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gates or areas of function within the Divine Dynasphere becomes plainly obvious.

Therefore, the Christian Way of Life is Integrity, Honor and Virtue, (the entire Book of

Ephesians), as a result of the consistent Filling of God the Holy Spirit and maximum Perception, Cognition, Inculcation and Metabolization of Bible Doctrine, which is a constant building of the

Residency Envelope. This is entirely different from and on a much higher level than the usual

concepts of MORALITY often thought to be the Christian Way of Life. The emphasis in the

Christian Way of Life is INTEGRITY which is Grace Oriented, whereas distorted religious morality as the supposed Christian Way of Life is only Legalism and totally SELF oriented. The

Christian Way of Life is to result in the production of the reflected integrity and virtue of

Christ inside the Power System of God, the Divine Dynasphere (1 John 3:6-7), which results from Grace and Bible Doctrine orientation. Morality, when placed above Integrity, Honor and

Virtue developed under the Filling of God the Holy Spirit from Metabolization of Bible Doctrine, produces a Legalism which is ANTI-GRACE. This therefore is totally ANTI God and

illustrates clearly the believer who has moved from function in the Power System of God into

the Power System of Satan all the way to the Interlocking System of Antagonistic Emotional

Hatred, Cosmic Dynasphere II. The true reality of the Christian Way of Life is that NO ONE,

especially not the believer, is here because he is “GOOD PEOPLE”! All believers, past, present

and future are here ONLY because of the provision of Logistical Grace support by God and are

designed to be functioning as Witnesses for the prosecution in the Angelic Conflict Appeal Trial.

The Lord Jesus, the Christ indicated that the Christian Way of Life is INTEGRITY while speaking to the immense crowd at the very beginning of his ministry. (John 8:32) This Integrity, Honor and Virtue is always a result of consistent function under the Filling of God

the Holy Spirit using the Grace Apparatus for Perception to accumulate into one’s soul a maximum level of Bible Doctrine for Balanced Residency. In fact at the very instant of Salvation Adjustment to the Justice of God the Believer is given, as part of the 39 assets for the Spiritual Life in time, the Absolute Righteousness of God, ½ of the Integrity or Holiness of

God. The primary purpose of the believer during his life in time is to accumulate the other ½

of the Integrity of God the Justice of God by a consistent Post Salvation Epistemological Rehabilitation from metabolizing Bible Doctrine, the Thinking of Christ (1Cor 2:16) into his own Right Lobe of the Stream of Consciousness of the Soul.

Motivational Virtue

Basic Reciprocal Love for God is based on the fact that GOD loved his creation first and the

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advancing believer can reciprocate that love because of an understanding of the Grace of God

and Plan of God from consistent Perception, Cognition, Inculcation and Metabolization of Bible

Doctrine. This is the primary aspect of Motivational Virtue as the 3rd floor of the Edification Complex of the Soul and the Integrity Envelope of Gate #6 of the Divine Dynasphere.

However, this does not just begin at Gate #6 but is a progressing development through the

entire early Spiritual Life as the believer accumulates more Metabolized Bible Doctrine into his

Right Lobe and progressively develops a knowledge and understanding of God thus a Personal

Love for God. This is the primary MOTIVATION for the believer to engage in continued

spiritual advance from an increased knowledge of God as a result of increased levels of Metabolized Bible Doctrine in the Right Lobe of the Stream of Consciousness of the Soul and

consistency under the Filling of God the Holy Spirit.

It is Personal Love for God which is the Motivational Virtue to use the Impersonal

Unconditional Love for Mankind to handle all people testing and much of system testing in one’s periphery. This allows one to develop Capacity for great Personal Love for a FEW

individuals based on the support from the VIRTUE in the Impersonal – Unconditional Love

toward them. However, Virtue and Integrity from residence in the Divine Dynasphere is very

often and very easily corrupted by the Evil Doctrines of the Cosmic Dynaspheres distracting the

believer from proper function in the Power System of God. When one is involved in the

Arrogance complex, Love is not related to integrity and virtue but in contrast, Arrogance assumes that any show of affection from the opposite sex is an invitation to passion and this is

a huge misconception. Arrogance also assumes that a show of or invitation to passion from the

opposite sex is a sign of affection or LOVE because Arrogance cannot distinguish between

affection and passion nor sex and true love. It is because of this distortion that arrogant

people very often enter into relationships without LOVE. This Arrogance assuming affection is

passion thus enters into an aggressiveness in advances of lasciviousness and attempted


Functional Virtue

The primary Functional Virtue of Impersonal Unconditional Love for Mankind, which is the

toleration of the failures, flaws and quirks of others, provides a solid orientation to the Divine

Institutions, the Laws of Divine Establishment and Freedom under these laws with the concept of Live and Let Live directed toward all mankind in one’s periphery. This is the 4 th floor of the Edification Complex of the Soul and also a major part of the Integrity Envelope of Gate #6

of the Divine Dynasphere. Impersonal Unconditional Love for Mankind is developed as the

believer moves into Spiritual Midlife Adulthood, the 2nd stage of Spiritual Adulthood, where he

develops Spiritual Autonomy, Cognitive Independence and begins to solidify the Functional

Virtues of the Spiritual Life. There must also be systematically developed, as subcategories or

sub-levels of the Functional Virtue of Impersonal, Unconditional Love, the many functional

impact virtues directed toward man. The Functional Virtue of Impersonal Unconditional Love

for Mankind cannot ever coexist with ARROGANT Hypersensitivity because this Arrogance

inevitably and invariably means there is a saturation of this individual with Egotistical Arrogance and the Narcissus syndrome.

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Sensitivity toward Others

Hypersensitivity is total Arrogant preoccupation with self and the subjective function of always

making an issue of self. This exists in the believer when he has not progressed to the point of

Spiritual Autonomy because of insufficient Metabolized Bible Doctrine in the Right Lobe of the

Stream of Consciousness of his Soul. This is a believer in Cosmic Dynasphere I the Interlocking

System of Arrogance who functions on the demand syndrome. He uses devious means to get

his way and control his environment and he assumes happiness is the control of his environment. Arrogant preoccupation with self plus an obsession with his own self importance

results in his constantly feeling threatened because he lacks the Personal Sense of Destiny of Spiritual Self Esteem and has not developed the Motivational Virtues and Functional Virtues of

Spiritual Autonomy. Therefore, he becomes totally insensitive to other people around him.

When one becomes involved in Arrogance he becomes subjective and when he is subjective he

is preoccupied with self. Therefore, to the extent one is preoccupied with self he loses his

Personal Sense of Destiny from Spiritual Self Esteem and all Virtue developed under Spiritual

Autonomy and thus becomes hypersensitive about what others think about HIM and totally

indifferent regarding how he thinks about others.

Sensitivity then represents or illustrates the functional impact virtues under Impersonal

Unconditional Love for Mankind. Believers in the Protocol Plan of God, the Divine Dynasphere

functioning under the dynamics of Spiritual Autonomy develop true sensitivity and

thoughtfulness toward all others under Impersonal Unconditional Love for Mankind. Sensitivity

is therefore, OBJECTIVE and directed toward others and based on developing Spiritual Self

Esteem leading into Spiritual Autonomy. Sensitivity is the exploitation of living within the

bounds of one’s own limitations which is the means of moving from Spiritual Infancy to

Spiritual Maturity by EXPANDING one’s limitations from consistent Post Salvation

Epistemological Rehabilitation. Impersonal Unconditional Love for Mankind backed by Spiritual

Self Esteem and developed under Spiritual Autonomy becomes the primary Functional Virtue in

the Divine Dynasphere, the Power System of God, and the basis for resolving human

interactions. Therefore, People and much of System testing problems are resolved by one’s own

functions under Spiritual Autonomy and NOT by saying nice things about others when one does

not like them nor by using some other type of hypocrisy such as a pseudo friendly personality.

Organizational Virtue

In life, especially in the Spiritual Life, Arrogance and Humility are mutually exclusive and since

the Plan of God requires VIRTUE first and Humility is the foundation of Virtue, the Plan of

God eliminates ALL Arrogance from its functions beginning with the necessity for Authority

Orientation. The Virtue of any organization is measured by its use of Authority under the

principles of the Laws of Divine Establishment and Divine Institutions within its system. This

includes the impersonal application of Enforced Discipline which becomes the developer of and

inculcation of enforced humility the ultimate MOLDER of Basic Virtue. No organization can

function when saturated with Arrogant People because Arrogant people WILL inevitably destroy

the organization by focusing on self instead of the policy and purpose of the Organization.

Therefore, no organization is any better than the Arrogant Person Index in that organization.

The importance of authority and enforced discipline to bring out enforced humility for the best

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Modus Operandi of the organization cannot be minimized. Arrogance and arrogant people rob

the organization of its purpose, policy, virtue and merit. Therefore, Arrogance within the

function of any organization MUST be controlled and Arrogant people can work and function

within an organization effectively ONLY if they are controlled. However, Arrogance can only

be controlled by proper and effective use of Authority and the development of a sound unbiased system of Enforced Discipline. The response to this Authority and Discipline MUST be

one of enforced humility and not a reaction from Arrogance and this must be the basis for

required function in that organization if it is to be perpetuated and succeed. In these principles

is the evidence of the ABJECT failure of the Educational and every other System of function in

the United States of America and every form of American Government and Judicial function.

A person may have great talent and ability but when he is brought into an organization he

does not start at the top of the organization but starts at the bottom to learn how to apply his

talent and ability to the Organization’s System after he has been integrated into the system

under enforced humility. People who cannot function within any group like a fraternity or on

a team generally have a problem in life which can only increase as a result of involvement in

the Interlocking System of Arrogance which will constantly knock them down in life. The

reality is that one does not have to like the authority over him but he must be professional and

recognize, honor and respect that authority and respond properly to it. Response to authority

and enforced discipline MUST BE by means of enforced humility in order to develop self

discipline and Genuine Humility. No organization is ever composed entirely of honorable,

competent and virtuous people therefore any Arrogant people must be controlled so that they

all can function reasonably well under the principle of enforced humility. It is the infiltration

of Labor Unions into an organization which destroys the ability of the organization to develop

Enforced Humility in its workers because of the Arrogance of the Union controlling policy and

purpose of the organization and destroying the Authority functions. The ONLY REAL PLACE

where Arrogance functions efficiently is within the Interlocking

System of Arrogance

, Cosmic

Dynasphere I, and this is a destructive system for every individual. Therefore, the foundation

of Virtue is in the development of Humility often under some system of Organizational VIRTUE

which results in developing Enforced Humility from responding under Enforced Discipline to the

Polity, Purpose and Authority of a system in an organization.

Life generally has a system called freedom but to most people it is a meaningless system and

constantly abused when there is no Enforced Humility because of a lack of Enforced Discipline

with which to build Self Discipline and Self Control with Genuine Humility. Therefore, Freedom becomes meaningless when there is no proper and effective Authority with proper and

effective Law Enforcement structure and proper and effective Judicial systems with effective

punitive discipline in place and functioning. Since all people are free and their freedoms may

clash there must be a system under which all people must function with COMPLIANCE in order

that they will NOT violate anyone else’s freedoms. This is the proper use of self determination

in freedom to enable functioning under a system where all people can coexist. Humility is the

only force stronger than Arrogance and between Arrogance and Humility stands the principle of

Authority to guide Humility and control Arrogance.

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Spiritual Momentum

Virtue in the Christian Way of Life developed from living in the Divine Dynasphere is NOT Self

Righteous pseudo morality. Most Christians assume that SERVICE is first in the Christian Way

of Life with some type of effort, action, activity or proper behavior directed toward God. No

effort, action or personality change is ever a part of God’s Power System the Divine Dynasphere

because ALL effective Christian production and all changes in the Christian’s Modus Operandi

are always the RESULT of spiritual momentum and advancement NEVER THE MEANS.

Therefore, Christian service cannot ever be effective in the Plan of God until the believer

KNOWS enough Bible Doctrine to have reached the point of acquiring some level of Virtue. As

long as any circumstance in life produces unhappiness in one’s life which causes him to become

miserable and depressed by the things he has done or have been done to him, he does not

have the Virtue package in place. This is a clear checkpoint for every believer, because the

presence of unhappiness in any form in the life of the believer, the frustration of no happiness,

is a gauge to show the believer how well he has formed the Virtue system in his soul.

Integrity in the Protocol Plan of God

This Integrity Envelope of the Divine Dynasphere is therefore the area for the development of

personal Integrity from reaching Spiritual Autonomy and Cognitive Independence with the

continued progressive development of 2 categories of virtue:

Motivational Virtue

Functional Virtue

Personal Love for God

Impersonal Unconditional Love for Mankind

Impact Virtue – Sensitivity toward All others

Impact Virtue – Thoughtfulness toward All others

Impact Virtue – Courtesy toward All others

Impact Virtue – Good Manners toward All others

Impact Virtue – Accommodating to All others

Impact Virtue – Kindness to All others

Impact Virtue – Understanding toward All others

Impact Virtue – No prejudice toward All others

Impact Virtue – Objectivity toward All others

Confidence toward God

Courage toward Man

Worship toward God

Morality toward Man

Genuine Humility toward God

Enforced Humility toward Authority

Inflexibility regarding God & Bible Doctrine

Flexibility regarding every detail of life

Subordination or Submission to God

Leadership toward Mankind

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Faithfulness to God

Consistent Unwavering Responsibility toward Man

A prime example of the relationship of Motivational Virtue to Functional Virtue in the Divine

Dynasphere is found in VIRTUE LOVE, the primary system of virtue for the believer. Virtue

Love is not only a major Problem Solving Device in the Protocol Plan of God but the major factor of stability in the Christian Way of Life when under pressure from:

● Thought Testing

● People Testing

● System Testing

This pressure can only be handled by Virtue from the Integrity Envelope of the Divine Dynasphere as Motivational Virtue and Functional Virtue the secondary battery of Problem

Solving Devices. When the believer finds himself under pressure in life from any outside

source, thinking is difficult unless he has developed the Humility of the Virtue Envelope, Gate

#3 of the Divine Dynasphere, and the Motivational Virtue and Functional Virtue of the Integrity Envelope. Confidence in God as Motivational Virtue produces Courage toward Man and

circumstances as a Functional Virtue. Courage IS the ability to THINK under pressure.

However, for the believer residing in the Cosmic Dynaspheres this ability does not exist as a

result of Old Sin Nature control of the soul and Emotional Revolt of the Soul.

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Image 2

The Integrity Envelope involves Motivational Virtue of Genuine Humility directed toward God

just as Authority Orientation with developed Enforced Humility is Functional Virtue directed in

response toward HUMAN AUTHORITY. Until the believer settles the matter of Virtue Toward

God there is no way for him to have virtue toward man and therefore he will never have

happiness. There may be moments of pseudo happiness or stimulation resulting from

circumstances in life but in reality this one is only being gratified and enjoying it with his

Arrogance being stimulated. Motivational Virtue in the Power System of God, the Divine

Dynasphere, which results from the accumulation of Metabolized Bible Doctrine in the Right

Lobe of the Stream of Consciousness of the Soul, begins with the function of the Royal Priesthood directed toward God. Functional Virtue in the Power System of God, the Divine

Dynasphere, is the inevitable result of the development of Motivational Virtue and is the function of the Royal Ambassadorship of the believer directed toward Man and Circumstances of

life. Illustration:



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▾ To the extent the believer can fulfill Personal Love for God and Confidence Toward

God then Worship toward God becomes VIRTUE.



▾ When the believer finally comes to the place of Impersonal Unconditional Love for

Mankind then he can actually begin to regard everyone as a PERSON under


This then results in his no longer assigning to others attitudes regarding SELF and whether they

like or hate him, are doing things for him or maligning or judging him, are one race or culture

or another, are attractive or unattractive, crude or gentlemanly, but they are then regarded by

him as individual PERSONS. This becomes the basis for Happiness. However, when one looks

at people as achievers then he does not see them as PERSONS.

Treating Individuals as Persons & Impersonal, Unconditional Love

Personal Love in the Human Race toward man has virtue, happiness and success ONLY to the

extent that it has the support from the Virtue of Impersonal Unconditional Love for Mankind

derived from the motivation of Personal Love for God. Without Impersonal Unconditional Love

for Mankind as Functional Virtue, Personal Love for people cannot be perpetuated, grow or be

meaningful. Basically this is true because ALL people are selfish and in Personal Love their

selfishness is expressed as how they expect to be loved. They invariably want the object of

their Personal Love to gratify them, to entertain them, to keep them from being bored and

above all else, to make them happy. When the believer can regard all individuals as

‘PERSONS’ then he has that Virtue which allows him to LOVE selected members of the Human

Race personally in the Romantic relationships or Friendships of Personal Love.

I LOVE YOU – in Personal Love is the person saying, when he is truly honest, I think you can

do something for me. I like how you look, how you speak, your success, your money, etc.

YOU can help me, gratify me, make me enjoy life. This basically means that the YOU here

has been selected to do something for the I here. This is the Arrogance involved in Operation

Boomerang of Reversionism involving Personal Love. This does not always manifest itself clearly because people like to think when they love someone they are being OBJECTIVE and

that there is something wonderful about it and romantic about it. However, the concept of

Romance is most often an emotional vernier and these concepts rarely work out in Personal

Love relationships apart from VIRTUE. The TRUE fact is that ROMANCE is not at all related to

Love but is related to VIRTUE. The individual who cannot regard each individual as a PERSON

cannot bring Virtue into a love relationship and therefore cannot bring any happiness into it.

Therefore, Happiness also is related to VIRTUE. There are many people who possess pseudo

happiness which comes from Self Righteousness but this is a terrible form of Arrogance derived

from the principles of EVIL. Many people think they can bring happiness into a love relationship through some system of Moral Degeneracy or some functions of Immoral

Degeneracy but these are just different views from Arrogance. Until VIRTUE is brought into

the Love relationship there cannot be happiness in any relationship nor in fact in any situation

in life. NOTHING which one achieves in life can bring happiness without virtue.

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Virtue Love is the greatest of these Virtue assets or Problem Solving Devices because it requires having already developed a Personal Sense of Destiny, Cognitive Self Confidence and Spiritual Self Esteem as one moves deeper into Spiritual Adulthood in order to begin being able to

develop the Motivational Virtues and Functional Virtues inside the Integrity Envelope of the

Divine Dynasphere. The real key to the development of Virtue begins with Spiritual Self

Esteem with its Personal Sense of Destiny and Cognitive Self Confidence. This orients the

believer to SELF and moves him into Spiritual Autonomy with its Cognitive Independence.

There Virtue Love is the Problem Solving Device which requires function under all 10


of Spiritual

Adulthood . Therefore, by the time the believer has reached the

Integrity Envelope of the Divine Dynasphere he has replaced his emotional functions with the

conceptualism of THINKING in terms of PRINCIPLES and CATEGORIES and RATIONALES thus

using the entire realm of functions of the Faith Rest Drill (5 Stages). It is in the Integrity Envelope with the development of Motivational Virtue and Functional Virtue that Virtue Love is realized

as Personal Love for God & Impersonal, Unconditional Love for Mankind and this can solve 5

major categories of problems in life:

▴ Relationships

▴ Emphasis and Perspective

▴ Personality identification and finding one’s niche in life

▴ Integrity

▴ Capacity for all aspects of Life and Happiness.

Secondary Battery of Problem Solving Devices

Under the Integrity Envelope of the Divine Dynasphere and the development of Motivational

Virtue and Functional Virtue once the 10

characteristics of Spiritual

Adulthood are developed

the believer can begin to function with a secondary battery of Problem Solving Devices, the

HOPE – CONFIDENCE battery. Then in the Integrity Envelope as Motivational Virtue he

develops Confidence in God and as Functional Virtue, Courage toward Man and Circumstances

of life. This adds a new dimension to the Spiritual Life of the believer who has moved into

Stage 1 of Spiritual Autonomy from Spiritual Self Esteem. Therefore, the Hope – Confidence

Battery of Problem Solving Devices, uses in part the Motivational Virtue of Confidence toward

God and the Functional Virtue of Courage toward man and circumstances to support and

stabilize the believer under pressures and adversities in life.

Missing Out on Virtue

To the extent any believer has any racial or sociological prejudice he is missing the point of

the Christian Way of Life and missing out on VIRTUE. This will definitely effect his whole

attitude in life if he maintains any prejudices at all such as grumbling about illegals or immigrants in this country or the saturated Evil of Moslems, etc. These foreign unbelieving

people are here for a reason, most likely to be evangelized, and the believer should witness to

them instead of criticizing them and he should be using a Relaxed Mental Attitude of honor

and integrity toward them. The believer in this United States of America can try to fight the

phenomenal changes occurring in the country today and thus destroy himself or relax and use

Functional Virtue. The country is undergoing incredible changes and NO BELIEVER IS GOING

TO STOP THEM and the prejudices which one may have do not help him nor the situation.

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However, as a believer living in the Divine Dynasphere he can be relaxed and have a different attitude positive toward all these people. When, as a believer, one has any Antagonism toward

any racial, ethnic or social individual or group it must not be a universal antagonism but based

only on the individual’s orientation and function in life and the individual must be evaluated as

all individuals are evaluated.

Illustration of Virtue

The Lord Jesus, The Christ during his 3 year ministry on this earth demonstrated many things

regarding virtue which are to be remember, especially at the communion table. The believer

must remember the Motivational Virtue of The Lord Jesus the Christ as Personal Love for God

the Father the author of the Plan for salvation. As a result of this Jesus was willing to go to

the cross because of his MOTIVATIONAL VIRTUE and HUMILITY. He humbled himself and

became obedient to death and his Personal Love for God the Father motivated him so that he

went to the cross and received the imputation and judgment for all human sins which was his

FUNCTIONAL VIRTUE directed toward All mankind. Therefore, The Lord Jesus, The Christ did

the greatest thing ever to be done when he received the imputation of all human sins and did

not reject them because of his Functional Virtue of Impersonal Love for the entire human race.

Thus during his Substitutionary Spiritual Death on the cross, The Lord Jesus, The Christ displayed all 3 categories of Virtue:

▴ Basic Virtue – Humility, being willing to go to the cross and submit to the Authority

of God the Father under the Plan of God for salvation.

▴ Motivational Virtue – Personal Love for God the Father from his humanity in the

prototype Divine Dynasphere motivating this humility.

▴ Functional Virtue – Impersonal Unconditional Love for Mankind while receiving the

imputation of all human sins, being judged for them and paying the penalty for them

in his Substitutionary Spiritual Death for EACH and EVERY sin.

Therefore, Impersonal Love is one of the greatest factors in Human History and the greatest

function of Virtue in Human History. It extrapolates honor, integrity and virtue in one’s life

when the believer resides within the Divine Dynasphere and functions in the Integrity Envelope.

Therefore the operational Divine Dynasphere available to all Church Age believers produces in

the Human Race a virtue in Impersonal, Unconditional Love which disregards all malice,

hatred, hostility, antagonism and substitutes Virtue as understanding, tolerance and objectivity

toward ALL others. Impersonal, Unconditional Love does not depend on what others think, say

or do to or about one and this is what makes life fantastic without regard to any hostility

directed toward one. Perception, Cognition, Inculcation and Metabolization of Bible Doctrine

and the resultant Personal Love for God motivates the dynamics of this Impersonal,

Unconditional Love thought pattern and Mental Attitude. Impersonal Love is dynamic because

it does not depend on approbation, flattery, patronage, recognition or attention from others but

depends entirely on life within the Divine Dynasphere.

Sensitivity is therefore a key manifestation of Impersonal Love with thoughtfulness, kindness,

understanding, lack of prejudice toward others. The reality is that Impersonal, Unconditional

Love and hypersensitivity cannot coexist and are mutually exclusive. Sensitivity is virtuous

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objectively oriented to reality and involves using Impersonal, Unconditional Love in dealing with reality. Where one would be hurt, upset or disturbed, because of the attitudes of others,

as a result of Impersonal Love, he can ignore totally the entire situation thus perpetuating

happiness in his own soul. Sensitivity therefore represents and illustrates the Functional Impact

Virtues involved with Impersonal Love toward others. Therefore, Sensitivity vs Hypersensitivity

is a dramatic way of illustrating the conflict of GRACE vs Evil and the Divine Dynasphere vs

the Cosmic Dynaspheres because sensitivity causes one to treat others with GRACE!

Virtue Love

This is one entity although it is separated into 2 categories of love. All Virtue must have

Motivation from Thought in the mind as function of the Royal Priesthood directed toward God.

All Virtue must have Function from Activities involving production through the Royal

Ambassadorship toward Man and Circumstances. However, these Motivational Virtues and

Functional Virtues are each one entity and just 2 sides of the same coin. If you have the

Motivational Virtue of Personal Love for God you will have Impersonal Unconditional Love for

Mankind and vice versa. However, malfunction of one side of the coin WILL result in malfunction of the other side of the coin also. Virtue Love as a combination of Problem

Solving Devices derived from the Motivational Virtue directed toward God and Functional Virtue directed toward people and circumstances in life and is completely developed within the Integrity Envelope of the Divine Dynasphere. This is the GREATEST Problem Solving Device in

life and the function which moves the believer into a true appreciation for God and having

complete contentment, stability and inner happiness in life. It is this function which propels

the believer into Maturity


to the Justice

of God . This Virtue Love along with all

other Motivational Virtues and Functional Virtues of the Integrity Envelope is how the believer

can resolve the Providential Preventative Momentum Testing Suffering of the Spiritual Life.

Virtue Love is the key feature of the secondary battery of Problem Solving Device developed as

Motivational Virtue and Functional virtue in the Integrity Envelope. Virtue Love as Problem

Solving Devices #7 & #8 can do that which no other Problem Solving Devices can do, carry the believer forward to Maturity Adjustment to the Justice of God. Virtue Love as a Problem

Solving Device is far SUPERIOR to the Faith Rest Drill (5 Stages) and is an essential addendum to the Spiritual Life. The believer can use the Faith Rest Drill (5 Stages) and still maintain antagonism toward others and the Faith Rest Drill is an essential Problem Solving Device but

does not provide unity among believers. This level in the Spiritual Life is reached when the

believer finally starts functioning independently in his Spiritual Life from the development of

Cognitive Independence from moving through spiritual young adulthood and through spiritual

mid life adulthood, from Cognitive Self Confidence to Cognitive Independence, from Spiritual

Self Esteem to Spiritual Autonomy and is the true beginning of his becoming Spiritually Self


Developing Motivational Virtue of Love for God

Spiritual Babies do not, in fact cannot, love God because they know nothing about God though

God does LOVE spiritual infants. God is not STUPID and does not assume that all believers

Love him. The spiritual infant must LEARN to love just like the human infant must learn to

LOVE in life. The fact is that one of the most difficult things in life is to learn how to love

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because there are so many distractions to Love. There are criteria which exist based on one’s own Frame of Reference and Norms and Standards for attractions and there are systems of

developing rapport and very often one assumes that this is love and, in fact, it is NOT! True

Personal Love is based on VIRTUE. The category of, “Everyone who LOVES the Father”, is the

Measure of the Spiritual Life and upon reaching this point the believer has:

▴ Logged significant time under the Filling of God the Holy Spirit in the Divine


▴ Developed Objectivity from functioning under the Basic Christian Modus Operandi of

the Christian Way of Life.

▴ Learned Humility from Authority Orientation.

▴ Learned and Metabolized significant levels of Bible Doctrine by the function of the

Royal priesthood under the Advanced Christian Modus Operandi.

At this point the believer can now fulfill 1st Peter chapter 1 and LOVE The Lord Jesus, The

Christ whom he does not see and this is the development of Motivational Virtue as a function

of the Royal Priesthood.

Developing Functional Virtue, Love for Mankind

Impersonal or Unconditional Love is one being able to say, “I Love Ya’all”, legitimately because one is bringing VIRTUE to Ya’all even when he sees their flaws, which they invariably

have kept well covered knowing others would disapprove of them. Without this Impersonal,

Unconditional Love as Virtue once one gets to know Ya’all and one does not have virtue then

any potential Personal Love is ended. Without VIRTUE no one can make it in any aspect of

Personal Love neither Romance nor Friendship. Therefore, one of the key functions and major

factors in the Power System of God is that the believer MUST move forward in the Divine

Dynasphere to the point of development of the Functional Virtue of Impersonal Unconditional

Love for Mankind so that he can regard every individual as a PERSON. Therefore. Impersonal,

Unconditional Love regards the believer, not by what they are doing or have done but who

they are, Royal Family of God, recipients of the Righteousness of God, possessing the indwelling of God the Holy Spirit and being in Union with The Lord Jesus, The Christ.

God’s Impersonal Unconditional Love for Mankind

God regards every believer as an individual person NOT as:

▴ An Achiever

▴ A Failure

▴ A winner

▴ A Looser

▴ A member of a Race

▾ Black

▾ White

▾ Red

▾ Yellow

▴ A member of a social category

▾ Rich

▾ Poor

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▴ A Great Individual

▴ An Insignificant Individual

▴ A Useful Individual

▴ A Useless Individual

▴ A Pleasant Individual

▴ An Obnoxious Individual

God’s Love for the believer does not depend on whether he succeeds or fails in the Christian

Way of Life nor does it depend on the development of Morality or Self Righteousness.

However, it does depend on Justification by Faith (the Book of Romans & ½ of Galatians). The

fact is that on the Cross the humanity of The Lord Jesus, The Christ received the imputation of

and judgment for the sins of ALL categories of HUMAN BEINGS. A major problem for man is

that he spends his entire lifetime looking at people in terms of achievement or failure and as a

result gets into the habit of disregarding people as individual persons. However, the entire

Power System of God demands that the believer stop looking at people as achievers or failures.

When one considers a person an achiever he might ADMIRE them or when he considers a

person a failure he might malign and judge them. In the normal person the Emotion of the

soul is totally involved in this so that he begins to make distinctions in life which throw him

off of the path of the Christian Way of Life. When the believer begins to distinguish between

▴ Beautiful vs Ugly

▴ Black vs White

▴ Rich vs Poor

▴ Achiever vs Failure

he has come into the realm of personal love, an area which is totally RESTRICTIVE and

SELECTIVE and possesses no virtue because all the virtue in Love toward the Human Race is

only found in Impersonal, Unconditional Love. God obviously has Impersonal Unconditional

Love for Mankind because:

▴ Every human being has the opportunity to make Salvation Adjustment to the Justice

of God

▴ Every believer receives at the point of making Salvation Adjustment to the Justice of

God 40 assets for the Spiritual Life including the Absolute Righteousness of God

▴ Every believer upon his death is absent from his physical body and face to face with

the Lord in an Interim body

▴ Every believer at the Judgment Seat of Jesus Christ will receive a Resurrection Body

for all eternity

Reality demands a recognition that Man cannot ever improve on the Righteousness of God nor

can Man ever develop a system of Morality or Self Righteousness based on Evil that can ever

improve on what God has given to the believer at Salvation Adjustment to the Justice of God.

The fact is that God does not look at the individual believer as GOOD OR BAD as an ACHIEVER OR FAILURE. This is a false principle which has infiltrated and intruded its way

into Christianity and is the basis for all religion and it results in the development of concepts

that the believer must work for God and do good things to achieve for God in order to be

accepted by God. This is a totally false concept based on EVIL. One of the Great principles in

the Power System of God is that GOD looks at each and every believer as a person. Looking

at a person and categorizing them as an achiever vs a failure or any other categorization, is all

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part of the system of Evil created by Satan which he uses to rule and control this world, to

build his proposed utopia APART FROM GOD. In the Power System of God, the Protocol Plan

of God, the Divine Dynasphere, the believer will never grow up spiritually until he begins

functioning under the principle of “VIRTUE FIRST”. This demands that each human being be

considered as an individual person because God looks at all categories of believers as PEOPLE

SAVED BY GRACE. God justified each and every believer by the imputation of his Absolute

Righteousness at the point of his making Salvation Adjustment to the Justice of God, therefore,

God does not ever regard the believer as an achiever or failure but only as a PERSON saved by

GRACE. (1John 4:16-21) Therefore, God only sees the believer as a PERSON whether he is

residing in the Power System of God, the Divine Dynasphere, or the Power System of Satan the

Cosmic Dynaspheres. THEREFORE, the believer is never the recipient of the Love of God

because of what he DOES or HAS DONE and Believers cannot seem to leave behind the terrible

idea from Evil of DOING THINGS FOR GOD so that God will Love them. The Power System of

God, the Divine Dynasphere is the LOVE and VIRTUE System of God.

Therefore, Impersonal, Unconditional Love recognizes the VIRTUE of the SUBJECT over that of

the Object and never the attainment or failure of the Object. In the system of God the believer

is to regard every individual as a PERSON and this also has to do with proper functions in life,

especially in leadership positions. Everything in life is bureaucracy under management and

manipulation and for many decades people have LOST all the aspects of leadership in life. This

is more obvious among parents than anywhere else and they are no longer leaders but managers and bureaucrats with regard to bringing up their own children. Parents no longer

regard their children as persons but push them to achieve as an extension of their own Arrogance. Children are no longer brought up as PERSONS but only as achievers where they

must compete with their contemporaries and must honor the family name by being successful in

some area of life dictated by the parents. The simplicity of family in the home has been

destroyed by a lack of leadership in the parents and by an inculcation of management principles and directing these toward children. The end result of this is Drug Addiction,

Alcoholism, Psychosis and Neurosis.

Subordination to God – Leadership toward Man

In any form of leadership there must be a thought attitude toward those under one’s command

and for the believer this Functional Virtue is motivated by subordination to God and his

mandates regarding Bible Doctrine. As a Functional Virtue the one in a leadership position

must have a sense of responsibility toward those under him. Therefore, under the principle of

leadership and the concept of differentiation of individual personalities he MUST regard each

individual as a PERSON. This is destroyed by functioning under management principles within

the Cosmic Dynaspheres. One cannot have successful subordinates in any organization or

relationship in life when he has put people on the defensive so that they are constantly trying

to justify themselves. These subordinates being thus preoccupied and distracted will not ever

learn the policy, procedures or purpose of the organization or anything about the business and

will therefore never be effective in the organization. Therefore, especially as a believer who is

a leader and in the System of God, it is inevitable that he must make the greatest progression

in his Spiritual Life at the point of the Integrity Envelope under Functional Virtue where he

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learns to treat every human being as an individual person without regard to his faults, flaws, or undesirable attributes. Whether one is great or not in life, he must be constantly reminded

that the final EXPRESSION of Virtue in life is one’s interaction with people, one’s attitude

toward people and this must be based on the development of Functional Virtue in the Integrity

Envelope of the Divine Dynasphere. Therefore the true issue for the believer with regard to

personal relationships is whether or not he can treat all human beings as individual persons.

Spiritual Adulthood & the Integrity Envelope

The function of the royal priesthood cannot reach maximum efficiency without the development

of Spiritual Self Esteem, Spiritual Autonomy and Spiritual Maturity in Spiritual Adulthood. In

the Plan of God leading up to Spiritual Self Esteem there is the consistent gradual development

of Personal Love for God which becomes solidified and a strong Problem Solving Device in

Spiritual Autonomy with involvement of the believer in the Integrity Envelope of the Divine

Dynasphere. Thus Personal Love for God and Impersonal Unconditional Love for Mankind

overlap through Spiritual Self Esteem, Spiritual Autonomy and Spiritual Maturity and they provide ORIENTATION of the believer to SELF. These 2 Problem Solving Devices are the only

ones which require self orientation from progression through Spiritual Adulthood to function

effectively and this advancement provides incredible Stability in the Spiritual Life of this believer.

The 11th commandment for the believer in the Protocol Plan of God is for him to function

within the Integrity Envelope in the Divine Dynasphere based on his consistent Post Salvation

Epistemological Rehabilitation from Perception, Cognition, Inculcation and Metabolization of

Bible Doctrine and there develop Motivational Virtue and Functional Virtue. This requires

advancement to Spiritual Self Esteem motivating the believer to move into Spiritual Autonomy

where he begins to function in the Integrity Envelope and develop to completion true Virtue.

However, if the believer resides in the Cosmic Dynaspheres under moral degeneracy it is not

possible to develop Impersonal Unconditional Love for Mankind when there is only morality.

MORALITY minus VIRTUE == Self Righteous Arrogance and Self Righteous people are not good

for anything. Impersonal Unconditional Love for Mankind depends on the complete

development of all the 10

Characteristics of Spiritual

Adulthood by moving the believer into

Spiritual Autonomy of midlife Spiritual Adulthood. This believer must have already functioned

to develop the 1st 6 Problem Solving Devices and have progressed through the basic level of Spiritual Adulthood where he has developed a Personal Sense of Destiny and Spiritual Self Esteem and Cognitive Self Confidence. Then he must move into Spiritual Autonomy and

Cognitive Independence in order to function within the Integrity Envelope of the Divine Dynasphere. Therefore, it is only Morality under the Laws of Divine Establishment principles

plus Basic Virtue of Humility which results in development of the Problem Solving Devices of

Virtue Love in the Christian Way of Life.

Return to the Table of Contents

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Gate #7 – The Testing Envelope

Testing in the Christian Way of Life in all categories except 1 involves suffering. All categories

of suffering for blessing can be classified as undeserved, and all undeserved suffering tests the

motivation of the believer in his relationship with God. This means that undeserved suffering

demands the highest motivation, the highest personal love for God as the ultimate experience of

spiritual life. This is what causes the angels to cheer. Therefore the testing in the Spiritual

Life of any individual believer is directly proportional to the Metabolized Bible Doctrine he has

accumulated into his Right Lobe of the Stream of Consciousness of the Soul in order to provide

this HIGH motivation and Personal Love for God. The temporary loss of some aspect of one’s

escrow blessings for time is the ultimate honor that God can bestow on an individual. Loss of

escrow blessing in time provides the ultimate in adverse spiritual experience and can be a part

of the highest level of testing for the highest level of advancement a believer can achieve in

the Spiritual Life, Evidence Testing. For the believer to be deprived of everything and to be

totally occupied with the Lord is the highest function in the spiritual life. This believer

understands that while the blessing may be removed, the Source cannot be and will not be

removed. If he still has the Source, even though the blessing is gone, likely temporarily, he

still has the potential for even greater blessings from the Source, but the true point is that HE

STILL HAS THE SOURCE. The real blessing comes from KNOWING with absolute confidence

that the Source is permanent. Therefore, if one truly has the Source, he has everything even

when he has nothing. David had a temporary loss of his escrow blessings during the Absalom

revolution. Abraham’s attempted offering of Isaac in compliance with the Lord’s command is

the same principle. The blessings may come and go, but the Source, The Lord Jesus the

Christ, is always the same. Job said in Job 1:21, “The Lord gives, the Lord takes away; blessed be the name of the Lord.” Job temporarily lost his spiritual maturity and occupation

with the Lord, but he recovered and received double blessings for the remainder of his life.

Therefore, when God takes something away from the advancing or mature believer, it is always

a source of testing for some greater blessing. The blessings may come and the blessings may

go, but the Source, GOD, is and always will be there.

All categories of Testing may occur periodically while the believer is advancing in the Divine

Dynasphere and this testing begins with Salvation Adjustment to the Justice of God and develops into greater intensity as the believer moves along in the Christian Way of Life. The

categorization of testing is consolidated in the Testing Envelope of the Divine Dynasphere but

many of the testing categories exist in the Spiritual Life long before the believer gets to Gate

#7 in the Divine Dynasphere. Passing the tests results in perpetuation or acceleration of the

momentum for spiritual growth while failing may stall one’s spiritual advance or cause him to

revert backward through the stages of Reversionism. Some believers live a short life and seem to have a lot of trouble, adversity, pressure and difficulty in their life because these testing

categories come together so rapidly. Some believers are so great that they can reach Maturity

Adjustment to the Justice of God quickly but one must be careful in asking to reach maturity

quickly because of the necessity for consolidation of all of the aspects of TESTING. This is why

God provides differences in TIME in this life and some live longer because they fail more often

than others. People very often look good in life until they get under pressure. Under pressure

it takes stability and self esteem to handle pressure and adversity. Spiritual Self Esteem,

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Spiritual Autonomy and Spiritual Maturity result in tranquility, stability and poise, all necessary to handle pressure in life and these are developed as the believer enters Spiritual Adulthood

and progresses in his advancement in the Spiritual Life. (Ps 24:10)

Suffering in the Christian Way of Life

There are a myriad of general causes for suffering in life which include but are not limited to:

◾ Loss of health, wealth, prosperity, loved ones or anything valued in life

◾ People & gossip, maligning, misunderstanding, maltreatment, ostracism, persecution,

violence, crime, war and these indicate ones own bad decision in the companions and

friends he chooses.

◾ Privation as hunger, thirst, cold, heat, storm, flood, earthquake any disaster which

deprives one of FOOD, Shelter or Clothing.

◾ Administration of Law by Law Enforcement, Apprehension as a criminal and being

tried and incarcerated even executed.

◾ Social suffering as loneliness, boredom, ostracism, social disapproval, neglect, adverse

conditions in Personal Love and Friendship.

◾ Mental Suffering from Mental Attitude Arrogance with Mental Attitude Sins as

Motivational Evil and any other aspect of Arrogance or Antagonistic Emotional Hatred.

◾ Rejection of Authority from immaturity, irresponsibility, including all anti-

establishment suffering of any kind.

◾ SIN as a general category for both believer and unbeliever.

Both Unbelievers and Believers both may in their life time suffer because of:

◾ Rejection of the Laws of Divine Establishment and Divine Institution


◾ Bad decisions from a position of weakness placing one consistently in the Cosmic

Dynaspheres under Evil and in slavery to Satan.

◾ Involvement in Self Induced Misery with its inability to cope with life as a result of

one’s own Bad Decisions from a position of Weakness rejecting life in the Divine


Believers in their life time suffer primarily because of:

◾ Failure to fulfill the Protocol Plan of God by consistent residence in the Divine

Dynasphere under the Filling of God the Holy Spirit with momentum from consistent

Post Salvation Epistemological Rehabilitation by Perception, Cognition, Inculcation and

Metabolization of Bible Doctrine.

The vast majority of suffering for the Christian is the direct result of the use of his own

volition whereby he makes decisions which bring to him suffering. He, alone, makes the

decision to produce sin or Human Good whether this is the result of cognizance or ignorant.

By these activities he inevitably provides personal misery which HIS OWN DECISION brought

on to him as he is held responsible for the sin or Human Good production and all ramifications

of it in his life. He may receive Divine Discipline as a result of these activities removing him

from the Plan of God as well. In addition there are principles based on Bible Doctrine, the

Laws of Divine Establishment and Divine Institutions which when violated bring misery to the

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believer as a result of his engagement in criminal activity or producing Human Good under the influence of Evil in the Cosmic Dynaspheres.

Bad Decisions NOT related to sin such as making a bad investment and losing financial stability

also causes suffering not related to SIN and not Divine Discipline but is a form of Self Induced

Misery from the ramifications of the bad decisions. Marrying the wrong person will bring Self

Induced Misery for one’s entire LIFE. Suffering because of someone else’s bad decisions apart

from SIN also occurs where one did not make the decision but is identified with and tied into

the decision thus participates in the suffering. Suffering on a large historical scale can be the

result of COLLECTIVE Negative Volition toward Absolute Truth as the Gospel of Christ, the

Laws of Divine Establishment and Divine Institutions and the complete realm of Bible Doctrine.

The 5 cycles of Divine Discipline for a nation are the result of collective decisions which

invariably started out as INDIVIDUAL bad decisions and ultimately result in the destruction of

the nation and every citizen, both believer and unbeliever are subject to this suffering.

Therefore, in all areas of suffering the believer must understand and acknowledge that HE

CAUSES HIS OWN SUFFERING. It must be must recognized that there can be inherent

physiological flaws in the physical human body, which cause or allow various illnesses and

disease conditions to occur and from this often comes terrible suffering. The individual has no

control over these physiological genetic flaws which can lead to suffering, however, when this

individual makes Salvation Adjustment to the Justice of God he is no longer under the umbrella

of these flaws or weaknesses. These flaws of the physiological genetic structure of his body,

over which he has no control, no longer control his destiny related to disease and the subsequent suffering but he is now under a totally new factor. This individual with Physiological Genetic Flaws who makes Salvation Adjustment to the Justice of God comes into

the focus of Logistical Grace. Under Logistical Grace the first thing one should notice is that

many very weak, physically puny, people live a long time, much longer than their antecedents

lived. This provides them with sufficient time under Logistical Grace support to advance to

Maturity Adjustment to the Justice of God and receive the phenomenal Escrow Super – Grace

blessings for time provided by God in Eternity Past. These provisions not only overcome their

Physiological Genetic Flaws which may make them physically uncomfortable or cause them

overt pain but in Eternity they are provided with a higher Status Quo than many healthy

believers. People are born unequal from the standpoint of physiology and health and some

make bad decisions when they have good health in their youth and then lose it as a result of

these bad decisions. Therefore, believers GENERALLY bring on their own suffering or misery

with the only exception being the Physiological Genetic Flaws passed on from one’s ancestors.

However, whatever those weaknesses or problems may be, at Salvation Adjustment to the

Justice of God, Logistical Grace support overcomes these.

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2 Kinds of Suffering in terms of EFFECT:


For Punitive Divine


For Providential Bles


The Issue

Sin, Crime, Human Good from Evil

Blessing and Accelerated Spiritual Life

and Bad Decisions

Momentum for Advance to Maturity


Living in the Cosmic Dynaspheres

Living in the Divine Dynasphere



Bearable accompanied by Blessing


Arrogance & Subjectivity

Humility & Objectivity


Rebound Procedure

Consistent Post Salvation Epistemological



Recovery into the Plan of God

Strengthen Spiritual Self Esteem and

Spiritual Autonomy for advance to

Spiritual Maturity and Spiritual Maturity

for advance to Advanced Maturity

Adjustment to the Justice of God

For the believer living consistently in the Divine Dynasphere ALL suffering is designed to enable

or accelerate his spiritual advancement and for his enhanced blessing. He has assurance of this

NO MATTER WHAT MAY HAPPEN TO HIM in this life. Therefore in the Divine Dynasphere

whatever the original cause of the suffering may be, Divine Discipline or Self Induced Misery

for Sin, Crime or Human Good or Providential Preventative Momentum Testing Suffering, with

avoidance of involvement or recovery from any failure it is all for Blessing. (1Pet 1 + 4)

Therefore suffering under Divine Discipline and for testing purposes is some form of momentum

testing for the believer who resides consistently in the Power System of God, the Divine Dynasphere. However, although there is momentum testing throughout the Spiritual Life based

on the level of Metabolized Bible Doctrine in the Stream of Consciousness of the Soul, in the

early stages of the Spiritual Life, in spiritual youth, the suffering does not result in enhanced

blessings. At this level of the Spiritual Life the suffering from failure to avoid distractions as a

result of testing in the Spiritual Life is to motivate the believer to engage in recovery. After

recovery or after passing the testing by avoiding failure, this suffering brings blessing ONLY

related to the believer having the opportunity and ability to engage in continued spiritual

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advance and growth. This suffering which occurs as Punitive Preventative Suffering is for the believer who accepts temptation and moves into Carnality, Cosmic Dynasphere I or Cosmic

Dynasphere II and is designed ONLY to bring him back to the Protocol Plan of God and

residence in the Divine Dynasphere.

All testing in the Spiritual Life is the provision from God for the believer, of situations which

are designed to give him the opportunity to USE, STRENGTHEN and PROVE (to himself of

course) the efficacy of Bible Doctrine. This is the Metabolized Bible Doctrine he has accumulated in the Right Lobe of the Stream of Consciousness of his own Soul from consistent

Post Salvation Epistemological Rehabilitation by Perception, Cognition, Inculcation and

Metabolization of Bible Doctrine. The believer is thus given the opportunity to APPLY the

Bible Doctrine he has metabolized to real life situations thus strengthening his Spiritual Life. In

life Outside Pressures are inevitable but STRESS in the soul is optional and the testing envelope

helps the believer to LEARN to use the Metabolized Bible Doctrine in the Right Lobe of the

Stream of Consciousness of his Soul to offset the outside pressures of life and avoid stress in

the soul. These pressures for the individual encompass not only situations of adversity but also

ones of prosperity as well. This testing occurs in 3 major categories in 10 types related to

one’s functions in life and under varying levels of intensity.


Col. R. B. Thieme Jr., the 53 Year Pastor of Berachah Church in Houston Tx coined the term

Providential Preventative Suffering and used it in 2 distinctly different ways in the lessons he

taught about Testing in the Spiritual Life. The eventual meaning he assigned to this term and

used most frequently with it was a testing which occurred in the advancement of the believer

from spiritual childhood to the initial stage of spiritual adulthood for the purpose of driving out

of his soul as much Arrogance, or the propensity to engage in Arrogance, as possible. However

he also used this term at times in a synonymous sense with Momentum Testing (5 types) or

Suffering for Blessing in the Spiritual Life. Therefore in this book, to clarify and provide some

consistency in terminology and for a better understanding, I will be using Providential Preventative Suffering to describe a specific type of SUFFERING. This is SUFFERING which is

related to all levels of Momentum Testing (5 types) in the entire Spiritual Life. It is a term for the

whole realm of suffering or testing for enhanced blessing and accelerated momentum which

results from passing all levels of Momentum Testing (5 types). I will be using Providential Preventative Momentum Testing Suffering to describe what Pastor Thieme simply called

Momentum Testing. ALL Momentum Testing or Suffering for Blessing is therefore

PROVIDENTIAL for the believer to potentially provide testing situations to enhance and

accelerate his momentum for advancement in the Spiritual Life. All suffering for blessing

provides extra blessings along the way to Maturity Adjustment to the Justice of God where the

believer then receives his Escrow Super – Grace Blessings for time.

Preventative Suffering – Outline & Overview

● This is Suffering from Testing or for a Warning against failure or as Discipline resulting

from failure in the Spiritual Life and is designed:

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▴ To warn the believer against leaving the Power System and Plan of God the Divine

Dynasphere and entering the Power System of Satan the Cosmic Dynaspheres or to

punish him for doing so.

▴ To provide for expanded Blessing and enhanced accelerated Momentum in the

Spiritual Life as a result of maintaining consistent residence and function within

the Power System of God the Divine Dynasphere as a result of successfully passing

the testing by avoiding failure or by recovery from failure.

▴ In all cases of Preventative Suffering God allows Satan to use various levels of

intensity in his Power Systems to attempt to DISTRACT the believer from further

progress in his Spiritual Life in order to provide ongoing examples of the validity

of the principles regarding the consistency of function of the Character or Essence

of God over the contention of Satan that the Love of God, Righteousness of God

and Justice of God do not work together during punishment or blessing of the

creature in the Plan of God.

2 Major Categories of Preventative Suffering

◾ Category I – Punitive Preventative Suffering as 4 types

◆ PUNISHMENT or divine discipline for the ‘wayward’ believer who fails in some

way in the Spiritual Life with the potential for this suffering spanning the entire

Spiritual Life when failure occurs.

○ This is “Unbearable” misery for these believers.

▰ This also includes all types of individual and collective Divine Discipline for

persistent living outside of the Power System of God the Divine Dynasphere.

○ Individually as:

△ Warning Divine Discipline

△ Intensive Divine Discipline

△ Dying Divine Discipline

○ Collectively as:

△ 5 cycles of National Divine Discipline

◆ WARNING for the ‘tempted’ believer to NOT engage in tempted behavior also

spanning the entire Spiritual Life.

◆ SELF INDUCED MISERY which results from voluntarily living outside of the

Protocol Plan of God, the Power System of God, the Divine Dynasphere as a

result of one’s own Bad Decisions.

◾ Category II – Providential Preventative Suffering

▴ This occurs as 2 Sub Categories in 7 areas of life or as 7 types of testing.


▰ This testing designed as suffering for enhanced blessing and accelerated

momentum begins when the believer leaves spiritual youth and enters into

the first stage of Spiritual Adulthood.

▰ This continues throughout the remaining span of Spiritual Adulthood up

through the intermediate stage of the Maturity Adjustment to the Justice of


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▰ It is specific Momentum Testing (5 types) with increasing intensity related to

level of spiritual advancement of the believer and designed to accelerate the

momentum of spiritual advance for the consistently positive believer and

also provide enhanced blessings from God.

▰ This testing is designed to test the believer’s ability to APPLY the

Metabolized Bible Doctrine he has accumulated in the Right Lobe of the

Stream of Consciousness of his Soul.

▰ Providential Preventative Momentum Testing Suffering (5 types) includes:

○ Thought Testing

○ People Testing

○ System Testing

○ Disaster Testing

○ Prosperity Testing

◆ Evidence Testing in 2 types:

▰ This is testing for the believer whose Spiritual Life has been given the

distinction of being presented in the Supreme Court of Heaven as a primary

witness for the prosecution, GOD, in the Angelic Conflict Appeal Trial.

▰ Evidence Testing occurs as 1 of 2 types regarding areas of the Believer’s

Spiritual Life:

○ Relationship with God

○ Relationship toward Life and with People

Specific Categories of Preventative Suffering

◾ Category #1 – Spiritual Life Testing (3 Areas)

▴ This testing exists from one moment after Salvation Adjustment to the Justice of

God and continues throughout the Spiritual Life basically challenging the believer

to remain within the Protocol Plan of God, the Power System of God, the Divine

Dynasphere. It includes suffering related to Warnings and / or Divine Discipline

and Self Induced Misery:

◆ Area #1 – Old Sin Nature Testing or Volitional Testing

○ This is Volitional testing to provide the believer with opportunities to

avoid functioning under the Inherent Genetic Flaws or Weaknesses of his

Old Sin Nature or the Acquired Environmental Flaws which stimulate his

Old Sin Nature and thus avoid the production of Sin, Crime or Human

Good from the influence of Evil.

◆ Area #2 – Cosmic Dynasphere I, the Interlocking

System of Arrogance


(Prov 16:18, Prov 29:23)

○ This testing is to provide the believer opportunities to solidify his

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priorities and to avoid the attractions and distraction of the Interlocking

System of Arrogance.

◆ Area #3 – Cosmic Dynasphere II, the Interlocking System of Antagonistic

Emotional Hatred Testing

○ This Testing is designed to provide the believer with challenges which he

must overcome to avoid Antagonism and Hatred toward God, his Protocol

Plan and the entire realm of Bible Doctrine caused by Antagonistic

Emotional Hatred which inevitably results from prolonged residence

within Cosmic Dynasphere I.

▴ In the early Spiritual Life, avoiding or recovering from the failure in the realm of

this testing results ONLY in the opportunity and ability to continue one’s spiritual

advance. Thus any suffering related to this testing in spiritual youth is Punitive

Preventative Suffering. However, after reaching Spiritual Adulthood ALL of the

testing in this area can result in enhanced blessing and accelerated momentum for

the believer who successfully avoids involvement in these areas or recovers from

any involvement there and thus becomes part of Providential Preventative


◾ Category #2 – Providential Preventative Momentum Testing Suffering

▴ This is administered as 5 types of interactions in life as momentum testing in

Spiritual Adulthood in 4 levels of intensity. (Eph 6:11-12)

◆ This testing begins when the believer leaves spiritual youth and enters into the

first stage of Spiritual Adulthood but continues throughout the remaining span

of Spiritual Adulthood to the completion of passing through the No Man's Land

of Intermediate Spiritual Maturity.

◆ This is specific ‘Providential’ Momentum Testing (5 Categories) related to one’s level

of spiritual life development to accelerate the spiritual advance of the believer

and to provide enhanced logistical blessings from God with this momentum.

◆ It is designed to test the believer’s ability to successfully APPLY the

Metabolized Bible Doctrine he has accumulated in his Right Lobe of the Stream

of Consciousness of the Soul.

▴ Level #1 – Spiritual Young Adulthood – Basic Spiritual Adulthood

◆ This is Providential Preventative Suffering which is Preliminary Providential

Preventative Momentum Testing Suffering (5 categories) and begins with the

development of a Spiritual Self Esteem and a Personal Sense of Destiny,

Problem Solving Device #6 and its Cognitive Self Confidence as the believer

enters Spiritual Young Adulthood.

▰ This occurs in order to test the believers ability to apply what has come

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from consistent Post Salvation Epistemological Rehabilitation by Perception,

Cognition, Inculcation and Metabolization of Bible Doctrine in Spiritual

Youth where he has developed the 5 basic Problem Solving Devices. It also

serves to strengthen these early aspects of the Spiritual Life.

▰ It is for the purpose of eliminating a maximum level of or persistent

involvement with Arrogance from the soul.

▴ Level #2 – Spiritual Middle Age Adulthood – Intermediate Spiritual Adulthood

◆ This is Basic Intensified Providential Preventative Momentum Testing Suffering (5

types) which begins in order to evaluate the initial development of Stage #1 of

Spiritual Autonomy with the beginning of Cognitive Independence.

▰ It accelerates the deployment of Motivational Virtue and Functional Virtue

from Gate #6 of the Divine Dynasphere as Problem Solving Devices #7 &

#8 onto the Forward Line of Troops of the soul.

▰ This testing serves to strengthen all current levels or aspects of the Spiritual

Life and provide the 2 nd

battery of Problem Solving Devices for the believer

to use in Resisting the Strategies of Satan to distract him from continued

execution of his Spiritual Life.

▴ Level #3 – Spiritual Senior Adulthood – Advanced Spiritual Adulthood

◆ This is Intermediate Intensified Providential Preventative Momentum Testing

Suffering (5 categories) which results in Stage #2 enhancement of Spiritual Autonomy

and its Cognitive Independence in Spiritual Senior Adulthood.

▰ There is the enhancement of Cognitive Independence and solidification of

Motivational Virtue and Functional Virtue as the Second Battery of Problem

Solving Devices.

▰ Passing this testing results in the enhancement of relaxation, stability, inner

peace, inner happiness and contentment in the life as a result of the believer

reaching the state of Sharing the Happiness of God, Problem Solving Device

#9 and deploying this onto the Forward Line of Troops of the soul.

▴ The resultant enhanced momentum in his spiritual advance propels this believer

into Spiritual Maturity the 1st victory step of the Protocol Plan of God at which

point he enhances his Personal Love for God as Occupation with the Person of The

Lord Jesus, The Christ, Problem Solving Device #10. Upon reaching Maturity

Adjustment to the Justice of God, the believer achieves Cognitive Invincibility and

also receives his Escrow Super – Grace Blessings for time in 5 temporal categories

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and 1 reserved for his transfer from this life along with a period of Rest and

Relaxation to Enjoy them.

▴ Level #4 – Intermediate Spiritual Maturity – Intermediate Maturity Adjustment to

the Justice of God

◆ This is Advanced or Extreme Intensified Providential Preventative Momentum

Testing Suffering (5 categories) which results if the believer continues to push

forward after his Rest and Relaxation period in Spiritual Maturity.

▰ This testing occurs as the believer moves forward in the Spiritual Life and is

passing through the No Man's Land of Intermediate Maturity Adjustment to

the Justice of God with his developed Cognitive Invincibility and Advanced

Personal Love for God as Occupation with the Person of The Lord Jesus,

The Christ.

▰ He is supported under this EXTREME momentum testing, provided by all

systems of the Cosmic Dynaspheres, by Bravo Grace which is a combination

or merging of his life long Logistical Grace support from God and his

Escrow Super – Grace blessing package.

▰ This testing serves specifically to strengthen all aspects of his Spiritual Life

in preparation for the 2nd victory step into Advanced Maturity Adjustment to

the Justice of God.

◾ Category #3 – Evidence Testing

▴ This only occurs for the believer who achieves the pinnacle of spiritual life

advancement and reaches Advanced Maturity Adjustment to the Justice of God and

is the recipient of his enhanced Ultra Super – Grace blessings, which is in fact at

a minimum a DOUBLING of his Super – Grace Blessing package.

▴ This testing occurs in the final stage of the Spiritual Life as 1 of 2 types, where

the believer has his entire Spiritual Life laid out before the Supreme Court of

Heaven as a primary witness for the prosecution in the Angelic Conflict Appeal

Trial where an attempt is made to discredit it by Satan in his cross examination.

▰ Type #1 – Relationship in Life and with People

▰ Type #2 – Relationship with God

Intensified Testing –> Accelerated Momentum

The continued escalation of the intensity of testing for the believer allows him to practice using

his Metabolized Bible Doctrine against life’s pressures in order to ACCELERATE his spiritual

advance toward and beyond Maturity Adjustment to the Justice of God. In addition these

increasingly intense tests prepare the believer with relatively “minor” testing situations in preparation for greater adversities or disasters which surely come to every persons life. All of

these tests, with the exception of the final Category of Providential Preventative Suffering, are

specifically focused by Satan on trying to DISTRACT the believer from continued and consistent

Perception, Cognition, Inculcation and Metabolization of Bible Doctrine as his Post Salvation

Epistemological Rehabilitation. However, Evidence Testing as the final Category of Providential

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Preventative Suffering is the believer’s Spiritual Life being reviewed and critiqued by Satan or one of his special high ranking officers to DISCREDIT the entire Spiritual Life of the believer as

a witness for the prosecution in the Angelic Conflict Appeal Trial.

Spiritual Life Testing Overview

In the early stages of the Spiritual Life all of the testing provided there involves Deserved

Suffering as Punitive Preventative Suffering if and when the believer succumbs to the attractions

of Old Sin Nature temptations, Cosmic Dynasphere I or Cosmic Dynasphere II involvement.

These testings do not become truly “providential”, that is providing enhanced blessing and

momentum acceleration, until the believer reaches and begins to operate in Spiritual Young

Adulthood. All categories and levels of this testing exist from one moment after Salvation

Adjustment to the Justice of God until the believer leaves this life and is face to face with the

Lord. Spiritual Life testing includes:

Old Sin Nature or Volitional Testing

Cosmic Dynasphere I, Interlocking System of

Arrogance Testing

Cosmic Dynasphere II, Interlocking System of Antagonistic Emotional Hatred Testing

Old Sin Nature or Volitional testing, Cosmic Dynasphere I testing and Cosmic Dynasphere II

testing, all add up to tests of one’s ability to conceptualize Bible Doctrine which requires the

consistent daily Perception, Cognition, Inculcation and Metabolization of Bible Doctrine.

Old Sin Nature Testing

This is testing of the believer’s Volition to see if he will avoid accepting stimulations or

activities resulting from Inherent Genetic Flaws or Weaknesses or Acquired Environmental Flaws

which result from the temptations of his Genetic Old Sin Nature and being under Spiritual

Death from Birth. It is based on and results from one’s Lust patterns, Trends and Areas of

Weakness and Strength in the Old Sin Nature producing temptations to leave the Protocol Plan

of God, the Power System of God the Divine Dynasphere by involvement with Sin, Crime or

Human Good.

Cosmic Dynasphere I Testing

This is Testing regarding SELF and often results in TOTAL preoccupation with Self above all

other considerations. The attraction of the Interlocking System of Arrogance is designed to

distract the believer from consistent Post Salvation Epistemological Rehabilitation when there is

a minimal level of Metabolized Bible Doctrine in the Stream of Consciousness of the Soul. This

testing occurs simultaneously with or instantly Interlocks with Volitional Testing and its purpose

throughout the Spiritual Life is to cause the believer to be faithful to God without becoming

fanatical toward God.

Cosmic Dynasphere II Testing

This testing also Interlocks with Cosmic Dynasphere I Testing and Volitional Testing and failure

as involvement in Cosmic Dynasphere II requires an enhanced Negative Volition toward

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Absolute Truth. However, it most likely requires some time spent out of the Protocol Plan of God and under Negative Volition toward Bible Doctrine and with residence in Cosmic

Dynasphere I the Interlocking System of Arrogance prior to having enough negative momentum

to gain entry into this testing area. This is Testing to determine if the believer will avoid

Emotionalism, Antagonism and Hatred as the distraction of Cosmic Dynasphere II directed

toward God, Bible Doctrine, and Grace.

Providential Preventative Momentum Testing Overview

This is UNDESERVED suffering for the testing of the believer’s ability to apply the accumulated

Metabolized Bible Doctrine residing in his Right Lobe of the Stream of Consciousness of the

Soul to situations and circumstances which arise in his life and thereby rely on Divine Solutions

to his problems rather than human solutions. Successfully passing Providential Preventative

Momentum Testing Suffering results in enhanced blessing and accelerated momentum in his

Spiritual Life advancement. Failure to pass the Providential Preventative Momentum Testing

Suffering results in the believer stalling out in his Spiritual Life and being subject to Punitive

Preventative Suffering of either Self Induced Misery or Divine Discipline Punishment or a combination of both FOR LEAVING and REMAINING OUTSIDE OF THE Power System of God

the Divine Dynasphere. Providential Preventative Momentum Testing Suffering occurs as 5

types of testing:

Thought Testing

This testing is to determine if the believer will allow himself to become involved with any level

of Mental Attitude Arrogance or Mental Attitude Sin or various other levels of intense Arrogance and therefore involves both Volitional and Cosmic Dynasphere I testing combined.

People Testing

Sooner or later there will be people in one’s periphery to which one is attracted or by which is

repulsed and is thus tempted to hate and despise them. The question becomes whether others

in the believer’s periphery influence him or NOT! People testing is designed to see if People

can become a distraction to the consistent Perception, Cognition, Inculcation and Metabolization

of Bible Doctrine and consistent residence in the Divine Dynasphere.

System Testing

The world is filled with both Good and Bad Organizational Systems which come into existence

in both good and bad historical times. Bad Systems reflect the genius of Satan’s Cosmic

Dynaspheres and some result from folly and foolishness and some just from bad policies. These

bad systems and organizations seek to destroy the honor and integrity developed in the believer

by residing and functioning in the Protocol Plan of God, the Power system of God, the Divine

Dynasphere. Therefore, bad systems can have victims and sooner or later each believer will be

a victim of some bad system where he is tested as to whether he will rely on the provisions of

God or try to reconcile his functions in the system by his own efforts.

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Adversity / Disaster Testing

This is testing resulting from times in life of hardship, adversity or outright disaster to determine if the believer will attempt to rely on his own resources and Human Solutions for

the adversities or Divine Solutions provided through the resources from God.

Prosperity Testing

This is the only system of testing which does not involve adversity or suffering (aside from the

potential for Self Induced Misery) and is testing to determine if the believer has developed

capacity for receiving the magnificent Escrow Super – Grace blessings to be provided for him at

Maturity Adjustment to the Justice of God or whether prosperity will distract him from consistent Post Salvation Epistemological Rehabilitation. It is a test, basically, to determine the

relative importance of blessings in life vs the Source of the blessings.

Providential Preventative Evidence Testing Overview

This testing occurs in the final stage of the Spiritual Life as 1 of 2 types, where the believer

has his entire Spiritual Life laid out before the Supreme Court of Heaven as a primary witness

for the prosecution in the Angelic Conflict Appeal Trial where Satan is permitted to cross

examine him and attempt to DISCREDIT his entire Spiritual Life regarding his:

Relationships with People and functions in Life

Relationship with God

Spiritual Life Testing in Detail

Old Sin Nature or Volitional Testing

One of the biggest problems in the Christian Way of Life is the believer, under some level of

Negative Volition, not having time for Bible Doctrine Studies for whatever reason, or not being

consistent in Perception, Cognition, Inculcation and Metabolization of Bible Doctrine ie. NOT

making it Priority #1 in his life. Negative Volition as entrance into any and every aspect of

the Cosmic Systems of Satan begins as indifference, neglect or rejection of Bible Doctrine which

is obvious failure of Old Sin Nature Volitional Testing and instant entrance into Cosmic Dynasphere I, the Interlocking System of Arrogance testing and the 8 stages of Reversionism


This often begins as Eclectic Perception, Cognition and Inculcation of Bible Doctrine based on

rejection of the authority of the Pastor Teacher or the Bible Doctrine which he is teaching thus

failure in Gate #3 of the Divine Dynasphere. Believers both smart and dumb exercise their

Negative Volition when they understand nothing regarding the Protocol Plan of God and Bible

Doctrine as a result of being eclectic about their Perception of Bible Doctrine and because of

their involvement with false doctrines. This enters them instantly into Reversionism and inevitably puts them into Cosmic Dynasphere I testing and under all the principles of Arrogance. This believer pulls ideas from this and that person, leaning on one and then

another, for different kinds of advice and as a result understands NOTHING of Bible Doctrine

and thus has no epistemology and has no Spiritual Self Esteem, Spiritual Autonomy nor Spiritual Maturity. God designed the Royal Priesthood of the Church Age believer to function

on the Thought Content of one’s own soul based on the Metabolized Bible Doctrine resident

there. These eclectic believers are the people who are always argumentative and want to take

the other side opposite to doctrine because they are challenged and threatened by it. They

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want to show others they are better than the one presenting the Doctrinal Divine Viewpoint

and thus argue with him. Therefore, Negative Volition toward Bible Doctrine potentially enters

the believer into one or all of the areas of the Cosmic systems of Satan. This Negative Volition

becomes more intensified when this believer’s accumulated Human Viewpoint thinking is

challenged after the he has erased Metabolized Bible Doctrine from his own soul having reached

the later stages of Black Out of the Soul and Scar Tissue of the Soul in Reversionism.

The Old Sin Nature Origins

The Old Sin Nature originated because of human Negative Volition by the original human

parents, Ish and Ishah, Adam and Eve, which caused a genetic distortion of the human body

resulting in death of the Human Spirit, Spiritual Death. Spiritual death results in separation

from God and inability to make any contact with or have any relationship with God. The Old

Sin Nature residing in the genetic patterns of the cells of the body is also the reason for

AGING. (I am not sure if this means that the worse you age the worse you have been in

activities regarding Old Sin Nature testing?) In this Church Age, the Intensified Stage of the

Angelic Conflict Appeal Trial, God the Holy Spirit indwells the BODY of every believer to offset

the genetic Old Sin Nature’s influence on the individual’s soul. Both try to control the soul

and the Primary Issue in the Christian Way of Life therefore is “WHO controls the Soul” and

one’s volition is the ultimate determining factor. Therefore NO HUMAN BEING ever has the

Old Sin Nature controlling his soul which results in the temptations which engage him in the

production of any act of Sin, Crime or Human Good apart

from his own volition

. (Gal 5)

Therefore, the Old Sin Nature can be considered Satan’s Inside Man in every human being and

the inside source of every temptation for distraction and failure in the Spiritual Life. There are

outside sources which provide opportunity to produce Acquired Flaws which stimulate the Lust

patterns of the Old Sin Nature and ultimately result in temptation as well. However, whether

the temptation originates from internal genetic predispositions or environmental opportunities

the individual’s personal VOLITION must accept what the Old Sin Nature generates as

temptations from these in order to engage in sin, crime or Human Good. Therefore the Old

Sin Nature is the “inside” source of all temptation and when temptation is presented to one’s

volition from the Area of Weakness or Area of Strength of the Old Sin Nature, volition can

reject or accept it. If volition accepts the temptation for Sin, Crime or Human Good from the

Old Sin Nature then the Old Sin Nature controls the soul of the believer instead of God the

Holy Spirit. Therefore, according to Bible Doctrine, the WORD OF GOD, neither ignorance nor

insanity is an excuse for SIN, CRIME or even Human Good production because VOLITION

MUST be used to make decisions to accept functions in these areas. Thus to use one’s volition

to commit Sin, Crime or Human Good causes 2 immediate results:

● The Old Sin Nature is put into control of the Soul and the believer is said to be CARNAL. (1Cor 3, Rom 8)

● The believer, having used Negative Volition toward some aspect of Bible Doctrine at

some level, enters into the early stages of Reversionism and Cosmic Dynasphere I, the


System of Arrogance

, under Negative Volition Arrogance and thus is classified as a Cosmic Christian.

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Basic Spirituality

The believer is either CARNAL or Spiritual and these are never relative and never occur in

stages or levels. Spirituality is the believer functioning in the Protocol Plan of God, residing in

the Divine Dynasphere, the Power System of God, living under the control of God the Holy

Spirit in Gate #1. Carnality is the Believer leaving the Divine Dynasphere to reside in either of the Cosmic Dynaspheres and functioning in Reversionism causing self destruction of his own

Spiritual Life. Grieving God the Holy Spirit is Cosmic Dynasphere I residence and function

while Quenching God the Holy Spirit is Cosmic Dynasphere II residence and function and in

these cases the Old Sin Nature is in control of the soul NOT God the Holy Spirit thus the

believer is NOT SPIRITUAL. (Eph 4:30, 1Tim 6:14, 1Thes 5:19)

Who controls the Soul

The Soul has a system of authority which resides in the volition and is based on the Frame of

Reference and Norms and Standards developed within the soul. This Authority system is

developed from the principles of Human Viewpoint thinking derived from the Evil Power

System of Satan or from the principles of Divine Viewpoint thinking derived from the GRACE

Power System of God. Therefore, the primary issue remains throughout the entire Spiritual

Life, “Who controls the soul”? It is in reality, how does one’s volition function with regard to

temptations from one’s Old Sin Nature motivated by Inherent genetic predispositions or

Acquired environmental opportunities and directed primarily toward the priorities of the soul.

When the Old Sin Nature is in control of the soul it motivates a change in priorities from the

influence of Evil, thereby moving the believer into the Cosmic Dynaspheres and Reversionism.

When God the Holy Spirit controls the soul the priorities change as a result of the influence of

Bible Doctrine under GRACE, thereby motivating the believer for consistent Post Salvation Epistemological Rehabilitation by consistent Perception, Cognition, Inculcation and

Metabolization of Bible Doctrine. Therefore the issue of who controls the soul is resolved

simply by the believer maintaining his residence and function within the Power System of God,

the Divine Dynasphere and functioning consistently under the Protocol Plan of God.

Unfortunately, staying in the Divine Dynasphere is not quite so simple at times. Under Old Sin

Nature testing with its soul control it may result in Arrogance which is Motivational Evil as

Subjectivity and Functional Evil as Overt Arrogance and / or Functional Evil from Cosmic

Dynasphere II Antagonism toward God and his Grace Plan. Under the Filling of God the Holy

Spirit with his control of the soul the result is HUMILITY as Basic Virtue which is Objectivity

along with Motivational Virtue toward God and Functional Virtue toward man as Integrity.

This first testing which occurs in the Spiritual Life, and which is summarized at Gate #7, is a

general life long test regarding Self. (1John 3:4-9) The body of the believer is both the temple of God the Holy Spirit and residence of the Genetic Old Sin Nature. Therefore, this establishes

an ongoing inner conflict involving the testing of SELF. The Absolute nature of the spiritual

status of the believer is determined by, “Who controls the soul”. Being under the Filling of

God the Holy Spirit means God the Holy Spirit is controlling the soul and the believer is residing in the Power system of God the Divine Dynasphere at Gate #1 and IS SPIRITUAL. The

status of Carnality or of production of Human Good means that the Old Sin Nature is controlling the soul and results in the believer living in the Power System of Satan, the Cosmic

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Dynaspheres. This believer fails to remain in the Power System of God by allowing his volition to accept temptation from the Old Sin Nature thereby entering him into production from Evil of

Sin, Crime or Human Good.

◾ Sin is the violation of the Rules or Mandates of the Protocol Plan of God or any

aspect of the Character of God.

◾ Crime is violation of the principles of the Laws of Divine Establishment and Divine

Institutions set up for the protection of mankind by God.

◾ Human Good is the production based on the principles and priorities of Evil as part of

the plan and policy of Satan to form a Utopian society apart from God.

Saying NO and resisting temptation results in the believer remaining in the Power System of

God the Divine Dynasphere and ultimately gaining the capacity and ability to produce Divine

Good within that system from GRACE provisions.

Therefore, Old Sin Nature / Volitional Testing is testing of the believer’s Volition to see if he

will avoid accepting temptations produced by the Environmental Opportunities or Inherent

Genetic Flaws of the Old Sin Nature and the result of his Spiritual Death from Birth. These

TEMPTATIONS which begin instantly at Salvation Adjustment to the Justice of God and

continue throughout the entire Spiritual Life are the believer encountering constant attempts to

lead him OUT of the Protocol Plan of God and distract him from advancement in the Spiritual

Life. Therefore, in the Spiritual Life it is IMPERATIVE that the believer learn as quickly as

possible the Rebound Procedure and when and how to use it effectively and properly because this is the only mechanism for recovery from any failure in the Spiritual Life. (1John 1:9,

1John 3:4-9) Old Sin Nature Testing involves problems or pressures with regard to Self, One’s Own Soul, Body and Volition to determine Who Controls one’s Soul:

◾ A PLUS == God the Holy Spirit controlling the soul – Absolute of Spirituality

◾ A MINUS == Old Sin Nature controlling the soul – Absolute of Carnality

Therefore, the issue for the believer is always the same throughout his entire Spiritual Life and

is WHO will control his soul? Which one controls the soul depends entirely on one’s personal

decisions from the use of his personal volition. Inherent Genetic Flaws are the result of every

individual possessing a genetic Old Sin Nature which has received at physical birth the imputation of Adam's Original Sin which results in Spiritual Death at Physical Birth. Acquired

Environmental Flaws are the result of “opportunities” in one’s environment which stimulate the

LUST patterns to activate the trend system in the Old Sin Nature to cause the Area of Weakness

or Area of Strength to produce temptation for failure. In either case the temptation is directed

toward the believer’s priorities in life and his volition and IF the believer makes the decision to

pass the temptation into his soul and act on it, this becomes his PRODUCTION, from the

influence of Evil under the Doctrines of Demons. Saying YES to temptation is FAILURE of this

test and occurs under 2 conditions when the temptation is accepted and passed through the

volition into the soul and may result in a:

▴ Production under the influence of Evil from Ignorance

▴ Production under the influence of Evil from Cognizance

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Culpability & Cognizance vs Ignorance

The believer in the Divine Dynasphere CANNOT be sinning because in the Divine Dynasphere

the believer’s soul is under the control of God the Holy Spirit, Gate #1, and GOD can have

nothing to do with sin EXCEPT to JUDGE and CONDEMN it. Therefore, in order to sin the

believer must use his own volition to decide to LEAVE the Divine Dynasphere and allow the

Old Sin Nature to have control over his soul, thus entering into the Cosmic Dynaspheres and

Reversionism. Therefore, it is decisions from one’s own volition which EJECT the believer from

the Divine Dynasphere the Power System of God. When residing in the Divine Dynasphere the

believer can only be TEMPTED to leave it and produce Sin, Crime or Human Good and it is

ALWAYS the DECISION to accept the temptation by his own volition which enters him into

production in any of these areas of failure. Residing inside the Divine Dynasphere allows the

believer to resist temptation through the application of Bible Doctrine to the pressures from any


Culpability for failure is clearly demonstrated by Ish and Ishah, Adam and Eve, in the garden.

At the point of their fall, Ishah committed a sin of Ignorance under deception from Satan while

Ish committed a sin of cognizance knowing full well what he was giving up for her. Both were

equally guilty before the Lord but they were judged in different manners but still guilty before

the Lord. Therefore, it is imperative in life that one learns as quickly as possible what is

wrong and what is right, what is motivated by Evil under the Cosmic Dynaspheres and what is

motivated by Grace under the Divine Dynasphere. This is the responsibility given to PARENTS

who are to train their children, especially in these areas of life, so that the child’s decisions

can guide his life properly. When any sin or failure of any kind, in opposition to the principle,

procedures, mandates or character of God, is produced, the believer is now Grieving or Quenching God the Holy Spirit and residing within the Cosmic Dynaspheres. However, he is

still indwelt by God the Holy Spirit as part of his 40


Assets provided at Salvation

Adjustment to the Justice of God. The decline of the Spiritual Life of the believer who is

persistently living OUTSIDE of the Divine Dynasphere is the result of Demonization or the

Influence of Evil on the believer’s soul where the Doctrines of Demons the policies of Satan

under Evil are infiltrated into and inculcated within the soul of that believer. This changes all

levels of function within the soul including his priorities, his Norms and Standards and his

Frame of Reference.

The believer must come to understand clearly that Man as a creature was created for the sole

purpose of MAKING DECISIONS. Therefore, whether one succumbs to temptation knowingly or

unknowingly, he is still responsible for the DECISION by which he allows the Old Sin Nature to

control his soul. If one commits Sin, Crime or Human Good out of IGNORANCE he still

decided to do the thing from his own volition and thus is responsible for his decision.

Therefore, in either case, and because this results in the status quo of the Old Sin Nature

controlling the soul, it causes this believer to be residing in and interlocking this area of testing

with the testing from Cosmic Dynasphere I and / or Cosmic Dynasphere II. As a result of this

Old Sin Nature control of his soul, his resistance to, neglect of or rejection of Bible Doctrine

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has also driven him through a progressive Spiritual Life decline in Reversionism. Thus the believer who uses free will volition to function outside of the Protocol Plan of God, the Power

System of God, the Divine Dynasphere is responsible for ALL the ramifications and ALL the

CONSEQUENCES related to those functions.

Self Induced Misery / Divine Discipline the Results of Failure

With the Old Sin Nature in control of the soul a series of unhappy experiences begin to occur

in the life of this believer. Self Induced Misery begins from making one’s own decisions from a

position of weakness, ie. lacking Metabolized Bible Doctrine in the Right Lobe of the soul, and

is intensive enough that most believers stop here and seek recovery. However, very often

believers who continue residing and functioning outside of the Divine Dynasphere will receive

Divine Discipline as Warning then Intensive Divine Discipline to motivate their recovery into the

Power System of God. When they remain out of the Power System of God long enough,

having progressed through the 8 stages of Reversionism far enough they will receive Dying Divine Discipline as the Sin Unto Death. The Warning Divine Discipline will often come as

personal problems or catastrophe even historical disasters. If the Warning Divine Discipline

does not bring the believer back to the Power System of God then he will be provided Intensive Divine Discipline as greater personal or historical problems or disasters. If this does

not return the believer to the Power System of God his life will eventually end under the most

miserable circumstances for his DEATH under the Sin Unto Death or Dying Divine Discipline.

The elapse of time between Intensive and Dying Divine Discipline can be a few months or years

or even many years and this believer will be in continuous misery and be written off as a

LOSER who remained outside the Power System of God. This is GOD telling this believer he is

a useless witness for the prosecution in the Angelic Conflict Appeal Trial. Therefore, this Old

Sin Nature testing Spans the entire Spiritual Life of the believer as testing for distraction to

one’s Spiritual Life progression. Failure in this area of testing results in the Punitive Suffering

of Self Induced Misery or with prolonged failure and consistent residence outside of the Divine

Dynasphere, Divine Discipline in 3 levels of intensity:

▴ Warning Divine Discipline

▴ Intensive Divine Discipline

▴ Dying Divine Discipline

The Cosmic Dynaspheres – Overview

The Cosmic Dynasphere System is the catch all for every imaginable type of testing for the

believer. To truly understand Cosmic Dynasphere testing the believer must totally understand

the intricacies of Cosmic Dynasphere I and the reader is therefore referred to the manuscript on

that subject, The

Interlocking System of Arrogance

. In the Cosmic Dynaspheres the believer performs functions designed by Satan and thus becomes an agent of Satan and with persistent

involvement in the Cosmic Dynaspheres, an enemy of the cross. (Phil 3:18) He constantly is engaging in production from Evil which includes Sin, Crime and Human Good. Human Good is

most often far worse than sin because it has far reaching and devastating results from its

functions designed by Evil. (1John 3:4-9) Once involved with Cosmic Dynasphere Testing the believer will most likely receive Divine Discipline as Warning then Intensive and if in the

Cosmic Dynaspheres long enough and having progressed through the stages of Reversionism far

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enough Dying Divine Discipline as the Sin Unto Death. For the believer living in the Cosmic

Dynaspheres suffering is PUNITIVE until and unless there is recovery. Therefore, suffering in

the Cosmic Dynaspheres is designed to give the believer enough objectivity and orientation to

the fact he is suffering in order for him to use the Rebound Procedure to leave the Cosmic Dynaspheres and reenter the Divine Dynasphere. See Cosmic Dynasphere Comparisons

Once failure occurs in Cosmic Dynasphere testing the believer only has 1 option to escape and

this is through the function of his Royal Priesthood using the Rebound Procedure. Since No believer ever moves into any aspect of the Cosmic Dynaspheres apart from his own volitional

consent as a function from his own free will, he must therefore use his own free will volitional

determination to EXIT using the Rebound Procedure. (1John 2:15-16) When the believer rejects some level of Bible Doctrine and enters into the Cosmic Dynaspheres and the early stages of

Reversionism he has come under the influence of the policies of Satan for controlling creatures,

first in the Angelic Conflict and then in Human History. The believer who fails any aspect of

Cosmic Dynasphere Testing and becomes involved in the Cosmic Dynaspheres is described as:

Enemy of the Cross Phil 3:18

▴ Enemy of God James 4:4

▴ Hater of God John 15:22

Double Minded James 4:8

▴ Anti Christ – Against Christ 1John 2:18, 1John 2:22, 1John 4:3, 2John 7

Carnal 1Cor 3:1-3

▴ Student or Disciple of the Devil – 1John 3:4-10

Grieving God the Holy Spirit (Eph 4:30, 1Tim 6:14)

Quenching God the Holy Spirit (1Thes 5:19)

These 9 areas of Christian failure involve a great deal of suffering from Self Induced Misery,

Divine Discipline or BOTH! Any time one fails Cosmic Dynasphere Testing and resides in the

Cosmic Dynaspheres and is under suffering he spreads his suffering to others by engaging in

Mental Attitude Arrogance and Mental Attitude Sins along with Verbal even Overt sins thus

clearly interlocking this level of testing with Old Sin Nature Volitional Testing. This level of

involvement and function within the Cosmic Dynaspheres INTENSIFIES the suffering taking a

small fire and turning it into a big fire by pouring the Gasoline of involvement in the Cosmic

Dynaspheres onto the flames of suffering because of one’s Arrogance and Antagonism. This

grossly intensifies unhappiness and misery from continuing bad decisions and Cosmic

Dynasphere Involvement. By making Bad Decisions when under the pressure and suffering of

testing to enter, reside and function within the Cosmic Dynaspheres the individual therefore

intensifies his own suffering. When one makes a sufficient quantity of bad decision when under

suffering as a result of his failing all testing, this intensifies the suffering from the base of

Arrogance and Antagonism and eventually this believer will become psychotic and psychopathic.

Cosmic Dynasphere testings just like Old Sin Nature Volitional Testings are tests which every

believer must engage and pass throughout his Spiritual Life. However, in Spiritual Youth they

result only in Punitive Preventative Suffering when volition fails and enters Cosmic Dynasphere

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I. Therefore, in Spiritual Youth passing or recovery from failure of these tests brings only the blessings of the opportunity for continued advancement in the Spiritual Life. In order for these

testings to result in enhanced blessing and accelerated momentum for the believer in Spiritual

Adulthood he must have developed and deployed the first 6 Problem Solving Devices and be

moving into the development of Motivational Virtue and Functional Virtue from consistent

function within the Integrity Envelope of the Divine Dynasphere. Satan’s whole system of false doctrine from Evil is always oriented in terms of relatives and there are no absolutes except the

pseudo absolute of Satan’s POWER. Each GATE of entry in Cosmic Dynasphere II emphasizes

relative concepts of life. When people do not have Absolute Truth of Bible Doctrine they are

always impressed with the Wrong Things involved with the Relatives in life. Everyone has

some personal point or points of attraction, but the question is or should be what is beyond the

point of attraction. To have power, approbation, success, etc., is very often attractive but the

believer must return to the fact that those who think in terms of RELATIVES cannot ever enjoy

the blessings of possessing any of the ABSOLUTES. However, it is ONLY from Absolutes in life

that all capacity for blessing and happiness comes.

Cosmic Dynasphere I Testing

Any believer living outside the Divine Dynasphere and in the Interlocking

System of Arrogance


Cosmic Dynasphere I, initially develops Motivational Evil most likely beginning with Mental

Attitude Arrogance but which could be from any level of entrance into the Arrogance System.

The Interlocking System of Arrogance is a system of both Moral and Immoral Degeneracy and

when the Christian is very moral and Self Righteous but lacks virtue he invariably becomes

involved in Moral Degeneracy which includes (but is NOT limited to):

◾ Crusader Arrogance

◾ Self Righteous Legalistic Religious Arrogance

◾ Mental Attitude Arrogance & Mental Attitude Sins

◾ Pseudo Spirituality

◾ Verbal & Overt Sins

Reason and Objective Reality have no meaning for this believer in Cosmic Dynasphere I and no

importance to his mind. He is often overwhelmed by feelings of inadequacy in relation to

conventional standards of culture, society and Christianity. Instead of Spiritual Self Esteem he

thinks whatever IS, is wrong and because of lacking Spiritual Self Esteem, Spiritual Autonomy

and Spiritual Maturity he concludes that NO ONE can possibly like or accept him. He, therefore, goes out of his way to insult and offend people lest they imagine that he desires

their approval. Thus the Interlocking

System of Arrogance

in Cosmic Dynasphere I testing provides Egotistical Arrogance as a pseudo Self Esteem with an arrogant pretense of self value

which evades, represses, rationalizes, fantasizes the objective reality of the Protocol Plan of


Arrogance is the Primary Enemy of the Spiritual Life of the believer. Arrogance is Demon

Influence, Evil brainwashing and thought control directed toward both believers and

unbelievers. The believer must think at an inordinate level about the greatness of SELF, much

more than normal, before involvement in Reversionism opens the little door and allows demon influence, the influence of Evil to enter. Therefore, Demon Influence, the Influence of Evil, is

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transference of the principles of the policy, Evil, of Satan as the Doctrines of Demons into the thinking of Believers. (1Tim 4:1) The believer residing in either of the Cosmic Dynaspheres is taught by Demon Spirits the doctrines of Demons, the principles and policies of Evil, possibly

by Demon Telepathy. This is not a tricky or magical thing which occurs regarding the believer

because NO ONE comes under Demon Influence or the Influence of Evil in his soul without his

personal CONSENT.

Overwhelmed by humiliation and feeling self an outcast this believer in the Cosmic Dynaspheres

struggles to conquer his sense of non-identity and using Arrogance he maintains that being an

outcast is proof of his superiority because he is different, disagrees with society and rejects

many aspects of it. Without the accumulation of Metabolized Bible Doctrine into his soul and

having not developed Spiritual Self Esteem, Spiritual Autonomy nor Spiritual Maturity the believer in the Cosmic Dynaspheres vacillates between thinking himself too good for Christians,

(the “better than” syndrome) or not good enough for Christians (the “worse than syndrome”).

This Cosmic Dynasphere Christian is usually an Arrogant Crusader whose motivation is negative

rather than positive and he is AGAINST everything rather than for anything, and has no

Positive values in his soul. Therefore, he must rebel against the standards of others because he

has no standards of his own and thus assumes that anyone who has values is INFERIOR. This

explicates and elucidates the fact that a believer without Metabolized Bible Doctrine has nothing

in his soul and the application of NOTHING to something is NOTHING. Arrogance in Cosmic

Dynasphere I, therefore, has nothing to apply to something and since by this the conclusions

are NOTHING, the believer always reacts to something and this is disastrous to him and his

Spiritual Life. Therefore, it becomes clear that Life in the Cosmic Dynaspheres leads to

maximum saturated Self Induced Misery and this believer ultimately dies under maximum

Divine Discipline from God by the Sin Unto Death having moved to the end stages of Reversionism.

1John 2:15 is a mandate to the believer who is careless and relaxed in his priorities and spiritual vigilance, this is the Believer who LOVES involvement in the Cosmic Dynaspheres. In

Cosmic Dynasphere I the Interlocking

System of Arrogance

the involvement or testing therein revolves around preoccupation with self and disinterest, neglect or rejection of God, Bible

Doctrine truths, and The Lord Jesus, The Christ. In the 3 categories of testing, toward Self,

People and Circumstances, the believer’s involvement in Cosmic Dynasphere I is a matter of

testing related to SELF. Only the believer can put himself into Cosmic Dynasphere I and only

the believer can KEEP himself in Cosmic Dynasphere I. The believer has volitional free will

and he must set up his own priorities and decide whether he is obeying this mandate from God

or not. When the believer puts self into Cosmic Dynasphere I he loses the Love for God which

means he is no longer functioning under the Integrity Envelope of the Divine Dynasphere and has lost the Motivational Virtue of this system thus LOST the motivation to progress in his

Spiritual Life. Therefore, when he becomes indoctrinated under demon influence into Cosmic

Dynasphere I, he loses Personal Love for God as Motivational Virtue. This believer has left the

Divine Dynasphere and is living in Cosmic Dynasphere I and involved in Reversionism which interlocks with his failure in Old Sin Nature volitional Testing. Again, the only solution

revolves around the principle that once the believer makes a decision and gives consent to Old

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Sin Nature control over his soul by exercising Negative Volition toward any aspect of the Plan of God thus putting self into Cosmic Dynasphere I, that control remains until the believer

makes a decision to recover by using the Rebound Procedure. However, the believer who does not know what the rebound procedure involves or how to us it, therefore, cannot EVER get

himself out of the Cosmic Dynaspheres nor out from under Old Sin Nature control of his soul.

Whenever the decision to Rebound is used the believer moves right back into the Divine

Dynasphere under the Filling of God the Holy Spirit UNTIL he makes another Negative Volition decision to leave the Divine Dynasphere and reenter Cosmic Dynasphere I by passing other Old

Sin Nature temptations into the soul. The believer must recognize that GOD holds him responsible for all his decisions.

Therefore, the more consistent the believer is in Post Salvation Epistemological Rehabilitation

and the greater the amount of Metabolized Bible Doctrine he accumulates into the Right Lobe

of the Stream of Consciousness of his Soul the shorter his trips into the Cosmic Dynaspheres

will be. As a direct result he will recover more rapidly back into the Power System of God,

the Divine Dynasphere. This will also result in a clear, lucid recognition of the INFLUENCE of

Evil from the Cosmic Dynaspheres on one’s thinking and that what one thinks is the REAL

person. The Cosmic Dynaspheres, ie. Demons, cannot get to the body of the believer directly

because of the indwelling of God the Holy Spirit, however, by his own thinking the believer

can destroy his own body all by himself making all the bad decisions himself. These Bad

Decision from a position of weakness which put him into Cosmic Dynasphere I under

Reversionism also result in a complete loss of control of one’s life.


When the attraction of the Interlocking System of Arrogance is allowed by the believer to

distract him because of his failure in this area of testing this obviously must be Interlocked

with Volitional Testing. Cosmic Dynasphere I testing failure requires Negative Volition at some

level toward Absolute Truth in order for one to gain entrance into this Interlocking System of


and no believer ever gains residence in either of the Cosmic Dynaspheres apart from his own volitional decisions. This is Testing regarding and totally focused on SELF and one’s

ability to avoid the attractions and distraction of the Interlocking System of Arrogance. This

testing occurs with increasing intensity as the Spiritual Life advances and progresses as greater

and more complex levels of Bible Doctrine are metabolized into the Right Lobe of the Stream of

Consciousness of the Soul. This testing is designed to make the believer faithful to God

without becoming fanatical toward God.

Fanaticism is a manifestation of Arrogance so that upon failing Cosmic Dynasphere I testing and

thus residing in Cosmic Dynasphere I, the believer is inordinately preoccupied with self and it

is inevitable that he is saturated with Self Righteous Arrogance and Pseudo Morality which

becomes Fanaticism. The testing involved in pressures from Cosmic Dynasphere I is designed to

produce faithfulness without fanaticism. The Divine Dynasphere, the Power system of God does

not create Fanatics but does create Faithfulness. Fanaticism is a distortion of Bible Doctrine

and there is no place in Christianity for Fanatics. Fanaticism is:

▴ ZEAL without knowledge

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▴ Excessive enthusiasm without Motivational Virtue

▴ Irresponsible Arrogance without Functional Virtue

▴ Concentration without Bible Doctrine Inculcation

▴ Arrogance as inordinate Zeal

▴ Bigotry

▴ Having Extravagant and Wild Notions

▴ Distortion and Misapplication of Bible Doctrine.

The Divine Dynasphere, the Power System of God calls for VIRTUE and Bible Doctrine First

NOT fanaticism. To the extent one becomes a Fanatic he has failed Cosmic Dynasphere I

testing and thus Fanaticism is Arrogance. Again, the believer must stop thinking in terms of

Arrogance (Rom 12:3) to avoid becoming involved in the functions of the Interlocking System of Antagonistic Emotional Hatred. Thinking in terms of Arrogance and Antagonism in these 2

systems results in fanaticism which is INSANITY and DISTORTION of all Absolute Truth. The

most obvious sign of being involved in the fragmentation resulting from pulling the pin of the

Arrogance grenade is Fanaticism. There is no excuse for the believer to ever become a fanatic

because TRUE motivation within the Protocol Plan of God, the Power System of God the Divine

Dynasphere, is not fanaticism but is the invariable result of placing:

▴ Bible Doctrine first

▴ Mandates First

▴ Virtue First

▴ Glorification of The Lord Jesus, The Christ first

Fanaticism is therefore both Illusion and Delusion from one’s distortion of Bible Doctrine. The

believer must therefore dismount from his fanaticism.

Motivational & Functional Evil

Failure to avoid the distractions of the Interlocking System of Arrogance obviously then enters

the believer into residence and function within Cosmic Dynasphere I. This puts him under

Motivational Evil from involvement in Mental Attitude Arrogance and Mental Attitude Sins

along with such areas as bitterness, guilt, etc., or in fact any motivating area of Arrogance and

is termed Grieving God the Holy Spirit. Cosmic Dynasphere I is therefore divided into Motivational Evil and Functional Evil components. (Is 14:12-14, Ez 28:14-17) All Cosmic Dynasphere I testing is Distraction Testing attempting to prevent one’s spiritual advancement.

All the aspects of Mental Attitude Arrogance and Mental Attitude Sins are functions of the

believer under Motivational Evil. The remaining areas of Arrogance are Functional Evil

including Negative Volition Arrogance which ultimately is preoccupation with self, loss of values, loss of personality identity, loss of spiritual advancement and any aspect of Spiritual

Self Esteem, Spiritual Autonomy, or Spiritual Maturity. This is the direct result of APATHY and

INDIFFERENCE toward Bible Doctrine. This, as with all Spiritual Life testing, is summarized as

it is enhanced and expanded in the Testing Envelope of the Divine Dynasphere because all

Spiritual Life testing will have to be dealt with and overcome prior to reaching Maturity

Adjustment to the Justice of God. Yet all Spiritual Life testing will continue even after reaching and moving beyond Maturity Adjustment to the Justice of God. Therefore,

Motivational Evil with its Motivational Degeneracy derived from the Influence of Evil involving

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Mental Attitude Arrogance with its Mental Attitude Sins results from Arrogant Negative Volition toward Bible Doctrine, God, and Grace often in very subtle ways. (Prov 29:23)

Mental Attitude Arrogance which includes all aspects of Emotional Arrogance as Motivational

Evil is demonstrated by FEAR in the believer. Therefore, the principles involved in

Motivational Evil are elucidated and illustrated by FEAR, Worry and Anxiety and include:

◾ The more one surrenders to Fear, Worry and Anxiety in his life the more fear, worry

and anxiety he will have.

◾ The more he surrenders to FEAR the more things he will actually FEAR.

◆ Every time one has fear or worry about anything he simply increases his

capacity for FEAR, WORRY and ANXIETY in his life and destroys any capacity

for happiness.

◾ To the extent he surrender himself to fear worry or anxiety to that extent he increases

the power of fear worry and anxiety in his life.

◆ Thus instead of developing and maintaining Spiritual Self Esteem, Spiritual

Autonomy or Spiritual Maturity he is moving in the opposite direction in

Reversionism under Emotional Revolt of the Soul.

◾ The more things which acquire the POWER to cause him fear the farther he will flee

from Spiritual Self Esteem, Spiritual Autonomy or Spiritual Maturity and the secondary

battery of Motivational Virtue and Functional Virtue, ie. the Hope – Confidence

battery, in life as Problem Solving Devices.

Fear makes one herd bound and thus he will come to depend on others and fail to use his own

intellect and his own priesthood under the functions of Spiritual Self Esteem, Spiritual Autonomy and Spiritual Maturity to address and handle his own problems. When anyone

declares, in this Church Age, that he is a priest and the congregation is NOT, the congregation

inevitably depends on him and he often instills great fear in them in order to be able to

control or “GUIDE” them. In the Church Age every believer is his own priest and believers

can sit in a congregation being their own priest yet be frightened to death by someone who is

trying to establish a system of fear to control them and get them to function the way he wants

them to under his Arrogance. When the people in the congregation surrender to these myriad

of religious fears they are ruled by FEAR and they are constantly caused to do things and make

sacrifices in order to overcome their fear and thereby attempt to get to heaven. Fear like

anger is not only a sin but an emotion and thus generates and is generated by Emotional

Revolt of the Soul thus subverting any possibility of developing or maintaining Spiritual Self Esteem, Spiritual Autonomy or Spiritual Maturity. Fear is LACK OF THINKING or INABILITY

TO THINK under pressure and in the Christian Way of Life it is essential that the believer

THINK from the Bible Doctrine content of his own soul in the privacy of his own priesthood in

any pressure situation. Thinking under pressure the believer parlays the Faith Rest Drill (5 Stages)

into the Hope – Confidence Drill of using the Motivational


of Confidence in God to

deploy the Functional


of Courage toward Man and the Circumstances of life as Problem

Solving Devices. This process includes using any of the other Motivational Virtue – Functional

Virtue combinations to address the pressures in one’s life, whether they are from adversity or

prosperity. This process prevents the development of Motivational Evil and Functional Evil in

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the Cosmic Dynaspheres.

Involvement in Mental Attitude Arrogance as Motivational Evil with its Mental Attitude Sins

such as hatred, is not only sin but an abnormal function under Arrogance. “I Hate You”

means the one hating has attached to self an importance which he has no right to have. Self

Pity is another area and exemplifies the preoccupation with self which is the Modus Operandi

of Cosmic Dynasphere I. Thus all aspects of Mental Attitude Arrogance are Motivational Evil as

Mental Attitude Sins and these develop into functions under the Interlocking System of Arrogance as Functional Evil. (James

3:14 -16

) Bitter Jealousy as a Motivational Evil is a sign

of a total lack of Spiritual Self Esteem, Spiritual Autonomy and Spiritual Maturity and is also a

sign of carnality and deep Cosmic Dynasphere I entanglement and that one is spiritually and

even mentally still a child. This is a sign that one cannot handle his own life and needs a

keeper. Jealousy can flare and wane in the mentality but with BITTER JEALOUSY the Bitterness is directed toward self subjectively under the idea that he is being treated unjustly by

another either realistically or in some imagined way. The jealousy itself is directed OUTSIDE

of self toward others whom he perceives as receiving the treatment he, himself, deserves, and

the combination of these 2 destroys any function of his soul as a Royal Priest. The believer

cannot ever resolve any problems in his life so long as he is in the Interlocking System of

Arrogance. He lacks the functions of his Royal Priesthood which provide the ability to rely on

the 10


Solving Devices and has not and cannot develop Virtue as a result of not

residing within the Divine Dynasphere. The believer is lying against Bible Doctrine when he

has problems which can and should be solved by his function under Spiritual Self Esteem,

Spiritual Autonomy or Spiritual Maturity but he fails to do so.

People involved with Mental Attitude Arrogance are always satisfied with self but if they become dissatisfied because someone or something threatens them in some way they then take

steps to handle that with action either verbal or overt and this is the PRODUCTION of SIN,

CRIME or Human Good from Evil. This is Functional Evil. Pride or Egotism is exaggerated

self conceit and preoccupation with self, divorcing the believer from the reality of life.

Arrogance, therefore, is often a real or imagined superiority which distorts life from the true

perspective of human frailty resulting in presumptuous Self Righteousness and a false sense of

destiny. Arrogance can always be spotted in others by the Self Righteousness they display

usually as Inordinate Competition or Ambition. This is the believer trying to be a GREATER

or more spiritual believer as he tries to get other believers to conform to his methods of

thinking. Every believer must solve his own problems in life by the use of the Metabolized

Bible Doctrine in his own soul and he must learn the Bible Doctrine to do so from the use of

his own volition. Therefore the truth of “Pride precedes destruction and before any kind of

fall, Arrogance of LIFE”. When the believer uses his volition to accumulate Metabolized Bible

Doctrine into his Stream of Consciousness of the Soul he has used the opportunity to learn

solutions for himself. He can therefore function under his own concepts of Epistemology and

thereby develop his own conceptualism processes, make determinations for himself and link the

knowledge in his own soul with his own volition for application.

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Changing Attitudes

Involvement with Arrogance gradually changes one’s attitude toward Bible Doctrine. In Cosmic

Dynasphere I the believer is preoccupied with SELF and is NOT anti doctrine nor opposed to

Bible Doctrine in any way, he may even consider Bible Doctrine to be important. However,

any level of priority which he may have had for consistency in the Perception, Cognition,

Inculcation and Metabolization of Bible Doctrine will have been altered by residence in Cosmic

Dynasphere I. This may easily lead him to involvement in Inordinate Competition and Ambition with his playing the ‘game’ for advancement and success in life. The philosophies

involved in Arrogance result in a false perspective on life where the arrogant believer distorts,

rejects or uses Bible Doctrine only for his own advantage. He may possibly only learn the

vocabulary of Bible Doctrine in order to gain his own personal objectives and advancement.

This believer, inevitably, will come under some pressure or adversity, especially as some form

of perceived personal injustice and unfair treatment, so that when he depends on his emotions

and distortions for solutions he ends up destroying himself. His decisions are invariably erroneous, his judgments poor, his attitudes wrong, and in effect he is totally disoriented to the

reality of life and as a result destroys himself.

Once this process is begun a transition occurs from the truly spiritual Divine Viewpoint thought

in the soul to the cosmic thinking of Human Viewpoint concerning all aspects of life. He

develops new and erroneous Norms and Standards from Evil and a whole rationale of Self

Justification from involvement in the Arrogance Skills. This may not be readily apparent

because he pushes it into the subconscious mind as he suppresses everything important in life

and everything true. The advancing believer must consider that in these types of situations

Divine Discipline does not come quickly because the bad decisions made from a position of

weakness bring incredible Self Induced Misery to the believer involved in this way. Once this

believer gets into the pressures of Intensive Divine Discipline something occurs in his life which

opens up the subconscious storage to allow FEARS, ANXIETIES, TERRORS, INSOMNIA, etc., to

flow into the conscious mind. The ONLY recovery is to return to the Perception, Cognition,

Inculcation and Metabolization of BASIC Bible Doctrine since ALL Bible Doctrine ever learned

has been removed from the Stream of Consciousness of the Soul and if this believer is very

fortunate he will at least remember the principle of the Rebound Procedure. In some cases

when the pressures of intensive Divine Discipline become too great for the believer residing in

Cosmic Dynasphere I, there is complete nervous breakdown and the resultant mental illness.

Emotional Arrogance

The believer residing in Cosmic Dynasphere I, the Interlocking System of Arrogance, because he

lacks function under VIRTUE in the Integrity Envelope of the Divine Dynasphere, he is an emotional idiot and acts on impulse without any sense of responsibility nor application of Bible

Doctrine. This Cosmic Dynasphere believer thus replaces Spiritual Self Esteem with FEAR,

WORRY, ANXIETY, and Self Induced Misery which subverts his execution of the Christian Way

of Life. Phil 3:18-19 explains that involvement in Emotional Arrogance and Emotional Revolt

of the Soul in Reversionism leads the believer into becoming an enemy of the Cross as he inevitably moves into Cosmic Dynasphere II the Interlocking System of Antagonistic Emotional

Hatred. This clearly points out the reality that the believe who spends consistent time in the

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Interlocking System of Arrogance will eventually move into the system of Antagonism toward

God. This occurs as a result of his Arrogance functions in Cosmic Dynasphere I which are

vastly expanded within Cosmic Dynasphere II the Interlocking System of Antagonistic Emotional


The Arrogance Grenade

Motivational Degeneracy from Evil can be likened to a fragmentation grenade which when the

pin is pulled and it detonates, it results in a myriad of Fragments of Arrogance in one’s life.

Mental Attitude Arrogance and all Mental Attitude Sins as Motivational Evil result in fragments

of the Arrogance Grenade permeating the believer’s Spiritual Life and destroying it. Therefore,

Cosmic Dynasphere I, the Interlocking

System of Arrogance

, is a LARGE Arrogance Grenade with 83 LARGE Fragments which have the potential to break into many other smaller fragments

and thus penetrate and destroy the Spiritual Life. This Arrogance Complex is the GREATEST

Enemy of the Human Race and was the greatest enemy of Angelic Creatures before man existed. The believer MUST STOP thinking in terms of Arrogance in order to avoid becoming

involved in the functions of the Interlocking System of Antagonistic Emotional Hatred. (Rom


The fragmentation of the life of the believer begins with Negative Volition Arrogance which is

simply NOT giving priority to Bible Doctrine as God’s Authority. This is coincident with or is

followed by, Motivational Evil and Motivational Degeneracy from involvement in Mental

Attitude Arrogance and its accompanying Mental Attitude Sins. As an illustration, when one is

involved in Authority Arrogance it is where Arrogant people NEVER accept authority outside of

themselves UNLESS that authority pleases them. Inevitably, Self Righteous Arrogance occurs

with the tremendous development of some system of pseudo morality leading to Morality

Arrogance. This may lead to the development of Sexual Arrogance as the Antithesis of the

pseudo morality of Self Righteous Arrogance when this one reacts to the strictness of this new

morality. These 2 areas of Arrogance, Sexual and Self Righteous, can then combine and

interlock to form Criminal Arrogance and / or Psychopathic Arrogance with all the factors of

Unhappiness Arrogance or subjective preoccupation with self.

Therefore the command to the believer (Rom 12:3) is to STOP doing what he is already doing in thinking of SELF in terms of Arrogance in Cosmic Dynasphere I, beyond what one ought to

think in terms of Antagonism and Hatred in Cosmic Dynasphere II. This clearly points to the

reality that the Christian Way of Life is NOT DOING THINGS but IS THINKING THINGS. It is

what the believer thinks which determines whether he lives in the Cosmic Dynaspheres or the

Divine Dynasphere and this is compatible with the principle that GOD regards each and every

believer as an INDIVIDUAL PERSON. In this regard God has given us Bible Doctrine in order

that we might think properly while residing in his Power System with thinking under Divine


CDS I testing leading to CDS II Testing

If the believer remains within Cosmic Dynasphere I and neglects or rejects the fundamental

procedure in the Christian Way of Life, REBOUND, he will never get out of the Interlocking Page 100 of 239

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System of Arrogance and back into the Divine Dynasphere and he will eventually and inevitably become Antagonistic to Bible Doctrine. This occurs in a series of stages moving from the

Interlocking System of Arrogance gradually and subtly into the Interlocking System of

Antagonistic Emotional Hatred as a result of continuously making Bad Decisions from a position

of weakness in Arrogance. This is very gradual and unless this believer heeds the warning and

intensive Divine Discipline provided by God and reestablishes his right priorities related to the

Plan of God and the Divine Dynasphere, it is inevitably totally self destructive to his Spiritual

Life. When Warning Divine Discipline goes unheeded the believer then copes with all his

problems and the circumstances of his entire life using Human Viewpoint and thus sinks deeper

into Cosmic Dynasphere II. This brings to this believer Intensive Divine Discipline for which

there is nothing in the Cosmic Dynaspheres by which he can compensate for or cope with this

level of Divine Discipline. He then becomes very bitter in the Motivational Evil of Arrogance

and more Antagonistic toward God under Functional Evil from his involvement in the

Interlocking System of Antagonistic Emotional Hatred.

Cosmic Dynasphere II Testing

It is most likely only after reaction to any challenges to one’s functions in the Arrogance

Complex that the believer converts his indifferent Negative Volition into Antagonistic Negative

Volition and enters into the Interlocking System of Antagonistic Emotional Hatred, Cosmic Dynasphere II. There ALL aspects of Arrogance now become antagonistic toward Bible

Doctrine, God and his Grace Plan. Many believer who have made Salvation Adjustment to the

Justice of God and have Eternal Life become Antagonistic to the reality of the Christian Way of

Life and the Protocol Plan of God in just this way. Cosmic Dynasphere II testing involves

temptations to enter into the Interlocking System of Antagonistic Emotional Hatred toward God

and his Grace Plan. There are 9 definitive areas of function within Cosmic Dynasphere II but

within this system of Antagonism any of the areas of Arrogance delineated in scripture will

become dramatically enhanced to the point of generating antagonism toward God or some part

of his Grace Plan. Cosmic Dynasphere II involvement is a reflection of the attitude of Satan

toward God which began during the condemnation phase of his Angelic Conflict Trial and when

God, in GRACE, granted the Satanic appeal to that condemnation. This ANTAGONISTIC

Attitude has been continued from the time of the granting of Satan’s appeal down through all

of Human History to this present day and will continue to the complete end of Human History.

The Cosmic Dynaspheres are the mechanisms for enabling Satan’s rulership of this world to

control and enslave mankind under Evil. The Cosmic Dynaspheres are a repository and a class

room for the inculcation of satanic doctrines derived from Evil. This was the content of the

Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil prohibited to man’s ancestral parents in the garden,

now the organizational Power System to which every human being is entered into at his

physical birth. These systems are the tactical trap for enslavement of the Human Race to Satan

for those who persist in functioning in them and thus they are a factory for the Manufacturing

of LOSER believers.

9 Gates of Cosmic Dynasphere II

Gate #1 – Negative Volition Gate

This now becomes Antagonistic Negative Volition toward Bible Doctrine, God, Grace, and God’s

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Protocol Plan which results from persistent residence and function OUTSIDE of the Protocol

Plan of God, the Power System of God, the Divine Dynasphere, This occurs as a result of

consistent residence within Cosmic Dynasphere I, the Interlocking System of Arrogance and with

the believer moving through to the later stages of Reversionism. The Negative Volition in

Cosmic Dynasphere II is a complete involvement of the Vacuum created in the soul by Black

Out of the Soul and Scar Tissue of the Soul. This is the result of having fallen down through

the stages of Reversionism with infusion of the Doctrines of Demons as principles and policies

of Evil. At this stage of Negative Volition the vacuum of the soul has now sucked so many

false concepts from Evil into the Stream of Consciousness of the Soul that the believer has

caused the detonation of the Fragmentation Grenade of the Interlocking System of Antagonistic

Emotional Hatred thus totally destroying his Spiritual Life.

Gate #2 – Old Sin Nature Gate

This is closely related to and interlocked with a much stronger Old Sin Nature control of the

soul as a result of total and consistent failure in Old Sin Nature Volitional Testing and the

Emotional Revolt of the Soul, Black Out of the Soul and Scar Tissue of the Soul from functioning in the later stages of Reversionism.

Gate #3 – Cosmic Degeneration Gate

Moral Degeneracy

This is strongly interlocked with all aspects of Self Righteous Arrogance, Religious and Legalistic

Arrogance and many other areas of Arrogance which are made much more intensified by

Antagonism toward Grace and God. Once this believer has entered into Cosmic Dynasphere II

from the perspective of pseudo morality he has become in his own estimation a much better

person than he ever was under the Divine Dynasphere and Bible Doctrine. This is part of

Satan's genius in redeveloping the believer and moving him into his Evil Power Systems.

Immoral Degeneracy

This is strongly interlocked with Sexual Arrogance, Criminal Arrogance and is an intensified

Lascivious Lawlessness under Criminal Arrogance with involvement in many other areas of the

Interlocking System of Arrogance which are made much more intensified by Antagonism toward

Grace and God.

Gate #4 – Anti-Establishment Gate

This is illustrated by the ‘Hippie Syndrome’ of the 1960s and 70s and is strongly interlocked

with National Arrogance, Authority Arrogance, Institutional Arrogance and many other areas of

the Interlocking System of Arrogance which are made much more intensified by Antagonism

toward Grace and God. This is an intensified antagonism toward the Laws of Divine

Establishment and Divine Institution and is clearly demonstrated by FAR LEFT activism and

revolutionary activity present in this 21st century in the Unites States of America.

Gate #5 – Demonism Gate

This is Enhanced Demon Influence through the Doctrines of Demons derived directly from Evil

and is strongly interlocked to many areas of the Interlocking System of Arrogance especially

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Mental Attitude Arrogance as a result of the developed Antagonism toward God and his Grace

Plan. This results from a Locked

in Negative


in Reversionism with intensified Black

Out of the Soul and Scar Tissue of the Soul so that the believer no longer can believe the

absolute truths of Bible Doctrine but CAN ONLY BELIEVE THE LIE OF EVIL.

Gate #6 – Cosmic Panacea Gate

This is the believer functioning in Christian Activism even civil disobedience and strongly interlocked with Crusader Arrogance and other areas of Functional Evil in Arrogance, using his

own human efforts to try to change the world apart from God or the Pivot of mature believers.

Gate #7 – Religious Gate

This is the Satanic counterfeit and the greatest enemy of Christianity and the greatest distraction to the Christian Way of Life. It is tightly interlocked with Religious Arrogance,

Denominational Arrogance, Legalism and Self Righteous Arrogance and it completely antithetical

and totally Antagonistic to Christianity. Religious Arrogance is specifically designed to distract

the believer from the Protocol Plan of God by providing systems of Pseudo Salvation and

Pseudo Spirituality to allow the believer to think he has succeeded in accomplishing what is

needed to live eternally with God by his own human efforts. At this level of function in

Cosmic Dynasphere II this is the absolute ANTAGONISM of religion toward GRACE and the

Truth of the Christian Way of Life. This level of Cosmic Dynasphere II is clearly illustrated by

Islam and its continued, direct and violent antagonism toward both Christians and Jews alike.

Like all religion islam gives the “unbeliever” a choice, in the case of islam it is conversion or


Gate #8 – Anthropocentric Academic Speculation Gate

This is strongly interlocked with Pseudo Intellectual Arrogance where the believer tries to reconcile academic subjects with Christianity and thus compromises his Spiritual Life and the

Protocol Plan of God and the academic subject as well. At this level of Cosmic Dynasphere II

function the pseudo intellectual is completely antagonistic toward Grace and the Plan of God

and works tirelessly to disprove the principles of the Absolute Truth of Bible Doctrine. This

believer developeds a cultural philosophy which is antagonistic to all aspects of Bible Doctrine

and God. Everything about the Spiritual Life and Divine Viewpoint thought pattern has been

lost and destroyed along with any Metabolized Bible Doctrine previously resident in the Stream

of Consciousness of the Soul having been completely erased.

Gate #9 – Concentrated Evil Gate

This is the saturation of the Right Lobe of the Stream of Consciousness of the Soul of the

believer with the principles and policies of Evil, the Plan of Satan, which form the basis for

function in the Power System of Satan. The is intensified Demon Influence and the Influence of

Evil on this believer which is designed to remove him from the Divine Dynasphere the Power

System of God. This concentration of the principles of Evil put him under the Power Systems

of Satan, the Cosmic Dynaspheres, and results in some cases, when the pressures of intensive

Divine Discipline and his Self Induced Misery become too great, in a complete nervous Page 103 of 239

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breakdown and degeneration into mental illness.

Entering Cosmic Dynasphere II Testing

This testing most likely would occur for the believer who has become locked into some pet

area of the Interlocking System of Arrogance and at some point has his Arrogance challenged

by TRUTH. IF this challenge causes him to REACT to the truth, his Negative Volition, which

put him into Reversionism and Arrogance, where he has been indifferent to Bible Doctrine and

the GRACE Plan of God, now becomes intensified into Antagonism. This Antagonism is then

directed toward God, the Protocol Plan of God, Grace and the entire realm of Bible Doctrine.

Upon entrance into Cosmic Dynasphere II, the Interlocking System of Antagonistic Emotional

Hatred, the believer becomes saturated with the Antagonistic Emotional Hatred of Satan for God

resulting from his condemnation to the Lake of Fire. Testing in this area obviously must also

be Interlocked with Old Sin Nature Volitional Testing and requires an expanded and intensified

Negative Volition toward Absolute Truth in order for the believer to enter Cosmic Dynasphere

II. This is Testing to determine if the believer will avoid an Antagonistic Emotional distraction

from the Protocol Plan of God. Failure in the area of this testing results in the believer

entering and residing in Cosmic Dynasphere II, the Interlocking System of Antagonistic

Emotional Hatred under Functional Evil from strong Antagonistic Negative Volition toward Bible

Doctrine, God and Grace. In Cosmic Dynasphere II ALL the levels of Arrogance, Sin, Crime

and Human Good in the life of the believer are converted into ANTAGONISM toward God and

the entirety of the Grace Plan of God. (Phil 3:18) It is possible that this testing could occur immediately after Salvation Adjustment to the Justice of God when for some personal reason

the new believer becomes instantly antagonistic to Bible Doctrine or the Grace Plan of God as a

result of immediate involvement with religious legalism but this is improbable. There is a

general progression of the believer failing in the Christian Way of Life which requires some

time invested in using Negative Volition to enter and remain in the Interlocking System of

Arrogance and persist in the process of Reversionism prior to becoming antagonistic to Bible

Doctrine, God and his Grace Plan. This believer would have already put himself into the later

stages of Reversionism so that he has engaged in the processes of Locked in Negative Volition, Black Out of the Soul and Scar Tissue of the Soul. This would have allowed a significant level

of Influence from Evil under the Doctrines of Demons to infiltrate his Stream of Consciousness

of the Soul. That influence would progressively erase whatever Metabolized Bible Doctrine he

may have accumulated. This is then a STACKING of Volitional Testing, Cosmic Dynasphere I

Testing, Involvement in Reversionism in order to push this believer into the Interlocking System

of Antagonistic Emotional Hatred. This believer would most likely be stuck in spiritual childhood for a prolonged period having made NO progress in the Spiritual Life. He possibly

could have REVERTED back to childhood or even spiritual infancy in a status similar in every

way to what he was as an unbeliever, as a result of his significant involvement in Reversionism. The ANTAGONISTIC Negative Volition he develops which precipitates his

involved in Cosmic Dynasphere II results in his opposing Bible Doctrine, Grace, God and the

Gospel of Christ as FAITH alone in The Lord Jesus the Christ ALONE. As a result of this

antagonism he becomes the Enemy of God in the Interlocking System of Antagonistic Emotional


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This occurs in a series of stages where the believer moves from the Interlocking System of

Arrogance, Cosmic Dynasphere I, into the Interlocking System of Antagonistic Emotional Hatred,

Cosmic Dynasphere II by consistent failure under Old Sin Nature Volitional Testing and Cosmic

Dynasphere I testing. Making Bad Decisions from a position of weakness because of a lack of

Metabolized Bible Doctrine in the Right Lobe of the Stream of Consciousness of the Soul is

generally unrecognized by this believer but develops into a series of little problems in life with

which he is unable to cope. When the believer begins to cope with his problems with Human

Viewpoint and not Divine Viewpoint, by the time he resolves these problems to any degree, he

is now entrenched in Cosmic Dynasphere II the Interlocking System of Antagonistic Emotional

Hatred and has become totally ANTAGONISTIC to God and every aspect of his GRACE Plan.

For this believer, “Doctrine does not work” and he therefore does not need it or want it. This

is a very gradual process and unless this believer heeds the warning Divine Discipline provided

by God and reestablishes his right priorities related to the Plan of God and the Divine Dynasphere he will move deeper and deeper into Reversionism and Cosmic Dynasphere II. As a

result of having difficulties and pressures in life from Divine Discipline with which he cannot

cope, this believer becomes very bitter in the Motivational Evil from saturation in Arrogance

and therefore more Antagonistic toward God. Eventually, IF he is persistent in his prolonged

residence OUTSIDE of the Divine Dynasphere, the final stage of Divine Discipline will come to

him as Dying Divine Discipline in the Sin Unto Death. However, this will not occur quickly

because God will allow Satan to use this believer under the principles of Cosmic Dynasphere

Evangelism to test advancing believers and attempt to bring weak believers into the Cosmic

Dynaspheres for this same result. This is the “aggressor” function of the believer for the

Cosmic Dynaspheres who as one’s FRIEND will try to convince other believers that consistent

daily Perception, Cognition, Inculcation and Metabolization of Bible Doctrine is not an essential

but can be relegated to a convenience.

In the dispensations between the 1st and 2nd advents of The Lord Jesus the Christ, some believers will depart from true Bible Doctrine and become involved with false doctrines related

to the Cosmic Dynaspheres usually involving some activity of Religion. It is only the Absolute

Truth of Metabolized Bible Doctrine in the Right Lobe of the Stream of Consciousness of the

Soul which gives one the ability to think in terms of Absolutes. The believer does not learn to

properly think in life until he can distinguish between what is good in life and what is bad in

life in varying circumstances. The ability to think in terms of Divine Good from Grace vs

Human Good from Evil will allow this individual to go into any realm in life and function

effectively distinguishing what is right from what is wrong. Thinking in terms of Evil under

Cosmic Dynasphere II, with the concentration of the believer focused on the Doctrines of

Demons in the Church Age and Tribulation, will inevitably result in FAILING Cosmic

Dynasphere II testing and the destruction of one’s own Spiritual Life.

Motivational Evil & Functional Evil

Within Cosmic Dynasphere II, the Interlocking System of Antagonistic Emotional Hatred, there

is Antagonism toward God and his GRACE plan. This occurs along with the Functional Degeneracy from Evil enhancement of the Moral and Immoral Degeneracy based on one’s

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functions within the Interlocking System of Arrogance. This is what inevitably results in the believer becoming ANTI-Christ as a BELIEVER. The Motivational Evil of the Interlocking System of Arrogance is intensified into much stronger Functional Evil in Cosmic Dynasphere II

and leads therefore to Functional Degeneracy in these 2 areas. It is Failure in the development

of Functional Virtue in the Divine Dynasphere which results in Functional Degeneracy from

Functional Evil as a primary result of entrance into the Interlocking System of Antagonistic

Emotional Hatred. This believer does not function under Impersonal Unconditional Love for

Mankind, therefore, when his Arrogance is challenged by man he moves from indifference to

God and his Plan instantly and directly into Antagonism.

Providential Preventative Momentum Testing Suffering

Thought Testing

In all levels in the Spiritual Life, when under testing, the fortifications of Satan that the

believer must go against are the Cosmic Dynaspheres and failure as a result of succumbing to

the temptations from Area of Weakness or Area of Strength of the Old Sin Nature. Being

overcome by these satanic fortifications results from one’s own volitional failures and mental

blocks resulting from Human Viewpoint thinking derived from the systems of Evil in operation

to control this world under Satan. These false Mental Attitude concepts are resident in one’s

own soul from one’s background in life and thus the believer must resolve the mental blocks to

overcome the fortifications HIMSELF and not try to have someone else resolve them for him.

These Human Viewpoint outposts and fortifications are derived from life experiences and

learning prior to making Salvation Adjustment to the Justice of God. In the Christian Way of

Life, making every Human Viewpoint thought a prisoner, under obedience to the authority of

The Lord Jesus the Christ is simply the result of regular, consistent, normal function under the

Grace Apparatus for Perception, Operation Z. This results in the normal acceleration of spiritual momentum from acquiring Metabolized Bible Doctrine into the Right Lobe of the

Stream of Consciousness of the Soul. This results in the development of Spiritual Self Esteem,

Spiritual Autonomy and Spiritual Maturity from consistent spiritual life advance. This causes

the believer to gradually become content in every stage of life and spiritual advancement. This

is Spiritual Self Esteem, Spiritual Autonomy and Spiritual Maturity causing the believer to come

to the point of being able to solve his own problems from the Metabolized Bible Doctrine in

the Right Lobe of the Stream of Consciousness of his own Soul. (Rom 12:3) It is Thinking within the Cosmic Dynasphere Human Viewpoint system which causes the believer to THINK

beyond his limitations and succumb to Thought Testing. Therefore, sanity for the believer is

the Divine Viewpoint thinking of the Divine Dynasphere from maximum Metabolized Bible

Doctrine in the Right Lobe of the Stream of Consciousness of his Soul. (Phil 2:5) The believer must develop and maintain the Thinking of Christ (1Cor 2:16) by consistently residing and functioning within the Divine Dynasphere. (Rom 12:2, Phil 2:2, 2Cor 9:7-8)

Therefore, Believers constantly think either Divine Viewpoint or Human Viewpoint and life in

reality is made up of THINKING. The bible tells us clearly that one is what he thinks. (Prov

23:7) The basis for glorification of the Lord is NOT in what one does, his actions or productions, but in what he is constantly thinking. Thought testing, in all cases of testing,

occurs first and must be overcome first and is inevitably interlocked with Negative Volition

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toward Bible Doctrine. Invariably there is first preoccupation with self in Cosmic Dynasphere I and the slide down the black hole of the 8 Stages of Reversionism

and eventually, without any

effort toward recovery, there develops hostility and antagonism toward Grace, Bible Doctrine

and God in Cosmic Dynasphere II. This believer becomes anti doctrine, anti God and anti

Christian. Therefore Thought Testing can be related to preoccupation with self and interlocked

with Hypersensitivity Arrogance in Cosmic Dynasphere I and therefore as a result Hypersensitive

people cannot pass either thought testing nor people testing. Unanswerable questions and

doubts which occur with Thought Testing and thus preoccupy one with self, result from neglect

of consistent Post Salvation Epistemological Rehabilitation. This is failure in Perception, Cognition, Inculcation and Metabolization of Bible Doctrine based on a lack of consistent function under the Grace Apparatus for Perception, and from setting up wrong priorities based on Human Viewpoint thinking. When the believer is consistent and continues with

Metabolization of Bible Doctrine, eventually all his questions will be answered and NEW ones

will arise to stimulate his motivation for continued study of Bible Doctrine. Therefore when

questions arise which one is not able to answer or concepts are presented which one does not

understand, these must be set aside until more Bible Doctrine is inculcated. In addition, very

often the believer tries to reconcile his favorite academic subject with the content of the Word

of God thus interlocking this testing with Pseudo Intellectual Arrogance and Anthropocentric

Academic Speculation. The subjects may not be at all reconcilable and therefore will provide a

strong basis for thought testing. This type of testing very often results in the believer becoming

eclectic in his study of Bible Doctrine and only concentrating on Bible Doctrine when the topic

being presented aligns with a subject that interests him so that at all other times he pays no

attention to what is being taught.

Thought Testing, therefore, is generally related to and interlocked with Volitional or Old Sin

Nature testing and Cosmic Dynasphere I Testing. Negative Volition toward Bible Doctrine

begins as indifference and failure to take advantage of the Grace Apparatus for Perception and



by living in the Cosmic Dynaspheres instead of the Divine Dynasphere.

Therefore, the believer inevitably will fail thought testing because of involvement in Cosmic

Dynasphere I and degrade his Spiritual Life by operating in the 8 Stages of Reversionism

. The

Negative Volition which moves the believer OUT of the Divine Dynasphere and into

Reversionism and Cosmic Dynasphere I results in NEGLECT, APATHY and INDIFFERENCE to

Bible Teaching. This is not Antagonism to Bible Doctrine but indifference, boredom,

inattentiveness, and impassiveness because of preoccupation with self and results in the believer

being in some way DISTRACTED from consistency in the Perception, Cognition, Inculcation and

Metabolization of Bible Doctrine. Therefore, thought distractions under thought testing are

related to Arrogance in Cosmic Dynasphere I as the exclusion of Bible Doctrine under

hypersensitivity which is guilty of Operation Overthink or making issue of self instead of Bible

Doctrine. Hypersensitivity fails to pass thought testing because of the Arrogance of the Demand

Syndrome in which the believer seeks to control everything in his periphery. To control his

periphery he must distort or reject Bible Doctrine because hypersensitivity is coupled with the

Arrogance of the demand syndrome. This inevitably results in an inability to reach Spiritual

Self Esteem, Spiritual Autonomy, or Spiritual Maturity. This results STRICTLY in Human

Viewpoint Thinking derived from Evil, the policy and principles of the Power Systems of Satan

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in the Cosmic Dynaspheres. As the most subtle distraction to the Spiritual Life, it results in immediate involvement in the Interlocking

System of Arrogance

. This is the exclusion of Bible Doctrine because of one being totally unteachable in Arrogance with a lack of Humility. It results as the product of one’s prejudices and the greater the prejudices in life the less one has

Spiritual Self Esteem, Spiritual Autonomy or Spiritual Maturity. The reality is that prejudice

squeezes these out of the Spiritual Life. Therefore, the Prejudiced Person who fails Thought

Testing has:

▴ No tranquility of soul

▴ No stability of mentality

▴ No composure marked by self assurance

▴ No Grace Orientation to Life

▴ No Bible Doctrine Orientation to Reality

Generally believers who have problems in life want to come to bible study in order to hear the

solution for their problem immediately and when this does not occur they become upset and

thus fail thought testing at that point. The believer who lacks interest in ALL the subjects of

Bible Doctrine is heading for disaster. Only when a subject is discussed in which he is

interested or which is a solution to the Divine Discipline or Self Induced Misery he is suffering,

does he show any interest. The believer must clearly recognize that Bible Doctrine and the

Word of God IS NOT HIS SERVANT but his MASTER and he most often must WAIT for answers

to his questions and solutions to his problems. He must advance in the DISCIPLINE of Bible

Doctrine and must remember always that the bible and Bible Doctrine is the MASTER of all

believers and SERVANT of NONE. The Word of God is NOT a servant and does not work as

the provider of instantaneous solutions to the problems that the believer faces in his life. It is

the Thinking of Christ (1Cor 2:16) which must be indelibly superimposed on the thinking of one’s own soul before solutions will become apparent. Believers residing in the Cosmic Dynaspheres will often show some interest in a bible subject, such as prophecy or something he

can use in his business, but ignore everything else. This is failure in Thought Testing as

Negative Volition because ALL subjects and ALL portions of the Word of God, Bible Doctrine,

are important because God the Holy Spirit has permitted NO extraneous content to be included

in the Canon of Scripture.

Because the individual is what he thinks in reality, a thought or lack of thought can therefore,

make or break him in life. Therefore, the Mental Attitude of the individual is the function of

his thinking. The believer residing in the Divine Dynasphere thinks Divine Viewpoint from

Metabolized Bible Doctrine built up in the Stream of Consciousness of the Soul under Spiritual

Self Esteem and Spiritual Autonomy and Spiritual Maturity. However, the believer residing in

the Cosmic Dynaspheres thinks only Human Viewpoint from the principles of Evil as he

degrades his Spiritual Life by falling down through the 8 Stages of Reversionism, all under the

Power System of Satan. (2Cor 10:4-6)

The Storms of Life & Thought Testing

The Issue is will the believer understand and apply the divine essence of The Lord Jesus the

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Christ to the storms of his life and then use the Faith Rest Drill (5 Stages) OR will he fall apart in panic. NO MATTER how difficult things get in this life God has been aware of the situation

from Eternity Past and has provided a solution for any of these difficulties then and will deliver

it at the BEST time. Therefore, as long as the believer is alive, God has a purpose for his life

and very often the greatest Spiritual growth and blessing occurs when he is under the greatest

pressures of life’s storms. The believer must use the Metabolized Bible Doctrine accumulated in

his Right Lobe of the Stream of Consciousness of the Soul to weather and over come these

storms. He must be reminded of the Essence of God and God’s provision for ALL the pressures

and adversities in life. The believer has the printed Word of God in the bible but it is not his

carrying it around which matters but assimilating its contents into the Right Lobe of the Stream

of Consciousness of his Soul. Just as when in a storm at sea with great waves, one cannot

constantly see what is ahead of him, only when the ship comes out of the troughs and onto the

peaks of the waves can he see ahead. Then, as it dips into the troughs he again loses sight of

what lies ahead. The believer must not expect nor desire a miraculous deliverance from any

storm of difficulty in life but MUST rely on the Metabolized Bible Doctrine he has accumulated

in his Right Lobe of the Stream of Consciousness of the Soul for proper Divine Viewpoint

thought. FEAR of what lies ahead cannot ever be a consideration. This is the Christian Way

of Life with pressure or adversity mixed with prosperity and success so when one is suffering or

under the pressures of adversity there may be fear and this requires using the Faith Rest Drill (5

Stages). When one is in circumstances of prosperity and success there is generally no adversity although there can be pressure in prosperity as well. It is in whatever pressure situation there

is that the Faith Rest Drill (5 Stages) counts the most, when one is down in the troughs of the

waves and out of view of what lies ahead in his life. The pressure situations in the life of the

believer are where he can learn to apply the Metabolized Bible Doctrine he has accumulated

into the Right Lobe of the Stream of Consciousness of his Soul. When circumstances are

pleasant there is generally no need for concern and the Faith Rest Drill (5 Stages) is generally not

needed to accommodate these circumstances. However, the mature believer also uses the Faith

Rest Drill (5 Stages) even during prosperity circumstances. The person who consistently functions

under Divine Viewpoint thought and uses the Faith Rest Drill (5 Stages) when the sea of life is

smooth and also when it is rough is fine when under the pressure of the storms in life. If one

does not use the Faith Rest Drill (5 Stages) at all times then he WILL receive FEAR during and

FROM the pressure and adversity in life.

The believer does not manufacture FEAR but any fear he experiences comes TO HIM, he

RECEIVES it from reaction to his circumstances and pressures of life with EMOTION. The

outside circumstances of catastrophes, disasters and adversities work on the believer in life and

when they occur they do not KILL him but do something WORSE THAN DEATH by turning him

over to Emotional FEAR. The pressures of testing and all the adversities and disasters in the

Christian Way of Life are permitted by God so that the believer can realize that in the Plan of

God functioning under Divine Viewpoint thinking from maximum Metabolized Bible Doctrine

there is NO PLACE FOR FEAR. Fear is a product of Emotional Revolt of the Soul when in Reversionism as a result of consistent Negative Volition toward Bible Doctrine which puts the

believer into the Interlocking

System of Arrogance

, Cosmic Dynasphere I, under Mental Attitude Arrogance with its Mental Attitude Sins including FEAR, WORRY and ANXIETY. Satan loves

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this situation and he does not want to kill these types of believers because Satan can USE

frightened believers who cannot be demon possessed just as effectively as he can use demon

possessed unbelievers. Remember, Satan seeks to “Devour” the believer (1Pet 5:8) not by KILLING HIM but by causing him to engage in Mental Attitude Arrogance and Mental Attitude

Sins including FEAR, WORRY and ANXIETY. THIS is Thought Testing. Mental Attitude Sins

are the worst sins (Prov 6:16-17) and are encompassed in Mental Attitude Arrogance and are often so great that they are greater than all other aspects of arrogance. The believer who is

constantly in FEAR of things is the believer who makes Satan look good and all Satan needs to

put up against this one is an unbeliever who has great natural courage to make himself even

look better.

Despite all the sinfulness and failure of the believer, whèn he functions by consistently using

the Rebound Procedure, God turns ALL cursing from Self Induced Misery and Divine Discipline

into blessing BUT THE STORM MAY STILL BE WITH HIM. The storm is then used by God as a

part of Testing, that is Suffering for Blessing, and the blessing comes with the believer’s use of

the Faith Rest Drill (5 Stages) and his function under the system of Virtue from completion of the

Integrity Envelope of the Divine Dynasphere. When in the storm of pressure and adversity, the Faith Rest Drill (5 Stages) and the developed Motivational


and Functional Virtue of Gate #6

removes the FEAR, WORRY, ANXIETY. Virtue removes all concomitant Mental Attitude

Arrogance and Sins and contributes positively to the Angelic Conflict Appeal Trial. The believer

must LEARN to focus his attention through Divine Viewpoint thought onto the Metabolized

Bible Doctrine in the Right Lobe of the Stream of Consciousness of his Soul. If he allows EMOTION to control his thinking then the resultant FEAR in the Right Lobe of the Stream of

Consciousness of the Soul neutralizes Bible Doctrine. Fear therefore excludes or cuts off Bible

Doctrine from the Right Lobe of the Stream of Consciousness of the Soul making its application

to pressure and adversity impossible. When a person is frightened they revert to emotionalism

and animal instincts and such pressure makes one concentrate totally on SELF so that self,

survival, catering to and blessing of self becomes more important than any Metabolized Bible

Doctrine or consideration of Plan and Provision of God for one’s life.

The fear of the disciples in the storm on the Sea of Galilee occurred in the 1st century AD and

this is the 21st century AD where there is now threat of thermonuclear weapons being used in

war, hyper sonic delivery systems for them, terrorist threats to civilian life, creation of vicious

biological warfare diseases, etc. However, the individual person is just exactly the same as

2000 years ago and is still constantly frightened. Science has provided incredibly convenient

things but people still FEAR above all else the unknown experience of their own DEATH. The

believer must heed what Jesus told the disciples, STOP doing what one is already doing, STOP

being AFRAID! IF the believer has used his time on earth under the provisions of Logistical

Grace and has been consistent in Post Salvation Epistemological Rehabilitation from Perception,

Cognition, Inculcation and Metabolization of Bible Doctrine he has in himself the necessary

Bible Doctrine with which he can KEEP ON NOT BEING AFRAID. The only thing the believer

should ever fear is his failure to use of the Faith Rest Drill (5 Stages) to claim and rely on promises

from God based on the understanding from the Metabolized Bible Doctrine in his own Right

Lobe of the Stream of Consciousness of the Soul. (Heb 4:1, Is 41:10, Deut 31:6, Deut 31:8,

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2Tim 1:7, Ps 56:3, Ps 103:10) Therefore, FEAR is one of the best ways for Satan getting to and using the believer in his systems. Although Satan WILL use the believer in any way he

can the believer will NEVER be promoted in the system of Satan. When circumstances and

pressures in life produce FEAR inside the believer, he then stops thinking in terms of Divine

Viewpoint from Metabolized Bible Doctrine and this puts him under the control of Satan. This

results in the inevitable cessation of any progress in his Spiritual Life. Fear will not occur

when life is smooth but only when rough patches are encountered and even Satan will give the

believer an occasional rest from pressure and adversity because he wants to keep this believer

around and USE HIM LONGER.

Therefore, in life there is nothing like a storm to cause the person to realize what is important

and to realize what he needs in life. For the believer in The Lord Jesus the Christ, Bible

Doctrine must have Priority #1 in life and one does not have to wait for the storms of life to

come to realize what is important in life. For the believer with an accumulation of maximum

Metabolized Bible Doctrine in the Right Lobe of the Stream of Consciousness of his Soul, Storms

are FUN. There truly is nothing in life that is more FUN than going through maximum

pressure with inner happiness and enjoying it as a result of applying maximum Metabolized

Bible Doctrine from the Right Lobe of the Stream of Consciousness of the Soul. Just as the

storm calmed when Jesus came aboard the ship with the disciples, the believer also has the

Lord aboard when he has maximum Metabolized Bible Doctrine in the Right Lobe of the Stream

of Consciousness of his Soul and uses it actively during his storms.

Pseudo – False Solutions to Thought Testing

These false solutions to thought testing include ALL Human Viewpoint Problem Solving Devices

as Maladaptive Defense Mechanisms and any involvement in the Interlocking System of


. These defense mechanisms are the Human Viewpoint functions designed to protect the human mind against pressures to great for it to bear. They function primarily in children

when they are subjected to adversities which they cannot comprehend. They are the basis for

later life alcohol and drug addiction and the means of avoiding dealing with excessive pressures

in life. A few examples are:


This is Self Justification as part of the Arrogance Skills and this is unnecessary when one has

developed Spiritual Self Esteem, Spiritual Autonomy or Spiritual Maturity. Without Spiritual

Self Esteem there is constant rationalization of self with regard to one who may be superior or

inferior to or who challenges some aspect of one’s life. This is the handicap of trying to solve

the problems of life from Emotion having moved down through Reversionism to Emotional

Revolt of the Soul and into Black Out of the Soul were any previously accumulated Bible Doctrine is erased from the soul and replaced with the LIE of the False Doctrines of Demons

from the Policy of Evil from Satan. This is Cosmic Dynasphere involvement resulting in Cosmic

Dynasphere solutions which are always a pseudo resolution to any of the problems in life.

Rationalizing as Self Justification today results in Autistic Fantasizing and tomorrow leads the

person into becoming a psychopathic personality. If Justification of wrong actions is not

possible then the Human Viewpoint will blame God or someone else in one’s periphery thus

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allowing him to refuse to take responsibility for his own thoughts, motivations, decisions, and actions.

Direct Attack of Anger

This is an Anger Adjustment to problems by attempting to solve problems by temper tantrums

which have 3 objectives:

▴ Satisfying Approbation Lust by Gaining Attention

▴ Satisfying Power Lust by Controlling People in one’s environment

▴ Satisfying a LACK of Self Esteem from not living within one’s limitations thus

becoming spiteful and seeking revenge


This is the Human Viewpoint function of ignoring a problem so that it will just go away. This

is a total LACK of all aspects of self esteem. This is the soldier claiming there is only 1 bullet

with his name on it and thus ignoring all the procedures he has been trained to follow in

combat. (Job 5:20-21)


This is the Human Viewpoint of finding a new outlet for a drive or frustration. It is transferring, because of a lack of development of Spiritual Self Esteem, Spiritual Autonomy or

Spiritual Maturity, pressures from one subject, person or environment to another thus NOT

solving anything. The Cosmic Dynasphere Believer who becomes bored and seeks happiness in

some other form has lost capacity for life and happiness because of lacking Spiritual Self

Esteem, Spiritual Autonomy or Spiritual Maturity. This one concentrates his entire focus on

some field to sublimate for the failures and weaknesses in his life. The principle here remains

that not everyone who lacks Spiritual Self Esteem, Spiritual Autonomy or Spiritual Maturity

goes out and gets drunk or high on drugs or fornicates constantly but some simply try to

accumulate great wealth or gain fantastic success in some area. Therefore, one can sublimate

with Inordinate Ambition for life outside of the Protocol Plan of God, the Divine Dynasphere.

This is how people overrun their limitations and simultaneously fail to realize that their limitations are invariably expanded under consistency in accumulation of Metabolized Bible

Doctrine into their soul.


People Testing

Sooner or later there will be people who come into one’s periphery which can be classified into

2 categories:

▴ Those to whom one is attracted and thus pursue in friendship or romance

▴ Those whom one is repulsed by thus being tempted to hate and despise them

Friends and Loved ones in People Testing bring to the front the question as to whether friends

or loved ones influence the believer or NOT! People Testing is designed to see if People can

become a distraction to the consistent Perception, Cognition, Inculcation and Metabolization of

Bible Doctrine and consistent residence in the Divine Dynasphere. This can and does occur but

ONLY IF the believer places human relationship above Bible Doctrine in establishing his priorities and values. The reality of the Christian Way of Life is that no aspect of life, social,

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sexual, business, professional, etc., can ever take precedence over Perception, Cognition, Inculcation and Metabolization of Bible Doctrine and living within the Divine Dynasphere.

Personal Love or Personal hatred, attraction or animosity can at any point be a personal

distraction and trap to the believer as part of people testing. Inevitably, when the believer

begins to gain some momentum in the Spiritual Life some friend comes along who does not

share his motivation toward or priority regarding the consistent Inculcation of Bible Doctrine

and attempts to distract him from bible study. Invariably, these other people, whom the

believer may be close to, may not have the same priorities as he does and then the question

becomes, does the believer’s priority change?

ALL people in one’s periphery, form the varying levels of people testing, when they try to

influence the positive believer away from Bible Doctrine they are Cosmic Dynaspheres

Evangelists, attempting to drag the advancing believer into Failure in Cosmic Dynasphere Testing. Therefore, these other people attempt to influence one into an interlocking within


Dynasphere I from failure in this testing. Most Cosmic Dynasphere Evangelists

encountered by the advancing believer will be found among other believers, close friends and

loved ones. Failure in this area of testing results from a response to those to whom one is

attracted or a reaction to those whom one is repulsed by, which is, in fact, the true issue and

problem. When one is attracted to someone they can and will influence him and if they do

not have Bible Doctrine as Priority #1 in their life they may lead him away from Bible

Doctrine and the Power System of God the Divine Dynasphere. When one is repulsed by

someone and reacts to them they will also cause him to be distracted and fail to pass the

Interlocking of Thought and People testing. These 2 situations with involvement of 2

antithetical types of individuals put the believer directly into Cosmic Dynasphere I the


System of Arrogance

through Mental Attitude Arrogance as a part of Motivational Evil. This also interlocks with Old Sin Nature testing, both requiring Volitional Approval to

engage in failure in this area, and puts the Old Sin Nature into control of the soul.

The question which inevitably arises with regard to association with people including friends or

loved ones or any close associate is whether they share the interest, focus and priority of the

believer toward Bible Doctrine or NOT? When these others, often other believers, do not share

this priority then these people become Cosmic Dynasphere Evangelists. The issue then becomes

whether the believer by being in association with these people can maintain the priorities of

the Power System of God, one which is Bible Doctrine First. If these associated people have

Bible Doctrine low on their list of priorities and place something else above that priority they

will soon be influencing the believer to share their false erroneous priorities pulling him away

from residence and function within the Divine Dynasphere.

People testing also occurs with regard to the PERSONALITY of other people and one of the key

places where believers fail people testing is in the spiritual realm regarding the personality of

the Pastor Teacher. This should never become an issue because only the Modus Operandi of

the Pastor Teacher is the true issue. It is the Message of the Pastor Teacher and the accuracy

of the Bible Doctrine he teaches which is the definitive issue. Therefore, there are 2 issues

which face the believer in any congregation of any local church which become part of People

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Testing for the advancing believer:

▴ His attitude toward the Pastor Teacher regarding what kind of Pastor Teacher he


▴ The content and accuracy of his message of Bible Doctrine.

Because some of this testing people testing is related to Cosmic Dynasphere Evangelism by

friends in one’s periphery it comes in 2 Categories:

Personal Love or Admiration

The object of this category often controls one’s life and provides either some level of happiness

or unhappiness. When one engages in personal love as romance or strong friendships the

object of that love often controls one’s life and happiness, therefore, his life and happiness do

not follow the Protocol Plan of God. The design of the Protocol Plan of God, is such that

happiness always resides WITHIN THE INDIVIDUAL BELIEVER and he does not have to rely or

depend on people, circumstances or environment or any form of prosperity for happiness.

Therefore based on proper and effective function under one’s Royal Priesthood all happiness

comes from within. When happiness depends on another person or some other circumstance in

life the believer has no real happiness and that other inevitably controls his life. Under

Spiritual Self Esteem, Spiritual Autonomy and in Spiritual Maturity, under Virtue Love, as


Virtue and Functional

Virtue , the believer is supposed to have personal control of

his own life and never rely on others. He is to have developed or be developing a Personal

Sense of Destiny, Motivational Virtue and Functional Virtue, the contentment of Sharing the


of God in the Protocol Plan of God. This he is to derive from Cognitive Self

Confidence, Cognitive Independence and ultimately Cognitive Invincibility as he progresses

through spiritual adulthood to Spiritual Maturity from the accumulation of Metabolized Bible

Doctrine in his soul thus having POISE and command of self. This believer takes HIS OWN

happiness and brings this to others but he does not lean on others, things or circumstances for

happiness. This means he is capable of functioning under the Functional Virtue of Impersonal


for Mankind as the Problem Solving Device related to PEOPLE Testing. Personal Love

toward man in romance and friendship has no virtue and cannot in itself be a source of

happiness or virtue unless one supports it by adding virtue to it as Impersonal Unconditional

Love for Mankind. Therefore, personal relationships MUST have virtue injected into them for

any happiness or blessing to exist. Consequently, if one is involved with a person who means

more to him than Bible Doctrine then he has already flunked people testing.

Personal Hatred or Animosity

The Object under this category of person often has control of one’s life and happiness as well

because of one’s personal animosity toward them. The believer should never allow his anger or

disturbance with another person to destroy him nor to influence others. Surrendering control of

one’s life and happiness to others maintains this believer in the LOSER bracket residing in the

Cosmic Dynaspheres and prevents him from advancing in the Spiritual Life. Many believers

cannot stand any advanced Bible Doctrine or anything which causes them to think or which

confuses them even momentarily. So also, believers are easily led away from the Protocol Plan

of God and Perception, Cognition, Inculcation and Metabolization of Bible Doctrine by

friendships and romances but also by Hatred of others.

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People only become a distraction to the execution of the Protocol Plan of God when human

relationships become more important that Perception, Cognition, Inculcation and Metabolization

of Bible Doctrine. Social, business, sexual or any other aspect of personal life cannot ever take

precedence over life in the Divine Dynasphere the Protocol Plan of God else the believer will

fail this momentum test. When personal relationships or personal ambition is stronger than the

motivation to engage in the Perception, Cognition, Inculcation and Metabolization of Bible

Doctrine this believer has lost his Divine Viewpoint Scale of Values and priorities and allowed his Personal Love relationships and personal animosities to become a distraction to his Spiritual

Life. Response or reaction to people can therefore become a strong distraction to momentum in

the Plan of God. Response results in succumbing to Cosmic Dynasphere Evangelism and

moving out of the Divine Dynasphere into the Cosmic Dynasphere by following friends or loved

ones there. Reaction leads to involvement in the Motivational Evil of Cosmic Dynasphere I, the

Interlocking System of Arrogance with its emotional revolts of hatred and antagonism toward

those who are repulsive, thus driving the believer into Cosmic Dynasphere II, the Interlocking

System of Antagonistic Emotional Hatred.

Response / Reaction & Cosmic Evangelism

Inevitably at some point in life someone comes along who appears to be extremely spiritual and

is always discussing spiritual things. However, they may in fact be totally divorced from

reality but still engage in expression of spiritual things constantly. Becoming closely acquainted

with that person inevitably results in one being subject to Cosmic Dynasphere Evangelism and

responding to it causes failure under People Testing. Inevitably, in contrast, someone comes

along in life who is not at all spiritual but very attractive and they make others feel good and

very important in their presence. Maintaining a close relationship with them again subjects

that believer to Cosmic Dynasphere Evangelism and thus failure under People Testing. The

believer is to keep on walking in the Power System of God because outside of that system, no

matter how smart he may or may not be, there is someone who will inevitably deceive him

and lure him into the Cosmic Dynaspheres. It is interesting to note that the deceivers are

generally not as intelligent as the positive believer yet they are still able to deceive him. These

deceivers are the Cosmic Dynasphere Evangelists and are either believers or unbelievers living

within the Cosmic Dynaspheres. They are not always people one is compatible with or with

whom one can have rapport at some level, but very often these are people whom one is totally

antagonistic to in every way. Therefore, some of the Cosmic Dynasphere Evangelists are obnoxious while others are truly marvelous. Believers are always going to be sucked into the

Cosmic Dynaspheres when they react to the obnoxious people with Mental Attitude Arrogance

and its sins AND when they respond to the marvelous, wonderful people and follow them

willingly into the Cosmic Dynaspheres.

Therefore, the only way to avoid Cosmic Dynasphere Involvement and avoid failing People

Testing is to treat all human beings as individual persons by functioning consistently within the

Integrity Envelope of the Divine Dynasphere, the Power System of God. The believer must not

treat the obnoxious person as obnoxious but as a person with Impersonal,

Unconditional Love

and he must not treat the marvelous, attractive person by assuming rapport with Personal Love

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but as a person with Impersonal, Unconditional Love. Thus the function of the believer under the principles of VIRTUE is the GREATEST defense to becoming constantly involved in Satan’s

Cosmic Dynaspheres. Whether the believer wants to destroy the obnoxious, repulsive persons

or spend time with the marvelous, attractive persons he invariably enters into the Cosmic

Dynaspheres under their influence and they are the deceivers.

Any time the believer moves Bible Doctrine from being Priority #1 in his life and puts people

up there instead, he will fail people testing and those involved people will become the source

of great Self Induced Misery. They will cause unhappiness, disappointment, disillusionment,

dissatisfaction, etc., all part of the involvement of this believer in the Interlocking System of


. Then, these other people will be blamed for this misery but in reality it is the believer’s own fault for erroneously using his volition to change his own priorities. Response

to the distracting influence of the attractive people results in voluntary involvement in the

Cosmic Dynaspheres while Reaction leads to Motivational and Functional Degeneracy under the

principles of Evil, also placing the believer deeply in the Cosmic Dynaspheres. Reaction by the

believer frustrated by LOVE relationships results in Disillusion, Disenchantment, Disappointment,

Bitterness, Implacability, Vindictiveness and many other aspects of Arrogance Involvement. The

reaction of the believer to personality conflict results in Hatred, Personal Insensitivity, Expressions of Arrogance, Hostile Subjectivity, Loss of Honor and Integrity and Revenge Modus

Operandi, etc. Clearly then one of the greatest and most disastrous complications which can

occur in People testing is Cosmic Dynasphere Evangelism which is produced by both believers

and unbelievers living in the Cosmic Dynasphere under the influence of Evil and control Satan.

Cosmic Dynasphere Evangelism is most often conducted through some form of Arrogance like:

▴ Flattery

▴ Pseudo Intellectuality

▴ Affection

▴ Passion

In addition there is always some disguise or facade for the Arrogance approach and Arrogance