The Heavenly Light by Donna Solitario - HTML preview

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A Day in May

For Mom


A day in May the Lord took you away

In loving memory mom, it reads

Where there is hatred let me sow love

From your in-prisoned bed I prayed to God

When you heard your music there was nothing you couldn’t endure

I’m missing you now and will forevermore

I’m grateful I was able to comfort you as best as I could

I’d do it all over again and I think you know I would

Where there is doubt, despair and darkness, may I sow faith, hope and light

Pray for others to the great Divine

Sprinkle some joy upon the Land

Take a stand and reach out my hand

Not to seek rather to console

Think of others more than myself

Listen careful as others speak

Be understanding for it is in giving that we receive

By forgiving we find joy and peace

It is in dying that we are born to eternal life

One day we will once more be together till the end of time