The Knowledge of GOD - And The Key of Knowledge by Don Randolph - HTML preview

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Chapter 20


The Knowledge of Power

But ye shall receive power, after the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and you shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in Judea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost parts of the earth. Acts, Chapter 1, Verse 8.

Many Christians possess the knowledge that the power of God has been made available to them. However, they fail to obtain the power of God which can and will enable them to walk in the freedom of the Holy Spirit. All the power we need to live a life of godliness comes THROUGH obtaining and using the knowledge God has given us. Knowledge gives us the information we need to understand the power of God and how His power can and will operate in our life. Once we understand how to receive power from God, we are on our way to living a life free from oppression and the cares and encumbrances of this World.

When we find freedom in the Lord, we will be able to show others how they too can walk in freedom. Possessing the knowledge of what the Bible tells us regarding the POWER of God will take us on a journey where faith declares that with God ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE.

Just “knowing” what the Bible says regarding power does not automatically guarantee us we will receive power. Ignorance will guarantee us THAT we will never walk in faith by His power. The divine power which leads to a life of freedom is given to us through the knowledge of God by the Holy Spirit. We must first be FILLED with the Holy Spirit before we can walk daily in His power.

The Holy Spirit gives us the power to be witnesses of Christ to a lost and dying World. The English word “witness” is derived from the Greek word “martus” which means martyr. As Christians, we are all called to be martyrs for Christ. All Christians will not be called to be physically slain as martyrs for the cause of Christ. However, we all have been called to be “spiritual martyrs” for Him. We all must die to self in order that Christ can live richly and consistently within us. The old man must be put to death so the new man (Christ) can live richly within our hearts.

A few years ago, I was preaching at a Church near downtown Cleveland, Ohio. During the altar service the Lord told me to call up a young man and prophesy to Him. He was wearing a T-shirt which read “Witness.” I spoke several words the Lord gave me over the young man regarding his ministry and other things in his life. The Lord then told me He had called this young man to be a martyr for Him. Unknown to the young man, the T-shirt which he was wearing was a prophetic word of his calling and destiny. I prophesied to him calling him a “martyr” for Christ. I do not think he understood what I was saying to him. I was told later by his Pastor that this young man did a lot of street witnessing in and around the most dangerous areas in downtown Cleveland, Ohio. He witnessed in many dangerous areas where most people, especially Christians, would dare not go.

Whether we are called to be spiritual or physical martyrs for Christ, we all have the responsibility of being “witnesses” of the Gospel of Christ. God has given us the Holy Spirit so we can share Christ and His Word with others. We cannot and will not be witnesses (spiritual martyrs) for Christ until we have died to self. Jesus told us we must “deny ourselves, pick up our cross daily, and follow after Him.”

The Cross was a place of death. Until and unless we die to self, we will be unable to pick up our cross and follow Christ. When we deny ourselves, and become crucified WITH Christ, we become spiritual martyrs for Him. The Apostle Paul said, “I die daily.” He meant for Christ’s sake he put to death the “works of the flesh” so he could follow Christ.

The Bible tells us to, “Put to death the works of the flesh.” We receive the power to be martyrs for Christ when we are FILLED with the Holy Spirit. When the Holy Spirit comes and dwells richly within us, we will glorify God in our earthen vessels. God expects us to perform the works He has empowered us to do by His Spirit.

Several years ago my wife and I watched a movie about an elderly Indian chief who thought he was going to die soon. He woke up one morning and said to his nephew, “It’s a good day to die.” He left the village that morning and went up into the mountains to die.

My wife and I were attending Church one Sunday morning not long after we watched the movie. After Church as we were walking out to the car, I looked at her and said “it’s a good day to die.” Thinking I was serious she gave me a look like she thought I knew something bad was going to happen. Then I said to her “It is a good day to die to self.” The look on her face went from serious to a smile when she realized I was talking about dying to self. Every day IS a “good day” for us to die to self. We must die daily to self so Christ can live and be glorified in us daily.

The Apostle Paul said “I die daily.” As Christians we are admonished to “put to death the works of the flesh, pick up our cross, and follow Christ daily.” When we deny our self and pick up our cross daily, we are dying TO self. We must “die daily” if we are going to “walk daily” with Christ in the Spirit.

God has called us as Christians to be bearers and conduits of His power. We do not and will not possess His power until the Holy Spirt comes upon us and we are baptized with His power and anointing. Without the power of the Holy Spirit, we will be unable to promote and advance the Kingdom of God here on earth.


And behold I send the promise of my Father on you: but tarry ye in the city of Jerusalem, until ye be endued with power from on high. Luke, Chapter 24, Verse 49.

The Disciples were told by Jesus to “tarry” in Jerusalem until they received the promise of “power from on high.” The power of the Holy Spirit came upon them as they were tarrying in Jerusalem on the Day of Pentecost. They were waiting for the power of the Holy Spirit to fall upon them AS they prayed in the upper room as Christ told them to do.

Jesus had given the Disciples a command to “wait and pray” in Jerusalem until they were endued with the power of the Holy Spirit. The word “endued” comes from the Greek word which means “clothed.” In other words, the Disciples had to wait and pray in Jerusalem until they were “clothed” with the power of the Holy Spirit.

The Holy Spirit is like a garment which clothes our inner most being (inner man) with the Power of God. The Holy Spirit is given to us so we can not only be witnesses of Christ, but so we can be conduits of His power as well. When we are clothed with the Holy Spirit, we are clothed with His POWER.

Most assuredly, I say unto you, he who believes in Me, the works that I do he will do also; and greater works than these he will do, because I go to my Father. John, Chapter 14, Verse 12.

Jesus told us we WILL do the same works He did and greater (more of the same) works if we believe. According to Christ, we can not only do the things He did, but we can do greater things, or a greater number of things, than He did. Most Christians do not believe they can do the “works” of Christ--much less “greater works.”

Many Christians do not understand the potential they have through the power of the Holy Spirit dwelling within them. Jesus did not say ONLY the Pastors or Evangelists WOULD do the greater works. He said ALL those who BELIEVE in Him would be able to do the “greater (in greater numbers) works.”

Because Christians have listened to false doctrines and misinformation over the years, they have been left somewhat powerless. They do not realize that the call to do the “greater works” is given to ALL who have been filled with the Holy Spirit. Jesus said if we are going to perform the greater works, we must BELIEVE we can.


The Holy Spirit is like a garment. Jesus told the disciples they would be endued, or clothed, with power from on high. When we are clothed with the Holy Spirit we are clothed with “power from on high.” We are empowered by the Holy Spirit to do the “greater works.” When we are FILLED with the Holy Spirit, our spirit is clothed with ALL the power we need to do “the greater works.”

The Holy Spirit gives us the ability to transform the lives of others through the power of prayer. Prayer changes (fixes) things. We pray and believe, and God fixes. If we are going to be agents of change in the lives of individuals, we must be “clothed” with the garment of God’s power.

The key to “being clothed” with the garment of God is “waiting and praying for the Holy Spirit to endue us with “power from on high.” The Disciples had to wait (tarry) and pray in in the upper room in Jerusalem until they received the PROMISE of power. They had to wait for the Holy Spirit to give them the power to do the greater works. Before we can do the works of Christ, we have to pray, fast and BELIEVE God for power. Just like the Disciples, we will not be able to perform the works of Christ until we are FILLED with His power from on high.

Before we can transform others through the power of the Holy Spirit, we must first be transformed ourselves. The Holy Spirit is the instrument of change which transforms us into the image of Christ so we can do the “works” of Christ. When we are FILLED with the fullness of Christ, we become FILLED with the power of the Holy Spirit. Power to do the greater works does not come by works, but by FAITH. By faith, when we have been changed into the image of Christ, we will see lives transformed by the power of the Holy Spirit.

Making Melody

Many Pentecostals use the term “Spirit Filled” erroneously. The word “filled” is a transitive verb. It shows things will happen after someone is “filled.” Many people claim they are Spirit filled, but they are mistakenly using the term “Spirit Filled” when they should be using the term “Spirit Baptized.” When the people were FILLED with the Spirit on the day of Pentecost, they went out immediately and preached the Gospel with signs and wonders following them wherever they went. They were admonished and motivated by the Spirit of God, to do the “works” which Christ did. How many Christians who call themselves “Spirit Filled” are doing the works that Jesus did and more?

The Bible tells us when we are FILLED with the Spirit, our motives, attitudes, temperament and language will change. We will be speaking to one another in psalms, hymns, spiritual songs, singing and making melody in our hearts to the Lord. (Ephesians, 5:19). We cannot be filled with the Spirit and be oppressed, downtrodden and vexed at the same time as many Christians are.

A Pastor I knew several years ago always said He was “Spirit filled” but at times he had a problem with leakage. When we are filled with the Spirit, we can spring a leak if we leave an open door for the enemy. We become REFILLED and recharged as we continually worship and praise God in the Spirit of Holiness.

We can live a life empowered by the Holy Spirit if we desire to do so. It is our choice. As Christians, we are all called to spiritual martyrdom for Christ. We must put to death the “works” of the flesh before the Holy Spirit can bear fruit which will remain within us. We MUST put to death the “works of the flesh” before we can effectively do the “works” of Christ.” If we are going to live a life of empowerment in this World, we must live it through and in Christ Jesus. Christ gives us the power we need in order to live an abundant life.