The Great Storm by Don Randolph - HTML preview

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Chapter 3



All who live godly shall suffer persecution. 2 Timothy 3:12.


Today Christians are being persecuted in many countries around the world. Many are being persecuted in China, Indonesia, Iran, Syria, Iraq, The Sudan, and Ethiopia- just to name a few. We are hearing of Christians being persecuted on a daily basis in these countries. Most of the atrocities being perpetrated are not being reported in the mainstream media today.

The Church is being persecuted in numbers which have not been seen in modern times before. Yet, the persecution that will come during the great tribulation will be many times greater than what the Church is experiencing today in many countries Revelation 13:7, it reads: And it was given unto him (anti-Christ) to make war with the saints, and overcome them: and power was given unto him over all kindreds, and tongues and nations.

In Daniel, 7:25, it reads: And he (anti-Christ) shall speak great words against the most high, and shall wear out (or afflict) the saints of the most high. The plagues that came upon Egypt are minimal compared to the ones that will come upon the earth during the great storm. The plagues will come because the world will be persecuting the people of God. Jesus said it like this: “For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor never shall be.”

Jesus is sending a message to His people today through those who move in prophetic ministry about the coming persecution. It is time to prepare for the “great storm.” Those who fail to heed the warnings of the prophets and prepare for the storm will be carried away by the fierceness the storm brings. I have always believed the storm was coming and I would live to see the things that John wrote as they come to pass. Today I feel as never before an urgency to warn others of the nearness of last days John wrote about in the Book of Revelation.

The message of the storm for the believer is not just a message of preparation for the storm, but to be prepared for the coming of Christ. If we love Christ more than life itself the devastation of the storm will not impact us the way it will impact the rest of the world.

In the scripture we have the promise that “all who live godly will suffer persecution.” (2 Timothy 2:12). The Church in some areas of the world has not experienced much persecution because she has not lived up to her godly potential. If Christ is coming back for a Church without spot or wrinkle, the Church must first put on godly character. She MUST put on godliness and live godly lives before the coming of Christ. The Church is destined for persecution because, according to the Bible, all who live godly WILL suffer persecution.

I use to wonder why we, as Americans, have not suffered persecution as people in other lands do. I have since began to realize that the churches in America are for the most part heretical in nature and steeped in the traditions of man, leaving most of them void of His power. Many Christians live in comfort zones. Many preachers refuse to speak out against sin, ungodly leaders, heresies, and formalism found in many churches today. Some churches are no more than social clubs and magnets for New Age teachings. Many want the blessings of God however they don’t want to pay the price for them.

Christians in America will not escape the persecution that churches in other parts of the world are experiencing. There will not be one country on Earth  where Christians will not be severely persecuted in the days to come. This is because the Church will put on “robes of righteousness” and the great tribulation will help her to do this. The Church was conceived in persecution and will be born out of persecution, suffering and sorrows. She shall wash her robes in the Blood of the Lamb and shall not be moved with fear even when threatened with death.

When Jesus spoke out against the religious leaders of His day He was severely persecuted and put to death for defying their authority. It is the so called religious leaders of today who shall receive greater damnation because of their failure to speak out against sin and evil in the Church.

Many Church leaders are calling “evil good” and “good evil.” They say evil is acceptable in many areas of the Church and preach that ALL religions are acceptable because we ALL believe in the same god. In reality, when they pray alongside a cleric who is praying to Allah, they are praying to his god because they think he is the same person as the Christian God. They also pray with the monk who prays to Budda, and the Hindus who pray to one or more of his many gods.

There is one God, and there is only one way according to the scripture to approach Him in prayer, and that is by and through the Blood of Jesus. Those Christians who say that Christ is not the “only way” call Him a liar, and the truth is not in them.

Many preach that all people are acceptable in the eyes of God regardless of the condition of their hearts. Although God loves everyone and sent His Son to die for the world, He does not accept the world in its present condition. If we propagate the acceptability of all religions, we deceive ourselves into thinking God supports and condones sin and demonic doctrines in all forms. Those who practice such apostasy are detached from reality and will continue to remain void of TRUTH.

Spiritual Israel (the church) has been lulled to sleep by pastors and teachers who say that Christ will come and take them out of this world before the “great storm” arrives. Many refuse to prepare for the storm because Church leaders preach an “escapism doctrine.” “Why should I prepare if I don’t plan on being here” they might ask? They need to be asking themselves “What if I am wrong? What will happen to those souls that God has entrusted to me if I am wrong?”

Just because a doctrine was taught in Seminary does not make it true. Many of the doctrines that are taught in Bible Colleges are man breathed and not God breathed.  Just because Professor Smith was taught a certain doctrine was true does not make it true. Truth will stand the test of time and will always set captives free of fear and doubt, but false doctrines will deceive and cause many individual’s faith to fail.

When the great storm comes many will accuse God of deceiving them and say “Why have you allowed this to happen to me? Why have you not come and rescued your people from tribulation as the preachers and teachers have told us you would?” Many will become bitter against God, and many will fail the trials which come during the storm because they have not drawn nigh to the ONE who can deliver them from the storm. They will not understanding what is happening concerning the times and the harrowing events that will be taking place daily in their lives. According to the Apostle Paul, there will be a great falling away from the faith in the “last days.”

God did not take the Hebrew children out of Egypt before the plagues or during the plagues, but He did protect them from the plagues. The plagues were poured out upon the Egyptians because they persecuted God’s chosen nation. God revealed Himself to Egypt and the people of Israel for the sake of His beloved through signs, wonders and divers miracles by His omnipotent power.

Those events spoke of a time to come when similar events would shake the world and free His people from the bondage of the Babylonian System. The plagues in Egypt were merely symbolic of some of the plagues that will take place during the “Great Storm.” Although they are very similar in nature to the ones in Revelation, the causes and effects might differ to a certain extent.

We have been taught that the Book of Revelation holds much symbolism, and in some cases we can find symbolism. What are perceived as symbolism in many cases are actual events that are taking place during the Tribulation period. If we are going to interpret the Book of Revelation we must look at it in a prophetic and spiritual perspective. We must remember that John was in the spirit and that God was revealing to Him things that could only be spiritually discerned.

Many Bible scholars interpret prophetic events by using natural reason and understanding so they use natural means to explain them. For instance, armies of demons are armies of men to them because they are unable to discern between the two.

In some cases natural events can be used to explain the events, but we must first look behind the events to see what is causing and provoking things to happen. In other words, we must first take a look at what is taking place in the realm of the spirit that is causing or has caused the events to happen in the natural realm.

Sometimes we must also look into past or present history to see what can and will help bring understanding of these events. For example, today we have many new inventions and discoveries in the fields of physics, biology and warfare that could possibly lead to some of the destruction and death that accompanies the storm. More importantly, we must rely on the one who revealed the Book to John to open our hearts and minds to understand the truths which are written upon its pages. Only Jesus can open the seals to reveal the mysteries the Book of Revelation contains.

If someone does not understand the Book of Revelation it will not affect their salvation, but it can affect their understanding and response to what is happening during the storm. It is not our understanding the Book of Revelation that determines our salvation, but there is a blessing that comes with reading and understanding its contents. (Revelation 1:3). A good understanding of the Book of Revelation will help us to endure persecution in the last days. If we are not prepared for the storm spiritually, it will take us by surprise, and many will fall from grace in that day.

Many have been deceived, and many will be deceived by false teachers, prophets and religions. Jesus said false prophets would even deceive the elect if possible. Can the elect be deceived? If Christians are misguided in the ways of righteousness and misinformed concerning doctrines of truth, they have already been deceived. I have known many God loving God fearing people who have been deceived by false prophets and teachers.

So let us prepare our hearts and minds for the coming storm. Let us consider Christ, whom God has raised up as an example for us, and raise Him up to the place of sovereignty in our lives that He deserves. Let us draw nigh unto God so He can draw nigh unto us and give help in the time of our need. God will protect those who take the initiative to trust Him during the time of trouble. He will provide for those who love Him and set their affections on things above and not on the things on the Earth that corrupt the hearts and souls of sinners.




Revelation 5:1,2,3 and 6 says, “And I saw in the right hand of Him that sat on the throne a book written within and on the backside, sealed with seven seals. And I saw  a strong angel proclaiming with a loud voice, who is worthy to open the book, and to loose the seals thereof? And no man in heaven, nor in earth, neither under the earth, was able to open the book, neither to look thereon. And I beheld, and lo, in the midst of the throne and of the four beasts, and in the midst of the elders, stood a lamb as it had been slain, having seven horns and seven eyes which are the seven spirits of God.”

Jesus was the only one found worthy to open the seals of the book. He paid the price for His bride at Calvary, and has been found “worthy” to open the seals which reveal her future status on Earth and in Heaven. Jesus is the first and the last. He is the beginning and the end. He was there in the beginning when all things that “were made” were created. (John 1:3). Jesus is the one  who reveals the beginning and the end of history from Genesis to Revelation. He was there as the “mystery of God” when He ushered in creation and throughout history (His story) He stood as the Truth, the Life and the Way.

He lives forever from the beginning and throughout eternity to offer salvation to all who believe on His name. He never deviated from His purposed course, but stood firm as the Word incarnate from everlasting to everlasting. The worlds were framed by Him and they will be dismantled and/or rearranged by Him when the time comes. He fills all in all because He upholds all in all with the power of His Word. (Hebrews 1:3).

The main reason for “opening the seals” is not just to reveal certain catastrophic world events that will take place in the last days, as most Bible scholars believe. The events that take place are of concern to the Church or they would not have been written to the body of Christ. There are many perils that Christians will face during the dark storm, but the glory of God will “brighten” the skies of His Church.

If look at the Book of Revelation just as a compilation of prophetic events bringing judgment upon the ungodly, we will miss the whole concept of the book. To think one might have to live during the time of these events could and would be very discouraging. If it was not for the fact that God was going to reveal Himself and His glory in His people during this time, I would have to agree.

If we know that His glory is being revealed in us, we can face any situation that confronts us. As Christians we can weather any storm that comes to hinder our relationship with Christ because He partners with us in every trial, tribulation and sorrow. He said He will never leave us nor forsake us, and that He will be with us during ALL the trials and tribulations we face. Knowing these things we can look beyond the many catastrophic events surrounding us and experience great joy and happiness because Christ dwells in us abundantly and completely. Seeing Jesus walking on the water as He comes to help us during the storm is all we need. In the Church Jesus becomes our all in all when we become filled with His fullness. In the Church Jesus fulfills all in all because He has prevailed over all the works of darkness. Though storm clouds rise and the winds and waves of tribulation surround us, we will not fear if we have made Christ our habitation and our refuge. Jesus paid the price to be all in all in us and to us. Who else could be worthy to open the seals except the One who created the heavens and the earth and fulfills every jot and tittle of His Word?

Revelation 5:8-11 says, And when He had taken the book, the four beasts and the twenty four elders fell down before the lamb, having every one of them harps, and golden vials full of odors, which are the prayers of the saints. And they sung a new song, saying, Thou art worthy to take the book, and to open the seals thereof: for thou was slain, and hast redeemed us to God by thy blood out of every kindred, and tongue, and nation; and hast made us unto our God kings and priests: and we shall reign ON EARTH.

As I read these verses of scripture one evening, a few years ago there were certain words which kept “resounding” in my spirit. They were the words which say “And they sang a new song.” The saints at this point in time were singing a song that had not “until this time” been written. I laid my Bible down and started writing a new song about Jesus opening the seals as the Lord gave me the words and melody to the song. There will be others who will also write similar songs about Jesus opening the seals as the time draws nearer for Him to open them.

Yes, only Christ is worthy to open the seals. He paid the ultimate price so the seals could be opened. Only the one who comes in the volume of the book written of Him and by Him could prevail to open the seals of the book. As creation groans for the mystery of God to be revealed and the Sons of God to be made manifest, only He can open the book that reveals the truth of the great storm. Only Christ can reveal and show us the mysteries that have been hidden since the beginning of creation. Only Christ can help His people to find their rightful place beside their Creator through the opening of the seals.

There are seven seals, seven trumpets, and seven vials that John wrote about. The number seven in the Bible is considered to be the number of completion. When the seven seals are opened, the seven trumpets are blown, and the seven vials are poured out, the mystery of God shall be complete. The seals are opened in Heaven, the trumpets are blown in Heaven, but the vials are poured out upon the Earth. Some of the events John saw in the “revelation” were symbolic representations and some were previews of actual events as they will take place. We must have the wisdom of God to be able to distinguish between the two.

Each trumpet that was blown preceded a plague.  For each plague there is a vial poured out that is similar. Although the plagues and vials may seem to correspond somewhat, they are actually representing different events. In the coming chapters we will look at some of the plagues in the Book of Exodus as a “type and shadow” of the end time plagues in the Book of Revelation. Because types and shadows are not exact duplicates of things to come, there may be some variance in the ways things happen and the events they replicate, however the message is clear and undeniable.

After the seals were opened and the trumpets were blown, the events to follow were sometimes preceded by voices, thunder, lightning, and large earthquakes. These were signs that judgment would follow. Revelation 8:5.

Today there are many voices proclaiming that the judgments of God are at hand. A greater i