The Gospel of Matthew; The life and times of God in a body of flesh by Gregory Stephen Supina - HTML preview

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“Enter in by the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and many are those who enter in by it. How narrow is the gate, and restricted is the way that leads to life! Few are those who find it.

“Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly are ravening wolves. By their fruits you will know them. Do you gather grapes from thorns, or figs from thistles? Even so, every good tree produces good fruit; but the corrupt tree produces evil fruit. A good tree can’t produce evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree produce good fruit. Every Page 499

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tree that doesn’t grow good fruit is cut down, and thrown into the fire. Therefore by their fruits you will know them” (Mat. 7:13-20, WEB).

After Jesus gave us the Golden Rule, His call to serve the world as His body, as His true, wise and loving priesthood on earth, a disciple must have made a comment something like this: “To find out the kinds of good works we should want to be done for ourselves, and the kinds of things we should do for others, we must go to those who study and know the Scriptures. We need the rabbis to be our guides and shepherds, to tell us what to desire and what to do. For we have neither the time nor the skill to thoroughly study and understand the Law and the Prophets. Yet all those teachers and judges, all who claim to know the Scriptures, pull us in many different directions. Some say we must all follow one particular path in this direction, while others say we must never walk on that path, but must all walk on a completely different path in the opposite direction. Each one tells us to travel on a different path. Worse yet, most are telling us to walk on two or more paths at the same time, which is impossible for anyone to do. And, in all this confusion, none of their paths have led us anywhere that worth going to, only into barren lands full of danger and destruction. So what are we to do? What should we desire for ourselves and for others? And who are the shepherds we should trust to teach us all that we must do for our own souls, so we can do the same for others, so we can serve our God?”

The Narrow Gate to a Narrow Way

Of course, Jesus realized that, in every community that His disciples lived in, most rabbis counselled them be wary of the Gentiles and their ways. But some went so far as to command Israel to hate all Gentiles, especially the Romans, and take every opportunity to harm or kill them—not just Gentile soldiers, but Gentile women and children as well. For many Jewish souls had suffered and died by the hands of Gentiles. Thus, many believed this insane teaching. On the other hand, some rabbis told Israel to love even the most sinful and wicked Gentiles, to respect all human beings, since all were created in God’s image. Those rabbis said no one must hate sinners, nor ever hate oneself, since literally all human beings are sinners and failures. These pastors wanted Israel to work spiritual and physical good for Gentiles, to evangelize, to teach them about God and accept all Gentiles who became proselytes, full converts to Judaism. Those rabbis reminded Israel about how God gathered countless Gentiles into their priesthood throughout history. These were better rabbis, but all of their teachings led to the empowerment of psychopaths who manipulated, exploited, enslaved and even killed those people, all falsely in the name of a superficial kind of “love.” So neither of these two extremes helped the elect whom God was calling to serve as His priests, but led them all astray.

Then, in addition to these two kinds of rabbis, most thought of themselves as being far more wise and spiritually mature simply because they had chose a path or a number of different paths that were either to the left or to the right of those two extremes. These rabbis taught a little bit of both hatred and love for the Gentiles and other sinners, a little bit from one side and a little bit from the totally opposite side, usually without ever being able to see how they clearly contradicted themselves in everything they said, sometimes in the same sentence. Yet almost all the rabbis—those from one extreme or the other, as well as everyone between—were teaching doctrines invented and approved by human beings. These valued only the good opinions and the endorsements of other men. Almost none actually allowed their spirits to seek the true counsel of God’ Spirit. No one bothered to keep on knocking on God’s door in prayer until they could hear and understand the thoughts and opinions of the heavenly Father. So none actually taught much that was objectively and harmoniously taught by God in the Bible. Nevertheless, all these rabbis became very powerful influencers throughout Israel, by creating systematic hierarchies modelled after Babylonian, Persian, Greek and Roman Page 500

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humanistic terrorist governments. So they eventually forced the entire priesthood of Israel into a state of profound confusion and weakness, until it became a completely false church. And pastors have been doing exactly the same ever since, violently guarding the people against their true Head and High Priest, forbidding the elect spirits from listening to God’s counsel, upon penalty of death.

Consequently, in the days of Jesus, and ever since, the bewildered elect have seldom known the path to God, and most have lived in continuous anxious fear. However, the solution to their deepest life problems is actually very simple. The only thing the elect need to do is allow their elect spirits to knock on heaven’s door and heed the voice coming from the throne of that holy realm. A few from Israel did this at times, and all who followed as disciples of our God Jesus learned to do this very well. Then, throughout history, God has also called and taught some truths to some elect Gentiles from every tribe on earth. But most of their elect spirits were prevented from knocking on heaven’s door and learning very much from the real Creator God. For physically oriented pagan religions were always striving to negatively influence them, and violently guarded against God’s interference with their systems of men. The chiefest among these false religions was, of course, the devil’s great invention of humanism, the worship of human gods. Humanist became the best deceiver of these elect in all history. And the most demonic sects of humanism were the false churches of Israel, who became profoundly effective slanderers of God’s name and extremely adept confusers of the people.

From the days of Jesus up to this day, we have all seen how rabbis and pastors either directly or else implicitly teach that God’s Word merely consists of outdated ramblings of overly zealous and totally unrealistic religious fools. These rabbis and pastors have no faith in God, only faith in themselves and in other men who agree with them. So all they ever teach are the every-changing, contradictory, foolish and ineffective traditions invented by men. Yet most still believed that at least some words in the Scriptures make sense. To some, a few of the non-symbolic moral teachings of God’s Law can be used to effectively keep general order in society, as long as their elite human gods are allowed to take unlawful revenge against their innocent opponents and use it to terrorize the people into fearful submission. Then some of these rabbis and pastors will use and abuse some of God’s symbolic and ceremonial laws for other self-serving purposes, such as to gather their families and communities together during the appointed celebrations, so they can be lecture and propagandize all those dupes.

But all those rabbis and pastors adopted pagan hierarchical systems and traditions, the teachings and ways of Rome. Even so, some of them still remained more loving and true to God’s ways, especially those in rural areas, far from the central authorities at the tops of their hierarchies. In fact, many of the elect rabbis and pastors fled from the psychopaths ruling over their false churches. However, all still maintained the traditions of deceivers which their psychopathic elite forbade them to relinquish.

Thus, all those more loving, just, equitable and godly communities soon fell into hellish chaos or were utterly destroyed, since none allowed our God to be the Head of each and every man in their churches. Each and every one of them took human gods as their heads, and spat in God’s face. Then loveless, ruthless, lawless, humanistic rabbis and pastors took over, men and women who abandoned God’s Law and all the rest of God’s Word, forbidding elect spirits to knock on heaven’s door. All the churches fully adopted both the laws and culture of Rome, exchanging humanistic philosophy for the truth. All headed out on paths leading in every possible direction except towards the throne of God.

Of course, groups of rabbis and pastors often headed in the same general direction and taught almost the same doctrines. But, even so, each would often contradict and oppose one another. And each would also frequently contradict himself too, by teaching doctrines that truly and logically opposed the core principles and assumptions of the other doctrines he also taught. A rabbi or pastor from the zealot sect might teach that his people had to hate but never kill the pagan Gentiles, except in Page 501

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wartime, and only when their men had been recruited as soldiers by a legitimate authority. Otherwise God would consider the killing of Gentiles to be murder. But another rabbi or pastor from the same sect might teach that God wanted everyone to take every opportunity they found to kill a Gentile, either a soldier or a civilian, either a man, woman or child. That rabbi or pastor would teach that all Gentiles are God’s enemies and Satan’s property, and none are God’s property, even though God’s Word clearly stated the opposite. On the other hand, there were rabbis and pastors from other sects who claimed that God wanted them to always lovingly serve all human beings, both Jews and Gentiles, without ever judging any of them to be sinners, no matter how psychopathic and unjust anyone might be. But, naturally, most of these kinds of sects did not last long, since they were slaughtered due to their inability to judge rightly and for their stupidity. Then there have always been huge numbers of fake humanistic churches who chose to neither fight nor submit, but took one of the infinite number of paths between those two extremes. Then these would change paths frequently, as soon as current circumstances and situations changed. And most of these muddling “middlers” did not even attempt to develop any kind of logical consistency in the doctrines they taught, but would tolerate almost any kind of nonsense invented by either Jewish or Gentile philosophers. So all of this total inconsistency among the teachers of God’s Word confused the people in all the synagogues and churches throughout history, caused most to doubt not only the honesty and spiritual worth of those fake rabbis and pastors, but also the truth and authority of God’s Word, and even God’s existence.

But the faithlessness, sins, violence and lies of men have nothing to do with the real God. And, just because some claim to know and serve the real God, it does not mean that they actually do know and serve Him. For literally all men lie at times, and some lie all the time, until they themselves are no longer able to discern between truth and lies. For, as I must keep reminding all of us, when human beings do not love truth, God hands them over to the Liar and Murderer, who deludes them for the destruction of their flesh, until their spirits repent. Thus, the elect must stop looking to human beings for answers about God and seek God’s own right interpretations of His words in His Laws and in His other teachings. Of all times, it is now the day to do what God commands us to do. For He gave us His New Covenant salvation, with His promise to personally teach and train each individual elect spirit until all the elect would know Him and His ways perfectly. Today, we need to go to our God Jesus, to accept Him as our one and only Head Teacher, High Priest and Lord of all in His true Israel.

Remember the memories of men like us, who watched Jesus teach the Scriptures with complete confidence, and a perfectly harmonious consistency. Jesus had no doubt that the Father of all elect spirits would directly and personally teach and train the spirits of His children, so all could then recognize His infallible truths which He continuously utters into ears of trusting spirits. Since the very Spirit of the Father was His life-giving Spirit, Jesus did not worry about whether or not the people would place their confidence in Him and His words. For His almighty Holy Spirit of God can work within the chambers of elect souls to cause the innate love of their spirits to believe Him.

But other rabbis and pastors are not like Jesus, and are not gods like Jesus—although they want us to believe they are even greater gods than Jesus, since they do not teach God’s words, but edit, alter and correct God’s words instead, pretending they are more omniscient than Him. Then, since their lies and failures are found out daily, they all need to continuously find new ways to trick the people into trusting them, new ways of persuading the people to support and serve them through a faith in their saving power, which does not exist. Each rabbi and pastor was always playing a fool’s game of deceiving their people into believing his words more than the words of other rabbis. Each practises lying compliments to hypocritically puff up the egos of selfish, greedy wretches, to win them to his or her side, so they can pry a few more dollars from their wallets. They cajole the wicked and use Page 502

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their influence in Satan’s world order to gain favour and personal power from that devil. They twist thoughts so the people will fear what was never a threat to them, yet teach their people welcome murderers and demons into their homes. Consequently, rabbis and pastors keep the people lost in a dark and bewildering wilderness, filled with deadly human monsters who kill and consume them.

This is why Jesus commanded us, all His disciples to the end of time: “You people enter through the narrow gate, because the gate is broad and the way leading into destruction is spacious, and those entering through it are many. Because the gate is narrow, and the way leading into life is one that will have caused affliction to produce good results, also those finding it are few” (Mat. 7:13-14, from: Εἰσέλθατε διὰ τῆς στενῆς πύλης· ὅτι πλατεῖα ἡ πύλη καὶ εὐρύχωρος ἡ ὁδὸς ἡ ἀπάγουσα εἰς

τὴν ἀπώλειαν, καὶ πολλοί εἰσιν οἱ εἰσερχόμενοι διʼ αὐτῆς· ὅτι στενὴ ἡ πύλη καὶ τεθλιμμένη ἡ ὁδὸς ἡ

ἀπάγουσα εἰς τὴν ζωήν, καὶ ὀλίγοι εἰσὶν οἱ εὑρίσκοντες αὐτήν, SBLGNT). The lying cults and false religions are indeed many, since men and demons can dream up an infinite number of lies to throw against each truth. But lies are spiritual darkness, which can never overcome the light of a truth. So all lies simply dissolve when they strike at a truth, no matter how many they might be. Therefore, it is always better to walk in the light, no matter how much affliction it might cause to temporary flesh.

Israel’s rabbis offered the people many alternative ways of supposedly trusting in the words of God, even ways of pleasing God through murderous sins. But all their ways were simply appeals to the godless desires of their amoral minds of flesh. Their rabbis found methods of falsely interpreting Scriptures so they and their people could gratify their carnal greed, or their lust for status and power.

Their rabbis, like the other humanistic pastors in future history, made all kinds of evil compromises with Satan and his minions in the world order. Yet these greatest of all sins never even pricked their callous consciences. As they ruthlessly exploited and abused their needy brothers and sisters in the family of humankind, their flesh rejoiced in their “victories” over them and shouted, “God is great!”

In fact, throughout history, devious rabbis and pastors even caused the elect among their people to seek bitter and totally unjust revenge for falsely perceived crimes done against them, for the sins that were actually committed by those religious leaders themselves. They duped the elect into murdering their own siblings, without allowing honest judges to diligently seek the truth, without granting those supposed sinners any genuine teachings for their repentance, without any kind of just trial demanded by God in His Law and through His Messiah. Those rabbis and pastors convinced their people that God Himself wanted them to ruthlessly murder innocent souls, to unjustly judge and condemn them in God’s name. Then they smiled and gloated, thinking God commanded their psychopathic deeds.

In the plain and obvious reality, with can be seen by all sane and honest souls, their god was Satan, not the God of the Bible. However, their practised and demonically empowered deceptions are hard to resist. Throughout my younger years, I too was convinced that certain pastors were infallible interpreters of God’s Word. And my father, who was a fairly high-functioning psychopath, also did his job of gaslighting and deceiving me into thinking he was a godly and responsible parent, while I was a “bloody moron” who should bow to every word he spoke and obey his god-like commands.

Men like this want us to place all our faith in them, and none in the real God. They demand that our very spirits esteem and serve them, which is to worship them. They try to make us believe that we are incapable of being taught and trained by anyone except them, and that all the good in our lives comes from their omnipotent hands alone, so our entire focus will be fixed solely upon them alone.

But Jesus told us, “As Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of Man be lifted up, that whoever believes in Him should not perish, but have eternal life” (John 3:14-15, WEB). So we need to place our trust and confidence in Him, in our God Jesus, who bled on a cross to pay for our failures and sins. And this means we cannot place our faith in any whom the Scriptures Page 503

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call sinners that lack any understanding (Rom. 3:10-18). Religious and secular wanna-be human gods are not qualified to lead anyone anywhere. No human being is. Yes, some can exert a profound influence on the perceptions of other souls. They can make sane minds completely doubt realities, even about themselves, and convince other fools to thoroughly believe their lies. And some may wonder how so many can become totally sucked into the blatantly obvious lies and delusions of those self-serving monsters, even pure psychopaths like Hitler, Trump, and big-name preachers. Yet this is not difficult to figure out. For literally everyone has a mind of flesh which is easily tempted and always willing to believe any the lies that appeal to its desires and ego, any delusions it is falsely convinced to believe through irrational fears for its own survival. And about half of all people have non-elect spirits with an innate love for darkness of self-serving or ego-stroking lies, and cannot help but hate real truths. So it is not a mystery as to how demonic spirits and their minions can so easily convince so many souls to follow them into irrational and obvious lies, sins, death and destruction.

If our lives and all history has proven anything, it is that all human beings have infantile spirits and irrational minds of flesh. So this means that literally all of them, even the most intelligent and mature among them, or even the psychopathic deceivers who believe they are gods exalted above all others, are actually mere weak and easily manipulated fools. If we look around us, and at the entire history of mankind, even from its very beginning, everything we see forces to this that this is an indisputable fact, that Satan and his minions have an irresistible power over literally all human beings, and not even one person in all history, except Jesus, has ever possessed the power nor the reasoning to resist the cunning temptations of even the least of all demons. But, if we must admit this, then we are also forced to admit that God, who created those demonic spirits in a way that lacks the attributes of love, bears the power to rebuke those demons, to crush them, to nullify all their works, and even to make them cease to exist. So now, in whom should we place our faith? As weak infants, we must choose either one or the other, either Satan or God. For not one can survive without either one or the other.

In the presence of all this strong opposition against us, Jesus commanded us to “enter through the narrow gate,” in spite of the imposing reality that “those finding it are few.” And the only way that the many elect can follow those few who found the narrow path is if all of us first stop placing faith in fake gods who have no desire nor any ability to save us. For one thing, we certainly cannot trust in our own amoral, stupid and self-serving minds of flesh, nor in the infantile minds of our own spirits.

Humanists love to tell us that we must do this to save ourselves. But those humanists are the same ones who establish hierarchies where elite human gods enslave us, propagandize us, manipulate us, exploit us and transform us into their mindless slaves, while those vain human gods are themselves mindless slaves of demons. And those human gods have never, in all history, ever saved anyone in any real way. If we look at the facts, the only things those human gods have ever built are factious slave economies which oppress the majority of their own sibling for their own personal gain, then end in bloody wars and rebellions through the senseless lusts of their flesh. Consequently, those who find the “narrow gate” will need to be those who have stopped trusting in the stupid minds of all wanna-be human gods, who all vie for our worship, loyalty and trust, though none of them deserve or merit anything but a just condemnation from God and from us. To worship human gods is to worship the demons who own them, and that worship always involves placing faith in their lies and delusions. But we need truth, because the innate love in all elect spirits can only be built upon the foundation of truth. Since we cannot find truth from the demonic idols worshipped by most human beings, we must then turn to our God Jesus, who created all the realities and truths of all existence.

Those who find the “narrow way” of the real God are those who esteem, serve and worship only the real God alone, those who learn to maintain a very low and humble opinion of themselves, along Page 504

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with an equally low opinion of all the other deceived and deceiving sinners existing upon the face of this temporary earth. Only the elect spirits who realize they must place all their confidence and trust in the words of the Holy Spirit of their God Jesus, who enters the chambers of their souls to whisper truths directly to their spirits, can find the “narrow gate” and “the way leading into life,” even an abundant and eternal life filled with just love—where their spirits gladly receive love from God and their elect siblings forever, as well as joyfully give love to God and their siblings for all eternity. Yes, wanna-be human gods will always be greatly opposed to God’s narrow way, since it never allows any of them to rule as gods, never lets them usurp His role as the only God worshipped by our spirits in truth. If anyone finds the real God and His narrow way, false human gods will no longer be able to deceive that one into worshipping them instead of God. So those humanists will persecute that one.

Therefore, the path of God’s righteousness, made very narrow by His one and only truth, is violently opposed by a very broad and infinite number of lies, and enforced by countless competing liars. So it is a path “that will have caused affliction to produce good results.” Jesus described His way of just and wise love with the phrase, ἡ ὁδὸς ἡ ἀπάγουσα εἰς τὴν ζωήν (meaning “the way leading into the life”). This phrase was the subject of an implied linking verb (“is”). Then the subject predicate, which needs to follow after a linking verb in an idiomatic English sentence, was τεθλιμμένη. This word is the perfect passive participle form of the verb θλίβω. So its perfect tense indicated a past and completed affliction or tribulation, while also turning our focus away from that affliction and toward a current ongoing result or effect of that suffering. And its passive form indicates that the affliction or tribulation will be received by us from others. Thus, Jesus was saying that, while we walk on that narrow way leading into life, God’s enemies will cause affliction and tribulation for us. However, He did not want us to focus on those hardships, but only upon ongoing good effects resulting from them.

Whenever we serve God by doing His wise, good and loving will for His creations, Satan’s slaves will attack us, and may even kill some of us. However, after our deaths, the sun will rise on the next generation of elect remaining on this earth, and they will have gained all of the good effects from our sacrifices, because we partook in the suffering and death that the flesh of our God Jesus willingly offered on our behalf. Our surviving siblings in the Lord will be one step closer to the power and love of God freeing their lives. Nevertheless, we must not think that we can make these sacrifices according to our own human wills, or that we can build up God’s loving, just, equitable kingdom on earth through our own choices and power. Most false churches teach these kinds of doctrines, but they are humanists and very wrong. In reality, only God’s will is able to build up His own kingdom on earth, in the way He wants it to be built, for the good of all His temporal creations. And the narrow way that Jesus spoke about is the way of God. Thus, finding this narrow ways can only be accomplished if our infantile spirits become trusting disciples of Jesus, if we place our confidence in His words of counsel, and if we apply His teachings wisely, strictly according to His commands to our spirits, so we might be trained to love in the same way He loves. For, if we place any faith at all in ourselves, we will inevitably deceive ourselves, as the false gods of ourselves. Our trust in our own reasoning will lead us astray. For the only source of all truth and all wisdom is the Creator.

We are all infantile fools living in rebellious bodies of temporary flesh that we cannot own. And all must surrender the stewardship of our earthly flesh and possessions at the appointed times of God’s choosing. So we must not fall into the delusions of the devil’s world order during this short life, but realize that our only goal is to have our elect spirits fully and rightly taught and trained by God to love Him and His creations. Above all, we must not pursue the demonic Roman delusion of faith in ourselves and other human beings, of somehow dismissing all realities and believing we can become

“independent” human gods. And the absolutely most pathetic, worthless and empty creatures in both Page 505

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the earthly and spiritual realms are actually those vain souls who seek “greatness” through the lie that they can own spouses, children, other “inferior” human beings and physical property. For, the moment their hour comes, God will take back all His own property. Then all those blind, wretched slaves of Satan, whose spirits trusted their taskmaster to save them, will be cast into the darkness they created for themselves. On the final day, God’s judgment will eternally leave them with nothing but themselves and their beloved delusions. So we might pity them, but never want to be like them.

Since the day God intentionally created Satan and the fallen angels, then cast them down upon His temporary creation of a material universe, those demons have been very busy, striving to create their own kingdom in complete opposition to God’s loving, just and wise kingdom. Now, in the early years, demons were able to cause men to betray God through selfish ambitions and lusts. After this was accomplished, the devil turned human hearts away from the worship of God, to the worship of God’s creations. But none of those loveless fallen angels were able to make men stupid enough to worship themselves, and turn the focus of their spirits in the complete opposite direction. Since all human beings knew they were fragile, inept, foolish and utterly dependent on the powers governing all existence, none would stop looking upward and outward, either to the real God or to the fake gods which demons invented for them. All humans were rational and scientific enough to know that they were utterly dependent on greater gods, on powers far beyond their own. Then Satan built up the kingdoms of Babylon, Persia, Greece and Rome. And, by the time the fourth kingdom completed its works of making human beings stupid, irrational, blind and deluded, all Roman spirits learned to look downward and inward to themselves. This was the greatest achievement of demons, making a kingdom where the opposite of worshipping God was practised by everyone in their kingdom, where weak, stupid, infantile human beings actually thought they could be strong, wise, independent gods who controlled their own destinies. Finally, demons succeeded in their development of a spiritual and religious kingdom that was the exact opposite of God’s kingdom, the psychopathic, totally unjust and vain Roman Empire. And now Rome has conquered the entire external world, although not all the internal world of spiritual and moral principles, which God’s elect and all living creations on earth uphold for God. And soon Rome will fall, then Greece, Persia and Babylon shortly after it.

Throughout history, we have seen an almost infinite array of paths leading to eternal destruction, all created by the loveless spirits of Satan and his fallen angels. But, by the time of Jesus, and during all the days since Rome became an empire, all those paths have merged into one large highway headed in precisely the opposite direction of worshipping God in one’s own spirit within the body of all the spiritual and physical truths created by God. So let all the elect on earth realize this, that now “the gate is broad and the way leading into destruction is spacious, and those entering through it are many.” For literally all the false religions on earth have now become sects of Roman humanism.

But exactly how can we stop ourselves from being deceived together with the many, especially since the dull and mind numbing propaganda of the Roman religious empire is being incessantly broadcast through every fake church, synagogue, mosque and self-congratulating secular humanist institution on earth? For we know that some of those many deluded ones possess far more intelligence in their manipulated minds of flesh that we do, yet easily fell into this self-inflicted death through their own irrational thoughts. How can we prevent ourselves from being duped into placing a totally naive and doomed faith in ourselves, or in an elite hierarchy of human gods who are actually the lying wooden puppets owned outright by demonic spirits? And how can our very spirits awaken, learn about God and His ways, then place all our faith in Him and His teachings, if only God Himself can do all this?

Well, the Gospel of the New Covenant salvation in the Messiah Jesus tells us how. While we are still full of confounding errors and sins, while we are still duped, stupid and placing all our faith in fake Page 506

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human gods, the Holy Spirit of the almighty God is always whispering, and sometimes shouting out loud, His truths into the ears of our elect spirits. If we have elect spirits, this always happens, all our lives. So all the elect need to do is allow their spirits to stop resisting the Holy Spirit of our God Jesus, the Messiah. Then He will personally write His Law and His ways on our hearts, to create an inner conscience in the minds of our spirits, gradually filling us with the knowledge and wisdom of His kind of just love. All we need to do is slightly crack open the eyes of our sleeping and infantile spirits, which the elect usually do during the most difficult moments of their lives. Then we simply let our spirits feed on His truth which He freely offers to us, so we can grow a little stronger and more mature. And, as we consume His truth in our times of trouble, we must let Him wake the minds of our spirits, so we no longer remain mostly unconscious and asleep. For we do not want to be like the others, but want to be fully awakened, running free on the narrow way of abundant life in Jesus.

Without God’s saving works of teaching and training our elect spirits in our hearts, none of us have any hope of ever discovering “the way leading into the life.” Yet, throughout history, “those finding it are few.” Until now, the few elect whom God has allowed to actually find His good and loving way, have often been distracted by deceivers, and listened to their lies. They have not let go of the devil’s servants, and placed their faith in their fake churches and institutions. They have refused to fully trust the words of God’s Holy Spirit speaking to their elect spirits in their hearts. So these elect have been stumbling along that narrow path half blind, since they only let God grants them a patchy knowledge of the intended meaning of His words in the Bible. These blessed ones often put faith in themselves, or in other human gods, and even in demonic gods at times. And their spirits refuse to place all their faith in the teachings of their heavenly Father. But the Father of their spirits is not worried about their unfaithfulness, nor their eternal fates. For He has reserved a whole day in heaven to correct, perfect and complete them, a day of the kind of time which is not sequential, equivalent to more than a thousand years on earth. Their God has not abandoned them, as some think. Rather, their loving Father shall perfectly reveal all truths about all existence to them, on that final judgment day.

And, on that day, He shall also apply all they have experienced during their lives on earth for their repentance into His truths, in a way that will more fully and deeply enhances the love of their spirits for Him, for His priesthood of literally all the elect, and for all His eternal creations. So their days on earth will not be wasted. But, until that appointed last day, very few elect run freely on the narrow way. And very few will, until the season of revival begins, the one Joel and John prophesied about.

In the entire Bible, we find one prophesied revival of the priesthood of Israel, only one in the entire ordained history of the earth. And only after this revival will most elect spirits worship God in truth, where the waters of God Holy Spirit will no longer be muddied by violent wolves dressed in sheep’s clothing. Only then will the majority of God’s elect find the narrow way leading into the life. And, after Jesus returns, literally all the elect will be “those finding it,” not merely a few. Beginning in the days that John called the sixth seal’s era, the days Joel also wrote about, our Father will pour His Holy Spirit into the hearts of His elect, like a fire that burns away all lies and all false faith in fake gods. Then Jesus will personally and thoroughly teach and train each one’s spirit, until each knows His truths and how to apply them, until each finds and follows the narrow path leading to eternal and abundant life filled with just love, and firmly grounded on a rock-solid foundation of created reality.

And now, we see dichotomies forming, foreshadowing that appointed and prophesied revival. God gave us a glimpse of those future days in the truth church of Christ’s apostles, a time when Jesus caused a “few” elect souls to find and follow the narrow way leading into life. Now we also see a

“few” elect souls find that small hidden trail, people in all lands who have learned to love in a just, equitable and wise way, a few whom God gathered into His blessed life, as examples to the rest of Page 507

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the elect, so we do not lose hope. And we have always seen at least some of those truly loving elect souls in all our lives, throughout history. Still, most of those lives were suppressed by Satan’s world order, especially by the demon Mammon, so their existence was mostly ignored, slandered or hidden from the fake churches that God allowed Satan to establish. And none of their humble and simple loving lives of faith in God and His words, nor much of the truth and wisdom they learned from the heavenly Father, was recorded in humanistic history books. Thus, they have seldom been any kind of a challenge to fake churches, or the ambitious human gods always striving against one another. The lazy, self-indulgent elite of Satan’s world order have rarely bothered to take enough time and effort to eliminate all genuine members of God’s one true church of Israel. And they needed the elect to serve as their most useful slaves. So those loving, just elect have remained everywhere on earth, and have been growing their hidden power as honest, effective influencers throughout history, building up God’s kingdom. Now the kingdom of these humble, unnoticed loving ones is as big as Satan’s.

Until recently, those God caused to find the narrow way were usually marginalized and ignored by the world order, that is, unless God’s truth and wisdom escaped from their hearts, into the general public and fake churches. For freed truth always threatens the financial income and illegitimate power of lying human gods, those whom the devil appoints to leading positions in the hierarchies of his humanistic religious institutions. Thus, Satan releases his hell upon the loving elect who dare to utter truths out loud. Whenever truths come out, Satan’s factious fake churches joined forces against it, as their common enemy, and incessantly repeat that their lies are true and being attacked by filthy lies, which are the real truths. After all, the truth is the sword of God, and deals deadly blows against their unjust human gods and structural pillars holding up their demonic temples. So, bound together by a shared fear and hatred of truth, the devil’s minions invent slanderous lies and work terrifying violence in ruthless persecutions against the tongues of even least among the awakened elect. Still, in spite of all their attempts to eradicate God’s truths, and murder all whom God causes to find His narrow way, those inept and lazy human gods, and their fake churches, have utterly failed. God’s truths grew stronger and more solid, then spread throughout the earth. And the number of awakened elect have multiplied exponentially throughout the past 20 centuries of Roman world domination.

Now God’s truth and people have collectively become a very high and solid mountain, made of crystal-clear diamond, which the weapons of Satan’s armies cannot even scratch. And their swords, by which Satan’s citizens live and die, break whenever they strike that mountain. Thus, we conclude that the prophesied great revival of Israel’s true priesthood will soon begin on earth, within decades.

In the meantime, more elect are being awakened and granted the ability to find the narrow way of the genuine New Covenant salvation in Jesus the Christ, as times draw nearer to the great revival of the end times, and as the mountain of God’s kingdom is becoming visible to all the world. Thus, the majority of living elect souls will soon find, open and walk through that illusive gate, onto the true narrow path leading to their salvation into a just, loving life with their heavenly Father and oldest Brother. And that homeward path is beautiful, a fragrant narrow way of springtime growth, with the blossoming wisdom of every colour revealed by the bright light of truth. On the other hand, we are also living in the days when Satan has become desperate to save his earthly kingdom, and is sending out more demonically empowered false “prophets” than ever before. For that devil and his minions all know their time is short and will soon end, with all being cast into that eternal prison of hell. And there will be nothing in hell to exploit and abuse for their own pleasure, so those loveless ones need to do it now, as much as they can, while the opportunity exists. So, when Jesus alluded to a time that His elect brothers and sisters would begin to more frequently find the narrow gate to the narrow way, He also provided a warning about Satan’s citizens who will utter words falsely in God’s name, to Page 508

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deceive us and distract us away from His paths of loving righteousness, so they might lead us onto their highways of death. But many elect have not yet heeded those wise warnings of our God Jesus.

Beware of False Prophets

After Jesus spoke that day, throughout history, Satan has been very busy sending his false prophets to deceive, confuse and hinder the spiritual growth of God’s elect children. Since Jesus knew this would happen, He commanded this: to all His disciples who would still be living on earth until He returned to cast all demons and all their human children off of the earth: “You people continuously remain concerned about [deceptions] from the false prophets, in that they are coming before you in garments of sheep, yet they are inwardly ravening wolves. You people will recognize them from their fruits. Are they actually gathering up grapes from thorns or figs from thistles, or not? In fact, every kind of usefully good tree produces usefully good fruit, while the tree of little or no value produces harmful fruit. A good and useful tree is not able to produce harmful fruit. However, a tree of little or no value [is] not [able] to produce beautiful fruit. Any kind of tree not [in the process of]

producing a beautiful fruit is being cut down and is being cast into fire. Consequently, you people will recognize them from their fruits” (Mat. 7:15-20, from: Προσέχετε ἀπὸ τῶν ψευδοπροφητῶν, οἵτινες ἔρχονται πρὸς ὑμᾶς ἐν ἐνδύμασι προβάτων ἔσωθεν δέ εἰσιν λύκοι ἅρπαγες. ἀπὸ τῶν καρπῶν

αὐτῶν ἐπιγνώσεσθε αὐτούς. μήτι συλλέγουσιν ἀπὸ ἀκανθῶν σταφυλὰς ἢ ἀπὸ τριβόλων σῦκα; οὕτως

πᾶν δένδρον ἀγαθὸν καρποὺς καλοὺς ποιεῖ, τὸ δὲ σαπρὸν δένδρον καρποὺς πονηροὺς ποιεῖ· οὐ

δύναται δένδρον ἀγαθὸν καρποὺς πονηροὺς ποιεῖν, οὐδὲ δένδρον σαπρὸν καρποὺς καλοὺς ποιεῖν.

πᾶν δένδρον μὴ ποιοῦν καρπὸν καλὸν ἐκκόπτεται καὶ εἰς πῦρ βάλλεται. ἄρα γε ἀπὸ τῶν καρπῶν

αὐτῶν ἐπιγνώσεσθε αὐτούς, SBLGNT). Now we need to be careful about how we interpret this.

This command, “continuously remain concerned about [deceptions] from the false prophets,” is also a warning against everyone whom Jesus called a ψευδοπροφήτης (“one who falsely claims to be a prophet of God or who prophesies falsely, false/bogus prophet,” BDAG3). And the ecclesiastical use of this term not only included those who prophesied falsely in God’s name, but also any teachers who taught false doctrines. For, by inventing new teachings that God had not taught, and by also nullifying the teachings that did exist in God’s Words, they were falsely claiming that their false interpretations of Scriptures originated from God Himself. Thus, they acted as though God had revealed new concepts to them, just like God reveals concepts to His true prophets. Consequently, considering the context and the ecclesiastical definition of this word in the days of Jesus, He gave this command against all false teachers too, all the teaching and judging elders whom we now call pastors or priests. All the elect, especially all the awakened elect whom Jesus has gathered into His true Israel, must “continuously remain concerned about,” always beware of and oppose, all who falsely prophesy or teach in God’s name, all who directly or indirectly influence falsely in God’s name. In other words, Jesus wants us to fulfill God’s Law regarding religious deceivers, by doing due diligence to counter their lies with real truth and by making them accountable for their sins.

We need to remember that Jesus was talking about those whom He, our God, deemed to be false prophets. And Jesus never granted any sinner, no infantile human spirit, the right to judge whether or not any other human spirit is a false prophet. Thus, not even the teaching elders (pastors or priests) of any church are allowed to step out of the confines of God’s revealed definitions of false prophets and teachers. None have any right to call the words of anyone else “fake news” or a lie, without first determining if God’s Word itself, or God’s created realities, do actually prove those words to be false prophecies or false teachings. All words of all human beings, and real effects produced by applying those words, must be judged according to all that God Himself calls just, equitable, true and loving.

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Naturally, people are often absolutely certain that their nice and friendly pastor is a true teacher or even a prophet, a shepherd who proclaims God’s truths in God’s name. Yet our omniscient God Himself, who judges all with eternal justice, definitely knows whether or not He sent those pastors to speak His truths to His beloved children. So God’s deceived elect can also know this too, if they let their spirits hear what God’s Holy Spirit says about those pastors, as well as His judgments against their words and deeds. If the elect simply take the time to let their spirits heed God’s warnings about those false prophets and fake teachers, they would never be deceived by them. Instead, the elect would always choose the elders whom God has truly sent to them, and learn to serve the real God.

But deceivers always strive to keep the elect focused on things of the flesh, on physical rituals, fake good deeds, works of service in Satan’s world order, religious gatherings, church approved clothing, conservative hairstyles and anything else of the flesh. For they need to keep the flesh of their duped elect so distracted and busy with matters of the flesh, that they incessantly bother their thoughts with manufactured and false duties and fears, leaving no time nor inclination to allow their spirits to heed God or do the loving will of God. Above all, those fakes place an extreme emphasis on “saving”

their people from other identifiable groups of their own siblings in the family of mankind. Fakes love to artificially delineate other siblings from the “true flock of God,” by pointing out their much different and very evil physical and superficial characteristics, such as the colour of their skin or the creed that their pastors make those siblings blindly recite. Anything that marks their other siblings as different means they are an evil “them,” which those fakes can use in their fear-mongering diatribes against those siblings. And, as long as the little kingdoms of fearing siblings needs to be saved from their “enemy” siblings, those duped ones will cling to their fake pastors with all their might. Then, of course, those fake pastors want their churches tell their flocks that the most evil and dangerous siblings of all are the truth-tellers, whom they must shun and persecute immediately and without listening to a single “demonic” word they say, lest they too will be set free from their beloved fake pastors. Now one might think all these strategies to maintain the ignorance of their their people would not be effective, since no rational soul would rely on such obvious fakes to keep them safe from non-existent enemies and those other non-existent terrors that go bump in the night. But you would be wrong, because all humans are infantile, irrational, easily duped and prone to deceptions.

Thus, the minds of flesh in the elect become thoroughly trapped by the fakes in those false churches.

The carnal intellects of the elect often remain so busy heeding and serving the physical demands of their false prophets and lying teachers that they never stop to let their spirits hear God Himself. The souls of those elect have only one mind making all the decisions in their lives, and that mind is the mind of flesh. For their spirits become so suppressed and oppressed through their incessant thoughts and fears about both real and fictitious matters of the flesh, that not even one waking moment of peace and faith is allowed to their spirits, so their elect spirits can listen to the Holy Spirit of their Creator God. The fakes continuously incite so much fear and rage in their minds of flesh, that none of those elect dupes can work up enough courage to dare to honestly admit what God’s Word truly means, much less actually “fact check” the saving human gods they bow before in their hierarchical church systems designed to silence inferiors like themselves. Therefore, there are very few elect who obey this command of our God Jesus, very few who actually find the narrow path to abundant life.

Throughout history, a false prophet or deceiving religious teacher had an easy time gathering a flock of sheep to bully for his or her own entertainment, and to devour whenever he felt hungry. For a psychopath merely needed to drape a fake sheep’s skin over his back to make entire flocks of God’s infantile elect children follow him, even worship him. As soon as a favoured son of Satan vaguely looked like a sheep, the flock accepted him with open arms. Then, whenever those wolves tortured Page 510

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and devoured their siblings, the other sheep accepted it as God’s judgment for their own good. You see, flocks who stray from their Shepherd will always trust the strongest and bravest sheep in their flock to lead them. Thus, since wolves are always far more irrationally brave and much stronger in their willingness to torture and kill, sheep will always follow wolves in sheep’s clothing, and will even blindly worship those chief sheep as their judging gods and saviours. Yet make no mistake, the Law of God, which Jesus came to fulfill, forbids wolves from entering the flock. God’s Law and our God Jesus commanded His sheep to ensure that no wolf should ever enter His flock at any time. God told all His sheep that they must diligently investigate all who claim to be His sheep, and cast out all who proved to be fakes. God even taught them how to expose those who are fakes. God clearly commanded His sheep to reject and flee from wolves, so He, their almighty Good Shepherd, could strike those wolves with deadly stones from His sling or with His club, to either chase them away or kill them, before those wolves killed any of His sheep. Yet, whenever those deceiving wolves cried out and commanded the sheep to press closely all around them, those sheep disobeyed their Good Shepherd and protected their exploiting wolves from God, thinking those wolves were more like them than the Father of their own spirits, who shepherded them in green pastures. Just because those wolves put on sheep’s clothing, the sheep defended them from God’s justice, then were devoured.

No matter how much the sheep trust and love a servant of Satan, he will eventually devour them, for wolves were created to do just that. The inherent nature of the minds of flesh in wolves and sheep will always differ, but so will the inherent nature of the minds of the spirits in the non-elect and the elect. Then we should realize that both the earthly and hellish wolves begin to eat the flesh of their prey as soon as they subdue it. Wolves often do not mercifully kill their prey before they start to devour their flesh, but will sink their fangs into their prey as soon as they can cripple it enough to hold it down. In the same way, false prophets and fake religious teachers lie and teach disabling false doctrines to make their prey fall and totally incapable of escaping. Their dehumanizing gas-lighting will cripple and immobilize their souls. Then, once they take them down, and their prey is writhing on the ground, those wolves gratify the voracious self-indulgent appetites of their flesh. They will use every tragedy of life, every trouble that knocks down, and usually the very afflictions that they themselves have caused, to disable and devour the sheep. And they ruthlessly exploit their dupes until they have utterly snuffed out every ounce of spiritual and physical life in them. After all this, the wolves in sheep’s clothing will cry crocodile tears, pretending to be like the other sheep who are deeply grieving the loss of their beloved sibling’s life. So the other sheep often believe those wolves are just like them, and somehow do not smell the fur of the wolf hidden under the sheep’s clothing.

But Jesus began this command with a second person plural present imperative form of προσέχω (“to be in a state of alert, be concerned about, care for, take care,” BDAG3). The second person plural form indicated that Jesus wanted all His disciples to work together, collectively, to fulfill this urgent and critical task He was assigning to His church. All His disciples must work together to uncover the wolves in sheep’s clothing. For we are safer when multiple judges—the wisest, most experienced, most well-taught, most reliable elders—pray for God’s true judgments, as well as utilize a multitude of trusted witnesses and honest researchers to evaluate the “fruits” of those claiming to teach and proclaim any concepts or principles in God’s name. This is what Jesus commanded His disciples to do here, collectively, according to the fulfilled principles of equitable judgments commanded by His Law. Each true local church, and His universal church as a whole, must do His will as His body of priests serving the earth (but not as “heresy hunters” serving men, only as His own faithful servants protecting the family of God). Since Jesus used an imperative, it is a command of our God. So this is our duty, the responsibility of our New Covenant churches and the entire priesthood of Israel. Also, Page 511

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in its present tense, this verb indicates an ongoing, continuous and constant obligation to remain very concerned and vigilant regarding whatever originates “from the false prophets.” Jesus calls His body of disciples to never let their guard down, regarding their concern about the inevitable future effects and results of fake revelations and false teachings by deceivers. For their lies shall destroy and kill.

Now many false prophets and fake religious teachers declare that Jesus was wrong, that we must always judge all teachings through their guidance, since only they are the heads of churches, not our resurrected and living God Jesus. And many of these usurpers of Christ insist that we place all our saving faith in their own artificial classifications of God’s words, such as infallible ex cathedra dogma or a fallible teachings, now called either “essential” or “nonessential” doctrines. They say that anything they call a “nonessential” teaching is not worth being concerned about, and opposition to those teachings should be allowed in all churches. For instance, they say replacement theology is a

“nonessential” doctrine. So no one should quarrel about it, nor try to eliminate it from a church. Yet this replacement theology claims that all Jews remaining in an Old Covenant relationship with God, in the way that God Himself caused them to remain in that relationship for the present time (e.g., Rom. 11:25-32), are cursed. They say all Old Covenant Jews belong to a former church of Israel, which God has abandoned, destroyed and considers to be evil, and that God wickedly and sinfully broke His own promise to Abraham. They say God is fickle, and replaced that old church of Israel with a new church supposedly created by Jesus. Thus, through replacement theology, they believe either: (a) all Old Covenant Jews are “cursed” by God as “Christ killers” and should be plundered, murdered and persecuted; or (b) all Jews are vastly inferior to the loveless, ruthless, sinful, factious false Churchians claiming to be the new “Israel.” Then, as a result of this “nonessential” doctrine, antisemitic fake churches have oppressed, plundered, enslaved, persecuted, tortured and murdered Jewish men, women and little children for millenniums, all in God’s name! And some even claim it is essential for all true members of their churches to believe and practise this non-essential doctrine.

False prophets and fake religious teachers have always used supposedly “nonessential” doctrines to commit countless horrifying atrocities against their siblings in the family of humankind, against millions of innocent elect souls from other nations, races and creeds. And most have done so in God’s name. Thus, since churches initiate and perpetuate all kinds of vile, demonic injustice through

“nonessential” doctrines, how can we now believe that any kind of lie in God’s name is merely an insignificant matter? Getting every teaching of God right is essential for maintaining God’s good name, and all the principles taught by God in literally all His laws, even in His ceremonial laws, are important aspects useful for our salvation. So all the false prophets and fake teachers who tell us to ignore what they define as “nonessential” teachings of God are actually proclaiming a fake salvation, and that God’s Law is not “essential” to salvation. However, the real New Covenant salvation, in the real Jesus, occurs when He personally fulfills the whole of God’s Law in and through us. Christ’s real salvation occurs as His Holy Spirit personally teaches and trains our spirits to love in all His just ways, according to His intended meaning of His entire Old Covenant Law. And any errors about any of His words and laws can lead to ruthless, unjust and sinful actions. Thus, every aspect of truth and justice, every detail of loving righteousness taught by God’s written Law, is “essential” to salvation.

To obey Jesus’ command here, we—collectively, as the whole body of God, as the entire priesthood of the New Covenant branch of the one true Israel eternally created by God through Abraham (see Gen. 17:5-8)—must learn to recognize and counter false prophets and false teachers, including those who divide God’s Word into fake classifications of “essential” and “nonessential” doctrines. And we must realize there will be utterly evil results and effects from all false teachings that deceivers claim to utter in God’s name. Furthermore, it is never God who sends those devouring false prophets and Page 512

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fake teachers to us! Rather, Satan, the ruler of the hellish world order, owns them and sends them, by his authority over his kingdom. So we should not gather next to them, to protect them from God’s justice, whenever they call us to do so. For all churches with human heads who want us to shield them from God’s justice belong to the devil’s kingdom, since the one and only Head of every true local church, and the only Head of the entire true universal church of Israel, is the real God Jesus.

Surely, after all these centuries of being continuously duped by devouring wolves draped in sheep’s clothing, the half-dead elect should now realize that they must only choose their elders from among those who Jesus has chosen for them. All history has clearly taught them that Jesus is the one and only Authority who is able to call, teach, train, choose and send any of the teaching and judging elders that His true churches should choose for themselves. Then, as we choose our elders, Jesus also commands us to investigate the fruits of those men, so we can cast out or abandon the liars whose spirits refuse to repent into His just, equitable, loving truths. For we must not be found standing in the way of God’s justice, and let our God protect His flock from those loveless, exploiting wolves coming to us in sheep’s clothing. Jesus wants us to serve Him, not liars. He wants our elect spirits to love the truth, not their self-serving lies and delusions. Jesus calls all elect spirits to pray for a right understanding of His Word. Then He trains our spirits to see how lies only produce inevitable evil effects and results, how those false prophets and fake teachers bear nothing but the fruits of loss and death. Jesus even helps us interpret all past effects and results that He caused through either truth or lies, when His people either applied or opposed His created truths. Thus, because Jesus has caused us to experience the effects and results of both good and evil, let us burn away false teachings with His radiant fires of truth and chase away the unrepentant wolves who wilfully preach destructive lies for personal gain, falsely in God’s name. By obeying Jesus, He saves us and many other exploited souls.

Jesus told us that we will be able to recognize false prophets and false teachers “from their fruits”

(ἀπὸ τῶν καρπῶν αὐτῶν). He wanted us to honestly evaluate anyone who comes to us claiming to be a spiritual guide, and to be especially careful about those who claim to be elders, rabbis, pastors and priests sent by God to teach His people of His church. Then He specified that we must investigate

“whether or not” (μήτι) they perform the action of the third person plural present active indicative form of συλλέγω (“gather by plucking or picking, collect, gather (in), pick,” BDAG3). That is, we need to watch the way that each and every man gathers the information he feeds to us during church teaching times or in our conversations with them. If men claim to be teachers or prophets serving God, Jesus commanded us to thoroughly assess the sources of their teachings, to find out: “Are they actually gathering up grapes from thorns or figs from thistles, or not?” They might claim that their worldly, self-serving and inconsistent teachings originate from God through His words in Scriptures.

And they might claim to be offering us food from God, even costly grapes and figs for the pleasure of our spirits and souls. But, if we find out they are receiving their concepts and teachings from liars, frauds and exploiters, from cruel, loveless, little thistles or even large wounding thorns, we should not trust them, and not heed their words. And also notice that the embedded pronoun in the verb is plural (“they”). So this implies that false prophets and fake teachers will “work together” in teams to deceive their victims, just like packs of wolves work together to take down large prey. Therefore, we cannot trust anyone just because other wolves in sheep’s clothing have endorsed that wolf in sheep’s clothing as a genuine sheep in God’s flock. The denominations and seminaries created by Satan’s preferred children cannot choose our elders. Only our Head, our living Jesus, can be trusted for this.

Think about how Jesus said these false prophets would gather “grapes from thorns or figs from thistles” (ἀπὸ ἀκανθῶν σταφυλὰς ἢ ἀπὸ τριβόλων σῦκα). Clearly, this is impossible! God created irreversible laws of nature which only allow grapes from grape plants, figs from fig plants, thistles Page 513

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from thistles and thorns from thorns. This cannot change. And Jesus fully assured us that it is indeed impossible to get grapes from thorns or figs from thistles, that our eyes do not deceive us, that literally all good and useful fruits originate solely from good and useful trees, never from thistles or thorns, no matter how violently those thistles and thorns might falsely claim to be trees bearing good fruits. If we comprehend what Jesus said here, we see how He was suggesting that false prophets will try to make us think otherwise, will attempt to make us believe that our most coveted and expensive fruits, like the “grapes” and “figs” of Jesus’ day, can actually be produced by harmful weeds like “thorns” and “thistles.” Jesus was saying that false prophets and fake teachers will try to make His elect disciple believe that God’s healthy “grapes” can somehow come from the “thorns” of humanistic Greco-Roman philosophies that perpetuated slave societies, or that sweet “figs” can come from the “thistles” of humanistic traditions which perpetuated the gross inequity of their unjust lands. And Jesus was right. Those fakes do try to cause His elect to believe all of these obvious lies.

False prophets frequently attempt to gaslight us. They try to convince us that the “grapes” and “figs”

they harvest from “thorns” or “thistles,” from their cunning lies invented by Satan, are good for us, even essential for our salvation into their carnal concepts of a fake heaven. Then, as we grow sick and die from the bad food they feed us, they say it is because we are not digesting their good food correctly. Then they constantly belittle and mock God’s created realities and truths, to make our very spirits distrust all that we see and hear in the spiritual and physical realms around us, so we will then believe that all the good fruits from the honest elect spirits, from those who heed the teachings of God’s Spirit, are not real grapes and figs. They make us reject those good fruits before we can even taste them, so we can be duped into believing that the artificially flavoured methyl alcohol and toxic candy they offer us is actually made from God’s good grapes and figs. They turn us away from our loving God and His truths, so we will follow them and their lies. They use every deception they can think of to make us think that all good fruits must harvested from the “thorns” and “thistles” of their utterly useless and destructive lies. But we have all been dying from the false doctrines they falsely claim to speak in God’s name. They tell us that, without them and their lies, and with their works in their false churches, God and His truths would be forgotten, and all the world would perish. Yet, in reality, they are causing the elect to forget their God and His truths, and causing destruction over all the earth. In reality, God commands the deceived elect to part from those false prophets and fake teachers, so they will be able to produce good fruits of just love which will feed this dying world.

In every false church, we also see the fake prophets and false teachers trying to prove that they are bearing good fruits from God, so their dupes will trust them. Thus, those deceivers will dain to allow a few of their captive elect to do some good works, although in a very limited and controlled way.

For, although those deceiving human gods do not like to waste the time and efforts of their enslaved elect on “useless” works, which benefit others instead of only themselves, they are smart enough to realize that they must maintain a good public image in order to keep their elect dupes deceived. So they let some elect do good works for advertising purposes, that is, to publicly promote themselves as “good people.” And, of course, the spirits of those loving but naive elect rejoice in any kind of opportunity to do anything godly and loving, since their inherent inner nature longs do loving works for others. So, whenever the elect do a few minor good works, the cunning false prophets and fake teachers can repeatedly point to those good fruits, and loudly boast about how this is indisputable evidence that they are truly God’s servants—though you can always see them wink to their hellish father and siblings as they do so. Wolves in sheep’s clothing have always been good at tricking the elect into providing a few good fruits for their own glory, and to keep God’s justice from judging Page 514

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them. The elect seldom realize how they are duped, nor make those ruthless wolves accountable for devouring so many sheep, and for killing other starving sheep with the poisonous fruits fed to them.

We see elect everywhere, not just in synagogues and churches. They are being devoured by wolves in sheep’s clothing who enter flocks of other religions and secular subject kingdoms of the devil’s world order as well. There are also devouring, gas-lighting, exploiting, deceiving, dehumanizing wolves in business, politics, special interest groups, families, gangs and anywhere else they can gather a small or large flock around them. Yet foolish elect sheep continue to trust them, willingly giving those wolves all the good fruits of their labours, as well as their worshipping lives, until those wolves completely consume them alive. But God will soon open the eyes of all His just and loving elect, calling all to come out from false churches and other dens of wolves. Soon wolves will no longer be able to steal from those elect, and will be left to eat their own toxic food, whatever grows on “thorns” and “thistles” cultivated by their preferred deceivers. Consequently, after God removes all the elect from their clutches, they will soon grow hungry and more insane each day, then begin to devour one another. Finally, Jesus will return, to remove them and their hellish father from the earth.

In the end times, after the great revival of the “sixth seal,” Jesus will call all of His elect out of all the false churches (Rev. 18:4). He will remove deceived elect spirits from all deceivers, but especially separate them from the spiritual prostitutes, from the non-elect spirits who make love with fake human gods and demonic gods while claiming to be wed to God. But Jesus has been removing some of His elect from them since the beginning, since the days of Cain and Abel. Only the power of truth and rate in which He has been freeing elect souls has steadily increased since that hour He ratified His New Covenant in His blood. Every century we have seen more just and loving elect souls flee into the wilderness, far from the wolves of false churches and from the wolves of every other kind.

In the past, some elect set up monasteries or simply dwelt alone, so they could seek and serve God instead of the human gods appointed by the ruler of the world order. And some of these were granted significant amounts of truth, although most received only a little. This continued throughout history, until the 16th century Reformation and 18th century revival. Then more elect began to separate from the false prophets and fake teachers of Satan’s humanistic churches, and God revealed more truths to greater numbers of them, at a faster pace than ever before. So the κυριακοὶ τοῦ Ἰησοῦ and His kingdom on earth began to expand more rapidly, building on the foundation of Christ’s apostolic church in Israel. In every time throughout history, elect souls have sought refuge from the prostitute churches, because their spirits began to hear and heed the real Holy Spirit of the real Jesus. For He has always been whispering His infallible truths to them. Yet most elect have remained carnally minded, bound by deceptions originating from the lying teaching elders and other false prophets in countless fake churches. Consequently, Jesus has been continuously striking blows at those fakes and their false churches, sending signs to awaken elect spirits—so they will finally see that those churches are the property of Satan, and no longer offer their spirits’ faith to that devil’s children who tell only lies in hate, so they will turn to His true servants who proclaim God’s truth through love.

So, to conclude His teaching, Jesus said, “Any kind of tree not [in the process of] producing a beautiful fruit is being cut down and is being cast into fire. Consequently, you people will recognize them from their fruits.” Here Jesus was speaking about a continuous process that would occur in the future for more than 2,000 years. In context, the neuter nominative form of the adjective πᾶς, as it modified an anarthrous noun, indicated an unspecified number without distinction. So πᾶν would be interpreted “any kind of.” Then Jesus used three present tense forms of verbs. The first was a present participle form of ποιέω with a negative. With its singular object (καρπὸν καλὸν, “a beautiful fruit”), the durative aspect of this participle (ποιοῦν) would indicate an ongoing process, one involving the Page 515

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production of each solitary “beautiful fruit.” Then the next two verbs were present passive indicative forms. The verb ἐκκόπτεται indicated it “is being cut down,” through a current and ongoing process, and βάλλεται also indicated it “is being cast” into fire, through a current and ongoing process. And both verbs are clearly theological passives, indicating that God is the agent performing these actions.

So Jesus warned against any kind of “tree” that does not bear the good fruit of God. And a “tree,” in His ecclesiastical figurative language, referred to an influential person of any kind, while a “good fruit” referred to a result or effect of a tree’s words or deeds. Thus, Jesus was warning us against any kind of influencer whose spirit did not produce any good result or effects through just and God-like love. For, if any influencer is not producing good fruit, then he or she must be a thorn or thistle sown by the devil, not a good grape vine or fig tree sown by God. Therefore, as soon as that liar begins to deceive, God will have already begun the ongoing processes of destroying that one, so that one may be cast into the fires of hell. Yet Jesus said this process of cutting down and burning all the loveless exploiters was an ongoing process, performed by God throughout history, until He returned to cast all off the earth. So, if we see God beginning to perform these processes on any pastor or priest, it is a sign that this one is actually a fake prophet or false teacher, who utters lies in God’s name. That is, if we see that God is exposing the lies of any prophet or teacher in any church, and that liar does not repent into the truth and bear fruits of repentance (by humbling oneself and resigning from all church ministries, and by accepting the role of an infantile disciple who needs to be taught and trained from the beginning), then we must cast that one out of the church, or else leave the church in which that liar is allowed to prophecy or teach in God’s name. For we must realize that God is “cutting down”

and will burn that fake, by casting him or her into fiery lies and delusions from hell. So, if we remain near that fake, we too may be cut down and burned with him or her. If we see a pastor believing and acting upon Satan’s humanistic lies, which enslave or murder the innocent, or trusting any kind of paranoid conspiracy theories, he or she is a false prophet or fake teacher who leads all to destruction.

Conversely, this also means that we should seek and work beside the “trees” whose spirits actually engage in the process of producing beautiful fruits of just and God-like love. For we know this kind is not being cut down and is not being cast into the fires of hell. And God ensures us that He is well-able to teach and train literally every elect spirit to bear good fruit, to accomplish His just and loving works to perfection. Jesus is well-able to make us beautiful in His sight. In fact, God always works this process of producing beautiful fruits through all His elect children, starting at the moment He first creates their spirits. And He granted all elect spirits an inherent ability to love in a just and pure way, before He created them. So all the elect actually begin their lives by experiencing this kind of process, although some were destined to remain unaware of this for a long time, possibly even until the final day at the gates of heaven, after completing life on earth. This is why Jesus assured us that not even one elect soul will ever be cut down and cast into hell, not one will ever be subject to that fate at any time in the future. Rather, Jesus will complete the process of making literally all the elect able to bear “beautiful fruit” by the end of the very long judgment day. All will find their deeply and urgently desired destinies, but hopefully sooner than later. Jesus will not lose even one elect soul to hell. Many may be hijacked for a time, taken as slaves of Satan. But all have begun to produce a good, useful and beautiful fruit within them, and cannot be permanently deluded with lies from hell.

Now, after declaring that God will ultimately destroy all non-elect spirits, all who have never even begun to produce a single “beautiful fruit” through their loveless spirits, and telling us that God is even now subjecting them to an ongoing process of cutting them down and casting them into hell, Jesus began the next clause with two particles (ἄρα γε). Placed together, these particles can be used,

“In a question which forms the apodosis [the logical consequence based on the condition made in the protasis]

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of a conditional sentence ... strengthened and enlivened” (BDAG3). So Jesus was using a logical construction and saying, if we see God begin to cut down and cast fake prophets and false teachers into hell, we will be able to draw a logical conclusion and recognize them as deceivers. If we see God working to expose their lies and destroy them, we should consider these works of God against them to be a sign that they and the fruits produced by their lies are not God’s will, that they are not true servants of God, but are speaking falsely in God’s name. if we see slander, injustice and inequity come from them, we know they are fakes. “Consequently, we will recognize them from their fruits.”

In our day, the quantity and power of fake prophets and false teachers has multiplied exponentially.

For they and their worshipped demonic spirits know that the era of their kingdom on earth is coming to an end. So they are fighting hard against the onslaught of truth and justice that attacks them from God’s kingdom, in a vain attempt to preserve Satan’s kingdom. And they are highly motivated, since they know there will be nothing left for them to torture and exploit once God removes them from this earth. Thus, they are willing to do anything, no matter how destructive and reckless, to survive.

So let us be very careful and diligent to heed this exhortation and wise counsel of our God Jesus:

“You people continuously remain concerned about [things] from the false prophets, in that they are coming before you in garments of sheep, yet they are inwardly ravening wolves. Are they actually gathering up grapes from thorns or figs from thistles, or not? In fact, every kind of usefully good tree produces usefully good fruit, while the tree of little or no value produces harmful fruit. A good and useful tree is not able to produce harmful fruit. However, a tree of little or no value [is] not [able] to produce beautiful fruit. Every kind of tree not [in the process of] producing a beautiful fruit is being cut down and is being cast into fire. Consequently, you people will recognize them from their fruits.”

Mat. 7:21-29,

Fake Christians & The Elect

“Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter into the Kingdom of Heaven; but he who does the will of My Father who is in heaven. Many will tell Me in that day, ‘Lord, Lord, didn’t we prophesy in Your name, in Your name cast out demons, and in Your name do many mighty works?’ Then I will tell them, ‘I never knew you. Depart from Me, you who work iniquity.’

“Everyone therefore who hears these words of Mine, and does them, I will liken him to a wise man, who built his house on a rock. The rain came down, the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat on that house; and it didn’t fall, for it was founded on the rock.

Everyone who hears these words of Mine, and doesn’t do them will be like a foolish man, who built his house on the sand. The rain came down, the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat on that house; and it fell—and great was its fall.

“When Jesus had finished saying these things, the multitudes were astonished at His teaching, for He taught them with authority, and not like the scribes” (Mat. 7:21-29, WEB).

This is a very interesting statement, since it comes immediately after Jesus told us that it is utterly impossible for any bad influencers, like fake prophets and false teachers who lie about serving God as their Lord, to produce any kind of good or beautiful fruits. Our God Jesus just finished stating that literally all their fruits would necessarily be evil. Therefore, these words of our God Jesus imply that those who falsely claim to serve God as their Lord, are not actually doing good works, and are not doing God’s will, when they prophesy in His name, when they cast out demons in His name, or when they perform miracles in His name. Here Jesus is indicating that there evil ways of prophesying in Page 517

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God’s name, evil ways of casting out demons in God’s name, and evil ways of performing signs and wonders in God’s name. Now we need to find out what the evil ways of doing these works might be, since so many people wrongly assume that all these must be “good works” done by true and faithful servants of God, and that none of these kinds of works could ever be done by the servants of Satan.

Once Jesus had finished warning His disciples about false prophets, it seems that some man made a comment or asked a question that revealed how he thought that God’s name or Jesus’ name could be used as a magic word, such as to make his own spoken words come to pass in the same way that the words of God’s true prophets always were fulfilled. But, actually, this kind of “faith” in one’s own will and one’s own words was an ancient form of witchcraft, made popular by the Egyptians, and was still practised throughout the world when Jesus walked the earth. In fact, this kind of witchcraft is still being practised by the false Word of Faith or Name-It-And-Claim-It churches today, as well as by secular deceivers who call themselves motivational speakers. Or perhaps the deluded man who spoke up at that time simply thought he could use God’s name as a magic word to fend off false prophets and demons, or just to force other souls to do whatever he himself deemed to be right, and to nullify every word of those he judged to be ignorant, deceived or disobedient. Either way, this man somehow thought that, as long as someone consciously acknowledged that God was God, and physically uttered an oath proclaiming the God was one’s own Lord, then God would do everything one desired. Then God would become indebted to one and serve one as one’s slave. Then one would be able to use the almighty power of God to do anything, by uttering His name as a magic word that would force one’s human will to be done. However, Jesus denied that any of this was true. God’s name is not a magic word, and those who dare to abuse His name in this way will surely go to hell.

Many Jews in those days were taught to expect a Messiah who would be like the human despots that ruled over pagan Rome and their own churches of Israel. And all those dictators were empowered by their very loyal and extremely ruthless henchmen, who would help them terrorize the people into total submission. Of course, the beleaguered people were very tired of this injustice, inequity and constant fear perpetuated by those servants of the devil. So they sought any kind of relief, and thus believed any liar who claimed that he would save them from those cruel despots. But, of course, all the liars coming to “save” them were also Satan’s servants, who then ruled the people in exactly the same despotic, unjust ways as the ones they “saved” the people from. For none of the true servants of God ever claimed to be saviours of the people, not in the way these liars always did. Rather, all God’s true servants always turned the people’s saving faith towards God, then worked together as equals with God’s family of elect, to proclaim truths and realities, to build up justice through love.

Now, on this day, some man in the crowd seemed to think Jesus would be just like those liars sent by Satan, and wanted to gain the ability to use the magic name of Jesus to force others to obey his own

“good” will, and to force his other siblings in the family of mankind to walk according to his own

“wise” ways. In other words, this man wanted a powerful weapon he could use to terrorize the people into submission, as one of the Messiah’s henchman. He believed that, by causing his flesh to publicly declare Jesus as his Rabbi and “Lord,” he could use the name of his authoritative Teaching Elder as an official badge that would grant him great power. And he also appeared to believe he could use Jesus’ name as ticket that would automatically allow him to enter a self-indulgent heaven that he imagined in his own mind. In other words, it appears that this man was like many Christians are today, like those who think that, by calling Jesus their “Lord,” they will be “saved.” But salvation is never worked by the wills or deeds of men. God works our spirits’ salvation according to His will.

Some man in the crowd must have said something like: “You shall be my Rabbi, and I will forsake all other rabbis, since they are all false prophets. You alone teach the truth that leads us to God and Page 518

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into heaven. From now on, I will do all things in Your name alone, and call You my only Lord. Then I will command everyone in my family, and all my servants, to call You their Lord, and do all things in Your name only. If anyone does not respect Your name, I will curse and cast that one out. In Your name I will rebuke false prophets and make them pay for their sins. I will exalt Your name in all the places I go, and I will not allow anyone to dishonour Your name. I will always defend Your glory.”

But only the self-entitled rich could become disciples of the rabbis they personally chose, because only they had enough money to bribe rabbis to take them as disciples. Unfortunately, the only kind of rabbis those rich men could buy for themselves were fakes, since no true rabbi could be bought with Satan’s invention of money. And this is why Jesus reminded this extremely presumptuous man that His disciples did not choose Him. Rather, Jesus individually chose each and every one whom He would allow to become His disciple. The only choices Jesus’ disciples could make were whether or not they would accept His offer and take advantage of the loving and wise counsel, teachings and training sessions He would provide. Of course, on the other hand, Jesus did not stop anyone from following Him or listening to Him. In fact, Jesus never hid much of anything from anyone, not even from His worst enemies. However, allowing flesh to follow Him is not the same as allowing spirits to trust in all His words as His true disciples, and Jesus’ Holy Spirit only speaks to those He chooses.

So Jesus clearly saw the duplicitous heart of some man who prompted Him to give this teaching during His Sermon on the Mount. And that comment was probably made by a self-entitled man who was declaring that He would become His disciple, so He could do powerful works in Jesus’ name.

From all Jesus said here, it was obvious that the one making the comment believed he could save himself through his own human will, by pledging loyalty to Jesus, and by using Jesus’ name as an authoritative talisman. It seems he believed that, by using Jesus’ magic name, it would give him the permission and authority to do his own will. He was hoping to gain self-serving power in Jesus. But, in reality, Jesus chooses the kinds of disciples who humble themselves before God, who rely on God.

And this man clearly thought far too much of himself, and relied only on himself. Yes, he seemed willing to stand up for what he himself judged to be right. But he was not willing to wait on the Holy Spirit of God to teach him how to rightly discern between good and evil. This man was not willing to turn his spirit toward God, ready and willing to hear and heed God’s words. Nor did he want God to tell him when to act, when to refrain from action, what to do, what not to do, what words should be spoken, what should not be uttered, nor anything else. His spirit spurned the counsel of God’s Holy Spirit, and thought his own counsel was better. Yet the real Law of God cannot be known except through Christ’s counsel freely granted to an elect spirit. And it is impossible to fulfill any aspect of God’s Law without hearing and heeding Jesus’ counsel. Therefore, this was a totally “lawless” man.

Loyalty to God’s Name is Not Saving Faith

Jesus began His response to some man’s comment by soundly rebuking the way he called Him his

“lord.” For the man seemed to be merely placing the hopes of his flesh, and the loyalty of his carnal infatuation, in the famous and highly revered “name” of Jesus. This man only respected what Jesus’

name represented within his imagination. That man was likely also seeking to become a member of the people following Jesus, wanting to belong to a group that was good and might accomplish good things, and because there were so many of them, because a multitude of minions makes might. Yet that man did not seem to actually believe the wise teachings of Jesus. Therefore, Jesus warned him:

“Not everyone saying to Me, ‘Lord! Lord!’ will enter into the kingdom of the heavens, but rather the one continuously doing the will of My Father in the heavens. Many will say to Me in that day,

‘Lord! Lord! Did we not prophesy in Your name, and cast out demons in Your name, and perform Page 519

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many miracles in Your name?’ Then I will confess to them, ‘At no time did I know you people.

Continue to depart from Me, those constantly working lawlessness’” (Mat. 7:21-23, from: Οὐ πᾶς ὁ

λέγων μοι· Κύριε κύριε εἰσελεύσεται εἰς τὴν βασιλείαν τῶν οὐρανῶν, ἀλλʼ ὁ ποιῶν τὸ θέλημα τοῦ

πατρός μου τοῦ ἐν τοῖς οὐρανοῖς. πολλοὶ ἐροῦσίν μοι ἐν ἐκείνῃ τῇ ἡμέρᾳ· Κύριε κύριε, οὐ τῷ σῷ

ὀνόματι ἐπροφητεύσαμεν, καὶ τῷ σῷ ὀνόματι δαιμόνια ἐξεβάλομεν, καὶ τῷ σῷ ὀνόματι δυνάμεις

πολλὰς ἐποιήσαμεν; καὶ τότε ὁμολογήσω αὐτοῖς ὅτι Οὐδέποτε ἔγνων ὑμᾶς· ἀποχωρεῖτε ἀπʼ ἐμοῦ οἱ

ἐργαζόμενοι τὴν ἀνομίαν, SBLGNT). Now Christians would do well to grasp what Jesus said here.

First notice how Jesus used the plural noun “heavens.” He warned us, “Not everyone saying to Me,

‘Lord! Lord!’ will enter into the kingdom of the heavens,” meaning that they would not enter into either God’s temporary kingdom on earth nor His eternal spiritual kingdom above. Then Jesus said that only “the one continuously doing the will of My Father in the heavens” shall enter “the kingdom of the heavens,” indicating that the Father of our spirits is everywhere, on earth and in heaven. So Jesus was not just describing the kind of person whom He would gather into the eternal kingdom of God above (the third heaven). He was also speaking about the kind of soul whom the Father of the elect, who is also with His elect children on earth, would bring into His earthly kingdom of His true church. Then Jesus specified a singular subject who does His Father’s will (“the one continuously doing the will of My Father”). Thus, He was declaring that He will personally judge each individual according to one’s own personal works, that is, by how each one’s motives and intentions of one’s own spirit caused one to say or do all one’s daily works spontaneously, throughout one’s life. Jesus would judge individual hearts, and accept those growing more just, equitable and wise in their love as members of His kingdom. For many would come to Jesus and say, “We did this and we did that,”

as individuals or as a church, and try to take credit for works they believed they had done in His name. But most would be doing those works through their own wills, or for the glory of their own churches. So they had done their works in their own names or in the names of their own churches.

Only the individuals who actually do God’s genuine will can enter God’s kingdom here on earth. So only those who look to God alone, who see Him as their only authoritative Head and Lord, who are personally learning from Jesus to do God’s works, as the spirits born of the heavenly Father, can enter. The only souls that the eternal High King chooses to call citizens of His earthly kingdom are the elect whom Jesus’ Holy Spirits trains to practise just and loving righteousness. His true church consists only of the awakened elect who are consciously serving His kingdom as His true priesthood, as His one and only church of Israel. And soon, during the judgment day, all the undiscovered elect, who do not yet consciously know the name or attributes of Jesus, will be joined to these. When we see that the only Head of every individual elect soul in a church is the counselling God and High King Jesus, it is a true church. Only those whose spirits continuously and personally strive to hear and heed the counsel and commands of His real Holy Spirit can enter the kingdom of His true church on earth, then eternal heaven too, to serve as His priests to the world. And even the loving, just elect who do not yet consciously know the name of Jesus will enter this kingdom too, though many may not enter His church until they die and go to His judgment. Yet famous non-elect preachers will not.

Then, “in that day,” in the judgment day at the gates of heaven, Jesus will welcome and accept all the elect, all whom He recorded in His book of citizens before He created the material universe. All true members of His kingdom on earth, all elect spirits who actually heard and practised His true will on earth, spontaneously, straight from the just and pure motives and intentions of their spirits, through God-like love, will enter God’s home of heaven above. Even those who did not consciously know the name of Jesus, yet embraced His truths whispered to their spirits, will enter. But Jesus will cast out all pretenders, all who were never truly members of His church, nor loving contributors to His Page 520

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earthly creations. Any who served only themselves and their own demonic or human gods, but never the real God, will perish. All those pretenders will forever fall into the bottomless pit of hell’s dark spiritual delusions and lies, just as their spirits are already falling. For they were actually working against God’s Law all their lives. Not one ever said or did a thing through the spirit’s God-like love.

Therefore, what should we say about all those who bravely went to war in the name of Jesus, to ruthlessly murder, torture, starve, rape, enslave, plunder and forcibly convert souls to the brand name of their own self-serving fake church, who risked their lives through their loyalty to a false idol that their human gods presumptuously named “Jesus”? Surely, they proved their loyalty to that physical word, to that biblical name “Jesus,” to the magic name of their secondary heavenly god invented in the minds of the elite rulers of their churches! They even placed crosses all over their churches and self-indulgent mansions, all of which they purchased with hard-earned money diligently stolen from the souls they exploited and plundered without mercy. Then they also staffed their mansions with slaves captured during their unjust physical or economic battles, brutally forcing those siblings to bow to their cruel wills. Surely these loyal psychopaths belong to the kingdom of God, since they

“mercifully” saved some slaves and other exploited souls by threatening and torturing them until their minds of flesh succumbed, until they pledged loyalty to a name of a god imagined in their own minds, a demonic god whom those Churchians named “Jesus.” So how could anyone possibly say that those loyal souls are not members of God’s holy church kingdom on earth? That is apostasy!

Or what about the greatest “saints” that ever walked on earth, like the erudite and elegant rhetorician, Augustine of Hippo. Through his loyalty to the name of “Jesus,” he slandered equally heretical churches, then got his government to starve, murder and plunder them. Also, he was living with a woman and, as soon as he did that, God’s Law and love declared that she was his full wife. Then his son, born through her, was his full heir as well. However, the pagan Roman law, which Satan had dictated to his kingdom of the unjust world order, classified his wife as an inferior soul, as mere lowly concubine. Thus, what would Augustine do? Would he fulfill God’s Law in Christ and declare her to be his legal wife, or fulfill Satan’s law falsely “in the name of Jesus”? Well, Augustine chose Satan’s law, and sent his wife away, worried that his pagan Roman church may think it disgraceful to keep her as his wife. Augustine spat on God’s Law and God, but respected the laws of Satan’s world order with his whole heart. So he was a “lawless” one in God’s eyes. His faith in his own will, and in the wills of the citizens in Satan’s world order, could never earn his salvation, nor membership in the true priesthood of Israel. How could such works open the gates of the third heaven? It would be a heresy to say they did, especially since so many psychopaths of so many churches still admire them.

No! It is about time churches reevaluated their definitions of “Christian” and “church.” Becoming a Christian, a true family member of Christ’s eternal household of priests, has absolutely nothing to do with the kind of will that is worked by one’s mind of flesh, nor even the kind of will worked by the mind of one’s spirit. Rather, the only way anyone becomes a true member of Christ’s real church of Israel on earth, and a genuine Jew or Christian, is through Christ’s will. One can only become a true citizen of God’s kingdom by the personal works of Jesus, by His teaching and training of one’s elect spirit. Then these works of Jesus’ Holy Spirit, upon our spirits, will cause us to do His true works, according to our Father’s true will. All the good works that Jesus will approve on that last day must be the effects or fruits of His works inside us. Jesus defines a Christian, a member of His true church and priesthood, as one who bears the good fruits that His Holy Spirit produces through one’s spirit.

There can never be any truly good works, nor salvation, that originate from a wilful, carnal loyalty to the magic word “Jesus.” No one is saved by works produced through a psyched-out mind of flesh.

No one has ever become a member of His one true and hidden priesthood of Israel through a sombre Page 521

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profession of a creed or oath, nor by one’s willingness to partake in a physical ritual administered by hands of human flesh, nor by the emotions of the flesh sincerely reciting a “Sinner’s Prayer,” with tears flowing from the eyes of flesh. Jesus came to fulfill God’s wise, just Law in us and through us, to teach and train us how to love in the way God Himself loves. And only that is the salvation of the New Covenant in His blood. Therefore, if any kind of salvation does not bear the fruits of fulfilling God’s Law, through the teaching and training power of Jesus, it is not a real salvation. All that might be deemed to be “lawless,” according to the standards outlined by God’s Law, is not a fruit of the real salvation worked by Jesus’ Holy Spirit. Anyone who has never produced even one good, useful and beautiful fruit through the works of Jesus upon one’s spirit, is not a Christian and is not saved.

Now we are all manipulated beings, and all subject to the unruly lusts of our flesh. No one who has ever lived in flesh, aside from Jesus, was ever been born with a spirit that is mature, strong and wise enough to restrain the flesh, to keep oneself free from believing lies and from committing any real, harmful, deadly sins. All are pathetic, wretched, ugly, cruel, hurtful and even murdering sinners, without any genuine understanding of God’s wise ways. All of us are weak to the core, and totally ignorantly foolish in all our ways. Yet Jesus is able to make His elect siblings, whose humbled spirits begin to actually hear, know and understand the truths He whispers to their spirits, confess those truths before the real Father of their spirits, then apply those truths, together with their true siblings, as members of God’s kingdom of loving righteousness. Jesus, and only Jesus, is able to call, teach, train and send elect sinners into the priesthood of His true serving church. For He grants saving faith to all their spirits, the ability to trust in His Spirit and His words, to guide their elect spirits in life.

However, the non-elect often feel so entitled by Satan’s world order that they strive to rule over God and their own salvation (as well as all else). So these believers in self never have any real saving faith in Jesus. Worshipping themselves and other human beings is not the worship of God. Only those esteem and serve God rightly, in real truth and from their spirits, truly worship God. Thus, Jesus will never allow worshippers of human gods into His kingdom. Jesus will never let those enemies of truth serve in His priesthood of His church. Only His inherently just, loving elect can ever be His core helpers and assistants, can be priests in His kingdom. His true church consists only of the elect whose spirits trust, with absolute confidence, that Jesus will indeed teach and train their spirits until they will be able to do good works, until they can do deeds that truly please the heart of the Father of their spirits. And these priests of His true church know that, on the judgment day, Jesus will gather every elect soul who ever existed on earth, both the awakened conscious elect and the unconscious elect, into His New Covenant priesthood, into the one true church of Israel, which God formed through Abraham. All His true priests are fully assured that, on that last day, Jesus will complete His works upon literally all elect spirits, to perfection, making all fit to serve in heaven.

So there have been many errant and heretical churches throughout history. But there were at least some elect in all of them. And all those elect will repent into the real truth of Christ on the judgment day. Certainly, some elect were deceived into going to war and committing atrocities through a blind and carnal loyalty to an abused and misused “name” of a false “Jesus” imagined within the minds of Satan’s children. Perhaps even Augustine might have been one of the elect, but thoroughly duped into following the “churchianity” of his evil culture, the vile humanistic Roman religion of Satan’s beast. Yet, clearly, Jesus commands us not to esteem and worship any of those deceived elect, nor any other human beings. We must not take any of their ignorant, spiritually dead lives as examples of how we should live, since they all walked only according to their minds of flesh, while their spirits spurned the counsel of the real Christ’s Holy Spirit. Our one and only example of a true and good life in God is Jesus, our Creator God who walked in flesh among us, then died in the flesh our sakes.

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Jesus taught us, His elect siblings, to walk according to our spirits, as our spirits follow His counsel and guidance. Jesus taught us that the flesh profits us nothing, so we should not spend our precious lives serving our flesh. Rather, we need to serve Him. And all the elect can and will ultimately serve Him alone, although not all will serve Him consciously and directly while they live in flesh on earth.

Not all the elect actually become members of His priesthood on earth, His true church on earth. For Jesus only calls some elect to be His conscious disciples, to learn the ways of His priesthood even in their minds of flesh, as their minds of flesh submit to their elect spirits and their spirits heed Jesus’

Spirit. But Jesus has never called anyone to become a disciple of any human being, and never will.

Jesus rose from the dead and now lives. So His own living, thinking, speaking Self alone reserves the right to serve as the only Head Teacher and Lord of every disciple He chooses for Himself, even as the Creator God who dwells within each human property He owns, beside each spirit in each soul.

This is why not even one of the true apostles ever discipled anyone, and never called themselves rabbis or teachers of their elect siblings. Rather, they simply assisted the living Jesus as His more mature disciples, then called the other elect to also become disciples of Jesus, to let their spirits be directly and personally taught and trained by Jesus. And, throughout history, Jesus has raised up true disciples for Himself, some of whom He called, taught, trained and sent out as His assistant teaching elders, with various levels of skill, to proclaim truths to His elect. But literally all those true teaching elders have only taught their siblings as equals. No true teaching elder has ever taught any of the less advanced disciples of Jesus as though they were his own disciples. All the true apostles, and all of the other genuine teaching elders sent by Jesus, have always insisted on being called by their names, or addressed by the humble title of “brother.” True teaching elders do not allow any title of respect (such as “rabbi,” “pastor,” “reverend,” “doctor,” “father,” or “lord”) to be placed before their names.

And all allow themselves to be judge by all, because they are what Jesus made them to be, and do not care what the “names” of men and the organizations from Satan’s world order deem them to be.

The reason all true teaching elders have always done this is because they have always known that they are not special, not any more important to God’s kingdom than any other elect soul. They all realize that no human sinner can be any more valuable or indispensable than any other. And an elect soul whom the world esteems less than the others may be employed by Jesus to do His greatest works, by the power He lends to that one. All true teaching elders know that all the awakened elect are equal priests in the real New Covenant branch of the church of Israel, if they walk according to their spirits and let their spirits sit at the feet of the only Head Teacher of the entire true church on earth, if they allow their elect spirits to hear and heed the Holy Spirit of Jesus. Logically, all must be of equal value in God’s kingdom, since Jesus alone can enable His works through anyone, according to His will, through His love for all. Because none have any power to do any of God’s true works through their own wills, but anyone can do any of God’s works through Jesus’ power, all are equal.

Because no one is able to enable oneself, and no one has the wisdom nor the power to do any kind of good work that God would find acceptable, not one can be esteemed more than anyone else, nor put into a lower class of priest than any other. Jesus does whatever He wills through each elect soul. And not one has any choice about the kind of service God causes one’s spirit to crave, nor any choice as to how much ability, power or opportunity one shall be granted to fulfill all one’s inner desires. Also, the only reason each elect spirit longs to serve in a certain way on earth, is solely because one was created and predestined to do that kind of work in heaven. Thus, the earthly works themselves do not matter as much as how well each disciple is learning to do those kinds of works rightly. All that is truly important to God, and to us, is that we learn well from our one true Teacher and Trainer, Jesus.

Furthermore, some of the works that Satan’s world order may call the greatest works of God, God Page 523

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will call His least works, and may even call them works of the devil. Thus, there can be no pride in anything men call great, nor even pride in any truly great works of God, in the loving works we do in and through the counsel, will and power of our God Jesus. And there cannot be any higher or lower classes of those who are all equally powerless sinners relying entirely on Jesus’ counsel and power.

I have done many kinds of works throughout my life, and have never been great at anything. Those whom I worked with often were much better than I was. And I admired them for their greater skills and abilities. Since my early childhood, I used to look with wonder at how others could do things with ease and skill, in ways that I found extremely difficult or impossible to do. More than that, with my cognitive disabilities, and all the fears hard-wired into my brain of flesh by a lifetime of dealing with a demeaning, demanding and destructive father, I have always found it very hard to simply let loving and honest thoughts flow from my soul, without my mind of flesh fearing that I am wrong to do so, or often also falling into a fit of rage through my frustrations and fears of not being able to cope with even the least little lies or acts of injustice I must face. There are always thought rising from the base of my brain of flesh, attacking thoughts in my soul. Of course, I realize that all those neurotypical souls, who find life so easy to live, are also full of serious deficiencies and faults too, as well as many frustrations and fears that cause much anger in their souls. All humans are wretches and sinners like me. But let the mature elect always know they are sinners, and never pretend to be anything other than weak sinners. And let them also know that the worst and most psychopathic children of Satan lie about their sins, pretend they are greater than other souls, and even feel entitled to special treatment with honour. Many want others to see them as esteemed messengers of light, as human gods. And it is the worst children of Satan who became the highest class of priests in the false churches, then marginalize the most spiritually mature elect, or even expel and persecute those elect.

Now the world is dying, being destroyed by lawless, arrogant wanna-be gods. So now we need to be very honest about our flesh and spirits, more than ever before. If any of us will survive this earthly life, and the judgment day, we will need to admit that we can only find any kind of peace, health, safety, responsible freedom, happiness and inner joy through the just and loving ways of God. To have all this, we can no longer allow the most psychopathic, ignorant, wanna-be gods to rule over us, none of the human gods of fake churches and none of the self-entitled gods in secular institutions either. Rather, we need biblical democracies that only elect the just, equitable, loving elders whom God has demonstrably chosen for us. We need this in real churches, who serve as God’s priests for everyone in our lands, as well as in all our secular governments, institutions and even businesses.

All our collective works, as bodies of people, require the counsel of multiple older souls who are naturally chosen by the people, solely because they recognize those elders as having been chosen for us by God. All our elders must be called, taught, trained and sent by God. We need truly biblical democracies that choose only God’s chosen servants, that choose those who will lovingly, wisely and rightly serve all for the good of all, who will not discriminate against anyone, but will make wide allowances for secular souls whom God has not yet taught and trained. We need men who will teach the genuine and whole truth, so the people might chose to repent into that truth, not men who want to force their lies and ruthless wills on everyone. We need a true freedom of conscience in our lands, where all spirits can be convinced by God to believe the truth, and not forced by men, where only a minimum of God’s natural laws are enforced, and only to keep general order. As for true churches, they need to elect the teaching and judging elders who love in the wisest, most just and most godly way, the elders who will humbly and diligently serve the people in just, equitable, wise, sacrificial and honest labours through their love for God and all God’s creations. Also, huge populations will need huge governments, working diligently to provide justice and the equitable distribution of all the Page 524

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physical needs required by all the people. Therefore, these governments must be involved in every aspect of life, to ensure that they can meet the needs, safety and necessary accommodations for all the different kinds of souls God grants to a land. We need governments to exert fair and equitable ownership and control over all God’s land, resources and all else, all in the name of the real Owner, acknowledging that God rules over all, and letting all their equal siblings govern that government.

All the decisions and works of every government are religious, whether they admit it or not. For literally all the laws of all governments are based upon spiritual, moral and religious principles or doctrines. Every law, without even one exception, is created on a foundation of truths that a spirit or a cooperating body of spirits deems to be either right or wrong, just or unjust, true or false. And not one human spirit in any governing body is neutral, in a way where that one is utterly omniscient, able to judge between God and demons objectively, to determine who is right and who is wrong. All humans are manipulated, weak, infantile beings whose spirits are caused to worship either God or false gods, and then uphold the spiritual values taught to their spirits by either God or those false gods. Nor is any human being ever able to see all the future consequences of his or her choices, although God has provided each with enough personal experiences and historical consequences to make at least some wise choices. So all in all governments must acknowledge all this, so they will all humbly serve God and beg Him to grant them His wisdom and knowledge to serve the people well.

Since all this true, the enforcement of laws, through justice and judicial systems, is also based on spiritual principles. Therefore, if a humanist, who worships only oneself and other human sinners, makes and enforces laws, all those laws will be for one’s own good, or only for the good of the other human gods he worships. So the administration and enforcement of those self-serving laws will always be at the expense of the people not worshipped by that humanist, and cause varying degrees of injustice and destruction. And all elders serving a body of people will always base all their laws upon the religious spiritual principles taught by the gods whom their spirits worship, whether they are kings ruling over authoritarian regimes or public servants in democracies, whether they serve secular or religious bodies. So the humanists who want to be the sole rulers of nations and churches, as the worshipped creators of all laws, as the kings of either a secular or religious kingdoms, as the gods of a body of people, will always be detrimental to the vast majority of the people they govern.

Any secular or religious elders who want to usurp the authority of the real King, Owner and God of all the earth, will always deny many freedoms and rights to most of the people, especially to those who worship the real God. In fact, a humanist will oppress or destroy anyone who worships any kind of god more than himself. A humanist may even kill those who do not worship him with total loyalty, although he will never even try to be loyal to his people. We have always seen this throughout all history. Governing humanists—like Babylonian and Persian kings, Greek and Roman despots, as well as the Hitlers and Trumps of our generations—have all been the same, all making laws to serve themselves at the expense of their people, all demanding loyalty to them without being loyal to any who worship them. Literally all humanistic rulers, in governments and churches, do this. The rule of the wills of these wanna-be gods only allow the most ruthless psychopaths to win all of the highest positions of authority in those bodies, and only if those psychopaths “loyally” help them terrorize the people into complete submission to their own wills. Consequently, the only solution to this inevitable injustice, created by the people’s worship of self-serving human gods, is to stop worshipping them.

If God calls enough men in any land, even a mere one percent, into His true church of Israel, then that land will surely become a just democracy of free souls. If Jesus causes enough elect souls to walk according to the minds of their spirits (and not according to their minds of flesh), so that they worship only Jesus as their Lord, Head Teacher, High King and God, the wicked and foolish will Page 525

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fall, and all that is just and right will begin to be done for the people. For the power and wisdom of God will work through those very imperfect sinners, to purify the thoughts of their spirits and souls.

Jesus has the power accomplish all that will make the land free, as long as elect men keep their eyes on Jesus, as long as they turn the eyes of their spirits away from lawless demands of their own flesh and refute the lies of other human beings. Jesus will cause the remnant of His priesthood in the land to win over the people, cause the people to hear and heed His wise and loving truth, including the truth of God’s permissive will, which allows broad freedoms for those who do not worship Him. In Christ, awakened elect men, together their sisters in the Lord, will defeat Satan’s power which works through his wicked brood, because those non-elect children of the devil are easily manipulated and pacified with mere things of the flesh. Through the power and counsel of Jesus, the entire land will follow a path of restoration, justice and equity worked through God-like love. True churches may be few and small, but Jesus will cause His wise, just and pure love to thrive throughout the whole land.

Yes, there are many churches in our lands, and a large percentage of people claim to be Christians.

So why is there so much trouble and injustice in our abused and depleted lands, where even the climate is against us? Why is the land, water and even the atmosphere of the entire earth polluted?

Why are criminal fascists, like Hitler, Putin and Trump, rising to power everywhere, suppressing all truth, even all that is just and loving, able to torture and murder multitudes of innocent souls with impunity, all through their vain, psychopathic, egocentric wills? Why are their blind followers so slavishly driven by the power of their hellish father, Satan? Well, if you look at how each and every one of those destroying, vile monsters received their power, you will find that it was because people who practised a false religion, and almost invariably the worship of man, the religion of Satan called humanism. Primarily humanism, the religion of that devil’s future messiah called the “beast,” the religion which calls everyone to worship that demon-possessed man so he can control their lives through the power of money, is behind the power of all those psychopathic rulers. And, to this day, if any do not worship those despots, they will forbid those ones from buying or selling. Satan’s religion of humanism has always practised austerity measures to suppress any opposition to themselves, or else caused artificial famines and hardships to sway the people to support them. All used money to gain power, and to buy weapons to put into the hands of their duped minions to keep their power.

Then we have seen humanistic churches, mosques, synagogues and temples supporting the rule and power of despots, fake religions which approve of their power gained through works of terrorism and harsh laws. All those fake religions have served the pleasure their psychopathic high god, Satan, by duping the people of their lands into choosing that devil’s choices as their teaching and judging elders. And all those fake religions have greedily worshipped Mammon too, the demon of austerity measures which enrich the rich while impoverishing the poor, and use money to suppress the truth so the people will not rebel into God’s kind of freedom. Then, the humanistic religions that have raised the worst of all psychopathic criminals to power have always been the fake religions falsely claiming to be “Christian.” Fake “Christian” churches have always been able to gather the largest and most zealous hordes of ruthless, self-entitled wretches to loath the real God and war against Him, while they have hypocritically claimed to love and worship Him. But they are easily identified by their demonically evil fruits of cruelty, injustice, lies and delusions administered through their oppressive hierarchical systems, and by the way their chief members worship only self and other human beings as their high gods. Then these fake churches also obviously worship Satan and the demon Mammon as their secondary gods, since their spirits will not only place their saving faith in themselves and other human beings, but also in the devil’s power of terrorizing violence and in money’s power to exploit and control their captive slaves. Once we realize all this, the logical first step for creating a Page 526

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true biblical democracy in any land is to pray for God to establish His true church in that land. Then, once a true church exists there, God’s truth and power will work through that true church to nullify the works of Satan and build up the freedoms of His own wise, just, equitable and loving kingdom.

If you look at biblical history, it repeatedly demonstrates that the very best, happiest, most just and free, prosperous, equitable and loving times in the churches of Israel occurred when the spirits of God’s elect worshipped Him in their spirits and in truth. Then, when you look at how biblical and equitable democracies rose up all over the world, you will find that those are the lands which had revivals of biblical truth during the Reformation. And the most free were those where the “Great Awakening” of relatively true churches happened, that is, in England and America, as well as in the nations influenced by the true churches through English and American people. Now do not get me wrong here. England and America were thoroughly evil humanistic lands, mere subject kingdoms within the devil’s beloved psychopathic, enslaving, murdering Roman Empire. There was nothing good about England or America, since all their laws and ways were Roman. However, there clearly was something good about the biblical teachings, laws and ways that were gradually piercing the darkness of those Roman lands through God’s awakening elect. Their teachings changed everything.

God’s gradually awakening elect taught things like: how churches and their lands must choose God’s choices of just, honest and loving teaching elders to serve them for their good, by democratically electing vetted pastors and government officials; how there must be just trials for all the accused, with cross-examined testimonies; how both the rich and poor must be judged by the same standards, without prejudice; how judicial systems must penalize according to the level of evil motives and intentions; how sinners must be freed if their motives and intentions changed through repentance; how God is a respecter of no persons, but considers all human beings of all cultures, languages, skin colours and religions to be our siblings; how God forbade us to enslave our siblings and demanded the total emancipation of all our slaves; how we must pay workers fair wages since they are worthy of their hire; how we must not commit criminal negligence by creating unsafe working conditions for our fellow labourers; how God commands us to care for all our siblings who have fallen into hard times; how we need to freely heal the infirmed like Jesus did, by providing free medical care; how the rich must be forced to provide interest-free “loans” for all the needs of the people, then forgive those loans after seven years, so there will be no poor in God’s lands, which can be accomplished through the progressive tax systems taught in the New Covenant Scriptures; how God commanded us to tend the garden of the earth and take responsibility for the welfare of all living creations on earth, by ecologically sound practises, by laws forbidding cruelty to animals, by funding workers who rescue animals, or by other means; and how to apply countless other forms of truth and justice which had never before existed in Satan’s Roman Empire before those awakening elect spoke out.

The real Jesus is God, who knows the thoughts of human beings, who is not fooled by cunning lies and distractions, by delusions that people want themselves to sincerely believe with their whole hearts. And the real Jesus will not glorify Satan, by endorsing and supporting Satan’s works through fake churches, by those that are actually owned by the devil. Jesus will only glorify the real Creator God, since He is that real God, is one with the Father and the Holy Spirit of God. Jesus will only endorse and support works that are done according to the Father’s will, only just and loving works that serve His creations for their good. Therefore, Jesus will let self-worshippers in fake churches fall into delusions and go from bad to worse, until they destroy themselves. That is their condemnation and punishment. That is His judgment against them. But Jesus will endorse and support His true priests of His one true church of Israel. So even one awakened elect soul—either a man, woman or child—will be able to stand against ten thousand, if one is armed only with the love, truth, wisdom Page 527

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and power of Jesus. Therefore, we must cast aside fake churches which tell us to trick more souls into their slavery through worldly marketing techniques that they falsely call evangelism. Rather, the calling of the true elect is to allow their spirits to sit at the feet of our Lord and Head Teacher, as His faithful, hearing and heeding disciples, attentively learning truth and wisdom from Him. Then, like all good disciples, He will train us to wisely and effectively do the works which He calls us to do.

Let every elect soul always remember, and not forget, these words of Jesus, as one searches for true teaching elders and churches: “Not everyone saying to Me, ‘Lord! Lord!’ will enter into the kingdom of the heavens, but rather the one continuously doing the will of My Father in the heavens.” Not all who call themselves Christians or a Jews are chosen by God Himself to be a citizens of His kingdom on earth, much less a genuine priests in His true church of Israel. His true priesthood, both the Old Covenant branch of Israel and the New Covenant branch of Israel, consists only of those He calls, awakens, teaches and trains to serve His earthly kingdom of elect, as well as the rest of His creation.

Then there are future citizens of His kingdom, the undiscovered elect, who have no conscious awareness of Jesus, but were also created and chosen by Him to enter His heavenly church later.

The only way we can find other elect souls is by a observing and rightly judging a person’s fruits.

We need to weigh all the words of a person against the just and loving truth taught in the Bible, and ensure that we have God’s own interpretation of His Word in the minds of our spirits when we do this. In the same way, we need to also judge the deeds a person by the exactly the same just and loving biblical standards. If we let our elect spirits hear and heed the real Holy Spirit of Jesus, He will warn our spirits about the unjust words and deeds of others. If we do not let our gullible minds of flesh interfere without our judgments regarding those words and deeds, but focus on the counsel of Christ, we will make right judgments. For the only way any infantile human spirit can discern whether or not anyone’s fruit of the lips or hands is just, wise, good, beautiful and loving is by first allowing our own spirits to be thoroughly counselled by Jesus. Yes, fellow disciples may help Jesus teach us the truth. But our final authoritative verdict in every judgment, regarding every fruit and the intentions of every producer of a fruit, is Jesus. We need no human authority to intervene between us and Jesus. For Jesus is always willing and available to teach our spirits about God’s loving, just will, and how to fulfill God’s will. In fact, all just and loving words and works existing in the entire world originated through the teaching and training of elect spirits by the Holy Spirit of Jesus. All good, useful and beautiful fruits come from the elect whom Jesus created and taught. And, no matter what religion a person outwardly claims to follow, even atheistic humanism, that one’s spirit is hearing and heeding God if that one is bearing just and good fruits through true love, and is an elect soul.

Thus, in a biblical democracy, we will know who to endorse as a candidate, since we will recognize the just, loving, wise, diligent and skilled servant whom God has chosen for that particular service, by judging that one’s fruits. We will know God’s choice by that one’s love, sense of justice, fervour for the truth, equitable treatment of siblings in mankind and biblical values. We will know whom God Himself taught, trained and called to perform those tasks in our governments. All good servants will be God’s elect children. Yes, some may not yet consciously know the “name” or attributes of his or her Creator and God, Jesus. Still, even some of these unconscious elect will be the ones Jesus has chosen for certain secular jobs in government. Meanwhile, Jesus may be utterly against a vile, cruel, lying candidate, a child of the devil who claims to be a devout Jew or Christian, but who falsely prays, “Lord! Lord!” There are many who make a big show of religion or religious principles, but are merely pretending to be messengers of God’s light. There have always been countless so-called

“Christian leaders” who are actually ravenous wolves draped in fake sheep skins. For instance, we Page 528

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now see all kinds of demonic preachers who support the lying Trump and his criminal gang. To deceive the elect, Satan’s brood have always pretended to serve God, since the creation of the world.

Then we must also watch out for those who either: (1) belong to a fake church which falsely claims to have done good works in God’s name, even miraculous works, or (2) falsely claim to belong to the one true church of God, so they can falsely claim credit for the miraculous works done by the real authority, power and will of Jesus. On the judgment day, many will tell Jesus: “Did we not prophesy in Your name, and cast out demons in Your name, and perform many miracles in Your name?” Since they joined a church through their own human wills, and possibly pay tithes, they think they can take credit for the good works of churches, either fake works done by false churches or real works done by Jesus in His true church. But Jesus will give no one credit for partaking in the fake works of false churches. Nor will Jesus grant fake church members a reward for the works He Himself did in and through His true elect. Nor will Jesus reward anyone simply for choosing to join a church through one’s own supposed “free will,” because there is actually no such thing as a “free will.” Rather, a human will is a manipulated product of inherent propensities, environment, spiritual influences and so on. So, if one has a truly elect spirit which chooses to be loyal to “Jesus” and His true church, God caused one to make that choice, and one will receive no credit for making that choice. Also, just as God’s Law declares the just principle that no one except the one who committed a sin must ever be punished for that sin, so too does that principle apply to good works. Thus, only the one who did the good will be rewarded. Only the spirits who actually share in the real works of Jesus, which can only be done by those whom Jesus calls and teaches about the Father’s will, will receive His reward.

None can become a member of Jesus Christ’s true church through a choice of one’s own human will.

If Jesus did not create and choose that one to become a citizen of His kingdom, both on earth and in heaven, then one is not a citizen of His kingdom. And, if Jesus does not choose to make a citizen of His kingdom into a priest who serves His kingdom, then one is not a priest in His church. And none can fool Jesus, since Jesus personally and thoroughly knows all whom He chose. So He will surely proclaim this fact to all who might falsely claim to have partaken in His kingdom and His works on earth. When His angels assemble all the human sinners who ever lived on earth, Jesus will tell those non-elect, “At no time did I know you!” Then we will confess, when we see their personal fruits of their lying and loveless spirits exposed before our eyes, “At no time did we ever know you as our siblings, for none of your spirits had ever been taught and trained by Christ to do His loving will.”

These pretenders began by declaring, “Did we not do good works?” And, of course, this English order of this kind of question implies: “Because we did good works, You should give us credit for what we did.” And, when they used the plural pronoun “we,” they referred to the good works done by God’s true church. So these pretenders wanted credit, glory and salvation due to their supposed participation in what true churches did, since they thought their fake humanistic churches were one with God’s true churches, such as the apostolic church described in the Book of Acts. When Jesus judged them, they believed they could declare that they artificially condoned what the apostolic churches did, although their fake churches undid the teachings of Jesus followed by that true church.

And, although they also made false prophecies in His name, pretended to cast out demons in His name, and faked many miracles in His name, this is why they dared to claim: “Did we not prophesy in Your name, and cast out demons in Your name, and perform many miracles in Your name?” To this day we see false churches doing this, falsely claiming to be descendants of the one true church.

Naturally, along with every deed those liars thought they did, they also added the phrase, “in Your name.” However, they only appeared to add this phrase to point out how loyal they were to the name of Jesus. Just as pagans did deeds in the names of their human gods, to stroke the egos of those gods Page 529

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and to outwardly display their loyalty, these self-serving fools thought Jesus would be tricked by their lying words in the same way their human gods were. And, yes, they did sincerely do their deeds in Jesus’ name, because their inner fears superstitiously believed God would bless them, just like their human gods rewarded them for doing evil works in their names. Yet these pretenders clearly did not know what the phrase, ‘in Your name,” meant, biblically. For they all seemed to be practising the Roman religion of humanism, and thought Jesus’ authoritative name would give them some kind of blanket authority to do whatever violence and evil they personally wanted to do, just as the name of Caesar gave pagan Roman authorities the power to torture and murder innocent souls. However, biblically, anything said or done “in the name of Jesus” had to be said or done by His counse l and comma nd, strictly according to His will, in the precise way Jesus wanted it to be said or done. Only if something was done according to God’s will, would the authority and power of Jesus Himself actually accomplish whatever was said or done in His name, to produce whatever results He desired.

Now, there are times when Jesus may even cause a non-elect enemy to say or do something in His name. That is, Jesus can inwardly compel, coerce and create circumstances that “accidentally” cause even a non-elect enemy to prophesy, cast out a demon or perform a miracle through His power. That is, our God Jesus can cause the non-elect, or even Satan himself, to do His will unintentionally. Still, even then, it is indeed Jesus’ will, power and authority that actually does it. I have seen desperate and deeply hurting elect, who are humble and loving souls, believe the claims of fake preachers and ask them for a healing. Then, every once in a while, I have seen a real healing take place. But the real healings, without strings attached, are only for true elect souls—who eventually flee from those fake preachers, after they realize that Jesus healed them, not those fake preachers. On the other hand, I have also seen some very evil healings, where the healed ones are required to become slaves of those fake preachers. Once healed, the person is forced to attend that fake preacher’s church, listen to videos and recorded sermons of that fake preacher’s propaganda every day, tithe to enrich the fake preacher’s personal estate, serve the fake preacher in countless ways, and glorify the fake preacher’s name as one’s highest god, all because, if that healed one does not do all this, the healing will be taken away and a curse will fall on that healed one. Therefore, these false healings are miracles, but are enslaving works involving powers granted to demons by God’s permission, so those demonic spirits can delude and destroy those who do not love God’s truth. For God hands liars over to them.

All of a fake and loveless preacher’s “miracles” are highly conditional, enslaving the recipient. And all who “benefit” from those “miracles” must labour in an endless cycle of futility, forever striving in vain to win the approval of that demonic miracle worker, always needing to prove one’s loyalty to that human god. For all Satan’s rewards are granted under strict conditions, including unquestioning loyalty to him. All that is granted by these fake preachers is a trap, which enslaves the ensnared. For those fakes were all created in the image of their father, Satan. But all God’s love is always totally unconditional. So all God’s gifts and rewards are also unconditional, freely granted through His own entirely unmerited and unearned grace, through His unconditional love for each elect child whom He created in His image. None of God’s miracles ever have any strings attached. This also includes His eternal salvation, which He freely works by the teaching and training of elect spirits. For the Father of elect spirits knows their infantile and inept spirits well, and made all His beloved children desire His kind of warm, unconditional love in the cores of their beings. Thus, He never needs to coerce and bribe His children to do His will. Rather, He simply teaches and trains their spirits to rightly do His will. Then they eagerly seek to do it. For this is their innermost desire, to do His good works for their beloved siblings and His creations. The only reason the elect want do His will is to work love.

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The point is that false Christians, even non-elect enemies of God, will occasionally prophesy real prophecies, cast out real demons or do other miracles in Jesus’ name, because God will sometimes allow it. Nevertheless, most of what these fakes claim to do are deceptions. Most of their so-called

“prophecies” come from their own imaginations, or are deviously formed by the information that their teams of “spies,” circulating in the crowd, gather for them. Then most of the “demons” they supposedly cast out are not demons at all, just emotions, fears, feelings and so on. And, if a soul is emotionally psyched out enough to believe the fake demon is gone, they may feel better and think a real demon was cast out. However, there have been times when I believe that some real demonic spirits have been in some people. Then a fake preacher will claim he has “cast out” that demon, but has actually replaced a lesser demon with a greater one. A fake preacher will ask a simple destructive demon and replace it with a greater demon who can enslave literally every thought of that person’s soul. Almost all the “miracles” I have ever seen worked by these fake preachers are fakes, and most are simply deceptive little tricks—although I have seen real demonic powers worked through some.

Some have performed real signs and wonders through the power of Satan, to deceive. Then, in rare circumstances, they make a few real prophesies, fully cast out actual demons and work some true healings through the real power of Jesus, but only for a few elect whose spirits actually have some real faith in the real Jesus. Even though they are fakes, Jesus sometimes works miracles in His own name. Yet Jesus always accompanies His real works with signs indicating that He did those real works, not the fake preachers. For Jesus’ love will have mercy and free some of His enslaved elect.

Then, on the judgment day, Jesus will tell all those pretenders: “Continue to depart from Me, those constantly working lawlessness!” And His elect angels will herd them all into the bottomless pit, so all will continue to fall into it forever. Jesus will not call each by name, but dismiss them as a herd of nameless goats destined for slaughter. For they began to depart from the real God, from Jesus, at the moments of their births. Thus, He will let them continue that departure from Him, eternally, as they descend through the fathomless realm of hell. For each day’s loveless deeds and lying words carried their non-elect spirits deeper into that darkness of hell’s delusions and lies, ever further below God’s throne in heaven, lower than the day before. Each day, as their spirits opposed and sinned against the Holy Spirit of the Creator, they drifted down until they lost sight of God. For their spirits, from their first moments of existence, inherently hated God’s laws of just love, and constantly broke His laws, to cause suffering and death everywhere they went. So they will be safely imprisoned in a place where there are none of God’s creations to harm. On that last day, Jesus will let them take a last step away from Him, into the hole they call home. After all are driven through, into that endless darkness, elect angels will seal the entrance with an impenetrable stone, shutting it forever, so none can pass either in or out. From that moment on, no spirit will ever fall into hell, and none shall ever leave it.

But while the elect live on earth, all need to honestly admit that we are all very much alike, all of the same family, all with the same spiritual genetics. We live in every tribe on earth, but all with the same inner longings, the same desires to be loved and to love. We love our the siblings whom God brought into our lives. We want to take a spouse and have children to serve and love, to prepare for a good and free life. So our biggest problem is that the different places we live within have different wanna-be human gods who propagandize our tribes with slightly different lies, who try to make us hate one another. Each place has psychopaths who want to delude us into thinking they will be our saviours, the only ones who can rescue us from our good siblings in other tribes led by other wanna-be human gods. They want the elect to worship them instead of the real God. And, because the elect have been so poorly taught and remain so ignorant, they are easily duped into relying on those fake saviours. The foolish elect actually trust those servants of Satan to tell them what is real, instead of Page 531

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“diligently investigating” and searching for the real realities, as God is commands them to do. They believe those who invent false “truths,” who tell lies which serve their own evil purposes, who then call all fact-based news “fake news,” and teach the elect to distrust realities created by God. Thus, the devil’s brood, as weak and factious as they are, have always ruled over the elect, and have even caused the elect to persecute and kill their own siblings. So now it is time for the spirits of the elect to turn to their heavenly Father, and let their oldest Brother teach and train them in His family ways.

It is time for the elect to go to God, so they might learn realities and truths, so they can consistently make right decisions and judgments. Now we must learn wisdom from the real Holy Spirit, and do just deeds through true love, so we can build up trust which enables just love in our lands, because just love is the foundation of God’s kingdom on earth. Then the words and deeds of spontaneous and God-like love, freely flowing from elect spirits who are effectively counselled by Jesus’ Holy Spirit, will be the uncut, naturally shaped stones we use to construct our altar, the place we worship our God. For this the only material God’s Law allows us to use in building His altar. Furthermore, God’s Law only allowed one altar on earth, one place of harmonized worship for all His elect children, one everlasting natural place of prayer and sacrifice, consisting of the spontaneous, eternal words and deeds of love formed by literally all the individual elect on earth. All our love must be piled together into only one alter, where all worship the one God in their spirits and in truth. And Jesus will shape each stone to perfectly fit into the other, without interference from the wills of any false gods. Then this altar will be a shelter and defence for all the elect spirits of all God’s children in His kingdom.

It is time for the elect to realize that only one truth, one way and one light existed from the day God created the heavens and the earth. Only one narrow path of true, just, wise and loving righteousness has always led to the one real Creator God, and to His home where we shall all dwell forever. All the elect have only ever found one genuine truth, only one kind of true justice, only one truly effective wisdom and only one fully unconditional, eternal kind of love. All have found exactly the same path, the same narrow way that God formed in the beginning. This one and only straight path was found and walked upon by the first elect, by Adam and Eve, by the first beings granted a knowledge of both good and evil, by the first earthly entities who could walk according to intentions and motives of their spirits. And that very same path will be followed by the last elect ever born. Never, in all history, were there ever even the slightest changes in the spiritual principles and morality of true, just and God-like love. And there never will be, even after the material universe ends. God created all the elect with spirits to inherently desire this same kind of love from Him, from the same God, and made all able to find it, if they let His Holy Spirit teach and train their spirits. Whether our flesh lives in caves or sky-scrapers, dresses in animal skins or space suits, eats hunted venison or artificial meat, our Father leads us all into exactly the same just, equitable love. Our God Jesus grows precisely the same moral conscience in all elect spirits. The one and only Creator Spirit, who walked among us in the body of Jesus the Messiah, has granted literally all elect spirits the eyes to see this one true path.

Although this path is hidden from the non-elect, the one God, Jesus, personally leads each elect spirit to that path. Throughout time, every elect spirit matures into exactly the same kind of wise love with exactly the same sense of justice, although each unique elect spirit was made to express the wisdom and knowledge in a unique way. Whenever any elect spirit is made aware of the principles behind God’s intended meaning of His Law, which Jesus fulfills in and through all His chosen elect, that elect spirit soon joyously and fully agrees with those principles, in every detail. As a true elect spirit comes to a complete and full understanding of any biblical truth, any Law of God, that spirit finds complete harmony with Jesus and with every other elect spirit who ever existed, without even the slightest shade of difference. After God reveals His truth, even elect spirits raised in very different Page 532

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cultures and religions come to a complete and total unity of mind and purpose, in exactly the same principles of love and justice, because God created all elect spirits and all those principle to be immutable. Not one elect spirit is even capable of permanently setting its will against the one loving, just truth created by God. For all elect spirits bear an innate attraction to the same, immutable and identical principles of love and justice. So literally all the elect will willingly and joyfully repent into exactly the same ways of just love, once Jesus fully reveals His one truth to their spirits. And Jesus always grants all the elect at least some truth. Thus, all the elect can find and love one another, then bear at least a few good, useful and beautiful fruits of just and God-like love through their lives in the flesh, in spite those who tempt their flesh, try to divide them, and interfere with their progress.

Without the lies of the devil’s spirit corrupting their minds of flesh, and without the countering works of that devil’s offspring, the elect develop a profound unity of purpose and resolve in their hearts. Their spirits become of one mind in their God, Jesus. Even the elect trapped in false religions, such as Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism and atheistic secular humanism, find a deep companionship and agreement in the just and loving ways and laws of the real God, which are the attributes or “name”

of Jesus. And there is never a greater unity of purpose and mind than that found in the awakened elect, in the true priesthood of the one church of Israel, in the church God created through Abraham to serve all the rest of the elect existing on this earth. Jesus draws all true members of His church into the same truth, and all who mature in Him agree with this truth, in total communion with Him.

But there are an infinite number of wrong paths that lead to an infinite number of deadly traps. For a lie can be an infinite number of deviations from the one truth, anywhere from only a hundredth of one dimension’s degree away from the real truth, all the way up to 180 degrees away from the real truth in every dimension. Then the course of a lie can change direction at any time, and usually does.

Yet the one truth always remains the same straight path leading directly to the source of all justice and love, to God. Thus, there are an infinite number of fake churches. But only one true church exists for all who are called to be true priests, called to administer the real truth that God created.

And, if any of the elect in the true church are drawn away from that one truth, even a little, we need to remind them about that one truth. We must speak that truth in love, and ask our straying sibling to pray, to let one’s spirit be taught and trained by the almighty Lord Jesus. For we know any deviation from that real truth in Jesus will inevitably cause harm or even death for the innocent. Then, if any sibling refuses to repent, we part from that one, leaving that soul’s fate to Jesus. And Jesus may choose to hand an unrepentant elect soul over to the devil for a time, over to Satan’s delusions and lies that may even cause the destruction of that one’s flesh. For anyone who does not love the truth does not love, and will commit sins to collect the wages of death. But His church must build life, not death. So we never compromise with disciples of other lords and other heads, with worshippers of men and demons. For everyone in His one true church needs to serve only one Lord and God, Jesus.

Choose to Hear Jesus

All elect spirits on earth hear at least some teachings from the Holy Spirit of Jesus, and all elect are trained by Him in some of His ways of just love from birth. But, since the elect have very infantile spirits, they begin life by walking according to their minds of flesh. For their flesh can see, hear and learn to sense input more readily and quickly than the minds of their spirits. Since both their spirits and their flesh is so concerned about physical survival at birth, the whole focus of both the mind of the spirit and the mind of flesh in their souls learns and thinks about only the things of the flesh. The same is true for all the non-elect born on earth, except that their infantile spirits hear at least some lies from the spirit of their lying father, and are trained in his ways. And their hellish father teaches Page 533

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their spirits to live a loveless life, and only to please their amoral flesh, because a life in the flesh is all they will ever have as their eternal reward. So those non-elect, by the manipulations of their lying father, set out to confuse, muddle, obfuscate and distract the elect from God’s created truths, from the narrow path of abundant life that loves and is loved. And, since the non-elect have bodies of flesh dwelling directly beside elect flesh, the non-elect are able to hijack the the thoughts of elect minds of flesh, and can trick elect flesh into suppressing their infantile spirits. Non-elect flesh can more easily train the elect to live according to their flesh, as flesh dwelling beside flesh, than God can train the infantile, cloudy minds of elect spirits. Thus, elect spirits commonly learn to ignore the teaching and training Spirit of God. Nevertheless, God’s Spirit keeps on teaching and training the elect spirits of His beloved children, even as those spirits resist His Spirit. This conflict between God and the devil, as well as this struggle between the elect and the non-elect children of those two spirits, has carried on since Adam and Eve sinned in the garden. Always, the non-elect children of Satan have been corrupting the elect. Yet some elect spirits have always matured through the education of their wise Father, becoming able to undo many works of the devil on earth, with varying degrees of success.

But now the elect can no longer afford to shun their God, because the times are growing darker and colder before the dawn of Christ’s return. Now the end-time judgments of God are about to fall upon the earth. So now elect spirits must choose the right religion, and trust only the real truths that their Creator God established in heaven and on earth, so they can walk on that narrow path leading to just, wise and effective love. But make no mistake, just because Satan’s brood, even working together with many of their duped captive elect slaves, might claim they are not religious, then even falsely claim they are more rational and scientific than other religions, it is all just another lie. For literally everyone is religious to the core. All spirits, even the spirits of plants and animals, worship some kind of god. All plants and animals cannot help but esteem and serve the real God, because their spirits have no ability to choose between good and evil, but are simply what they were created to be.

However, the spirits of human beings can worship just about anything, by making judgments either for or against the real God. In fact, a human being can even esteem and serve oneself as one’s god.

A religion may defined as “the belief in a superhuman controlling power; especially in a personal God or gods entitled to obedience and worship” (Oxford). Or we may define religion as an either conscious or innate belief in a supernatural being or power that intelligently created and controls all existence, and thus determines all destinies within earthly time, where all past and future time are one, and where only our spirits experience the flow of time. But, no matter how the abstract noun

“religion” is defined, all spirits know what it is, and literally everyone is completely religious.

Yes, some non-elect like to lie to themselves, and to others, by loudly proclaiming that there are no such things as moral and spiritual principles and truths, because there are no such things as spirits.

And, as their spirits, made entirely of non-material substances, bitterly shout this lie, demanding that everyone must believe this lie, those spirits are only thinking about how this lie will afford them the opportunity to reap a few dirty rewards of the flesh, to please their own self-indulgence. Then, since the non-elect spirits repeat this lie incessantly, even many elect spirits begin to believe it—although none of those non-elect spirits ever truly believe their own lie, but readily allow their spirits to hear and heed the lying counsel of their hellish father, so those spirits can lie and do evil more effectively for the benefit of their own flesh. Yet many duped elect spirits grow dull, doubt the concepts flowing into their spirits, and stop listening to God’s Spirit altogether. Of course, in the past, the non-elect told lies about the demonic spirits they worshipped, and for exactly the same reasons. But now that the religious empire of Satan’s Roman humanism has conquered the world, their preferred lie is Page 534

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about a falsely scientific and irrational materialism, which claims that the wondrous and balanced intelligence which created all existence is a material, non-material force of “nature,” not a wise God.

As atheistic secular humanists lie and say they are not religious, they reinforce this delusion in their own minds of flesh by redefining words like “religion,” “belief,” “worship” and “god.” Yet they obviously highly esteem and slavishly serve themselves and other human beings, which is the very definition of worship. They build grand false images of their human gods in their own minds, and sometimes in physical forms too. Then they bow before those “superhuman” delusions about self and others, thinking self and others are actually able to save them and totally exert control over their own destinies, even over the destinies of all God’s creations. This is why they invented countless theories about the origins of the material universe, then created mathematical “proofs” which they claimed to be infallible, only to have those “proofs” disproved. But they are forced to invent yet another theory every decade or so, then “prove” to be true, because realities soon overwhelm them in a way they cannot control, and destroy their creators created in their own fallible human minds.

Also, they need to lie about what they previously claimed, and say they did not really say what they said, because they want the people to believe they are consistent. And the people even believe that lie too. At the moment, a popular religious creation myth of the Roman secular humanists blabbers on about a “supernatural” cosmic egg god that precisely created time, space and energy, as well as all the harmonious, brilliant laws of the material universe, labouring together with another supernatural intelligence who works evolution. They claim that the genius of these supernatural gods carefully designed, built and harmonized all order and life, in a way that is far beyond our comprehension. But realities and pure logic constantly break these fragile delusions, as they try with all their might to ignore realities. So they need to repeatedly rebuild their infallible proofs and force new lies upon us.

In all this, these Greco-Roman humanists think they are rational. But honest and rational souls can plainly induce, from the plentiful genuine evidence existing everywhere, that they are lying. Still, it is utterly impossible to reason with them. For, if you point to a reality, they simply mock you and declare the reality to be unreal. Then they will condescendingly look down upon you, bully you and try to make you feel like an ignorant fool. And, if any honest and rational soul continues to point to realities, they will dehumanize that one more vehemently, by ruthlessly slandering, persecuting or even killing that one, to silence that one. For they must insist that their delusions and lies are real, and that unwanted realities are unreal, lest their flesh might be forced to become just and equitable toward their siblings in mankind. They continue to claim their lies must be accepted as absolute facts, since they have “logically” concluded that there are no absolutes, as they redefine every word representing reality, forcing all to conform to their wilfully lying dogmas, so all will slavishly worship them through their strict doctrines of their false religion, which they claim is not a religion, but is supposedly “freedom” from “slavery” to all forms of worship and “liberates” from all religious doctrines. Then they diligently invent new multi-syllable words for all their convoluted, irrational and contradicting precepts of their systematized delusions. In this way, they think they can trick souls into believing that a blind faith in them is an truly official and rational religion, which is not a religion. After all, if their religion has more big words than other religions, then it must be far wiser and deeper, far more rational than other religions, in the same way that a man dressed in far more fancy clothes is obviously wiser and more intelligent than a man dressed in common clothes. Then, if anyone calls their bluff, they point out how those “fools” do not know all their official religious terms, and therefore do not comprehend the “complexities” of their wise thoughts—although all their religious doctrines and thoughts are actually just a jumble of self-contradicting, irrational nonsense Page 535

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which they use to justify the lusts and greed of their flesh. So, in reality, these Roman humanists are simply using big words to dupe us into believing that all opposing truth and wisdom is “fake news.”

Now the elect must choose whether or not we will love the lie or love the truth, since we cannot love both at the same time, cannot be loyal to two opposites. So let us begin by determining whether or not the “supernatural” and spiritual exists, whether there is something other than material existence.

After all, humanistic cowards love to promote the lie that nothing but the material space-time continuum exists, since they desperately fear spiritual love and moral truths, or anything rational, narrow and absolute. They hate spiritual/moral principles that make them accountable for their own ruthless lies and sins, which condemn their exploiting lusts. And we can begin by examining the existence of hate and evil, since both the elect and the non-elect human spirits experience both hate and evil, and all human spirits know that hate and evil definitely are not biological, but are worked by the motives and intensions of their spirits, and that evil is always anti-biological, always harms or kills their bodies of flesh. For a completely amoral physical brain cannot hate or be evil in any way.

We all know that brains of flesh simply want to survive and please the senses of the body, nothing more. But hate and evil work against the survival of our flesh, and hate drives us to do evil, the kinds of actions that always end up harming or destroying our flesh. And we know this is true about hate and evil through many of our own experiences in life, and throughout all history. We cannot logically deny that hate and evil work in complete opposition to the minds and bodies of our flesh. Therefore, hate and evil must originate from a mind which is not the physical brain of flesh, although hate and evil do cause physical effects and stimulate emotions in our minds of flesh. Also, we see that most human babies are incapable of hating or doing evil. Infants do not have the capacity to form motives of hate and intentions of evil. Yet adult humans definitely hate and do evil. Thus, something non-material, something which is not our brains of flesh, must be infantile within us at birth, but will develop motives of hate and intentions to do evil later in life. So let us name those non-material minds. Let us call them the minds of our spirits, which are capable of causing the deaths of flesh.

At the same time, we realize that hate and evil are spontaneous and instinctive, not actually learned behaviours. The resulting emotions in our minds of flesh, like fear and anger, can be taught to a mind of flesh, as a coping behaviours to threats. But hate is not an emotion, and cannot be controlled through the will of a mind of flesh, like fear and anger can be. Hate is an instigator of emotions in the brain of flesh, but far more powerful than anything the mind of flesh can control. Yes, hate and evil can triggered or instigated by either true or false external information, but not by information which is biologically relevant. Hate and evil are built up solely through spiritual/moral information.

So humans hate and do evil in ways that are counterproductive to biological survival and well-being, which suggests that hate and evil cannot be biological, but spontaneously originate from an entirely non-biological part of a human being, that is, from a non-material or spiritual mind existing apart from the physical brain. It seems that it must be a human spirit that hates and does evil, not a mind of flesh. And spirits hate and do evil strictly for spiritual reasons, not for physical reasons. In fact, we only judge sins to be sins if those actions have moral/spiritual motives and intentions, and do not call those actions sins if they have strictly physical motives and intentions. For a theft is not considered to be sinful and evil if it is done solely for the survival of one’s own flesh, and stealing may even be considered good and noble if one steals from the wealthy for sole purpose of helping loved ones to survive. But theft is only considered evil if it is done by someone who has no physical needs, but intentionally steals and causes hardships for victims through that theft, solely because that thief does not love or even hates those victims. Our judgments against sin always condemn those actions based on the degree to which the sinner sinned with spiritual evil motives and loveless or hating intentions.