The Knowledge of GOD - And The Key of Knowledge by Don Randolph - HTML preview

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Chapter 3



The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge. But fools despise wisdom and instruction. Proverbs, Chapter 1, Verse 7.

The word “knowledge” comes from the Hebrew word “da’ath.” “Da’ath” means “to know, have cunning, and awareness (wittingly).” The word KNOWLEDGE in the Bible can refer to different types of knowledge. We are going to look at different types of KNOWLEDGE mentioned in the Bible and how they impact our life.

Knowledge is one of the most important things we can possess. Knowledge gives us an opportunity to learn. Knowledge is facts and information. Knowledge tells us Jesus was crucified and died on the cross for our sins. This knowledge is called the “saving knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ.” We cannot be saved without receiving and believing the knowledge that Jesus died on the cross for our sins.

The KNOWLEDGE of God is vital if we are going to live a life free from sin and bondage. When we change the way which we think, we will be able to overcome the things which hinder us from walking in freedom. When we have the knowledge of the truth, we will be able to live victoriously in every area of our lives. Wisdom is important. However, we will be unable to possess wisdom without KNOWLEDGE and understanding. KNOWLEDGE helps us to understand the principles and precepts of godly wisdom.

The word “fear” is derived from the Hebrew word “yir-ah.” It does not mean “respect” as many teach, although we need to always respect and reverence God because He IS God. “Yir-ah” actually means “fear, dread, or terror.” Jesus said, “Do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. But rather fear HIM who is able to destroy both body and soul.” (Matthew, 10:28).

The fear of the Lord is a fountain of life, to depart from the snares of evil. Proverbs, Chapter 14, Verse 27.

A fountain of life is promised to those who fear the Lord. When we fear the Lord, He will protect us from the snares of evil. The knowledge of the “fear of the Lord” will lead us to a place of safety in His bosom. Wisdom and understanding will keep us from the snares of the enemy when we submit to the sovereignty of God. “The fear of the Lord is the instruction of wisdom; and before honor is humility.” (Proverbs, 15:33).

Fools despise Wisdom and instruction. There is a sharp contrast between those who possess wisdom and KNOWLEDGE and fools who reject KNOWLEDGE and instruction. Those who fear the Lord will seek KNOWLEDGE and instruction because it is the desire of their hearts to please God and obey His will in all things.

I have taught for many years that people need to have a good, healthy fear of God. It seems like people today no longer have any fear of the consequences of their sins. If we fail to have a “fear of God,” we will end up making many mistakes and committing a multitude of sins. We cannot possess and benefit from the KNOWLEDGE of God if we do not fear Him.

We have nothing to fear if we are walking in the Spirit and obeying the voice and commandments of God. If we are continually walking in love, we have nothing to fear because there is no law which restricts love. The Bible tells us that “fear has torment” and that “perfect love casts out ALL fear.”

How long, you simple ones, will you love simplicity? For scorners delight in their scorning and fools hate knowledge. Proverbs, Chapter 1, Verse 22.

The fear of the Lord is the beginning of KNOWLEDGE. A fool cannot and will not be able to possess the fear of God because he hates knowledge. The fear of God begins when we see Him first as King of Kings and Lord of Lords--the one who possesses ALL power and authority. The fear of the Lord is the foundational principle which the knowledge of God is built and rests upon. The fear of the Lord is a foundational truth which cannot be denied or rejected without consequence because IT IS WRITTEN in the truth of God’s Holy Word.

If our foundation concerning the knowledge of God is not built upon “the fear of the Lord,” our relationship with God will be unstable. An unstable foundation will cause a building to fall easily because it does not have the proper support to keep it standing. When we have a firm foundation in Christ we will become firmly rooted and grounded in faith and love.

Once we have established a foundation of the “fear of the Lord’ in our hearts we can work on our relationship with Him. The Bible tells us not to base our relationship with God upon fear but upon LOVE. The fear of the Lord is just the beginning of a wonderful relationship with Christ. When we have laid the basic foundational principles for our relationship with God, we will grow in wisdom and knowledge which will keep us secure in Him and His love.

God has not given us a spirit of “natural fear,” but of LOVE, power and a disciplined mind. (1 John, 4:18). We have a disciplined mind when we know and trust in the love and power of God, NOT in the strength and power of our enemies. We become able to cast out “all fear” when we UNDERSTAND and possess the PERFECT love of God. Fear always produces torment (judgment). We have not been made perfect in His love when we are fearful. When we have not been made perfect in His love, we leave ourselves open for the Spirit of Fear to come in which results in torment (judgment).


My son, if you will receive my words, and treasure my commands within you, so that you incline your ear to wisdom, and apply your heart to understanding; Yes, if you cry out for discernment, and lift up your voice in understanding, if you see her as silver, and search for her as hidden treasures; then you will understand the fear of the Lord, and find the knowledge of God. Proverbs, Chapter 2, Verses 1-5.

When we receive, and obey the Word of God and His commandments, we will understand why the “fear of the Lord” is important. We will find the wisdom of God when we search and seek for the knowledge of God as if we are seeking for hidden treasures.

When we have, and understand the love, grace and mercy of God, we will become steadfast in our walk with Him. When we have the wisdom and KNOWLEDGE of God within our hearts and minds, we will possess all we need to walk daily in victory.

Godly knowledge and understanding are shipmates. Concerning spiritual matters, KNOWLEDGE without godly wisdom and understanding is useless. It can be compared to being in a boat in the middle of an ocean without any oars. The current in the ocean will TAKE you wherever IT goes, NOT where you may want or NEED to go. Therefore, it is vital that as children of God we seek His wisdom in everything we say and do.

The link between the “fear of God” and “KNOWLEDGE” is understanding and wisdom. If we truly have the “fear the Lord,” we will seek godly

KNOWLEDGE so we can be pleasing to Him and receive His grace and mercy. His grace toward us is sufficient to meet all our needs. The Bible tells us that God will supply ALL our needs when we trust in His love for us. God is more than able to fix all the things in our lives which we are unable to fix. When we place all our cares upon the Lord, His mercy will constantly carry us through all the troubles and trials in life.

Wisdom and KNOWLEDGE always walk hand in hand to provide understanding and instruction to those who believe. If we KNOW the Truth (Christ the Word), Truth will set us free. If we have and use godly wisdom, Christ, who is our Wisdom, will guide us through life and help us to make quality decisions.

If we lack wisdom and knowledge regarding spiritual matters, our understanding concerning those matters will be non-existent. Godly wisdom, plus KNOWLEDGE, equals understanding. This is a simple mathematical equation.

We all need and must have knowledge. However, knowledge alone is worthless without godly wisdom and a proper understanding of the truth. Knowledge alone will not and cannot set us free. Knowledge and understanding of the TRUTH sets us free when we apply them to our life. Many people fail to have a good understanding of how godly knowledge is to be interpreted and used. They fail to understand that truth cannot be manipulated by their own esoteric and erotic illusions and desires. God’s Word does not conform to our opinions or what we want it to say, but to the truth. Truth IS truth and nothing we do or say can change the truth.

The Bible tells us “to study to show ourselves approved unto God” so we will be able to rightly divide the Word of Truth. Ignorance is not an option. We must KNOW and understand what the Word of God says before we can believe what it says.

Seeking knowledge is the pathway which leads to wisdom and understanding. If we are unaware and do not have the knowledge that wisdom exists, we would not be seeking wisdom. If we did not have the knowledge of the virtues of wisdom and understanding, we would not be seeking them.

If we possess knowledge, that knowledge will lead us down the paths to wisdom and understanding. On the other hand, ignorance leaves us in a state of unfruitfulness, confusion and peril during times of adversity. Without natural knowledge, we cannot and will not be able to function properly and prosperously in this World. Without godly wisdom and knowledge, we will be unable to function properly and prosperously in the Kingdom of God. We MUST understand why and how wisdom and knowledge prevail over ignorance.