The Heavenly Light by Donna Solitario - HTML preview

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Dear God in Heaven


Please forgive me my character defects and sins

When I am in denial and refuse to look within

The times that I have been selfish and thought of only me

Please guide me

When false pride tells me foolish lies

When I let ego

Take the place of false pride

Dear Father in Heaven

Please forgive me when

I refuse to follow your will

Wont you keep my mind still?

Bestow upon my heart a conscience to do what’s right

To continue the good fight

Dear father in heaven

Please forgive me when

I’m lost and the dark has taken away the light

I beg you for mercy and to once more open my eyes

Dear God in heaven

Please forgive me when

I turn towards the world to fill my soul

When deep down I know

It is only you father who can make me whole

Please forgive me when

I blindly forget that you’re my blessed, friend