The Knowledge of GOD - And The Key of Knowledge by Don Randolph - HTML preview

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Chapter 19


The Knowledge of Grace and Mercy

For by grace are you saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, not of works lest anyone should boast. Ephesians, Chapter 2, Verses 8-9.

The word “grace” in the New Testament is derived from the Greek word “charis.” Grace is defined as “the unmerited favor of God and His willingness to act divinely on our behalf.” Grace says that even though we do not deserve anything from God, we can be candidates of the favor of God.

The concept of grace is more than what many may think it might be. Grace is more than “God’s unmerited favor” to a lost and dying World. Grace is something we grow into as we gain the knowledge and truth found in the Word of God. Grace is not just something we receive, but something we GIVE as well. Although we are not worthy of God’s grace and mercy, He has shown us grace and mercy. As Christians, we too are to extend grace and mercy to others. God extended His grace and mercy to us, thus we are required to do the same for others.

The Book of Genesis is the first place in the Bible where the word “grace” is found. The Bible says, “Noah FOUND grace in the eyes of God.” If Noah FOUND grace, he must have been seeking grace. The virtue of God’s grace and mercy is available to ALL who seek it. Grace and mercy were extended to mankind at Calvary when Christ died for the sins of all mankind. Although God’s grace and mercy are available to all mankind, it is our responsibility to take the initiative to seek God and His grace and mercy. Having the knowledge and understanding that grace and mercy exists is the first step to finding grace and mercy in the eyes of God.


Romans 5:20-21 says, “But where sin abounded, grace did much more abound: that as sin hath reigned unto death, even so might grace reign through righteousness unto eternal life by Jesus Christ our Lord.” God’s grace is so powerful it can change the heart of a sinner where darkness rules and reigns and make it a haven of righteousness and grace.

By nature, all men are born dead in their trespasses and sins without Christ. There is no spiritual life in the carnal heart and mind. The carnal heart and mind of man is enmity with God. There is no true spiritual awareness and heart-felt remorse for sin where Christ does not dwell. People may know and understand the concept of sin, but the knowledge of God’s grace and mercy is not something the majority of people have experienced. Those who have a conscience may feel guilty when they do something wrong. However, their guilt is not directly associated with the Spirit of God, but with their own conscience.

Everyone is born with a conscience and knows the difference between right and wrong and good and evil. As people grow they become influenced by people as well as evil spirits which contend for their souls. According to the Apostle Paul, natural men cannot receive, know, or understand the things of God. The things of God can only be discerned by those who are spiritually minded.

We are saved by grace though the faith of the Son of God when we accept Christ as our Lord and Savior. God not only gives us grace, but He gives us the faith to “believe” in His grace. God’s grace is much more powerful than sin. God’s grace is so powerful it can take the worst sinner from the depths of depravity to the pinnacle of righteousness and impart to him eternal life. The Bible says that “while we were YET sinners Christ died for our sins.” God’s grace and mercy were working on our behalf BEFORE we came to the realization that we needed a Savior.

We would all still be dead in our trespasses and sins without the KNOWLEDGE of the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ. The Apostle Paul tells us that no one can be saved without the knowledge of salvation. How can someone be saved if they do not know they are lost and in need of a Savior?

God’s grace and mercy are byproducts of His love. If the love of God did not exist, the grace and mercy of God would not exist. It is God’s grace which leads us to the knowledge of His mercy.


But God who is rich in mercy for His great love wherewith He loved us, even when we were dead in sins, hath quicken us together with Christ, by grace are ye saved. Ephesians, Chapter 2, Verses 4-5.

The word “mercy” is derived from the Greek word “eleos.” Mercy is another word for “compassion.” Like grace, mercy is not just something we receive, but something we show to others. Although someone does not deserve our unmerited favor, we will be moved by compassion for them if we are walking in love. We will have compassion for others if the love of God abides within our hearts.

Jesus commanded us to have compassion for our enemies. He also told us to forgive those who revile and persecute us. Jesus told us to forgive those who sin against us. If we fail to forgive, Jesus said we would NOT be forgiven. (Mark, 11:25-26).

People who sin against us are usually unsaved or are spiritually immature. They may be less fortunate and less knowledgeable concerning the ways of God than we are. They may not possess the ability through the power of the Holy Spirit to refrain from their un- Christ like behavior. When we have the knowledge and understanding of WHY people do the things they do, we can have compassion and forgive them for the way they may have treated us.

Knowledge and wisdom give us a greater understanding of why people do the things they do. God has compassion on all people because He knows they do not have the ability within themselves to change their behavior without Christ.

The motives and attitudes of carnal men will always lead them into the sin of pride. All mankind will continue to suffer in the bondage of sin unless they find the only answer to their sin problem--Jesus. As Christians, we are required to have compassion on those who may not have the wisdom and understanding we may possess. We are admonished to forgive all who have sinned against us or we will not be forgiven.

I heard a story about a missionary who went to Africa to meet with a friend who had been ministering the Gospel in a small village to the indigenous people of the area. The missionary who was visiting Africa for the first time walked into the village where the other missionary was living. He was astonished at seeing all the villagers walking around nude. He looked at his missionary friend who had come out to greet him and said “My God, brother, these people are all naked.” The missionary living in the village softly responded and said “Yes they are, but they do not KNOW that yet.”

When we understand that people do not have the same knowledge and understanding which we might possess, we can be more tolerant with them. That is not to say we should condone their behavior, or turn a blind eye to their sin, because we should not. However, we need to use patience, wisdom and understanding to lead them to the truth. The best way we can do that is to lead by example. We may be required to correct them at times, but ONLY when the Holy Spirit leads us to do so.

Timing is important when we are dealing with the souls of men and women. It is imperative that we be led by the Holy Spirit when we are correcting others. Where sin abounds, grace and mercy will lead people to the knowledge of the truth when we are prayerful and patient with them. God’s grace and mercy are more powerful than sin.


If you forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will forgive you. But if you do not forgive men of their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses. Matthew, Chapter 6, Verses 14-15.

Several years ago, I preached the same message at three Pentecostal Churches regarding forgiving people when they had sinned against us. Only God can forgive people when they sin against Him. According to the above scriptures, we are commanded to forgive people when they sin against us. I had preached in all three of those Pentecostal Churches on several occasions. I was led by the Lord to preach the same message to each Church, which I did. It became apparent that the message I preached to the three Churches was not received by the Pastors. These Pastors never again asked me back to preach to their congregations. I preached that same message at many other Churches as well, and the message was well received by the Pastors and their congregations.

After preaching the message of forgiveness at the last of the Pentecostal Churches which rejected the message, a visiting Baptist Pastor of another Church approached me. He very solemnly agreed with what I preached and said that every Church in the World needed to hear the message on forgiveness which I had preached that night. He invited me on several occasions to preach at his Church.

There is no ambiguity about what the above scripture is saying. The Bible is clear concerning the topic of forgiveness. The Bible plainly states “if we do not forgive others, we will not be forgiven.” Although we are all unworthy of God’s grace and mercy, Jesus paid the price so we all could be forgiven of our sins and trespasses. We are commanded to grant to others the same grace and mercy we received from God when we asked Him for forgiveness. Jesus told us to “forgive our brother seven times seventy” when we are asked to forgive. The Bible says “he who shows no mercy will be judged without mercy, and mercy triumphs over judgment.” (James, 2:13).

Most people have heard the saying “to err is human; to forgive is divine.” We can forgive others because the divine nature of Christ dwells within our hearts by faith. Because we have been forgiven--we must also forgive. We must give grace and show mercy to others because WE have been given grace and shown mercy by God.

The knowledge of grace and mercy admonishes us to forgive others whether they deserve grace and mercy or not. When we learn how to forgive unconditionally, we will have learned how to LOVE unconditionally. We did not deserve mercy and grace from God, but nevertheless, He forgives us of our sins when we ask Him. God is faithful and just to forgive ALL who sincerely repent and ask Him for forgiveness, and He thoroughly cleanses them from ALL unrighteousness.