The Other Side of Life by Rev. Samuel Mack, OMS, DD - HTML preview

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Chapter 15


Jesus is our most brilliant light and He is the path that we will follow. He called myself the Son of Man because He was a man of flesh, and He called Himself the Son of God because through His surrender, His works, and His sacrifice He came to save us from ourselves, and as He did so it was that we might understand that we ourselves shall be able to call ourselves the sons and daughters {children} of God as He did, when we have come to see this…Jesus told us “I am the Way, the Truth and the Life. No one goes to the Father unless it is through me”…Today, friends, Jesus have told us this message trough out time. Understand His words: “I am the way”, the way of love, for everything He did and said was inspired by love and it is through love that we can get to our Father in Heaven.” I am the truth” for all He said is true and only illuminated by the truth we will be able to walk the path to Him, getting over all the difficulties we may encounter,” I am the life” for only living and armed with love and truth as it is that we will be able to arrive to the final blessings with His divine presence. Our possibilities are infinite, the essence of our spirit is the same as He who created all things, and thus it is for His glory and His alone and we must understand we must rejoice Him that give it, for wonderful is our potential…Also we must understand that our earthly life is the bridge that we must cross in order to come to the enjoyment of the peaceful dwelling that awaits us it will be then that the full revelation will be complete: our Fathers revelation to us, and our revelation to ourselves… At last we will know the full greatness of our own potential and our own powers, but know that we will also discover other bridges to cross, for eternity is an infinite sequence of challenges, achievements, and goals to conquer, and therein lies its magnificence, therein consists the wonder of that eternal dwelling that awaits you, so that we may have an idea of what we will obtain if we remain firm in the path of light, the path that Jesus has spoken to us of so long ago, but we must always remember, too, that the true achievements are those that are reached through proper growth and proper re-creation of ourselves. It is a personal task and no one can do it for us…Today we are capable of forging in our sense of right and wrong, without view or threat, without fear and without adoration, based only on the FAITH that He is, and based on the knowledge that we have acquire gradually, day by day, and the full understanding of the reason for creation and the reason for everything that constantly occurs around us. This is a new stage in that new era that we announced to our selves. so that we will understand that the true worship of the Father is worship performed constantly in our hearts, in private and in secret, that is through our good actions that we will come to be worthy of developing the potential with which we were born, come to the enjoyment of the powers that we will obtain through this process…We need to understand as well that in this new stage of the revelation conditions now existing that make it possible and the convergence of all the many forms in which human thought has perceived its own divine nature, has perceived and known the one true God. Today we possess the instruments needed to bring together the noblest, most proper, and most inspiring achievements that humanity has been treasuring up through the many messengers of love that the Father has sent us and to unite those achievements in that supreme faith that we as brothers and sisters of Christ, Jesus are proclaiming, the faith, actions, commitment and flexibility of all those great masters made them worthy to unlock the most hidden secrets, which they had the faithful courage to proclaim openly on many occasions, even at the risk of losing their own lives…


Today we have the opportune now to tell our brothers and sisters of what we have learned, and history is filled with prophets, and each of us, now has the potential to become a prophet, too, and through the love, faith and abnegation of our actions to feel that infinite joy which, through their surrender, the martyrs also felt.

Today, we wish to give Jesus’ words to you as a witness not just of the Father but also of ourselves, so that we will react, to urge ourselves to strive to fulfill the noblest and most genuine responsibilities that we have to ourselves and our brothers and sisters, to make the best use of the time that has been given us, we must urge ourselves to awaken our understanding and absorb Jesus’ teachings; He came to show us the inexhaustible fountain of wisdom and love that dwells within our hearts…Find ourselves and value ourselves through the identification, and with the inspiration that exists within each and every one of us, and the peace and joy that we yearn for will come to us as a natural fountain … Jesus’ words and the words of other teachers that have lived and that will live in the future, are and will be a light that will guide us in that sacred achievement that is crossing the bridge. And His words must also be a source of the energy needed to achieve that goal. But we must keep our ears and eyes open in order to overcome the obstacles and remain on the right path. We must have the conviction of faith that although we might stumble a thousand times, stray from the path a thousand times, { as we are human and are and will make mistakes, and do sins but } likewise a thousand times will that light give us the strength and faith we need to get up and find the right path again. And the creation of that supreme personal belief that we have proclaimed to ourselves consist in our faith and in the compendium that we ourselves are able to make of the inspirational beliefs and principles that the experiences of our lives have enabled us to develop and make part of our awareness. We will begin to identify these beliefs if we keep our minds open, sharpen our senses, and persevere in that task…Therefore, it is very important that we also identify our weaknesses, and that we be able to control our mind and our emotions. Life constantly presents us with situations that test the control we have over ourselves, yet those situations are at the same time valuable opportunities, for through the process of our decisions and actions we may come to identify both the strengths and the weak areas in our mind that we must work on in order to strengthen our character…so that we will be able to make our life a masterpiece and at the same time enjoy it for the marvelous adventure that it truly is. The satisfaction that we so dearly long for can be found through an appreciation of the wonders that surround us and the wonder that is our own life and our own being. And that strength of character is the thing that will never allow our emotions to dominate us, even in the most critical moments. We will be able to remain firm even when all around us are baffled and confused and out of control, Even when others cast false blame upon us…We will be able to remain firm when others mistrust us, for the truth we know about ourselves will be our strongest shield…As it will give us the lucidity we need to understand the behavior of others and to grow in the forgiveness and patience that understanding brings us…We will be able to remain firm even when we feel that everything around us is crumbling, that everything we have achieved is lost, for we shall have sufficient vision to understand that what is truly important in our lives cannot be destroyed by anyone or anything…And we will have sufficient strength to begin again, regardless of the risk or the effort required to reconstruct all that has crumbled, to regain all that has been lost… we will develop the virtue of being genuine, and of not being overcome by the glory of triumph when we triumph, not being depressed by the grief of failure when we fail… And that same truthfulness shall be our best introduction to others…We know all about these and now that we can see for ourselves the importance of the personal qualities that we must identify, develops, and value in ourselves as the essential elements in the formation of that supreme faith that Jesus has proclaimed to us…It is much more than doctrines, teachings and moneys; it is being without fault in all aspects of our personality and all our actions, combined with the firm commitment to grow in knowledge, faith and love of all creation, including ourselves…for to know that in the degree to which we are able to be grateful for our own life lies the key to achieving the growth of that love that we must profess for ourselves and our brothers and sisters, a love without selfishness or vanity, the same love that we must extend to all. Fellow brothers and sisters, and the world that what will bring to us all that we yearn for. It is through the exercise of faithlessness that we will be able to acquire the firmness that we need so that the opinions and actions of others will not be a cause for suffering or anguish in your spirit. Be always aware that the best guide will always be within our grasp, in the most inspiring part of our being. know that the words and actions of our fellow brothers and sisters are always determined by their limitations and their own perceptions of reality, and that the human mind generally twists those perceptions to the benefit of the ego and the interests and desires of each of us…That is why it is so important that we keep our intelligence always awake, so that in each situation that presents itself, we are able to identify its true cause and thereby make the proper decisions… Remember Jesus’ attitude when everyone around Him, struck Him, spat on Him, and cursed Him. We should know that although His pain and grief was infinite, His firmness was unshakable, for He possessed the faith, and it was their ignorance that motivated them, and thus His patience could be infinite as well, as His forgiveness, And His plea to the Father that He, too, forgive them…