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Specialized Bibliography: Books on special aspects of mysticism are listed (*multiple applications). Titles in bold print are not in the primary bibliography; some relate to essays in “Other Considerations” (not all printed here). Those included on the sciences do not prove mysticism; most, however, do support it.

Psychology and Psychiatry

 Psychoanalysis and Buddhism / An Unfolding Dialogue, ed. by Jeremy D. Safran

  Published by Wisdom Publications 2003

 Toward a Psychology of Awakening, by John Welwood, Ph.D.

  Published by Shambhala 2000, 2002

 Yoga & Psychotherapy / Evolution of Consciousness, by Rama, Ballentine, Ajaya

  Published by Himalayan International Institute 1978, 1981

 Sacred Therapy / Jewish Spiritual Teachings, by Estelle Frankel

  Published by Shambhala 2003

 Exploring Mysticism / a methodological essay, by Frits Staal

  Published by University of California Press 1975

 Living Deeply / ...Transformation in...Life, by M. Schiltz, C. Vieten, T. Amorok

  Published by New Harbinger Publications 2007

*  Mysticism, Mind, Consciousness, by Robert K.C. Forman

  Published by State University of New York Press 1999

*  One Cosmos under God / ...Matter, Life, Mind and Spirit, by Robert W. Godwin

  Published by Paragon House 2004

 Transcending the Levels of Consciousness, by David R. Hawkins, M.D., Ph.D.

  Published by Veritas Publishing 2006

*  Dictionary of Psychology, edited by Arthur S. Reber & Emily S. Reber

  Published by Penguin Books 1985, 2001

Biology and Neurology

 Zen and the Brain / ...Meditation & Consciousness, by James H. Austin, M.D.

  Published by MIT Press 1998, 1999

 The God Gene / How Faith is Hardwired into Our Genes, by Dean Hamer, Ph.D.

  Published by Anchor Books/Random House 2004

 The Mystical Mind / ...Biology of Religious Experience, by Newberg & D’Aquili

  Published by Fortress Press 1999

*  Mysticism, Mind, Consciousness, by Robert K.C. Forman

  Published by State University of New York Press 1999

One Cosmos under God / ...Matter, Life, Mind and Spirit, by Robert W. Godwin

  Published by Paragon House 2004

 The Spiritual Brain / ...for Existence of the Soul, by M. Beauregard & D. O’Leary

  Published by HarperCollins 2007

Spiritual Evolution / Scientists discuss their beliefs, ed. by John Marks Templeton

  Published by Templeton Foundation Press 1998

 Why God Won’t Go Away / ...the Biology of Belief, by A. Newberg & E. D’Aquili

  Published by Ballantine 2001

*  Dictionary of Psychology, edited by Arthur S. Reber & Emily S. Reber

  Published by Penguin Books 1985, 2001

Physics and Astronomy

 The God Theory / Universes, Zero-Point Fields..., by Bernard Haisch, Ph.D.

  Published by Weiser Books 2006

*  One Cosmos under God / ...Matter, Life, Mind and Spirit, by Robert W. Godwin

  Published by Paragon House 2004

 Quantum Questions / Mystical Writings of...Greatest Physicists, ed. by Ken Wilber

  Published by Shambhala 1984, 2001

 Quantum Theology /Spiritual Implications...New Physics, by Diarmuid O’Murchu

  Published by Crossroad Publishing 2004

*  Spiritual Evolution / Scientists discuss their beliefs, ed. by John Marks Templeton

  Published by Templeton Foundation Press 1998

 The Spiritual Universe / of spirit, soul, matter..., by Fred Alan Wolf

  Published by Moment Point Press 1996, 1999

 The Visionary Window/quantum physicist’s guide to enlightenment, A. Goswami

  Published by Quest Books 2000, 2006

 God in the Equation / ...Einstein Transformed Religion, by Corey S. Powell

  Published by Free Press / Simon and Schuster 2002, 2005

Female Mystics

 Women’s Buddhism / Buddhism’s Women, edited by Ellison Banks Findly

  Published by Wisdom Publications 2000

 The Experience of No-Self / A Contemplative Journey, by Bernadette Roberts

  Published by Shambhala 1982, 1993

 The Flowering of Mysticism / ...New Mysticism - 1200–1350, by Bernard McGinn

  Published by Crossroad Publishing 1998

 Mystics of the Christian Tradition, by Steven Fanning

  Published by Routledge 2001

 Daughters of the Goddess / Women Saints of India, by Linda Johnsen

  Published by Yes International 1994

 Women of Sufism / A Hidden Treasure, selected by Camille Adams Helminski

  Published by Shambhala 2003

 Mysticism /...development of spiritual consciousness, by Evelyn Underhill

  Published currently by CreateSpace 1911, 2011

 The Receiving / Reclaiming Jewish Women’s Wisdom, by Rabbi Tirzah Firestone

  Published by HarpersSan Francisco 2002

 The Spiral Path / Explorations into Women’s Spirituality, edited by Theresa King 

  Published by Yes International 1992

 Surprised by Grace / A Journey Beyond Personal Enlightenment, by Amber Terrell

  Published by True Light Publishing 1997

Orthodox (institutional) Religion

 Three Ways of Asian Wisdom, by Nancy Wilson Ross

  Published by Simon and Schuster 1966, 1996 H/B

 The Concise Guide to World Religions, by Eliade and Couliano

  Published by HarperCollins San Francisco 1991, 2000

 God / A Brief History / The Human Search for Eternal Truth, by John Bowker

  Published by DK Publishing 2002

 A History of God / ...Judaism, Christianity and Islam, by Karen Armstrong 

  Published by Gramercy Books 1993, 2004

The New Penguin Handbook of Living Religions, edited by John R. Hinnells

  Published by Penguin Books 1997, 2003

*  Oxford Dictionary of World Religions, edited by John Bowker

  Published by Oxford University Press 1997, 2005

 The Religion Book / Encyclopedia of Places, Prophets, Saints, & Seers, by J. Willis

  Published by Visible Ink 2004

 World Religions / ...Ancient History to the Present, edited by Geoffrey Parriner

  Published by Facts on File Inc. 1971, 1985

Death and Afterlife

 The Tibetan Book of the Dead, by W.Y. Evans-Wentz & Kazi Dawa-Samdup

  Published by Oxford University Press 1927, 2005

 Graceful Exists / How Great Beings Die, edited by Sushila Blackman

  Published by Shambhala 1997, 2005

 Life after Death in World Religions, edited by Harold Coward 

  Published by Orbis Books 1997

*  Oxford Dictionary of World Religions, edited by John Bowker 

  Published by Oxford University Press 1997, 2000

Note: None of these essays quoted sacred scriptures (although many books in the bibliography do); there could be no end to that technique. Two texts were quoted. The Zohar in Judaism is the primary mystical text of Kabbalah, yet not contained in the Torah or in any of the Hebrew Bible. The Bhagavad-gita in Hinduism is a revered part of an epic poem, but is not in the ancient Vedas or the later Upanishads. Revelation is not limited to holy books. What is experienced is more important than what is read.

[These essays have omitted diacritical marks. Some non-phonetic pronunciations: Gnosis is nosis; Jnana is gyana; Panna is pannya; Prajna is prajnya]