The Great Storm by Don Randolph - HTML preview

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And I saw three unclean spirits like frogs come out of the mouth of the dragon, and out of the mouth of the beast, and out of the mouth of the false prophet. Revelation 16:13.


The second plague in the Book of Exodus is the plague of frogs. Frogs were worshiped by the Egyptians and considered to be divine. Frogs were one of the many gods the Egyptians worshiped. They believed the frogs possessed “supernatural powers.” In sending the Plague of Frogs upon Egypt God was merely “plaguing” the Egyptians their “own gods.”

Exodus Chapter 8, Verse 6, says: And Aaron stretched out his hand over the waters of Egypt; and the frogs came up and covered the land of Egypt. The frogs entered into the Egyptians houses, their bedchambers, their beds, their ovens, and they were even found on the Egyptians themselves.

In the Bible frogs represent lying spirits or demons. These lying spirits or demons enter into people’s houses, bedchambers, and everywhere people may be found. They are found demonically possessed and/or controlled people. Deceiving spirits can be found most everywhere we go today. They can be found in churches where false doctrines and doctrines of devils are promoted. They are found in people who deceive others while trying to persuade them to buy something or do something they would not normally do if they “knew the truth.”

The “unclean spirits” coming out of the mouth of the Dragon and the mouth of the Beast and the False Prophet are “sent out” to deceive the nations at the end of the age. These “spirits” will perform miracles, signs and wonders. They will “entice” the people on earth to give their allegiance to the Dragon who they serve.

One may ask “how can unclean spirits come out of the mouths of mere men?” I am glad you asked me that question. Many men and women are “possessed” with devils. Mary Madelyn had seven devils.  The Maniac of  the Gadara was possessed by at least five thousand devils. I believe both the Anti-Christ and the False Prophet will be possessed by thousand of devils.

People who practice witchcraft are capable themselves of being” easily deceived.” The same deceiving spirits which works in them also schemes to work against them. If a man is a deceiver it is because he himself is deceived and can easily be deceived.

The Egyptian magicians were able to duplicate the Plague of Frogs causing even more frogs to come upon the land of Egypt. However, they were unable to make them leave. They tried to prove their powers to be equal to those of the God of Moses, but only Moses could rid Egypt of the Plague of Frogs. Moses petitioned the Lord and all the frogs in Egypt died. The frogs were gathered out of the houses, villages and fields then piled together in heaps which caused a great stench across the land.

The frogs they worshiped had become a great curse upon them they could not remove themselves. The idols they had bowed their knees to became a stench in their own nostrils. The smell of dead frogs filled the air like the smell of dead flesh as the Egyptians inhaled the putrid odor their “dead gods” emitted.

Revelation, 16:13-14 says: And I saw three unclean spirits like frogs come out of the mouth of the dragon, and out of the beast, and out of the mouth of the false prophet.

For they are the spirits of devils working miracles, which go forth unto the kings of the whole earth and of the world, to gather them to the battle of that great day of God Almighty. The Bible tells us unclean spirits or devils are represented  by  unclean frog-like creatures. These devils have the power to perform miracles and deceive the kings of the Earth. They will cause many of the kings of the Earth to unify and eventually gather them together at a place called Armageddon where they will attempt to destroy the nation of Israel.

Strong windstorms and tornados have been known to pick frogs up out of ponds and waterways and carry them over long distances where they are then dropped on the ground or upon other objects. This phenomenon is known as “raining frogs.” However, I had never seen this peculiarity until a severe thunderstorm brought this phenomenon to my attention.

As my wife and I were editing and going over this chapter on frogs, a “great storm” hit our area. The storm started on the west coast and moved from the southern tip of the nation to Canada. The storm then moved eastward and every State in the nation which lies within the parameters of the lower forty eight States experienced severe weather from this unusual storm.

At one point in the evening I looked outside to see how bad the storm was progressing. To my amazement, there were little frogs on the sliding glass doors which lead to the covered porch overlooking the bluff we lived on at that time. There were also a few frogs on the windows which look out over the deck next to the porch. This natural storm was a spiritual parallel of the “great storm” spoken of by John in the Book of Revelation. The storm in the Book of Revelation is like no other storm before it. It transcends what we normally expect of destructive storms.

The frogs symbolize demons which will come from troubled waters stirred by the winds of change during the “Great Storm” that is now approaching. The frogs on my sliding glass door and the ones on my windows came from ponds which contain polluted waters in the valley below my house. Frogs eat, breed and defecate in the same ponds and waterways in which they live.

The frogs represent “demonic spirits” which will come out of the mouth of the Dragon, the mouth of the Beast, and the mouth of the False Prophet. The winds of  the Great Storm will stir up demon spirits as they work miracles, and will go forth unto the kings of the Earth and of the whole world, to gather the nations to the battle of that “great day” of God Almighty. Revelation, Chapter 16, Verses 13-15.

It doesn’t take an expert to see the handwriting or the “frogs” on the wall, or on our “spiritual windows.” The nations of this world today are becoming more and more intolerant with and hate the nation of Israel. In many parts of the world anti- Semitism is at its highest level since World War II. Nations all over the world deny the State of Israel has a right to exist, let alone claim the city of Jerusalem as their Capitol. The “promised land” that Abraham’s seed through Isaac would inherit, is being threatened by the anti-Semites. Israel’s claim to the land to which they have returned and now possess is the catalyst that will eventually draw all nations together in the Valley of Megiddo for the final confrontation between God and man.

The nations are becoming influenced by devils and demons causing them to bring accusation against God’s chosen nation, Israel. Deceiving spirits enter into the bedchambers and governmental buildings of worldly kings and leaders to plant thoughts in their minds concerning the fate of Israel.

Natural Israel is a prophetic picture of the Church. The enemy is also bringing accusation against the “true Church.” There are deceiving spirits calling  Christians evil, and if there is going to be peace on the earth, both Jews and Christians must be eliminated in one way or another. The nations are used as pawns in the hands of their true enemy—the Dragon. The world is being deceived into thinking that Jews and Christians are the cause of all the world’s problems and the solution to their problems is the elimination of both of them, and the returning of Jerusalem and the occupied territories to the Palestinians.

By subjugating the children of Israel to the will of Egypt (the world), Pharaoh (Satan) thought he could stop the Hebrews (the church) from becoming a nation greater and stronger than Egypt. Like Pharaoh, the world will come to the conclusion that spiritual and natural Israel (the church) is the source of all the troubles the world is experiencing. During the time of the great tribulation, the world will gather their armies together to destroy Israel in order to rid the world of what they perceive to be the problem, Israel.

In reality the world’s biggest problem will be and has always been their inability to perceive their pr,oblem as an internal one, not an external one. The world does not possess the solution to their problems, nor do they even realize there are hidden problems in the form of demonic entities that exists. Their problem is the condition of their hearts, not Jews and Christians.

Devils can do and will operate through many false prophets, messiahs, religious leaders and teachers in the “last days.” Jesus spoke of these people in Matthew, 24:24. He said, “For there shall arise false Christ’s, and false prophets, and shall show great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible they shall deceive the very elect.

As the power of God becomes manifested in the Church, the powers of darkness become increasingly incensed. Satan knows his time is short and becomes enraged at the “true Church using the nations to bringing false accusation against her, and great persecution upon her. God’s miracle working power is used to bring light and life to the deceived, but Satan’s powers of persuasion are used to deceive and control the masses. Satan will eventually control the minds of many of the “kings of the Earth” through the “unclean spirits” which come out of the mouths of the Dragon, the Beast, and the False Prophet.

The Beast, the False Prophet and the Dragon are the unholy trinity that will deceive even the very elect if they are not in daily contact with the Holy Trinity. Satan comes to steal, kill, destroy, and to eventually “lay waste” the nations that are in his grasp;. However, his main objective is the destruction of natural and spiritual Israel--Church. According to the Bible, the earth and its fullness belong to God, but earthly kingdoms and their glory belong to Satan.

Satan tries to create his own prophetic events. He knows how the Kingdom of God operates and has always tried to introduce a substitute for every aspect of God’s Kingdom and every plan God has for mankind. Satan thinks he can “trump” God’s prophetic events with his own and he will try to so. However God has a Trump” card of His own.

Satan knows the Church is the “apple of God’s eye” and he has tried to eliminate God’s “apple” since the “beginning” of Creation. Throughout history Satan  has seen Israel as a type and shadow of the Church, and tried to destroy what she represented. The devil thought if he could destroy Israel as a nation the Church would not survive. If Satan could destroy natural Israel, the Holy Scriptures concerning the Church would prove to be inaccurate and unreliable.

As mentioned before, natural Israel is a type and shadow of the Church and God uses Israel as an implement to foreshadow the nation that will eventually worship before His throne forever—the Church. The coming nation which Israel foreshadowed will be established with people called out of every nation on earth. This nation will go forth and shine as the City of the New Jerusalem. In Christ there is  no Jew or Greek, male or female. We are all one in Christ and have been grafted into the “heavenly Jerusalem” which was not made by the hands of man, but by the nail scarred hands of Christ.

Natural Israel failed God as a nation, but spiritual Israel will do mighty exploits for her God and will become the nation He foreordained at the foundation of the earth. There will be a “remnant” of natural Israel which will be saved and will be a part of the “New Jerusalem.” The first Christians were descendants of the Hebrews which dwelt in Egypt as slaves. Many Jewish people have given their lives to Christ over the centuries, and many will find Him as Lord and Savior in the last days.

I am not trying to misrepresent or diminish the role of Israel in the plan of God for the nations. We must understand that God’s plan is not an earthly plan but has always been an eternal one. His thoughts and ways are far above ours, and His plan and purpose for Creation will be completed. I have the utmost respect for the nation and people of natural Israel. God speaks to the rest of the world through both natural and spiritual Israel. He intentionally chose Israel to confound the wise and bring to naught the wisdom of man. However, the Bride of Christ which is the New Jerusalem which is made up of both Jews and Gentiles, has always been the “apple of God’s eye.”

We are commanded to pray for natural Israel and the peace of Jerusalem. The nation of Israel and the Church will open their hearts to their Messiah, and the veil that separates them from Christ will be removed. The veil must be removed from Israel’s eyes so they can see the true Messiah who was crucified outside the gate of the city they call “holy.” The veil must be removed from their eyes in order to see the Messiah as He is and not what they perceive Him to be. We will all worship side by side in the New Jerusalem. Those who are “called by His Name” will be one with Him and in Him, and we shall all behold Him and share in His glory.

We do not have time to be holding on to grudges, disputes and unforgiveness. It is time for us to become “changed” into the image of Christ so we can reach others for Christ. We are called to be “one with Christ” and to love one another as He loves us. According to the Bible, if we say that we love Him and we hate our brother the truth does not abide in us. God’s call for His people to love one another falls short when they complain, bicker and fight with one another. We have not become “complete” perfect in Christ if His love is not “perfected” in us. We are partakers of His glory only when we love one another as He loves us. Outside of our love for one another, we do not co-exist in Him or with Him, nor can we share in His glory.

Let us go forward with His banner of love so we may reflect the love of Christ to a lost and dying world. The world will know we are His by the love we have for one another.

God has given many promises to natural Israel, including the promise of the land they now dwell in. I do not wish to diminish Israel’s importance to God, the Church, and the role she plays in the realm of prophetic scripture. The nation of Israel is part of God’s main focus in these last days, and has always been a type and shadow of the Church. The promises God gave to Israel are prophetic of the promises He has given the Church. Just as the promises of God have been fulfilled in natural Israel, the promises of God will be fulfilled in spiritual Israel, the Church. Spiritually speaking, we have a “promised land” flowing with “milk and honey.”

The time has come and is now near, when natural Israel will recognize Jesus Christ as the Messiah. Until that truth becomes clear to natural Israel, she will continue to remain unstable and unprofitable in spiritual knowledge and understanding. Israel will continue to seek  deliverance from a Messiah that to them has not yet come. They fail to recognize that the I AM Moses spoke to on Mt. Sinai is the same I AM whom their forefathers rejected and crucified. Their Messiah is coming, but it will not be the first time He has been here.

Satan’s ability to deceive is his greatest weapon against the Church and the nations. The spirit of witchcraft is busy at work today in the hearts and minds of people everywhere. Satan’s plan has always been to draw man away from God’s plan and purpose for the Church.

If we are sober and vigilant, Satan’s tactics will not prevail in our lives. If we trust in God He will not allow the enemy to get a stranglehold on our lives. If we have been involved in any type of deception ourselves, we must repent or we too will fall into the same snares as unbelievers.

Let us therefore be practitioners of truth so Truth can abide in us and keep us safe from all the wiles and schemes of the Devil. If we walk in the Spirit, we will not be deceived by the schemes and wiles of the enemy in these last days.