The Holy Grail Book 1 (As above so below) by Evan Ansot - HTML preview

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During the short recess, the Father once again went into his holy Temple to pray. Rejuvenating himself through the power of the Almighty Source, and Creator of all things. To commune within, and gather the much-needed strength for the next part of his sermon to his loyal followers.

The Father, who shared a great supply of emotions in the telling of the story of Abraham, was about to expand even further his limits of his eternal Soul. He was about to dig deeper. Deeper than he had ever ventured before in his entire existence.

For eons, the Father of all things had kept his emotions in check. Displaying little feeling in front of his faithful servants. And on that rare occasion when he would, it happened only in front of his most trusted Lieutenants, Michael and Gabriel. Never in front of the massive audience with whom he was now addressing.

Yet the telling of the man he loved so dearly, that beloved Abraham, had touched him at his core being. He asked the question to his Source, “How could he put a man through that? A servant who only obeyed his every word? How could he destroy that which he so loved? Not once, but twice!”

The Ancient of Days still hadn’t fully recovered from telling the story of the one whom would be known as “‘the father of many nations.” He meditated, knowing that the answers would always be found within. Knowing that it is within, that the Source and he were one and the same.

The brief interlude about David had helped somewhat, but not completely. He needed more healing from the Source. He needed to forever remove this guilt that had been nagging at him for thousands of years.

Yet it had to be done! He had no choice but to put Abraham through absolute hell!

Only because he knew that he would be next. Just as Abraham had suffered, so must he. The Ancient of Days gave Abraham the pain that he must eventually feel. For as you give, so shall you receive.

But he had no choice. Or did he? Only the Source knew.