The Great Storm by Don Randolph - HTML preview

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Chapter 2



For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be. Matthew 24:21.


As I begin to rewrite this Chapter on THE STORM, Hurricane Harvey is battering the coast of Texas. Harvey is being called a “strange storm.” It was a Tropical Depression that turned into a Tropical Storm. The Tropical Storm did not last long and dissipated into a Tropical Wave. Meteorologists thought they had seen the last of Harvey.

Harvey was not expected to be much of a threat to the United States. In just two days things have changed exponentially. In the last two days Harvey went from a Tropical Storm into a category four hurricane. That is an example of how quick catastrophic events will begin to take place in the “last days.” The storm is being called a “storm of biblical proportions.”

Over thirty years ago I had the first of many dreams about a coming storm--the Tribulation, and the destruction that great storm would unleash upon this Earth. God  reveals many things to His people in dreams and visions. He said in Joel 2:28-31 “And it shall come to pass afterward (in the last days) that I will pour out my Spirit upon all flesh; and your sons and daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams and your young men shall see visions: and also upon the servants and upon the handmaids in those days will I pour out my Spirit. And I will show wonders in the heavens and in the earth, blood, and fire, and pillars of smoke. The sun shall be turned into darkness, and  the moon into blood, BEFORE the great and terrible day of the Lord come.

In my dream I could see a great storm on the horizon. In the distance I saw dark billowing clouds forming in the sky like I had never seen before. The dark clouds I saw before me could not be compared to any earthly storm I have ever seen or experienced in my life. As the storm moved closer and closer, I watched as it covered the entire Earth. With the storm came great death and destruction, the likes of which mankind has never before experienced.

I knew time was short and I must be about my Father’s business warning others about the oncoming storm. I ran around telling people about a “great storm” that was coming which would bring great destruction and death upon the Earth. I warned people that the time of tribulation was at hand and they needed to be seeking God for salvation and protection from the storm or they would perish. Some of them would heed the warning and repent; others would just look at me and laugh.

In the opposite direction of the storm that was quickly rising stood a “great mountain.” I knew there was refuge from the storm somewhere on top of the mountain. I started walking toward the mountain warning people as I went as the storm drew closer and closer.  I told everybody I met there was safety from the storm on top of the mountain. When I arrived at the base of the mountain I could see that many people had followed me there. Then I started to  climb up the mountain. When I climbed about half way up the mountain, I turned to look back and saw a multitude of people climbing the mountain behind me. I looked up at  the storm as it was drawing closer and closer to us. Below in the valley I could see the storm was causing great destruction and death as it grew fiercer and fiercer. I saw the storm was consuming everything in its path.

As we climbed higher and higher up the mountain, each step seemed to get more and more strenuous. When we came to a place that hindered our ascent, there was a supernatural strength which seemed to help us to climb higher. Finally, after much tedious climbing, we reached the summit of the mountain.

The top of the mountain was not very wide but seemed to be miles long. We knew that behind us the raging storm was coming closer and closer. It looked as if it would also destroy everyone on the mountain if we stayed there. Before us, on the other side of the mountain, was a great chasm which no one could cross without divine assistance. I knew there was a safe haven from the storm on the other side of the chasm, but the great abyss lay in front of us, and the great storm was rapidly approaching behind us devouring everything in its path.

I looked to my right and as far as I could see there were people looking back toward me. They all seemed to be looking at me as if to say “What do we do now?” I looked to my left and saw the same scene. I then raised my eyes toward heaven and said “Father, I brought these people here like you told me, what do you want me to do now?” The Lord spoke to me and said “Son, you have brought them as far as you can, from here on out they are on their own.”

I looked in front of me at the great chasm that lay between us, knowing that there was safety on the other side and wondering how we would all get across. Suddenly ropes began appearing all along the mountain in front of us. I knew this was our escape to the other side. God had provided a way of escape, all we had to do was grab hold of the ropes and swing across to the other side. I knew I had done everything I could to bring the people to that place so I grabbed a rope to swing over to the other side.

When I reached the other side I found myself in a gymnasium. It was in a school I attended in Michigan as I was growing up. In that school gymnasium I learned to climb and swing on ropes. I knew this meant there must be a time of training that must take place before I could reach the other side of the chasm.

The storm that is even now at the door is a sign to God’s people that they must “look up for your redemption draws nigh.” It is a sign that says although the time is near; it is not a time to become complacent and be complacent, but a time to prepare. It is a call to the Church to awaken from her slumber and prepare for the arrival of her betrothed. It is a call to draw nigh unto Him so He can draw nigh unto us. It is a sign that we must be cleansed from all sin and filthiness of the flesh by the washing of the water of His word and through the cleansing power of His Blood.

There will be signs in the earth; blood, and fire, and vapor of smoke that will be on every hand for this coming storm will entangle every nation on Earth in its woeful web of destruction. The storm is the fulfillment of the types and shadows of the great darkness and plagues that came upon the land of Egypt. This storm will be even greater than the tribulation the Egyptians went through during their plagues. The plagues in Egypt were types and shadows of things to come during the Great Tribulation. Jesus said that the “Great Tribulation” will be like none other before it.

If we, as God’s people, will be faithful and obedient to Him, He will protect us from the storm as He protected the Children of Israel from the plagues and darkness that fell upon Egypt. Yes, there will be an outpouring of revival” that proceeds great persecution and trouble for the Church, but the Lord shall be with His people during those trials. The Church must see that she is in bondage in “spiritual” Egypt before the Lord comes for her. There will be a great shaking in the Church and the world to “loose” her from her spiritual taskmasters. Everything that can be shaken will be shaken in order to free His bride from the cares of this world and the deceitfulness of riches and fleshly desires.




Jesus is the Alpha and Omega, the Beginning and the End. Alpha is the first letter of the Greek alphabet. It is  also a word which means first or beginning. Moses can be called the Alpha prophet because God revealed to Him the mystery of creation and the story of man’s fall “in the beginning.” Moses wrote the first five books of the bible. Christ, the Alpha, was there in the beginning. According to John, all things were made through Christ and those things are upheld by the power of His word. The word “Genesis” comes from the Greek word that means “beginnings.” The book of Genesis is documentation of the historical events that took place “In the beginning.” It speaks not only of the “beginning of creation” but also of the direction man took in the beginning, from his fall in the Garden of Eden to the departure into Egypt of the Hebrew nation.

All five books of the Bible written by Moses were not just a revelation of historical facts. They contained, among other things, types and shadows of New Testament doctrines, as well as events that would happen “in the last days.” The types and shadows were prophetic events that pointed toward Christ and the events which would happen in the latter days.

The Book of Revelation is not only the revelation of Christ as the beginning and the end. It is also a revelation BY Christ of what will happen on earth in the realm of the spirit during the last days. Certain parts of “the revelation” can be called a pre-historical document to the church of events that will happen before and after Christ returns again. Christ, also the Omega, revealed to John the direction mankind would follow at the end of the age. He revealed the circumstances and events that would bring about the final fall of men and the destruction of evil in the last days. The fall will usher in the final dispensation where Christ and the Church will reunite as bride and groom to form a” new nation.”

Omega is the last letter in the Greek alphabet. It too is a word which means last or ending. John can be called the Omega prophet because Christ revealed to him the events that would occur in the last days. John also wrote five books of the Bible, including the last or “omega book.” Only one person is found worthy to reveal the last day events and open the seven seals. Christ gave the final “revelation to the Omega Prophet John.

In the beginning we see Moses revealing Christ, as the beginning. They do not always see the messages that may be hidden in the texts. God does, however, give us “revelation knowledge” by His Spirit concerning all He purposed in those writings. There are hidden mysteries in many of the writings Moses penned which have prophetic significance. Revealed knowledge of end time events are also found in the final book of the Bible John wrote.  Should we remain here on Earth until the coming of Christ, we will live out those scenarios as they take place here on earth.

Today Christ is revealing to the Church the true meanings of the hidden mysteries of the seven seals, trumpets, and vials that John wrote about because we are now living in those days. The mysteries foretold by John did not have much meaning to Christians in past generations because they were not to be fulfilled in their time. God is revealing to the Church today His glorious Word as never before. He is permeating the hearts and minds of  His people with greater understanding and truth so His bride can ready herself to be joined with Christ in Holy Matrimony. The Bride shall meet Him and know Him in all His majesty, power and glory. We shall become one with Him as a “holy nation” at the consummation of the final age.

Christ is speaking today to many of His people in dreams and visions of His soon coming. Many are  speaking of the things that He has whispered in their ears as they slept or as they commune with the Holy Spirit in prayer. Christ is revealing events that are about to come to pass and of events that will soon make an impact upon His people and the entire world. A time of change is soon coming to the body of Christ. Change must take place in order that our Savior can take His rightful place in His body as the Head of the Church.

There are many prophetic warnings about the approaching storm. God’s servants, the prophets, are foretelling of events that are catastrophic in nature. The Church must take heed and prepare itself for the storm Christ revealed would come in the time of the “omega.”

Many of God’s people have had dreams and visions similar to the ones I have had concerning the great storm which is coming. The great storm will precede His coming. “In the mouth of two or three witnesses let everything be established.” (2 Corinthians 13:1). We, as men  and  women of God, must be careful not to bear false witness against the truth. Many of the problems we have in the Church today stems from those who bear witness of the truth. They preach a gospel that is void of power because their knowledge is based on supposition. Many “false narratives” they received from their mentors, received their “unsubstantiated knowledge” in the same manner.

Knowledge alone puffs up and translates itself as having more importance than wisdom and understanding. To the “knowledge only” seekers; mercy, good judgment and faith are secondary attributes that apply only to the less fortunate, unlearned ones. Knowledge without the wisdom to use it properly and humbly always leads to pride, which is sin. In the Garden of Eden it would not have been a sin to possess the” knowledge of good and evil,” however it was a sin to reject the council of wisdom and partake of it in the manner which Adam and Eve did. It was disobedience to the command of God that got Adam and Eve in trouble with God. The serpentine counselor they adhered to and the reason they partook of the fruit were the sins that condemned the first family. The Serpent offered knowledge was offered to Eve that would “make her wise.” However, the wisdom she obtained from the Serpent was sensuous and deadly.

Although the Serpent’s interpretation of God’s word sounded right, and the fruit was desirable to look upon, it left the first family with feelings of shame, emptiness, despair and loneliness. Their sin brought separation from the true Word once the words of the Serpent had been consumed. Sin always separates man from God. Knowledge alone seeks self promotion and inhibits the Spirit of God from imparting the wisdom that HE desires for us to possess.

There is a Godly wisdom that promotes His will, His way, and His kingdom in our lives. It is His wisdom that gives us the ability to apply the whole council and knowledge of God to our lives properly. God’s wisdom  fills us with every good and holy thing that is available in the Kingdom of Light.

Although they may sound good, promoting doctrines that are not God breathed are extremely detrimental to the body of Christ. False doctrines are just as deadly as the words “Ye shall be as gods knowing good and evil.” They are devilish in nature, and their wisdom comes from the promiscuous pit in which they will one day return. Satan was not promoting God’s word when he lured Eve into eating the forbidden fruit, but himself. All doctrine that is not God breathed promotes self-righteousness, and is devilish in nature.

It is man’s desire to be equal with God that leads him to believe he can become his own god. Lucifer’s desire to be equal with God was the beginning of his downfall.

Lucifer was the most beautiful, powerful, and most intelligent of all heavenly angles; but that wasn’t enough for him.

Through pride Lucifer deceived himself into thinking he was greater than he really was. He created within his own mind a false view of himself. Lucifer could not see past the pride that ruled within his heart. He worshiped himself instead of God, and thought others should do the same. Lucifer made himself greater than  God in his own eyes and even deceived the angels under his authority into believing the same.

Man, like Satan, possesses within his own heart the desire for greatness and the desire to rule his own spiritual kingdom. The heart of man is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked. (Jeremiah 17:9). The devilish nature that promotes self-rule self-reliance, and self-righteousness is called “pride.” Knowledge without the wisdom of God promotes pride, and pride promotes self-rule, self-adoration, and self-righteousness. The scripture says pride  goes before great destruction and a haughty spirit before a great fall. (Proverbs 16:8). God rejects the proud  but  gives  grace to the humble. (James 4:6).

Pride is unteachable. You cannot teach pride anything because it lacks the humility to admit its deficiencies. If we are not teachable, we will always reject the council of God. Pride always rejects the “council” of God. If we reject the council of God, we will surely fall when the trials of life come. If what we believe is wrong or lacking in God breathed truth, we will fall short of His righteousness and doctrinal stability when tribulation arrives to test the faith of all believers.

We must not deceive ourselves into thinking that we cannot fail if all we trust in is “knowledge.” Knowledge alone will fail when the storm arrives, but wisdom will always prevail when we are walking in the “footsteps of Christ. Man cannot survive by bread alone, but by every word that is breathed from the mouth of God. We must put our trust in the “true bread” of Life if true Life is going to prevail through the faith we possess within our hearts. We must examine thoroughly our doctrines and our lives to ensure we are full of faith rather than pride and presumption. Are our doctrines truly producing fruit, or are they promoting a worldly, sensuous type of wisdom in us that will perish with ungodly men and their doctrines?

We must also examine our motives. Are they pure? Do we preach the gospel because it draws attention to ourselves and feeds our egos? Do we preach the gospel because it pays the bills or opens the floodgates of monetary blessing?

All those who preach with impure motives will fall during the storm if they do not repent of their sins and change their ways. It is going to take a greater faith than the Church has known thus far to survive during the coming storm. Many will fall, and many will fail to receive the promise of God’s protection from the storm. Those who remain faithful to the end will find a great reward. The storm that John saw, the Great Tribulation, is a time of testing for ALL who dwell on the Earth during the last days. Are you prepared for the test?




Many who claim to speak for God speak of their own accord, according to their own thoughts and ideas. They speak outside of the realm of authority in which God has ordained for them to speak. Although a pastor or teacher may operate in the realm of the prophetic occasionally, that does not make them a prophet. Many people have written books about the “last days” and become self-proclaimed prophets who have NO revelation concerning end-time events. Much of what has been written about prophetic events is just man’s “interpretation” of those coming events. There are thousands of books which have been  written regarding end time prophecy. Many of the writers of these books contradict each other in their writings. Many of them claim to have