The Knowledge of GOD - And The Key of Knowledge by Don Randolph - HTML preview

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Chapter 15


Judgment, Mercy and Faith

Woe unto you, scribes, pharisees and hypocrites! For you pay tithe of mint and anise and cummin, and have neglected the weightier matters of the law: judgment, mercy and faith. These you ought to have done, without leaving the others undone. Matthew, Chapter 23, Verse 23.

Jesus said that even though tithing is important, there were more important issues which the Law addresses. The Scribes and Pharisees paid their tithes but neglected to obey the more important matters of the Law—judgment, mercy and faith. All scripture is profitable for doctrine, reproof, for correction and instruction in righteousness, but some doctrines will have more of an impact on our lives than others.

I believe in tithing, but there are more important things in my walk with the Lord than giving. The Scribes and Pharisees believed that tithing was one of the most important commandments of God, and it became a “tradition” to them instead of a requirement. They did not give out of necessity or conviction, but were giving out of egotism and arrogance. They only gave their tithes and offerings when others were present to witness their giving.

How we conduct ourselves regarding the commandments of God is indicative of the attitudes and motives of our hearts. How we conduct ourselves regarding the virtues of judgement, mercy and faith will have a greater impact on our walk with the Lord and our ministries more than anything.

The knowledge that judgment, mercy and faith are more important than other issues in our lives will lead us to a greater understanding of the Word of God. When we have the right understanding of what our priorities should be, we will become more proactive and productive citizens in the Kingdom of God.

When we are neglecting and continue to neglect the doctrines of judgement, mercy and faith, our attempts to believe and receive the promises of God will fail. The “weightier” matters of the Law are more important because they make a greater impact on our lives and those around us. When we are obeying ALL the commandments of God, we will be fulfilling ALL the requirements of the Law. We are no longer under the Law; however, if we are failing to keep ALL the Law which is written on our hearts, we will find ourselves falling into temptation and sin.


The devil took Him up into the holy city, set Him on the pinnacle of the Temple, and said unto Him, “If you are the Son of God, throw yourself down. For it is written: “He shall give His angels charge concerning you and “In their hands they shall bear you up, lest you dash your foot against a stone.” Jesus said to him, “It is written again, you shall not tempt the Lord your God.” Matthew, Chapter 4, Verses 5-7.

One of the biggest problems in the Church today continues to be the sin of “presumption.” Presumption is defined as “supposition” or “conjecture”. Presumption in the Church is not based upon truth and faith, but upon ignorance, opinion and postulation. Presumption comes from attitudes of arrogance, audaciousness and impudence. The Scribes and Pharisees were steeped in tradition and selfishness. They were self-seeking, self-promoting, egotistical and arrogant, just as many are in the Church today. Presumption in the Church causes people to act without authority or permission from God which can and will adversely affect their lives. Presumptuous Christians have no spiritual boundaries which can help prevent them from falling into sin and temptation.

David said, “Keep back your servant also from presumptuous sins; let them not have dominion over me. Then I shall be blameless, and I shall be innocent of great transgression.” (Psalm, 19:13). David said the “sin of presumption” was a great transgression. Presumption can and will control a person’s life to the point where they commit, sometimes unknowingly, great transgressions in the eyes of God. That is why having the knowledge of God and the understanding of His will and purpose for our life is so important.

Many Christians when reading the Bible think they can interpret the scripture privately. They assume they have the right to choose how to interpret the Bible for themselves. However, the KEY to interpreting the knowledge of God is not found in private interpretation, but in wisdom and understanding from God. Scripture can ONLY be interpreted correctly through the eyes of the spirit, not the flesh. The Holy Spirit will illuminate the eyes of our understanding as we sincerely seek the truth.

When it comes to the plan and purpose of God for our life, we do not have the liberty to pick and choose our calling or destiny. What we desire to do in ministry does not always line up with what God has called us to do. I know ministers who were called to be pastors, however, they wanted to be and tried to become evangelists. I know ministers who wanted and tried to be pastors, but were called to be missionaries. They tried doing their own thing for Christ, and failed miserably. They finally realized they were on the wrong path and sought God’s perfect and definitive will for their ministry. Finding God’s perfect will for their lives changed their ministries and gave them the anointing and ability they needed to fulfill their God given destiny.

Satan tried to lure Jesus into the sin of presumption. He challenged the fact that Jesus was the Son of God. He was basically saying to Jesus, “IF you are the Son of God show me proof by fulfilling this scripture which was written about you.” Had Jesus thrown Himself off the pinnacle of the Temple, the outcome would not have been divine. Jesus could never and would never have fallen into the trap of presumption because He only did WHAT THE FATHER told Him to do. Jesus did not have to prove who He was to anyone because He KNEW who He was. To Him that was all that mattered. Likewise, we should know “who we are in Christ.” There should never be a question of who we are in Him. Our life should reflect and reveal to others “who we are in Christ.”

Satan often uses the Word of God deceptively to tempt Christians into sinning. A minister of the Gospel once tried to entice me into doing things in ministry which I knew was NOT the will of God for my life. His beguiling words tried to build up my ego and convince me “I” was the right man for the job. A spirit of witchcraft appeared before me, and I knew this was not an open door from God--but from the enemy. Of course, I declined the temptation and rejected the seducing offer.

Presumption caters to the “pride of life.” The sin of presumption is always rooted and grounded in selfish desires, self-admiration and earthly wisdom. People rationalize and assume that since they are God’s “chosen vessel,” they can do things the way THEY think they should be done. It is not about “who they are in Christ,” but who they “want to be in Christ.” In other words, “it is my way not thy way; it is my will not thy will.” Before Jesus went to the cross, He prayed “Father not MY will, but THY will be done.” He did not pray “Father my will, not thy will be done.”

A few years ago I heard a story about President Reagan. Soon after he took office as the 40th President of the United States, he and some secret servicemen were eating at a restaurant in California. An elderly man walked up to his table and said to him, “You’re that famous actor are you not?” Reagan replied by saying, “Yes, I am.” After leaving the restaurant one of the Secret Servicemen asked President Reagan why he did not tell the man he was the President of the United States. Reagan responded by saying “I KNOW who I am. That is all that matters.” It is important that we know who we are in Christ. That should be all that matters when it comes to WHO WE are.

When we KNOW who we are in Christ and who Christ is in us, we will fully understand we are not here to accomplish OUR will on earth, but the will of God. It does not matter what others think of us. We will be secure in knowing who we are in Christ and that our destiny is concealed safely in His hands. In reality, “knowing” God is in control of our present and our future should be all that matters.”

The devil took Jesus up to a high mountain to show and offer Him the Kingdoms of the World if He would bow down and worship him. Presumption always comes from high-minded Christians who SEE through the eyes of the flesh, not the Spirit. They SEE possibilities and opportunities which are not in harmony and agreement with the will and purpose of God for their life. They begin to rationalize within themselves that God’s plan for their life involves what “they” perceive it to be. However, they lack wisdom and understanding, therefore, truth eludes them. When we place our focus on things which are carnally subjective, we will become entangled in the deceitfulness of secular humanism, sensual pleasures and materialism.

Jesus looked and SAW Satan’s domain--the Kingdoms of the World and all their “glory.” According to Satan, all Jesus had to do was to “bow down and worship Him. “To many the temptation of possessing the “whole world” and all of its riches would have been their DOWN FALL. However, Satan was not dealing with no ordinary man. He was dealing with the Son of God who could not be tempted by the lust of the eye, the pride of life, or the lust of the flesh. Jesus could not and would not be tempted to FALL into sin.

Presumption comes from the sin of pride. If we must prove to others WHO we are, we are carrying a heavy burden, self. “Pride goes before destruction, and haughtiness before a great FALL.” (Proverbs, 16:18). The sin of presumption will only cause people to FALL off the pinnacle of the Temple into the destructive hands of Satan.

If we are walking daily with Christ, the things of this World will not be of any value to us. We will BE seeking the greater treasures which can ONLY be found in knowing Christ and the “power of His resurrection.”