The Heavenly Light by Donna Solitario - HTML preview

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May we all be blessed

For nothing in this world is perfect

Jesus Is the only one

He is the most high the son

Of God who is our holy father

I need to focus on Jesus and me

For I’m powerless over everyone and everything

I can change my relationship with God

By nourishing it

Or choose to do my will and ignore it

How can I build the most important relationship of all?

By turning over my will

My life over to the care of God

Give him my soul and heart

Work on character defects/sins

Being selfless forgiving and loving

I choose to focus on the one perfect thing in my life

By following my loving father Jesus Christ

What is the most important thing in your life?

We need to silence the noise in the world that brings strife

I will never be perfect its true

Lord help me to remember that I can pick up the cross to be renewed