The Knowledge of GOD - And The Key of Knowledge by Don Randolph - HTML preview

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Chapter 1


The Knowledge of God

And those who are wise shall shine like the brightness of the firmament, and those who turn to righteousness like the stars for ever and ever. But you Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book until the time of the end: many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall increase. Daniel, Chapter 12, Verses 3-4.

The Book of Daniel states that in the last days “those who are wise” will shine like the brightness of the firmament and “the righteous like the stars” for eternity. He went on to say that “knowledge would increase.” In the last half century, knowledge has increased at an alarming rate. There is more knowledge available to us today than any other time in history. The knowledge of God’s Word is also increasing and accelerating at an amazing pace. Today God is revealing His Word to those who are seeking to KNOW the truth.

The knowledge and mysteries of God are being revealed today at an alarming rate in the Church. God’s people are being transformed into the image of Christ by denying themselves and picking up their cross daily as they draw closer to God. The “knowledge of God” is transforming the Church into a glorious Church as she purposely and earnestly seeks to become without spot or wrinkle in the eyes of God. The “knowledge of God” will lead us to wondrous places in Christ we never knew or dreamed existed.

With the knowledge of God increasing daily, it would be reasonable to assume that false information (knowledge) regarding the Word of God would also increase. Many people are running to and fro seeking knowledge about the Bible, but not seeking Christ. Unfortunately, they are finding a “different gospel” because they are seeking spiritual knowledge in all the wrong places. Many cults have risen mixing the Word of God with fables and false interpretations of the Word of God. Many ungodly men and women prey upon those who are spiritually ignorant and unlearned leading them into gross error and delusion.

In the last two decades, many of God’s people have fallen into the same traps the spiritually ignorant and unlearned have fallen into. New Age doctrines have been subtly planted into many churches and have taken root in the hearts and minds of many Christians. False doctrines have darkened the sanctuaries of hearts and minds which were once enthroned by the Light of the Holy Spirit. Jesus has been given a back seat in churches while congregations worship the doctrinal gods they have created. Others promote and worship the creation rather than their Creator.

Ministers of the Gospel are responsible for what they teach their congregations and those God has placed in their care. If we are leading our congregations down the path of idolatry by teaching false doctrines which are demonically inspired, our judgment and subsequent punishment will be harsh and severe.

Come, and let us return to the Lord: For He has torn, but He will heal us: He has stricken, but He will bind us up. After two days He will revive us; On the third day He will raise us up, that we may live in His sight. Let us know, let us pursue the knowledge of the Lord. Hosea, Chapter 6, Verses 1-3.

Hosea was admonishing Israel to “repent and return to the Lord” so He would raise them up and restore them in His sight. He admonished Israel to pursue, or diligently seek, the KNOWLEDGE OF THE LORD. Israel had forgotten the Lord, and in doing so they did not KNOW much about the Lord and the precepts and principles which govern His Kingdom.

Knowledge is information, facts and skills which people obtain by reading, hearing, and studying as well as through personal experience. The knowledge of God is obtained the same way we gain any other types of knowledge. The only difference, however, is the source from which that knowledge comes. We gain the knowledge of God by reading and studying the Bible, and or hearing (understanding) what we are taught in an educational setting.

It is imperative that we build a strong foundation based upon the “Word of God.” If we want to know how God thinks and how we can please Him, we must possess the “knowledge of God.” God imparts knowledge to us so we can understand how to walk in freedom, faith, love and power.

For Israel, the purpose of the “knowledge of God” was to bring reconciliation, revival and renewal to them. The knowledge of God would bring Israel new peace, hope, faith and power into their lives. Because they were rebellious they were in bondage in many areas of their lives. Knowledge would bring them into a greater understanding of God’s plan and purpose for their lives.

The Bible is referred to as the “Word of God.” It is a book of information and facts which are based upon the TRUTH. There are many books we can read which will give us the basic information we need to live and thrive in this World. However, the Bible gives us ALL the information we need regarding God and reveals to us how we can live prosperously in this World, as well as in the Kingdom of God.

The Bible tells us to “grow in the grace and knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ.” (2 Peter, 3:18). It is God’s will and desire for us to grow in His grace and knowledge. If we are going to be free from bondage, we MUST diligently seek to grow in God’s grace and knowledge. If we fail to seek wisdom, we will remain in the same condition we were in before we came to the SAVING KNOWLEDGE of the Lord Jesus Christ. We can be born again by the Spirit, however, if we do not have a good understanding of the Word of God, we will remain in bondage to carnal thoughts. If we fail to rightly divide the Word of truth, it will be easy for Satan to corrupt the foundation upon which our faith is built.

Being “born again” is just the beginning of our relationship with God. We MUST pursue that relationship if we are going to grow in the “knowledge OF God.” As we seek to know more about God our relationship with Him will grow and prosper.

The Apostle Paul said he desired to “know Christ and the power of His resurrection.” (Philippians, 3:10). If we are going to KNOW Christ in His fullness, we must know Him IN the power of His resurrection. We learn more about Christ by obtaining facts and information which are written in the Bible about Him. However, our personal relationship with Christ will only grow when and if we seek Him through prayer, praise and worship.


We are pursuing God when we are pursuing the “knowledge of God.” Several years ago, the Lord spoke to me and said, “My children are not pursuing me enough.” To “pursue” mean to “chase after.” The Bible tells us to draw nigh unto God and He will draw nigh to us. God is not trying to play hide and seek with us. He is not hiding in the shadows waiting to enlighten us to His whereabouts. God’s presence is always with us whether we acknowledge Him or not.

Jesus said. “Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled.” (Matthew, 5:6). Hungering and thirsting for more of God and His righteousness is the key to receiving the “knowledge of God” and dwelling safely and harmoniously in His presence.

People pursue a college education because they wish to be educated in the field they want to work in. They study to gain all the information they can which pertains to the profession which they are seeking to follow. Their “major” studies will help them to reach their aspirations and goals in life. The other information which they gain from studying in college is not as important to them as what they desire most to become in life.

A student once asked Albert Einstein “how many feet were in a mile?” Einstein responded by saying, “I do not know.” The student thought Professor Einstein was joking, but he was not. The student asked Einstein why he did not know such a simple fact as how many feet were in a mile. Einstein responded, “I make it a rule not to clutter my mind with simple information that I can find in a book in a few minutes.”

Einstein was not interested in trivial information. He had a passion to study the “hidden mysteries of the universe.” He had a passion for science which allowed him to make a great contribution to the World through his many theories and experiments. His focus was upon the hidden mysteries mankind had not yet uncovered.

When we have a deep “passion” to seek and learn more about God we will find a greater understanding of God and how the Kingdom of God operates. When we hunger and thirst after God and seek HIS righteousness, WE WILL be filled with the fullness of Christ. When we seek the more important things in life such as love, grace, mercy and faith, we will discover all the treasures of Heaven and the “hidden mysteries of God.”

When we have a passion to “know Christ and the power of His resurrection” we will be “filled” with Christ and the power of His resurrection. In the pursuit of knowledge, we will find God and the power within us to fulfill His plan and purpose for our life.

God is waiting patiently for us to pursue Him and the knowledge which will lead us to a greater understanding of how His Kingdom operates.


Through your precepts I get understanding; Therefore, I hate every false way. Psalms, 119, 104.

Without understanding, knowledge will be useless to us. Someone may be a walking encyclopedia, however, without understanding their knowledge will be unfruitful. A person without understanding is a person who will easily be overcome with fear and fall into temptation. Having godly knowledge without the understanding of how to use that knowledge will always lead to confusion. When a situation arises where the knowledge of God is needed, and we fail to or cannot not understand what we are supposed to do, we will continue to remain confused.

Knowledge without understanding is like a man who owns a gun but does not understand how to use the gun. If, and when he is confronted in his home by intruders he will be in grave danger because he does not understand how to use the gun.

If we fail to understand what God is saying to us in His Word we will either cast it aside, misinterpret it, or seek to understand it better. We need to have a good, sound understanding of what the scripture is telling us. When we are sharing the Word with others, we must KNOW the TRUTH, not just what we assume the truth to be.

Many misrepresentations of scripture are causing many conflicts and divisions in our churches today. Misinformation regarding scripture will always lead to confusion and division. When you know the Truth (Jesus), the truth will set you free. If we are not free in every area of our lives, it is because we do not have the “knowledge and understanding of the truth” we need in every area of our lives.


For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine, but according to their own desires, because they have itching ears, they will heap unto themselves teachers; and they will turn their ears away from the truth, and be turned aside to fables. 2 Peter, Chapter 3, Verses 3-4.

Sound doctrine eludes many in the Church. Many people with itching ears are running “to and fro” being tossed about with every wind of doctrine. Fictitious fables are sending a blight of false information into many churches today. Sound doctrine has been replaced with doctrines of devils, as well as “man-made, superficial fabrications.”

A church cannot expect to grow and prosper without the truth, and nothing but the truth. As a church, we must learn to seek and cherish the truth as a treasure when we have found it. We must know the truth before we can help set others free from spiritual bondage and subjugation. Freedom from bondage will always leave us free to share the TRUTH with others.

The First Amendment of the Constitution promises us the “freedom of speech.” Many men and women died during the American Revolution securing our freedom of speech. Freedom of speech in a natural setting is imperative if people are going to be able to offer their opinions regardless of what they may be. In the Church, however, we do not have the right to offer our own opinions regarding the truth. Opinions may or may not be based on facts. What WE believe the Bible teaches may have nothing to do with what the Bible actually says. Many people interpret the Bible the way they think it should be, or want it to be interpreted without seeking God for understanding.

False doctrines will always lead to confusion, sedition and division in the Church. When we do not understand, or have the knowledge of the truth, confusion will rule and reign in place of the truth. The result is rebellion and division in the rank and file of Church members. Satan does his greatest work among those in the Church who are confused, misinformed and lack spiritual understanding. Educating and training people in the five-fold ministry is the only way we can change the minds of those who have been falsely indoctrinated with cunning fables and doctrines of devils. The “knowledge of the truth” will always lead us down the path to spiritual freedom in Christ.