The Knowledge of GOD - And The Key of Knowledge by Don Randolph - HTML preview

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Chapter 2


The Babylon Syndrome

And the Lord said, “Indeed the people are one and they all have one language, and this is what they begin to do; now nothing they propose to do will be withheld from them. Come let us go down there and confuse their language, that they may not understand one another’s speech. Genesis, Chapter 11, Verses 6-7.

We all know the story of the Tower of Babel and how God confused (confounded) the language of the people when they attempted to build a “tower to heaven.” After God confounded their language, the people became unable to communicate with each other because they were “confused.” The Word “babel” means “confusion.” The City of Babylon was later built where the attempt to build the Tower of Babel was located. “Babylon” means the “City of Babel” or the “City of Confusion.” A lack of understanding will always result in confusion. The City of Babylon later became the nation of Babylon. The nation of Babylon ruled the known World at one time.

After God confounded their language, the people building the Tower were unable to UNDERSTAND each other. This caused great confusion among them. The Tower of Babel was to become a” place of worship” for them. However, they were not intending to worship the true God once they finished building the Tower. They planned to worship a god of their own choice—a god which they had created themselves. After God confounded their language, they could no longer build the Tower of Babel because they could not understand each other. Thus, they became scattered abroad.

The story of the Tower of Babel is today being replayed over, and over again in our society. Today the entire World is known as the Babylonian System. Confusion rules and reigns in the hearts and minds of people everywhere. Confusion in the World always causes division and rebellion against governments and authorities. Confusion will continue to rule and reign on this Earth until Christ returns and sets up His government and Kingdom on this Earth.

Satan is the god of the Babylonian System. He is the master of deceit and spiritual confusion. Jehovah is the God of “peace.” Satan is the god of “confusion.” Confusion is the opposite of peace. Wherever we find confusion, there will be no peace. Confusion will always inhabit the hearts and minds of men and women who do not KNOW the truth.

Confusion works in the Church the same way confusion in the World works. When we are not all speaking the same spiritual language, the Church “languishes” and many times falls into confusion and rebellion. Where confusion and rebellion rules, every evil work is present, and “peace” becomes absent. (James, 3:16). When truth has been misrepresented or adulterated, it always causes confusion. Confusion always disqualifies and precludes people from being set free from bondage and freedom in Christ.

Satan has always used the strategy of “confusing and manipulating” the minds of individuals by misrepresenting the truth for millennia. He saw what confusion did in the ranks of those who were attempting to “build a tower” to the heavens when God confounded their language. Satan has not changed his strategy to this day because his strategy has worked very well for him.

Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; who put darkness for light, and light for darkness; who put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter! Isaiah, Chapter 5, Verse 20.

Today the Spirit of Babylon is creating a new language to confuse the multitudes. The truth is being turned into fables in every area of society. Many of our governmental leaders are now saying that Christianity is using “hate speech” and Christian values should no longer be tolerated. Our government has become intolerant to human decency and morality. What is moral has now become immoral to them. The shedding of innocent blood is normal and assisted suicide has been legalized in some states.

Today the Spirit of Confusion has infiltrated and is in control of our schools and our government. Political Correctness has taken the place of common sense in our schools, our government, and in every area of our lives. Common Core, which lacks common sense, has replaced the teaching of moral values with “common debauchery and corruption” in many schools today. Their plan is to place this ungodly curriculum in every school in the United States to surreptitiously circumvent the truth and corrupt the minds of our children and grandchildren.

The First Amendment gives us the “freedom of religion.” Today, however, Christians are being deprived of their freedom to pursue religion in many parts of the country. Prayer has been taken out of the schools. In many places our young people cannot pray before or after ballgames, on school property or at commencement services. Nativity scenes and any reference to Christ has been outlawed in front of and inside government facilities. The Ten Commandments have been taken out of court houses and out of public view. People do not want to be reminded they are living in sin.

While many ministers are adulterating and perverting the Gospel, the government is trying to undermine and subvert the Church. Their goal is to suppress, subvert and censor the knowledge of God. Holiness is despised, and sin has become sacred and virtuous to many ungodly people.

The agenda of the Marxists who have taken control of this nation is to eradicate Christianity. According to Homeland Security, Christians have been labeled as terrorists. This strategy is just part of the “end time persecution” which is being and will continue to be unleashed upon the Church. We are terrorists, but not in the way they proclaim. It is not our intention to terrorize anybody or group of individuals. However, we do intend to terrorize Satan and the Forces of Darkness as we become unified in the faith.

As the Church grows stronger and more effective, Satan becomes more enraged. As the Church becomes more powerful, he realizes his time is getting shorter. Therefore, he has begun to persecute the Church even more. As the Church becomes more unified, we become a greater threat to him and his agenda for mankind. His attacks against the Church have become more intense and threating, and will continue to increase as the return of the Lord grows nearer. Until now Satan did not have much fear of the Church because the Church has never been as unified as it is becoming today. As the Church becomes the Church which God ordained it to be, Satan will do everything in his power to try and destroy it.

In the United States, as well as in many other countries around the World, immorality is now being taught as the “norm” while morality is taught as being abnormal. History books have been rewritten, and the truth has been replaced with lies. Lying has become a “virtue” and “truth” has become evil. Good has become BAD, and bad has now become GOOD. (Isaiah, 5:20).

As Christians, we MUST take a stand against these evils which are taking over our schools, our government and our society. Nefarious, perverted politicians are attempting to take over and control every area of our lives and society. Our government is now trying to remove all references to Christianity in public places.

A few days ago, I was searching for a synonym for the word “good” on my Internet Thesaurus. I typed in the word “good,” and four rows of synonyms appeared. As I looked at the first row, I was stunned when I saw that the second word listed as a synonym for “GOOD” was “BAD.”

Today it is legal for an unborn child to be murdered when it is ready to come out of the womb. Baby parts are sold for profit, and baby parts which cannot be used are incinerated or thrown in garbage dumps. Mainstream society is on the path to becoming more wicked than Sodom and Gomorrah. Crosses are forbidden to be placed anywhere in sight on military bases. Many Veterans hospitals are not allowed to keep Bibles anywhere in their facilities.

Society is changing the perception people have of the World through Political Perversion and Political Correctness. Human rights are only for the inhumane. Males desire to become females and females desire to become males. Same sex marriage is lawful and marriage between a man and a woman is now scorned by many. Ungodly laws have been passed and are being passed into law in Washington which promotes a Sodom and Gomorrah fueled society. Restrooms in public places are no longer safe from perverted people who wish to prey on our women and children. If you dare make a stand against these atrocities, you are labeled a “bigot.”

The Spirit of Babylon is making great headway in influencing the lives of every man, woman, and child on this planet with lies and deception. Those who do not possess the wisdom of God will be easily deceived. The truth is now being turned into fables to confuse the hearts and minds of people everywhere.

Many people in churches around the World have been affected by, and infected with, doctrines of demons and what I call “principles and precepts for profit.” The Word of God is being adulterated and prostituted for money in many ministries. The CALL of God on the lives of many people has become a CALL for riches. We must not fail to resist the devil when he shows up offering us the World and its riches, or we too will surely fall into his trap of lustful pleasures.

If we are failing in our relationship with Christ we MUST find a solution to our problem. Our relationship with Christ will never prosper if we are continually seeking worldly pleasures and earthly treasures. If we follow the World into deep depravity by falling into the trap of political correctness and spiritual perversion, we will end up being condemned along with the rest of the World.

Christians will be unable to make it safely through these coming years without using godly wisdom and understanding. As Christians, if we fail to seek the knowledge of God and use the wisdom He has offered to us, we will find ourselves being deceived along with the rest of the World. Seeking and obtaining the knowledge of God will assure us victory in every area of our lives. We will find wisdom and understanding when and if we search the scriptures for TRUTH.


Can you search out the deep things of God? Can you find out the limits of the Almighty? They are higher than heaven--what can you do? Deeper than Sheol—what can you know? Their measure is longer than the earth and broader than the sea. Job, Chapter 11, Verses 7-8.

The knowledge of God is infinite. There is no limit to the knowledge, understanding wisdom and mysteries of God. If we had an opportunity to delve into ALL the knowledge, wisdom and mysteries of God, our finite minds could never understand them. However, God has given us ALL we need to know for us to prosper while we are here on this Earth.

Over the years I was taken to “heavenly places” on many occasions. Like the Apostle Paul who was caught up to the “Third Heaven,” I do not know if I was in my body or out of my body. Most of the times when I was taken up to heavenly places I was awake. It would happen at times when I was praying or just after I had laid down in bed at night. I would feel myself rising from where I was praying or from my bed. Then I would find myself quickly passing through the ceiling, then the roof, and into the sky. I travelled through the sky and into outer space at great speeds. As I went through outer space, I saw many demon spirits, stars and planets along my journey.

On one occasion, I was taken to a great City which I assumed was the New Jerusalem. The buildings I saw could not be described with any words I have in my limited vocabulary. The architecture was unlike anything I had or have ever seen on Earth to this day. The City I saw was aglow with a beautiful, soft, brilliant, bright white light. On other occasions the light was a light bluish color.

Another time I was taken to a place where I received great wisdom, knowledge and understanding. I seemed to supernaturally know and understand mysteries concerning things which have been hidden from mankind since the beginning of creation. I heard and understood things which went far beyond anything I had ever heard before. The soft Light that surrounded me seemed to be engulfing me with all this information. I basked in the presence of this Light for a long time. I knew it was the Holy Spirit. The presence of the Holy Spirit was softly engulfing and surrounding me. He was opening the eyes of my understanding and revealing to me mysteries of the knowledge and wisdom of God which has been hidden for millennia.

After basking in the Light for a long time and enjoying this newly found wealth of knowledge, wisdom and understanding which I had been given, the Light around me slowly began growing dim. As the Light continued growing dim, I started losing the new treasures which I had been given. I slowly became aware that I was back in my bedroom. I shouted out to the Lord and said “Lord, I am losing it all. What is going on?” The Lord spoke to me and said: “These things which I have shown to you cannot be comprehended nor understood by the human mind.”

We have and understand very little information about Heaven and the treasures of knowledge, wisdom and understanding which exists in Heaven. There are many mysteries we will never understand until we reach Heaven.

The Apostle Paul said during his trip to the Third Heaven he heard “inexpressible words” which is not lawful for men to utter. (2 Corinthians, 12-4). In Heaven, there is knowledge which abounds and surpasses all human understanding. The knowledge of God is infinite in Heaven. We will never acquire all the knowledge which God possess, but we will be able to understand many mysteries when we get to Heaven. There is no end to the treasures of information and knowledge in Heaven. All these treasures will be available to Believers when they “enter into the joy of the Lord.” We as Believers will have an eternity to bask in the Presence of God and be filled with His Knowledge.

Most everybody loves a good mystery. There are many biblical mysteries which have been hidden for centuries. Today God is revealing many mysteries to His people as they search the Bible for hidden treasures which are embedded in His Word. The Spirit of Understanding is revealing mysteries which are hidden in God’s Word. The key to understanding the mysteries of God is to seek His knowledge. When we earnestly seek for and find knowledge, we will obtain wisdom, understanding, and the hidden mysteries of God will be revealed to us. (Proverbs, 2:1-9).

When we earnestly seek to understand scripture, and ask God for revelation He will open the treasures of knowledge and wisdom to us. Today as time winds down and the return of Christ draws nearer, God is wanting to reveal Himself and His Word to His people. It is time for the Church to cleanse herself and become without spot or wrinkle to be prepared for the coming of the Bridegroom. The Apostle Paul called this process a “great mystery.” (Ephesians, 5:25-32).