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Bibliography. There are thousands of books on mysticism so it can be difficult to decide which to buy. The following were read, but then were omitted for various reasons. The 100 books in the primary bibliography were more useful than these publications. Your recommendations of other sources are welcome.

Buddhism (omitted)

A Concise History of Buddhism, by Andrew Skilton

Early Madhyamika in India and China, by Richard H. Robinson

The Tibetan Book of the Dead, by W.Y. Evans-Wentz & Lama Dawa-Samdup

What the Buddha Taught, by Rev. Walpola Rahula

Women of the Way / ...2500 years of Buddhist Wisdom, ed. by Sallie Tisdale

Christianity (omitted)

The Courage to Be, by Paul Tillich The Heart of Matter, by Pierre Teilhard de Chardin

The Journal of George Fox, edited by Rufus M. Jones

Meister Eckhart / Selected Writings, translated by O. Davies

St. John of the Cross, translated with commentary by Antonio T. de Nicolas

Hinduism (omitted)

Autobiography of a Yogi, by A.C. Pramahansa Yogananda

Essays on the Gita (aka Bhagavad-gita and its message), by Sri Aurobindo

Hinduism, by Louis Renou

How to Know God / Yoga Aphorisms of Patanjali, Prabhavananda & Isherwood

The Life and Teachings of Sai Baba of Shirdi, by Antonio Rigopoulos

Samadhi Yoga, by Swami Sivananda

A Source Book of Modern Hinduism, edited by Glyn Richards

Who Cares?! / The Unique Teaching of Ramesh S. Balsekar, ed. by Blayne Bardo

Islam (omitted)

The Inner Life, by Hazrat Inayat Khan

The Other Islam / Sufism and the road to global harmony, by Stephen Schwartz

Knowledge of God in Classical Sufism, translated and intro. by John Renard

Steps to Freedom / Discourses on the Alchemy of the Heart, by Reshad Feild

Sufi Studies: East and West, edited by L.F. Rushbrook Williams

Sufi Thought and Action, assembled by Idries Shah

The Sufis, by Idries Shah

Sufism, Veil and Quintessence, by Frithjof Schuon

Judaism (omitted)

Abraham Isaac Kook, translation & introduction by Ben Zion Bokser

The Jewish Lights Spirituality Handbook, edited by Stuart M. Matlins

Let There be Light / Modern Cosmology and Kabblah, by Howard A. Smith

9 1/2 Mystics / The Kabbalah Today, by Herbert Weiner

On the Kabbalah and its Symbolism, by Gershom Scholem

The Receiving / Reclaiming Jewish Women’s Wisdom, by Rabbi Tirzah Firestone

Comparative Studies (omitted)

Coming Home / Experience of Enlightenment in Sacred Traditons, by Lex Hixon

Tantra / The Path of Ecstasy, by Georg Feuerstein

Wisdom of the Sadhu / Teachings of Sundar Singh, edited by Kim Comer

Mysticism (omitted)

The Complete Guide to World Mysticism, by Timothy Freke and Peter Gandy

Cosmic Consciousness, by Richard Maurice Bucke, M.D.

Escape Your Own Prison / ...Spirituality and Pyschology, by Bernard Starr, Ph.D.

Essential Spirituality / ...from the World’s Religions, by Roger Walsh, M.D., Ph.D.

Exploring Mysticism / a methodological essay, by Frits Staal

The God Theory / Universes...What’s Behind It All, by Bernard Haisch, Ph.D.

The Holy Longing / Hidden Power of Spiritual Yearning, by Connie Zweig

Holy Madness / ...Crazy-Wise Teachers, and Enlightenment, by Georg Feuerstein

The Human Cycle, by Sri Aurobindo

The Inner Journey Home / Soul’s Realization...Unity of Reality, by A.H. Almaas

Measuring the Immeasurable / Scientific Case for Spirituality, numerous authors

Mystical Consciousness / Western... and ...Japanese Thinkers, by Louis Roy, O.P.

A New Earth / Awakening to Your Life’s Purpose, by Eckhart Tolle

Phenomenology of Spirit, by G.W.F. Hegel

Rational Mysticism / Spirituality Meets Science..., by John Horgan

The Spiral Path / Explorations into Women’s Spirituality, edited by Theresa King

Spiritual Genius / 10 Masters and the Quest for Meaning, by Winifred Gallagher

The Spiritual Universe / One physicist’s vision of spirit, soul..., by Fred Alan Wolf

Transformations in Consciousness, by Franklin Merrell-Wolff

The Varieties of Religious Experience, by William James

Western Spirituality / Historical Roots, Ecumenical Routes, ed. by Matthew Fox

Other References (omitted)

The Biology of Transcendence / ...of the Human Spirit, by Joseph Chilton Pearce

Black Holes and Baby Universes, by Stephen Hawking

A Concise Dictionary of Indian Philosophy, edited by John Grimes

Cosmic Jackpot / Why Our Universe is Just Right for Life, by Paul Davies

Dark Cosmos / ...Our Universe’s Missing Mass and Energy, by Dan Hooper

Encyclopedia of the World’s Religions, edited by R.C. Zaehner

Endless Universe / Beyond the Big Bang, by Paul J. Steinhardt & Neil Turok

The Fabric of the Cosmos, by Brian Greene

The God Gene / How Faith is Hardwired into Our Genes, by Dean Hamer, Ph.D.

The God Particle / If the Universe...?, by Leon Lederman & Dick Teresi

God’s Equation / Einstein, Relativity, and the Expanding Universe, by Amir Aczel

A History of Religious Ideas / Volume 3, by Mircea Eliade

How to Know God / Soul’s Journey into Mystery of Mysteries, by Deepak Chopra

The Ideal of Human Unity, by Sri Aurobindo

Integral Consciousness and the Future of Evolution, by Steve McIntosh 

Intelligence in Nature / An Inquiry into Knowledge, by Jeremy Narby 

Jung on Evil, edited by Murray Stein

The Language of God, by Francis S. Collins (head-Human Genome Project)

Microcosmos / Discovering the World...Microscopic Images, by Brandon Broll

mind, life, and universe, edited by Lynn Margulis and Eduardo Punset

My Stroke of Insight / A Brain Scientist’s Personal Journey, by Jill Bolte Taylor

Science and the Reenchanment of the Cosmos /...Vision of Reality, by Ervin Lazlo

Universe / A Journey from Earth to the Edge of the Cosmos, by Nicolas Cheetham

Wholeness and the Implicate Order, by David Bohm


You can e-mail comments, corrections and suggestions to Ron Krumpos at


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