The Holy Grail Book 1 (As above so below) by Evan Ansot - HTML preview

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1000 BC Jerusalem

Eight hundred years after the death of Abraham, and four hundred years after the death of Moses, Amos once again entered into the world. This time as the soul known as King David. He was as it is written, ‘a man after my own heart.’ Groomed from birth to lead the tribes of Israel. Prophesied from long ago to destroy her enemies. David fulfilled the warrior, poet writer, prophet, governing king, and the monster side of the soul of Amos.”

“It is said that when one is fighting monsters, to be careful that one doesn’t become one. David, by constantly fighting monsters, became one. He was absolutely ruthless to his enemies. Taking great joy in vanquishing them. Destroying whole towns, villages, cities, tribes, and nations.”

The viewer once again appeared upon command. It showed a face that was becoming very familiar to the heavenly host. David had red hair, electric blue eyes, and lighter skin. Set apart from the rest of the Hebrew nation. A tribe beset with dark features.

The Ancient of Days paused the screen, and spoke, “Notice how similar he is to Adam, Abraham, and Moses. Not exact, but very familiar in their features. This is because their mothers were different. Yet their fathers were the same being, which made Amos the same.”

Then the Ancient of Days transformed himself in front of the crowd. He now looked red headed, with light skin, and the electric blue eyes of Amos. He again spoke, “And this is how I sent him to humanity.”

Many of the angels of the host were once again in shock. Especially those who’ve been busy doing the work of their Creator on other planets. They were not used to this type of intervention being shown by their Father. Making agreements with humans, becoming flesh in their form. This was all new to those angels of the far side of the cosmos. Meanwhile, those who had been working on planet Earth the last few thousand years were not surprised. Especially Michael and Gabriel, who’ve overseen the affairs of humanity on earth. Those two beings knew what the Ancient of Days was up to. And with whom he had been working with. Namely the soul known in heaven as Amos, and his immediate family. A sacred soul family who have been held in high regard by the Father’s archangels.

The Ancient of Days knew what the audience was thinking and spoke up, “Why all these looks of surprise? Do you honestly see me as some type of passive entity who just sits back and watches my creation without myself having a hand in such matters? Do I just lay around, hoping for the best for my creation? Oh no! If one were to think that, then you have yourself the wrong Father. I take an active role in my universe, as my archangels can attest to.”

“For those of you who’ve been involved elsewhere throughout the cosmos, let me fill you in what I’ve been up to on planet Earth. And yes, there is very good reason for this. For I plan on making this planet my home in the future.”

Once again, shock from the audience. All this new information was getting a bit much for the heavenly host. Did he just state that he was plan on moving his residence from Heaven to Earth? How could that be? They braced themselves for further revelations from the Father. At this point in his lecture, the heavenly host was preparing itself for anything to come from the mouth of their Source.

“But first, let me get back to my servant David.”

The Ancient of Days studied the audience. They had no idea what his plans were, and it was time to get them up to speed, so to speak. His heavenly host were woefully behind in his visions, and it was now time to reveal to them his true intentions for humanity. He’d kept much of this to himself, except for revealing to his lieutenants, the archangels. It was time to lift the veil for his trusted servants. The clock was ticking, and it was approaching the midnight hour. His angels must know his intentions. They must know his plans which were laid down at the foundation of the universe.

The Father spoke, “Abraham created a race, Moses liberated them, and now David must rule them. My soul known as Amos was eternally linked to this nation of people. Just as he is forever linked to the Arabian nation. But first, let us talk about the Israelites.

From the time of Moses until the time of David, Israel was a loose confederation of twelve tribes. That would all change when King David came to power. Consolidating authority of the tribe into a single source, himself. With this newfound strength and guidance, he sent his well-trained army, annihilating many enemies of the Israeli nation.

“For King David was the type of fellow who took great satisfaction in victory.”

“Now I’m certain that many in the audience are wondering how in my world can the Soul of Amos be a brutal warrior, hell bent on the total destruction of his enemies, both foreign and domestic? When in past lives, he was a prophet, holy man, sage, and filled with the spirit from the Kingdom of Heaven.

“The answer is simple. The blessed Soul of Amos, who in this life is known as David, grew up in an entirely different vibrational frequency than his previous lives. From the time as a child watching over the family’s sheep, he was trained to defend that which he loved the most. Which meant that he took no mercy on any wild beast who threatened his sheep.

“Inheriting the faith of his fathers, Abraham, and Moses, he never showed any fear toward any of his enemies. Always knowing victory would be delivered to him by me. He intrinsically knew that I would deliver up to him all foes who threatened his sheep, the house of Israel.

“One of those foes was the Jebusite tribe. David overthrew them, and made their city Jerusalem his new capital of the nation of Israel. Which is why today Jerusalem is known as the “city of David.”

“Now a lot has been written about King David. Mostly in a positive manner. To this day people recite his poems. Especially Psalm number 23, which states, ‘The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want. He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: he leadeth me beside the still waters. He restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name’s sake. Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me. Thou prepares a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over. Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.”

The Father paused to allow those beautiful words to sink into the minds of his trusted servants, the heavenly host. Then he announced, “Now that my friends is poetry. Beautiful, yet simple words of pure faith. Is it any wonder I loved this man so much, after reading those words?”

“But David was far more than just a poet, warrior, and king. He was a man on a mission. For he saw what was to come 1,000 years later. He described his vision as thus, ‘The Lord said to my Lord, sit at my right hand while I make your enemies my footstool.”

“Now why do I bring this prophecy of his up? I’ll tell you. King David was the only person in human history to see me in my spiritual form, and myself in the flesh, in the same place at the same time. Let me show you.”

The viewer appeared, showing the Ancient of Days on his marvelous throne, with another, far younger looking Ancient of Days sitting on his right hand. Both beings looked identical except for age. Same hair, eyes, and skin color. It was a scene of Father and Son. One God in two different forms.

The Father of all things resumed, “This is the same image that David was shown. He then wrote about it, and Jesus spoke of it again, one thousand years later. It’s an image that is seemingly impossible. How can one person become two, and then occupy the same space? Spirit becomes flesh, then returns to spirit, but is no longer the same? How can this be? I will tell you.”

“First allow me to back up a bit. And show you another prophecy regarding King David, and the coming Messiah. I appeared to David in a dream, and this is what I spoke to the man. And I quote myself, ‘When your days are over and you rest with your ancestors, I will raise up your offspring to succeed you, your own flesh and blood, and I will establish his kingdom. He is the one who will build a house for my Name, and I will establish the throne of his kingdom forever.”

The Ancient of Days allowed that information to sink into the heavenly host. Studying his audience, he continued, “Hundreds of years later, my good servant, the prophet Isaiah wrote, ‘Of the greatness of his government and peace, there will be no end. He will reign on David’s throne, and over his kingdom. Establishing and upholding it with justice and righteousness from that time on, and forever. The zeal of the Lord Almighty will accomplish this.”

“Therefore prophecy states that this chosen Messiah will come from the line of David, and forever sit on his throne. Which means that the prophecy I gave to my good servant Abraham, of all the world being blessed through his seed, stretches from Abraham, to his great grandson Judah, to King David.”

“875 years after I gave the bloodline prophecy to Abraham, it was confirmed to flow throw the blood of his descendant, King David. Therefore, the bloodline prophecy of the Holy Grail must flow through him. Which is the reason I brought his name up in this sermon.”

“From Adam, to Abraham, to Judah, to David. The Holy Grail at that time would be 3,000 years old.”

“Now it seems like a good time to take another short rest. Meet me back here in three hours. During the next part of this lecture, I will have a surprise for you all.”