spirits could ever hope to receive.

Jesus Forbids Carnal Wealth, Commands Spiritual Wealth

The first words Jesus spoke, in response to some questioner’s carnal world view, were: “You people must not continuously store up wealth for yourselves upon the earth, where moth and consumption make it disappear, and where thieves break through and steal. But you people must continuously store up wealth in heaven for yourselves, where neither moth nor consumption make it disappear, and where thieves do not break through nor steal. For where the wealth belonging to each of you is, there also will be the heart belonging to each of you” (Mat. 6:19-21, from: Μὴ θησαυρίζετε ὑμῖν

θησαυροὺς ἐπὶ τῆς γῆς, ὅπου σὴς καὶ βρῶσις ἀφανίζει, καὶ ὅπου κλέπται διορύσσουσιν καὶ

κλέπτουσιν· θησαυρίζετε δὲ ὑμῖν θησαυροὺς ἐν οὐρανῷ, ὅπου οὔτε σὴς οὔτε βρῶσις ἀφανίζει, καὶ

ὅπου κλέπται οὐ διορύσσουσιν οὐδὲ κλέπτουσιν· ὅπου γάρ ἐστιν ὁ θησαυρός σου, ἐκεῖ ἔσται καὶ ἡ

καρδία σου, SBLGNT). Here, the first two clauses are commands of our God and Owner, Jesus. For both clauses use imperatives with plural pronouns. Thus, all His disciples, even all living today, must heed these. But the third and last sentence is a statement of fact, using singular pronouns. Thus, Jesus intentionally switched to the singular pronouns because He wanted each disciple to personally think about what He said. Each one must honestly face what is in one’s own heart, and repent into what He commanded. Each one’s spirit must earn and store up true wealth in heaven, in one’s eternal home.

These two commands are straightforward and unambiguous. The first command uses a negative with a second person plural present imperative form of the verb θησαυρίζω (“to keep some material thing safe by storing it, lay up, store up, gather, save,” BDAG3). The negative with the present tense of this imperative forbids the continuous, ongoing or repeated action of storing up earthly assets. And the dative plural second person pronoun after it (ὑμῖν) indicates “for yourselves,” for the benefit of your own bodies of flesh upon the earth. For, if we build up God’s just and equitable kingdom on earth, where everyone looks after everyone else in it, then we will have no need for retirement funds, especially the kinds built through usury, such as investments in stocks and bonds, which God greatly condemns, because it exploits the poor. Jesus here clearly specified the kind of wealth He forbids any and all His disciples to store up for themselves, the kind found “upon the earth” (ἐπὶ τῆς γῆς).

Therefore, Jesus here forbids anyone who might call himself or herself His disciple, anyone who might call oneself a “Christian,” from “storing up” any earthly kind personal wealth for oneself.

This would include every kind of worldly asset, from gold to real estate, everything which is not spiritual wealth, anything material and certainly anything that belongs solely to Satan’s world order, such as money. But notice, this precisely worded prohibition does not forbid us to store up earthly assets for others. It does not forbid accumulating earthly wealth for God’s purposes, such as to establish food banks that provide nutrition for the hungry, or to build affordable, dignified homes for low-income families, or to wisely provide for other needs of God’s people and His other creations.

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There are times when forms of earthly or material wealth need to be stored up, until one gathers enough to complete a certain large undertaking for the sakes of others, and through the wise, just and loving will of God Himself. But Jesus absolutely forbids anyone to call oneself a “Christian” if one stores up earthly or material wealth for one’s own benefit of the flesh. If one is storing up anything to provide for the body’s excessive and unlawful luxury, status, prestige, pride or physical security, then one is deliberately denouncing this command of Jesus, and reveals that one actually has no saving faith in Jesus. In that case, one is not a Christian, not a real priest serving Him in His one and only true church of Israel. For this commands all His true disciples to live a simple, modest life, working and providing for the needs of all people and all His creations wisely and equitably each day, lest our minds of flesh begin to focus on the things of Satan’s world order more than on the kingdom of God.

Now this does not mean that everyone must live in a shack and eat only gruel, like the monks did in some cases. But it does mean that we only take what we need for a basic and healthy life in the flesh, and willingly spend our excess on works of God, yet only in the wise ways that the Holy Spirit of Jesus tells our spirits to spend that excess, for the good of His creations. God requires us to live justly and equitably among our brothers and sisters in His family of the church, and for His family of humankind in all His lands on earth. So we must willingly spend our excess through love, and not only our money and material goods, but also our excess time, efforts, thoughts and other actions of grace, for the sake of all human beings and His other creations (e.g., Luke 14:33; II Cor. 8:3-5,9-15).

Here our God Jesus forbade us to indulge in our flesh. For instance, we cannot expect that our spirits will be fed by Christ if we spend our days working for a mortgage on a prestigious home, which is merely a status symbol and clearly not a basic need of the flesh. And humankind was born in garden, in a forest, where their home was a nest surrounded by the precise order of nature, in all its complex splendour and equity. So we are not to live in artificial order, which is designed to falsely “prove”

that human beings are gods who control everything in their environment, even the height of lawns and the shapes of trees. For God commanded us to be caretakers, not controllers of all. Now, if a family is large, they will need a home larger than a single person living alone, or bigger than smaller families require. Or, if some family members work from home, they may need more space to work, store supplies and equipment, or to build something the produce. Likewise, a young, six-foot-tall, muscular man doing manual labour will need much more food, and more expensive kinds of food, than an older, five-foot-tall, slender woman who does a sedentary kind of work. Furthermore, God created some to be more aesthetically inclined than others, and these will require more beauty in their lives than others want or need. Therefore, God’s kind of just equity does not mean that all must be provided exactly the same kinds and quantities of things, like the communists or Hutterites think.

Therefore, we should all strive for God’s kind of equity, where each receives what each needs, and where each provides whatever one is able to give, and not by arbitrary standards. True justice and equity, worked through the love and faith of a genuine disciple of Jesus, will never attempt to make all the same. For that is a perversion which focuses solely on the needs and deeds of the flesh, even in an unjust and superficial way which refuses to recognize the way God created each and every individual differently. That kind of so-called “equality” is not just nor loving at all. Rather, it is a ruthless and loveless attempt to force all the people to conform to some ideal invented in a mind of flesh belonging to an extremely foolish and carnal human god. So that kind of “equality” is evil and inequitable. It is a sin against God. It opposes the way God Himself made each individual for a very unique and critical function in His body of the church, and in every nation where His people dwell.

Then Jesus was wise enough to give us a complementary command, which told us what we should do after we repent from all that He forbade us to do. Jesus then told us how to rightly use all our Page 449

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God-given minds, bodies, attributes, time, energy and resources during our lives on earth. His second command, as our God and the Owner of our entire lives, employed the same second person present imperative form of the same verb (θησαυρίζετε), but without a negative. So this was a command to

“store up,” in a continuous, ongoing or repeated manner. Then He also use the same indirect object (ὑμῖν, “for yourselves”), to indicate that this command should be heeded by all His disciples, even for all future time. And, of course, Jesus figuratively used the same direct object as well (θησαυροὺς,

“treasures, stored material items, wealth”). But Jesus added a prepositional phrase, ἐν οὐρανῷ (“in heaven”) to modify this noun. Now, since Jesus was contrasting all kinds of earthly and material wealth with an opposing kind of wealth, He was clearly referring to the third heaven here, to the spiritual realm where material things do not exist. He was talking about storing up a spiritual kind of wealth in the spiritual space-time continuum, in our Father’s home, which is our eternal home too.

Obviously, Jesus expected His knowledgeable disciples to know exactly what He meant by this. And what He meant was that He expected all His people in His priesthood of Israel to work exclusively for spiritual wealth and spiritual treasures, every hour of every day, all their lives. The ultimate goal of all our works must be to build up God’s just and loving kingdom on earth, through just and loving works of our spirits and flesh. Our intent and motive for all we do in our lives should be to store up true, just love; as well as a knowledge of real truth and wisdom, which our spirits need to build that kind of love. For we will only be able to take the wealth of our spirits home with us, when we return to the spiritual realm, where we shall dwell in for all eternity. Anything that is not a spiritual treasure is pursued in vain, is a useless waste of our time and the precious moments our short lives. For all material things last only a moment of eternity, and nothing material can ever truly belong to any person. For all material entities belong to God alone, and all are merely temporary manifestations of God’s power. But He shall withdraw that power back into Himself on the last day, causing all of His material existence to become a literal nothing, including all our brains and bodies of flesh. Also, God has the right to take our flesh away from us at any time, even in our early years. Therefore, it is truly foolish to work for things of this world, and to pretend that one owns those things. There is no valid reason to work for anything material, nothing which is not spiritually beneficial in some godly way.

The only reason any of the living creations on earth exist in bodies of flesh is so those creations may store up treasures for their spirits. And the one and only purpose for elect human spirits existing on this earth, for this very brief time, is to gather whatever we can learn about our Father and His love, through our experiences here, through the teachings Jesus grants our spirits in our hearts. Our eternal elect spirits have virtually nothing to gain on earth except a knowledge of His real truth and wisdom, along with a growth of God-like, just love for Him, and for sibling spirits. Anything we might ever gain for our flesh is utterly meaningless and useless, not worth taking the time to even glance at it.

Clearly Jesus commanded all of us to store up only spiritual wealth for ourselves, that is, a personal wealth for our spirits. Yet He then declared that this personal wealth for our own spirits, eternally possessed by our spirits, would be stored “in heaven.” And, of course, when He said it would be stored in heaven, He implied the reason for storing up spiritual treasures in our spirits. That is, the last clause, after the two previous commands, was this: “For where the wealth belonging to each of you is, there also will be the heart belonging to each of you.” So He suggested something strange.

Logically, if we store up personal wealth for our spirits, and this wealth only exists inside the minds of our spirits while our spirits live in flesh on earth, yet Jesus declared that these same treasures are also being stored “in heaven” at the very same time, then we are forced to conclude that our spirits are also dwelling “in heaven” now, today, even as our spirits also dwell in flesh here on this earth. If all the eternal, spiritual wealth our spirits obtain, during life in the flesh on earth, is stored in our Page 450

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spirits, but also “in heaven” simultaneously, then surely our spirits also must be dwelling in heaven too. This is the only logical conclusion we can make. If A is in B and A is in C, then B is in C, where A = spiritual treasure, B = our spirits in flesh on earth, and C = the third heaven. Is this not true?

If the spiritual wealth in the minds of our spirits now sits in heaven, then our spirits are already in heaven, and our perception of time on earth is not what it seems to be. Rather, there is an overlap of time on earth with time in the spiritual space-time continuum. Besides, all spirits are parts of the eternal spiritual space-time continuum (heaven and hell). Thus, no spirits can also be parts of the temporary material space-time continuum (this physical universe). For nothing can exist inside both space-time continua at once, since each continuum functions under totally different laws and forces of nature, and each realm’s space, time and energy are totally incompatible with each other. The only thing both continua have in common is that both were created, and now exist, through God’s will and power alone. So our souls facilitate communication between the two realms, between the minds of our spirits and the minds of our flesh. But nothing can ever exist in both realms at the same time.

But, if our spirits are actually existing outside of the material realm, in a way that our flesh in the material realm has no capacity to even begin to understand, yet our spirits can comprehend all that exists in the material space-time continuum, then our eternal spirits must be vastly superior to our temporary flesh. Consequently, we should live according to our spirits, not according to our flesh.

Then we should also realize that Jesus was speaking about the biblical concept of the “heart,” not the Platonic concept of a “heart.” So the “heart” Jesus spoke about was a part of the spiritual realm, as a spiritual dwelling place of the eternal spirit. Certainly Jesus was not talking about a physical heart, although Scriptures use the physical heart as an analogy of the spiritual heart. God also figuratively taught that each creature’s “life” is in each its blood (e.g., Lev. 17:14), simply because a creature’s blood continuously came from and returned to the creature’s physical heart. So the heart was called the “home” or dwelling place of the blood. Thus, as the home of the blood that holds one’s life, the heart is the home of one’s life. For, if enough of a creature blood was lost, and could not circulate through its flesh, the creature died. In this way, the blood was called the “life of flesh.” But the spirit of every living creation is actually the source of each one’s life, not the physical blood. Blood was merely analogous of the spirit. Therefore, the heart is figuratively the home of each one’s spirit.

So God was clearly using the physical blood and physical heart as symbols of the eternal spirit and its dwelling place in us. For God is a Spirit and primarily concerns Himself with eternal spiritual matters, not matters of the flesh. To God, flesh is just a temporary teaching tool, not very valuable, since He will soon destroy all flesh. Now we know it is not possible for a spirit, as a part of the eternal spiritual realm, to occupy physical space in physical time. Nevertheless, God limited each spirit to experience His teaching and training solely within the boundaries of a body of its own flesh on earth. Thus, a spirit cannot sense much of anything around it except through the senses from its body of flesh. Still, God does grant a kind of spiritual body or home for each spirit, a spiritual place called our “hearts,” while our spirits are confined to flesh on earth. This “heart” seems to be nothing more than a bodiless head. And this spiritual body is nothing like the spiritual body we all will receive in heaven, after death. For the spirit’s body, while bound to a body of flesh, does not seem to have any limbs, although it has parts that are able to hear, speak to and otherwise sense other spirits.

A human and animal spirit can see, hear and speak with God. And God may grant a spirit an ability to see, hear and speak with other spirits too, at times. Thus, the limited “body” or dwelling place of the spirit is comparable to the home of the blood, that is, to the physical heart, which also has no torso nor limbs. Then we all have chamber of the soul, an interface between the mind of the spirit Page 451

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and the mind of flesh, where both can communicates with one another, and where a spirit monitors all senses of the flesh. So the soul’s chamber sits in the gate of spirit’s dwelling place, like a neck.

Now every mind of flesh needs a spiritual power source, or it cannot function at all. Without a spiritual power source, the mind of flesh is just a purposeless blob of material substance, like a mindless hunk of clay. So each creature’s spirit must continuously provide power of purpose to its mind of flesh, or the mind of flesh will power out and stop within seconds. Then, once the mind of flesh ceases to function, the whole body will die too. Thus, the analogy of the physical blood and the heart is good. For the spirit figuratively exists throughout the body of flesh, like blood, since the boundaries of flesh are also the spirit’s limitations, and the spirit is the life of the flesh. Thus, the spirit’s dwelling place inside every creature is very aptly figuratively compared to a physical heart.

But, in the end, the main point Jesus made was that we must do our daily work for the ultimate goals of our elect spirits, as our spirits walk according to the counsel, teaching and training provided by the Holy Spirit of our Father. For our Father is one with the Spirit of Jesus, with our resurrected and living Head Teacher, the Lord and Owner of our lives. Jesus commanded this to us because our lives, and everything of real and eternal value in them, relates solely to our spirits. Then, God willing, if He lets us fulfill His command, we will have no time, energy nor desire to work for the indulgence of our flesh. We will be so busy with the works that build wealth in our spirits that we will only have enough time to grant our flesh its basic needs, in a healthy, lawful, equitable and wise moderation.

When we all become one in Jesus, serving Him as with one mind and for one purpose, while Jesus is one with the Father of our spirits, we will actually begin to share all things with all our brothers and sisters in the family of God. We will undo the destructive and unjust works of Satan and his world order and live more natural lives. We will not only share our physical time, efforts and resources, but also our spiritual wealth, all the love and joy we receive from God. We will long to share all our most valuable treasures of love and joy, and the devil’s money and hierarchies will mean absolutely nothing to us. For we will have a new kingdom, built through the spiritual and physical knowledge and wisdom Jesus provides, all that we have stored up in our souls. Yet we will not lose any of it as we share it, but only gain more from one another, especially love, the most valuable treasure of our spirits. For love actually increases in volume, quality and worth as we share it. And God’s kind of just love can never diminish. By the laws of the spiritual realm, where all love exists, it only grows.

Because of these two commands of Jesus, we witnessed equality in all of the pure and uncorrupted apostolic churches. You might even say that Jesus not only defined “equality” in words, but also demonstrated in action. And Paul, the most renowned theologian of the apostles, taught this kind of equality to all first-century churches too (e.g., II Cor. 8:1-15). This beautiful and natural equality was the practise of all Christ’s true disciples, until the false teachings of cunning Platonists destroyed those churches. Yet we still see how the Jerusalem church—the first and most authoritative church, and the primary example to all true churches of the time—practised these commands of Jesus: “They continued steadfastly in the apostles’ teaching and fellowship, in the breaking of bread, and prayer.

Fear came on every soul, and many wonders and signs were done through the apostles. All who believed were together, and had all things in common. They sold their possessions and goods, and distributed them to all, according as anyone had need. Day by day, continuing steadfastly with one accord in the temple, and breaking bread at home, they took their food with gladness and singleness of heart, praising God, and having favor with all the people. The Lord added to the assembly day by day those who were being saved” (Acts 2:42-47, WEB). This is what every true church looks like.

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As we see from other Scriptures, these disciples of Jesus consisted of many unique individuals, each with different spiritual and physical gifts and attributes, each following a distinctive calling of one’s only Head and Lord. And no human god was ever allowed to be the head of any true disciple. Yet all did the works of God as with one mind for one purpose, where each was inwardly joyful and filled with rewarding satisfaction in works done for God and His creations, the truly spiritually gratifying works done by one’s own heart and hands. And none of the true members of these churches worked for the indulgence of their own flesh, but spurned worldly wealth. Nor did any labour for the worldly wealth of their church and community. Instead, they all laboured only and exclusively for heavenly treasures, for the eternal personal wealth of their elect spirits. So all things of carnal self-indulgence were sold, all excess items which had no spiritual purpose or value, anything that was not profitable for God’s works and God’s loving kingdom. Then, by the sharing of all spiritual and physical assets, all had all their needs met. None lacked food, clothing or shelter. And none lacked any of the tools, equipment, resources and help each required to fulfill one’s unique and individual calling of God either. All had all they needed for their inwardly gratifying labours. In other words, this lifestyle, in obedience to Christ’s commands, was nothing like the ways of the monasteries, Hutterites or other communal institutions based on pagan Platonic precepts, where all are forcibly conformed to a norm.

Now observe the results of rightly fulfilling these commands of Jesus. God’s knowledge and wisdom was continuously flowing into and among them through their teaching elders, whom God Himself called, taught, trained and sent to them, men called the apostles. Then God also opened the eyes and ears of many elect spirits nearby, so all those elect souls could understand and follow the teachings He sent to them. So God Himself gathered those awakened elect into His true priesthood, into that true local church. Then, as they heard and heeded His truths, their fellowship grew deeper and richer in love. Thus, God was able to work many “wonders and signs” for them, through His love for them, miracles like healings and other works to help them thrive, learn and rejoice in life. For God is only able to manifest His power when He can endorse just, true, loving principles in His servants. And those in this true church actually followed His just, true, loving principles, as His faithful servants.

But I repeat, by the end of the first century, after the apostles died, a long predestined period of religious conflict began. The factious humanistic religion of Satan’s Roman beast warred against the New Covenant teachings expressed through faith in Jesus Christ. For both religions had to spread throughout the world, until no other religions remained, none but these two extremes, pure opposites.

And soon, after the true revival of pure Christianity, these two conflicting religions will tear apart the world’s population, separating the elect into His church, apart from the non-elect. The elect will once more become like the original apostolic church, accompanied by true teachings and receiving God’s power to work miracles through them, as His priesthood. But the non-elect will worship liars in despotic regimes ruled by psychopaths, employing Satan’s invention of money to oppress all, until the human beast’s empire becomes the most powerful empire on earth, dominating all the world. Yet, after seven years of the human beast’s rule on earth, Jesus will physically return to destroy the beast and his entire empire. Then Jesus, in the same body of flesh that He resurrected from the dead, will rule over the entire earth as its sole, just, omniscient, omnipotent King, until the very last day of this planet’s physical existence. And, after that, Jesus will judge all who ever had life in a body of flesh.

Today we are seeing the formation of this dichotomy, in ways never seen before, due to a return of numerous genuine teachings from the real Jesus. And God is troubling the whole earth, causing all souls to draw closer to either Satan or Jesus, forcing them to either take up the devil’s lies or God’s truths. So the prophesied revival of the last days will occur soon. Shortly after this revival, the “great tribulation” of the end times will begin, when world-wide disasters occur in quick succession and the Page 453

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Roman beast establishes his seven-year kingdom. So it is critical for all elect spirits, all who possess ears to hear and eyes to see, to learn the meaning of Jesus’ commands here and throughout the rest of the Scriptures. Time is growing too short to waste on the pursuit of carnal self-indulgence. Now all the elect must begin to work together as one body, with one mind for one purpose. For the elect who do not work together, who do not share all in common, will be the most vulnerable to the non-elect.

Our World Views

After commanding His disciples to only work for spiritual wealth, Jesus portrayed each individual’s works in life as a reflection of one’s own perceptions. He taught that the way one sees meaning and purpose in life compels one to strive for the goals defined by that particular world view. And these philosophies are based upon precepts which can be either truths, lies or a combination of half truths.

But none of these views are ever derived solely through observations. All are invariably interpreted through the strongest influences of either other human beings, demonic spirits or God’s Spirit. Then some will assume that their personal belief on how the world functions is the one and only correct assessment of reality. Then some confused and uncaring souls, after seeing how different people hold radically contradicting world views, assume there can be no right understanding. Thus, each should simply believe whatever one wants, and alter those foundational precepts whenever it is convenient to do so, to appease the desires of one’s own flesh, no matter how criminal one’s current world view might be. Lastly, there are a few whose spirits want real answers, and honestly search for the truth.

Regardless of what perception each decides to rest all one’s faith and life upon, literally all human beings inwardly realize that, logically, there can be only one entirely true, accurate world view which actually explains, harmonizes and interprets all existing realities. And every spirit also knows that it is able to easily invent an infinite number lies and delusions, for its own convenience, in opposition to that one existing reality. But all those manufactured false perceptions will invariably cause harm, because no lie can provide a safe and reliable way of dealing with realities, no effective functioning of life according to the immutable principles created for all spiritual and physical existence. For instance, it is easy to imagine that you can overcome gravity, but walking off a cliff will cause harm to you. So all false world views will turn souls away from the real truths required for survival and abundant life. To survive and thrive, a soul must interpret life through thee one and only existing spiritual and physical reality, and live by thee one true world view. One must accept the fact that all spiritual and physical existence has actually been constructed through an omniscient knowledge and omnipotent power. Then one must rightly interpret all. For, if one does not hold a correct perception, then one can never live without causing harm and death to oneself and others. If one does not gain a right understanding of even the basics, one can make all the observations one likes, but will never be able to accomplish anything except harm and death, to oneself and others. First a soul must learn to rightly interpret all one has seen in the past, so one can accurately predict bad or good consequences of all one’s present actions. Only then will one be able to build a fruitful, abundant and joyful life.

This one true world view must have the ability to rightly interpret every little detail pertaining to all spiritual and physical entities and forces encountered. A correct world view must comprehend how the past, starting at the very beginning, has caused literally every tiny aspect of all that exists in the present, and know how the present will affect the future. The one right world view must even know all the real and core motives and intentions of all who caused the present realities to exist. Therefore, no human being can teach us the one true and right world view, the correct interpretation of all the past and future. The only entity who can possibly know and teach the one and only true world view is the omniscient, omnipotent Creator and Maintainer of all spiritual and physical reality. Only the Page 454

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one who created, maintains and remembers every minute detail of all that ever existed in the past, and knows all that now exists everywhere in both space-time continua, and has willed all future events to happen in a way that can never be opposed nor altered in any way, can train us to apply a right interpretation of all effectively functional principles. So only God, who formed the laws and ways that govern the functioning of all existence, can be our Teacher. Nothing but His perception of all existence, interpreted through His infinite knowledge and wisdom, can be the correct world view.

Now, because all of one’s conscious decisions, words and actions are ultimately derived from one’s world view, which Jesus here called one’s “eye,” He gave us this warning: “The lamp of the body is the eye. Therefore, if your eye might be honestly focused solely on the truth, your whole body will be full of light. Yet, if your eye might be evil, your whole body will be full of darkness. Thus, if the light in you is darkness, how great [is] the darkness! No one is able to be a slave for two masters. For either [the slave] will hate the one and love the other, or else [the slave] will be strongly attached to the one and despise the other. You people are not able to be slaves for the benefit of God and for the benefit of Mammon” (Mat. 6:22-24, from: Ὁ λύχνος τοῦ σώματός ἐστιν ὁ ὀφθαλμός. ἐὰν οὖν ᾖ ὁ

ὀφθαλμός σου ἁπλοῦς, ὅλον τὸ σῶμά σου φωτεινὸν ἔσται· ἐὰν δὲ ὁ ὀφθαλμός σου πονηρὸς ᾖ, ὅλον

τὸ σῶμά σου σκοτεινὸν ἔσται. εἰ οὖν τὸ φῶς τὸ ἐν σοὶ σκότος ἐστίν, τὸ σκότος πόσον. Οὐδεὶς

δύναται δυσὶ κυρίοις δουλεύειν· ἢ γὰρ τὸν ἕνα μισήσει καὶ τὸν ἕτερον ἀγαπήσει, ἢ ἑνὸς ἀνθέξεται

καὶ τοῦ ἑτέρου καταφρονήσει. οὐ δύνασθε θεῷ δουλεύειν καὶ μαμωνᾷ, SBLGNT). So the “lamp” or the personal interpretation and light by which one sees all that exists is one’s “eye” or world view.

The “eye,” the soul’s perception of life and existence, grows throughout the early years of life, as one experiences life, as one does works in life. Then it reaches maturity and basically remains the same thereafter. But the one you serve with your works is actually the one who shapes this world view. And everyone needs a truly right world view, to provide enough light to see the path one needs to follow into survival and abundant inner life. Since only God can teach, train and fully develop a truly right world view in one’s heart, we need to serve Him alone, for His benefit (as indicated by the dative θεῷ). And it is through these works for God that He teaches and trains us to see reality rightly and develop a functionally effective perspective of existence and life. Furthermore, there are two

“eyes” in every person, the “eye” of the flesh and the “eye” of the spirit. So the world view of the volatile, amoral, very irrational and forgetful flesh can be one thing, while that of the infantile spirit can be something quite different, often depending on how much the flesh has taken “captive” and suppressed the spirit. Since elect spirits will never be mature and completed until after the judgment day, none of the elect have mature spirits which have established permanent world views. So all the elect can and will eventually do the works of God and learn the right world view from their Lord.

Of course, the subject of this whole teaching (Mat. 6:19-34) is how to live a rewarding spiritual life, full of just and God-like love, based on genuine truths applied through real wisdom; instead of a grasping and greedy life seeking to indulge in the lusts of the flesh, even as one indirectly or directly causes suffering and death for others. Thus, in this context, Jesus wanted to point out the root cause or principal reason for living the way we do, how and why we make all our decisions and choices in our lives. Jesus was saying that all our actions, performed through our bodies of flesh, originate from our world views, from the “eye” of each soul, from the way each perceives life to be. And that “eye”

or perception of life itself originates from the owner and master of one’s soul. When a mind of a spirit meets with a mind of flesh in the chamber of a soul, either that spirit will manage the thoughts of its flesh in a way that loves and serves God, or that spirit will allow its mind of flesh to pursue the temptations and commands of a demonic spirit, like Mammon. But, either way, a person is a slave.

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Now, in this particular didactic saying, Jesus gave Mammon as an example of a demonic god and lord, because the context of the entire teaching related to the evil influence of wealth. And here He portrayed Mammon as a demonic master who relates all matters of life to Satan’s invention of money. Mammon causes his slaves to make all their choices and decisions based on how much money will be earned or saved. The job or career one chooses depends primarily on how much pay will be received, not on how the job or career will serve God and other loved ones. Where one lives, what one eats, who one befriends, how one spends one’s time, what books one reads, what people one listens to, who one votes for, what church one attends and everything else in life must bear the approval of the demon Mammon. If any choice in life does not appease the will of one’s demon lord, Mammon, then one will not even consider that choice to be a valid option for consideration. So all one receives in life is viewed in terms of its financial worth, never upon its eternal spiritual value.

Consequently, if a blind slave of Mammon thinks in this extremely narrow, empty and superficial way, those thoughts definitely are a false, distorted, deluded, foolish view of life, based entirely on lies from one’s pathetic demon god. In other words, one’s “eye” becomes clearly “evil,” so one’s

“whole body will be full of darkness.” Naturally, like most deluded slaves of demons, one will think,

“Others are deluded if they think anything else matters in life except money. For one gets everything one needs and desires with money. One can even buy love!” And those who think this way are not just the wealthy. In fact, one of the ways Mammon often deceives souls into worshipping him is by causing the poor to covet wealth, and to make them think that the rich have a wonderful, fulfilled and perfect life—though the rich are usually the most empty, ignorant, blind, loveless souls on earth.

Demonic spirits also lure those who suffer from injustice caused by the wealthy, into worshipping them. The demon Mammon will make the victims of abusive financial systems think that money is the only solution to all their problems. So these victims begin to see all aspects of life in terms of profit or loss too. The saviour, hope and light of their lives becomes mere money. Thus, the “light in them” is actually a total “darkness” of delusions and lies, and “how great is that darkness!” They can no longer enjoy the bright warm sun on their faces when they step outside, since it does not earn them a cent. They cannot look in wonder at nature’s beauty, breath in the glory of flowers, trees and other living spirits, since all they see is the profit they might make, if they eliminated that beauty to make room for the manufacturing of goods to sell, even useless and harmful goods that they trick souls into believing they “need” them. Worse yet, the only kind of “love” that Mammon worshippers can ever possess is a totally fake and highly conditional love, which instantly transforms into hatred as soon as a “loved” one disrespects, in any way, their revered god of money. So the worshippers of Mammon, and all the other demons, become brutalized, deprived slaves of those demons, and kept in utter ignorance, so they never doubt their masters, so they will never want to escape from them.

This is why our Father does not want His elect to be taken captive by demonic spirits or their lying human children, lest they too will be chained and imprisoned in that slavery. Yes, some slaves of the demons say that God’s own infant children live a “slavish” life too, bound by rules and laws, living in fear of punishments for disobedience. But those secular slaves are using “straw men” to divert attention away from realities. For the truly awakened elect children of God never live by rules and laws, nor fear punishment. Rather, the awakened elect live by truths and wisdom taught to their spirits through a loving and warm relationship with their heavenly Father and Brother. These elect seek to fulfill laws, not merely “obey” them, and do nothing blindly, in the way slaves do all things.

The Father all the elect, awakened or not, predestines every teaching experience of their lives, and grants them grace and freedom while they live in flesh on earth. However, our Father, Owner and Master limits our lives in many ways through His own deep, eternal and unconditional love for us.

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But He rarely treats us like “slaves,” and only when our minds of flesh rule over our lives, for our flesh is a slave of God. The few times God does act in an authoritative and harsh way towards us, it is always for a good reason, to discipline, teach and train our spirits when they become rebellious and self-destructive. And His discipline always hurts or even kills our flesh, not our elect spirits. For our Father must limit our foolish flesh and our infantile elect spirits at times. If He did not, we would surely irreparably harm ourselves and our siblings. Yet, as our spirits mature in our Father’s service, as Jesus teaches and trains us to be more knowledgeable and wise about His creations, as well as far more honest about ourselves, He grants us more freedom. Then He also infallibly promised to grant our spirits total freedom after we are fully taught and trained, when we come of age in the final hours of the last day, at the gates of heaven. Once we all become wise in our love, He will allow us to freely serve our rich inheritance within His holy lands according to our own wills, simply because we will never will to do anything evil, but will always will to do what is beneficial for all existence.

The point of this wise didactic saying from our loving Head Teacher is: Ensure that your “eye” of your spirit bears a strong and bright perspective on all spiritual and physical existence; that your

“eye” is a “lamp” for all your plans and actions on the path of life; that your lamp is full of fuel from above; that your wick is trimmed of all lies so it burns clean; and that your wick of opinions on God and His ways is set high to burn intensely, so you can clearly see Jesus in the lead, as well as any stumbling blocks on the path below you. Keep that “eye” of your spirit open in your soul, firmly and entirely focused on Jesus and His truth, on the real realities that God caused to exist. And never let either a human or demonic spirit distract or redirect your focus to any distorted shadows, which they falsely claim to be monsters, in order to scare you off that one true path. Stand firm in all that your God-given light plainly illuminates, trusting in your wise Guide and Lord. For He leads you into eternal survival, even abundant life in your predestined home. If your world view is a bright lamp in the dark night of this self-destructive world order, fuelled by the teaching and training of Jesus, your spirit will cause the words and works of your flesh to light the path of heaven even enough for all the elect with you. For God endorses and empowers His true light for all who shine it. And this is what God calls evangelism, an elder shining His light in His truly loving works for the good of His elect.

False Fears About Survival

All demonic spirits, and the devil’s most faithful children, use one common device more than any other, one effective technique that has been able to cause countless elect souls to flee from their Father’s path of righteousness, from the ways of just love. That preferred weapon of the wicked is fear. Literally every demon and every loyal child of Satan carries this weapon on a belt at all times.

You will never find an enslaved citizen of Satan’s kingdom without a sword of delusions and lies, used to cause irrational fears and doubts that drive infantile elect souls away from their blessed, fruitful, gratifying life in Christ. This is why Jesus offers every elect spirit His lamp of teaching and training, so all might expose those lies and delusions, and learn to bravely face those dull, cracked, short, wooden weapons wielded by those weak and half-blind spirits. Then He also grants each of His true disciples a shield of faith and a broad steel sword to be drawn by our spirits, the weapon of His Word. Then He covers the minds of His discipled elect spirits with an impenetrable helmet of assured salvation. In addition, He gives each true disciple a carefully fitted breastplate to deflect the piercing arrows shot by the demons and their human archers, so one’s heart is safe. All this armour is made of indestructible righteousness worked through genuine love, since love protects all. Then, for His disciples (and even for the elect souls with spirits that hear and heed His Holy Spirit, but are not yet called to follow as His disciples), He reveals truths which gird their garments of godly attributes Page 457

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firmly around their lives, so they will not grow cold and die, as they walk through the winds of false teachings blowing across their lands. Then He grant all these faithful elect perfectly fitted footwear, so all can safely walk their predestined spiritual paths, even in any weather, with gripping treads made of His infallible promises. God can and soon will grant all this to all His elect children, so all will surely enter heaven alive and well, no matter what He predestines any of them to suffer on earth.

Now think about how our Creator, the Father of our Spirits, created the earth and allowed the bound and limited spirits of demons to temporarily roam upon it. Ponder His reason for placing His dearly beloved elect children upon this troubled and dangerous earth for a time in temporary bodies of flesh. Realize that our Father wanted us to face opposition, so we will learn and know how all that stands against Him and His ways causes harm and death. Clearly, our Father wanted our eternal spirits—from which all laws, morals and principles of love are expressed through our flesh—to appreciate and love Him more, and learn to fully cherish all that truly originates from Him. Our Father made this temporary creation of the material space-time continuum so His beloved heirs, who will work by His side forever at home in heaven, would become far more motivated by love for Him and for His ways, more than even the most glorious creatures in heaven, even more than archangels.

God put us on earth so our spirits would learn to be exceedingly careful, to ensure that every word and work we choose will be wise and loving, conforming to all the attributes and ways of our Father.

All the knowledge and wisdom we learn on earth will be used in our future heavenly home, to make us able to justly, equitably and lovingly serve the creatures dwelling there beside us. Our lives and our deaths on earth train and prepare us for our real eternal lives in heaven. And it is our God, our Father and oldest Brother, who train us, who are always with us here, so we learn to love Him too.

Thus, we see why the devil and his minions strive to cause fears and anxieties within us, especially in our minds of flesh. Those evil ones want a guardian of their evil ways instilled in the backside of our minds of flesh, a messenger of fear, who causes panic at the slightest hint of a threat, so we will fight blindly, even striking blows against our own beloved siblings in God’s family, or else flee in terror from our God. The determined and unwavering purpose of those evil spirits is to cause us to separate from our Father and oldest Brother, so we cannot learn to love Him, so we will always live by the panicked decisions of our minds of flesh, so we will oppress our own elect spirits, so our flesh will allow no spiritual words to be uttered in the chambers of our souls, so we will forfeit all the Holy Spirit could teach and train our spirits to say and do. Satan’s minions want us to drop the lamp of our spirits, which is firmly fixed to our shields of faith, so we stumble in darkness and blindly fall into their deadly traps. For those lying, ruthless, wicked ones are natives of a dark land, and see well in the shadows of their lies and delusions. But the elect were born for a land of light and need light to see well. So, if the devil’s kingdom can create the darkness of fear, they gain an advantage over us, though we are far bigger and more powerful, and much better armed if we enlist in Christ’s army.

If we panic and cast off our shields of faith, along with the bright lamps of truth attached, we will then become utterly vulnerable to the well-aimed and deadly blows of the wicked. And, if we blindly thrust our swords of His Word into the air, we will seldom strike any disabling blows against our murderers. For they can see well enough in their darkness to dodge every panicked swing we make without faith or truth. But our elect siblings, who were born to live in the light, are like us, and cannot see well enough in the darkness of the world order to duck our sharp blades. So our stupidly wielded blows will kill more siblings than foes. Yes, the sword of God’s Word is mighty and truly effective, but only if purposefully and skilfully handled in the light of rightly understood realities.

This is why, in these teachings against irrational fears (Mat. 6:25-34), Jesus assured us that our Father in heaven loves us, and will surely take care of us. For Jesus wanted us to bravely stay the Page 458

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course, to follow Him along the entire path leading home, together with all our other sibling in His family, even when we must partake in His suffering on earth. He did not want us to panic, to drop our shields of faith, together with our brightly lit lamps. For we need faith and light to stand our ground against the abused and poorly armed hordes sent against us by Satan’s kingdom. We need to stay with Jesus, and put on His full armour, then attack in the disciplined, effective ways He taught and trained us to employ in various battle situations. Then we shall burst through the feeble lies, delusions and broken promises that shield our enemies. If we follow His commands, and each works his or her ordained special gifts according to His plan, there will be victory. For even a small troop, equipped and led by Jesus, always defeats a hundred times as many lovers of darkness. For their ruler of the air does not plan well, and never personally leads his army. Rather, Satan merely sits safely at home and sends psychopathic minions to drive them forward with cruel blows and threats of death. Then the devil murders his own soldiers often, to keep them terrorized. Furthermore, he arms his factious and abused army with the cheap weapons of lies and delusions, which they must learn to use themselves, through their own inferior cunning. Consequently, though Satan spends the vast majority of his kingdom’s budget on military campaigns, and gathers huge impressive armies of ruthless murderers, all his soldiers are wretched and weak, easily defeated by God’s trained elect.

Of course, our Lord’s teachings about maintaining faith in our wise Father, and warnings against the fear-mongering lies from the devil and his brood, are actually applicable to every kind of attack we might face along the road of life. But, in the context of this teaching (Mat. 6:19-34), Jesus was more specifically telling us to watch out for all the devices used by a particular demon, Mammon. And this devil is the god of money, who commands his psychopathic slaves to economics for enslaving and exploiting souls, to steal the blood and resources God gave to all His creations, and keep it for their own carnal pleasures. Here Jesus addressed the fear-mongering lies of Satan’s most wealthy dupes.

Jesus gave His first didactic saying to calm our fear of starvation, thirst and homelessness. For the servants of the devil, especially the wealthy, continuously brainwash us to believe that we must pledge loyalty to their demon god Mammon, and to that god’s human servants, or else die in poverty.

So, against this lie, Jesus proclaimed: “Because of this, I reason with you people: Do not be always concerned about the soul belonging to each of you, what you people might eat. Neither [be always concerned about] the body belonging to each of you, what clothes you people might wear. Is not the soul surely more than [its] food and the body [more than] its clothing? You people carefully look into

[the attributes of] the birds of the sky, because they are not sowing nor harvesting nor gathering into granaries, and their heavenly Father nourishes them. Are you people not carried through to the end more than them? So what, originating from you people through [your] concerns, is able to add one cubit on one’s [waist] size?” (Mat. 6:25-27, from: Διὰ τοῦτο λέγω ὑμῖν· μὴ μεριμνᾶτε τῇ ψυχῇ ὑμῶν

τί φάγητε, μηδὲ τῷ σώματι ὑμῶν τί ἐνδύσησθε· οὐχὶ ἡ ψυχὴ πλεῖόν ἐστι τῆς τροφῆς καὶ τὸ σῶμα τοῦ

ἐνδύματος; ἐμβλέψατε εἰς τὰ πετεινὰ τοῦ οὐρανοῦ ὅτι οὐ σπείρουσιν οὐδὲ θερίζουσιν οὐδὲ

συνάγουσιν εἰς ἀποθήκας, καὶ ὁ πατὴρ ὑμῶν ὁ οὐράνιος τρέφει αὐτά· οὐχ ὑμεῖς μᾶλλον διαφέρετε

αὐτῶν; τίς δὲ ἐξ ὑμῶν μεριμνῶν δύναται προσθεῖναι ἐπὶ τὴν ἡλικίαν αὐτοῦ πῆχυν ἕνα;, SBLGNT).

Notice again how Jesus switched back and forth from singular to plural pronouns here. When He spoke about anxieties and fears, He used singular pronouns (either a singular “you” or some other indication of a reference to each individual), because that is how Satan traps us, by getting us, as individuals, to panic and leave the body of loving elect, to flee from God’s kingdom on earth. Yet He used plural pronouns (like ὑμεῖς or ὑμῶν, “you people”) when He reasoned with us about the solution to the problems we face as individual, when He told us how to overcome those fears. Jesus said we must simply do our daily works and fulfill our daily duties in the best ways we can—where Page 459

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each sows, harvests and stores the fruits of one’s labours properly, protects one’s resources and sustenance from humans and creatures who might ruthlessly steal it, yet do this for the good of all, leaving none to suffer or die. All these plural pronouns here, throughout this text, everywhere except when our God Jesus spoke about individual needs, indicates that we are to collectively do our works together, as one people, to provide for individual needs. And we, both individually and as one people, rely on God to keep us alive, to grant us the knowledge, wisdom and strength to do our daily works and to fulfill our individual destinies. Then Jesus, through His teaching and training of each individual spirit, will gather us together, into the fold of our honest elect neighbours, who will each contribute a predestined useful part to the spiritual, emotional and physical well being of the whole body of God. Then He will provide the rest, as each disciple grows strong through His wise training.

We need Jesus and we need one another. And we need to realize the proven fact that the total useful productivity, effective wisdom and beauty produced by a thousand people enslaved by an elite, who are forced to live vain competing lives, will only ever be a small fraction of what can be produced by a thousand equal freed people working together as one body with one mind in Christ. And, in Christ, not one is left behind to become homeless or the victim of psychopaths. For, whenever people labour as the slaves of demons and Satan’s appointed human gods, there will always be countless victims falling into poverty and death. Each elect individual must learn to rely on our heavenly Father, so His collective body and kingdom on earth can do His will on earth, just as it is also done in heaven.

We need to trust in God for all things. For it is God who places life into the seeds of our crops, shines the sun on our lands, and scatters the cool rain upon our soil. Jesus does all that is necessary to grow our food on His property. Therefore, all He provides from His creations must be equitably distributed to all His created life on earth, just as He distributed it all from the beginning of time, just as He does in heaven too, where no money exists. Yes, He grants human children the stewardship of His property, but only so they can bear enough to equitably provide for all, and much more. For all stewardship necessarily implies that we bear a responsibility to our Lord who granted it, to use all the property He placed under our care for His purposes alone. Stewardship never implied a transfer of ownership, never gave anyone the right use and abuse God’s property for selfish ambitions, and certainly never entitles anyone to commit crimes against God and His people, like theft and murder.

Now let all the elect, all with spirits capable of loving, beg God to send us the knowledge and wisdom we need to survive, to plan ahead and even prevent loss whenever we face circumstances that we could not predict. For only His knowledge and wisdom can solve our deadly problems, which He Himself allows on earth, to drive us deeper into prayer, so we might learn to develop love for one another, as well as for Him. Others plan for the future without the knowledge and wisdom of God, thinking they are doing due diligence, and expecting nothing to occur which their own human strength, intelligence and wills cannot manage. But their plans always produce emptiness and much despair for all in their plans, then cost lives and a massive waste of God-given resources. Even if they think they have succeeded, they actually fail, in reality, because their plans cause so much harm and death, and always instigate destructive wars against one another. But, if our wills align with the will of our loving God, possibly even enough for God to grant us prophecies, He will save us and all our elect siblings, even the elect hidden and enslaved by the devil. There will be far fewer casualties by the wicked, and a much lower loss of resources. If the elect live as one body, we can deal with the threats against us. We will have few concerns, beyond what Jesus reasonably requires of us each day.

For we will rest in the eternal Sabbath of God, and rely on Him, knowing He will handle all matters beyond our control, since our control is predestined solely for our training. Jesus will often call each and every individual to do His works for His people and His creations, in each one’s own unique Page 460

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way, for one’s own joy and the joy of His entire kingdom. His power and wisdom will work through us to save us, and against His enemies, to confound and weaken them. If we let our spirits remain attentive to Him, we can reach abundant life. Then each individual’s time on earth will end, so each spirit can gracefully and joyfully leave earthly flesh for a new body and new time at heaven’s gates.

Demons and the devil’s children lie and deny all these physical and spiritual realities. But, from the beginning, there have always been people gathering in ways which fulfilled God’s laws. And these more just, equitable and loving communities, as a whole and individually, have always fared better than the other societies living in demonic hierarchical systems, where Satan’s favoured psychopathic human offspring have ruled as the gods of those people. Then there is the inner witness of literally billions of elect spirits. All these provide a consistently harmonized testimony, as evidence of love, wisdom and justice, always of the same kind, of the type designed, created and maintained by our Creator God. So these are facts that cannot be rationally denied. Yet the human gods will tell us that we must be cruelly compete with our siblings in humankind, and worship demons, especially Satan in his hierarchical world order, as well as his chief counsel, Mammon, the exploiter. To keep vain and delusional status, as well as stolen wealth, they want us to persecute refugees fleeing from the same kingdom’s psychopathic human gods ruling other lands, even to deny food, clothing, shelter and freedom to their children. They want us to protect our property, our jobs, our food, as though we owned it, and deny that all belongs to God alone. They command us to create a famine of God’s truth in our lands. But God provided enough on earth to provide for all our siblings spiritual and physical needs if we fulfill His loving, just and equitable laws, by walking according our spirits in Christ.

Furthermore, if we pray for God to rule over us and our land, we will prosper and grow in strength together with our elect siblings who join us, together with the elect among the immigrants and the outsiders whom those Satanists want us to persecute. Meanwhile, all demonically ruled lands will destroy themselves and perish. Then God will grant us their lands too. So our only real job, for our own survival and to reach our goal of living an abundant life, is to serve God, and Him alone, each in the unique way He calls one to serve Him. And we can only serve God by serving all His people, as well as all His other creations. As for food, it too belongs to God, and can only exist if He chooses to grant life to it, then causes it to grow. But God will stop our food from growing if we do nothing but exploit, destroy and deplete His good lands for self-indulgent profits, if we serve Satan and the demon Mammon, if we work only for vain glory and wealth, solely to advance the devil’s kingdom.

God is extremely patient with the foolish. But He is also always calling His elect to learn from Him, so they can take action to nullify the works of the devil, so they can then build up His just and loving kingdom upon this earth. So God will not withhold His wrath forever, if His children refuse to hear Him and do nothing loving nor wise. If our elect spirits do not take time to pray, or if we pray only through our minds of flesh, for the sake of our flesh, and our spirits do not heed the words of His Holy Spirit, Jesus will strike hard disciplinary blows directly against our flesh. Then our lands will fail to grow food, and He will crush the works of that demon Mammon. Money will not be able to deceive us any longer after that demon and his economic systems fall into ruin, when it becomes impossible to depend on Mammon’s lies about himself. Mammon boasts that we need him to provide for all we want and need. But only our Creator God can do that. Thus, after God destroys Mammon and his economic systems, He will still make the sun shine, the rain fall and grow life in the seeds we plant. He will still grants us the ability, skill and wisdom to grow and distribute food to each one, according to each one’s needs. If we obey God, all will go well when economies collapse, no matter how many of our siblings in God’s family we must feed. To survive, we need to serve God alone.

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In our day, we have seen vain fascists like Hitler, Mussolini and Trump rise up, telling us that they alone can save us, if we worship them with all our hearts, minds and flesh. These lying criminals tell us to hate and even kill all who expose their destructive, divisive and filthy little lies. They want us to die to defend them and their lusts, to be proud of belonging to their ignorant, murderous, criminal gangs consisting only of one kind of people, thugs who are loyal to them. But all these arrogant souls are brainwashed idiots, duped into thinking the land is owned by their human god, while ignoring their real Owner, the Creator God. And they live by their carnal egos, and love their human gods, solely because those psychopaths flatter them, tell them how they deserve to be entitled, then throw meatless bones to them as bribes to keep them happy. But their human gods treat them like dogs, and are fully aware that their their bones are plastic fakes and their false praise was carefully crafted to make those fools feel appreciated and loved. But their dupes are far too carnal to realize that their psychopathic human gods don’t really love them. In fact, their human gods are willing to sacrifice any and all of them, even to excruciatingly painful deaths, just to gain a little profit for themselves.

Now the awakened elect can all clearly see how those fascists serve the demon Mammon, and ultimately worship Satan himself. And the elect whom Jesus personally teaches and trains can also see how all the other hierarchical systems ruled by psychopaths do the same. For it is obvious that Mammon also has been raising up authoritarian empires throughout history, such as the communist dictatorships ruled by psychopaths like Lenin, Stalin and Mao Zedong. They were the exactly the same hierarchical systems serving a privileged psychopathic elite. They were also mere subject kingdoms within Satan’s empire, exactly like fascism, and all differences were very minor details.

While today’s fascists serve Mammon in exactly the same ways as the communists do, they both also worship Satan himself, as well as other demons. But fascists also worship demons of power, sex and war as much as Mammon, while Mammon seems to be the only major demon worshipped by the communists. For literally every decision that communists make relates to money and the economy.

So communists are exactly the same as major exploiting corporations in capitalist economies, but communists also usurp all political and military power, so they will be able to kill at will, while capitalists in democratic nations are slightly hinders in such matters. Thus, all subject kingdoms in Satan’s empire are fundamentally the same, although each subject kingdom must tell their gangs of criminal thugs a slightly different lie, and each is ruled by a slightly different psychopathic human god, and each human god selfishly “serves the people” by severely exploiting them under a different meaningless title used to describe his demonic system, although it is almost identical to all others.

Naturally, all the devil’s communist possessions must brainwash their unloved expendable minions, and make them think literally every aspect of life revolves around money alone. In other words, all communists are ultra-extreme capitalists, willing to torture, destroy and murder for the sake of money. Yet, while the human gods of communist lands wallow in the lap of luxury, at the expense of their minions, just like the worst capitalists do, they bear the power to force their delusions upon their enslaved people, to make them believe that all their crimes are done to serve their nation. But capitalists need to buy their publicity and politicians, in order to dupe their slaves into submission, and the fascist exploiters need to cajole their chief human god, so he will grant them benefits from his propaganda. In the end, all these systems provide the means to suppress dissenters who speak the truth, and silence all criticism which might free their slaves from their binding lies. Communists, fascists and capitalists alike require the same kind of power to make people believe that truth-tellers are “fakes,” and they are the real “saviours” of the people. They all need thugs to broadcast their lies through a tightly controlled media, where even all the current events, history and scientific truths can be rewritten to serve their own devious purposes. Still, fascism and capitalism allow more kinds of Page 462

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psychopaths and their demons to exploit the people, since communists primarily worship Mammon above all other demons, and only that kind of demon worshipper rules the entire nation. But each corporation’s human god can be the slave of a different demon in capitalist and fascist systems. One can worship the god of sexual perversion, another the god of ruthless violence, another the god irrational intellectualism, and so on. And the devil is better served through the worship of multiple demons, since all of them must point to him as their high god. Thus, since worshipping Mammon as one’s only principal god diminishes Satan’s ability to receive glory for himself, that devil prefers political systems like capitalism and fascism, so that multiple demons will lead all to worship him.

Since Satan is a jealous ruler of his world order, he wants his face on all the idols being worshipped.

And ruthless capitalism and fascism best help him accomplish this. So Satan once used communism to eliminate the old style of worshipping demons, and replace it with his preferred religion of Roman humanism. But now that devil is replacing communism with his systems of capitalism and fascism, which allow more demons and their minions to more openly worship him. Yet, in recent years, the biblical doctrines of democracy have often interfered with ability of capitalism to brainwash and delude the masses. Meanwhile, violent fascism has never lost its power to control the media and education for its own purposes, to oppress the masses. Therefore, the devil can be worshipped more directly and powerfully through fascism, and this has become his favourite sect of his psychopathic humanistic religion. And Satan actually has always been steering all his subject kingdoms towards fascism. He even led his ancient Roman Empire, which now rules the world, into fascism. And, just like he did in the ancient Roman Empire, that devil is soliciting the help of his fake churches too, so they can nullify the pesky interference of genuine biblical truths. So fascism will be the religious system of Satan’s beast, where his children worship him in the beast, together with his other demons.

As you can see, the demon Mammon is one of the most high-ranking slaves of Satan, serving as his grand taskmaster, the one who keeps the slaves in Satan’s world order bound and submissive. And Mammon does this by offering the devil’s invention of money to the most loyal slaves of hell’s kingdom, who then use that money to enslave others, even in the same way Mammon uses that money to enslave them. But Mammon was not always able to enslave souls in Satan’s kingdom with money. For, in the beginning, God created true civilization, where people simply worked a few hours a day to grow, gather and hunt for food, and where they could worship Him in harmony with all His other creations. Thus, since God’s true civilization lacked any form of currency, Satan’s kingdom of sinners had to use other means, whenever it wanted to create an uncivilized, unjust despotic society.

The devil’s chief psychopaths had to horde all the food, create artificial famines, then use terrorism, with threats of extreme violence, to enslave others. Only with all this hard work could Satan and his demons herd souls into barbaric, uncivilized slave quarters, forcing them to serve their whims and build their palaces, in what they liked to call “civilized cities.” But these primitive methods were inefficient, since slaves could easily escape into the wilderness and live in truly civilized, equitable, just, democratic family units, working only a few hours per day for food, then spending the rest of their time socializing and educating one another. Only after Satan invented money could his demons delude vast numbers of souls, causing them to continuously fear for their survival, so they would then submissively bow before their taskmasters, begging for a little money to buy their daily food.

With this power, Satan could more easily destroy civilizations on earth, and establish massive cruel, brutal, chaotic, destructive, polluting anti-civilizations, where literally all were completely enslaved.

In those hells on earth, in the empires Satan mockingly called “civilizations,” demons could easily stop God’s children from providing for the needs of all, and prevent spirits from worshipping God.

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But, in reality, God always remains in control of every sub-atomic particle in the entire universe, and owns all that exists in this material space-time continuum, as well as everything in the spiritual space-time continuum. So Satan will definitely lose his war against God and God’s lawful, loving kinds of civilizations. In the meantime, demons seek some satisfaction, some revenge against God, since God forbade them to be their own gods, and because God will not let those loveless spirits harm and destroy all they want to harm and destroy for their own psychopathic pleasure, merely to feel powerful. Thus, those demons set up their own fake churches to lure in even the elect, then distracted them with matters of the flesh and deluded them with all kinds of religious lies. All this caused those foolish children to serve human gods who exploited, divided, abused and destroyed them, all for the selfish gain of the human gods appointed as the rulers of those hierarchical churches. For those deceived elect actually begin to believe that, if they did not worship money, and therefore bow to those human gods, all would be lost and they would perish in dire poverty. And the world-wide economic systems of Satan’s also now prevented them from escaping to form God’s true kind of equitable, just, loving civilizations. After this, Satan’s churches, including the duped elect within them, set out to murder those God’s churches. But they could not kill God, nor all of God’s awakened elect. All God let them do was drive His truth and true church into hiding underground.

This outward “victory” of the false churches occurred when Satan finished establishing his ultimate false religion in his fourth humanistic kingdom of Rome. From then on, everyone in his fake Jewish, Christian and Muslim churches worshipped the human gods appointed by the devil and Mammon, then slavishly erected oppressive anti-civilizations around the world. Of course, God also sent His awakened elect into the world as well, and their underground fellowships have gradually eroded many unjust doctrines that are binding Satan’s captive slaves stolen from God’s elect. But those faithful children of God have sacrificed much to do these good works, since Satan’s empire and his fake churches have been torturing and slaughtering them the whole time. Even in our day, many fake churches in America and around the world have worshipped the chief slaves of Satan and Mammon, men like Hitler and Trump, even calling them their “saviours,” simply because the dupes who join their criminal gangs can sometimes gain temporary wealth and power by exploiting other human souls. But these demonic saviours are actually little prototypes of Satan’s messiah, the beast of the end times. And fake humanistic churches, as subject kingdoms within Satan’s world order, will also worship the beast in the end times. Many will even put on the mark of the beast, so they too can buy and sell, by worshipping Mammon as they also worship Satan inside the beast. In the same way fake churches have always ruthlessly worshipped Satan and demons like Mammon, they will continue to do so until the end. They will always believe the lie that they are not able to obtain food, clothing or anything else they worship the devil and submit to his chief taskmaster, Mammon. But, although the devil’s factious kingdom is self-destructive, it will not be entirely eliminated until Jesus strikes a deadly blow against the world’s economic systems during the era of the sixth seal, then crushes Satan’s power with the plagues of the seven trumpets, and casts Satan from the earth at His return.

But Jesus was primarily refuting the lies of Mammon in this particular didactic saying (Mat. 6:25-27). So we must now also rebuke that lie, just as Jesus did. We cannot let the devil distract us with false fears about our survival. Rather, we must focus on all that our true Owner and Lord calls us to do each day, trusting in Him to provide for all our modest needs. We need to labour for the good of all His creations, through the love, wisdom and diligence Jesus grants to His awakened and faithful elect in His body of the true church. If He calls some of us to rebuke liars, we do so, but wisely, in the ways He counsels us to nullify their deceptions. If He calls us to defend the innocent from demonic oppressors, we do so. If He calls us to do any other works, even menial and so-called Page 464

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“lowly” tasks, we do so. And we learn to work together in His one mind, for His one good purpose, without fear. Our whole attention focuses on the loving, just, equitable matters He wants us to attend to, without being turned aside. Then we always remain wary of the delusions and lies from Satan and his servants, who come to us disguised as messengers of God. To guard against these fakes, we must often go to His Word, with humble prayers from our spirits, and be willing to admit when we have been wrong. Then we also go our awakened and praying siblings in the Lord, to seek that multitude’s trusted counsel, the countless testimonies of honest eye-witnesses who diligently gather genuine evidence, who also interpret that solid evidence in the sound, rational and wise ways personally taught to them by Jesus. Then we judge ourselves and others, so we might be taught the real truth.