The Knowledge of GOD - And The Key of Knowledge by Don Randolph - HTML preview

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Chapter 12


Knowledge is Power

But you, Daniel shut up the words, and seal the book until the time of the end: many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall increase. Daniel, Chapter 12, Verse 4.

The angel informed Daniel that at the time of the end “knowledge” would increase. The exponential increase of knowledge we are experiencing today is a sign we are living in the “time of the end.” Knowledge is increasing daily as the end is drawing near.

We are living today in what some are calling the “Information Age.” Since the invention of the Internet, more information has been made available to people since any time in history. We can find the answers to any questions we may have by searching the Internet. More and more knowledge is being made available to people daily as information is increasing. With new technological, scientific, medical and educational breakthroughs and advances, knowledge is increasing at an alarming pace.

Experts are telling us that eighty percent of the knowledge we now have has come forth in the last ten years. They also say that ninety percent of all scientists who ever lived are alive today. There have been so many breakthroughs in medicine, science, technology and travel in recent years it is almost mind boggling. The book the Angel gave to Daniel was not meant to be understood in His time. MANY of the prophetic truths in the Bible were not meant to be understood until today. The prophecy we find in Daniel which IS being fulfilled today IS proof we are living in the “Time of the End.”

The KNOWLEDGE and understanding of the Word of God has also exploded exponentially in the last few decades. I believe more revelation knowledge is being given to the Church today because of the perilous times in which we are now living. God’s people need more knowledge, wisdom and understanding because the darkness which prevails in this World is becoming darker and more prevalent. We need more knowledge, wisdom and understanding now than ever before in order to stand against the evil aggression and onslaught the enemy is bringing against the Church.

The Bible is a Book of Knowledge, as well as a road map giving us directions which leads to godly wisdom and understanding. It is a book which teaches men to love and serve each other through the power of the Spirit of Christ. The Bible is full of information God intended for His people to use to strengthen their relationship with Him. The Bible is also a Book which instructs men and women how to find eternal life, peace and freedom from the ravages of sin and debauchery. KNOWLEDGE instructs and teaches us how we can have POWER over the forces of darkness which are trying to destroy us.


Today many Christians are running “to and fro” seeking for knowledge. Unfortunately, many are seeking the wrong type of knowledge. Others are seeking knowledge in all the wrong places.

Many Christians are focused on seeking the knowledge of how to “gain wealth,” position, fame and other materialistic pleasures. They are listening to carnally minded preachers and teachers who are telling them that the “abundant life” Christ has bestowed upon them is all about prestige and materialism. Their motives and attitudes toward righteousness and holiness have been hijacked and replaced by selfishness and greed. Seeking worldly pleasures and earthly treasures was not what Jesus was talking about when He said He came to give us “life more abundantly.” Our LIFE cannot be measured by the things we possess or the things which possess us. As Christians, our LIFE is “hidden in Christ’ not in avarice, mammon and materialism.

Many Christians are going from church to church with itching ears seeking preachers who will tell them what THEY want to hear. Many find that the true Gospel of Christ is not very appealing to them. They are seeking to find ANOTHER GOSPEL in order to satisfy their flesh and promise them they can have what they want instead of what they need.

Some Church leaders today have more influence over congregations than God does. Their doctrines do not reflect the message of the Gospel, but their own self- inspired doctrines. In many churches the Word of God is transformed to fit into man’s agenda rather than the agenda of God.

The knowledge of God’s Word has been perverted and turned into fables by many preachers who do not care for their congregations, or where they will spend eternity. Many are more concerned about themselves than others. Their doctrines are filled with the “leaven of the Pharisees.” Their doctrines are designed to make them look “wise” in the eyes of their congregations. However, like the Pharisees, they are filled with hyper faith, hoopla and hypocrisy: they are dishonest, insincere and sanctimonious.

Knowledge alone begets pride, but the knowledge of the truth sets people free. We can possess knowledge but still lack wisdom and understanding. If we are going to be able to use the knowledge we have acquired, it is imperative that we know how to use it correctly. Knowledge can be like an abstract painting if it is not tempered with wisdom and understanding. It may be pleasurable for some to look at; however, in reality it is just a collage of images thrown together lacking continuity.

Many Christians who are sincere about their walk with Christ are hindered because some church leaders no longer possess or use godly wisdom and knowledge. Therefore, they cannot impart wisdom and knowledge to others. This is one of the greatest travesties taking place in churches today. Many Christians desiring to serve God more have become hindered in their attempts to find the will of God for their lives. Because the leaders themselves lack knowledge and understanding, they have a problem ministering truthfully and effectively to their congregations. They need to find wisdom and understanding themselves before they can minister to their congregations accurately and appropriately.

There are many Christians who fail to realize there is more to their walk with God than they have been taught. They fail to seek God and develop a personal relationship with Him. You cannot walk hand in hand with God from a distance. The “barely get along” doctrine was never meant to be a “church doctrine.” If we desire to know more about God, we must seek Him MORE. The Bible says to “knock” and the door will be opened. The Greek implies we are to “keep knocking” until the door opens and we find what we are seeking.

One of the keys to receiving what we have need of from God is perseverance. When we have a need, we must believe God’s promise to meet all our needs. If we do not receive after asking God the first time, we are admonished by His Word to ask Him again and again until we receive. The Bible says to “ask” and it will be given to you. The Greek implies we are to “keep asking” until we receive. We know that if we ask anything according to His will, He WILL meet our needs when and if we are persistent and patient in prayer. Doubt and unbelief are resistant, but faith and perseverance are persistent.


But as many as received Him, to them gave He power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on His name. John, Chapter 1, Verse 12.

The great evangelist Dwight L. Moody said, “The Bible was not given to increase knowledge, but to change our lives.” Knowledge alone will not help us unless we use it to bring about needed change in our lives. Knowledge only has POWER when we follow the instructions which tells us how we can be transformed into the image of Christ.

We are transformed into the image of Christ by the TRUTH. Jesus is not only the personification of Truth, He is the one who transforms us into His image by the renewing of our minds. Jesus transforms us when we seek to apply the truth, knowledge, wisdom and understanding we find in the Word of God to our lives. We have been given the power to BECOME the sons of God by faith in His Name through the POWER of His Word.

KNOWLEDGE IS POWER. Knowledge tells us we will be SAVED if we sincerely repent of our sins and believe on the Name of Jesus Christ. Wisdom and understanding tells us why we need to become SAVED. Knowledge instructs us HOW to become SAVED. Through “free will” we have been given the power to decide whether we will accept or reject the knowledge, understanding and wisdom which enables us to receive Eternal Life.”.

Through knowledge we understand that God has given us POWER over serpents, scorpions, and ALL the power of the enemy. Through knowledge we understand we have been given POWER through the Holy Spirit over all the works of the enemy. Through knowledge, we understand the POWER which God has given us as sons and daughters is much greater than the power of our enemies. I am speaking of demonic entities and the princes of darkness which are constantly and continuously trying to hinder our walk with Christ and destroy our lives.

Paul said, “For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ for it is the POWER of God unto salvation.” (Romans, 1:16). When we accept Christ as Lord and Savior, we become sons and daughters of God through the POWER of the Gospel.

God intended for us to be conduits of His power. We are admonished to be ambassadors who represent Christ. We have been sent to the Nations to share the Gospel to a lost and dying World. God never envisioned a weak, powerless Church void of faith and discernment, but a Church that would be filled with His power. Jesus died for the Church so it would be “endued with power from on high.” As Christians, we have the potential to do the “greater works.” Jesus said we could do the “greater works,” because that same Spirit which raised Him from the dead now dwells within us. We must be doers of the Word and not just hearers only.

And these signs shall follow those who believe: in my Name they will cast out demons; they will speak with new tongues; they will take up serpents; and if they drink anything deadly, it will by no means hurt them; they will lay hands on the sick and they will recover. Mark, Chapter 16, Verses 17-18.

If we believe we have been given the POWER to become the sons of God, why do we not believe we have the POWER to do the things He tells us to do? The same faith which gives us the power to become children of God is the same faith which gives us the power to do the “works” of Christ.

Most of the knowledge many churches possess today is the “knowledge” of what it takes to “survive in this World.” We do not see many, if any, “signs and wonders” happening in most churches today because the knowledge of how to walk in faith is not taught to the congregations. In many churches “signs and wonders” have been replaced with “whines and blunders.” Faith is one of the “fruits of the Spirit.” If people do not have much faith, they will not be producing much fruit. If you do not have faith, you will not produce any fruit.

Knowledge tells us we have the propensity to do “ALL things through Christ which strengthens us.” We cannot do these things in our own power, but we can do these things by the power of His Spirit which lives within us. If we are going to do the “greater works” which Christ said we could do, we must “believe” in the “greater one” who dwells within us. We CAN do what He tells us we can do.

Great is our Lord and mighty in power; His understanding is infinite. Psalm, 147, Verse 5.

The word “understanding” in the above scripture is speaking of the intelligence of God. God’s knowledge, wisdom and understanding are infinite. You could say that God knows “everything about anything.” To God knowledge is more than just power. He is the essence of knowledge and power. In general, we could say God is all power, all knowing, and always present in Heaven, on Earth, throughout the Universe and beyond.

God’s knowledge is unlimited. All things were created and exists by and through the power of His Word. All things which were created were created by the power of His Word.

Jesus did great and mighty works because of His knowledge, understanding, wisdom and relationship with the Father. Jesus said “I do what I see the Father do.” The Bible says, “All the treasures of wisdom and knowledge are hidden in Christ Jesus.” If we are going to gain wisdom and knowledge, it is going to come through our relationship with Christ.

God wants us to “know the love of Christ which surpasses knowledge; that we may be filled with the fullness of Christ.” When we KNOW Christ and the power of His resurrection, we will be filled with the fullness of Christ. When we are filled with the fullness of Christ, we will be filled with the power of His love. When we are FILLED with the power of His love, we will be changing lives wherever we go. Our faith becomes empowered by God’s love when we trust in His Love.