The Last Teachings of Jesus by Jim Rooney - HTML preview

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Chapter 15



Jesus warned His disciples that if the world hated them, then they should know the world hated Him first. If they were of this sinful world, the world would not hate them. However, since Jesus chose them out of this world and they live for Christ, the world hates them. He reminded them of what He had said to them before: a servant is not greater than his master. If they persecuted Jesus, they would persecute His disciples. If they would keep Jesus’ word, then they would keep the disciples’ word. All the persecution the disciples would receive on His account would be because this sinful world didn’t know the Father who sent Him. If Jesus hadn’t left heaven to come and teach them the truth then they would have no sin. However, He did come to teach them, therefore they are without excuse.

Those who hate Jesus hate His Father also. If Jesus had not done the miraculous works He did then the world would be without sin. However, they did witness His wonderful works, yet they still hated Him and His Father. Jesus said this all happened that the word of God would be fulfilled which said, “They hated Me without a cause.” (John 15:25)

Jesus encouraged His disciples by telling them that when the Helper or Spirit of truth comes, whom He would send from the Father, the Holy Spirit would testify of Jesus. They too would also bear witness of Jesus because they were with Him from the beginning of His earthly ministry. Jesus told these things to His disciples so that they would not stumble in their faith under this persecution. He warned them that they would not only be thrown out of the synagogues for witnessing on His behalf, there would actually be those who would think it to be doing God’s service to kill them. Why would they want to persecute them so? It was because they had not known Him or the Father. Jesus told them all these things in advance so that they would remember His words of comfort when these persecutions would later come. He didn’t share this knowledge with them early on in His ministry because He was going to be with them for a while. However, since He would be leaving them shortly He wanted to reveal this to them now.

As Christians, we must realize that we may have to undergo tribulation in our lifetime. We must be strong and pray that God would give us strength to go through times of trial and tribulation. We must remember that it was God’s plan for us, and we must have faith in Him that He knows what is best for us. God can remove the trials, but He sees fit to allow them to happen for our good.