The Power System of God - The Divine Dynasphere by Dr. Frank P. Ferraro - HTML preview

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Bible Doctrine. From the Right Lobe of the Stream of Consciousness of the Soul that message

of Bible Doctrine is then exhaled out of the Right Lobe by the messenger Pastor Teacher or in

the past Apostles or Prophets in writing or speaking to those who would be the recipients.

God therefore uses the personality, vocabulary, thought patterns, individuality, literary style,

personal feelings and any other factor of individuality of his messengers so that his complete

and coherent message is recorded OR communicated with perfect accuracy in the words of the

original languages and these words bear the authority of Divine Authorship.

The Grace Apparatus for Perception

The Norms and Standards of the written word of God as Bible Doctrine are in fact the Mind or

Thinking of Jesus of Nazareth, the Christ. (1Cor 2:16) These Norms and Standards are learned as the believer progresses in the Spiritual Life through what we know as the Grace Apparatus

for Perception. The Grace Apparatus for Perception has various Stages of function.

Stage I == Operation ICE – the communication of Bible Doctrine from the Pastor Teacher

to the congregation, by a process of Isogogic Interpretation, Categorical Compilation and

Exegetical Analysis. This information as it is taught by a Pastor Teacher is moved into

the Human Spirit under the ministry of and Filling of God the Holy Spirit. The

information is also then moved immediately into the Left Lobe of the Soul.

Stage II == Perception of Bible Doctrine – UNDERSTANDING THE COMMUNICATION OF

BIBLE DOCTRINE as (gr) GNOSIS doctrine or Academic Knowledge. When a Bible

Doctrine is being taught and an exegesis is being provided or communicated the believer

is not required to AGREE nor DISAGREE with the content. Objectivity in learning

demands that he simply understand what is taught. For many believers as soon as some

word or concept is elucidated which is contrary to their background or thinking they

immediately shut down their concentration and disagree with whatever it is. This very

often occurs if vulgar expletives which offend their sensitivities or multi syllable words

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for which they lack understanding are used in the presentation. The believer is only

required, as the recipient of Bible Doctrine under the ministry of God the Holy Spirit,

simply to UNDERSTAND WHAT IS COMMUNICATED. Once he understands it then he

has the option to say YES or NO.

Stage III == Metabolization of Bible Doctrine – this is the transfer of Bible Doctrine from

the (gr) Gnosis as understanding, found in the Left Lobe of the Soul into the Right Lobe

of the Stream of Consciousness of the Soul by faith under the ministry of God the Holy

Spirit. This is where the believer has said YES and accepted the information as (gr)

EPIGNOSIS Doctrine. This stage is where it is also possible for the believer to say NO

and reject the doctrine (BEWARE of this!) If he has accepted the presented information

as ABSOLUTE TRUTH then it cycles into the Right Lobe of the Stream of Consciousness

of the Soul by Faith under the Filling of God the Holy Spirit. In the Right Lobe this is

where the believer then commits this information into his memory and eventually

categorizes it as Epignosis or USEFUL Bible Doctrine for application to all situations and

experiences in life. It also cycles through and begins to reform the Norms and

Standards, Frame of Reference, and all parts of the Right Lobe of the Stream of

Consciousness of the Soul. This is, in fact, the only thing which can change the believer. When the Norms and Standards and Frame of Reference are organized around

Bible Doctrine and there is the consistent cycling of Metabolized Bible Doctrine through

the Right Lobe of the Stream of Consciousness of the Soul it results in forming attitudes,

expressions and discernment from these doctrinal principles in one’s life. This

metabolized Bible Doctrine is also the information for the building of the Edification

Complex of the Soul and development and deployment of the 10


Solving Devices

onto the Forward Line of Troops of the soul. These form the information and structure

needed for resistance to the strategies of Satan and his Cosmic Dynaspheres which are

designed specifically to distract the believer in his Spiritual Life Advance.

Stage IV == Application of Bible Doctrine – this is the Exhale out of the Right Lobe of

the Stream of Consciousness of the Soul of Metabolized Bible Doctrine as application

regarding situations and circumstances which occur in the believer’s life. Lack of Faith

at the point of (gr) Gnosis understanding, that is lack of accepting the doctrine

principles, cuts off the usability of the Bible Doctrine. This results from involvement in

several sources which cause a short circuit in the soul which cuts off Gnosis from becoming Epignosis and causes Mental Attitude Arrogance and its accompanying Mental

Attitude Sins which play a large part in this short circuit:

▴ The principle of personality conflict with the communicator.

▴ The principle of contrary background information learned earlier in life.

▴ Principle of Negative Volition from lack of an established Frame of Reference.

(gr) Epignosis Bible Doctrine is Metabolized or Faith Accepted Bible Doctrine residing in the

Right Lobe of the Stream of Consciousness of the Soul as a result of transfer there while under

the Filling of God the Holy Spirit and functioning under the Grace Apparatus for Perception.

(Tit 1:1) ‘Godliness’ is defined in the book of Timothy as the Balance of Residence in the Right Lobe of the Stream of Consciousness of the Soul of MAXIMUM Metabolized Bible Doctrine

and consistency in remaining under the Filling of God the Holy Spirit. The source of Bible

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Doctrine, located categorically in the scripture, is to therefore be transferred categorically under the Filling of God the Holy Spirit through Faith Perception into the Right Lobe of the Stream of Consciousness of the Soul. Therefore, the Grace Apparatus for Perception is the only way for the believer to orient to the Plan of God.


This Gate of the Divine Dynasphere provides the essential development of Objectivity in Faith

Perception of Bible Doctrine as the first stage of the Faith Rest Drill enabled by the provision from God of Logistical


support for the believer’s life and spiritual advancement. This is

the OPENING or beginning for the believer of the Perception, Progression, Momentum and

Capacity Envelopes which will persist in operation throughout the Spiritual Life. The

Perception Envelope includes Gates #2-5 of the Divine Dynasphere with these forming the 2nd

Self Sustaining Function of the Royal Priesthood as Operation Z the Grace Apparatus for

Perception. The Progression and Momentum Envelopes are completed if the believer reaches Maturity Adjustment to the Justice of God where he has maximum Metabolized Bible Doctrine

in the Right Lobe of the Stream of Consciousness of the Soul. His continued Perception,

Cognition, Inculcation and Metabolization of Bible Doctrine then is specifically to reinforce the

resident doctrine and prevent the rate of forgetting from exceeding the rate of learning. The

Capacity Envelope is opened as the believer begins to engage in serious Post Salvation Epistemological Rehabilitation from Perception, Cognition, Inculcation and Metabolization of

Bible Doctrine consistently. This capacity for Life, Happiness and Blessing continues to build

through Maturity Adjustment to the Justice of God where the believer has the CAPACITY to

receive and enjoy the 6 categories of Super – Grace Escrow blessings set up for him by God in

Eternity Past. This capacity will continue to develop and be reinforced up to the point of

Advanced Maturity Adjustment to the Justice of God where the believer receives the

unimaginable enhancement of his Escrow Blessings as his Ultra – Super Grace blessings and as

a result both glorifies and pleases God. THEREFORE, this is the beginning of the most important and basic function of Worship toward God. This Basic Christian Modus Operandi as

the opening of the Perception, Progression, Momentum and Capacity Envelopes is the result of

consistency in the function of the believer within the Spirituality Envelope. Therefore, function

in this area results in the enhancement and stabilization of one of the most basic areas of the

Christian Way of Life. The Spirituality Envelope is stabilized from the consistent use of the

Rebound Procedure to ensure the consistent Filling of God the Holy Spirit to enable continued, consistent Post Salvation Epistemological Rehabilitation. Therefore, One of the first things the

new believer must learn in the Perception Envelope is how to function under the Rebound

Procedure, Problem Solving Device #1. Then he must learn Bible Doctrine principles to wean himself off of the simple milk of basic Bible Doctrine and the use of simple promises in order

to be able to inculcate complex advanced Bible Doctrine. The Rebound Procedure is the only

way to recover into the Power System of God when one’s VOLITION takes him out of that

system and moves him into the Cosmic Dynaspheres. It was God who instantly and initially

put the believer into His Power System when the volition of the believer chose His Protocol

Plan, however, it is one’s own volition which takes him out of the Power System of God.

Therefore it must be one’s own volition which puts him back into the Power System of God.

Once the believer begins to understand the Power System of God there are mandates which

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must be adhered to regarding the Modus Operandi of the believer in the Divine Dynasphere.

There are also Essential factors which exist in the function of this Gate including

▴ Cognizance and Use of Logistical Grace

Use of the Faith Rest Drill (5 stages)

Beginning to function under the Royal Family Honor Code

▴ Engaging in Effective Worship

When the Logistical Grace provided to sustain the believer in his lifetime is properly used it

results in the believer beginning to consistently log more time in the Divine Dynasphere. This

occurs when he uses the Rebound Procedure (Problem

Solving Device # 1 ) whenever necessary

as an Instant Reaction Force, to maintain the Filling of God the Holy Spirit. It is the divine

provision of Logistical Grace support which provides all the options needed by the believer for

being briefed into the Plan of God when he has consistent Positive Volition. In this case God

will provide for the believer through Logistical Grace support:

● The right Pastor Teacher

● The Promises from the word of God taught by that Pastor Teacher

● The Principles of Bible Doctrine to support these promises

● All of the functions under the 5 stages of the Faith Rest Drill

● The Bible Doctrine information needed to develop and deploy the 10



Devices onto the Forward Line of Troops of the soul.

● All temporal necessities to enable the believer to engage in the consistent Post Salvation

Epistemological Rehabilitation from Perception, Cognition, Inculcation and Metabolization

of Bible Doctrine under the Grace Apparatus for Perception, Operation Z with its 4 Rs.

The believer does not INSTANTLY begin to operate under all of the aspects of the Faith Rest

Drill (5 stages) at the moment of his Salvation Adjustment to the Justice of God nor even in the early stages of his spiritual life. It takes consistent residence and function in the Divine

Dynasphere and reaching and functioning in Gate #5, Advanced Christian Modus Operandi to

fully utilize the Faith Rest Drill (5 categories). However, the function of Faith Perception for the inculcation of basic Bible Doctrine is essential early on in the Spiritual Life. This requires

consistent residence in the Divine Dynasphere to enable the believer to begin to store promises

from God, the Bible Doctrine support principles for these promises and the combination of these

to build Doctrinal Rationales to apply to pressure situations in life. As a result of having

Positive Volition inside the Divine Dynasphere the believer begins to understand basic concepts

of worship, the proper place for witnessing, when he will be able to engage in Christian service

and Divine Good Production, etc.

There are also the priorities which must come first before the advanced functions of the Spiritual Life can be engaged in by the believer. Virtue must come first therefore the believer

must progress through the Divine Dynasphere to reach the Integrity Envelope of Gate #6.

From his function under the Basic Christian Modus Operandi there emerges the Objectivity

which is essential for perpetuation of motivation and consistency in the Perception, Cognition,

Inculcation and Metabolization of Bible Doctrine and therefore his opening of the Momentum

Envelope in the Divine Dynasphere and the Spiritual Life. In other words, the believer must

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LEARN the system before his talent or ability or intelligence can be used in any way in the

Power System of God, the Plan of God and that begins here.

This means CORRECT PRIORITIES must be established and engaged in the believer’s Spiritual

Life and Priority #1 must be Bible Doctrine first. Many believers never get ahead in the Power

System of God because they have their own ideas, invariably based on some background of

Human Viewpoint thinking, regarding how to get ahead in the system and therefore they

NEGLECT Bible Doctrine. They are not opposed to Bible Doctrine they just neglect it when it

is inconvenient to engage in bible study. Knowledge of and realization that believers have been

given a myriad of promises from God anticipates the necessity for the function within Gate #2

of the Divine Dynasphere. This Basic Christian Modus Operandi is first the basic fundamental

function of Faith Perception in learning BASIC doctrines and some of the BASIC promises of

God and then using Stage 2 of the Faith Rest Drill (5 categories) to claim these promises when under pressure in life. MANY believers only ever get to the stage of claiming promises from God and

never have any solid doctrinal foundation to support those promises because this requires consistent INCULCATION of Bible Doctrine to strengthen the promises of God. Therefore, they

never see the true solutions to the problems and adversities in their lives.

Consequently, one of the most basic functions of Gate #2 of the Divine Dynasphere is the

development of OBJECTIVITY in the believer. There is no place for subjectivity in the Protocol

Plan of God and although Self Consciousness and normal Ego functions are acceptable, there is

no place for Self Centered Arrogance and Subjectivity both which are overriding functions from

residing in Cosmic Dynasphere I, the Interlocking System of Arrogance. The Power System of

God is OBJECTIVE and is so equally for the Genius believer or the Dummy believer.

Subjectivity on the part of the believer will immediately put him down into the Interlocking


of Arrogance

and the 8 stages of Reversionism

as a result of his moving under some

level of Negative Volition toward Bible Doctrine. The unbeliever can engage in many levels of

subjectivity by being Moral, Good, Kind, a Bleeding Heart Liberal, an Activist, etc., and none

of these including civil disobedience or Christian activism are part of the Christian Way of Life

or the system of God. The primary function of the believer is to be consistent and objective in

functioning within Gate #2 of the Divine Dynasphere for the beginning of the Perception,

Cognition, Inculcation and Metabolization of Bible Doctrine and thus begin his advance in the

Spiritual Life to Maturity Adjustment to the Justice of God.

Return to the Table of Contents

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Gate #3 – The Humility / Virtue Envelope – Teachability

The principle which must be understood is that there cannot be any aspect of VIRTUE in one’s

life without OBEDIENCE. Therefore, Virtue cannot exist in the life without Authority

Orientation and this is absolutely NOT freedom orientation. Therefore, this is the opening of

the Orientation Envelope which is continued in Gate #4 and also the Virtue Envelope continued in the Integrity Envelope of Gate #6, where virtue is completely developed. Under true freedom, with proper freedom orientation, people are free to fail or succeed in any possible

way but the real greatness of life is only found in Virtue. Authority in life does not have to be

fair, just, kind or good, because in reality LIFE is not fair, kind, just or good all the time, so

Authority simply has to exist and be there. It is the attitude of the individual toward any

Authority in any organization in life which determines his response or reaction to that Authority. Response to the Authority is the beginning of the development of Virtue in his Life.

Therefore, at the point of the beginning of the new spiritual life, at Salvation Adjustment to the

Justice of God through personal faith in The Lord Jesus, The Christ, the individual believer

immediately faces mandates which establish the Authority of God over the believer. It is the

mandates of God which communicate the Will of God to the believer and which provide a

Policy from God and which establish priorities in the Power System of God and therefore


The Humility Envelope

The Virtue Envelope develops Authority Orientation under “legitimate” systems in organizations

of any kind which follow the principles of the Laws of Divine Establishment and Divine Institutions with regard to all types and levels of Authority. The opening of the Virtue Envelope begins with the development of the basic, foundational Virtue of Humility and is the

result of functioning within the Humility Envelope. Without respect for and orientation to

Authority there cannot be the development of sound Thinking Skills and therefore there can be NO LEARNING in any situation in life. If one is unable to learn the purpose of the principles

and policies of an organization he cannot effectively function in that organization and therefore

cannot succeed there nor in any other area of life. Consequently, there can be no freedom,

privacy or self determination unless freedom is sustained by Authority. Authority without

freedom is Tyranny and Freedom without Authority is anarchy, and both are totally destructive.

The Humility Envelope develops basic, foundational virtue beginning with the individual

responding to Enforced Discipline under some system of authority, thus developing Enforced

Humility. When one is in a system, which has established a process or procedure for function,

the individual is REQUIRED to perform in a specific way under the policy and according to the

purpose of that system under ENFORCED Discipline. IF he responds to this Enforced Discipline

and performs properly, not necessarily because he wants to or likes to but because he is

REQUIRED to, then he develops Enforced Humility. This could be one being under some

system of Authority with which he does not agree nor like, and where he does not like the

“rules” established in that system, but he follows them, despite this disagreement; this response

is ENFORCED HUMILITY. If he learns his function properly and is able to see the necessity for

performing at the REQUIRED level he may then develop Self Discipline and Self Motivation to

perform at an even higher level as a result of seeing the benefit of doing so for the Page 34 of 239

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organization and for himself and thus he develops GENUINE HUMILITY. Therefore, when one

functions under Enforced Discipline and responds with Enforced Humility and begins to see the

purpose and plan behind the policies and principles set down by the Authority over him, he

may discover the benefit from adherence to these policies and principles. Thereby he becomes

motivated to a higher function of performance WITHOUT outside motivation or supervision thus

developing Self Discipline and Self Motivation. Then, by adhering to the motivations and

standards set down by HIS OWN Self Discipline under his own system of Self Motivation he

then develops Genuine Humility. This above all else today is lacking in American Society,

something which has been the clear demonstration of what it has in the past meant to be

American. The fact also is that there cannot be any true happiness in life nor blessing from

God without the development of HUMILITY.

Discipline in Authority

Discipline is the foundation of leadership and leadership functions within the realm of Authority. Leadership Motivates while Management regulates and Management is, in fact, the

bureaucratic enforcement of regulations. Leadership provides the individuals under Authority

the opportunity to develop self discipline which brings out self motivation for legitimate function in whatever organization they exist in. Leadership delegates Authority and allows

freedom of function while Management maintains control of all functions and bullies those

under Authority. Leadership develops Esprit DE Corps while Management creates

dissatisfaction, conspiracy, laziness and dishonesty. Leadership creates integrity while

management creates inordinate ambition and dishonesty and Leadership inspires and helps

develop true Humility while management creates Arrogance. Therefore, with regard to

Authority and functions under Authority the true issue is Leadership vs Management.

The Pastor Teacher must function under leadership principles based on his effective teaching of

Bible Doctrine. Therefore, under the leadership Pastor Teacher Authority is delegated for

Administration functions of the local church while Bible Doctrine and its Application is taught

by the Pastor Teacher under the principles of strict academic DISCIPLINE ensuring the privacy

of the Priesthood. The believer MUST make his own decisions about Bible Doctrine and its

application to his own life and must maintain control of self under Self Discipline while in the

local church for the purpose of learning Bible Doctrine. It is Metabolized Bible Doctrine in the

Right Lobe of the Stream of Consciousness of the Soul which motivates these functions in the

believer and also ultimately makes him self sustaining. Therefore leadership IS motivating

while management is regulating. To function under leadership principles the Pastor Teacher (or

anyone in Authority in any organization) must have the establishment of Authority which

occurs as a result of his accurate teaching of Bible Doctrine (or the establishment of principles

and policy in any organization) through strict Discipline during his teaching. In the local

church this is Enforced Discipline leading to Enforced Humility resulting in spiritual growth

leading to Self Discipline, Self Motivation and Genuine Humility. Therefore, for Leadership to

exist there must be Discipline. Consequently, the leadership pastor MUST accurately teach

Bible Doctrine and its applications without coercion of the volition of the believer.

Management is represented in all of the systems of Bureaucracies which are all developed from

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principles under Evil. The management pastor may or may not teach Bible Doctrine and if he

does teach any Bible Doctrine it is very superficial and he spends most of his time trying to

regulate the lives of the believers under him thus violating their royal priesthood and their

privacy. Believers under the management Pastor Teacher tend to either react to his dictatorial

tyranny or over respond to the false doctrine and arrogance systems provided by him. When

people react to management and bureaucracy it is always because they lack leadership. If the

believer over responds as part of this type of congregation, he sets aside his own volition and

allows the volition of the pastor to control his life resulting in loss of flexibility, often also loss

of a sense of humor and LOSS of self discipline and personal motivation. However, in order to

grow in Grace in the Power System of God, the Protocol Plan of God, the Divine Dynasphere,

the believer must have Self Discipline to become Self Motivated from the Metabolized Bible

Doctrine in his OWN Right Lobe of the Stream of Consciousness of HIS OWN Soul. If the

believer becomes motivated by the personality or principles of another person then when this

other comes to the point of setting Bible Doctrine as a low priority the believer will follow him

to the destruction of his own Spiritual Life. The believer in over responding to the management ministry of the Pastor Teacher causes his own involvement in the Cosmic

Dynaspheres and very often it results in or from the development of Iconoclastic Arrogance

oriented toward the Pastor Teacher. The believer under the management pastor who reacts to

him tends to react to “regulation” which is tantamount to dictatorship in the spiritual realm.

This reaction generally rejects what truth he may have learned OR distorts that truth of Bible

Doctrine into a terrible system of legalism. He very often joins the bureaucratic Pastor Teacher

in Crusader Arrogance and becomes involved in anti-Establishment activities and politics, which

no Local Church should ever do. He may become involved in other Cosmic Dynasphere

panaceas as well such as religion, anthropocentric academic speculations, etc.

Physical Birth vs Spiritual Birth & Authority Orientation

At physical birth, as the result of soul life being imputed to the infant’s format soul by GOD

and this combined with the Biological Life of the emerging fetus forming Human Life, the

individual is born helpless and cannot use freedom because he is totally ignorant and knows

nothing about life or freedom. The worst thing to ever give to one who is helpless is total

freedom because in order to use freedom properly he must develop a sense of responsibility

from first understanding Authority. One cannot have freedom without Authority thus when a

person is born physically he is helpless in the cradle and his parents are given for him as his

Authority and as and IF he responds to their Authority he learns to use his freedom properly.

(This is generally not the case today in the United States.) However, when the individual uses

his freedom to reject Authority at any level in life, he inevitably destroys his physiology,

mentality and emotional orientation. Therefore, NO ONE can properly use freedom until he

first learns to orient to and respect Authority.

Therefore, at physical birth the individual is born totally helpless and cannot think because of a

lack of vocabulary and cannot feed nor care for himself and his body is only partially functioning as it would be in the future. In this state of helplessness the infant must accept

certain things as TRUE such as Vocabulary from the parents as a legitimate system of expression. The sooner the infant can develop an adult vocabulary the sooner he can begin to

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THINK. Initially the only thing the infant is able to do is EXPRESS his helplessness with

emotional reactions to physical stimulations. Therefore, the first thing the infant must learn is

a vocabulary so that he can understand MANDATES. The first thing the infant and child must

be taught is to OBEY and say YES to mandates but, unfortunately, they will always say NO to

things if they can get away with it. The first thing a child learns is to say NO and they must

be taught to say YES because their brain is still in NEUTRAL and only functioning based on

Emotional responses or reactions. They cannot reason because they don’t have enough

vocabulary to think with and not being able to reason and think they have no common sense.

Sooner or later the child must become positive toward Parental Mandates and Learn to Obey

and the intelligent parent quickly teaches vocabulary so the child can understand the Mandates

he is to respond to. Mandates often seem unreasonable to the one receiving them but for the

developing child they are simply preparation for LIFE and the responsibilities which develop

there. Whenever the child considers parental mandates as being unreasonable they have MISSED the issue totally. The only true issue in the early life is that the child must learn to

OBEY the mandates or he will NEVER learn to use his freedom properly and never have a

sense of responsibility about his freedom because the ONLY way freedom works is WITH a

sense of Responsibility.

When the new believer is “Born Again” by making Salvation Adjustment to the Justice of God

through FAITH ALONE in The Lord Jesus the Christ ALONE, he has now started life over again.

(Col 3:20) He now has spiritual freedom but again is totally ignorant and knows nothing as to how to use this spiritual freedom. God, therefore, has provided a system of Authority including the principles and policies of Bible Doctrine and one who is specifically designed and

authorized to present these principles and policies, the Pastor Teacher. He is the one who is

given the Spiritual Authority based on the accuracy and consistency of his teaching of Bible

Doctrine. Often the free believer rejects the properly functioning Pastor Teacher, finding his

person or personality obnoxious, thereby destroying himself spiritually. This results in his

leaving his residence in the Divine Dynasphere and entering at some level the Cosmic Dynaspheres and becoming spiritually self destructive.

Being “Born Again” from God the believer receives an organizational system in the Divine

Dynasphere, the Protocol Plan of God. This system has Authority based on Bible Doctrine,

which is the THINKING of CHRIST (1Cor 2:16), the ministries of God the Holy Spirit and

functions by which the believer is to develop virtue. Without virtue the believer cannot

execute the Protocol Plan of God and fulfill or OBEY the mandate (Gal 5:1) to “stand fast in the freedom wherewith Christ has made you free and be not entangled again in the yoke of

bondage (the Cosmic Dynaspheres)”. At the point of making Salvation Adjustment to the

Justice of God, by faith alone in the Substitutionary Spiritual Death of The Lord Jesus the

Christ alone, the new believer is extracted from the Cosmic Dynaspheres of Satan into which he

was born physically. He is placed into the Divine Dynasphere by GOD being put under the

Filling of God the Holy Spirit the primary entrance gate and power gate of this system. The principle is that at Salvation Adjustment to the Justice of God the new believer is STARTING

LIFE OVER therefore he must start to LEARN about that life and he cannot do this without

being under a system of Authority and engaging in the personal functions of HUMILITY.

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The Power System of God becomes ever more simple when the Virtue Envelope is properly

approached because it simply requires OBEDIENCE to Authority. Again, this new life’s

beginning requires Authority and until the believer can settle the Authority problem in the soul

his Arrogance will remain out of control. This is the believer living in the Cosmic Dynaspheres

with his life totally OUT OF CONTROL. All virtue in life begins with Authority and the virtue

necessary for the Christian Way of Life also begins with Authority. Authority provides, in

embryonic form, every one of the tests found within Cosmic Dynasphere I the Interlocking


of Arrogance

. These testings are provided in order to settle the Authority Issue in life and develop Enforced Humility and Genuine Humility in the believer. Failing to function in

the Virtue Envelope and thus in developing humility or by flunking some spiritual life test puts

the believer into a position of neglect or rejection of Bible Doctrine. This is tied into Mental

Attitude Arrogance which is Motivational Evil thus detracting him from his Spiritual Life and

eventually destroying it.

Without Humility there can be no capacity for life and no capacity for freedom and freedom

itself becomes self destructive without it. Freedom is meaningless without Authority and it is

Authority which protects freedom. Since the 1960s the United States population has been

developing generation after generation of individuals who are anti Authority and continuously

demonstrate their lack of Authority Orientation. These were the hippies, boys with long hair

and earrings, the generations which wear nothing but JEANS, the entire women’s lib and

homosexual movements, the Black Lives Matter and Antifa revolutionists, etc. This is all part

of developing National Arrogance with progressively increasing rejection of Authority. This is

why people gravitate to and like high tech so much, because it does not require Humility and

because there is no Authority structure and thus no responsibility factor thus NO VIRTUE IN IT

AT ALL. Until the believer orients to Authority he cannot learn Bible Doctrine nor anything

about the Plan of God and he is unteachable because he spends his life justifying himself under

the function of the Arrogance Skills within the Interlocking

System of Arrogance

. The more

time one logs in Self Justification, Arrogance Skill #1, the more unteachable he becomes. The

development of Humility is the development of BASIC Foundational virtue and is that which

any unbeliever can produce in relationship to legitimate Authority under the Laws of Divine


Virtue First

Virtue First is a requirement of the Divine Dynasphere and a priority of the Power System of

God and there are 3 Categories of virtue developed in the Plan of God in the Divine Dynasphere:

● Basic Virtue: directed toward Self and developed under and directed toward Authority in

the Virtue Envelope of Gate #3. Developing Humility from Obedience is the

FOUNDATION for basic virtue in order for the individual to have teachability. Without

Enforced Humility and Genuine Humility as the basic foundation of Virtue, the believer

cannot learn the Bible Doctrine necessary for his advance to Maturity Adjustment to the

Justice of God, Gate #8, the ultimate objective of his Christian Way of Life. The

believer must begin to develop this basic virtue in order to be teachable and learn and

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consolidate Bible Doctrine under the Grace Apparatus for Perception, Operation Z with its 4 Rs. This is necessary for complete integration and function of the believer within the

Integrity Envelope, Gate #6, where Christian Virtue is fully developed. The development

of the Basic Virtue of Humility is the relationship between Self Consciousness of the soul

and Authority in life and is directed toward self as one recognizes and properly responds

to Authority. This is the first major function of the self consciousness where virtue is


● Motivational Virtue: directed toward God

● Functional Virtue: directed toward Man and Circumstances

In the provision of Logistical Grace for the believer God does not regard the believer as an

achiever, a winner or loser, but ONLY as a person to whom he is OBLIGATED to provide Grace

support for his life. God has already given each believer the perfect morality in imputing

Absolute Righteousness to him which is ETERNAL MORALITY. The only thing the believer can

add to this by his nonmeritorious function in God’s system is VIRTUE. Therefore, the believer

basically is NOTHING without virtue in the Power System of God. The truly interesting thing

is that VIRTUE in the Divine Dynasphere does not begin with an attitude directed toward GOD

because no man has ever SEEN God at any time and most do not know anything about God.

Even God the Holy Spirit who indwells the believer is invisible and truly unknown to most

believers. Virtue in the Power System of God begins with OBEDIENCE and the development of


Virtue the True Issue in Life

The true issue in life and emphatically in the Spiritual Life of the believer is Virtue First

because the first virtue in life is OBEDIENCE because obedience is derived from Enforced

Discipline resulting in Enforced Humility the underlying BASE for all virtue in life. From

Enforced Humility develops Self Discipline leading to Genuine Humility where the individual is

Self Sustaining and Self Motivating. Therefore, without the development of Humility there can

be NO virtue in that person’s life. Children are born to obey NOT to use freedom and they

must be taught to OBEY so that they can effectively and properly use freedom when they leave

their home environment and acquire it. Children, not taught to obey, become monsters in life

and over 90% of these destroy themselves because of the Bad Decisions they personally make.

One cannot make good decisions for self in life and cannot have control of one’s life until he

learns to recognize Authority and Obey it and thus develop Humility as the foundation of

Virtue. This is how life for every person begins at their physical birth and if they do not

orient in this way to life they inevitably will destroy their own life. To these individuals

happiness is meaningless, beyond their reach and nonexistent to them and they will never have


In 1John 5:1 that same principle is applied to and true in the Spiritual Life. The believer is

“Born Again” and just as helpless spiritually at the moment of Salvation Adjustment to the

Justice of God as he was when he was born physically when God imputed Soul Life to him.

Now he is spiritually helpless but at this birth he has no Parents to set up a system of

mandates for development of Obedience and Humility. New believers need this same type of

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system to learn vocabulary and develop Enforced Humility and Self Discipline. However, the

believer cannot develop Self Discipline and Genuine Humility in the Spiritual Life until he

understands the Mandates of God as Enforced Discipline and OBEYS them thus developing

Enforced Humility. The “parent” for the new believer is the Pastor Teacher who is specifically

designed and authorized to communicate the Mandates of Bible Doctrine to him and show the

new believer how the whole system of Bible Doctrine and the Christian Way of Life works.

The Mandates of God prepare the way for the believer to develop his first priority for his

Spiritual Life, VIRTUE FIRST. Therefore, Virtue First means functioning at Gate #3 of the

Divine Dynasphere the Virtue Envelope with a small amount of knowledge of Bible Doctrine.

This developed Authority Orientation and the basic virtue of enforced humility is then used to

develop sufficient momentum to advance in the Spiritual Life and function at Gate #6, the

Integrity Envelope, of the Divine Dynasphere with a greater knowledge of Bible Doctrine.

Without the development of Virtue, Christian service, Christian Sacrifice and Christian Modus

Operandi becomes the Wood Hay and Stubble of Human Good production from Evil. This will

inevitably make a HUGE bonfire at the Judgment Seat of Jesus Christ when the Believer’s use

of his time on earth is evaluated. Without Virtue there is no way to acquire the Happiness

God has designed, Problem Solving Devices #9, for those who live and function in his Power System.

Without Absolute Truth fertilizing the thinking of the soul there is no possibility of virtue being

developed as a standard in the Conscience. (Ps 25:8-9) From the Absolute Truth of Bible Doctrine one learns what Sin and Failure in the Christian Way of Life is, also what Happiness

and Salvation is. One thus learns what the Plan of God is for the believer and how to be

happy with other people and in varying circumstances. God can and will instruct the sinner

but those deeply involved in the Interlocking System of Arrogance are unteachable as a result

of lacking humility thus the extreme difficulty for these believers to recover from their arrogance. The principle is that in Arrogance, Self Righteous people cannot learn anything

because they already know it all.

Some people have the stupid idea that VIRTUE and SINLESSNESS are synonymous. However,

in reality, VIRTUE is designed to make an honorable Human Being with integrity out of a

sinful person. Everyone possesses an Old Sin Nature and has some pet area of sin and pet area

of holiness and the reality is that SINLESS perfection cannot ever be achieved by anyone. The

reality is that everyone has free will and uses it to SIN in one way or another. Therefore,

developing virtue and being virtuous is not being sinless and the reality is that in this world

ONLY sinful people can be virtuous.

Humility is a system of thinking and a way of life and is the fundamental or foundation for

developing virtue, Motivational and Functional, (Interlocking System of ArroganceGate #6) in the life. Humility is only developed by OBEYING and submitting to Authority in life and the

mandates from that Authority. Humility, as a system of thinking, it is freedom from Arrogance

especially pride or Mental Attitude Arrogance and from all Human Viewpoint thinking.

Humility as a way of life results in Grace Orientation leading to the development of Capacity for every aspect of life. Therefore, Humility does not and CANNOT exist in the Cosmic

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Dynaspheres and there is a loss of humility upon entrance into the Cosmic Dynaspheres which

pulls the support out from under Virtue. Humility is NOT:

▴ Self effacement

▴ Asceticism

▴ Hypocrisy – which is a form of pride

Humility IS a status for the development of Virtue, Honor and Integrity and is only developed

in the system of God by obeying the mandates and functioning under the Authority of the

system. Humility comes before Honor (Prov 15:33), Arrogance brings Dishonor and Humility brings wisdom (Prov 11:2), Arrogance brings the believer down but Humility attains honor

(Prov 29:23). Poise is the possession of humility under pressure, therefore humility is not only the foundation of virtue but gives one the ability to THINK under pressure thus provides for the

development of Courage as a Functional


. Good decisions from a position of strength in

the Spiritual Life, under pressure, require Humility to arrive at them. Humility recognizes self

existence through self consciousness but is not Arrogant Egotism with emphasis on SELF above

all else.

The System of God calls for Humility first leading to the development of Motivational


and Functional Virtues, (Gate #6). The potential for the development of Humility is something

God provided at beginning of life, at physical birth for the Human Race. Being born helpless

means every individual will learn under the Authority of parents, natural or otherwise, to

become either Arrogant or Humble. This inevitably boils down to self determination where the

individual will make decisions to accept the Authority of those over him from childhood on or

NOT! For every individual the beginning of humility is the acceptance of whatever Authority

demands of one.

Therefore, for the child there should be NO


and to give children freedom is

absolutely STUPID since they are not ready for self determination and they must be prepared

for freedom because it is easily, and today universally, abused. Freedom can be very destructive and unless freedom is entered into with virtue, humility and self discipline it will

cause the individual to destroy himself. As the individual grows and matures he must acquire

genuine humility because it is not inherent. The first system to develop genuine humility

begins in any legitimate organization which functions under the Laws of Divine Establishment

with the Authority and Mandates of Establishment truth as Category I Bible Doctrine. These

must be obeyed under enforced discipline with enforced humility. It is extremely important for

every individual to develop genuine humility from SELF DISCIPLINE which can then be

maintained from personal decisions because this is the basis for having capacity for every

category and aspect of life.

Humility must be an ongoing perpetuated Modus Operandi and the believer cannot afford to go

even 10 sec without humility. Humility is not self effacement and neither is overt CONFIDENCE Arrogance. Humility is a primary essential for proper function within the system

of God. Luke 14:11 explains that the one living in the Cosmic Dynaspheres is exalting self, but he WILL be humbled and the one living in the Divine Dynasphere WILL be exalted because he

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Humbles himself. The development of Genuine Humility in the Divine Dynasphere is a system

to provide HONOR totally apart from human merit and ability. Being or expressing being

depressed is NOT being humble and when the individual is motivated from a status quo of

depression he is motivated by arrogance. Motivating arrogance is Motivational Evil and may

lead to many stupid things including suicide. Therefore, 1Pet 5:5-6 commands the new believer to be under the command Authority of the Pastor Teacher and the congregation are to support

each other with GRACE thinking and humble themselves under the Authority of the ruling hand

of God. Therefore:

▴ Humility orients everything to GRACE while arrogance orients everything in life under


▴ Humility is the basic ingredient for capacity for every category of life.

▴ Humility only can give the grace perspective in life and it MUST be learned.

▴ Humility is only learned by OBEDIENCE to Truth under Authority.

▴ Humility is the basis for gratitude and true thanksgiving in worship.

▴ Humility is a basic defense against EVIL, Demon influence & the Cosmic Dynaspheres.

▴ Humility for the believer is developed ONLY in the Divine Dynasphere.

Obedience First

The Plan of God begins with Mandates and these demand Obedience which is the key to

starting the Spiritual Life after Salvation Adjustment to the Justice of God. One of the most

important things for the believer is to understand that the first thing he must learn in this

world beginning in the cradle is Obedience. Until the believer understands the mandates of

God and OBEYS them, until he is ground down finely by Authority, he is NOTHING in the

Power System of God. Believers must learn Obedience, which is essential in the function of the

Progression Envelope, and it begins in earnest as they enter Gate #3 for the development of

Humility to enable advanced functions in the Spiritual Life and consistent Perception, Cognition,

Inculcation and Metabolization of Bible Doctrine under the Filling of God the Holy Spirit.

Therefore, the first lesson of temporal life is also the first lesson of spiritual life which is to be

learned by the infant human and infant believer the same, Obedience. Until the believer learns

to recognize and to obey the Mandates or Commands of the Power System of God he cannot

progress in the Spiritual Life.

One of the mandates in the system is “Children OBEY your parents, (Col 3:20) this is pleasing to the Lord”. In this analogy the Home is the system of Organizational Humility where the

Parents set up a system providing Enforced Discipline which is designed to produce Enforced

Humility. Children are to OBEY parents and are not required to LOVE them in order that they

will develop humility by this function. Parents who love their children will properly train them

and not focus on having the child LOVE them. However, the focus of or key to Organizational

Humility is always based on the principles of Self Determination from Volition. When the child

makes an issue of self with Negative Volition toward the parents system and mandates they will

never mature in life and end up with an adult body and “pee wee” mind. However, when the

child functions under Positive Volition and Obedience to his parents this will inevitably develop

in the child Self Discipline which produces Genuine Humility and therefore control of his own

life. Organizational Humility is also the system provided by God for the Human Race via the

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Laws of Divine Establishment and Divine Institutions and is extended into the Local Church for the believer.

Therefore, Obedience must be learned and constantly tested because the individual will not

always like the Authority he is under and will at some point resent it. To the extent that the

individual resents or rejects Authority to that extent he is DISORIENTED to Life and cannot

recognize reality. At Salvation Adjustment to the Justice of God when the unbeliever is instantly “Born Again”, which in the original Greek is actually “BORN FROM ABOVE”, he

receives a new life, Eternal Life. This is imputed to the newly created Human Spirit as

regeneration from God the Holy Spirit, and therefore he has NEW Mandates in a NEW System

as well. The Divine Dynasphere is the Power System of God and it sets up and delegates

Authority to form systems of Organizational Humility for this NEW life. In this Power System

of God, Obedience must be learned first and there must be proper orientation to the Authority

in the system found in Bible Doctrine and the Pastor Teacher teaching Bible Doctrine under the

Organizational Humility system of the Local Church. Inevitably at some point in the spiritual

life and during the growth of the new believer, this Authority will be resented or rejected as

well. This must be addressed and overcome by the believer with PERSISTENT Perception,

Cognition, Inculcation and Metabolization of Bible Doctrine and proper function in Gate #3 of

the Divine Dynasphere.

Often, as a result of the believer functioning in the Virtue Envelope of the Divine Dynasphere

and developing Enforced Humility in early spiritual childhood, he may begin his Spiritual Life

by being interested in Bible Doctrine and actively seeking it. This person moves into the

Perception Envelope where he engages in consistent Perception, Cognition, Inculcation and Metabolization of Bible Doctrine but if he lacks the solid development of HUMILITY from

consistent and proper orientation to Authority he cannot maintain this status. Therefore, sooner

or later, something offends or threatens him from the Bible Doctrine which is being taught and

motivates him to reject that Bible Doctrine. Rejection of the Authority of Bible Doctrine or the

Pastor Teacher because he teaches something with which one does not agree puts him into

Cosmic Dynasphere I under the interlocking of Negative Volition Arrogance with Mental

Attitude Arrogance and Authority Arrogance. In the 3 stages of Spiritual Youth the believer

MUST persistently function in the Virtue Envelope of the Divine Dynasphere under Enforced

Humility even while knowing that he does not like at some point, what is taught or who is

teaching it. He must continue to recognize that the content is beneficial to him, thus he must

concentrate and absorb the material being taught in order to result in building up Genuine


It is the development of HUMILITY which brings the capability and capacity to accumulate

Wisdom. It takes HUMILITY to accumulate Metabolized Bible Doctrine into the Right Lobe of

the Stream of Consciousness of the Soul and this is true Wisdom. Wisdom is therefore what

one has personally and is the successful function of personal epistemology which results in the

accumulation of Metabolized Bible Doctrine in one’s own personal soul. Wisdom is the book

one did not write but IS what one THINKS every day as a result of the Metabolized Bible

Doctrine he possesses. With Wisdom one can function with his very own Metabolized Bible

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Doctrine from his very own Stream of Consciousness of the Soul because he has broken into

Spiritual Adulthood and now is developing Spiritual Self Esteem and will move forward into

Spiritual Autonomy and ultimately some level of Spiritual Maturity thus completing execution of

the Protocol Plan of God.

Humility Orientation

All love, respect, genuine admiration and rapport, is related to VIRTUE starting with the basic

virtue of HUMILITY and Humility Orientation becomes a great issue. Humility never

manufactures an idol out of a human being and humility has capacity for life and for love and

friendship with mortals. Humility never destroys romance, friendship or true love by

constructing and then reacting to a manufactured idol in a person and trying to destroy it in

Iconoclastic Arrogance.

Hypersensitivity vs Sensitivity

Hypersensitivity is Arrogant preoccupation with self and the subjective function of always making an issue of self. This exists in the believer because he has not progressed to the point

of Spiritual Self Esteem because of insufficient Metabolized Bible Doctrine in the Right Lobe of

the Stream of Consciousness of his Soul. This is a believer in Cosmic Dynasphere I the


System of Arrogance

who functions under the demand syndrome. He uses devious means to get his way and control his environment and he assumes happiness is the control of

every aspect of his environment. Arrogant preoccupation with self plus the obsession with self

importance results in his constantly feeling threatened because he lacks the Personal Sense of

Destiny of Spiritual Self Esteem and has not developed the Basic Foundational Virtue of Humility. Therefore, he consequently becomes totally insensitive to other people around him.

When one becomes arrogant he becomes subjective and when subjective he is preoccupied with

self so that to the extent one is preoccupied with self he loses his Personal Sense of Destiny

from Spiritual Self Esteem and thus becomes hypersensitive about what others think about HIM

and totally indifferent as to what he thinks about others.

Hypersensitivity is developed as arrogance toward self and hostility toward others. This often

results when one is confronted with obvious superiority while lacking the Personal Sense of

Destiny of Spiritual Self Esteem and the Basic Virtue of Genuine Humility. This hypersensitive

believer then seeks to destroy that superiority to contribute to his Pseudo Self Esteem. In

seeking to destroy the superiority or rationalizing it away with pseudo superiority he simply

destroys his own life as a result of getting out of bounds with regard to his own limitations.

In addition, very often, when this type of person is confronted with obvious inferiority he

becomes a bully and tyrant, totally divorced from reality, trying to control the apparently

inferior one. It is by this means that a person living beyond his own limitations and under

preoccupation with self will develop incredible prejudices in life. One of the greatest of his

problems is a lack of basic foundational virtue, HUMILITY, so that this individual lacks Teachability in all areas of life. Hypersensitive believers are unteachable because they make an

issue of self and cannot approach any subject objectively to learn from it. This is a primary

reason many Christians flock to some system of emotionalism because this replaces the need to

learn Bible Doctrine which they cannot do as a result of being unteachable. These believers

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either idolize or resent their Pastor Teacher thus destroying any possible objectivity toward the content of his message of Bible Doctrine teaching. Without teachability the believer cannot

understand the system or function of the Protocol Plan of God, thus hypersensitivity creates its

own pressures when the believer is placed under bible doctrine teaching so that he finds every

possible excuse for Disenchantment, Disillusion or Distraction. Thus the hypersensitive person

cannot ever learn Bible Doctrine beyond a certain extremely basic point. Therefore, being

motivated by Arrogance these believers look only for “friendly” churches rather than bible

teaching ministries. As an inevitable result, Hypersensitivity creates a tragic flaw which in turn

sponsors phenomenal Self Induced Misery in the individual. God will be glorified by their

presence in heaven for all eternity but not by their presence on earth as his royal ambassadors.

Priorities of the Spiritual Life

When the believer has developed teachability and once the Authority issue is resolved and

humility is developed then he can begin to establish Priorities in the Spiritual Life which align

with the priorities of the Power System of God, the Divine Dynasphere:

▴ In the Plan of God, Mandates first

▴ In the System of God, Virtue First

▴ In the Purpose of God, Christ First

▴ In the Policy of God, Grace First

▴ In the Objective of God, Momentum First

▴ In the Authority of God, Bible Doctrine First

The Divine Institutions

● Divine Institution #1 – Free Will Volition.

This is discovered by the individual as the organizational system of one’s own soul designed for

individual and personal organizational humility. Self Consciousness, Volition, Emotion and the

other characteristics of the Essence of Man provide a self contained organizational package in

the soul of every individual. It is the individual’s Volition which engages the OPTION for

development of Virtue beginning with Enforced and Genuine Humility vs the option for

development of Arrogance or Emotionalism as Functions within the Cosmic Dynaspheres.

Therefore it is Volition as it responds to Authority in life wherever it exists which is the self

determining factor.

The very principles of Arrogance begin developing in childhood because the Cosmic

Dynaspheres are always present as the system and strategy of Satan to control mankind, and

man is in fact born physically into this system. When volition accepts these enticements then,

as a direct result, the life of that individual is inevitably destroyed. This life destruction occurs

NOT because of one’s environment or conditions of life but because of ONES OWN Volitional

choices to continue to function within the Cosmic Dynaspheres. However, when the individual

begins to take responsibility for his own decisions and accepts the Authority of legitimate

systems under the Laws of Divine Establishment and Divine Institutions this is the beginning of

developing Enforced Humility which is how individuals reach normal maturity in life. This is

the reason that many unbelievers often have far greater happiness in life than most believers.

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It is Positive Volition toward the Authority and Enforced Discipline in the home which requires from the child development of Enforced Humility which then develops Self Discipline which

leads to Genuine Humility which is the actual basis for getting along properly and effectively in

life. It is Negative Volition of the child at home which results in a life of function within the

Cosmic Dynaspheres and ultimate destruction of that life. Then, once the individual makes

Salvation Adjustment to the Justice of God this whole system involving Authority Orientation

and Humility STARTS OVER and he is in essence an infant in the Spiritual Life and must

respond with Positive Volition toward the mandates of God revealed through Bible Doctrine.

● Divine Institution #2 – Marriage

The exercise of Authority in marriage in the only system where it designed to be based on

LOVE. Marriage is a system of organized humility for both husband and wife. The Husband

has the Authority over the wife and VOLITION results not in the development of genuine

humility but in the responses of true love. In marriage the husbands Authority is to be

exercised in love and the wife is to respond with Respect for him, as Love.

● Divine Institution #3 – the Family in the Home

The parents set up the system of organized humility in the home for the children where the

parents are the source of Authority in the home which involves Enforced Discipline which is

designed to develop Enforced Humility leading to the development of Self Discipline and Genuine Humility in the child. The Parents as the 1st Authority in the life of the child must

use their Authority to mold the child in his development of Genuine Humility. Genuine

Humility is the ONLY foundation of and necessity for the development of Virtue in life and the

only basis for happiness in the unbeliever.

● Divine Institution #4 – the Client Nation and Legitimate Government

The Government is supposed to set up a system of organized humility for the citizens to

develop both Enforced Humility toward and under Common Law, which should be based on the

Laws of Divine Establishment and Divine Institutions. Then there should be Genuine Humility

developed from Self Discipline resulting when the individual takes total responsibility for his

decisions in life thus allowing him to be able to function properly under Freedom. Christian

activism and rejection of or rebellion against government is founded in EVIL, the Policy of

Satan to control this world apart from God and the principles of God.

Virtue & Volition

In all cases and situations in life VOLITION is the true issue and volition in the home for the

child and in marriage for both husband and wife will determine what kind of a citizen a person

will be and whether freedom will be meaningful and perpetuated for the individual or not.

Without a sense of responsibility developed from Genuine Humility FREEDOM is meaningless

and it is only meaningful for those who have developed Virtue and have used it to develop a

sense of responsibility. The provision for the development of humility within the system of

God, the Divine Dynasphere, is the proper function of the believer at Gate #3 under his first

responsibility of OBEDIENCE to the mandates of God. In the Power System of God, the Divine

Dynasphere the mandates are not for the believer to ACHIEVE in any area of the Spiritual Life

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as a result of:

▴ Giving testimony

▴ Witnessing

▴ Passing out tracts

▴ Working around the church

▴ Etc

The fact is that there must be VIRTUE first for any production to be of any value in the

Christian Way of Life. Therefore, all Christian viable and effective production only occurs after

reaching Gate #8, Maturity Adjustment to the Justice of God because ALL production is based

on spiritual advancement and development of Virtue not vice versa. Putting production first is

part of the achiever complex of Life and involvement in Achievement Arrogance in Cosmic

Dynasphere I. The fact is that everything in life is meaningless without the support of VIRTUE.

In the Local Church with Organizational Humility there is to be a system designed so that the

congregation as a whole can engage in effective Post Salvation Epistemological Rehabilitation

from Perception, Cognition, Inculcation and Metabolization of Bible Doctrine. The issue here as

in all situations of organizational humility is VOLITIONAL response to Authority and discipline.

Therefore, Life in general and the Spiritual Life specifically is determined by the function of

volition as Self Determination and the believer must take responsibility for success or failure in

both his temporal and spiritual life.

Authority Orientation

When one is under Authority he does not have to LIKE the one in Authority but he must

function to the best of his ability at whatever is required of him. When one converts self

consciousness into making an issue of self and how he feels about the one in Authority or the

mandates from that authority, he is functioning in Arrogance. The issue in any organization in

which one functions is simply what performances are required of him and who is his Authority

so that his only responsibility is to perform according to the profile he is under and obey the

supervising Authority. God has provided the means of developing humility through systems of

Authority (Rom 9:19-21) where the issue is always Arrogance vs Humility. In the passage of the Potter and Clay, the Potter is God and he has Authority over the CLAY of Mankind.

Although the clay has free will the Authority does not reside in it. The clay has volition and

volition results in self determination allowing the individual Clay to CHOOSE whether to become a vessel of Honor or Dishonor. God provides the soul and soul life but the volition of

the soul determines the destiny of the individual. “The Decisions we make determine the life

we live” Danny Devito – “The Renaissance Man” – is a clear statement of the responsibility of

individuals under Freedom. The Divine Authority used to mold the clay is delegated by God

and some of the clay accepts that delegated Authority and some rejects it and this is where

Honor vs Dishonor is developed. The principle of Authority is invented by God and delegated

by him to form the environment for the development and protection of Freedom based on the

function of Human Volition. Therefore, it is abundantly clear that Authority does and must

come before



Authority cannot exist without freedom and freedom cannot exist without Authority, therefore,

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Authority is the key to both freedom and humility. Freedom without Authority instantly becomes ANARCHY and Authority without Freedom instantly becomes TYRANNY. Authority

must come first and freedom comes after but Freedom is no good unless those with freedom

have Virtue. Virtue is only truly developed from Enforced Discipline which requires Enforced

Humility under Authority producing Self Discipline leading to the development of Genuine

Humility the foundational basis for virtue. The problem in the United States of America in this

21st century, which is VASTLY WORSE than in the 1980s when this lesson was taught by R. B.

Thieme Jr., is that there is FREEDOM MINUS VIRTUE with rejection of Authority in every

aspect of life. The home as the initial point of contact with the Authority delegated from the

Laws of Divine Establishment under that Divine Institution is a system to organize the production of Virtue through development within organized humility. There cannot ever be

organized humility without Authority and the judicial system in the United States has attempted

to remove all Authority from the parents in the home and from the educational system of this

nation thus destroying the system for Organized Humility in the development of children. By

the time the child, brought up under PROPER organizational humility, encounters problems in

his life as he matures he should already recognize Authority and be able to respond to it either

emotionally or rationally. His rational response in orientation to Authority is how honorable

people enter a society while his emotional response is self destructive and how dishonorable

people enter into society


The believer cannot even begin to live the Christian Way of Life without putting VIRTUE first

and the first stage or the Basic Foundation of Virtue can be learned simply by having respect

for and orientation to Authority. This then can move along with the developed teachability

from Enforced Humility and Genuine Humility deeper into the Perception Envelope with the consistent Perception, Cognition, Inculcation and Metabolization of Bible Doctrine to develop

Motivational Virtue and Functional Virtue in the Integrity Envelope of the Divine Dynasphere.

The principle of general teachability is that IF the believer is teachable in bible study class then

he is teachable in life because of having developed Self Discipline and Genuine Humility from

Enforced Humility under Enforced Discipline. Humility as the basic virtue of life is the foundation for development of Spiritual Self Esteem from being teachable and accumulating

Metabolized Bible Doctrine in the Right Lobe of the Stream of Consciousness of the Soul.

However, Arrogance unquestionably means lack of teachability and it is in the Cosmic

Dynaspheres where one cannot be teachable and will therefore become eclectic and pick out

what he likes and wants to learn to satisfy his personal interests and totally ignore the rest of

anything being taught. Teachability ONLY comes with the development of Enforced Humility

and Genuine Humility and lacking teachability the believer is functioning under Authority Arrogance which always produces rejection of all aspects of Authority.

Teachability is basically the ability to learn and requires orientation to and submission to the

Authority of the one teaching AND the subject matter being taught. The Lord TEACHES

believers through the Grace Apparatus for Perception. As one’s having an Old Sin Nature, with Divine JUSTICE as the Point of Reference, the Lord will GUIDE and teach ONLY the Humble

believer. (Ps 25:8-9) The believer cannot learn in a state of arrogance and all arrogant people Page 48 of 239

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facing the word of God become Eclectic and CHOOSE what they agree with to believe and

disagree with everything they do not like. The believer must learn objectively not by agreeing

or disagreeing but by comprehending and understanding what is taught and NO ONE CARES

whether he agrees or not, especially not GOD. Therefore what the believer thinks about the

properly taught absolute truth of Bible Doctrine is totally inconsequential. The Power System

of God says to the believer that he is to LEARN the system OR leave this life under maximum

Divine Discipline at the point of the Sin Unto Death. In any classroom, especially bible study,

the ONLY job of the student, the believer in this case, is the UNDERSTANDING of what is

being taught. This is RECEPTION as the first R in the Grace Apparatus for Perception in the Power System of God, the Divine Dynasphere’s perception function. Once the information is

understood the believer can then move past this stage using FAITH that what has been taught

is reality and truth. If he does not get past this stage any understanding he has concerning

Bible Doctrine will only be (gr) ‘GNOSIS’, academic knowledge, and never be available to be

used for application to his life. The believer who hears the teaching of Bible Doctrine will

either be in a status of:

• Arrogance or Humility

• Teachability or Non Teachability

• Objectivity or Subjectivity

However, in all cases Objectivity is essential for him to learn and Subjectivity prevents learning

or only allows haphazard learning of what is acceptable to him! Absolute Truth cannot ever

be approached subjectively else one makes the issue of the subject based on SELF and not the

TRUTH. When Truth is objectively approached then TRUTH becomes the issue and this is the

responsibility of the believer in the Perception, Cognition, Inculcation and Metabolization of

Bible Doctrine. Therefore, Humility responds to Bible Doctrine being taught when inside the

Divine Dynasphere while Arrogance is eclectic accepting or rejecting Bible Doctrine while functioning within the Cosmic Dynaspheres and only approving of that information which fits

into the thinking patterns of his own arrogance. There is a mandate for the development of

Humility. (Prov 3:33-35, James 4:6) In this passage the House of Evil is the family living in the Cosmic Dynaspheres where there is no enforced or genuine humility being developed.

Parents EXIST older and smarter than children at birth for the purpose of teaching HUMILITY,

first enforced humility in order to develop in the child genuine humility. Genuine humility in

the child can only come through enforcing obedience to whatever mandates or system the

parents have developed. Teachability only comes with the development and function under

Genuine Humility. It is the development of Genuine Humility as a result of opening the

Orientation Envelope with Authority Orientation which allows the believer to progress and

advance in the Spiritual Life and execute the Protocol Plan of God. This initial opening of

Orientation in the Power System of God leads directly into the full function of the Orientation

Envelope of Gate #4 of the Divine Dynasphere where the believer develops proper Norms and

Standards and Frame of Reference in the Christian life.

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Gate #4 – The Orientation Envelope

All believers can build strength in the Spiritual Life and do so under AUTHORITY in System

Testing. This is solved or resolved by function within the Virtue Envelope of the Divine Dynasphere, beginning at Gate #3, where there is developed first Enforced Humility for obedience to the policy and objectives of the organization and the one in authority. Then the

development of Self Discipline to continue to function in the system under authority as unto the

Lord from self motivation with the subsequent development of Genuine Humility. Therefore the

ORIENTATION ENVELOPE begins to develop under Gate #3 the Virtue Envelope with correct

Authority Orientation. The development of strength by the believer is totally dependent on the

function of his volition which begins at the time he first becomes aware of the authority of his

parents and can be clearly recognized when he first has unjust or unfair treatment in any area

of life. The question for the believer is, CAN HE ACCEPT AUTHORITY AS AUTHORITY,


where STRENGTH is developed and people unfairly treated who have developed Spiritual Self

Esteem, Spiritual Autonomy and Spiritual Maturity develop tremendous strength in their

Spiritual Life as a result of this level of Authority Orientation. However the people who have

treated them unfairly are already WEAK and continue getting weaker by their unfair practices.

Bible Doctrine must be first under the Objective of God and under the Authority of God, so

that this realization moves the believer into the Orientation Envelope with the development of

the cognizance of the importance of Bible Doctrine and the GRACE provisions and functions of

the Plan of God. Under this envelope of function at Gate #4, the believer develops Grace

Orientation to Life and begins to understand that the Grace of God is God’s complete, unwavering, uncancelable support and guidance in his life. He understands bit by bit that

being alive and being a believer he is a member of the Royal Family of God and cannot ever,

for any reason, become a NONMEMBER. He begins to understand that God like all parents has

responsibility for him because he is a part of God’s Family and therefore God is OBLIGATED to

give him, as he lives in this world ruled by Satan, the 3 P’s for his life:

▴ Protection

▴ Preservation

▴ Provision

Also in his function in this Orientation Envelope the believer begins to develop Bible Doctrine

Orientation to Reality and begins to realize that Bible Doctrine is the only true source of

absolute reality in life with all Human Viewpoint thinking from the Cosmic Dynaspheres being

RELATIVE Reality. He begins to understand that when he acquires empirical or rational information regarding situations or circumstances in life which contradict Bible Doctrine that

Bible Doctrine is always RIGHT. With Bible Doctrine as first priority in the Power System of

God Objectives the believer is now in a position to make DAILY decisions to EXPOSE himself to

Bible Doctrine. However, exposure to Bible Doctrine does not mean either (gr) Gnosis academic

comprehension nor (gr) Epignosis metabolization or faith acceptance of Bible Doctrine. So long

as the believer is full of Self Justification from functioning within the Arrogance Skills the

learning process under Gate #2, Basic Christian Modus Operandi, regarding Bible Doctrine is SLOW and PAINFUL and may be totally unsuccessful. The believer must advance to functioning

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under the Orientation Envelope for the development of basic momentum in the Spiritual Life

from orientation to the GRACE of God and to the importance of the Bible Doctrines of the

Word of God which provide him with a proper perspective on life.

Thus by developing Bible Doctrine Orientation to reality and Grace Orientation to life he is

provided with a proper perspective in the Spiritual Life. This Orientation Envelope is therefore

the believer gaining an understanding of the INTRINSIC VALUE of the ABSOLUTE TRUTH of

the revealed Word of God, Bible Doctrine. This orientation results in an understanding of the

necessity in the Spiritual Life for consistent Post Salvation Epistemological Rehabilitation from

DAILY Perception, Cognition, Inculcation and Metabolization of Bible Doctrine. In addition,

from this basic recognition of the value and need for consistent Bible Doctrine intake, the

believer also gains the basic understanding of and orientation to GRACE as the plan and policy

of God for mankind. He begins to understand the complete incompatibility with and total lack

of any human effort involvement of any kind in the Plan of God under God’s GRACE POLICY.

This includes a recognition that God always does the work and the believer receives the benefit

or blessing, in a totally NONMERITORIOUS way, while God gets the credit and that this cannot

be any other way under the Plan of God and Power System of God. Religious Legalism with

its Self Righteous Human Good production motivated by Evil has man doing the work expecting

God to receive the benefit while man gets the credit, this is a counterfeit system and false

function. This is Satan’s system under EVIL to get man to produce a Utopian society for

himself apart from God. Religious Legalism therefore cannot contribute to one’s status in

gaining Salvation nor in developing any level of Spirituality. In addition, in the Orientation

Envelope there is the recognition of the importance of consistency in Post Salvation

Epistemological Rehabilitation as the KEY to advancement in the Christian Way of Life. This is

where the believer begins to realize that, above all else in life, Bible Doctrine must have

Priority #1 in order for it to become the basis for forming proper Norms and Standards and a

correct Frame of Reference in the Right Lobe of the Stream of Consciousness of his Soul. The

interaction of his function within Gate #4 with Gates #1, #2 & #3 in the Divine Dynasphere

leading to effective and consistent function within Gate #5, Advanced Christian Modus Operandi, is therefore the Key to his execution of the Protocol Plan of God. Then the consistent inculcation and assimilation of maximum Metabolized Bible Doctrine into the Right

Lobe of the Stream of Consciousness of the Soul allows the believer to move forward in the

Plan of God to the development of Motivational Virtue and Functional Virtue at Gate #6, the

Integrity Envelope.

Summarized Orientation Envelope Functions

▴ Solidifying proper Authority Orientation.

▴ Establishing Bible Doctrine as Priority #1 in one’s Life.

▴ Understanding and orienting to Basic principles concerning GRACE as the Plan and

Policy of God for mankind.

▴ Supporting Gate 5 the Momentum Gate as a result of consistent interaction within

Gates #1, #2, + #3 of the Divine Dynasphere.

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Gate #5 – Advanced Christian Modus Operandi

This is the continuation of the Momentum, Perception, Progression and Capacity Envelopes

which open with Gate #2, Basic Christian Modus Operandi and continue in a progressively

enhanced way through an Advanced Christian Modus Operandi which persists through the entire

remaining Spiritual Life. In the Protocol Plan of God, the Divine Dynasphere, Spiritual Self

Esteem, Spiritual Autonomy and then Spiritual Maturity are formed in the soul from the accumulation of maximum levels of Metabolized Bible Doctrine. Therefore, the believer cannot reach the status of Maturity


to the Justice

of God , the objective of the Protocol

Plan of God, without consistent Perception, Cognition, Inculcation, Metabolization and

Application of Bible Doctrine. Thus Priority #1 for the life of the believer MUST BE cognition

or reception of Bible Doctrine under Operation Z the Grace Apparatus for Perception in the Divine Dynasphere through an Advanced Christian Modus Operandi. This then results in the

believer consistently moving through Spiritual Self Esteem, Spiritual Autonomy and Spiritual

Maturity with the progressive development and function of Motivational


and Functional


of Gate #6 as Problem Solving Devices #7 + #8, especially Virtue Love.

This process infers that the Christian’s exercise of his rational faculties is VOLITIONAL. It is,

therefore, IMPOSSIBLE to attain and maintain Spiritual Self Esteem, Spiritual Autonomy or

Spiritual Maturity apart from one’s own volition based on one’s own soul values in the Frame

of Reference and Norms and Standards. These MUST BE developed from maximum Metabolized

Bible Doctrine in the Right Lobe of the Stream of Consciousness of the Soul. In the Power

System of God, the Divine Dynasphere, Negative Volition toward any aspect of the Protocol

Plan of God destroys COGNITION regarding Bible Doctrine and thus self confidence and this

leads to failure to fulfill the Christian Way of Life. Cognitive Self Confidence, Cognitive

Independence and Cognitive Invincibility based on the acquisition and accumulation of

maximum Metabolized Bible Doctrine into the Right Lobe of the Stream of Consciousness of the

Soul of the believer is irreplaceable and without it the believer WILL become a loser. Cognitive

Self Confidence is developed as the believer accumulates Metabolized Bible Doctrine and reaches

a point of Spiritual Self Esteem as he enters into Spiritual Adulthood. Cognitive Independence

is developed as the believer accumulates more Metabolized Bible Doctrine and reaches Spiritual

Autonomy. Cognitive Invincibility is developed as the believer accumulates a maximum level of

Metabolized Bible Doctrine into the Right Lobe of the Stream of Consciousness of his Soul and

reaches Spiritual Maturity. Spiritual Self Esteem demands that the believer identify the ROLE

and Importance of Bible Doctrine in his life by functioning in the Orientation Envelope of Gate

#4 of the Divine Dynasphere. This should have occurred in spiritual adolescence and spiritual

teenage with Grace Orientation and Bible Doctrine Orientation to Reality developed and

deployed as Problem Solving Device #4 & #5.

Therefore, the believer must learn to distinguish between Bible Doctrine Epistemology under

Bible Doctrine Orientation to Reality and Emotional, Empirical and Rational Experiences in

fulfillment of the Protocol Plan of God. This demands that EMOTION be subordinated to the

INTELLECT so that Thinking is the CAUSE and Emotion is the EFFECT. Just as human self

esteem results from cognition and self assertiveness so Spiritual Self Esteem requires Perception,

Cognition, Inculcation, Metabolization and Application of Bible Doctrine. The believer in the

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Cosmic Dynaspheres cannot develop Spiritual Self Esteem, Spiritual Autonomy or Spiritual Maturity. This is because he lacks all aspects of Post Salvation Epistemological Rehabilitation

and therefore lacks all conceptualism related to Bible Doctrine principles and categories as a

result of failing to develop Cognitive Self Confidence, Cognitive Independence and Cognitive


No believer can function based on the content of someone else’s soul when under the pressure

of adversity or when in prosperity and this is why God has given every Church Age believer

the privilege of being his own Royal Priest. Every believer, therefore, represents himself before

God in all aspects of his own life and therefore, the believer cannot ever think nor apply Bible

Doctrine nor solve his problems with another persons intellect and viewpoint of life. The

principle of Privacy of the Priesthood permits Positive or Negative Volition toward Bible Doctrine thus the function of one’s own indomitable will in relation to the Protocol Plan of

God. This includes the right to Think and Apply Metabolized Bible Doctrine resident in one’s

own soul with one’s own intellect as a result of having constructed proper Norms and Standards, Frame of Reference, Memory Facts and Categorical Principles in the soul. The

functions of counseling and especially sharing are the blind leading the blind and borders on

insanity and CANNOT provide the believer with any advancement in the Protocol Plan of God

nor problem solutions for life. The believer must develop a huge inventory of Metabolized

Bible Doctrine in the Right Lobe of the Stream of Consciousness of his Soul in order to handle

all situations in his life. He does not need counseling or sharing, UNLESS of course he is

mentally ill, in which case he needs medical help from psychiatry with its controlling medications. Also, the psychopathic individual cannot function on his own under his Royal

Priesthood and needs proper medication to stabilize his mentality in order to be able to.

Therefore, by consistently advancing in the Spiritual Life from infancy to Spiritual Adulthood,

and subsequently developing Spiritual Self Esteem, Spiritual Autonomy and Spiritual Maturity,

the believer builds up in his own soul a vast INVENTORY of Metabolized Bible Doctrine so that

he can function PRIVATELY under his own royal priesthood. This inventory of Metabolized

Bible Doctrine in one’s soul is built up from what is taught by his own “RIGHT” Pastor

Teacher. Therefore, IF he is not functioning based on the Metabolized Bible Doctrine in his

own soul, maybe he is, but most likely not, he is not moving forward in the Christian Way of

Life and not using the Problem Solving Devices provided for him by God. It is the

Metabolization of Bible Doctrine by FAITH ACCEPTANCE which makes that Bible Doctrine part of the individual believer’s soul and provides the Bible Doctrine Inventory for Application to

problems in his life.

Spiritual Self Esteem, Spiritual Autonomy and Spiritual Maturity are developmental stages of

intellectual confidence, independence and INVINCIBILITY originating from the accumulation of

Metabolized Bible Doctrine in the Right Lobe of the Stream of Consciousness of the Soul. It is

the advancement from Spiritual Youth to Spiritual Adulthood and through the 3 stages of

developing Spiritual Self Esteem, Spiritual Autonomy and reaching Spiritual Maturity which

builds up the capacity which the believer needs to be able to receive and appreciate his Escrow

Super – Grace Blessings. These blessings were provided and set aside in Eternity Past by God

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the Father for his life in time. The believer receiving these blessings is what GLORIFIES God by the life of the believer who is living under a system designed and controlled by Satan but

NOT functioning in that system. In other words the believer must develop and maintain

MOMENTUM in his Spiritual Life in order to receive his Escrow Blessings and thereby attain

the objective of the Protocol Plan of God, to GLORIFY God.

Conceptualization Necessity in the Spiritual Life

Spiritual Self Esteem, Spiritual Autonomy and Spiritual Maturity follow conceptualism where

there must be thinking in terms of PRINCIPLES and CATEGORIES which is essential for glorification of The Lord Jesus the Christ. This Glorification of Christ only occurs when the

believer receives conveyance of his Escrow Super – Grace Blessings for time. Perception,

Cognition, Inculcation and Metabolization of Bible Doctrine requires THINKING and this requires

personal effort and thus is WORK and most Christians have lazy minds and want entertainment

or a means of expanding their fear realm but NOT WORK. They accomplish this through

religious activity so that adherence to or compliance with the pseudo rules of legalism in

religion gives the satisfaction of presumed success in the Spiritual Life. Since Thinking Bible

Doctrine is WORK very few people do it today and Thinking Bible Doctrine as a way of life

precludes the desire for indulging one’s emotions. Thinking Bible Doctrine on a daily basis

prepares the believer for developing and using the Secondary Battery of Problem Solving Devices as Motivational Virtue and Functional Virtue developed in the Integrity Envelope, Gate

#7 of the Divine Dynasphere. This results in the believer gaining complete control of his life

through functions within the realms of Spiritual Self Esteem, Spiritual Autonomy and Spiritual


Wisdom in the Spiritual Life

True wisdom is the result of the accumulation of (gr) Epignosis KNOWLEDGE from Bible Doctrine thus having a vast accumulation of Metabolized Bible Doctrine in the Right Lobe of

the Stream of Consciousness of the Soul and then using this to stabilize one’s life, in the

privacy of one’s own priesthood. In the Cosmic Dynaspheres there is only pseudo or false

wisdom from the INFLUENCE OF EVIL through the doctrines of demons. When the believer

has problems in his life he must use the Metabolized Bible Doctrine he has stored in his Right

Lobe of the Stream of Consciousness of the Soul to deal with and handle them and NOT lean

on others to support him. If the believer has no Bible Doctrine to fall back on this results in

the production of his own Self Induced Misery as a result of the malfunction of his volition

related to Post Salvation Epistemological Rehabilitation. This is caused by making bad decisions from a position of weakness resulting from his refusal to assign Bible Doctrine as

Priority #1 in life and refusal to participate in a daily intake of Bible Doctrine. Thus as a

believer priest lacking Metabolized Bible Doctrine in the Right Lobe of the Stream of

Consciousness of the Soul he applies nothing to something and thus ends with NOTHING and

thus has ZERO MOMENTUM in the Spiritual Life. Lacking Metabolized Bible Doctrine in the

Right Lobe of the Stream of Consciousness of the Soul this believer is inevitably dependent on

counseling and advice from others for living his life. Lacking Bible Doctrine in the Right Lobe

of the Stream of Consciousness of the Soul this believer has subverted the function of his own

Royal Priesthood in the Protocol Plan of God and cannot acquire true solutions to any of life’s

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problems. It is the accurate expository teaching of the Message of God by the prepared Pastor Teacher using the ICE principles which causes the believer, who is consistent in his Positive Volition toward Bible Doctrine, to GROW up in the Spiritual Life and have momentum within

the Divine Dynasphere. Therefore, the “All Things” of Bible Doctrine teaching are Gates 1 – 5

of the Divine Dynasphere.

Grace Apparatus for Perception – Operation Z

There are 4 functions of the Grace Apparatus for Perception definitively involved in operating within Gate #5 of the Divine Dynasphere and producing momentum in the Spiritual Life.

These detail the responsibility of the congregation under their right Pastor Teacher. These can

result in the accumulation of a maximum level of Metabolized Bible Doctrine in the Right Lobe

of the Stream of Consciousness of the believer’s Soul. However, this can only be the result

when there is consistent Perception, Cognition, Inculcation and Metabolization of Bible Doctrine

with the believer being supported by functioning within Gates #1-#4 of the Divine Dynasphere.

This results in enhanced function within the Progression Envelope with the expanded

momentum developed in Gate #5. This is the Momentum Gate in the Spiritual Life and

involves consistent and complete use of the Faith Rest Drill (5 stages) and consistent and persistent engagement in the Perception, Cognition, Inculcation and Metabolization of Bible Doctrine as

Post Salvation Epistemological Rehabilitation, the real purpose of the Christian Way of Life.

Under the function of the Faith Rest Drill (5 Stages), the results is metabolized Bible Doctrine

promises being claimed and then combined with Bible Doctrine principles forming these into

Bible Doctrine rationales which are then used to form Bible Doctrine conclusions as solutions to

circumstances and situations in life. Here the thinking processes produce the Divine Viewpoint

perspective of life with stability and inner happiness as the result. Ultimately this results both

in and from a Personal Sense of Destiny with Spiritual Self Esteem, Motivational

& Functional


with Spiritual Autonomy and Sharing

the Happiness

of God which moves the believer to

Spiritual Maturity where he has Advanced Personal Love for God as Occupation with the Person

of The Lord Jesus, The Christ. This results in progressive development of Cognitive Self-Confidence, Cognitive Independence and ultimately Cognitive Invincibility with maximum

Metabolized Bible Doctrine residing in the Right Lobe of the Stream of Consciousness of the

Soul. This is the expansion and enhancement of the Perception Envelope of the Divine Dynasphere. This, as the means of inculcation and metabolization of Bible Doctrine, involves

the ministry of God the Holy Spirit under the Grace Apparatus for Perception, Operation Z, with the 4 Rs of learning:

▴ Reception – resulting in (gr) ‘Gnosis’ Knowledge as Academic understanding of Bible


▴ Retention – resulting in (gr) ‘Epignosis’ Knowledge as Metabolized or Accepted Bible

Doctrine capable of altering the content of the soul.

▴ Recall – resulting in (gr) ‘Sophia’ enabling Application of Metabolized Bible Doctrine

as wisdom, to one’s own Life.

▴ Resistance – resulting in the defensive strategy and stand of the believer toward the

Distraction Strategies and Tactics of Satan in the Cosmic Dynaspheres.

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Spiritual Momentum

This can only result from consistency in the function of the Faith Rest Drill (5 stages)

● Consistent accumulation of Metabolized of Bible Doctrine for Momentum in the Spiritual

Life under Faith Perception.

● Consistent function under the Grace Apparatus for Perception and Operation Z

● Expanding and Enhancing of the Perception, Progression and Momentum Envelopes of the

Divine Dynasphere by consistent dedicated function within Gate #5 of the Divine


Therefore to attain accelerated Spiritual Momentum requires the intensified function of the

believer under the entire Faith Rest Drill (5 Stages) and Operation Z. The believer never really operates properly or effectively under the Faith Rest Drill until he reaches the end of Spiritual

Youth and is moving into Spiritual Adulthood where he uses Bible Doctrine Rationales to reach

Doctrinal Conclusions to overcome the adversity or prosperity situations in his life.

▴ Faith Perception of Bible Doctrine Promises from God along with Spiritual Principles

under the Grace Apparatus for Perception Operation Z, functioning under the 4 Rs.

▴ Claiming the learned and metabolized Promises of God from Scripture

▴ Supporting these promises with learned and metabolized Bible Doctrine principles

▴ Combining the Promises and Principles to form Bible Doctrine rationales

▴ Using these Bible Doctrine Rationales to form Bible Doctrine conclusions to control or

overcome all situations in life and thus stabilize one’s life.

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Gate #6 – The Integrity Envelope

The Power System of God the Divine Dynasphere calls for Virtue First and within the Protocol

Plan of God the Virtue Envelope opens at Gate #3 with Authority Orientation and development of Genuine Humility. Until the believer has divinely organized Virtue there is no way he will

function at any high level in the Interlocking Power System of God. In the Christian Way of

Life in the Church Age the believer is a member of the Royal Family of God as a result of

positional sanctification provided by God the Holy Spirit at Salvation Adjustment to the Justice

of God and he must function within the Power System of God the Divine Dynasphere for

advancement. This System of God requires consistent residence and function of the believer

within the Divine Dynasphere which progresses the believer in the development of Virtue in his

life as a result of OBEDIENCE to God’s mandates. Gate #6 is the Integrity Envelope where the

believer actually develops personal integrity from Motivational Virtues which are directed toward GOD and Functional Virtues which are directed toward Man and Circumstances. The

development of this Integrity in the believer moves him forward in the Spiritual Life with

greater momentum so that all of his Metabolized Bible Doctrine must be used and relied upon

as he functions within the Testing Envelope of Gate #7.

This Integrity Envelope is the completion of the Virtue Envelope begun in Gate #3 of the Divine Dynasphere, with the full development of Virtue in the Christian Way of Life which

comes in 2 categories in Gate #6 of the Divine Dynasphere:

● Motivational Virtue directed only toward God

● Functional Virtue directed toward Man and Circumstances of Life.

Once the believer advances to the complete function within the Integrity Envelope of the Divine

Dynasphere he fully develops and deploys Motivational Virtue and Functional Virtue as the

secondary battery of Problem Solving Devices to combat various levels of Providential

Preventative Momentum Testing Suffering in his life.

However, there cannot be Functional Virtue toward man and circumstances without first the

development of Motivational Virtue toward God. Therefore, this is the area for the

development of maximum Virtue and Integrity in the Spiritual Life in order that the Plan of

God can be completely executed since it calls for VIRTUE FIRST. Learning and Metabolizing

Bible Doctrine in Gate #5 of the Divine Dynasphere results in developing first Motivational Virtue and then expanding this into Functional Virtue but this process first requires moving into

the Virtue Envelope beginning at Gate #3 and through the Humility Envelope developing Genuine Humility and thus becoming Teachable. One cannot maintain Functional Virtue toward

people and circumstances without first having Motivational Virtue toward God AND one cannot

have Motivational Virtue toward God without developing Functional Virtue toward All because

these areas of Virtue and Integrity are interdependent. Until the believer has divinely organized

Virtue there is no way he will function at any high level in the Interlocking Power System of

God. In the believer the development of Motivational and Functional Virtue is a function of

the Royal Priesthood of the believer in learning Bible Doctrine. Then operation under Motivational Virtue is EXCLUSIVELY directed toward God as the primary Motivational Virtue of

Personal Love for God, Problem Solving Device #7. Operation under the associated Functional Virtue results in the effective function of the Royal Ambassadorship of the believer. This is his

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directing the application of Metabolized Bible Doctrine toward Man and Circumstances in life as Impersonal or Unconditional Love toward all mankind, Problem Solving Device #8. This is the cognizance of and allowance for each person functioning in life based on his own volition. A

good example is, COURAGE as a functional virtue is the expression of Humility under pressure

toward man and circumstances. This is the ability to think under pressure and courage and

poise is the covering of thinking with glory. CONFIDENCE is the corresponding Motivational

Virtue directed toward God through Divine Viewpoint thinking from maximum Metabolized

Bible Doctrine and results in effective function under the Faith Rest Drill (5 stages) and use of the divine power provided for the believer. Thus the interdependence and interlocking of all