The Last Teachings of Jesus by Jim Rooney - HTML preview

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Chapter 6

Peter’s Denial Foretold


Peter was disturbed when Jesus said He was going to a place that they could not go. Peter asked Jesus where He was going. The Lord’s response was that He was going to a place where Peter could not follow Him. However, He told Peter that he would follow Jesus there later. Peter asked Jesus why he couldn’t follow Him. He assured Jesus that he would be willing to die for Him.

Then Jesus told his disciples that all of them would be made to stumble that night because of Him. He quoted Scripture that said, “I will strike the Shepherd, and the sheep of the flock will be scattered.” (Matt. 26:31). Jesus went on to say that after He had been raised He would meet them in Galilee.

Peter answered Him saying that even if all others stumbled over Him, He would never stumble. Jesus told Peter that Peter would deny Him three times before the rooster crowed that very next morning. Peter responded that even if he had to die he would not deny the Lord. All the disciples said the same, yet Peter would deny Jesus and the disciples would run away as the Lord predicted. The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak.