The Last Teachings of Jesus by Jim Rooney - HTML preview

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Chapter 31

On the Road to Emmaus


The same day of the Lord’s resurrection, two of his disciples were walking together on the road to the town of Emmaus which was seven miles from Jerusalem. One of these disciples was named Cleopas. He was not one of the twelve disciples of Jesus. As they were walking, Jesus came up alongside of them. However, His identity was hidden from their eyes so that they did not realize it was Jesus but thought it was just a stranger. He asked them what they were talking about and why were they so sad.

Cleopas replied by asking Jesus if He were the only stranger in Jerusalem who did not know the things that happened there recently. Jesus asked him what things he was referring to. The disciple said the things regarding Jesus of Nazareth who was a mighty prophet of God in word and deeds and how the Jewish religious leaders condemned Him to death and crucified Him. They were sad because they had all hoped that it was Jesus who would restore Israel to the kingdom.

He went on to tell Jesus that it was the third day since these things happened and several women who visited the tomb early that morning astonished them. The women said that the tomb was empty and they saw an angelic vision and were informed that Jesus was alive. Then Jesus said to these two disciples, “O foolish ones, and slow of heart to believe in all that the prophets have spoken! 26 Ought not the Christ to have suffered these things and to enter into His glory?” (Luke 24:25-26)

Then Jesus taught them from the Scriptures beginning with the books of Moses and then the sayings of the prophets all about things concerning Himself. Then they came near the village they were going to and Jesus indicated He would continue on farther. However, they pleaded for Him to stay with them as it was getting late, so He stayed with them. As they sat at the table, He took some bread, broke it, and gave it to them. Then their eyes were opened, they recognized Jesus, and He immediately vanished from their sight.

The two disciples remarked to each other how their hearts burned as Jesus talked with them on the road as He opened the Scriptures and explained to them about Himself. They quickly returned to Jerusalem to tell the eleven disciples the Lord had risen and to share with them how Jesus appeared to them on the road and how He became known to them when they were eating bread together.