The Great Awakening by Evan Ansot - HTML preview

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6. Do


When our lives have spun out of control. When there

seems to be no end in sight to the frustration. When certain events have taken their toll on us, and we’ve felt the sting of loss. When we stumble and fall and can’t seem to rise


Evan Ansot

up. When we are at the breaking point. When everywhere

and everyone we turn to seems to be a dead end, then it is time to stop.

We’ve all been there. Rock bottom. Depression—the

lowest feeling imaginable. There seems to be no way out.

The trials of life can be quite devastating at times.

I know. I’ve been there. It’s not a very appealing place to be. We’ve seemed to have reached the end. So what now?

Stop. Just stop.

Stop whatever you are doing. Stop whatever you are

thinking. Just stop.

Go for a walk. Go for a drive. As people say, clear your


Go feed the dogs. Go do something that will take your

mind off your present situation. Do anything to get out of your present state of mind.

Go talk to a friend; go be with someone who loves you.

Find someone you can trust and express your concerns of

yourself. You have to release this feeling of hopelessness When you are angry because of a supposed injustice,

stop.When you are feeling guilty, stop.

When you are feeling doubtful, stop.

Any one of these negative energies can be thwarted if

we just stop.

Stop the flow. Halt the current of negative energy

flowing through our being.


The Great Awakening

You’ve traveled far enough away from your source. It’s

time to turn around and head back the other direction. Your negative energy need not be at its highest before you stop, neither your positive at its lowest point. You can change

direction at any moment in time. You need not hit rock

bottom before you catch yourself. You need not explode

into rage or wallow in your pity before you reverse the flow of energy. The energy will flow within your spirit as long as your mind allows it. Therefore what is needed is a change of direction. Let’s perform that and change the flow.

It’s as though we are driving a semitruck, and we see

a cliff up ahead. We put on the brakes, park it, catch our breath, and turn around. Whew! That was close! We almost

undid ourselves.

Once in my life when I couldn’t find any answers, I

stood looking in the mirror with a handful of pills in my

hand. This was it for me; I had it with the trials of life.

It seemed whatever I tried wasn’t working. Failure after

failure after failure was my forte. I was about to perform a most selfish act.

My main decision that day was whether to use pills or

put a gun to my head. I was in a deep state of depression. I traveled down to the store that night and bought myself as much whiskey as I could get my hands on.

And there I stood, as drunk as could be, looking in the

mirror at perceived failure. We really can drag ourselves

down into the depths, can’t we?


Evan Ansot

Thankfully, I didn’t swallow the pills and found myself

the next morning curled up around the toilet. I must have

passed out on the bathroom floor and ended up crawling to

the bathroom throne praying to the porcelain god.

After that I sought help and recovered a little bit from

that point day by day. Thank God I didn’t do what I set out to do. I wouldn’t be here today sharing my soul with you.


Now that we have stopped, it’s time to settle and realize

that we are headed in the wrong direction emotionally. That the path we have taken can only to lead to our downfall.

Remain calm and settle down. How many times have

we heard “just settle down and relax” in our lives? That’s good medicine, people.

If you are headed down the highway, and you miss your

exit, sooner or later you need to turn around. You’ll have to first pull off into a farther exit, the sooner the better, and turn around. Settling means it’s time to catch our breath.

Time to put on the brakes, switch gears, slow this big rig down, stop, and then look for the directions to find our way back home. We’ve suffered enough; it’s time to head in the other direction and rejoin our soul. The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak. So if the spirit can maintain its flow, its strength, then the flesh will follow.

You may have to call a friend and find out the proper

directions. We don’t always know the way to go. So get a


The Great Awakening

hold of someone you trust and talk it out. Seek help; it’s always there.

After my eventful night when I hit my lowest depths,

I took the next day off of work, sat in a chair all day, and settled. After just about twenty-four hours after I was going to end it all, I decided to look in the phone book and ask for help. A nice man answered the phone, took down my

information, and within ten minutes, I heard a knock at the door. It was a nice older man who explained to me that he

had been at the same state of mind once himself, and he

was there to help me.

My soul had sent me a saint. We spent all night long

talking and healing. I’ll never forget him; he is literally a lifesaver, I haven’t seen him since and wonder if it wasn’t an angel sent to me disguised as a human. I’d wager that

he was.


Slow down, breathe, and count to ten if you have to. Before you fly off the handle, stop, settle, and now breathe in and out slowly. Get yourself back to where you were before.

Get yourself back on track and begin to head in the other

direction. Many situations in life force us to lose ourselves, especially those dealing with loss. For a brief moment, we forget who we really are: a living child of the source.

We get caught up in this world and forget our four-

part being. Breathe in and out, and connect yourself back


Evan Ansot

to our original source. It may take some time and energy,

but it is possible for each of us to reconnect. This is a very important process to our development. If it’s possible,

always remember who our father is, and since you can’t have male without female, who our mother is, as well. Breathe,

and let the energy naturally flow within you. Remember

how much you are loved. You’re worth it. Stop what you are doing, settle down, and now breathe. Relax a little bit. Take your time; get yourself back on the proper track.

As I’ve illustrated to you in my story, help is always

there. Seek out and find it, you may end up getting yourself a visit from a spiritual being.


In each one of us lies an internal guidance mechanism that shows us the way of the path to the source, the way home.

Once we’ve stopped, settled, breathed, now it’s time to

center on our soul. It’s time to listen to our soul through meditation, talking to our source through prayer, or thinking about our soul through contemplation. Whichever way you

prefer, maybe all three are needed, it’s time pay attention to our guidance system within us. Which way is the way

home? Show me the way home; I’m willing to go there.

You pull the rig over, you look at a map, and head

towards home. But which way do you steer the truck?

That’s when you need to listen within. The source of all

things will always answer your question, be it a friend, a 130

The Great Awakening

song, a book, a poem, etc. Ask, and you shall receive; knock, and it will be opened to you. So be alert and aware of what is going on around you at all times. The source or the soul speaks to us constantly; just look and listen, and you’ll see your destination.

The pendulum swung all the way to the negative side;

it stopped, settled, and now it’s heading back to the center.

From that point onward, momentum will take care of the

rest, but it needs a little help, a little push from within.

Once I received help for my problem that I had, I began

to help others with the same maladies. We are all our own

worst enemies. We need not be so damn critical of ourselves and each other. Learn to love by giving what is within you to those with limited sight. Show them the way home, and

by giving, you will receive your treasure in heaven, where moth and rust do not corrupt.

Go Within

Concentration is a very powerful tool in regaining your

senses. We have so much power at our disposal; shouldn’t

we use it? Once we’ve breathed in and out for a while in

nice, long breaths and centered ourselves, it’s time to focus inward. We aren’t very thrilled with heading down the

wrong direction again with our rig, so let’s focus on the

highway of life and steer in the proper direction. Keep the momentum going; don’t let it slip through your fingertips.


Evan Ansot

Remain alert for any oncoming traffic, keep it between the white and yellow lines, and keep heading home.

God, or the soul, awaits us always. But it will not violate any free will of ours. It simply awaits our return and enjoys the experience of it all. The high and the low. The left and the right. Therefore, focus yourself on the prize,; it awaits your return.

In the navy, sailors set off for long cruises that sometimes take six to eight months. It’s a long trip away from their loved ones. They feel sadness at the departure, which lingers on for weeks. But it’s their job, and it must be completed.

So, they pick up your boots and perform their duty. At

about the fourth or fifth month away, they begin to count

the days until they can once again wrap their arms around

their loved ones. The spirit, mind, and body are the sailor who departed. The soul is the loved ones waiting for you at the pier. Finally, when it’s time for the ship to pull up to the pier, they can’t hide the happiness filled within you. Such is the experience of returning home to the soul—God. Great

joy awaits your return. Have you ever been so happy that

tears have welled up inside you until it becomes a flood

down your cheeks? That’s the feeling of return. The feeling of unification with the ones you so dearly love.


It’s the final step to freedom—to do. We’ve gone within, we found ourselves, and now it’s time to act.


The Great Awakening

Once we’ve gone within ourselves, and the pendulum

moves in the positive direction, we allow our guidance

system to show us where our soul is. In this place we find true happiness, peace, love, faith, and hope. Quit fighting the positive force, and allow it to flow. If we just quit trying to steer the ship, we are far better off. Let go and let God.

Let the source be your guide. Allow it to be a road map in all your travels.

Many times in life, we’ve had to pick ourselves up, dust

ourselves off, and continue putting one foot in front of

the other. We have no other choice. Other times, it takes

a very close friend or family member of ours, or an angel, to reach their hand out and pick us up. Other times it’s us picking someone else up. Either way, we’ve all experienced the lowest and highest energies to flow through our spirit.

We can thank God that we didn’t drive off the cliff or that we didn’t end our own lives.

In the end, the best way to get yourself out of the rut you are in is to help others. Extending your hand to another is the best way not to focus on your own issues. And then a

miracle ensues; what you thought you were lacking you had

all along.

How easy it is for us to lose track of where we are heading and begin down the wrong path. But always remember it is

just as easy to turn it all around and head home. Sometimes, we just need a little help from our friends. Never lose sight of who you are and why you are here.


The Magical Number 12

Jesus answered, “Are there not twelve hours in the

day? If anyone walks in the day, he does not stumble,

because he sees the light of this world.”

—John 11:9 (nkjv)

Abraham begot Isaac, who begot Jacob, who had twelve

sons, thus creating the twelve tribes of Israel.

Abraham begot Ishmael, who had twelve sons.

The great circle of the zodiac divides itself into twelve


Jesus chose twelve apostles.

Odin had twelve sons.

The clock is divided into twelve numbers.

There are twenty-four hours in a day—twelve during

the day and twelve at night.

There are twelve months to a year.

In trade, twelve means a dozen; twelve dozen equals

a gross.


Evan Ansot

The human body has twelve cranial nerves.

There are twelve pairs of ribs in the human body.

Kabalists greatly esteem the twelve-letter name of God,

HIH-HVVH-VIHIH, which means fuit, est, erit or “He was, is, will be.”

The soul is divided into twenty-four spirits—twelve

positive and twelve negative.

Twelve is the number for completion.

Two eyes, ears, hands, arms, legs, and feet equal twelve

parts or six pairs in the physical part of the human body.

I could go on and on.

Remember in the beginning of this book I told you

the soul divides and subdivides itself into spirit, mind, and body? It does this in factors of twelve.

Let’s use the twelve positive and negative emotions or

energy that we discussed previously as an example of this.

Picture yourself a clock shaped as a circle, with a big

hand for minutes a little hand for hours extending outward from the center. If your clock is like my wristwatch, then it has a second hand also traveling from the center.

There are twelve numbers around the center of the clock.

Twelve hours for the day and twelve hours for night.

Let’s substitute day for positive energy and night for

negative energy. I’m just using the clock as an example; it doesn’t mean day is positive and night is negative.


The Great Awakening

Let’s put our positive and negative energy list up again

so we don’t have to continue to go back to them in my other section of this book, make them easier to access here.

On the positive side, we have:

1. Faith

2. Peace

3. Forgiveness

4. Humility

5. Truth

6. Compassion

7. Empathy

8. Hope

9. Joy

10. Generosity

11. Kindness