The Other Side of Life by Rev. Samuel Mack, OMS, DD - HTML preview

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Chapter 14


We now know much more about the complexity of our minds and how the circumstances of life can affect us and change us in countless ways. Each of us has a personal history that makes us unique in our preferences, judgments, and beliefs, and although our similarities are much greater than we can ever imagine—for they are rooted in our exact essence—Creation itself, through our physical, emotional, and intellectual variety, mirrors the wondrous variety with which it manifests itself in all other ways, and this variety among us is, in turn, a confirmation and result of the free will that we were born with…It is in that complexity and that personal history that often makes it impossible for us to understand the deep springs of our own behavior—imagine, then, how much more difficult it is to understand the behavior of our brothers and sisters. To those of us whose carnal preference makes us feel different, those of us that social and cultural pressure makes us feel shunned and stripped of our dignity, yes Jesus loves us and bless’ us with all His heart, and what your Father truly cares about the way we act in our heart, whether we are able to rise above our bodies and achieve the spiritual communication with our Father Like that should be the fruit and guide of our relationship, and it should feather a relationship between us and God as that of the relationship of us with our mother or father, brother or sister and that of a friend as in any family member and with the same we act respect and honesty with our brothers and sisters, and with our peers—and that is what’s called an intimate relationship with our Father in Heaven {for how can we love another until we love ourselves} as God is in us and around us we must see Him in ourselves as in our brothers and sisters so if we don’t love ourselves we don’t love God for God made us so let’s do his will, and that’s what counts, and it is what will allow us to hold our heads high no matter how we may be blamed? And reproached, no matter how much, certain sectors of society try to strip us of our dignity. And to those of us who take upon ourselves the role of moralists and insist on seeing certain types of behavior, certain preferences in those around us as changes and faults, and our actions are a representation of our self, understand that the fact that other people are different from us does not make them better or worse…As Jesus has told you, until we cast the log out of our own eye; we will not be able to see clearly enough to cast out the spec of our brother’s eye. Sex is the supreme instrument of reproduction and our Father bless’ those who make use of it in that way within the bonds of marriage. That true respect and mutual understanding that should exist between a couple and that is at the same time the solid pillar on which the structure of the family, and all of society, rests—this respect and understanding fully flowers within the fundamental and inspirational commitment of matrimony. Yet for those among us who makes use of sex to satisfy our needs and calm our passions, and yet Jesus say, for all men and women experience a moment when reproduction is not possible, let there not be condemnation by one of us against another, Neither ordinary casting of guilt, nor false pretense, for purity is demonstrated only through compassion and love, not recrimination. Let there be, rather, genuine commitment in each of us so that the most inspirational sentiments of our inner self may come forth and flower and be the complement of our lives, so that it is not just our physical needs that are satisfied, But at the same time those needs that exist in the most profound depths of our hearts….Look to be sure that each of us is a witness and governor of our self, so that in our behavior there is no trace of oddness. It is in dissipation, offensiveness, and meanness of spirit that true oddness lies….If our preferences lead us, through the exercise of the freewill with which we were born, to take part in marriage, so that free from demands, you may solidify your relationship with harmony, love and faith in each other as husband and wife…We must never allow sex to be imposed on or demanded of an innocent, for among all the types of victimization, that is the most dishonorable and aberrant, and divine justice is always vigilant, and shall be ruthless with the transgressor. We must look in our heart to be sure that our dignity is not stained by our actions and that does not cloud our vision of a union of emotions and mutual respect that leads us to value one another and complement one another, in both joy and sorrow, physically and spiritually, for we should make proper use of our time; do not waste it miserably in pointless blame casting and reproach…Be sure that if something arouses resentment in us, it is victimization…If something embarrasses us; it is our own weaknesses…If we have contempt for something, and it is our own banality… Do not be judges even of our selves Instead, be witnesses of our Lord and our Father in Heaven, and in this way we are more able to govern ourselves, and let compassion and love be our guides, and be sure that our words are always filled with consolation, hope, and guidance for our brothers and sisters,…Those who began the divine mission to be the people chosen by our Father to reveal Himself to humankind…Even though some of us did not recognize Him yesterday and do not recognize Him today, He is that part of that divine mission and that His message was and continues to be of hope, faith and love for both us and all of our brothers and sisters of the world…And Jesus said long ago He did not come to change the Law or its commandments, for they are a sacred legacy given to us by our Father. He came instead to announce to us a new era and to announce to all the people of the world, and all the generations, that salvation comes through knowledge of the one true God, that God who chose us for his revelation and glory. today He’s talking to those of us who are so busy with ourselves in keeping up appearances, the hypocrites whose actions have been objective only of feeding the ego and obtaining the riches of this world, those who use the temple for their own ends, those who exist today as they existed yesterday,


Jews and non-Jews…


To you Jesus preached in the synagogues, He made your blind

See, your crippled walk, He cured your sick, and His words were and are a

Comfort and hope for the humble and poor …


These were His works, and all were done for love and to the glory of the Father who sent Jesus…He knows that we remain faithful to His Laws and His traditions; He knows all our pains and sufferings, our persecutions and the genocide of which we have been victims; He knows how much we have suffered and are still suffering, Jesus knows this because His tears have been our tears, He has suffered the same pains. And He knows that it is not easy for us to understand the reason for so much adversity…There is no human reason capable of explaining it or justifying it…To be able to understand, we should think long about the wisdom that dwells in our hearts. We know that these adversities have strengthened our character, but we should not allow that to be a reason to harden our hearts. It is in our hearts that our greatest treasure resides, and our greatest heritage. If we keep our hearts open, we could die a thousand times of pain, but Jesus said, that a thousand times too, we will be resurrected through the power of love…As a brothers and sisters, we should rejoice for having been chosen for this wondrous mission, and as an individual we should understand that although that mission has been and still is a heavy, painful burden for all our lineage, that should not be a reason for hatred or spite, but rather an incentive to develop our faculties and potentials. Brothers and sisters, we should pay close attention to all Jesus’ words and allow our heart and our intelligence, deep within our selves, the opportunity to reflect on them. All of Jesus’ words were and are spoken out of love and faith, and all that He asks is that they be given the attention and discernment that they merit. Grant Him, and grant ourselves, that opportunity. and to all of us, He said that the era and the kingdom that He announced began when, through His works and His words, He made possible the dawn of our faith and our conviction in the existence of that one for which He came to bear witness…our Father in Heaven, the only true God, is all love, but because He is love and also with infinite wisdom, He has been strict in his ways…The tragic events that history records, and those that constantly occur as the product of our ways, must occur as they do so that humankind can learn the proper use of the free wills that it enjoys, and so that it may rectify its path as everything will become revealed to us, as we grow more able to develop our own awareness and as we grow more able to act always rightly. Be always aware of this: it will aid us in our divine mission to constantly re-create our selves, for our own happiness and good fortune. There have been and still are many who commit atrocities in the name of God, Who in the shadows of the night plot ghastly plans of death and murder and Shield himself behind His Holy name. Those, too, shall be known by their Fruits, which are fruits of death and desolation….They misuse the divine privilege of freewill with which they were endowed, and use that freedom of action to introduce pain and suffering and desolation among their fellow men and women…They nourish themselves on hatred and with their demagoguery they distort reality. They are the antiChrist of which the scriptures speak, for they are judged with the severity that their own actions demand…God is life, and life can never be honored with death. Thus those who have committed and are now committing those crimes, Jesus ask that we listen to His words and correct ourselves, as the whole Bible is about getting to know our selves and God the Father this process in long and hard, {for if we don’t know who we are, how can we know our brothers and sisters? and if we don’t love our selves, how can we love our brothers and sisters? if we can’t see ourselves how can we see our brothers and sisters? if we can’t hear our selves, how can we hear our brothers and sisters?}The same goes for God the Father for if we do not know our selves, how know we expect to truly know Him or anything? And in doing so, we will meet divine justice, {that is the divine justice Adam and Eve meet when God put them out of the garden of Eden}, which is strict and powerful, though it can also be generous and kind. We who have been and are still victims; and those who suffered, and are still suffering from the immorality, of them antiChrist’s, stay firm, He has told us in His word and it still applies today, and there are those who have hunger and thirst for justice, for their hunger and thirst shall be full up…Amen. Something important that we should understand is that just as all creation constantly renews itself and transforms itself, so has the Father’s relationship to us changed and renewed through time. In the early times of His revelation, it was necessary that He use His power, so that through fear those peoples whose ignorance and rebelliousness was rampant might begin to find the straighter path That was the need for the Flood, the Plagues, Sodom and Gomorrah, and the desolation that the wars of those times caused; that was necessity for the announcements of disasters made by the Prophets of all times, their calls for honoring the one true God…The use of punishment and the promise of salvation were important tools in the divine process of revelation…The eternal fires of hell, the prophesies of disasters, and strict laws to govern human behavior were necessary because of the widespread barbarism, slavery, and use of force and violence that prevailed in the ancient world…Jesus’ mission was to fulfill the law and establish a new covenant with God based on our knowledge of His infinite love and on the harmony and love that we brothers and sisters should share with one another. He came to put an end to the fear and idolatry worship, the foolishness and double standards …If we love one another, we will do unto our brothers and sisters as we would have our brothers and sisters do unto us. In that commandment we can then come together in all the other commandments; in that commandment lies the key to salvation…It will be when all of us applies it in our lives, {all the world ‘all peoples and all Nations}, that all of those outbreaks of violence and atrocity that still, and most unfortunately, persist in our modern world will end. And Jesus called Himself the Son of Man because within Him He carried our needs and within Him our hopes flowered; and with His works He conquered the master of this world and within Him the helpless among us find consolation.