The Knowledge of GOD - And The Key of Knowledge by Don Randolph - HTML preview

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Chapter 4


The Lack of Knowledge

My people are destroyed for the lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children. Hosea, Chapter 4, Verse 6.

The lack of knowledge leaves God’s people in spiritual bondage. God said HIS people are destroyed for lack of knowledge. When quoting the above scripture, most people leave out the part which says “His people have rejected knowledge.” The scripture goes on to say because God’s people have rejected His knowledge, He rejects them. The problem is not that knowledge is unavailable to His people, but that His people reject the knowledge God has made available to them. I am not talking about knowledge in general, but the DIVINE knowledge of God which we can only receive by KNOWING Him and His Word.

The Bible is full of scripture regarding the knowledge of God and how we are to conduct ourselves as citizens of the Kingdom of God. When we are rejecting the principles and precepts in the Word of God, we are rejecting God Himself. When we reject God, He in turn rejects us. However, when we sincerely repent for rejecting God, He is always waiting faithfully to forgive us. God’s Word is so powerful and important that He exalts His Word above Himself. A fool will REJECT knowledge, but a wise man will SEEK knowledge and truth.

God’s people reject godly knowledge in many different ways. Some people reject knowledge because they do not want to “submit” to the authority of God’s Word. Their agenda is more important to them than anything God would have them do. People who reject the knowledge of God are rejecting the WILL of God. This is called rebellion, and rebellion is sin.

Many Christians are more concerned about pleasing themselves and fulfilling the lusts and desires of the flesh so they reject the knowledge of God. The will of God for their lives is less important to them than their desire for worldly pleasures.

God’s concern for His people is more than just a desire to control their destiny. It is God’s desire to see His people set free from the oppression and bondage of sin and rebellion. Sin always brings reproach upon God’s people. However, rejecting the knowledge which enables and shows people how they can become free from sin is even worse.

Christians are rejecting knowledge when they do not take time to study their Bibles and grow in faith as they should. Many Christians never open their Bibles until they are in Church on Sunday morning. The knowledge of God’s Word is not as important to them as worldly pleasures. Worldly pleasures will continue to KEEP them in spiritual bondage until they repent and seek to please God. The Bible tells us not to “love the World” nor “the things which are in the World.” If we love the World and the things which are in the World, the love of God does not and will not dwell within us. (1 John, 2:15).


And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them up to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are convenient. Romans, Chapter 1, Verse 28.

Many people reject the knowledge of God because it is an “inconvenient truth” to them. The “truth” which sets people free can be “inconvenient” to them because it interferes with their own agendas. Many people are determined they will do what they want to do, regardless of what God has forbidden them to do. Many people think they are doing God a favor when THEY choose what is right and wrong in the eyes of God.

Some people who call themselves Christians only seek knowledge which will fit into their image of truth. They think the knowledge of God was meant to be rearranged to fit their own agendas. As far as they are concerned, they modify and distort the Word of God to make it say what THEY desire for it to say. The Word of God was not meant to be interpreted privately by anyone. In interpreting the Word privately, people will make it say anything they want it to say in order to justify their sins. In rejecting the truth, the TRUTH becomes a two-edged sword which becomes their judge, jury and executioner.

When the knowledge of God is aborted and the umbilical cord of truth is severed, it cannot be and will not be reconnected without true heartfelt repentance. When we sincerely repent of our sins, God is ALWAYS faithful and just to forgive us of our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness. Knowledge gives us the information we need in order to find grace and mercy which we desperately need from God when we have failed Him.

THE LACK OF KNOWLEDGE will always leave people without spiritual wisdom and understanding. It leaves people without a foundation based on the truth of the WORD. The fear of the Lord, which is the basic foundational principle which knowledge rests upon, does not exist in the hearts and minds of the rebellious. Without the fear of the Lord, people will continue to be doomed to committing the same sins and rejecting the same knowledge over, and over again.

Sanctify the Lord of hosts Himself; and let Him be your fear, and let Him be your dread. And He shall be a sanctuary, but for a stone of stumbling and a rock of offence to both the houses of Israel, for a gin and for a snare to the inhabitants of Israel. Isaiah, Chapter 8, Verses 13-14.

God is a fortress and sanctuary to those who love and fear Him. To those who do not fear God, His Word becomes a “stone of stumbling and a rock of offense.” Peter said it like this: “And a stone of stumbling and a rock of offence, even to them which stumble (push away or reject) at the WORD, being disobedient: whereunto also they were appointed.” (1 Peter, 2:8)

The knowledge of God is an offence to many people. There is an assault on the true Church today because the Word of God has become offensive to those who love darkness rather than Light. Those who love darkness hate the truth. Today many people in high (low) places are trying to silence the Church by passing laws which restrict and/or prohibit the preaching of the true gospel of the Kingdom. Mentioning the name of Jesus and praying in public places has been outlawed in many areas of our country.

Today the Church has become a stone of stumbling and a rock of offence to the World. Evil men do not wish to retain the knowledge of God in their hearts and minds. Because men reject the knowledge of God, He turns them over to a reprobate mind. Rejecting the knowledge of God will always result in judgment unless men repent.

The Lord told me over twenty years ago there was coming a day in America when it will be unlawful to “speak” the name of “Jesus” in public places. People will be arrested and jailed just for simply saying the name “Jesus” in public. We can SEE that day is quickly approaching. We would be wise to prepare to make a stand for Christ so our faith will not be compromised as the time approaches.

Many people in Churches today, as well as in the Nation’s Courts, are turning a blind eye to what evil politicians and lawyers are doing in Washington. They refuse to see or recognize the assault upon Christianity and how it directly affects and hinders freedom of worship for Christians. While false religions have been given free course to proselytize in America, Christianity is being rejected and seriously subverted.

Today many people who call themselves Christians are offended by the TRUTH which is found in God’s Word. Many have allowed their minds and hearts to become deceived and enslaved by Satan. Many have fallen prey to doctrines of devils and demons. They have become more interested in being told what they should do by ungodly, crafty church leaders rather than seeking the “knowledge of the truth” for themselves.

Many Christian leaders today have fallen from grace and are turning a blind eye to what is going on around them in this nation and around the world. If they cannot or do not wish to see what is blatantly obvious, they will be doomed to reap the unholy benefits of sin and debauchery. Many church leaders have become “blind guides” who are leading their followers into the same ditch which they themselves are destined to fall into.

Many Christian leaders have failed to understand or see that the wrath of God is quickly approaching, and fail to see that this Nation is under judgment. This Nation is quickly becoming like Sodom and Gomorrah. If people remain in Babylon they will receive the same punishment as Babylon when judgment comes. Speaking of Babylon, the Bible says: “Come out of her, my people, lest you share in her sins, and lest you receive of her plagues.” (Revelation, 18:4). It is time for God’s people to come OUT of Babylon so they will not receive the judgments reserved for Babylon and the children of disobedience.

We can be assured that the Courts of Heaven are taking notice of what is transpiring here on Earth. There will be “Hell” to pay for those who reject, offend and persecute JUSTICE AND TRUTH.

Rejecting the knowledge of God is the most foolish thing a person can do. Fortunately, for those who reject the knowledge of God, the mercy of God is infinite. The Bible tells us His mercy endures forever. When people sincerely repent and confess their sins to God, He is faithful and just to forgive them.