The Last Teachings of Jesus by Jim Rooney - HTML preview

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Chapter 16

The Helper


Jesus told His disciples that He would be leaving them to return to His Father. He said that none of them had asked Him where He was going. He told them that because He said these things to them they were sorrowful. He explained that His leaving them was actually a good thing for them. If He didn’t leave, then the Helper would not come to them, but, if He left, He would send the Helper to them. When the Holy Spirit would come He would convict the world of sin, and of righteousness, and of judgment. He would convict the world of sin because many in the world did not believe in Jesus. He would convict the world of righteousness because Jesus, the righteous One, would be going to the Father and would be seen no more. He would convict the world of judgment because Satan, the ruler of this evil world, is judged.

Jesus told His disciples that He had many more things He could share with them but that would be more than they could bear. However, when the Holy Spirit would come, He would guide them into all truth, for He will not speak on His own authority. He will speak the things He has heard and will share with the Lord’s disciples things that will come to pass. The Holy Spirit will glorify Jesus and will share with the disciples the things of Christ. All things that the Father has belong to Jesus. Therefore, the Holy Spirit will share the things of Jesus which are also the things of the Father.