The Knowledge of GOD - And The Key of Knowledge by Don Randolph - HTML preview

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Chapter 13


Love is Power

For God so loved the world He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. John, Chapter 3, Verse 16.

John 3:16 is probably the most well-known, and the most powerful scripture in the Bible. Many people have been drawn to the Lord and have committed their life to Christ through of the POWER of this one verse. Because God LOVED mankind so much, He sent His only begotten Son to die a cruel death at Calvary so those who would believe on Him would receive eternal life.

True love is not just a “fuzzy little feeling” we get in our stomach when we are around someone we have a crush on. It is more than just a desire to be with someone because they make our heart flutter every time we look at them. True love, the God- kind of love, has nothing to do with the physical appearance of a person or their personality. True love is not just an emotion, but a person. The Bible says that “God is love.”

Love is the most powerful force in the Universe. Love can change the course of human nature. Through knowledge we will find the existence and power of God’s amazing love. Love has the power to change our attitudes and motives toward God, as well as our fellow man. When we believe and receive the knowledge of His love, His love creates a new heart within us.

The Bible tells us “God IS Love,” and love never fails. Love never fails because God is love and He cannot fail. If God could ever fail, love would no longer exist, but that is impossible. Love is a perpetual virtue which rules Heaven perpetually. The love of God is more powerful than anything which exists. It is God’s nature to love. It is the nature and desire of God to impart His love to everyone even if they are not worthy of His love.

Without love, there is only despair. Without the hope of salvation mankind would be eternally lost. Love is the bridge which connects hope and salvation. The Apostle Paul wrote “we are saved by hope.” (Romans 8:24). The Bible says, “faith is the substance {foundation) of things HOPED for, the evidence of things not seen.” Hope tells us that something we need is available. We are saved by faith, but hope connects us to the promise and knowledge of salvation.


For God so loved the world He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish, but have eternal life. John, Chapter 3, Verse 16.

Love’s divine purpose was to give eternal life to everyone who would believe in Christ Jesus. God is not only Love, He is also Life. God prefers love over hate and life over death. God prefers justification over judgment and justice over lawlessness. God loves those who hate evil. God justifies those who sincerely repent of their sins. God gives eternal life to those who accept Christ as their Redeemer. Those who do not accept Christ will not receive eternal life, but eternal damnation.

According to the Bible the love of God surpasses all knowledge and understanding. I do not understand how God could love people who do not love Him. I do not KNOW how God could love people who turn their back on Him and time after time break His laws and commandments. I do not understand how God can love people who do not love Him, but He does. However, I will be eternally thankful that He loved me even though I was one of the worst sinners to walk this earth. Yes, the Love of God surpasses all the knowledge and understanding natural man possesses.

The love God has bestowed upon us gives us the power to walk in His Love. The love of God has taken us to heavenly places which we never dreamed we could or would go. In Christ, we live and move and have our being. In Christ, we love and show grace and mercy to those who are in bondage to sin as we once were.

Love is self-denying. Love is self-sacrificing. Love is longsuffering and kind. Love seeks not its own. Love rejoices in truth. Love bears all things and hopes and endures all things. Love never fails. There are no references in the Bible which says anything negative about love.

There are four “love words” found in the New Testament which were translated from the Greek into English. They are philia love, eros love, storge love and agape love. “Agape love” is commonly called “divine love.” It is also referred to as the “God-kind of love.” Agape love is considered to be love which is divinely inspired and transferred to people by God the Father who IS love. It is with this divine love we are commanded to love one another. Even if we do not like someone, we are COMMANDED to love them with the God-kind of love.


For in Christ Jesus neither circumcision availeth anything, not circumcision nor uncircumcision; but faith which worketh by love. Galatians, Chapter 5, Verse 6.

Paul said “faith” works by, or is “energized by” love. The Bible tells us God created the entire universe by faith. As I stated earlier, love is the most powerful force in the Universe. The “faith” chapter in Hebrews 11, Verse 2, states: “the worlds were framed by the Word of God.” “Faith is the substance (sub- foundation) of things hope for, the evidence of things not seen.” Faith is the foundation which God’s Word is built and rests upon, and is energized by His Love.

Faith standing alone is unfruitful. Our faith MUST rest upon the foundation of God’s Word which is an extension of His Love. Paul said he could have faith to move mountains, but if he did not possess love he was nothing. Love is greater than faith because faith is contingent upon and works by the power of His divine Love. Love never dwells on evil, but on mercy, grace, faith and righteousness.

God created the Universe and everything in it through faith by the power of His love. His plan and purpose for creation was to build “a Church” that would love and serve Him throughout eternity. His plan was to impart to the Church His LOVE, wisdom, and knowledge.

Faith fails to work for many Christians because they lack the basic foundational principle which governs the Law of Faith, which is His Love. The Bible tells us that without faith we cannot please God. If we are going to be people of faith, we must be people who possess the love of God.

Our faith will not be any stronger than our love. I talk to many people who are seeking more faith, but their faith will not get any stronger until they understand that faith rests upon the foundation of God’s love. If we do not possess the love of God we cannot have the God-kind of faith. When we learn to love as God admonishes us to do, we will have faith to move mountains.

People can quote scripture all day long, and decree all they want, however, until they learn to LOVE they will not possess the faith to move mountains. If the love of God is not abiding within our hearts, the faith of God will not be present in us either.

Many marriages fail because they are not built upon a foundation of love. This may be a carnal example of love, but nevertheless, it works according to the same principle the love of God works by.

When me make the quality decision that “we are going to walk in love” we have taken the first step to increasing our faith. When we become conduits of God’s love, we will see changes in our life and the lives of those around us as we pray for them in faith.


Therefore, be followers of God dear children and walk in love, as Christ also has loved us and given Himself for us, as an offering and sacrifice to God for a sweet smelling aroma. Ephesians, Chapter 5, Verses 1-2.

A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: as I have loved you, that you also love one another. By this all will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another. John, Chapter 13, Verses 34- 35.

Knowledge tells us we are to love others in the same manner Christ loves us. As followers of Christ we are commanded to “walk in love.” Walking in love is not just a suggestion. We are disobeying the commandment of God to “love our neighbor as our self,” if we are not walking in love.

In our own ability, we cannot and will not love people the way God loves them. It is human nature for people to dislike those who do not like them, or those who physically and verbally abuse them. I am not suggesting we stand by and let others physically and verbally abuse us. I believe God expects us to protect ourselves, our families and the things He has entrusted to us, but to still love people unconditionally.

It is human nature for men to dislike those who disagree with them. Yet, we are commanded to exhibit “agape love” no matter who we are dealing with. We are told to love our enemies. That does not me we are to let them do anything they want to do to us.

Jesus loves everybody, however, He hates hypocrisy. He treated the hypocrites with disdain and contempt for their pride, dishonesty and lack of sincerity. There is no room in the Kingdom of God for the leaven which promotes rebellion and teaches others to sin. The Pharisees were supposed to be examples of righteousness; however, they fell short of God’s glory by leading others into sin. The only love they had was for themselves and their lofty positions in life.

Jesus died for the sins of all mankind, including the Pharisees. However, if they failed to repent of their sins and receive Christ as Lord, they were not welcomed into the Pearly Gates of Heaven when they died. We are to love people even though we may not approve of the things they do. When the love of God dwells within us, we will love people even though we do not approve of their actions.

If we rebuke a wise man, he will love us for showing him the error of his ways. If we rebuke a fool, he will hate us for trying to meddle in what he considers to be “his own business.”

Many Christians try to walk in love in their own strength and emotions. This ATTEMPT to be like God is futile and will always result in disaster. If we are going to walk in the God-kind of love, we must be FILLED with the God-kind of Love which only comes by way of our relationship with Christ. We must allow God, who is Love, to control our will and emotions so we can walk in “agape love.”

Agape love does not try to manipulate or control people. Manipulation is selfish and engendered by the spirit of witchcraft. When people try to control the lives of others they are practicing the sin of witchcraft. We cannot love people and try to manipulate or control them at the same time.

Of all the virtues of Christ, LOVE is the greatest. Love never meditates on evil, but only on righteousness. Agape Love is the POWER which led Jesus to the Cross so we could find forgiveness for our sins. Agape love is the POWER which enabled Jesus to heal the multitudes, raise the dead and cast out demons. Whatever we do for God, we must do out of love or our works will remain fruitless and useless. God has a special plan and purpose for each of our lives. Whatever God has called us to do will require us to possess the God-kind of love.