The Gospel of Matthew; The life and times of God in a body of flesh by Gregory Stephen Supina - HTML preview

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If we see even a hint of greed, which is deceiving covetousness, or if we detect pride distorting truth and denying realities, let us carefully distinguish the truth from the lies. Then we can make right judgments that heal and restore losses, taking into account the inner states of those we judge, spending the time to discern the actual motives and intentions of their spirits. And we need to judge by the concepts that God pours into our spirits, but never trust the self-contradicting, self-serving, emotional nonsense from our extremely limited and amoral minds of flesh. For we know there is only one consistent, harmonious and genuine reality created and caused by God, only one absolutely true perception of actual facts. And we need that real truth to love, and to survive, since half-truths, lies and delusions, anything deviating from that one truth, will cause harm or can even kill. Now let us heed Jesus, place our faith in Him alone, and serve His loving purposes alone, to truly be alive.

False Fears About Social Acceptance and Status

The next didactic saying from Jesus (Mat. 6:28-30) addressed our concerns about our social standing and our acceptance by our communities. Jesus talked about how we strive to be respected by others.

But, in Jesus, an awakened elect soul never needs to worry about such things, because no loving and awakened elect soul ever actually stands alone. The spirits of the elect who truly know Jesus are never rejected nor despised by their heavenly Father, nor their oldest Brother. Then they find that, in spite of all their quirks and failures, other elect souls are drawn to them, and somehow love them, even for no apparent merit-based reasons. So as the awakened elect mature in Christ, they worry less and less about what the world order thinks of them; although, at the same time, they speak more and more wise and loving words which draw them closer to the hearts of others, then do more and more good works to bring joy to others and to themselves, thus cementing the bonds of love they receive.

For God’s kind of love is totally unconditional and cannot be broken. The Holy Spirit of Jesus and our heavenly Father welcomes every elect child, and He never abandons any of them. When His Spirit enters His child’s heart at His appointed time, that child knows he or she will forever be an heir of His homeland. At times, our Father may step out of the chamber of the soul for a moment, if an elect spirit willingly permits the flesh to sin, or even if that elect one merely condones the sin of another soul—since that approval is actually the act of partaking in that sin. But our heavenly Father has never permanently left any of His elect children, not in all history, and He never will. God may leave an elect sinner’s soul and stand outside, at the door of that one’s heart, firmly rebuking the sin and exposing lies with the truth He teaches, commanding the elect to repent into that truth before He will enter again. And, if that spirit does not repent, after hearing and understanding His words, our God may grow silent for a time, but will remain nearby, standing just outside the door. For He is patient and willing to wait for repentance. On the other hand, as He is waiting, He may also choose to discipline one’s flesh, if that elect spirit is held captive by one’s flesh and cannot heed Him, if the spirit is too suppressed to repent into the truth. Nonetheless, our Father never abandons His children.

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Yet the foolish infantile spirits of His elect children often abandon the company of their Father. And they sometimes do so to fellowship with those standing far away from God, to seek their empty and highly conditional approval and acceptance. Some elect even seek praise from the non-elect, from those who hate the truth and despise the Father of their elect spirits. In a pursuit of unholy alliances, and to remain in good standing among corrupting false friends, some elect souls will even believe any lie and commit any kind of sin, including murder. Then, if their loveless users and abusers reject or even despise those desperate elect, which is inevitable, those elect feel lost, alone, weak, utterly terrified and incapable of coping with life. Some may actually think of committing suicide! But few stop to examine the spiritual realities in their relationships, and realize that their non-elect “friends”

have never reciprocated their love, and are actually incapable of ever loving anyone. Those heirs of Satan’s kingdom are not able to quiet their deluded minds of flesh and turn the faces of their spirits to the Spirit of Jesus. And Jesus never opens the eyes and ears of their spirits to the truth. Nor can their spirits follow the Lord Jesus, together with their elect siblings, who are able to truly love them.

We, the elect, can never be each unto ourselves alone. And it is a total myth that any man can survive alone, independently, without the works of others to help him. We all need the loving companionship and counsel of our wise, just, patient and loving Father, as well as our best Friend and oldest Brother, our Head Teacher and Lord, Jesus. Then, if we heed the counsel of Jesus, and He dwells in our hearts beside our spirits, He also gathers us into the love of other elect souls, who consist of about half the population of the world. Even the unawakened elect, who do not yet consciously know the name of their saving God Jesus, who are not yet His disciples in the priesthood of His true church of Israel, can know our elect spirits, can recognize us as their siblings, and love us as soon as they recognize our spirits. Then we can love them in truth, and be loved in truth. Let all the elect—who are prone to love in a just and God-like way, directly from their spirits—realize this. Since all our spirits have direct access to our Father, to Jesus, and to all the earth’s elect, it is impossible for us to ever become forsaken and alone, even as our spirits remain completely free to become all that He created us to be.

Now, in the days of Jesus, clothing revealed one’s whole identity. The style of the clothing (the type of fabric, the design, the stitching, the colours and accessories), as well as the way one wore it and the number of times one wore a particular garment, revealed one’s tribe, religion, occupation, status, education, political views, sociability, general income, approximate age and many other attributes.

Almost the whole of one’s character and one’s closest affiliations were immediately evident in the details of one’s apparel. For the people intentionally used clothing and accessories to reveal such things. Each identifiable group designed their own clothing styles and demarcations to distinguish their people from others. Then there was the simple fact that most people could only afford one outer garment, while a small percentage of extremely wealthy elite could afford numerous robes with all kinds of expensive accessories. Thus, when Jesus gave us this next didactic saying (Mat. 6:28-30), it was not really about clothing. In our modern times, when we change our clothing to do different tasks, or to suit our moods, the message here has become difficult to understand. But, if we see how clothing was used in the first century, we realize that Jesus was actually warning us to temper our carnal concerns about gaining acceptance, about attempting to maintain a respectable status among others. Jesus told us not to worry about that, but to be more concerned about loving approval and praise from our Father and oldest Brother. We need no status in Satan’s world order, ruled by the devil’s most faithful and psychopathic children, by the Gentile bullies of his fourth kingdom, Rome.

Jesus taught: “And what are you people concerned about, regarding clothing? Consider the lilies of the field, the way they are growing. They are neither labouring nor spinning [thread for cloth]. Yet I reason with you that not even Solomon in all his glory clothed himself as one of these. Now, if God, Page 466

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in this way, is clothing the plants of the field, existing today and being cast into the [fire of the] oven tomorrow, [is He not clothing] you people much better, you of little faith?” (Mat. 6:28-30, from: καὶ

περὶ ἐνδύματος τί μεριμνᾶτε; καταμάθετε τὰ κρίνα τοῦ ἀγροῦ πῶς αὐξάνουσιν· οὐ κοπιῶσιν οὐδὲ

νήθουσιν· λέγω δὲ ὑμῖν ὅτι οὐδὲ Σολομὼν ἐν πάσῃ τῇ δόξῃ αὐτοῦ περιεβάλετο ὡς ἓν τούτων. εἰ δὲ

τὸν χόρτον τοῦ ἀγροῦ σήμερον ὄντα καὶ αὔριον εἰς κλίβανον βαλλόμενον ὁ θεὸς οὕτως ἀμφιέννυσιν, οὐ πολλῷ μᾶλλον ὑμᾶς, ὀλιγόπιστοι; , SBLGNT). By using the durative present tense of the verb αμφιέννυμι (“clothe, dress”), Jesus was telling us that our heavenly Father is now putting clothes on us, currently and continuously. Of course, here Jesus did not mean that God is putting garments on our flesh, although He does that too. Rather, Jesus spoke figuratively, about the garments that our Father places on our spirits. God robes our spirits with the celebratory garments granted to the heirs of the High King, the kind that a prince wears at his wedding, or the kind a bride would joyfully wear at her wedding ceremony, when she is joined in a marriage covenant with the High King. God’s Word calls these the “garments of salvation” or “garments of righteousness” (e.g., Is. 61:10; Rev.

19:8). The costly fabric and unique design of each heir’s clothing, along with every colour and accessory, reveals the nobility, skills, experience, status and character that one has received from the Father of one’s spirit, even how much one has learned to love in a just and God-like way. From each individual’s unique clothing, the angels and all other spirits can instantly discern one’s current place in God’s kingdom, and the future position one is being trained to occupy forever, in heaven above.

Now let me say something which may seem strange, especially to those with unawakened spirits. At times, some elect, as they pray, can actually picture a mental image of other spirits, or at least their colours. And those colours are something like the garments God put on those spirits. Of course, the physical eyes of those elect see only the physical forms of the other people, animals or plants. But the minds of flesh belonging to them will, at the same time, form a blurred coloured image of the spirits belonging to other entities, an image that their elect spirits form in their physical brains. So I think God allows some elect spirits to see other spirits, but only reveals the spiritual colours of those others, and the brightness or darkness of their garments. Yet God does not seem to want to reveal too much, lest we judge those others before their appointed times. Still, He lets some of us see enough to know their general spiritual state or condition. For Jesus has put garments on all spirits, and has washed or brightened some, or has allowed some spirits to soil and darken their spiritual clothing.

But the brightness of some spirits grows as they mature, becomes more radiant as some elect learn to carefully heed the real Holy Spirit of Jesus. So I conclude that, by the end of the last day at the gates of heaven, before we all descend into heaven, Jesus will have made all the garments of all His elect siblings extremely bright. And those garments will indicate our membership in our Father’s royal family. Then that clothing will also reveal each one’s unique personality, as well as one’s position and role in His royal court, so all other spirits will know exactly how each can serve them. And even now, as the elect live on earth, God grants us a semblance of our heavenly garments, where the robes and accessories of Jesus’ disciples grow brighter and more complete as He teaches and trains them.

But, whether or not one believes this, Jesus did teach that we all have spiritual garments, and that the kind and state of these inner robes matter very much both to Him and to us. But the garments worn on our bodies of flesh are of very little consequence. Yes, Satan’s world order will judge us by superficial things like our clothing and the outward appearances of our flesh. But, no matter how much they trust their judgments, their opinions are temporary, superficial, worthless and intrinsically meaningless, just like our physical clothing. So it is not worth being concerned about what others might think of us, based on our physical features. Naturally, we do not want to provoke those who strongly condemn the wearing of certain kinds of clothing, or certain items worn with clothing, if Page 467

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these are sinful provocations strictly for carnal reasons. Nor do we want to promote sins like ocular adultery either. In Christ, we take responsibility for the lusts of our flesh, as well as the lusts we may provoke in other flesh. Jesus teaches us to manage the lusts of our flesh in lawful, harmless ways. So a mature elect soul will dress in a way that allows one to comfortably and adeptly perform one’s own particular physical, mental and spiritual works in the Lord. And that apparel of the flesh is always modest, not stupidly and arrogantly flouting status nor sexuality provocative. God wants “the men in every place [to] pray, lifting up holy hands without anger and doubting. In the same way, [God desires] that women also adorn themselves in decent clothing, with modesty and propriety; not just with braided hair, gold, pearls, or expensive clothing; but (which becomes women professing godliness) with good works” (I Tim. 2:7-10, WEB). Clearly, our outward appearances are to make it easier for us to do our spiritual works for God, without any carnal hindrance from our vain and sinful lusts. So this means our clothing must be modest, ignoring social pressures from Satan’s world order.

Of course, this does not mean we should all dress in uniforms, in exactly the same clothing, since our Father dresses each elect spirit in a unique garment, where each is a different colour or pattern of colours. And He also adds several totally unique accessories to each. However, all the garments from our heavenly Father “write” a message to those who can see them, a trove of information about the salvation and spiritual roles of the spirits wearing them. And there is no carnal arrogance, sexuality or worldly power implied by our Father’s garments, nor any hierarchical status, only the kind of job in which one serves God’s family and kingdom, as an equal sibling among all in His family. So too, we can make our clothing for our flesh unique too, but modest, since the flesh is less than the spirit.

Now let us not worry much about our outward appearances of the flesh. And, in fact, it is often better to dress so modestly that we go unnoticed by the offspring of Satan, who love to rob or else jealously sneer at the flagrantly wealthy. Our main concern and our highest priority is for our spirits to be able to do the works of God, in the ways Jesus’ Holy Spirit teaches and trains us to do them. Then, as our spirits grow mature in Christ, He will clothe our spirits in garments which are far more beautiful than even the lilies of the field. And, as our spiritual garments brighten through His inner cleansing, into radiant apparel that will never fade nor perish, nor will ever be cast into a fire like the lilies, we will worry far less about physical clothing which stinks as our flesh wears it, falls apart, soon becomes so unfashionable that we become ashamed of it, and is cast into the garbage so it can pollute our lands.

Our God’s Conclusion About Life in Him

In this warning against the pursuit of worldly wealth (Mat. 6:19-34), the final didactic saying from our God Jesus was this: “Therefore, you people should not be concerned, reasoning, ‘What might we eat?’ ‘What might we drink?’ or ‘What might we clothe ourselves with?’ For the Gentiles seek after all these things. Since your heavenly Father knows you people have need of every one of these things, seek first His kingdom and righteousness, and these things all will be added for the benefit of you people. Thus, you people should not be concerned about tomorrow, for tomorrow will be concerned about itself. Sufficient for the day [is] its own trouble” (Mat. 6:31-34, from: μὴ οὖν

μεριμνήσητε λέγοντες· Τί φάγωμεν; ἤ· Τί πίωμεν; ἤ· Τί περιβαλώμεθα; πάντα γὰρ ταῦτα τὰ ἔθνη

ἐπιζητοῦσιν· οἶδεν γὰρ ὁ πατὴρ ὑμῶν ὁ οὐράνιος ὅτι χρῄζετε τούτων ἁπάντων. ζητεῖτε δὲ πρῶτον

τὴν βασιλείαν καὶ τὴν δικαιοσύνην αὐτοῦ, καὶ ταῦτα πάντα προστεθήσεται ὑμῖν. μὴ οὖν

μεριμνήσητε εἰς τὴν αὔριον, ἡ γὰρ αὔριον μεριμνήσει αὑτῆς· ἀρκετὸν τῇ ἡμέρᾳ ἡ κακία αὐτῆς, SBLGNT). This is abundant life. The plural pronouns here tell us that “we” must work together as the body of Jesus, for all our spiritual and physical needs, trusting our heavenly father’s providence and overcoming problems one day at a time. “We” must labour solely for God’s loving, just, spiritual Page 468

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“kingdom,” with a right world view guiding all our reasoning in every aspect of our lives, to build a good quality of life for all our siblings throughout this world owned by God, for all His life on earth.

In this part of our Messiah’s teaching about a simple life in the community and “kingdom” of God, He tells all His disciples together, as one people, the core desire of their Father, the kind of life He wants all His elect children to live. Here Jesus revealed our Father’s will for us, our Father’s purpose which has not altered from the beginning of time. We can be certain that this teaching was for literally all of us, for all the elect in all time, because Jesus used only plural pronouns, and without specifying any specific time period nor any particular subgroup among His elect. Of course, in this context, He was addressing only the awakened elect who were following Him at that time, only the loving elect gathered into His eternal priesthood of His true church of Israel. But His priesthood then was to serve as an example for the rest of the elect, for both His future true church and even for the captive elect scattered among the devil’s slaves in the dark world order, since all elect will enter His true church eventually. So His true church today is also to be a light for the lost elect in every corner of this planet. And some in His priesthood of disciples are also called to teach these truths in His church, as well as to their undiscovered siblings, whenever He makes those hidden elect willing and able to hear. Furthermore, none of this is mere advice that a true Christian may choose to ignore, nor will God hold any guiltless if they reason away with false logic. For our God Jesus used the present imperative form of ζητέω to command us all: “always prioritize your seeking of His kingdom and righteousness,” continuously pray to know God’s will so we can justly and rightly love His people.

Essentially, Jesus was saying that, when we (as individuals or as the family of our Father) need to make sound and realistic plans for the future, we should never worry about meeting all the goals of those plans. For many aspects of a human plan, or the whole of it, might not be our Father’s will for our lives. And only His will is able to provide all our lives with inner joy and a total gratification of our spirits, through our daily labours. Thus, we need to do His will, so His providence will add to us the benefit of all the genuine needs of our flesh too, albeit only in His godly and lawfully moderate way—not with excessively self-indulgent luxuries that turn the covetous eyes of our flesh away from the needs of our spirits, then turn our spirits away from our Father’s Spirit. None but our heavenly Father can wisely plan our lives, since only He knows all the unique attributes and longings of each elect spirit, which He created in each of us. Then, as He draws us together in Him, Jesus will see to it that each one’s spirit is taught and trained to do his or her ordained part in our family of God. In the end, every individual elect soul will find abundant life in His family kingdom, as each pursues only the kind of just and God-like love that He puts in one’s own spirit, which is righteousness from God.

Now here Jesus calls all the people existing outside of His true church of Israel the “Gentiles,” or

“the nations” (τὰ ἔθνη) who are not allied with His nation of priests. And Jesus said that these people pursue and plan for the food, drink and clothing of the flesh. This is their major concern in life, the entire focus of their lives, to gratify desires of their flesh. And surely Jesus is right. Such things are usually the sole concern of the vast majority in this world. Most believe that their lives consist of only food, drink, clothing and sex. So they think their lives will be better if they steal more money to obtain the best of these things. For Satan’s world order teaches this to all. Then the goal of most Gentile parents, for their children, is to teach and train them how to provide food, drink and clothing for their flesh, and possibly also for their parents as well. Consequently, if God is calling the elect spirit of their child to pursue a truly godly and lawful occupation, but it does not pay well, Gentile parents often forcefully steer that child away from this calling, and insist that their child learn a skill and occupation which pays much better, even if their child’s heart hates it. For the demon Mammon is clearly a principal god in all the subject kingdoms of Satan’s world order. Mammon is one of the Page 469

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demon gods that most fear and respect with all their hearts, far more than all other gods. So parents are actually willing to sacrifice the lives of their children to a futile existence, through their worship of Mammon and his master, Satan. And, in doing so, they openly manifest their hatred of the real Creator God. For that demon can even suppresses the thoughts of elect spirits, and manipulate all desires in their minds of flesh, to make them labour for His ruthless and unjust kingdom on earth.

Likewise, fake humanistic churches work tirelessly to help parents do these evil things to their own children, and advise the children to obey the demonic demands of parents who gave birth to their flesh, instead of prioritizing the counsel of their spirits’ heavenly Father over the demands of their very manipulated and deceived parents. Those false churches emphasize the financial and political gains of careers and occupations which build up Satan’s unjust, inequitable and psychopathic world order over the calling of God upon the hearts and lives of His people. Those liars emphasize human parents more than the Parent of all elect spirits, simply because those fake churches want to receive a greater income from tithing. They will have all kinds of career days, with an emphasis on how much of the devil’s invention of money one can make in each of them, but never even comment on how the members of their church can serve God through those occupations. Yet the sole concern of every true church is to “seek first His kingdom and righteousness,” not the demon Mammon, nor to build up Satan’s kingdom. So now let us tell our children how they can express God’s just, equitable and humble kind of love through their careers, through all the kinds of work God calls them to do, so we can build up Christ’s kingdom on earth, and nullify the unjust and psychopathic works of the devil.

A worshipful service to Mammon and Satan will invariably and inevitably harm and kill innocent lives, either directly or indirectly. Nor will that kind of life ever bring inward joy or satisfaction to any elect soul. So the first priority and goal of every individual Christian in every real church on this earth should be to advance God’s kingdom, in direct opposition to Satan’s world order—which also means that every true Christian is obligated to undo the lying and deluding works of the devil too.

And the only way we can build up God’s kingdom on earth is through His kind of just and honest righteousness worked through love, never through selfish, greedy, unjust principles that Satan’s children follow and teach, never through worldly lies and delusions. For, if we build up the just, loving, fruitful and wise kingdom of God through His truly wise principles spontaneously worked by our spirits, then all our physical needs will be taken care of as well. After all, God always calls, teaches and trains each elect child to fulfill every kind of necessary aspect for our communal lives in His family. So all spiritual, emotional and physical works will be done by those whose spirits most love to do each kind of necessary work. Each work for the good of God’s people, and for all God’s creations will be completed by those with a calling to do it, who will also receive help from others.

Furthermore, as our spirits are taught and trained by the Holy Spirit of God, and we mature in Christ, we learn to prioritize our works rightly, wisely and through love. So we no longer neglect essential tasks of just and God-like love. But Mammon and Satan demand that our first priority must be to serve them, or face financial ruin and extreme poverty, even though their works fail to meet the needs of the majority, and even steal from the needy, causing unjust suffering and deaths. And many of the things that Mammon and Satan deem to be small and insignificant matters actually become the highest priorities of our lives in Christ. Likewise, many things that Mammon and Satan call the most important and critical matters of life are totally insignificant in reality, both to our hearts and to our flesh, since they are often deadly sins forbidden by God. So we need our priorities straightened and ordered according to God’s will. We need to trust in God, and ask Him to grant us the time, skill, strength, resources and assistance to do our works in ways that fully accomplish His will on earth, so all our plans will be pursued according to the priorities Jesus assigns to each aspect for each day. We Page 470

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also should not allow our hearts to worry and fret about works that are not yet done, since we need to reexamine our priorities each day, as soon as each day begins. For, on the new day, a lesser priority may become a greater priority. Or planned works, with greater priorities, may also become lesser priorities, possibly even delayed or scrapped altogether, since we must follow the flow of God’s will for us on each predestined day. Sufficient for each new day is the trouble belonging to that day. In this way, we set aside tomorrow’s troubles in faith, when we lay our heads on our pillows each night.

If we did our best, in all our Lord called us to do that day, all we need to do after that is to hope and trust that He will provide all that we could not do for ourselves and others. For anxieties and worries do no good. And He provides for all our insufficiencies, usually through our siblings in His family.

Many people today forget that all our ancient ancestors were members of large extended families and tribes, and nothing has changed since then. All disciples of Jesus have always been members of His extended family, in the tribe of their heavenly Father called the church of Israel. Throughout history, and to this day, all cities, provinces, states and nations have been extended families and tribes. The only difference was that, in ancient times, whenever the members of a family or tribe lived beside one another, they usually knew each other very well. But, in most places today, neighbours do not know one another, because most places are ruled by humanists, and most people think they are gods.

But, back in the beginning, extended families and tribes carefully determined the best course of life for each individual child born among them. Then they educated each child personally, teaching each child all that God had called that individual child to learn, all that each child required for one’s own unique occupation and life. They provided all their younger members needed to establish lives and homes for their own nuclear families. For God expected every tribe to care for the welfare of each individual in it. God commanded this when He wrote His counsel in their natural surroundings and when His Spirit spoke to their spirits in their hearts. Thus, every good tribe helped every individual fulfill one’s God-given destiny, and always cared for weak, injured or sick. Members also became so involved in the lives of one another that the children called every adult in the tribe an “uncle” or an

“aunt,” even a “father” or a “mother,” because everyone in the entire tribe always helped the parents in every nuclear family raise their children. Then these extended families and tribes chose the wisest of their older people, all whom God chose to make wise for that tribe’s well-being, to “police” and judge them. And these God-given elders dealt out justice and punished according to one’s motives and intentions, which they knew through many years of close observations and personal contact.

However, many Gentile families and tribes became corrupted by the lies of Satan’s children, who formed hierarchies which placed bullying warriors in charge, so these could be worshipped as the chief gods and lawmakers of all. And all their spiritual and moral views came from foreign gods, from demons in disguise, and ultimately from Satan. Thus, the ways of those tribes, the laws that their bullies taught and enforced, were oppressive and unjust. These were dysfunctional families, much like Mafia families. Then most of these bullying tribes also worshipped the ruthless and unjust demon Mammon too, then created some kind of currency to stop the equitable and just distribution of goods and services. This currency could be anything rare, even uncommon sea shells, not just gold and silver. But it was always something that the people could not easily obtain for themselves.

So this currency enabled the worst psychopaths to horde it and deny a share of it to anyone who did not obey them, and thus prevent that one from obtaining the necessities of life. In this way, those who worshipped the demon Mammon could use currency to ruthlessly control the distribution of all necessities and “own” the people. For they wanted to become the gods of the people, the only ones that their “inferior” sibling in their tribe entirely depended upon to “save” them from starvation. So these psychopaths forced all to serve them through financial terrorism. They continuously threatened Page 471

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to prevent their siblings from obtaining enough currency to acquire the food and assistance they desperately needed, if those tribal siblings did not obey their self-indulgent wills. Then those whom Satan and Mammon chose to be the rulers over this currency also purchased soldiers, which they used to inflict unjust and excessive penalties, even death, on any of their siblings who dared to rebel.

Now, if a tribe became too dysfunctional, we might assume that the abused ones in that tribe were able to flee, especially in ancient times, when the earth was sparsely populated. We might think that any who wanted to escape would be able to find many places to dwell apart from the oppressive tribe they fled from. But fleeing from the tribe was not so easy. For one thing, the psychopaths causing the dysfunctionality often pursued and killed those who fled. For all psychopaths delude themselves into thinking they “own” other human beings, and that their property has no rights, not even the right to live when they command them to die, and certainly have no right to inconvenience their “owner” by running away. So, if a tribal member fled from those psychopaths, those “owners” would deem that act to be a crime of blasphemy against their “owning god,” and deem them to be traitors to the entire tribe which that human “god” owned. Thus, if the psychopaths caught those who escaped, they would often drag their escaped siblings back to the tribe and publicly torture them to death. For those psychopaths wanted to make an example of the escaped “traitors,” and terrorize their other exploited, enslaved siblings into submission, so none of their other human “possessions” would dare to escape.

Or, if the psychopaths could not catch those who fled, they might torture to death the loved ones whom the escapees left behind. For psychopaths will never allow any of their enslaved siblings to think they can rebel and set themselves free. But, even if some could escape, without endangering their loved ones still remaining in that evil tribe, there were other insurmountable problems to face.

Individuals or small families fleeing from psychopaths into the wilderness had to immediately seek out some other large extended family or tribe. Those who fled a dysfunctional tribe had to find enough people to provide for their social needs, for protection from predators and for all of their other needs. After all, no individual or nuclear family ever had enough time, knowledge, strength or skill to make all their own tools, build their own homes, acquire and process their own food, care for themselves when they were injured or sick, and so on. Nor could most cope with utter isolation and loneliness. Sooner or later, an escapee required a tribe. Thus, even being the slave of a psychopath in an extremely dysfunctional tribe was better than being alone in the wilderness. And both Satan and his psychopathic children knew this. Therefore, whenever a psychopath could gain power over his or her own siblings in the tribe, that one did so, knowing none could easily escape from him or her. And the psychopath most often could obtain this power, and rule as a despot, whenever the people forgot about their real Creator God and cast aside the laws He wrote for them in all His creations. When the people sinned, they provided the devil with a perfect opportunity to place his evil offspring in power over them. Thus the number and size of dysfunctional tribes grew exponentially, with very few elect being able to overcome them or flee from them. Finally, Satan was able to create the Roman Empire, which has now conquered the entire world. With Rome’s more advanced methods of terrorism, its psychopaths have been able to capture and enslave almost the entire population of the whole world.

However, God has always been throwing wrenches into Satan’s plans for world domination. For God has often awakened His elect children, then enabled them to release some truths into the world, and empowered them to make those truths into the standards upheld by their communities, tribes or nations. And these elect have always formed some free places scattered throughout the earth, during all the past millennia. Then our God Jesus came to walk among us in the first century, just as Satan was adding his final touches to his demonic religion of Roman humanism. And Jesus established His true eternal church, His kuriakoi, upon the earth at that time. But Jesus hid it among all the tribes on Page 472

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earth, in a way that prevents Satan and his psychopaths from ever being able to extinguish or defeat these elect souls. So these elect have been nullifying works of the devil and eroding the power of his world order since their first day, while building up God’s kingdom on earth. Thus, God’s loving, just and equitable kingdom has also been growing throughout the world since Jesus came. And Jesus will soon entirely eliminate the devil’s kingdom, when He returns. So an ongoing war has always existed between God’s “democratic” tribes, who choose leaders from those whom God has chosen for them, and Satan’s factious kingdom of quarrelling dictatorships, who choose all their psychopathic leaders from those whom Satan has chosen for them. And we must fight in this spiritual war until He returns.

In the meantime, God’s extended family or tribe, especially His true church, must only cast out an individual who becomes a threat to the well-being and lives of the other members, since they know that expulsion may mean that the cast-out one may die, once that one no longer has an extended family and tribe to rely upon. They know that humankind has only been able to survive by working together and helping one another in extended families and tribes. For no individual or nuclear family can survive without receiving at least some knowledge and tools from others, because God created all human beings to have this need. All are created to be dependant upon Him and one another. All require teaching and training from their fathers and mothers, and especially from their heavenly Father, who alone can provide the solid and effective spiritual and moral framework needed to guide and govern their lives, for their survival and to obtain abundant life. And the reverse it true as well.

Every tribe needs all its people too. For, if any tribe lacks the kinds of works done by its own unique individuals, the whole tribe will lack the spiritual, emotional or physical essentials it will need to survive. Every servant of God must realize this, that “independence” and “self-sufficiency” taught by humanism is a lie, that no individual can ever be truly self-sufficient and totally independent of one’s extended family and tribe, and no one is a self-made person. Nor will God ever allow a tribe to be free and joyful unless they care for each and every individual member in it. Literally all individuals are owned creations of the loving and just God, and so are their families or tribes. All individuals and all tribes are ultimately shaped by God, through His counsel to individual elect spirits and through the parents and teaching elders of one’s family or tribe. And every tribe needs all the diverse unique members God has granted to it. For, if an extended family or tribe consisted entirely of clones, it would soon crumble and destroy itself. It is only because demons deceive and weaken tribes that they find it impossible to cope with all the dangers and troubles they face. Thus, we should rejoice in differences and respect those who do what we cannot do ourselves, since God demands this from us.

In time, tribes grew into vast nations. Nevertheless, all the effective principles which can make those nations free and able to provide a good quality of life for all their members, have always remained exactly the same as the principles governing each nuclear family. And, in each nuclear family, God calls the father to provide the spiritual and moral structure for that family, through his teachings and judgments. For women, though they are equal to the fathers in a family, cannot create adequate spiritual and moral structures for themselves, and must obtain internal family structures from men, from husbands, fathers or other men. This is because God assigned women the role of applying those principles taught by men, to build up the lives of their family based upon the structures that the men provide. And this also means that, in the application of the principles and structures, through all the teachings and judgments of men, women will need to participate as well, so all will be done well.

Then, in the extended family, the older men, the patriarchs, perform the same role for all the nuclear families under their care. Likewise, the male elders of a tribe or nation, its judges and law-makers, must perform exactly the same role as the father in a nuclear family, to provide all the principles and the internal structure for the whole tribe or nation. But all of a man’s teachings, principles, policies, Page 473

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decisions and judgments must be based upon the spiritual counsel that their spirits receive from God.

And all the principles or laws, the entire inner structure provided by men, will always originate from the god or gods they worship, either unconsciously and spontaneously, or else consciously and deliberately. For the god or gods men worship turn their hearts toward the priorities, concerns and principles which serve their god or gods. Whatever a worshipped spirit or spirits teaches him, will become the basis or foundation for all the spiritual and moral structures a man will build. Thus, a tribe or nation must be careful to choose their rulers, their teaching and judging elders, from the most trusted patriarchs of extended families, from those who have been good and wise fathers of nuclear families, where every member is free and able to grow into the destiny and calling of God. For, if a tribe or nation chooses their teaching elders (also called a judges or rulers in the Bible) from the men who worship a false god or gods, they will soon become dictatorships, and create hells on earth. For those elders will actually be those whom Satan chose for the people, not the men whom God chose.

Elders serve a tribe or nation in the same way they serve their nuclear and extended families. So the people of a tribe or nation must choose their elders from the men who taught and judged their own families wisely, who provided a structure for their families in a loving, just and equitable way. If a man’s children grew up free, led into truth and a just kind of love, headed toward the destiny God called them to fulfill, and the man has carefully listened to his wife and others before making all his decisions and judgments, then he might be be good candidate for an elder of a tribe or nation. For this kind of man is being taught and trained by God. Therefore, this is the kind of man whom God has chosen as a servant of the people. And God commanded the people of each nation to choose the the men He has chosen for them, meaning only the men He has chosen to teach and train in all the matters regarding government, business and decision-making authority. All works of law and policy must be done by male elders who serve as just, equitable, loving fathers in the nations. And these are the kind who labour humbly together with their wives, sisters and everyone else in their land, the kind who call on God to create and shape all the inner motives and intentions of all souls in the land.

Then every woman either consciously or unconsciously accepts the spiritual and moral structure her soul has learned from the man or men whom her spirit has trusted the most. Then she instinctively works within that structure, and is incapable of creating a new structure for herself, or even stepping outside of the spiritual and moral parameters that her trusted man or men have provided for her. So her works and life structure will not alter, that is, until her spirit begins to trust in new men with new structures of principles and laws. But no human being is able to easily determine whether or not any other person is one of God’s elect or not. Thus, elect women will often trust non-elect men, even outright God-hating criminals, to provide a structure for their lives, although the spirits of all elect women are always drawn more strongly to the structures provided by elect men. Then, if her man or men have provided her with a good structure, her works build upon that structure’s frame will be good too. But, if her men provided her with a bad structure, her works will be bad. And women cannot help but be this way, since God has formed their minds of flesh and their souls in this way, and women cannot change either their brains of flesh nor their souls. So an elect woman’s spirit must make a choice regarding the men her spirit will trust to provide her life with structure, and she had better make right choices, or her life may become a living hell. But all this implies a certain logic.

Because men see how women can change their entire lives to fit within a new structure provided by a new man that her spirit has learned to trust and even love, they draw conclusions about women.

But men are themselves manipulated by greater spirits, by either God or demons. Therefore, men will often come to wrong conclusions about women. For instance, men who worship the demon of pretentious intellect and false science often conclude that women are not as logical or rational as Page 474

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men. However, rationally and logically, that is an obviously false assumption. For one thing, those men either forget or are too carnal to realize that all correct and pure logic and reason comes from the mind of the spirit, and never from the amoral, biased, self-serving mind of flesh which is prone to accept almost any lies and delusions for its own survival or for other carnal benefits. And the mind of a woman’s spirit has no gender, nor is the mind of her spirit any different from any man’s mind of his spirit. Thus, women are equally capable of pure logic and reason. However, if a mind of flesh is censoring and suppressing all input from the mind of the spirit in the soul, a person will not accept that logic and reason from one’s elect spirit, making one extremely irrational. And this dysfunction occurs in both men and women, which is why most men and women become extremely irrational.

Now, just because women derive the structure of their lives from the men whom their spirits choose to trust most, it does not mean that men are somehow superior, or that men can autocratically rule over women, or that men can irrationally and wickedly suppress or oppress women in any way. Nor does it mean that women must submit to men physically, since all women automatically submit to men by accepting and working within the spiritual and moral structures which their most trusted men provide. The only kind of submission that elect women need to learn is how to allow their spirits to make the right choices regarding the men and the structures of those men, and not let their bodies and minds of flesh interfere with those choices. Of course, men form the structure of their own lives themselves. But all men do this according to the input which their infantile spirits receive from the god or gods whom their spirits worship. And many men, even many elect men, worship demons. In fact, God has handed many elect men over to the devil, to be deluded and destroyed by his demons, because they did not love the truth, because they have lived only according to their flesh and did not allow their spirits to hear and heed their Father, God. Thus, both men and women are in the same boat, even the same sinking boat in the middle of a dark and stormy ocean with no men to save them.

The way that God created women means that men and women can work more effectively together, to do His works on earth, in a way where the total output of their combined labours and service for Him will be far greater than the mere sum of their individual outputs—if the elect spirits of both men and women use their minds and bodies of flesh in accordance with God’s own counsel, if the spirits of both listen to God’s just, equitable, loving Holy Spirit and to one another. So, yes, the awakened elect spirits of women are logical and rational, are able to vote for the men whom God Himself has chosen to serve as their decision-making elders, and are able to work in governments alongside those elders, because all true elders sent by God will seek out and consider the voices of all such women.

Women tend to focus on the physical and emotional needs of the people within the spheres of their lives, especially in their own families, in both their home and work families. They study, discuss and carefully observe others for this purpose, often becoming extremely adept at picking up verbal cues and reading body language. This information about the people and their needs is absolutely essential and critical for anyone attempting to understand them, teach them relevant truths, and make effective plans or decisions for them. Thus, men who teach and judge for the good of all need women in order to serve all in a godly, just, equitable and loving way, to develop a wise spiritual structure for them.

Then younger women will automatically serve according to the principles of the structure provided by the men she trusts, and labour for the members of her nuclear family or a few people in her work family. Later, when a woman grows older, she might become a matriarch in her extended family, and do the same for those in her extended family. And some matriarchs may became the most trusted in the tribe. So these women can then help the tribe’s male teaching elders learn and prioritize the needs and desires of their whole tribe, just as they helped the patriarchs of their extended families, and just as they helped their husbands when they were younger. These trusted matriarchs keep their fingers Page 475

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on the pulse of the whole tribe, monitoring and reporting the utterings and needs of all their people.

They help the teaching and judging elders do their research, planning, refining and communicating.

Then the best of these matriarchs can assist the best elders in their whole nation, in the highest levels of government or business. For all levels require the input of wise, loving women, or they will fail.

Men and women must work together as parents of nuclear families, and as the wise patriarchs and matriarchs of extended families, tribes and nations. But both must walk according their spirits and base all their decisions and judgments upon the spiritual and moral principles they have learned from God, as they worship Him in their spirits and in His truth. We must realize that every nuclear family, extended family, tribe or nation is ultimately ruled by a god or gods, either by the good and loving Creator God or by the demons who fell from heaven. And the easily manipulated infantile spirits of human beings cannot ever rule themselves, not while they live in flesh on earth. For no human being has ever been capable of creating and controlling one’s own destiny, much less the destinies of other human beings. The thoughts and lives of literally all human beings have always been entirely and thoroughly manipulated by non-human spirits, from the day of creation until the day of death. And all always will be. Yet God has always allowed the spirits of His elect to call upon Him, to choose Him as their Lord, Head Teacher and Chief Counsellor of their lives. So now let the elect elect Him!

Of course, if awakened elect men serve their nations as lawmakers and loving authorities, it does not mean that those nations must become theocracies. In fact, God commands the opposite, that no secular governments should be theocracies, not until Jesus returns to rule the earth. For His true religion consists of elect spirits willingly worshipping Him in truth. And His New Covenant declares that only He Himself is able to do the works of waking, teaching and training elect spirits until they are able to worship Him in truth. Therefore, God will never grant any human being, nor governing body, any ability to force elect spirits to wake up, learn the truth, repent into that truth, develop the skill of wisely applying that truth, and thus worship (i.e., serve and esteem) Him in one’s spirit and in truth. Also, it is utterly impossible to force non-elect to willingly worship God in their spirits and in truth, since Satan created their spirits with inherent attributes that hate God and His truths. And there are non-elect everywhere on earth at this time, making any kind of theocracy impossible, since a truly Christian theocracy requires literally everyone in it to freely and willingly worship the one true Creator God in their spirits and in truth, to serve God and His creations through the love of their spirits, by wisely applying real truths which He has personally revealed to their individual elect spirits. Therefore, logically, because our God Jesus is the only entity bearing the power to remove all the non-elect from the earth, as well as the power to fully awaken, teach and train all the surviving elect on earth, the only one able to cause all the elect to truly worship Him from their spirits and in truth, we are forced to conclude that it is impossible for humans to establish a theocracy that is able to accomplish all this through their own power, especially not by the methods all the fake Roman Catholic and Protestant churches have used in the past, such as lies, torture, murder and other sins.

All the true teaching and judging elders, all whom God has chosen and sent into all the nations, have learned to rightly handle His Word and all truths. Consequently, all these have learned that God only requires a very limited subset of His laws and ways to be applied to the general secular population of their land. And the further away from God a people might be, the less God requires of them. That is, in a land that has always worshipped demonic gods, or worse yet, human gods, God commands all of His awakened elect governing authorities to require only the most simple and basic forms of honesty and respect for human life from them. Then God allows those pagan people to commit many lesser sins, such as numerous less obvious forms of theft (like usury or other acts of greed), some of the less harmful forms of sexual immorality (such as polygamy or extramarital sex), and a few of the Page 476

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more ambiguous kinds of murder (such as abortions and mildly dehumanizing class systems). For God tells His elect true servants that sins which do not clearly and overtly manifest malicious intent and evil motives—any sins done through ignorance, untrained carnal impulses or by accident—must not be legislated against nor punished by them. Any of the teaching and judging elders whom God taught, trained and sent to that secular nation will be very lenient with unintentional sinners. Yet, as God teaches and trains a nation through those elders He sends to them, that land will increasingly hate those lesser sins more each day, as well as love God’s just, equitable ways more. Consequently, that nation will gradually become more intolerant of the harm caused by those lesser sins. So their laws will begin to include more of God’s truths and ways, but also administer those laws in more just and loving ways. They will no longer enforce compliance by terrorizing threats of violence and death, but will attempt to teach sinners for repentance, while also striving to heal victims and restore losses caused by sins. They will only use force against the lawless and unrepentant. And soon the power of God Himself will labour with that nation to undo the works of the devil and build up His just and loving kingdom on earth. But God will do this little by little, not suddenly and all at once, lest too many of His sleeping elect may be unnecessarily destroyed, and the land left without skilled workers to construct the necessary structures of complicated and effective spiritual frameworks in it.

Wise and well-taught elders, whose spirits truly worship the real God, have always accepted the reality that not all elect spirits are awakened by God and made willing to worship Him with the same levels of honesty and truths. Thus, God does not allow His more faithful elders to teach and judge the people of their tribes and nations according to all His laws and ways. Rather, God’s true elders in a tribe or nation serve the general population by placing a far smaller and more limited subset of His laws and expectations upon them. For God gave only a very limited subset of His laws and truths to His own priesthood of Israel, then commanded them to expect far less from their Gentile allies. At the same time, God also expected His Levitical priesthood, who served His whole priesthood of Israel, to practise a far greater array of His laws and ways than the rest of Israel. Then God even demanded more from the Aaronic priesthood within Levitical priesthood, and He expected even more from His awakened elect prophets than He did from His Aaronic priesthood. In other words, God drew a distinct line between His church and the Gentile people in His secular state of Israel.

Then God drew other lines between various levels of groups and individuals within His church, a line for each who served Him more directly and intimately within His true church of awakened elect.

God expected the priesthood of His church to practise a higher level of loving, equitable justice for the sake of His creations, far more than their untaught Gentile neighbours. And, as He revealed more of His truths and laws to individuals in His church, He also gave each more responsibility and more power, so each could more rightly, effectively and lovingly serve His people and His other creations.

Nevertheless, all the laws of His church, and all wise and just laws of all of the governing bodies on earth, had to originate from Him alone, from the King of all. For all the most effective principles, all that produce abundant life, had to emulate His attributes and desires, those of their just, equitable, loving Creator. All had to be based solely upon the truths He wrote in His creations and also revealed to His priesthood of elect children. For all other laws would cause harm and destruction. No better laws could possibly be invented by men, and certainly not by the demon gods men worshipped in Satan’s dark world order. Still, since none but God is able to make spirits see, hear and love enough to fulfill His laws and ways, all true teaching elders demanded very little of the spirits who were not able to see, hear and love much. They expected a far greater adherence to God’s true, just and loving principles by all the members of His true church. But they required the general population to respect Page 477

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and fulfill only a small subset of God’s truths and wise principles, just enough laws and ways of God to keep them from destroying themselves, enough to maintain basic peace and order in their land.

So all the people throughout history have always lived in extended families and tribes, and God has always scattered some elect souls among them. Then tribes joined to form whole nations. However, not all families and nations accepted even the most basic requirements of God, not even His most clear and obvious laws written in nature. Some became so unnatural and evil, so faithful to demons, that they became blind, mindless slaves of the devil, much like Sparta, Rome, Nazi Germany and other hells on earth. These created cruel nuclear families, or even placed all their children in the care of loveless psychopaths, who forced all to serve the wills of demons and human gods. They forbade individuality, and totally suppressed the calling of God into any of His unique destinies which served for the good of all. So their young men could not learn to develop any kind of spiritual and moral structure for their nuclear families. And young women were not free to lovingly serve their families and communities. Thus, since nuclear families did not teach and train their young men and women, none grew up to become wise and capable patriarchs or matriarchs in their nations. So their entire population lacked good counsel, and were forced to endure dark, empty, futile lives, producing nothing but wars and destruction. Yes, some were able to force their enslaved elect to build physical edifices for their own glory, but these were only able to keep them until one of their factions came to murder them and destroy that idolatry, in the very next senseless battle over some kind of insane and totally meaningless dispute. Those foolish and useless nations caused nothing but pain, suffering and death, then inevitably collapsed due to their own stupidity, through their love for the lies of demons.

Many of those hellish tribes and nations were very religious too. Some even called themselves Jews or Christians, but were fakes, and were actually institutions belonging to Satan’s world order. So these fakes ignores God’s teaching about the separation of religion and state, and many attempted to form theocracies ruled by human beings, instead of by their Creator God. Of course, none practised God’s kind of loving justice either, because their wanna-be human gods served only their own glory and personal profit, and the demonic god or gods they worshipped. But they loved to slander the name of the real God, whom they intensely hated. So those fake churches called their demon gods by the name of the real God, and claimed that all the sins they committed for those demons were done in the name of the real God. Then they had all their people call the demons ruling over their fake churches by the name of the real God too, and also commit the sins of their demons in His name.

However, there were a few secure, stable and well-off tribes and nations existing throughout history, although most were destroyed by Satan’s tribes and nations. Some practised laws of God, and judged in ways that resembled those of the real Creator God. Some were even biblical democracies, where the people maintained freedom of conscience, freedom of religion, freedom of speech and freedom from all kinds of fears and oppression, including poverty. For only these freedoms could prevent hypocrisy and expose the lies. Yet all these freedoms were limited by laws designed to keep order, as well as to preserve the health and well-being of every unique individual, nuclear family, extended family and tribe in the nation. Every possible kind of freedom requires the freed ones to take loving responsibility for all other siblings in the land. So each individual had to be taught how to take that responsibility, for the welfare of all the others, including the siblings one did not yet know. And part of this responsibility was to choose good teaching elders, the most loving and wise judging and ruling patriarchs and the most inwardly caring matriarchs, those whom God Himself chose for the people (Deut. 17:15). All learned to elect teaching elders and matriarchs with upright uncorrupted spirits, able to heed our heavenly Father, without fear of men. All elders had to possess spirits that were taught, trained and kept sanctified by God. And, to choose these elders, the elect among the Page 478

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people needed to be taught God’s ways too, so they could judge the teaching elders rightly, and know whom God caused to be wise, trustworthy and loving. The people had to know that, if their chosen patriarchs failed to serve God and the people well, all would eventually crumble into chaos and death. So those nations chose the teaching elders and matriarchs whom God chose, only those elders and matriarchs who kept the eyes of their spirits upon the true God, our Father, to serve Him.

Our people can also do what those ancient biblical democracies did, and much more, because God has come to us since then, in the body of human flesh called Jesus. And He left us His Spirit, the Holy Spirit of God, to dwell in the chambers of our hearts and souls. So now our spirits can directly receive God’s counsel, healing, guidance, comfort and personal teaching and training, in all matters of life and faith. If we work together, freely and willingly in Jesus, our spirits will know a complete gratification and fulfillment in all our labours of all our minds and bodies, even great joy in seeing each of our own lives draw nearer to our own destinies. Then the side benefit will be that everyone in our nations will live in safety, without any fears regarding where they will live, what they will eat and drink, nor how to get clothing to cover their shame and warm them when the cold times come.

But God never grants this abundant life of loving and being loved to anyone who worships Mammon and Satan. Nor can those idolaters ever obtain what they need. For the houses of the devil’s greedy slaves are never shelters from icy lovelessness, nor from the fiery heat of hate. So their houses are not homes. And their food becomes a poison that slowly and painfully kills them. Even the corrupted fluids they drink eat away at their brains and internal organs, and cannot quench the thirst of either their spirits or their flesh. Then, since they think they are great and wise, they make clothing to show off their exploitative lusts, to reveal their filthy disgrace, letting nature pierce their unprotected flesh.

Now let the elect focus on building up God’s just and loving kingdom, the righteousness learned from Jesus. If the first and foremost concern of all is God’s kingdom of just and loving truths, all physical needs of all the people in their nation will be met. And this is not an empty promise of God.

For we have hard evidence, throughout history. We have always seen this evidence in the nations following the principles taught in God’s Word, even in pagan nations who did so by reading God’s laws written in His natural creations. For all those nations were stable and happy, and the more they heeded the Creator’s wise counsel, the more strong, healthy, free and loving they became. On the other hand, all demon-worshipping nations, even those falsely claiming to be Christian or Jewish, strayed far from the just, equitable, loving principles taught in God’s Word. All became slaves of demons, both the lowly and the high in their Satanic hierarchies. All grew hellish, dark, untrusting and unloving, then grew ever more weak, unstable and unjust as they strayed further from God’s ways and His truth. And as those idolaters destroyed godly people, they soon destroy themselves too, together with their countless innocent victims. Therefore, we have a choice. Either we look up to our Creator God and follow Him into abundant life, or we look down and follow Satan into a slow death.

Most of the so-called “Christian” church families around the world and throughout history have been fake churches who worshipped Mammon instead of Jesus. Most highly esteemed and heeded the lies of Satan’s favourite psychopathic children, men like Hitler and Trump, men who offered them many false promises which appealed to their delusions of greatness and greed. They saw how those kinds of men tortured and murdered countless innocent souls for their own pleasure and financial benefit.

So those children of the devil thought they too could grab a share of that plunder for themselves, and even make slaves of the innocent, to please themselves and feed off their labours. Fake churches and other secular demon worshippers craved a Roman-like, exploitative, ruthless, murdering, terrorizing, enslaving, fascist political and economic system, a steep hierarchy where they might possibly lie and cheat their way to the top. Yet look at the hellish bondage, dark fears, vast destruction, incalculable Page 479

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suffering, massive numbers of senseless deaths and delusional voids those fake churches and other demonic souls caused for themselves and others. By serving as Mammon’s slaves, and electing Satan’s chosen ones as their teaching elders, to judge and rule their nations, God handed those lovers of lies over to their hellish father, for the deluding and destruction of their flesh. Yet all those fake churches still worship Mammon, and they still serve, promote and elect the psychopathic teaching elders chosen by the devil. Those dupes still elect spiritual prostitutes to be their pastors and rulers.

Now it is time for us to learn from the past, and admit the mistakes we have made in recent history, in our own lifetimes, and throughout the entire history of the world. It is time to stop prioritizing our physical needs above all else, then panicking in cowardly fear before the stern rebukes of Mammon and Satan. Why should we bow before those demons, and hope those lying psychopaths will save our flesh? For demons have never saved anyone, but have been lying murderers from the beginning.

Since the first day humans walked on earth, the only one who has ever proven to a true saviour is the Creator God. Only His teachings and judgments have proved wise, effective and beneficial to us all.

All we have to eat, drink, clothe and house ourselves has been freely provided by God, has been put on this earth and grows on this earth by the will and power of God, who never charges any creature a single cent to obtain any of it. All God requires of man is a little wise labour, the kind that freely shares knowledge and efforts with one another, even in the kind of fellowship which grows a love for one another and for Him, their Father. When we realize this fact, then our physical needs become a much lower priority than our need to love, rightly worship and serve our real God, and our need to serve one another through truly loving righteousness. Our greatest need in life is to build up God’s kingdom on this earth, which also necessitates the undoing of the devil’s lies and other sinful works.

If we walk according to our elect spirits, letting our spirits keep Jesus and His ways as our first and foremost priority, He will also provide for our flesh. Our primary collective concern must always be to advance the just and loving kingdom of God, and to pursue the righteousness that only God can teach and train our spirits to express through our minds and bodies of flesh. Then we will surely receive all the food, drink, clothing and homes that we need for both our spirits and our flesh, even eternally. To survive and thrive, we must let our spirits seek Jesus and heed His Holy Spirit, so we might be of one mind in His will, doing all for His purposes. Then He will grant a joyful, satisfying, modest and simple life. In this life, we shall all rest secure and sleep well at night, without anxieties.

Mat. 7:1-6,

Making Judgments

“Don’t judge, so that you won’t be judged. For with whatever judgment you judge, you will be judged; and with whatever measure you measure, it will be measured to you. Why do you see the speck that is in your brother’s eye, but don’t consider the beam that is in your own eye? Or how will you tell your brother, ‘Let me remove the speck from your eye;’ and behold, the beam is in your own eye? You hypocrite! First remove the beam out of your own eye, and then you can see clearly to remove the speck out of your brother’s eye. Don’t give that which is holy to the dogs, neither throw your pearls before the pigs, lest perhaps they trample them under their feet, and turn and tear you to pieces.” (Mat. 7:1-6, WEB).

After teaching that we cannot serve both money and God, but must make the kingdom of God and His just, loving kind of righteousness our first priority, a man asked Jesus another question or made a comment about judging others. Perhaps a man spoke about how the greedy destroyed his life and the lives of his loved ones, and was seeking revenge, like the zealots did. Yet he did not even mention Page 480

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anything about God’s justice, which focuses on repentance and the rebuilding of damaged lives. Or possibly a rabbi was offended by the implications of Jesus’ teachings, because he was always asking the people for more money to “do God’s work.” A rabbi may have said something like: “I obey the Law and strive to be righteous. Few are willing to heed the Law as I do. But I do not teach the Law and the Prophets to sinners, nor to the common rabble who are incapable of comprehending it. For they will never enter the kingdom of the Holy Name. I teach only good people, who know and obey the Law, as I do. And the Name always blesses these good people with prosperity. Then these wealthy ones, not the poor, provide for all the needs of their teachers, so the Law may be done with that money. And a rabbi’s duty is to serve first those who serve him, not those God abandoned. Yet You turn this around. You serve sinners and the poor, then judge against the prosperous. This is hypocrisy! You should be preferring and honouring the wealthy, since they are the heart of Israel.”

Jesus was never fooled by lies like that, by the self-justification of greedy sinners, which turned the true intent of God’s Word upside down, which called hypocrites righteous and called the righteous hypocrites. Jesus also knew that deceivers routinely made false judgments and condemned the elect called to truly serve God, whom God’s Spirit stirred to seek Him and His kingdom, whom God had found and enabled to find Him in His loving righteousness. Only the arrogant dared to portray their lying carcasses as noble chief judges, thinking they were able to command the Creator God to serve their own selfish wills. These were the worshippers of Mammon whom Jesus warned against, the idolaters who slandered the honest, faithful teachers sent by God. They even killed those who most diligently and compassionately served God, by serving His needy creations. These were the devil’s children who turn eyes away from God and His true servants, the hypocrites who often slanderously accused God’s most faithful servants of being hypocrites. But, of course, this is a common attribute of all Satan’s evil children; they all accuse others of the sins they commit themselves, and transfer blame for all their own sins upon the innocent, even upon the victims of their own sins and crimes.

Consequences of False Judgments

Jesus began His response with a prohibition, followed by a word of reasoning: “You people must never be judging and condemning, so that you people might not be judged and condemned [with all finality]. For in what judgment and condemnation you people are judging and condemning you will be judged and condemned, and in what measure you people are measuring, it will be measured to you” (Mat. 7:1-2, from: Μὴ κρίνετε, ἵνα μὴ κριθῆτε· ἐν ᾧ γὰρ κρίματι κρίνετε κριθήσεσθε, καὶ ἐν ᾧ

μέτρῳ μετρεῖτε μετρηθήσεται ὑμῖν, SBLGNT). Here the verb κρίνω means: “to set apart so as to distinguish, separate ... to pass judgment upon (and thereby seek to influence) the lives and actions of other people—(a) judge, pass judgment upon, express an opinion about ... (b) especially pass an

unfavorable judgment upon, criticize, find fault with, condemn ...,” BDAG3). And here Jesus spoke to all His disciples, since He used plural pronouns. Then He gave them a reason for His prohibition against judging and condemning others in this subordinate clause: ἵνα μὴ κριθῆτε. This clause used a second person plural aorist passive subjunctive form of κρίνω, where the aorist implied a completed action, “done with finality.” So the clause meant something like this: “so that you people might not have been judged and condemned with all finality.” And Jesus was obviously talking about the final judgment day, where condemnation will be eternal and irreversible. He was simply reiterating a just principle from God’s Law, where God forbade false judgments and expects us to carefully avoid.

God’s Law commanded that “the judges shall make diligent inquisition: and, behold, if the witness is a false witness, and has testified falsely against his brother; then you shall do to him as he had thought to do to his brother. So you shall remove the evil from your midst. Those who remain shall Page 481

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hear, and fear, and will never again commit any such evil in your midst” (Deut. 19:18-20, WEB). So God commanded everyone in His priesthood of Israel to make a “diligent inquisition” before they make any judgments about anyone. God commanded all who judge to “thoroughly investigate” (in Hebrew: heteb, meaning “in a good, pleasing, thorough way,” + wederasu, meaning “to follow, seek, ask, investigate”). Every act of judging was to involve seeking after, thoroughly examining and rightly comprehending every piece of evidence, every witness and every aspect of the accused one’s heart and the sin or crime itself. For God’s just judges not only had to find out if the accused actually did the sin or crime, but also had to determine the accused one’s motives and intentions. Yet, of course, human judges are not omniscient like God, our final Judge. So any human who attempts to judge and form opinions about a person being accused is forced to rely on testimonies from other human beings and on faulty human interpretations of evidence. Therefore, if witnesses provide a false testimony, or if experts provide a false interpretation of the evidence, the one who is judging might falsely believe that an innocent person is guilty. Worse yet, if some lie about the character of the accused one, it can make the judging one think the motives and intentions of the accused are evil when they are not. Then the judge may sentence the accused to the maximum penalty, possibly even the death penalty, even though the accused sinned in complete ignorance, without any evil motives or intentions at all, and should not suffer any kind of penalty whatsoever. Conversely, if witnesses lie about a psychopath, and portray that criminal as a person with good motives and intentions, a judge might be lenient, possibly even release that psychopath back into the public, allowing that criminal to sin again, and maybe murder someone. Thus, every witness must be completely honest about all one has seen and did not see, and judges must be unbiased about that evidence, to maintain justice.

For, once a people in any corporate body—in any nation, state, institution, business or church—lose trust in the judgments of that body, a factious, depressing and unproductive spirit of demonic fear, anxiety, loveless detachment, emptiness and meaninglessness will fill that body. For God-like love cannot exist among a people who cannot trust one another, since all true love is built on truth and trust. Then, if there is no love, nothing will be done through love. And, if nothing is done through love, nothing will be done effectively, efficiently and enthusiastically. Soon nothing good will be done at all. If any body of people allows liars to give false testimonies and fake evidence, or to even falsely and irrationally interpret real truths, it will destroy that body. If a nation lets liars like Hitler, Putin, Trump and others spew their slander and self-serving propaganda from their public platforms, that whole body will soon collapse into chaos. Then Satan, the father of liars and murderers, shall rule over all. And this is why God was so harsh with liars, on those who slandered and perverted the course of true biblical justice. This is why God demanded that every loving, honest, rational judge in every corporate body must do to a liar what that liar was attempting to do to the siblings he or she was lying about, so that evil will be removed from the corporate body. So, if any psychopath, like Hitler or Trump, deliberately tells lies to cause his or her dupes to murder innocent people, then that psychopath must receive the same punishment as a murderer. If governments, private institutions, churches and other corporate bodies see any liars deliberately making false accusations against our innocent siblings, in ways that intentionally try to cause the deaths of our siblings, then God will command our body of people to act immediately against those liars, to criminally charge those liars with attempted murder, and punish those liars in exactly the same way we would punish murderers.

This is one of God’s laws that Jesus clearly referred to in this teaching (i.e., in Mat. 7:1-2), because Jesus came to fulfill God’s Law, not to nullify it. And, by using a negative and and the particle ἵνα

(“for the reason that, so that”), Jesus warned His disciples He must never catch us bearing false Page 482

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testimonies or making false judgments against anyone. If He catches us doing so, we must repent as soon as possible, or else we will “be judged and condemned with all finality,” on the judgment day.

All members of God’s true church on earth must learn to do all that His Law requires regarding all our testimonies and all our judgments. We must speak the truth and we must not judge according to lies. We must not dare to negatively influence the lives of our own siblings through false judgments.

And this means that, according to God’s Law, we must not judge anyone unless we have first made a

“diligent inquisition” or “thorough investigation” of all the facts, motives and intentions related to the judgment, and only come to a conclusion after we have verified that those facts originated from trustworthy witnesses and reliable evidence, from sources that have been wisely cross-examined and interpreted in an unbiased and just way. Jesus warned us about the future consequences of any false judgments we might make. For God will judge us after we die, on the judgment day. And God also has always judged false judges and lying witnesses while they have lived on earth as well. For God always hands them over to the devil, because they have not loved the truth. Then demons delude them, cause them to make wrong choices, and drives them toward the destruction of their flesh. All slandering and falsely judging ones on earth have always lived dark, empty, futile lives and ended up destroying themselves, as well as all those who believed their lies. Then those liars, if the people do not immediately stop them, also harm and kill many of our siblings too. All who judge falsely are never able to escape being judged and condemned with the same judgments and condemnations they make, even to the same degree, measure for measure—both during this life and on the judgment day.

Here Jesus is addressing the liars who feel successful, because they receive enough for the needs of their flesh, and possibly acceptance by other liars, along with some status and power in Satan’s world order. He is warning the false judges who feel that all their choices are right or even wise, solely because they have gained a relatively secure and unchallenged physical existence through the application of their demonically deluded thinking. And some of these false judges have taken up a form a fake religion too, false doctrines which make they believe that they are blessed by God and entitled to lord it over their victims, so they can judge the impoverished ones with a supposedly

“godly condemnation,” even though those liars made those people poor by stealing everything from them through their false judgments. These religious false judges actually think God is pleased when they judge and condemn the true servants sent by God, then take joy in slandering, threatening and murdering them. Yet all those false judges steal their own peace and security from the people, as they spread false fears which drain the strength, mental capacity, hope, love and every other good aspect of life from the people, with their arrogant and self-esteeming judgments. And those entitled ones even think it is their right and duty to judge and condemn all who refuse to bow to them, all who do not take every foolish, godless, shallow word they utter as the counsel of a god. For God has handed them over to deep delusions and hypocrisy. So now it is time for true disciples of Jesus to remind themselves that all the exploitation and unjust oppression from all forms of despotism, colonialism, racism and elitism in the entire world throughout history has been worked by falsely judging hearts.

But, obviously, Jesus was not saying that we should never judge, never express an opinion, never criticize, never find fault with, and never condemn anyone or anything at any time. For there are indeed sinners and sins in this world, all of which and all of whom God commanded us to judge, according to His will and revealed truths. For Jesus definitely wants us to undo the works of Satan and Satan’s most faithful servants, to protect the innocent from injustice. And, to do that, we must first judge whether or not someone is lying or sinning in some other way, as well as the motives and intentions of that person. This is why Jesus commanded this to all His true disciples then and in all future times: “You people must not judge and condemn according to external appearances, but Page 483

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rather, you people must judge and condemn [with] the just judgment and condemnation” (John 7:24, from: μὴ κρίνετε κατʼ ὄψιν, ἀλλὰ τὴν δικαίαν κρίσιν κρίνετε, SBLGNT). Since our God Jesus never contradicts Himself, He clearly was not telling us to never judge anyone in Matthew 7:1-2, but was merely commanding us to never make false judgments by believing slanderous lies about anyone.

So Jesus has never forbidden the judgment and condemnation of lies, crimes and sins deliberately committed by unrepentant criminals or sinners. He only forbade unjust, false and slanderous kinds of judgments, those which condemned and punished innocent souls, those based on false interpretations of external appearances or the misreading of superficial circumstantial evidence. What Jesus actually forbade were assumptions based on the emotions of our flesh, based on lies that lead to harmful false conclusions. He did not want us to listen to deceivers, who gain our trust through cunning rhetoric, who cause us to judge and condemn the innocent souls whom those liars want us to persecute for their own personal gain and other unjust reasons. For Jesus came to fulfill only “just judgments and condemnation,” the kind of judgments based on truth, and made according to God’s will and Law.

Our God Jesus requires all the accused to be judged in the manner He specified, by only trusting the testimonies of two or more thoroughly investigated and cross-examined witnesses, or expert and unbiased interpreters of genuine evidence. Then the motive and intentions of accused souls must be searched out as well, in the testimonies of reliable witnesses and rightly interpreted evidence, then rightly evaluated by God’s honest and deeply experienced servants. For our just God abhors all false judgments based on biased assumptions derived from superficial evidence. Jesus wants His people to choose the judging elders He chose for them, those who can make wise and right judgments, along with trustworthy older women who do works of love. Our God Jesus wants us to prove the sin before we make any accusation of sin. Then, if we prove, beyond any reasonable doubt, that someone actually committed a sin, we must also determine that sinner’s motives and intentions, as well as consider any possible repentance in that sinner’s spirit. Only after all this can God’s servants determine whether or not any punishment is required. And a punishment must never exceed the maximum penalty God allows for that kind of sin done through the worst motives and intentions.

Also consider how, when Jesus uttered this didactic saying (Mat. 7:1-2), the situation in Israel was much like it is throughout the world today. That is, Jesus dealt with many fake churches. And most fake churches or synagogues claimed that they rightly taught the Scriptures, while they were actually teaching self-serving lies. Yet their people thought those lies were truths revealed by God. So this caused their people to make extremely damaging false judgments according to the lies of those false teachings. Then those false judgments led to distrust, lovelessness and injustice, along with much needless fear, anxiety, loss, hardship, suffering and dying for many innocent souls. Furthermore, since these fake churches made all these false judgments and did all this injustice while claiming to be Israel’s priestly representatives of God, and thus did all in God’s name, they severely slandered God’s just and loving reputation, and made His good name odious throughout the world. Then their teaching elders also strove against one another, to gain higher positions of status in those churches.

For those higher church positions rewarded them with greater power and influence over the people, as well as increased income through the donations of the people. But those competitions among the selfishly ambitious elders and rabbis involved many slanderous false judgments and condemnations against one another, so many that the people began to accept those false judgments as common and routine. Consequently, the people did not even bother to rebuke or condemn those lies, as God’s Law commanded. Thus, false judgments grew more common, extreme and evil, until the people could not trust each other. Then, as each rabbi abused his power, and worked solely to benefit himself and the Page 484

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other deceivers Satan raised up to positions of influence in his wicked world order, the people in those false churches forgot their Creator God, and worshipped only demons, like ruthless Mammon.

So it is very important for all true disciples of our God Jesus, all He is actually saving from lies and sins, to rightly and truly understand exactly what Jesus was teaching, His intended meaning of His words. So, as we see later in this teaching, He called the individual He was addressing a “hypocrite”

(ὑποκριτά). And Jesus seldom used this word to address the deceived. Rather, Jesus only called the intentional deceivers hypocrites. He mostly used the word “hypocrite” to describe corrupt and lying elders, such as the prominent rabbis, despotic secular leaders and self-serving judges, those who had arrogantly exalted themselves above the masses whom they deemed to be “inferiors” (e.g., Mat.

6:2,5,16; 15:7; 22:18; 23:13,15,23,25,27,29; 24:51; Mark 7:6; Luke 13:15). However, the parallel of Jesus’ words found in Matthew 7:3-5 was Luke 6:41-42, where He addressed the followers of false teachers, the souls led astray by blind guides. Likewise, so were the words of Jesus in Luke 12:56.

Therefore, we can conclude that the words of Jesus in Matthew 7:1-5 were likely Jesus responding to a hypocritical rabbi who had asked Him a question to trap Him, or made a comment in an attempt to nullify the previous teachings of Jesus. For that teaching ended with Jesus addressing someone with a vocative singular form of ὑποκριτής (“hypocrite”). Jesus gave this teaching as a response to some man who was falsely judging others in a question or comment, and judging was the job of teaching elders called rabbis. Thus, Jesus was probably speaking to a judgmental rabbi who came to find out what Jesus was teaching, but was obviously opposed to the entirely biblical teachings of Jesus. But, on the other hand, we must not forget that all who willingly follow a false teacher, all who accept his lies without any resistance from their spirits in their hearts, are just as guilty before God as that liar.

Now, in the first part of didactic saying, in Matthew 7:1-2, Jesus used plural pronouns, and was speaking to the whole crowd. So He was warning His true disciples and all the elect in history to always strive to avoid making false judgments. But Jesus switched to singular pronouns in verses 3

to 5, and addressed only the man who had asked a question or made a comment, the man who had initiated this response. But, clearly, all that Jesus said that “hypocrite” (in vv. 3-5) was still being uttered publicly. Therefore, as Jesus rebuked that “hypocrite,” He was also rebuking all the disciples of that hypocrite, as well as everyone who ever agreed or ever will agree with that hypocrite, all who ever have condoned or ever will condone that hypocrite’s kind of false judgments and condemnation.

Jesus will never allow the elect spirits whom He has awakened, taught and trained to remain in fake churches very long, nor let their hearts believe their lies forever. As His true disciples mature, their elect spirits cannot help but become increasingly repulsed by the delusions, lies, false judgments and unjust condemnations of those false churches. Jesus may let His elect fall into the same delusions as the blind dupes of those fake spiritual guides for a season, but only long enough for those elect to learn how evil and destructive those servants of the devil can actually be. Once the minds of flesh in His elect allow their honest spirits to admit that those lies are actually lies, and let their elect spirits learn the truth directly from God, Jesus will pull His elect out of the traps set by the false churches.

Jesus initially commanded the elect to stop falsely and unjustly judging and condemning innocent souls, according to the lies and delusions received from fake teaching elders and rabbis. But He was not actually telling the children of Satan to stop lying. For Jesus does not rebuke those who are not His younger siblings, nor attempt to turn the citizens of another kingdom toward repentance. And Jesus was warning the elect that, although our degree of guilt is less than the culpability of Satan’s deceiving children, we too will be judged and punished by God if we do not repent from those lies and step into the truth. For it is every elect individual’s duty to carefully seek the truth, which the Page 485

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Holy Spirit of God Himself can grant to us. Then it is our responsibility to thoroughly examine and rightly judge the reliability of whatever we hear or are taught. Above all, certain mature men in every church bear this calling and duty, those to whom God has granted a greater ability to judge the structures of principles and ponder how teachings will eventually cause either good or evil effects.

The God-appointed male elders in every church must not neglect their spirits’ love for the people, and must never fail to judge all teachings in their churches, then judge false teachers, and even judge all who blindly heed, support and enable false teachers. And, as they do all these works of God, the other men must heed Christ’s Spirit and stand with those elders. Also, God designed the flesh of all women to focus primarily on the physical, emotional and spiritual needs of their people, and provide what is necessary for the application of God’s Word. So all mature women need to help the true and God-chosen male elders make their teachings and judgments effective through loving providence.

Although women are never adept at determining the soundness of the teachings and judgments, women are far better than men at observing who does what and how those actions affect others.

Thus, all elect men, and particularly the teaching and judging elders whom God chooses, need to fulfill their God-ordained responsibility of providing solid spiritual and moral structures for all women and children. Then all elect women must fill in the frameworks of those structures provided by the men, and help all those teachings and judgments become effective. That is, mature women need to provide their critical observations of any negative and positive effects and trends they see.

And, if men suppress or oppress the input of women, and do not allow women to do the works they do best, then the deceiving and injurious arrows of enemies will easily pass through the resulting gaps in their frameworks, and cold winds will blow through to freeze the hearts of the people inside.

Yet men have been utterly failing to do these principal duties, and have totally neglected their calling to serve God. Men now cause the destruction of their families, churches, work places, governments and all life on earth. They have left women with no framework to fill in, so demonic spirits can now freely kill, plunder and enslave. Thus, men bear the greatest guilt and are more condemned by God than the women, everywhere on earth. Then, on the judgment day, God will judge and condemn the false judgments and false condemnations of all, both men and women. Yet He will most severely rebuke male false teachers, first and foremost. And Jesus will not hold the other men guiltless either, far more than the women. Only youths, those twenty years old and younger, shall not be held fully accountable for the lies, false judgments, unjust condemnations and sins set free within their lands.

Now let us remember that God hears our thoughts, and our most private conversations that we hide from the public, even the daydreams in our minds of flesh. God know all the motives and intentions of our spirits too. However, God never actually listens and watches in the same way that falsely judging and condemning autocrats do. Satan and his psychopathic servants spy on the people so they can manipulate, blackmail, capture, enslave or find the right opportunities to murder them. However, our Father simply pays attention to all that enters or leaves our spirits so He can admonish our self-destructive thinking, then pour His wise counsel into our spirits at the right times, or else send His faithful teachers and judges to their other siblings. The entire purpose of God’s omniscience is to rescue His family from themselves and demons, to save us from lies. And men are to emulate their heavenly father. Their Father and oldest Brother are to be their role models. The infantile elect spirits of elders and the men in the church need to trust the teaching and training of God, who bears a far deeper knowledge and understanding of all that is in them than they do. For our Father in Jesus has always known all that is or ever will be in us, even from the beginning. Therefore, whenever the time of His Spirit’s calling to repentance comes upon our spirits, let us heed that calling and pay very close attention to all the concepts that He pours into our souls. Both the minds of our spirits and the Page 486

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minds of our flesh must turn away from all false teachings and false judgments, rejecting all the false condemnations we based upon those delusions and lie. We must repent into the real truths that God revealed in His Word, as well as by His Holy Spirit’s interpretations of all spiritual and physical realities God created and works in this world. Our flesh needs to allow our spirits to be thoroughly convinced by that truth from His Spirit who created us. And we must not permit our minds of flesh to distract our spirits away from Him and His truth, but endure the godly sorrow His rebukes cause in our hearts, so our spirits might fully accept and agree with His just, wise, effective, loving truths.

A time is rapidly approaching when each elect soul must decide whether he or she will serve Jesus or the devil, whether one shall labour for God’s kingdom on earth or Satan’s world order. Each will be forced to make many judgments, regarding the elders they choose to enable and the judges they choose to denounce, as well as the people they will work beside and those whom they will work against. For the times are coming when the lines dividing the two sides will no longer be blurred and difficult to discern, when the two kingdoms become distinctly delineated from one another. Soon both kingdoms will march onto the battlefield, and charge against each other in uniformed ranks. As soon as God declares war, and the end times arrive, there will be no middle ground left to stand on.

Then worshippers of money will no longer be able to lie and say they love Jesus. For their hearts will be exposed, and all will clearly see that they cannot possibly love our God, because their spirits love that demon Mammon. Satan and his entire kingdom will mark themselves with a physical symbol of the beast, whom he dwells within, with a number representing the worship of human gods visibly etched on their foreheads and hands, so they can buy and sell with that devil’s invention of money.

Then Jesus will also etch His sign of New Covenant salvation on the spirits of all the Father’s elect children on earth, on all the spirits who are able to love in a just, equitable and unconditional way, on all spirits who are willing and able to welcome this eternal covenant of love with their Creator God.

But even now, the spirits capable of just and God-like love must part from all the human gods ruling Satan’s world order, and hat all their false judgments, carnal promises, lies and delusions. For those servants of the devil cause souls to strive against one another, to slander and falsely accuse one another, to make unjust judgments that punish the innocent, all for their so-called “right” to possess just a little more for their flesh than they are willing to allow for their own brothers and sisters. They use false judgments to justify their injustice and to make unjust laws, so they can persecute, oppress, exploit, murder and war against God’s people and God’s lands, for power and profit. Then they say their false judgments are necessary for survival, that they must divide the people for their own good.

Now let the elect pray that Jesus’ Holy Spirit of their heavenly Father might awaken, teach and train their spirits. Let them pray for His wisdom and truth, so their delusions will be dissolved, like a mist when the sun and wind drives it away. Let them see how Satan’s chief psychopaths slander and broadcast propaganda to create hatred, distrust, paranoia, discrimination, racism, violence, terrorism, chaos, suffering and death. Let them understand that humans cannot be gods, can no longer vainly stroke their own carnal egos, slavishly labouring to be preferred by Satan and his minions, so the elite wanna-be human gods might grant them a few more useless and sinful pleasures for their flesh.

Elite human gods are all ultimately elected by the devil, for all the chief positions in his exploiting financial systems and subject kingdoms within his dark world order. Thus, the elect should know better than to enable and worship those human gods chosen by Satan, and should be nullifying the works they do to build up his evil empire, not labouring together with those malicious monsters. So, whenever we see any kind of steep hierarchical system, where the elite can commit sins, make false judgments, enforce unjust condemnation and deceive with impunity, without fearing the judgments Page 487

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of God or their own peers, we should recognize it as just another one of the many factious entities within Satan’s kingdom. Whenever we see an elite terrorize their peers into agreeing with their false judgments, we should know that those terrorists are slaves of the devil. And, if an elite routinely justifies the deaths and destruction they have caused, and even transfers all their own guilt and blame onto innocent victims, such as onto visible minorities or even their own slavish sycophants, we know those ones are exactly like their hellish father, who is called the great false accuser. If an elite makes their victims pay the penalty for all their sins, and even pay for all their stolen pleasures of the flesh, such as by taxing the poor and not their own wealthy selves, we know they are the devil’s brood. So, if we see any of these things, we must pray to Jesus and do exactly what His Holy Spirit counsels our spirits to do. Then His effective wisdom and almighty power will work with us to nullify all those evil works of Satan and his minions, enabling us to build up His just loving kingdom on earth.

Remember the apostle James, a son of Mary and Joseph and a half-brother of Jesus, who addressed a church that began to believe humanistic Roman doctrines, and started to make false judgments against their own siblings in their church family. As soon as James saw them esteeming the rich as elite human gods, as superiors at the top of a hierarchical humanistic system that suppresses and exploits the poor, James judged and condemned this failure of that fallen church, and he proclaimed:

“Where do wars and fightings among you come from? Don’t they come from your pleasures that war in your members [i.e., in the mind of flesh]? You lust, and don’t have. You kill, covet, and can’t obtain. You fight and make war. You don’t have, because you don’t ask [i.e., do not pray to God for His providence and counsel]. You ask, and don’t receive [from God], because you ask with wrong motives, so that you may spend it for your pleasures.

“You adulterers and adulteresses, don’t you know that friendship with the world is hostility toward God? Whoever therefore wants to be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of God. Or do you think that the Scripture says in vain, ‘The Spirit who lives in us yearns jealously’? But He gives more grace. Therefore it says, ‘God resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble.’ Be subject therefore to God. But resist the devil, and he will flee from you. Draw near to God, and He will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, you sinners; and purify your hearts, you double-minded. Lament, mourn, and weep. Let your laughter be turned to mourning, and your joy to gloom. Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord, and He will exalt you. Don’t speak against one another, brothers. He who speaks against a brother and judges his brother [in context, James is here referring to false accusations and judgments, based on superficial criteria like worldly wealth and status], speaks against the Law and judges the Law. But if you judge the Law, you are not a doer of the Law, but a judge. Only one is the Lawgiver, who is able to save and to destroy. But who are you to judge another?” (James 4:1-12, WEB).

Of course, we must also read this exhortation from James in its context. Since he himself is actually judging here, he is not saying that all judging is wrong. Rather, those who falsely judge, according to the ways and laws of men, and not according to God’s Law, nor the counsel of His Spirit to their spirits, is making false judgments and sinning. In fact, when one casts out God’s opinions and God’s Law, one is actually making oneself into the judge and ruler of God. One is making oneself into the god of God. But Jesus commands us to “speak against” sin and confront the one who sins, only not with false judgments based on pagan humanistic teachings about class, status, wealth, race, political views, religious creeds and so on. For, when anyone falsely judges a sibling, in a way that God’s will and God’s Law does not permit, that one is judging and condemning God’s Law, saying that God’s just and loving ways (which God created for the effective spiritual and moral functioning of His creations) are not as good as one’s own ineffective, unjust and unloving ways (which harm and Page 488

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destroy the lives of brothers and sisters, for the sake of one’s own carnal lusts, vain ego and financial profit). Thus, obviously, the one who does this kind of false judging cannot possibly be called “a doer of God’s Law.” None who condemn what is good can be called good. Nor can anyone who judges against God’s ways ever be called a true Jew or a real Christian. Only those chosen by God, whose spirit is being taught to fulfill God’s Law by God’s Spirit, can be true priests in His church.

And, as mentioned, if one judges against God’s Law, one is claiming that one is omniscient, and that God is not omniscient. One is claiming that one knows more and is wiser than God Himself, better able to make and apply laws than God, better able to rule over all existence than the utterly holy Spirit who created and now maintains the entire temporary material universe, as well as the eternal realm. And that is just a tiny bit arrogant, an attitude that neither God nor one’s disrespected siblings in all mankind, will ever find very easy to tolerate. There is only one Lawgiver, our Creator and the Owner of our lives, the only King and legitimate Possessor of all spiritual and physical existence. He is the only Being “who is able to save and to destroy.” Therefore, if a person thinks that only he or she has the right to determine who is to be saved and who is to be destroyed, through one’s own judgments and one’s own laws, which oppose God’s judgments and God’s laws, that wanna-be god is attempting to usurp the authority and power of the real God. Therefore, that one is a sinner and a criminal, not a ruler (i.e., not a “judge”). That one must be cast out of one’s position of authority, and may even need to be put in prison, to prevent that one from continuing to deceive and destroy others.

Just because an arrogant and unjust person or organization is not judged and condemned by their equally arrogant and unjust peers, it does not give them the right to judge and condemn others in false and unjust ways, whether or not they claim to belong to God’s family of the church. And, if an arrogant and unjust soul does not repent into God’s truth, if one’s spirit does not begin to allow the Holy Spirit of God to teach and train one to fulfill all God’s Law, there will be hell to pay, perhaps literally. “For in what judgment and condemnation you people are judging and condemning you will be judged and condemned, and in what measure you people are measuring, it will be measured to you.” This is an infallible promise of our God Jesus. And His promises never fail to be fulfilled. So let false judges remember that there is a very real heaven above a very real hell. And human spirits can actually be cast into heaven or hell even while dwelling in bodies of flesh on earth. Jesus can and will judge, condemn and hurl some spirits who commit false judgments into hell’s darkness of lies and delusions, even as those non-elect spirits are still dwelling in their bodies of flesh on this earth.

A Rebuke for a False Teacher and a Command for Us

As previously mentioned, just after Jesus gave a stern warning to all who made false judgments and condemned the innocent, Jesus stopped using second person plural pronouns, and began to use second person singular pronouns (in Mat. 7:3-5). That is, Jesus began to personally address the man who made a comment which prompted Him to utter this particular didactic saying (Mat. 7:1-5), during this teaching time conducted on that mountain. And this part of His response was a very strong personal rebuke of the man, where Jesus even called this man a “hypocrite.” Therefore, as mentioned above, we can be fairly sure that this man claimed to be a teacher of God’s Word in the church of Israel, that is, a rabbi, or what churches in our day would call a “pastor.” Then, after Jesus sternly admonished that falsely judging man, Jesus once more began to use second person plural pronouns (in Mat. 7:6). So, after this personal rebuke, Jesus addressed all His disciples once again, and gave them a teaching that all of us should heed, all disciples today and until the end of time.

First Jesus said this: “Now, why do you [singular] perceive the straw in the eye of your [singular]

brother at the same time as you [singular] do not become fully aware of the beam in your [singular]

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own eye? Or how will you [singular] tell your [singular] brother, ‘Yield! I might fully cast the straw out of your eye.’ Also behold the beam in your [singular] eye! Hypocrite! First cast the beam out of your [singular] eye, and then you [singular] will recover sight to cast the straw out of the eye of your

[singular] brother” (Mat. 7:3-5, from: τί δὲ βλέπεις τὸ κάρφος τὸ ἐν τῷ ὀφθαλμῷ τοῦ ἀδελφοῦ σου, τὴν δὲ ἐν τῷ σῷ ὀφθαλμῷ δοκὸν οὐ κατανοεῖς; ἢ πῶς ἐρεῖς τῷ ἀδελφῷ σου· Ἄφες ἐκβάλω τὸ

κάρφος ἐκ τοῦ ὀφθαλμοῦ σου, καὶ ἰδοὺ ἡ δοκὸς ἐν τῷ ὀφθαλμῷ σοῦ; ὑποκριτά, ἔκβαλε πρῶτον ἐκ

τοῦ ὀφθαλμοῦ σοῦ τὴν δοκόν, καὶ τότε διαβλέψεις ἐκβαλεῖν τὸ κάρφος ἐκ τοῦ ὀφθαλμοῦ τοῦ

ἀδελφοῦ σου, SBLGNT). Clearly, with all the singular pronouns here (i.e., some of which are incorporated in the Greek verbs), Jesus was addressing only one man. And remember, the Jewish teaching times, like this one, were sessions where any mature man could make a comment or ask a question, and where elders were expected to respond with comments and questions to the teachings of other elders, like Jesus. So here Jesus responded to the comment of a man who falsely judged others, to a man who portrayed himself as a wise, capable teacher of life principles, morals and doctrines from the Scriptures. Jesus was addressing a judgmental rabbi who was opposing Him.

When Matthew, an eyewitness of this Sermon on the Mount, recorded the teachings of Jesus on that day, he did not include the comments and questions of the men who prompted Jesus to respond with these didactic sayings. He did not record this in the same way Plato recorded a Socratic dialogue, nor like Job recorded both sides of his conversations with his friends in about 2,000 BC. For Matthew did not think the comments and questions by others were worthy of our attention, and considered the responses of Jesus to be all that we needed to read and study. Thus, Matthew left us deduce the kinds of comments and questions that prompted these teachings included in this Sermon on the Mount. But each of Jesus’ teachings here obviously reveals the essence of what some man said to solicit His responses. And that is why we can confidently deduce that Jesus was speaking to a falsely judging pastor of some kind of church here, in Matthew 7:1-5, that is, to some kind of self-esteeming rabbi.

Almost every pastor in every humanistic church throughout history, up to this very day, has also committed this same kind of sin, this same kind of hypocritical false judgment and condemnation based on very superficial criteria, with a total lack of understanding regarding God’s will, God’s Law and God’s kind of just love. And, in the humanistic tradition of esteeming oneself as a god who can manipulate the Creator God for one’s own purposes, none of these false judges have ever thought of honestly assessing their own arrogant, self-esteemed selves to find out if they themselves have bad intentions and motives, even while they blindly assume that all whom they are judging always have the most evil and malicious intentions and motives. And this is why they do not judge others in the way God commanded, by diligently searching out the real motives and intentions of those whom they are accusing. And this is just as great a problem in humanistic churches today as it has been throughout history. For, just as we saw falsely judging humanistic hypocritical churches torture and murder countless innocent souls during the Inquisition lasting from the 15th to the 19th century, we are now seeing humanistic churches supporting fascist dictators and other despots in our day, so they too can do the same kind of torturing and murdering. So, can we possibly say that the falsely judging humanistic churches of our day are any better than they were in Jesus’ day or throughout all history?

A falsely judging pastor of a humanistic church in our day is also very skilled at putting on the voice of a wise and compassionate guide, and honed these tricks of his trade in the homiletics classes at his humanistic seminary. This kind of hypocrite is also very confident that he can help anyone with a speck of straw in the eye, although he has a huge beam of very painful rough-cut oak in his own eye and cannot see a single thing standing outside of his own beloved and highly honoured self. This kind of hypocrite certainly can never see enough to actually provide any meaningful and useful help Page 490

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to anyone with much smaller spiritual or moral problems than he himself has with almighty Judge of heaven and earth. For example, I often see judgmental and thoroughly racist pastors who cannot see past the superficial colour of a loving elect person’s skin, nor can they possibly admit just how racist and hypocritical they actually are. So, instead of pondering the accusations of racism made by the elect who see clearly, so he can confess his obvious sins and repent into the truth through godly sorrow, that pastor stands on the pulpit and condemns those truth tellers. But he never personally confronts his accusers, since he is a blatant coward. Rather, he riles up those whom he deems to be his “inferiors” in the crowd, until they become enraged enough to persecute, beat, torture or even murder those who spoke the truth to him. Then he continues on his merry way, collecting income from his tithing dupes, plundering the work and lives of those “inferior” races, exploiting the poor and disadvantaged, and waring against God and His people so he can build up Satan’s kingdom and gain more illicit rewards from that devil for his services. Yet these humanistic pastors always seem to think they have godly reasons for all they say and do, and that all their justifications for evil come straight from God’s Word—albeit with a few “minor alterations” of God’s intended meanings, just to make those words more “contemporary” and self-serving. And I find myself doing the same at times.

Yet, if we listen to those cutting words of Jesus, our hearts should bleed and our spirits should utterly collapse in the weakness caused by honesty in godly sorrow, so this might work our repentance into truth. And the worst thing we could ever do is honour, support and enable falsely judging pastors who call themselves the saviours of their exploited dupes. For the voices of those who suffer from their many false judgments and unjust condemnations are crying out to us. And those persecuted victims are our brothers and sisters in the family of mankind. Some are even the elect, with our own blood in their hearts, the very blood of Jesus for the forgiveness of their sins, the sons and daughters of our own spirits’ Father in heaven. So now let us begin to rightly and justly judge those falsely judging and unjustly condemning pastors and their blind followers, in Jesus’ name, that is, according to His just and loving will, through His commands, authority and power. Then, if our spirits judge rightly, with sound biblical teachings to pierce their spirits and expose the evil motives and malicious intentions of their hearts, some might repent. But those who do not or cannot repent must be stopped.

For the elect must work beside Jesus, as His serving disciples, to nullify the works of the devil and to build up the just, equitable, loving kingdom of God, until His will is done on earth as it is in heaven.

Throughout history, churches have chosen to practise the religion of humanism, and to reject the pure theism of biblical Judaism or Christianity. In Jesus’ day, synagogues were increasingly found on the side of Roman humanism, so they could falsely judge and unjustly condemn as though they were human gods replacing the real Creator God. Likewise, after Jesus ascended into heaven, and after the true apostles died, Roman humanists crushed biblical churches, but disguised themselves as them, and substituted their own false and self-glorifying religion for Christianity. And they did this for the very same reason, so they could falsely judge and unjustly condemn as though they were human gods replacing the real Creator God. In fact, they even believed that they were gods capable of ruling over God. But, because of this deluded vanity, God would not help them, lest He would partake in their sins by aiding and abetting those who sinned. So they received no wisdom nor power from God, and had no ability to provide any effective solutions to all the deadly and devastating problems they created in their church and in their nations. Consequently, they destroyed literally everyone and everything they touched, while they also destroyed their own lives. And any loving justice that may have existed in any elect spirits among them was virtually eliminated, for God handed them all over to Satan and his kingdom on earth, to be deluded for the destruction of their flesh. So their churches continued the racism and discrimination taught by those pastors, and all the other sixth-order sins, Page 491

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even every form of spiritual and physical murder imaginable. Worse yet, their false teachings, their third-order sins, worked evils that were far worse than murder. Their doctrines led the entire world into humanistic idolatry and a very bloody rebellion against the real God, into the greatest sins souls could possibly commit. And now the beams in their arrogant entitled eyes has grown huge, even as those human gods persecute those with lesser sins, the humble and lowly with specks in their eyes.

Jesus saw this, when He peered into the hearts of the rabbis in Israel. Jesus saw in them what He now sees in most pastors today. For there is nothing new under the sun. False churches, claiming to be either Jewish or Christian, have been practising exactly the same hypocrisy from the beginning, and always will until Jesus returns to destroy them. They have always falsely judged and condemned God’s people for their lesser sins, for seventh-order to tenth-order sins, without even looking at any of the causes for those sins, without searching out their real motives and intentions for committing those sins, without obeying God’s laws which command them to do this. Yet our God Jesus came to fulfill all God’s laws, not nullify them. And Jesus is the Lion of Judah. Jesus is not about to let that hypocrisy go unchallenged. Therefore, He exposes it in the light of truth from the heavenly Father above. Likewise, so do His true disciples. We are small, are nothing and have nothing. Yet we cannot allow hypocrisy to slander the good name of our Creator and God, by torturing and murdering our brothers and sisters throughout the world falsely in His name. So we proclaim the truth, all that tears down their pillars of delusions and lies used to bear up their hypocrisy. We do not enable those false churches, and will not be lured into their self-congratulating blindness. We cannot worship and serve those human gods of false churches, and march behind them into a futile war against our living God.

Thus, Jesus then turned away from that self-serving shepherd to His beloved disciples, He warned us: “You people should not give the things set apart for God’s purposes to the dogs, nor cast the pearls belonging to you people in front of the pigs, lest they will trample them down with their feet and, having been turned back again, they will tear you apart” (Mat. 7:6, from: Μὴ δῶτε τὸ ἅγιον τοῖς

κυσίν, μηδὲ βάλητε τοὺς μαργαρίτας ὑμῶν ἔμπροσθεν τῶν χοίρων, μήποτε καταπατήσουσιν αὐτοὺς

ἐν τοῖς ποσὶν αὐτῶν καὶ στραφέντες ῥήξωσιν ὑμᾶς, SBLGNT). As you can see here, Jesus now began to use plural second person pronouns again, to indicate that He was once more addressing His true disciples. And He commanded us not to give our sanctified gifts from God to any false pastors.

In the last sentence here, when Jesus used the terms “dogs” and “pigs,” He was obviously referring to the kind of unjust judgmental souls who were just like the man He had previously rebuked. And that man—the one who had uttered a comment that prompted Jesus to teach this part of the Sermon on the Mount—apparently thought he was a respectable teacher of God’s Word, a good Jewish rabbi.

Yet, because that rabbi’s comment revealed his false judgments and unjust condemnations, Jesus put that pastor into the category of souls He likened to “dogs” and “pigs.” Of course, the terms “dog”

and “pig” originated from the most arrogant of the judgmental Jewish rabbis of that day. The worst of the falsely judging rabbis called all idol-worshipping Gentile pagans “dogs.” Then those kinds of rabbis use the term “pigs” whenever they referred to those whom they considered to be revolting and spiritually “unclean,” such as the most impoverished Jews who could not afford to keep all the many restrictive religious traditions they had invented to distract their dupes away from the Spirit of God.

But here Jesus turned these same derogatory rabbinical terms (“dogs” and “pigs”) against them, and used these same terms as apt descriptors of those ruthlessly judging and falsely condemning rabbis.

Here Jesus called those hypocrites, those rabbis of humanistic synagogues, and even all the future fake pastors of all the humanistic churches throughout history, idolatrous “dogs” and unclean “pigs.”

Of course, all real dogs and pigs are actually mere creatures whom God designed and made, living animals whom God deems to be sinless, whose spirits shall not be judged on the last day, whose Page 492

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spirits shall enter heaven at the moment their flesh dies. Yet those faithless, self-worshipping souls whom Jesus called “dogs” and “pigs,” who never truly belonged to God’s real priesthood of Israel, who remained entirely spiritually “unclean” in the eyes of God, clearly will judged and condemned on that last day, just as our God Jesus was judging them at the time He gave this Sermon on the Mount. Although those rabbis and pastors were often more confident in their righteousness than any other souls on earth, they were actually the most unrighteous of all. Those who robed themselves in clerical garments and proudly insisted on being called by titles of esteem, who demanded honour for their great holiness as sanctified servants of God, were actually spiritual “dogs,” always begging for scraps at the tables of demons, and spiritual “pigs” continuously wallowing in the mud of Satan’s lies and delusions. All those fakes were the lowest and most sinful of all human beings on earth, the loyal offspring of Satan who served him as the guard dogs of his kingdom, the living pork whom devils would slaughter and feast upon for all of eternity. And our God Jesus disrespected those false pastors more than all sinners, since they were continuously committing sins of the first three orders.

Many feel uncomfortable when they read how our God Jesus judged and condemned their own fake pastors and blind disciples who falsely judged and unjustly condemned their brothers and sisters in the family of humankind. So they gloss over this passage (Mat. 7:1-6) or try to explain it away. Their minds of flesh instinctively attempt to dismiss this teaching, or nullify it. For they place much faith in their own ignorance, which convinces them that Jesus was subtly suggesting something entirely different in these words, something more flattering to their own proud egos. So they sooth their flesh by believing that the “pearls” which should not be cast before “pigs” are actually the supposedly

“holy” traditions of their fake churches, those which their lying pastors invented to nullify God’s Word, and that the “pigs” Jesus was talking about are those whom they falsely judge and unjustly condemn for their lesser sins of the flesh, even while the beams of their own far greater sins of the first three orders remain firmly lodged in their own eyes. And they certainly do now want to offend their false rabbis and fake pastors who tickle their arrogant ears with flattery. Consequently, nothing our God Jesus declared here has any positive effect on them, and they do not repent into the truth.

But the elect, all who are able to love and be loved, must no longer believe in the humanistic lies of fake pastors, like those whom our God Jesus rebuked and warned His disciples to abandon, since they are blind guides of the blind. Jesus exhorted us—His genuine disciples, whose spirits desire to understand and fulfill His words, those whom the Father of our spirits called to become the priests of His church of Israel—to carefully consider how we use the time, energy and resources God has given us through His grace, so we might rightly judge as recipients of those gifts, so we can correctly prioritize our giving of these “holy pearls.” Now we need to use our spiritual gifts in labours through love, so He may also grant miraculous His spiritual gifts that will work His loving power through us.

Only our God Jesus can sanctify all His physical and spiritual gifts for His priesthood of His church.

None but Jesus is able to set apart all of us and our gifts to be used only for our Father’s good, just, loving purposes. Therefore, our spirits need to hear His Holy Spirit, repent through godly sorrow into the truth, then walk according to His counsel, witnessing all with open eyes, so we might judge rightly. And we “should not give the things set apart for God’s purposes to the dogs.” We must not lay our time, effort and gifts of life at the feet of fake pastors, to be used for their selfish ambitions, to build up more institutions and subject kingdoms for the profit and glory of Satan’s world order.

For we are nothing and they are nothing. None are gods. We own nothing and they own nothing, except the temporary stewardship of bodies and creations belonging to God alone. Thus, both we and they must use all in life for the Owner’s just and loving purposes alone. If they are unfaithful, our Page 493

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Lord may grant us His power to correct their wrongs, at times. But our focus rests on loving in the way He teaches and trains us to love, so we may be called good and faithful servants on that last day.

We also need to consider what those wickedly judging and falsely condemning false pastors do with our most precious gifts from God, with the love we entrust to them. We are limited beings with a limited capacity to love, while our infantile spirits live in these rebellious bodies of flesh upon this training ground of the earth. Therefore, if we give all our love to those who use it for selfish and ungodly purposes, and not for God’s good purposes, we will have little or no love left to be used for God and His kingdom, nothing but a few leftovers for all God’s truly just, loving works in our lands.

And those cruelly judging and falsely condemning pastors do not even really want our love, though it is the greatest gift His elect children can give. Actually, all they want is our worship, our esteem and our loyal service to their selfish causes. So, if our elect spirits cast all our precious pearls of love at the feet those empty and loveless false judges, as an act of worship, they will accept our worship, but not our love itself. Rather, those servants of the devil, who ruthlessly condemn the innocent, will simply do whatever their stone-cold hearts want to do for themselves, and trample our pearls of love into the mire of their demon master’s filthy pig pens, under their greedy feet, busily scurrying about to seek the gratification of their voracious lusts. Then, if those pigs do not find enough to satisfy their carnal appetites, they will be perfectly willing to let their hunger tear apart and feast on the elect, then trample their precious garments of righteousness down into their mud. Everything is backwards with those fake humanistic pastors. For, instead taking from the rich to help the poor, as God commands, they steal every last cent from duped poor, all their family’s food and rent money, to give to themselves as they honour and feed the rich. Then, when impoverished souls starve and are cast out of their homes, those fake pastors falsely judge and condemn them for not having enough

“faith.” These fake pastors will even murder the innocent, supposedly “for Jesus,” by telling them lies about vaccines and such, to separate them from those who tell the truth, just so they can keep their dupes loyal to them and so their stolen sheep will not stray from their hellish slaughter houses.

Clearly, it is time for the elect to quiet their deceived minds of flesh, to turn away from “dogs” and

“pigs,” to let their spirits hear and heed the Holy Spirit of their only Head Teacher and Lord, the living and resurrected Jesus. We must no longer allow our minds of flesh to become alarmed with all the false fears stirred up by fake pastors, who teach us to falsely judge that liars are honest and honest souls are liars. Because of their false judgments and unjust condemnation, their disciples rush to get psychopathic criminals elected as presidents, and believe the devil’s lies are true; or falsely judge and violently condemn the honest and innocent souls striving to do God’s will for the people, so they can make their free nations into slaves of Satan’s psychopathic dictators; or tear children from the arms of their siblings fleeing from dying lands, while falsely judging them collectively, not individually as God commands, while condemning all collectively as thieves and criminals, without a shred of evidence; or they will judge racists to be godly and judge the victims of that racism to be criminals, whenever those victims protest the false judgments and condemnation of those racists.

There always was great injustice done through “dogs” and “pigs” in this world, and through their worshipping disciples. Now let all this stop! In Jesus, let us undo Satan’s works, not serve Satan!

Mat. 7:7-12,

Becoming a True Church

“Ask, and it will be given you. Seek, and you will find. Knock, and it will be opened for you.

For everyone who asks receives. He who seeks finds. To him who knocks it will be opened.

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Or who is there among you, who, if his son asks him for bread, will give him a stone? Or if he asks for a fish, who will give him a serpent? If you then, being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father who is in heaven give good things to those who ask Him! Therefore whatever you desire for men to do to you, you shall also do to them; for this is the Law and the Prophets” (Mat. 7:7-12, WEB).

After Jesus sternly rebuked a judgmental man, likely a rabbi, and finished warning His disciples to refrain from giving their lives to those exploiters, there seems to have been some kind of disruption in the teaching time. Possibly, that badly insulted rabbi and his loyal dupes got up to leave, and may have taken the time to shout a few angry words, consisting entirely of even more thoroughly false judgments and unjust condemnations against our living God, Jesus. But, once all settled down, one of His true disciples must have asked Jesus a question, probably something like this: “How can we know what is the truth and what is a lie? How can we tell whether or not a rabbi is an honest and faithful servant of God? How can we find what is holy and set apart for God’s purposes, if not through our rabbis? To whom should we go and give these sanctified gifts we are given, so we will not give them to dogs, nor cast our pearls before the swine who turn on us and tear us to pieces?”

So Jesus answered: “Keep asking [God], and it will be given for your benefit. Keep seeking, and it will be found. Keep knocking, and it will be opened up for you. For everyone asking is receiving, and the one seeking is finding, and it will be opened up for the one knocking” (Mat. 7:7-8, from: Αἰτεῖτε, καὶ δοθήσεται ὑμῖν· ζητεῖτε, καὶ εὑρήσετε· κρούετε, καὶ ἀνοιγήσεται ὑμῖν. πᾶς γὰρ ὁ αἰτῶν

λαμβάνει καὶ ὁ ζητῶν εὑρίσκει καὶ τῷ κρούοντι ἀνοιγήσεται, SBLGNT). Here we should note the present imperatives at the beginning of the first three sentences. Jesus emphasized these durative imperatives by placing them first in each sentence, to command an important and ongoing action for each verb. In other words, Jesus strongly exhorted us to constantly keep on asking for sanctified physical and spiritual gifts from our heavenly Father, so we might do God’s works on earth. He told us to make it our utmost priority to continuously keep on seeking for truth from above, for the light that exposes what is hidden in darkness and guides us along right paths. And Jesus wanted our hearts to continue to incessantly knock upon heaven’s door, as though it were our only refuge and home.

Then Jesus, our omniscient and omnipotent God, who cannot be effectively opposed by any entity, also declared that those who are constantly asking for the sanctified gifts of the Father are already constantly receiving those gifts (as indicated by the present passive verb λαμβάνει). Even while the elect are praying for the ability, skills and resources to do good and just works during their lives, the Holy Spirit of Jesus is training their spirits to do those works, so they can effectively serve their own homeland, the kingdom of God. Day by day, each will be growing more proficient and efficient at justly loving God’s creation and God Himself. Likewise, even as His elect children are continuously seeking the truth regarding all matters of life and faith, God is teaching that truth to their spirits, in great depth, even truths about inner intentions and motives of human hearts. So all are continuously finding that truth (as indicated by the present passive verb εὑρίσκει). As for elect spirits who are always longing to go home, and knocking on heaven’s door all their lives, they are being comforted by the revelation that the gate to heaven’s lands surely will be opened, for them to pass through, all together at once, at the Father’s appointed time (as indicated by the future passive verb ἀνοιγήσεται).

But the one who asked Jesus the question clearly had doubts about whether God would grant him good gifts, since he had often received bad gifts from men, gifts which turned out to be worthless, or a burden, or even harmful and dangerous to him and his family. Gifts of advice from rabbis and the experts had often done nothing for him, and had also cost him much wasted time spent on useless and burdensome tasks. Some even gave advice that led to heavy losses, and may have caused the Page 495

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deaths of his loved ones, if he had not rejected it, or if others had not taught him the real truth and warned him to ignore that bad advice. Then there were gifts of loans from the more wealthy, so he could purchase the necessities his family required in hard times. For this, he was grateful. But all the lenders then grew arrogant and began to think they owned him, although they merely lent what God alone owned. They immediately began to lord it over him, telling him what jobs to take while also forbidding him to do compassionate works which did not earn money to pay them back. They treated him like a slave, not like an equal brother. They gave “gifts” to purchase him, so they could coerce him into doing what God did not call His heart to do, even what should never be done. So he learned not to trust them. And how could he know if God was not like them, giving all with strings attached?

So Jesus began to assure this man that the Father of his elect spirit was not like those conditional givers of gifts, that his heavenly Father gave unconditionally, solely through His love and concern for that man’s inner and outer well being, and for the good of his loved ones too. In fact, God was indeed the only Being who was ever completely trustworthy. The heavenly Father of elect spirits always gives His children what is best for their spirits, freely, through unmerited grace alone, and He is the role model for all fathers on earth. Of course, there are earthly fathers who do not truly love their children, who give conditionally, to bribe or coerce their children into doing their will. And perhaps that was the kind of father who raised this man, since he seemed to have some hesitation about trusting in his heavenly Father. For, when he asked Jesus the question which prompted this response, Jesus clearly wanted him to know that the heavenly Father is not a loveless and evil father.

Jesus asked that man, and all who were with him, all these pointed questions which only the spirits in their hearts could answer. And the right answers revealed that none except the heavenly Father is a truly loving, gracious, good and wise Father. The Creator God is infinitely better than the best of all earthly fathers. At the same time, these questions from Jesus also pointed out how it is obvious that literally all earthly fathers are less loving than their heavenly Father. For these questions made the fathers among His disciples think about how they behaved towards their own children. Every honest father in that crowd began to realize his own great deficiencies, regarding the way he served his own beloved children as the steward whom God appointed to care for them. Then each reflected on his own bitterness about the way his own father had treated him. And each found in himself the same ignorant, sinful errors he had discovered and resented in his father before him. Now this was a crowd mostly consisting of the elect, whose hearts the heavenly Father had strongly drawn out into that wilderness, to hear Jesus speak. And the elect who were sons of evil fathers usually strove to be better than their fathers, and sought to give their children the kind of unconditional love and gifts that they did not receive from their fathers. Yet all those good intentions of these elect fathers often failed. For all were mere sinners. None could truly understand the whole of God’s Word. All were weak, easily led into errors, even into outright sins against their own beloved wives and children.

And the Holy Spirit of God in Jesus reinforced this piercing guilt felt by the hearts of all those elect fathers, as He spoke to them. But Jesus did not say that the solution was to strive harder. Rather, Jesus was telling the spirits of those failing fathers to seek their heavenly Father and spend more time with Him. The only effective way to become good fathers is to learn from their perfect Father.

To the crowd sitting with this man, Jesus said: “Or what man from you people, whom his son will ask for a loaf of bread—no, he will offer a stone to him! Or he will ask for a fish—no, he will offer a snake to him! Thus, if you people, being deficient, know enough to give usefully good gifts to your children, how much more will our Father in the heavens give usefully good things to those asking Him?” (Mat. 7:9-11, from: ἢ τίς ἐστιν ἐξ ὑμῶν ἄνθρωπος, ὃν αἰτήσει ὁ υἱὸς αὐτοῦ ἄρτον—μὴ λίθον

ἐπιδώσει αὐτῷ; ἢ καὶ ἰχθὺν αἰτήσει—μὴ ὄφιν ἐπιδώσει αὐτῷ; εἰ οὖν ὑμεῖς πονηροὶ ὄντες οἴδατε

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δόματα ἀγαθὰ διδόναι τοῖς τέκνοις ὑμῶν, πόσῳ μᾶλλον ὁ πατὴρ ὑμῶν ὁ ἐν τοῖς οὐρανοῖς δώσει

ἀγαθὰ τοῖς αἰτοῦσιν αὐτόν, SBLGNT). Our heavenly Father will not always grant us exactly what we want, since we do not often ask wisely. After all, we are infants who seldom know what is best for our eternal spirits, or even what is best for our physical lives, what our bodies need so our spirits are able to love others in the most just and beneficial way. Thus, we are actually the children who ask our heavenly Father for a stone, just like the stones in walls of the rich. But our heavenly Father gives us bread to feed our souls instead. And we ask Him for a snake, like Hitler or Trump. But our good heavenly Father gives us thee Fish, which is ΙΧΘΥΣ in Greek, an acronym representing our Lord: ησούς, Χριστός, Θεός Υἱοῦ, Σωτήρ (which means “Jesus, Messiah, Son of God, Saviour).

The loving Father of our spirits sees beyond the words of our mouths and minds of flesh, into the desires and callings of spirits, and knows exactly what we truly need. Then He will surely give us that, sometimes at the cost of our flesh. And our heavenly Father will also work to free the minds of our flesh and minds of our spirits from all the worldly ambitions and goals that our earthly fathers made us feel so obligated to pursue. True, His inwardly useful gifts may even be very painful and frustrating to our flesh at times. Yet they will enable us to walk upon paths of loving righteousness.

After saying this, Jesus concluded His teaching with a didactic statement that is called the “Golden Rule.” It is a principle to be followed collectively by all His disciples, even by all earthly fathers, mothers and everyone else in the family of humankind. It also tells us what we actually should be asking from our heavenly Father in all our prayers. Jesus said: “Now then, regarding all kinds of things, as much as whatever you people might desire that [other] people should be doing for you people, just so also, you people do for them. For this is the Law and the Prophets” (Mat. 7:12, from: Πάντα οὖν ὅσα ἐὰν θέλητε ἵνα ποιῶσιν ὑμῖν οἱ ἄνθρωποι, οὕτως καὶ ὑμεῖς ποιεῖτε αὐτοῖς· οὗτος γάρ

ἐστιν ὁ νόμος καὶ οἱ προφῆται, SBLGNT). As disciples of Jesus, as the awakened elect in His true church, we must, collectively as God’s family, do for others whatever we want done for ourselves. If we grow hungry, we want to be fed. If we become homeless, we want a home. If we become sick, we want the kind of health care that will bring us back into health. If we suffer injustice, we want to be freed and our losses restored by true justice. If we are threatened by criminals or an oppressive enemy, we want to be saved from those wicked ones. And here Jesus used an imperative form of the verb to command us, His New Covenant church of Israel, as His collective body on earth, to do these kinds of things for others. This is our commission, our job, to do all kinds of good works in Christ.

Now some will point out that other people often want us to do evil, lawless and ruthless works for them. Thus, they say we should not do for others what they want us to do for them. And they are perfectly right. God never wants us to do any sinful works for others! But that is not what Jesus commanded us to do for others. For Jesus did not say that we are to make others into our lords, into the owners of our lives, so we might become their slaves. Rather, we have only one Lord, King, Owner and Father, who is the Creator of our spirits. So Jesus only commanded us to do the kinds of good works for others that our elect spirits genuinely want done for ourselves, that is, only the same kinds of good works that our heavenly Father is always doing for us. And we, the elect whose spirits have all received at least some knowledge and wisdom through the teaching and training of Christ, would never want others to do evil, lawless and ruthless works for us. For we know that, if others did those kinds of works for us, those sinful works would destroy us and them and many innocent souls.

We know this because Jesus teaches all of us that the wages of sin are death. Thus, Christ’s counsel is wise, and we will do only the kinds of works that are truly good, lawful and loving for all others.

Then some will imply or outright state that, if we do good, wise, just, loving works for others, those others will be taking advantage of us and exploiting us. In other words, they imply or declare that all Page 497

The Gospel of Matthew

whom we serve as the priesthood of God, through our obedience to His commands, are thieves that are stealing from us, robbing us blind. Some self-serving interpreters of God’s Word will even call our obedience to Christ’s command an act of cooperating with those who steal from us. Then they falsely reason that, if we freely do good works for others, through grace alone, we become thieves together with those who steal from us, since all who aid and abet a thief partake in that thief’s crime and guilt. Thus, these devious little demonic preachers actually turn the commands of Jesus upside down, and say that God actually wants us to stop doing for others what we would want them to do for us, lest we become sinners like them. But those backwards thinkers do not understand that, for one thing, they are worse sinners than any thief could ever be, since they teach selfishness in God’s name. Furthermore, no one can possibly steal anything from us, because we actually own nothing.

God alone owns all, including our own bodies and all that we may be granted to have stewardship over. Thus, God always expects a just, equitable distribution of all He owns, among all He owns.

Every spirit, even demons and the non-elect, know this is true, since it can be perfectly and clearly seen how God created all natural and uncorrupted ecosystems to function in a way that provides all for all, and equitably, in a way where each can take whatever one needs from nature. Thus, none can ever be exploited by giving to others what they need, and all needs should be provided for all from God’s property. It is only Satan’s invented religion of humanism which teaches lies about a fictitious

“independence,” which forbids all to unconditionally share God’s gifts on earth with others, which teaches all to greedily grasp God’s creations as though humans are the creating gods who own them, and to arrogantly spew venom at God, denying His command to humbly give and receive all things.

And notice how Jesus took the time to add the statement, “For this is the Law and the Prophets.” The

“Law,” as mentioned, refers to the first five books of the Bible, the Torah or Pentateuch. And the

“Prophets” refers to the books of the major and minor prophets, the last seventeen books of the Old Covenant Scriptures, from Isaiah to Malachi. All biblical doctrines are derived from these twenty-two books, including all doctrines of the New Covenant church. For Jesus came to fulfill the Law, and all His prophets spoke extensively about how His Law would be applied in His New Covenant salvation worked by the Messiah, Jesus. Now we, collectively, as His church which serves as Jesus’

hands, mouth, feet and body, are called to fulfill His Law in the way His prophets said we would.

That is, we must do all the just and loving works God commanded in His Law, all that protects others from injustice, poverty and death. In other words, we are to love others as we love ourselves.

The goal and intended purpose of God’s teachings in His Word has always been to teach our spirits about the kind of just love that exists in the heart of our Creator God. All the ways taught by all the effective guiding words of God’s wise laws are love, and even the hatred of lies and evil that God has taught us is actually motivated by that kind of love. Then God’s Ten Commandments are a brief summary of all God’s 613 laws in the books of Moses, and God wants us to use those ten archetypal laws to remind ourselves about His ways of the just and wise love. But if those ten orders of His laws might be too much for us to remember, God gave us two simple commands which remind us how to interpret those ten and all 613 of His other laws: (1) love Him and (2) love those He brings into our lives. So, in the end, the only thing any elect soul really needs to know are these two laws.

Anyone who truly and rightly understands how to love God and how to love one’s neighbours, even how to love all living creations that one’s God-given life might touch on earth, is fulfilling all 613

laws of God. And this is why our God Jesus gave us His Golden Rule, which is simply a reminder of the just, equitable way in which we are to love God and all the souls whom He brings into our lives.

Jesus was telling us how to fulfill His Ten Commandments and all 613 laws revealed through Moses and the Prophets. For God-like love will always express itself by doing good for others, as one’s Page 498

Mat. 7:7-12, Becoming a True Church

elect spirit manages the actions of its body and brain of flesh for the good of God creations. And each elect spirit learns to do this rightly and wisely through an apprenticeship as a disciple of Jesus’

Spirit. Then, when many elect spirits are learning how to love through the teaching and training of our God Jesus, all these have become God’s true church of Israel, the body of our God Jesus serving His creations on this earth. Therefore, once we realize all this, we can logically conclude that if any interpretation of God’s laws and words do not possess a right, wise and full comprehension of God’s kind of just, equitable love, then it is not a right interpretation, and not what His true prophets taught.

Nor can any loveless one ever call oneself a member of God’s body of Israel, because anyone whose spirit is not even beginning to express just, God-like love is not being taught and trained by our God.

Through these teachings of our God Jesus, we learn this indisputable fact: The vast majority of visible, clearly identifiable bodies of people who have called themselves churches or synagogues, are actually enemies of the Creator God whom they falsely claim to worship. For, if our omnipotent and omniscient decides to call, teach and train the elect spirits born of His Spirit, those elect spirits will not be able to resist His influence over them, and the inherent nature of their elect spirits will indeed learn to love in His right, just, equitable way. Then He will make those elect into His true body on earth, into His true priesthood of Israel, through His own will, power and final judgments.

If any group of elect souls truly wants to become a genuine church in the real Jesus Christ, it will be because of the irresistible works of Jesus in their loving elect spirits drawing them together in Him.

And all the elect spirits of those true members of His real church will be learning to unconditionally love in God’s just, equitable and wise ways that fulfill all of His laws in the Bible. Literally all will be learning to practise their spontaneous love for God by doing for others what they want others to do for them. All will be eagerly practising to love, to fulfill all His laws and ways, and His Holy Spirit in them will not let them ever give up their spirits’ desire for more love. For the Spirit of God in Jesus created their spirits with an innate, unremovable and unstoppable craving for God’s kind of love. Jesus’s Spirit will never cease from counselling their elect spirits with these words: “Keep asking, and it will be given for your benefit. Keep seeking, and it will be found. Keep knocking, and it will be opened up for you. For everyone asking is receiving, and the one seeking is finding, and it will be opened up for the one knocking. Or what man from you people, whom his son will ask for a loaf of bread—no, he will offer a stone to him! Or he will ask for a fish—no, he will offer a snake to him! Thus, if you people, being deficient, know enough to give usefully good gifts to your children, how much more will our Father in the heavens give usefully good things to those asking Him? Now then, regarding all kinds of things, as much as whatever you people might desire that [other] people should be doing for you people, just so also, you people do for them. For this is the Law and the Prophets.” Yet let us remember that the Law and the Prophets is not always what pastors say it is.

Mat. 7:13-20,

The Way of the Few