The Great Storm by Don Randolph - HTML preview

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Chapter 4



And the second angel poured out his vial upon the sea; and it became as the blood of a dead man: and every living soul died in the sea. And the third angel poured out his vial upon the rivers and fountains of water: and they became blood. Revelation 16:3-4.


In Exodus 7:19, 21 tells us And the Lord spake unto Moses, say unto Aaron, take thy rod, and stretch out thy hand upon the waters of Egypt (the world), upon their streams, upon their rivers, and upon their ponds, and upon their pools of water, that they may become blood throughout all the land of Egypt, both in vessels of wood, and in vessels of stone. And the fish that was in the river died; and the river stank, and the Egyptians could not drink of the water of the river, and there was blood throughout the land of Egypt.

This Plague of Blood, as were the others, was a type and shadow of an event that would come in the last days. Moses was a messenger sent from God to warn Pharaoh of the perils that would take place if he did not let the children of Israel go. Many who reject the blood sacrifice of Christ will experience in many different ways both natural and spiritual manifestations of water turning into blood.

The first miracle Jesus performed involved turning water into wine at a wedding in Cana. The wine, of course, was symbolic of His blood. At the last supper Jesus took the cup and gave thanks saying, drink ye ALL of it, for this is my blood of the New Testament which is shed for many for the remission of sin. Matthew, 26:27-28. It is His desire for mankind to “drink the Blood” that He shed at Calvary rather than spill the blood of the innocent that has been and will continue to be shed by mankind in many different ways.

The plagues of blood occurring during the end times are a direct result of the shedding of innocent blood and the rebellious acts of mankind. The death angel that is sent during the last days will only pass over those who have the sacrificial blood of Christ, applied to the doorposts of their hearts. However, this does not include the Christians who will be martyred for the cause of Christ. Many Christians will be martyred during the “Great Tribulation.”

Revelation, 8:8-9, tells us: And the second angel sounded, and as it were a great mountain burning with fire was cast down into the sea, and the third part of the sea became blood; and the third part of the creatures that were in the sea and had life, died; and the third part of the ships were destroyed.

A few years ago I had a dream that shook me out of a deep sleep. I can count on one hand the number of dreams the Lord has given me that were so earth shaking and graphic they shook me out of a deep sleep. These dreams were so graphic and horrific I could not go back to sleep for hours.

In the dream my wife and I were working in a garden preparing for a long hard winter. I heard a loud sound andI looked up in the sky. I saw what looked like a large mountain burning with fire falling from the sky far off in the distance. A great storm seemed to be surrounding this mountain and the mountain looked like it was on fire.

The mountain (asteroid) hit the earth with such great force and speed the impact shook the whole Earth. I told my wife we must prepare for the shock waves that would soon be coming because of the magnitude of the great impact. I was then shaken out of a deep sleep as I felt the force of that impact reaching us. I felt like the Lord wanted me to get up and read my Bible.

I picked up my Bible and read the scriptures in which are in Revelation, 8:8-9 which says, “And the second angel sounded, and as it were a great mountain burning with fire was cast into the sea: and became blood. And the third part of the creatures that were in the sea had life, died: and a third part of the ships were destroyed. All life on the islands in the ocean would suffer great destruction, and all life on them may be completely destroyed.

According to the Bible the asteroid the size of a mountain falling into an ocean will create great tidal waves that will kill one third of the aquatic life in the ocean. One third of the ships on the ocean and in the harbors on several continents will also be destroyed.

The tidal waves and shock waves will not only be literal ones, they will also be felt on Wall Street and stock markets around the world. The already declining  economies will suffer even more by the financial loses that will occur in the shipping industry, which will in return hit other industries as well. Many Naval and Coast Guard facilities, ships and boats will also be destroyed, along with many fishing vessels and cruise ships along with the people on them.

Many tourist attractions, businesses, cities and homes along the coasts will also be lost in the wake of the tidal wave and the shock waves that will be produced. Many of God’s people have had dreams and visions of an asteroid falling from the sky into the Atlantic Ocean causing a great tidal wave that will hit the Eastern Coast of the United States. Such an asteroid would inflict the kind of damage John wrote about. The scripture tells us the mountain will hit a sea and not the seas. We can assume it will not be a worldwide catastrophe; but will be restricted to one general area or ocean.

According to what the Bible tells us a third of the creatures in the sea where the asteroid hits will die. A third of the ships will be destroyed, and many people on those ships will also lose their lives. A third part of the sea will become “bloody” as the blood of a third of the living creatures in that area of the sea dies.

Revelation Chapter 16, Verses 3-6 says: And the second angel poured out his vial on the sea and it became as a dead man and every living soul in the sea died. And the third angel poured out his vial upon the rivers and fountains of waters and they became blood. And I heard the angel (messenger) of the waters say “Thou art righteous O Lord, which art and was, and shall be, because thou hast judged thus. For they have shed the blood of saints and prophets, and thou hast given them blood to drink, for they are worthy.”

These events must be different than the events in Revelation Chapter 8 because we see all living things in this sea dying, instead of one third of them. We must also note it says sea and not “seas” meaning that this plague will also not affect all the seas. Nevertheless, many waters around the world will be polluted and unfit for human consumption. This is not to say there will not be drinking water available but potable water will be difficult to obtain in many areas on the earth. Most of the drinking water in many areas will be polluted and undrinkable. The water will be “plagued” because of the shedding of the blood of the saints and prophets, innocent men, women, children and the murdering of babies in and outside of the womb..




At the time of this writing there have been over 60 million babies murdered in the United States since abortion was legalized. The whole world has stood by and condoned and participated in the shedding of innocent blood. When Cain slew Abel God told him He could hear the innocent blood of his brother crying out from the ground. Today several states have passed bills stating that children can be aborted even after they are born if the mother decides she wants to “murder” the baby.

The biblical principle of “innocent blood crying out from the ground” still holds true today. The blood of murdered babies not only cries out from the ground, it also cries out from the beds, tables, floors, and sinks in abortion clinics and everywhere and anywhere a child is mercilessly slain. The blood of the children also cries out from the hands of the doctors and nurses that commit the murders. All the innocent blood that has been shed since Cain slew Abel calls out from the ground pronouncing judgment upon the ungodly who kill the innocent.

In Abortion Clinics around the world the blood of the innocent is washed down the drains or flushed down the toilets in those clinics. That blood eventually flows into the sewer systems and drains out into the waterways, the water plants and water systems everywhere. That blood is dispersed into drinking water, bathing water, and water that is used to wash our garments. It also rises up to the clouds as water vapor and eventually falls back to the Earth with the rain and completes the cycle again and again. That rain brings condemnation upon all who support or inflict the terrible sin of murdering innocent lives. Every time it rains the cries of innocent blood can be heard if we have “ears to hear.” Every time we pass by an abortion clinic we can  hear the cries of the innocent babies that were slain if we have “ears to hear.”

Our waterways are being cursed because the blood of innocent children has been spilled by murderous men and women in this present generation. The water which turned into blood during the plagues in Egypt are a type and shadow of the “innocent” blood that is filling our waterways with the blood of the innocent today. Man is also polluting the waters by dumping chemicals, trash and biomedical instruments, to name a few, in them. God never meant for the waters of the earth to be used in such a contemptible manner. Man was entrusted with the works of  God’s hands, but man has shown much contempt and disrespect for the things God created for him and place in his care.

The killing of innocent babies is like the aborting of God’s word in its infancy. The teaching of false doctrines  is polluting “spiritual waters” in many churches today. Natural events are precursors to spiritual events and at times vice versa. These things exist first in the natural, and then they manifest themselves in the realm of the spirit. Things happen first in the natural then in the spiritual. (1 Corinthians 15:36). On the other hand, many things that occur on earth are a reflection of things which are taking place in the realm of the spirit because Christians are not seeking the Lord and praying as they should.

There is a direct connection between the natural realm and the spirit realm. The natural realm becomes a prophetic message of the condition of men’s hearts and events that are taking place in the realm of the spirit. The natural realm can give us insight of what is going on in the realm of the spirit, just as the realm of the spirit can give us insight into what is controlling and manipulating natural events. God has given us His Spirit in order for us to see into and understand what is transpiring in the realm of the spirit as well as the realm of the natural.

When God’s word is conceived in the heart of individuals, the evil one comes immediately to steal that word, kill it in its infancy, and destroy any life that the Word of God is preparing to bring forth. Many times the enemy will use false doctrines he has sown into the hearts of the presbytery or other Church leaders to abort the truth after the seed of LIFE has been sown. When non-truths are propagated in the Church, the water of God’s word becomes polluted and those doctrines “curse” those who promote them and those who believe them. False doctrines also build up strongholds that hinder truth from entering into hearts and setting people free.

Many preachers today preach a gospel that is polluted in many ways. God cannot work in an atmosphere where “truth is denied” and people teach fantasies, fables, and doctrines of devils. Many are preaching a gospel that has a form of godliness but it is void of power. God‘s presence in their lives is minimal and they lack power because they are not fully committed to or experience the truth in every area of their lives.

When the leaders of the Church become devoid of power, truth and understanding become non-existent among their congregations. Spiritual waters become bitter and polluted and the people who drink those “bitter waters” will also become bitter and polluted in their understanding. The responsibility then lies in the hands of the leaders to either teach the truth or be cursed by believing and espousing devilish propaganda and lies. The blood of the innocent remains upon the hands of Church leaders when they err “concerning the truth” and teach others to sin If leaders continue to teach lies to those God has entrusted to them, they themselves will receive a greater punishment due to doctrines of demons they promote.

We need to understand that only the Blood of Jesus can purify the waters that flow from our innermost being. It is His “Blood” that washes away and cleanses our hearts of all sin. Only the Blood of Jesus has the power to make us holy and spiritually clean. Only the Blood of Jesus can remove the bitter and polluted waters that flow within the unclean hearts and minds of the “unclean.”

As Christians we require daily cleansing and a washing of water by the Word to make us whole and spiritually fit for the Kingdom of God. Only those with pure hearts will rule and reign with Christ in His Kingdom. If the waters that flow from our lips are unclean, we must repent and allow “The Blood” to come and purify those “rivers” that flow continuously out of our innermost being.

Jesus Christ is the standard by which we will all be judged. As we present ourselves a living sacrifice before God, it must be Christ that He sees before Him, not the bitter polluted fountain of a sin sick heart and a depraved mind. If we are not being transformed into the “divine image” of Christ, we cannot stand before the Father in harmony and agreement.

Our hearts and minds cannot enter into God’s manifest presence to see and know Him as He “really is” unless our motives and attitudes are pure. We serve a HOLY GOD, and we have been given an awesome responsibility that requires us to serve Him with a pure heart and clean mind. Only Christ can cleanse the heart of sin. Christ, and Christ alone, can remove the stain that pollutes unholy garments which burden the shoulders of sinful mankind. Only the cleansing power of His Blood can take us before the throne of the Almighty to stand before Him “boldly” and unashamed.




Some say the symbol of a fish is the symbol of the Christian life. However, a fish cannot survive long in polluted waters. The filth and contamination of “polluted waters” is toxic and will poison and the lungs of fish. The poison enters their bloodstream and will eventually cause them to die. In the same manner “polluted preaching” will leave a believer spiritually sick, and they will die prematurely if the “pure water” of the Word is not presented to them. The “pure water” comes from the Spirit of Truth who comes in and purifies the waters in the hearts of the spiritually hopeless and” sin vexed spirit.”

In these last days God is pouring out in abundance “living waters” that can and will cleanse the polluted souls who have been drinking contaminated waters many leaders in the Church have “spewed out” over the years. It is most important that we drink of the living water rather than the bitter polluted waters the enemy has sown into the Church. The time is coming soon when the “spiritual waters” we have been drinking will be tested in order to prove just how “pure” they are. We are entering a time when the souls of all who live on the earth will be tested. The soul of every man and woman on earth will require waters that are pure and holy to survive the test.

The fish dying in the Book of Revelation are symbolic of Christians who have been polluted by ministers who preach false messages and have deceived them with false doctrines. The great falling away will come because many Christians are not rooted and grounded in “the faith.” Although they have some oil in their lamps, many do not have enough to see them through the dark times that are woefully approaching. When troubled times arrive their “spiritual roots” will not go deep enough and they will be easily plucked up by the “savage storm” that is even now approaching.

Only those who have placed their trust completely in the Lord will be able to hold on when the time of great trouble arrives. Others will simply fall away and try to find security in earthly means that will eventually come under attack by their natural and unnatural enemies. The spiritual food we eat, the spiritual water we drink, and the spiritual homes will live in are the enemies main targets. There will not be one person on the face of this earth that will not be tried in the furnace of affliction in one way or another.

We must keep in mind that the plagues are a response to the prayers of God’s people (see Revelation, Chapter 5, Verse. 9), and the condition of the hearts of the wicked. The plagues are not meant to be an implement of destruction to those in the Church, but to those who persecute her and to those who refuse to repent of their sins. Although “The Storm” will be a time of trouble for all who live on earth, it will be the Church’s most glorious hour. We will not be a defeated people but an “overcoming nation.” That nation was conceived in the “Womb of Creation” during a time of tribulation on Golgotha’s Hill, and will be “birthed” out of tribulation at the end of days.

Second Chronicles Chapter 7, Verses 13-14, says: If I shut up heaven that there be no rain, or if I command the locust to devour the land, or if I send pestilence among my people; If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then shall I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sins.

When the plagues are being poured out, the church will find a place of refuge and healing for their land when they pray and seek the face of the Lord. There will be no other refuge that we will be able to find outside the “cleft of the rock” that was carved out of the nailed scarred side of Christ. When the Church sees His face, the glory that shines on His face will be reflected on the faces of His chosen. Let us go forward and seek Him while He can still be found. When the time of great darkness falls upon the earth, Christ will shine His light through the “gross darkness” in order for His people to “see the Way.”

If we give our all to Christ there is nothing He will withhold from us. If we will be doers of His word and not just hearers only, Christ will “hear from heaven” and petition the Father on our behalf. We are a royal  priesthood, and a chosen generation. We are not of those who “fall back,” but of those whom God has ordained to move forward in Christ.

God the Father loves the Son. If the Son is richly found within us we can ask Him for anything according to His will and He will hear from Heaven. If we know He hears us from Heaven, we know we have those things which we have petitioned of Him.

The “worldly waters” are polluted, but the water which Christ offers becomes a well of water springing up unto eternal life. Through Christ and in Christ we find justification, justice and truth. By the “washing of  the water of the word” we will become cleansed daily if we continue to daily seek Him.

Let us not drink of the polluted waters of the world but of the everlasting waters whi