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This is basic Reciprocal Love for God based on the fact that GOD loved his creation first and

the advancing believer can reciprocate that love because of an understanding of the Grace of

God and Plan of God. This is an expansion of the Love Envelope and opening the Virtue

Envelope with the beginning of Motivational


as the 3 rd floor of the Edification Complex

of the Soul and the Integrity Envelope of Gate #6 of the Divine Dynasphere. This is the

primary MOTIVATION for the believer to engage in continued spiritual advance from an

increased knowledge of God as a result of increased levels of Metabolized Bible Doctrine in the

Right Lobe of the Stream of Consciousness of the Soul and consistency under the Filling of God

the Holy Spirit.

#8 – Impersonal / Unconditional Love for Mankind

This is an expansion of the Virtue Envelope with the development of the Functional



toleration of the failures, flaws and quirks of others providing a solid orientation to the Divine

Institutions, the Laws of Divine Establishment. This is the development of an understanding of Freedom under these laws with the concept of Live and Let Live directed toward all mankind in

one’s periphery. It is the 4 th floor of the Edification Complex of the Soul and also part of the Integrity Envelope of Gate #6 of the Divine Dynasphere.

Functional Virtue

Impersonal Unconditional Love for Mankind

Impact Virtue – Sensitivity toward All others

Impact Virtue – Thoughtfulness toward All others

Impact Virtue – Courtesy toward All others

Impact Virtue – Good Manners toward All others

Impact Virtue – Accommodating to All others

Impact Virtue – Kindness to All others

Impact Virtue – Understanding toward All others

Impact Virtue – No prejudice toward All others

Impact Virtue – Objectivity toward All others

#9 – Sharing the Happiness of God

This is the 5 th and final floor

of the Edification Complex of the Soul and is a culmination of the

progressive development of inner happiness, contentment and mental stability from Progress in



Life which results from consistent Perception, Cognition, Inculcation, Metabolization and Application of Bible Doctrine under the Filling of God the Holy Spirit. It is

a maximum level of inner happiness, contentment and unwavering mental stability from

minimal Mental Attitude, Verbal and Overt sinning. It results in minimal Self Induced Misery

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and Divine Discipline from God with minimal functions within the Interlocking System of Arrogance. This inner happiness and mental stability continues to advance as the believer

progresses through the 3 stages of Maturity


to the Justice

of God to the pinnacle of

the Spiritual Life, Advanced

Maturity Adjustment

to the Justice

of God , where the believer’s

soul functions to both Glorify and Please God.

#10 – Occupation with the Person of The Lord Jesus, The Christ

This is a culmination of the Love Envelope of the Spiritual Life by the development of Advanced Personal Love for God resulting from a maximum level of Metabolized Bible Doctrine

in the Right Lobe of the Stream of Consciousness of the Soul. This level of Bible Doctrine

brings maximum knowledge of God and his Plan of Grace which is realized upon the believers

entry into the status of Maturity


to the Justice

of God . This is one of the many

aspects of the blessings received by the believer reaching Gate #8 of the Divine Dynasphere

and completing the Edification Complex of the Soul.

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Image 4

Problem Solving Devices on the Forward Line of Troops

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Image 5

The Problem Solving Devices & The Gratitude Gauge

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The Edification Complex of the Soul


The Filling of God the Holy Spirit, this is Power Option #1, the ultimate power of the

Spiritual Life. (Gate #1 of the Divine Dynasphere and Problem Solving Device #2) and part of both the Spirituality Envelope and the Progression Envelope. This is imputed at Salvation Adjustment to the Justice of God along with 39 irrevocable assets for the believer’s advancement in the Spiritual Life. However, it can be lost as a result of the failure of the

believer from his involvement with Sin but recoverable through the use of Problem Solving

Device #1, the Rebound Procedure of 1John 1:9. The Filling of God the Holy Spirit is

Essential for the ministry of God the Holy Spirit to be effective in the life of the believer with its many aspects and ramifications.

1st Floor

Humility & Teachability, this is the opening of the Virtue Envelope of Gate #3 of the

Divine Dynasphere with the development of Authority Orientation and is the basis for Virtue

with the development of the Humility Envelope as foundational virtue. This is where the

believer chooses to persistently function using Problem Solving Device #1 – the Rebound Procedure, 1John 1:9; Problem Solving Device #2 – the Filling of the Holy Spirit to control the soul; and, Problem Solving Device #3 – the systematic, progressive use of the 5 categories of the Faith Rest Drill. Humility is essential for Authority Orientation and Authority Orientation is essential for teachability and when people rely on their own strengths and abilities there are

many ways for God to humble them. For the believer it may be his involvement in the


System of Arrogance

which ultimately humbles him because “God makes WAR

against the Arrogant”. (1Pet 5:5, James 4:6) Therefore it is essential that the believer build

this 1st floor of his Edification Complex of the Soul in order to begin to remove and then to

avoid all aspects of Arrogance. Humility and Teachability for the Spiritual Life are developed from Authority Orientation toward one’s Pastor Teacher based on his effective teaching of Bible

Doctrine and Enforced Discipline within the functions of the Local Church combined with Self

Discipline developed from motivation to execute the Protocol Plan of God, the Divine

Dynasphere, the Power System of God .

2nd Floor

Bible Doctrine Orientation, this is part of the Orientation Envelope of Gate #4 of the

Divine Dynasphere and Problem Solving Device #5. This is the clear understanding that from consistent Perception, Cognition, Inculcation and Metabolization of Bible Doctrine comes the

Application of Bible Doctrine to life and that this is the primary ESSENTIAL  in the Spiritual Life. This is what God requires of the believer for progress to occur toward maturation and for

the believer to consistently live under the GRACE Plan of God in the Power System of God and

complete execution of his Protocol Plan, the Divine Dynasphere.

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3rd Floor

Personal Love for God, this is the primary Motivational virtue of Gate #6 of the Divine

Dynasphere and Problem Solving Device #7 as part of the Integrity Envelope of the Spiritual

Life. This begins as basic Personal Love for God when the believer moves into the Orientation

Envelope of the Divine Dynasphere which is solidified as he reaches Spiritual Autonomy in Spiritual Adulthood. As the Edification Complex of the Soul is filled with greater levels of

Metabolized Bible Doctrine this Love for God progresses into a mature or Advanced Personal

Love for God as Occupation with the Person of The Lord Jesus the Christ, Problem Solving



, as Spiritual Maturity is reached and is accompanied by other Motivational


for the Spiritual Life.

4th Floor

Impersonal, Unconditional Love for Mankind, this is a Functional Virtue of the Integrity

Envelope of (Gate #6 of the Divine Dynasphere and Problem Solving Device #8). It initially

and inevitably develops from an understanding of and adherence to the principles of the Divine


s and Laws of Divine Establishment under the concept of Live and Let Live. Here there is developed a respect for the privacy of others and this progresses as Functional


accompanied by the development of impact virtues and the other categories of functional virtues in the Spiritual Life. Impersonal, Unconditional Love for all mankind is the true basis

for the development of effective problem solutions in human relationships. Impersonal,

Unconditional Love for Mankind as the Functional part of Virtue Love is not only a Problem

Solving Device for the Christian life but it also provides capacity for personal love, happiness,

gratitude, thanksgiving and all aspects of life in general.

5th Floor

Sharing the Happiness of God, is Problem Solving Device #9 and maximum inner happiness, contentment, stability and peace from maximum Metabolized Bible Doctrine in the Right Lobe of the Stream of Consciousness of the Soul. This inner happiness is a constant

progression from Salvation


to the Justice

of God to the point of Maturity


to the Justice

of God . This progressive development results as the believer

incrementally adds Metabolized Bible Doctrine to the Right Lobe of his Soul resulting in the

acquiring a strong Divine Viewpoint for his thinking, a Relaxed Mental Attitude, with

Contentment and Inner Happiness resulting in progressively increasing Mental Stability even

under the maximum inevitable pressures of life. Upon breaking the barrier into Spiritual Maturity and receiving 6 categories of Super – Grace

bles sings

, directly from God, this inner

happiness, which is developed over the entire course of the believer’s spiritual advance, is

enhanced to the point where he shares the inner happiness, contentment and mental stability

which God the Son possessed in his Hypostatic Union at the 1st advent. Having reached

Maturity Adjustment to the Justice of God this believer has progressively developed and

stabilized his Mental Attitude resulting in UNWAVERING mental stability under any

circumstances of life. This 5th Floor construction is completed when the believer breaks into

the 3 stages of Spiritual Maturity having developed a maximum balance of residency in his soul

of Metabolized Bible Doctrine and the Filling of God the Holy Spirit. Here, Sharing the

Happiness and Contentment of God, provides, varying maximum levels of mental stability and

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contentment, and expresses a maximum level of Personal Love for God as Problem Solving

Device #10 – Occupation with the Person of The Lord Jesus, The Christ. With further progress in the Spiritual Life this believer receives Bravo


Bles sings

as the combination of his Alpha

or Super – Grace blessings and the Logistical


support he has received for his entire

spiritual life to enable his progression from Salvation to Maturity. This Bravo Grace is his

divine support for crossing the No Man’s Land of Intermediate Spiritual Maturity. In addition,

after having reached Advanced Maturity Adjustment to the Justice of God, he receives Ultra


– Grace



, the incredible enhancements of the Doubling of his Super – Grace

blessings, along with the Mantle of Suffering Blessing and reward when he passes Evidence

Testing. At this point the believer is called as a Primary Witness for the Prosecution in the

Angelic Conflict Appeal Trial and subjected to Cross Examination by Satan under Evidence

Testing. (Refer to JOB).

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Image 6

Grace Apparatus for Perception – Operation Z

4 Rs of Perception, Cognition, Inculcation and Metabolization of Bible Doctrine

• Reception – Faith Perception

• Retention – Storage of Vocabulary, Principles and Categories of Bible Doctrine in the

Memory Center and Categorical Storage areas of the Right Lobe of the Stream of

Consciousness of the Soul.

• Recall – (gr) Sophia – Wisdom from Metabolized Bible Doctrine for application to all

situations and conditions in life.

• Resistance to the Cosmic Dynaspheres and all strategies of Satan to distract the believer

from execution of the Protocol Plan of God.

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Faith Rest Drill (5 stages)

Stage #1 – Faith Perception

Under the ministry of God the Holy Spirit and functioning through the Grace Apparatus for

Perception, Operation Z the believer inculcates Bible Doctrine and by faith acceptance of it metabolizes it into the Right Lobe of the Stream of Consciousness of the Soul as Epignosis

Doctrine. This Metabolized Bible Doctrine is then available to be used for application to the

situations and circumstances of his life.

Stage #2 – Claiming Promises

From the Metabolized Bible Doctrine in his Right Lobe of the Stream of Consciousness of the Soul the believer extracts any of the over 7000 promises from God found in the scripture to

stabilize his thinking when he is under outside pressure from adversity or prosperity in his life.

Stage #3 – Adding Supportive Doctrinal Principles

From the Metabolized Bible Doctrine in the Right Lobe of the Stream of Consciousness of his Soul the believer adds individual inculcated Epignosis Bible Doctrine principles to the promises

to support them in order to further stabilize his thinking under pressure.

Stage #4 – Forming Bible Doctrine Rationales

This occurs by the believer drawing from the Metabolized Bible Doctrine in his Right Lobe of the Stream of Consciousness of the Soul the Promises of God and the Principles of Bible

Doctrine and combining these with Categories of Bible Doctrine to form Bible Doctrine

Rationales in his thinking to solidify the Divine Viewpoint thinking Arroganceunder the outside pressures of life.

Stage #5 – Reaching Bible Doctrinal Conclusions

From the Promises, Principles, Categories and Rationales of Bible Doctrine recalled and developed from the Metabolized Bible Doctrine in his Right Lobe of the Stream of Consciousness of the Soul the believer reaches Doctrinal Divine Viewpoint Conclusions which

SOLVE whatever problem and CONTROLS whatever circumstance or situation he finds himself


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The 8 Stages begin with some level of Initial Negative Volition toward Bible Doctrine and


• Reaction & Distraction from the Spiritual Life

• Frantic Search for Happiness

• Operation Boomerang

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• Emotional Revolt of the Soul

• Locked in Negative Volition

• Black Out of the Soul

• Scar Tissue of the Soul

• Reverse Process Reversionism

Definition of Reversionism

To revert means: to come or go back, as to a former condition, period, or subject, to return to

an ancestral type. Reversionism is the believer returning to the condition or ancestral type

which he occupied prior to making Salvation Adjustment to the Justice of God through faith

alone in The Lord Jesus, The Christ alone. It is a reversal of priorities, attitudes and affections

accompanied by the destruction of all virtue and a change in his manner of operation and

personality to what it was prior to Salvation Adjustment to the Justice of God. Entrance into

and progression through these 8 stages of reversionism makes it more and more difficult to

differentiate the believer from an unbeliever. He will progressively decline in his Spiritual Life

and resume a status of life equal to what he had as an unbeliever. This believer CHOOSES to

leave his potential life in the Plan of God to return to his former lifestyle and viewpoint as an

unbeliever. (2Pet 2:20-21, James 4:4, 1Tim 1:19, 2Tim 2:13, 2John 9, James 1:22-24, Prov

14:14, Hos 10:2) However, since the believer does NOTHING to obtain eternal salvation, which

is a GRACE gift provided by GOD, even in the last stages of total reversionism he cannot lose

his salvation but in fact has completely lost any potential rewards or escrow blessings he could

receive in both time and eternity. His CHOICE of lifestyle outside of the GRACE Plan of God

and within the EVIL Plan of Satan brings with it incredible levels of Self Induced Misery. As a

result of his remaining in the Cosmic Dynaspheres he also receives progressively intensive

Divine Discipline to the point of the most miserable process of dying imaginable in the Sin

Unto Death. (Heb 12:4-15) The consequences of entering reversionism and remaining within its

parameters of function are described as being far worse than any suffering which can occur in

the life of the unbeliever. (2Pet 2:20-21)

Preliminary Negative Volition toward Bible Doctrine

It is not possible to enter into reversionism in any way without some fundamental or primary

Negative Volition toward God, Bible Doctrine or Grace. This is the initial rejection, disinterest

or indifference of the believer regarding the realm of Bible Doctrine from scripture, and also

the unbeliever with regard to the Bible Doctrines related to the Laws of Divine Establishment

and Divine Institutions provided for the protection of the Human Race by God. This occurs at

some minor or fundamental level of perception or understanding of or function under these

biblically oriented principles. The Preliminary Negative Volition of reversionism also interlocks

the believer into the Interlocking System of Arrogance under Negative Volition Arrogance and

when this is persistent also into the Interlocking System of Antagonistic Emotional Hatred as an

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antagonism of Negative Volition. None of these 8 stages can be segregated into separate

individual areas of function but as with all systems they interact and interlock as the believer

falls lower in his Spiritual Life to total apostasy and ultimate degeneracy. This could be the

believer who:

• Makes Salvation Adjustment to the Justice of God by faith alone in the Substitutionary

Spiritual Death of The Lord Jesus, The Christ on the cross for his sins but thereafter

expresses absolutely NO INTEREST in further understanding the Grace or Plan or Person

of God.

• Obtains salvation but becomes involved in some Religious or Legalistic Christian functions

where Bible Doctrine is rejected and ridiculed.

• Begins to engage in the intake of Bible Doctrine but is offended or chastised by some

point of Bible Doctrine and then rejects all doctrinal teaching.

• Decides that he will not attend bible classes because of social or entertainment functions

which he prefers.

• Becomes offended by or perceives that he is being personally chastised by the

personality, mannerisms or character of the Pastor Teacher focusing on the person not his

Doctrinal message.

• Neglects exposure to Bible Doctrine always finding an excuse to not engage in bible study

or fails to focus his attention on Bible Doctrine when he is involved in a bible study.

• Becomes involved in Mental Attitude and Negative Volition Arrogance and thus enters

into the 8 Stages of Reversionism and the Interlocking System of Arrogance.

In any of these cases this is the believer who fails to make the Perception, Cognition, Inculcation and Metabolization of Bible Doctrine his first and foremost priority in life after

Salvation Adjustment to the Justice of God, but sets some other aspect or “detail” of life ahead

of the necessity for the consistent intake of Bible Doctrine. Invariably and inevitably this

aspect of preliminary Negative Volition toward Bible Doctrine leads to the Reaction and

Distraction stage in the degradation of his Spiritual Life.

Reaction and Distraction

Preliminary Rejection of Bible Doctrine causes this believer to have no Bible Doctrine resident

in the Right Lobe of the Stream of Consciousness of his Soul so that he cannot therefore have a

Divine Viewpoint toward life. He tends to react to obnoxious or irritating individuals, groups,

organizations, situations, circumstances or conditions in his life instead of using Bible Doctrine

to respond to them and focus on the Plan of God and Purpose of God for his life. Reaction to

people and situations results in mental or physical distractions from Perception, Cognition,

Inculcation and Metabolization of Bible Doctrine. This prevents him from engaging in any

Application of Bible Doctrine to his life because he has missed inculcating it. (1Tim 6:3-4)

These reactions drive him into the Interlocking System of Arrogance causing a rapid degradation

of his Spiritual Life as he becomes more distracted from the necessity to engage in the intake

of Bible Doctrine and from the Grace Plan of God. When he has been involved in the

Interlocking System of Arrogance for some period of time and when his arrogance is challenged

by Bible Doctrine his reactions to these challenges can then drive him into the Interlocking

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System of Antagonistic Emotional Hatred where his Negative Volition then becomes Antagonistic to Bible Doctrine, God and His GRACE plan.

Frantic Search for Happiness

The believer consistently reacting to situations and individuals in his life discerns that his life is

one of misery and becomes determined to find some system or thing which will bring him

happiness. This is the warning presented throughout the Proverbs of David and Solomon.

Solomon had EVERYTHING imaginable and engaged in doing everything people today would

think of as the source of absolute happiness. His ultimate conclusions were “Emptiness of

Emptiness, everything is emptiness, says the man with the message, (Solomon) all is empty”.

(Eccl 6:2, Eccl 6:9, Eccl 6:11, Eccl 12:8) Within this Frantic Search for Happiness the believer

chooses the “details” of life over the consistent intake of Bible Doctrine, as a source for his

happiness. According to David and Solomon the “details” of Life include everything in life

apart from Bible Doctrine. Obviouisly the myriad of details of life can bring stimulation in life

but true inner happiness, contentment and mental stability in life ONLY comes from

understanding and adherence to the principles of Bible Doctrine. The believer MUST set Priority #1 in his life as the Intake and Metabolization of Bible Doctrine so that he is able to

develop the Divine Viewpoint of life and thus be able to apply that Bible Doctrine to all

situations or circumstances of his life. Without orientation and focus on Bible Doctrine, focus

on the details of life will inevitably result in the fading of stimulation from these details and

overwhelming misery for the believer.

Operation Boomerang

The Boomerang is a hunting weapon of Australia and when it is thrown at a target if it does

not hit its target it returns to the hunter. However, the hunter must be vigilant lest his

weapon return and make him its new target. In Operation Boomerang the believer who has

come to the point of functioning under a Frantic Search for Happiness finds that this has not

provided what he sought. The Frantic Search for Happiness focusing on the details of life

invariably results in greater Self Induced Misery for him. This causes an intensification of

Negative Volition toward Bible Doctrine and God’s Grace system and a greater Reaction to

these circumstances in his life. This causes an intensification of his search for something in life

that will bring him happiness. Rejection of Bible Doctrine and Grace with his search for

happiness misses the mark failing to bring happiness to him. His efforts have boomeranged on

him and not being vigilant in his intake of Bible Doctrine these efforts to find happiness return

to strike him down into greater misery, his attempts to find some overt happiness failing again

and again.

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Emotional Revolt of the Soul

God has provided emotion in the soul to be the appreciator of things in life that bring the

individual satisfaction and enjoyment. Emotion is designed to RESPOND to the mentality of the

thinking of the soul when the individual encounters something which he can appreciate and

enjoy in his life. A result of preliminary Negative Volition toward Bible Doctrine, Reaction

toward circumstances of life, Distraction from Bible Doctrine and the Frantic Search for Happiness all being intensified by Operation Boomerang, there is intensified misery and this

believer’s emotion revolts in the soul. Under the influence of Evil from the overwhelming

saturation of the principles of the Cosmic Dynaspheres there develops a Human Viewpoint

toward life and the emotion backfires and revolts on the mentality of the soul. There is

nothing in the soul to respond to but the focus on the “details” of life which consistently

brings greater misery to life. However, Emotion cannot contain information, therefore cannot

contain Bible Doctrine and it cannot think in terms of Divine Viewpoint. Emotion cannot make

decisions or determine actions thus the believer is left open to the Old Sin Nature controlling

the soul under the Influence of the Evil, the Plan of Satan. This allows the Lust patterns of the

Old Sin Nature to stimulate the Trends of the Old Sin Nature to cause the Area of Strength or

Area of Weakness of the Old Sin Nature to engage in legalistic or lascivious temptation to Sin

or Human Good production. (2Cor 6:11-12, Phil 3:18-19)

Locked In Negative Volition

At this stage of reversionism the Negative Volition of the believer which is interlocked with




very often becomes involved with of Gate #1 of the Interlocking


of Antagonistic Emotional

Hatred to form a Negative Volition which has become totally

antagonistic, and in fact HOSTILE toward Bible Doctrine, God and the Grace Plan of God. This

BELIEVER in the Interlocking System of Antagonistic Emotional Hatred, becomes an Enemy of

God in the decline and destruction of his Spiritual Life.

Black Out of the Soul

The soul REQUIRES information and knowledge. The locked in Negative Volition of the

believer toward Bible Doctrine, God and Grace sets up a vacuum in the Soul to draw in

information. However, by rejecting all Divine Viewpoint provided by Bible Doctrine because of

failing in the intake of Bible Doctrine, the only thing left for the believer to assimilate are the

LIES of the Doctrines of Demons, the principles of EVIL, the Plan of Satan. The result of

Locked in Negative Volition and Emotional Revolt of the Soul against the mentality of the Soul

is allowing total Old Sin Nature control of the soul under the intensified influence of Evil from

the Cosmic Dynaspheres. This believer then systematically ERASES any Bible Doctrine which

has accumulated in his soul and replaces is with Human Viewpoint principles from Evil. His

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soul BLACKS OUT from the Light of Bible Doctrine and contains only the darkness of Evil, the Plan of Satan, the Cosmic Dynaspheres. (1Tim 4:1, Eph 4:17-18)

Scar Tissue of the Soul

The believer accumulating the LIES of EVIL and failing to accumulate Bible Doctrine in the Soul

causes his soul to become scarred and unable to process, circulate or even inculcate Bible

Doctrine. Bible Doctrine is now more rapidly removed from his soul and replaced with principles of Evil, the Plan of Satan. This believer becomes indistinguishable from the unbeliever in his outward functions, yet he still has not lost his status of Royal Family of God

nor his Eternal Salvation. (Eph 4:18, Rom 2:5+8, John 12:40, Ps 95:7-10)

Reverse Process Reversionism

This believer has reached the PEAK of Christian Apostasy, Degeneracy and often Antagonism

toward Bible Doctrine and God with total rejection of the Plan of God and total acceptance of

the Plan of Satan. He is totally entangled in the Interlocking System of Arrogance, Cosmic

Dynasphere I and the Interlocking System of Antagonistic Emotional Hatred, Cosmic Dynasphere

II. His apostasy, depravity and degeneracy results in total moral and/or immoral degeneracy

with possible oscillation between these 2 areas. He rejects anything and everything regarding

God and his Grace Plan and substitutes the worship of various ‘IDOLS’ consisting of the details

of life for the worship of God. These are the objects to which he has been driven to assuage

his lusts in today’s society. (Jer 9:13-14, Jer 19:4-5, Eph 4:18-19, Rev2:4)

Results of Reversionism

At this point the BELIEVER, who has been kept alive on this earth to be a witness for the

prosecution in the Angelic Conflict Appeal Trial, has rejected God and has become completely

useless as a witness for God. His life is one of short periods of stimulation, which he thinks of

as happiness, mixed with prolonged periods of complete misery from maximum Self Induced

Misery and inevitably the most intensive Divine Discipline imaginable. As he has moved

through these stages of reversionism he receives Warning and progressively more Intensive

Divine Discipline. Finally, at the last stage of reversionism, because he will never be able to

function as a witness for the prosecution, he is removed from this life by a death of unimaginable misery, the Sin Unto Death, as the final Grace provision of punishment which

God will ever provide for him.

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Doctrinal Rationales

God keeps the believer alive for a reason and no believer could ever survive in the Devil's

world without God's Logistical Grace support. The believer is a royal priest and must take

responsibility for representing himself before God in both successes and failures. He is a royal

ambassador and is delegated the responsibility of representing The Lord Jesus the Christ to

Mankind in his thinking and overt actions. The fact is that no Ambassador assigned to any

foreign nation can succeed or survive in the foreign nation without logistical support from his

home nation. Each and every believer is a Royal Ambassador, Politeuma, citizens of Heaven

having already been provided Eternal Life and all the assets needed to live in Heaven except

the Resurrection Body. Every believer has all the privileges of his home in heaven, even while

residing in the Devil's world under God's Logistical Grace support. IF the believer maintains

Positive Volition throughout his life, Logistical Grace follows him all the days of his life providing support for his spiritual growth and advancement and even in his death. The believer who has used the Logistical Grace given him to advance in the Spiritual Life to

Maturity Adjustment to the Justice of God, thus completing execution of the Protocol Plan of

God, the Divine Dynasphere, receives perfect Logistical support by means of Dying Grace in his

transfer to the eternal state.

The Development of the function of the believer under the Faith Rest Drill (5 Stages) ultimately

comes to where he can take Bible Doctrine promises provided by God from the Word of God

and combine them with Bible Doctrine Principles and form these into Bible Doctrine Rationales

to be used to come to Divine Viewpoint, Bible Doctrine Oriented, conclusions about the situations in his life thus to SOLVE all his life’s pressures, adversities and problems. Some of

the Bible Doctrine Rationales are:

▴ Essence of God Rationale

▾ Omniscience of God

▾ Omnipotence of God

▾ Omnipresence of God

▾ Righteousness of God

▾ Justice of God

▾ Love of God

▾ Immutability of God

▾ Eternity of God

▾ Veracity of God

▾ Faithfulness of God

▾ Sovereignty of God

▾ Anthropomorphisms

▾ Anthropopathisms

▴ Logistical Grace Rationale

▾ Spiritual Infancy through Spiritual Maturity

▾ Super – Grace Blessing

▾ Bravo Grace – Logistical Grace + Super – Grace

▾ Ultra Super – Grace Blessings

▴ Afortiori Rationale

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▾ Since God did the more difficult and more complex thing at providing for sinful

man’s potential for salvation, after making Salvation Adjustment to the Justice of

God, HE can more easily provide everything needed in this life.

▴ Plan of God Rationale

▾ The Divine Dynasphere, the Power System of God

▴ Authority of God Rationale

▾ Provision of Bible Doctrine

▾ Provision of the Spiritual Gift of Pastor Teacher

▾ ICE – Isogogic, Categorical, Exegetical interpretation of the Original Languages of


▴ Sovereignty of God Rationale

▴ Transcendence of God Rationale

▴ The Grace Policy of God Rationale

▾ All that God can do for man, based on the Substitutionary Spiritual Death of The

Lord Jesus the Christ on the cross, which man CANNOT EVER earn nor deserve.

▴ Will of God Rationale

▾ Directive

▾ Permissive

▾ Overruling

▴ Faithfulness of God Rationale

▴ Wrath of God Rationale

▴ Glorification of God Rationale

▾ Accomplished upon reaching or exceeding Maturity Adjustment to the Justice of


▴ Jeshurun Status Rationale

▾ The Elite Fraternity of believers who have reached or exceeded Maturity

Adjustment to the Justice of God.

▴ Pleroma Status Rationale

▾ Attaining the “fullness of God” by accumulation of maximum Metabolized Bible

Doctrine into the Right Lobe of the Stream of Consciousness of the Soul.

▴ Imputation Rationale

▾ Imputation of Adam's Original Sin to the genetic Old Sin Nature at physical birth

▾ Imputation of Soul Life to the Format Soul at physical birth

▾ Imputation of All human personal sin to the Humanity of The Lord Jesus the

Christ on the cross

▾ Imputation of God the Father's Absolute Righteousness at Salvation Adjustment to

the Justice of God setting up the GRACE pipeline

▾ Imputation of Eternal Life to the restored Human Spirit at Salvation Adjustment to

the Justice of God.

▾ Imputation of 40 Invisible Assets for the believer’s life in time and into eternity

▾ Imputation of Escrow Super – Grace Blessings in time upon reaching Maturity

Adjustment to the Justice of God

▾ Imputation of the Doubling of Escrow Super – Grace Blessings in time upon

reaching Advanced Maturity Adjustment to the Justice of God.

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▴ Condemnation Rationale

▾ Condemnation based on Adam's Original Sin not Personal Sin which was all judged

in The Lord Jesus the Christ on the cross.

▾ Sin Nature as part of the flawed genetic structure of the Human Body as Satan’s

inside man

▾ Resultant Spiritual Death at physical birth

▴ Wall of Fire protection Rationale

▴ Suffering for Blessing Rationale

▾ Punitive Preventative Suffering

▪ Results from persistently living outside the Divine Dynasphere the Protocol Plan

of God

▪ Purpose to return the believer to the Power System of God

◆ Begins with Self Induced Misery

◆ Warning

◆ Intensive

◆ Dying – Sin Unto Death

▾ Providential Preventative Suffering

▪ To provide opportunity to use the accumulated Metabolized Bible Doctrine to

solve the problems and pressures of life

◆ Spiritual Life Testing prior to reaching Spiritual Adulthood (3 Categories)

▪ To provide the believer with enhanced logistical blessings and accelerated

momentum for advancement in the Spiritual Life

◆ Spiritual Life Testing after reaching Spiritual Adulthood (3 Categories)

◆ Providential Preventative Momentum Testing Suffering (5 Categories)

◆ Providential Preventative Evidence Testing Suffering (2 Categories)

▴ Ambassadorship Rationale

▾ The Ambassador doesn't live in the place to which he is sent for his own benefit,

but is the beneficiary of benefits resulting from his citizenship in his own nation.

▾ Believers are citizens of heaven with all the benefits related to that citizenship.

▴ Priesthood Rationale

▾ The believer does not rely on anyone to represent him to God but he must

represent himself to God in both his successes and failures totally understanding


▴ Kenosis Rationale

▴ Unlimited Atonement Rationale

▾ God was propitiated by the Substitutionary Spiritual Death of The Lord Jesus the

Christ on the cross for ALL human sin thus providing UNLIMITED Atonement for

all human beings with regard to PERSONAL SIN.

▴ The Word of God as Absolute Truth Rationale

▾ Ps 138:26, Is 55:11, Deut 32:2

▴ Eternal security Rationale

▾ Having done nothing to create the potential for salvation and not being able to do

anything to change this potential into reality and obtain salvation the believer

cannot ever do anything to LOSE his salvation.

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▴ Spirituality Rationale

▾ Absolute Status

▾ Rebound + Power from the Filling of God the Holy Spirit (2 Cor4:7)

▴ Volitional Responsibility Rationale (Heb4:13)

▾ Self Induced Misery

▾ Divine Discipline

▴ God's Perfect Timing Rationale

▾ In both all situations in the life of the believer and in his death

▴ Living in the Light of Eternity Rationale

▾ Understanding Prophecy

▾ Development of values based on what survives into eternity

▴ Dispensational Rationale

▾ Understanding God’s administrative policies for each period of Human History.

▾ Uniqueness of the church age & church age believers

▴ Supreme Court of Heaven Rationale

▾ Solutions to ALL Injustice

▴ Christ Controls Human History Rationale

▾ The true interpretation of History when inclined to be discouraged, upset and

disturbed, resulting from discernment acquired from Metabolized Bible Doctrine

concerning current events and situations in contemporary history.

▾ Function of establishment principles and the inevitable results in historical trends

▾ Angelic Conflict continuation

▾ Free will necessary for nations to succeed or fail

▾ The necessity for development of a pivot of Mature Believers to preserve a client


▴ Uniqueness of The Lord Jesus the Christ Rationale

▾ Incarnation and necessity for the Virgin Birth

▾ Hypostatic Union – The UNIQUENESS of God & Man united forever

▾ Heirship of The Lord Jesus the Christ

▾ Sonship of The Lord Jesus the Christ

▾ Royal Warrants of The Lord Jesus the Christ providing his Royal Families

▴ Covenants of God with Man Rationale

▾ Abrahamic

▾ Palestinian

▾ Davidic


▾ Mystery

▴ Ministry of God the Holy Spirit Rationale

▾ Common Grace

▾ Efficacious Grace

▾ Mentorship through Operation Z, the Grace Apparatus for Perception

▴ Victory of God Rationale

▾ Strategic Victory accomplished by The Lord Jesus the Christ through his

Substitutionary Spiritual Death for all sin on the cross

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▾ Tactical Victory accomplished by the individual believer completing execution of

the Protocol Plan of God, the Divine Dynasphere and reaching or exceeding the

status of Maturity Adjustment to the Justice of God

▴ Divine Decree Rationale

▾ Omniscience

▾ Foreknowledge

▾ Election

▾ Predestination

▴ Protocol Plan of God

▾ The Divine Dynasphere

▾ The Power System of God Rationale

▴ Priorities of the Protocol Plan of God Rationale

▾ Mandates first in the Plan of God

▾ Virtue First in the System of God

▾ Christ First in the Purpose of God

▾ Grace First in the Policy of God

▾ Momentum First in the Objective of God

▾ Bible Doctrine First in the Authority of God

▴ Mandates of the Protocol Plan of God Rationale

▾ LEARN Bible Doctrine in the Power System of God.

▾ Maintain personal control over one’s own life.

▴ The Total Depravity of man Rationale

▴ Fall of Satan Rationale

▴ Angelic Conflict Rationale

▴ Cosmic System Rationale

▾ Reversionism

◆ Apostasy from neglect or rejection of Bible Doctrine

▾ Interlocking System of Arrogance

◆ Moral and Immoral Degeneracy

◆ Motivational Evil

◆ Functional Evil

▾ Interlocking System of Antagonistic Emotional Hatred

◆ Functional Evil

▴ Fall of Man Rationale

▴ Salvation Rationale

▾ Unlimited Atonement

▾ Propitiation

▾ Justification

▴ Royal Family of God Rationale

▾ Based on the Baptism of God the Holy Spirit

▾ Sharing the Inheritance of The Lord Jesus the Christ

▴ Sanctification Rationale

▾ Positional

▾ Temporal

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▾ Ultimate

▴ Royal Family Honor Code Rationale

▴ Equation of Hope Rationale

▾ Absolute Confidence in Salvation provision

▾ Absolute Confidence in Blessing provisions

▾ Absolute Confidence in Glorification potential

▴ Equation of Despair Rationale

▾ Status Quo of the Unbeliever or Reversionistic Believer under consistent Negative


▴ Perseverance and Endurance in the Plan of God Rationale

▴ Rebound Rationale

▾ REQUIRED Forgiveness based on the Strategic Victory of The Lord Jesus the Christ

▴ Virtue Rationale

▾ Development of Humility as Foundational Virtue

▾ Development of Integrity

▪ Motivational Virtue

▪ Functional Virtue

◆ The secondary battalion of Problem Solving Devices

▴ Reciprocity Rationale

▾ God loved man from eternity past with Impersonal, Unconditional Love

▾ God loves every believer from Eternity Past with Impersonal, Unconditional Love

▾ God loves every advancing and mature believer from Eternity Past with Personal


▾ THEREFORE, when man learns enough to KNOW God he reciprocates that Love

toward God

▴ Spiritual Growth Rationale

▾ Infancy

▾ Youth in 3 stages

▾ Adulthood in 3 Stages

▾ Maturity in 3 Stages

▾ Results at completionm of the Protocol Plan of God, Maximum Glorification of God

and Pleasing God

▴ 10 Problem Solving Devices Rationale

▴ Happiness and Contentment Rationale

▾ Consistently developed through the progressive advance in the Spiritual Life

▴ Orientation Rationale

▾ Authority Orientation

▾ Grace Orientation

▾ Bible Doctrine Orientation

▴ Gratitude Rationale

▾ Progressively developed throughout the Spiritual Life as the Problem Solving

Devices are developed and deployed onto the Forward Line of Troops of the soul

▾ Is a reflection of the Capacity of the Believer for:

◆ Life

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◆ Love

◆ Virtue

◆ Honor

◆ Integrity

◆ Happiness

▾ Provides for the Divine Viewpoint of Life

▴ Power of Prayer Rationale

▴ Christian Way of Life Rationale

▾ A Supernatural Way of Life requiring Supernatural Power for its execution provided

by the Filling of God the Holy Spirit in the Power System of God.

▴ Slave Market of Sin Rationale

▾ Slaves must be purchased by someone not in slavery and cannot be freed by their

own efforts

▾ The Lord Jesus the Christ was NOT a slave to Adam's Original Sin nor Personal


▾ Barrier between God and Man removed by the payment of The Lord Jesus the

Christ with his Substitutionary Spiritual Death on the cross for all human sins

▴ Slave or Servant of God Rationale

▴ Laws of Divine Establishment Rationale

▾ Freedom

▾ Privacy

▾ Property

▾ Life

▪ These being the necessities for resolution of the Angelic Conflict Appeal Trial

▴ Divine Institution Rationale

▾ Volition

▾ Marriage

▾ Family

▾ Nation

▪ These being necessary for effective Evangelism and resolution of the Angelic

Conflict Appeal Trial

▴ Negative Volition Rationale

▾ Rejection of Truth in any of 3 categories

▪ Gospel of Christ

▪ Laws of Divine Establishment and Divine Institution

▪ Word of God

▾ The Result is Strong Delusion regarding Reality and Truth

▴ Resurrection Rationale

▴ Power Systems Rationale

▾ Necessity for Man to function in some outside power system to live on this earth.

▾ Power System of Satan the Cosmic Dynaspheres

▾ Power System of God the Divine Dynasphere

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The 10 Characteristics of Spiritual Adulthood

Tranquility of Soul

▴ From Metabolized Bible Doctrine accumulated into the Right Lobe of the Stream of Consciousness

of the Soul

Stability of Mentality

▴ From Metabolized Bible Doctrine accumulated into the Right Lobe of the Stream of Consciousness

of the Soul

Composure Marked by Self Assurance

▴ Accompanied by Tranquility and Stability in the Soul from Metabolized Bible Doctrine accumulated

in the soul which will cause the believer to engage in self evaluation and come to the recognition of

personal sin and necessity for the consistent use of the rebound procedure.

Grace Orientation to Life

▴ Causing the believer to KNOW that any and all suffering and adversity in his life has a purpose in

the Plan of God for HIS BENEFIT, (Rom 8:28) and while one might not know the cause he can, in

the Protocol Plan of God, the Divine Dynasphere, the Power System of God, handle the effects.

Bible Doctrine Orientation to Reality

▴ Causing the believer to recognize that no matter what the cause of suffering or adversity may be or

the fact that the results of that suffering COULD make him a very miserable person the misery is

eliminated by the Metabolized Bible Doctrine which provides for him Orientation to Reality under

the Protocol Plan of God.

Good Decisions from a position of Strength

▴ Maintaining consistent Post Salvation Epistemological Rehabilitation which brings Spiritual

Advancement or Recovery in the midst of adversity or suffering which brings great blessing from

avoiding Mental Attitude Arrogance and Mental Attitude Sins.

Personal Control of One’s Life

▴ Results because of consistent residence and function in the Divine Dynasphere so that whatever the

initial cause of any adversity or suffering may be the believer handles his own life with happiness, peace, tranquility and integrity from maximum Metabolized Bible Doctrine in the

Right Lobe of the Stream of Consciousness of the Soul.

Personal Sense of Destiny

▴ Understanding clearly that God is perfect and has a plan which is perfect and because of the believer

having made Salvation Adjustment to the Justice of God, he is part of the Royal Family of God

PERMANENTLY and in God’s perfect plan and this carries him through ALL the outside pressures

of life.

Cognitive Expansion from Metabolized Bible Doctrine

▴ Results from moving into Spiritual Adulthood and developing from Metabolized Bible Doctrine in

the Right Lobe of the Stream of Consciousness of the Soul, Cognitive Self Confidence, Cognitive

Independence, and Cognitive Invincibility as he progresses through Spiritual Self Esteem to Spiritual Autonomy and eventually Spiritual Maturity.

Poise and Command of Self

▴ NO MATTER how long adversity or suffering may last or how intense the it may be, the duration

and the intensity, like the cause, is inconsequential for the believer residing in the Plan of God, the

Divine Dynasphere.

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Image 7

Image 8

Procreation and Old Sin Nature Tr

e T ansfer

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Biblical Passages for Power Systems

1Cor 2:9; However, just as it stands Written (Is 64:4), or to use the language of Old Testament

Scripture, “Things which Eye has not seen nor the ear has heard (empiricism) nor things which

have not entered into the Right Lobe of man (rationalism) all the things which God has

prepared for those who Love him (Advanced Believers in Reciprocal Love for God)

1Cor 2:16; For, Who has known the thinking of the Lord that we should instruct him, (NO

ONE) but we keep on having the thinking of Christ.

1Cor 3:1-3; And I {Paul}, brothers {Believers}, am not and have not been able to speak or

communicate to your advantage to you in such a way as to Spiritual Believers Under Filling of

God the Holy Spirit, but, in contrast, as unto men of the flesh under the Old Sin Nature even

as unto BABIES or Unlearned in Christ. I have fed you with milk, and not with solid food for

hitherto you were not able to take it in and you are not able to bear it now. For you are still

or yet carnal. Where for since there is jealousy, envy and strife among you, and divisions,

are you not carnal are you not walking on the basis of the standards of unbelievers

1Cor 4:9; For it seems to me or I have concluded, that The God has placed or exhibited us as

the Apostles & Pastor Teachers; in the arena LAST of all, as it were, as men or gladiators

condemned to death. Because we are or have become under observation as a spectacle to the

world {unbelievers}, and to angels, and to men {carnal believers}.

1Cor 10:13; No Testing nor bearable or unbearable suffering has caught up with or overtaken

you except the human category (no Demon Possession nor suffering for Angelic Creatures in the

Angelic Conflict) or that which is common or related to or previously faced by other humans

for the purpose of blessing, moreover The God is trustworthy or faithful with Logistical Grace

support, who will not permit you to be tested beyond your capabilities or what you are able to

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endure from the Bible Doctrine you have or should have learned, but with the testing HE will also provide an end or a way of escape or a solution for the believer current with rebound

ONLY, so that you can carry the pressure.

1Cor 11:31-32; And if we keep on judging ourselves rightly or accurately (1John 1:9) and

nothing else, but we (Corinthians) are not and should be, we will not receive judgment from

the Justice of God. But when we are judged by the Lord, we are being disciplined so we will

not be condemned with the World.

1Cor 15:33; Be not deceived, the communication of Evil doctrine from friends corrupts

establishment principles; or Evil companions corrupt good morals of Motivational Virtue and

Functional Virtue of the Divine Dynasphere.

1Cor 15:55-57; Oh Death where is your Sting or are your thorns (spiritual believer), Oh Grave

where is your Victory or destruction (Carnal believer). The Sting of Death is Sin or the Old Sin

Nature, and the power of Sin is the Law (Punishment Phase) But total thanksgiving,

appreciation, gratefulness and gratitude to God who gives to us the victory (resurrection body)

through our lord JC. (Winner)

1John 1:9; If we Believers would acknowledge, admit, name, cite, confess our personal Post

salvation sins, maybe we will and maybe we will not; He, GOD the Father, always keeps on

being Faithful or dependable and Justified or Righteous, with the result that he might (IF we

will do this he ALWAYS WILL) forgive, cancel, pardon us our sins and cleanse or purify us

from all unknown wrongdoing or wickedness or unrighteousness

1John 2:15-16; Stop loving Cosmic Dynasphere I, the Interlocking System of Arrogance, or

anything related to the Cosmic Dynaspheres, if anyone, the Believer in Cosmic Dynaspheres,

keeps loving the Cosmic Dynaspheres, the Motivational Virtue of the love for the Father as

Personal Love for God the Father and the Functional Virtue of Impersonal Love for Mankind is

not in him because all that is in Cosmic Dynaspheres I & II, the Interlocking System of

Arrogance and Interlocking System of Antagonistic Emotional Hatred, the Lust from the flesh,

the Old Sin Nature attack to control the soul, lust from the eyes as thinking of motivational

Evil from arrogance in the distorted Mental Attitude Arrogance of the soul and the arrogant

pattern of life in the Functional Evil of Cosmic Dynasphere I, with its false Scale of Values in

Cosmic Dynasphere residence and function, is not from the Father but from the Cosmic


1John 2:18; Students, believers in the Divine Dynasphere, it is the last favorable time to use

the Divine Dynasphere and acquire Bible Doctrine, and just as you have heard that Antichrist

(Rev 13) will come (In the Tribulation) even now in the Church age many antichrists exist as

believers and unbelievers living in the Cosmic Dynaspheres, therefore we have come to realize

that it is the last favorable time to advance in the Divine Dynasphere to Gate 8

1John 2:22; Who is the liar but he who denies that Jesus is the Christ? This is the antichrist,

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he who denies the Father and the Son.

1John 3:4-10; Every Believer who commits or does sin also does lawlessness leaving the Divine

Dynasphere & enters the Cosmic Dynaspheres, in fact sin is lawlessness, Cosmic Dynasphere

involvement. (Purpose of the Incarnation of JC) Indeed you know that He, The Lord Jesus,

The Christ, the unique one, was revealed at the 1st advent, in order that he might carry away

our sins having been judged for all of them and in fact sin was not in him. When anyone, any

believer, resides in IT, the Divine Dynasphere, he is NOT sinning; when anyone sins, thus

residing in the Cosmic Dynaspheres, he has not seen him, The Lord Jesus, The Christ, lacking

Perception, Cognition, Inculcation and Metabolization of Bible Doctrine; nor has he come to

know him from Metabolized Bible Doctrine not having Motivational Virtue directed toward God.

My dear Children, believers in John’s nonresident congregation, let no one deceive you, when

anyone performs righteousness having a priority of Virtue First as Motivational Virtue toward

God and Functional Virtue toward man, from residence and function in the Divine Dynasphere,

he is Honorable, just as He, The Lord Jesus, The Christ, in the prototype Divine Dynasphere is

honorable. When any Believer commits a sin he has become the Agent of or from the devil

residing in the Cosmic Dynaspheres, because the devil has sinned from the beginning, because

of this or for this reason the son of God was revealed or appeared, at the 1st Advent that he

might destroy, void, nullify the works of the devil, Sin and Human Good as production from

EVIL. At the Moment that anyone is born from God at Salvation Adjustment to the Justice of

God, He is NOT sinning, because his Seed, God the Holy Spirit, keeps residing in It the Divine

Dynasphere, furthermore he is not able to sin in the Divine Dynasphere because he has been

born from God. For by this ( Perception, Cognition, Inculcation, Metabolization, and

Application of Bible Doctrine) Students or children of God (in the Divine Dynasphere learning

Bible Doctrine and Executing the SL) and the disciples or children of the Devil (Believers in the

Cosmic Dynasphere ) are manifest, apparent, obvious, and anyone who does not manufacture

integrity or practice righteousness nor the one who does not love ( Impersonal Love for Mankind ) his fellow Believer, is not from God or not in the Divine Dynasphere.

1John 4:3; in fact every persuasive speaker who does not teach or acknowledge, this Jesus of

Nazareth, the Christ from orthodox Christianity is NOT from God, furthermore this false

teaching is the persuasive influence of the Antichrist, about whom you have heard he is

coming, (Tribulation) and now in the Church Age is already in the world of mankind.

1John 4:16-20; Furthermore we have come to know (from Perception, Cognition, Inculcation,

and Metabolization of Bible Doctrine WITHIN the Divine Dynasphere) and we have believed

(application of Bible Doctrine ) this Love which God keeps having toward or for us, God is

Love, in fact the one who remains or resides in that Love complex the Divine Dynasphere,

remains in the Plan of God the father and God the Holy Spirit stands fast in him (production of

Virtue from residence in the Divine Dynasphere). By this living or residing in the Divine

Dynasphere the Impersonal Unconditional Virtue Love for Mankind has been achieved or

accomplished by us, that we may have Confidence ( motivational virtue toward God) in the day

of evaluation the Judgment Seat of Jesus Christ because just as He Jesus of Nazareth, the

Christ is functioning in the Prototype Divine Dynasphere so also we as Church Age Believers are

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in the Operational Divine Dynasphere in this world. By this there is NO FEAR or Fear does

not exist, in association with the Divine Dynasphere, The ‘Reciprocal’ virtue LOVE of God’s

System, but that Advanced or Mature Reciprocal Virtue Love casts, expels, squeezes or drives

out THAT Fear, because that FEAR keeps on having or causing punishment of Self Induced

Misery, and furthermore or in fact the Believer who fears has not been brought to completion

or matured by means of reciprocal love in the Divine Dynasphere. We (The Winner Believer)

love in true virtue love or Impersonal Love for Mankind , because he (God) first loved us (in E

Past). If, hypothetically, someone, some Believer residing in the Cosmic Dynaspheres, should

say or allege “I love God” but he hates his fellow Believer, he is a Liar and LIVING a LIE in

the Cosmic Dynaspheres not fulfilling the Christian Way of Life, for he who does not possess

unconditional or impersonal love for his fellow Believer whom he has seen, he is not able to be

personally loving God whom he has not seen.

1John 4:21; Furthermore we have this mandate from Him, that He who personally loves God as

Motivational Virtue should also unconditionally love his fellow Believer as functional virtue.

1John 5:1; Whoever or everyone who believes that Jesus is the Christ (messiah, the anointed

one) has been born from God (regeneration), and furthermore, everyone who keeps loving the

father, (residence in the DDS) {the one who begats (God)} loves everyone who has been born

from him.

1John 5:4-5; Because every category of humanity who have been born from God prevails over,

overcomes, defeats the Cosmic System and this is the victory which has overcome the world,

the Cosmic Dynasphere our faith. who is this person who has overcome the Cosmic

Dynasphere, no one else but he who believes that Jesus is the Son of God.

1Pet 1:12; It was revealed to them that they were not serving themselves but you, in these

things which now have been announced to you by those who preached the good news to you

by means of God the Holy Spirit sent from heaven, things into which angels have an insatiable

desire to bend down and concentrate on.

1Pet 2:1-3; Therefore GET RID of all EVIL the Plan and Policy of Satan set up in the Cosmic

Dynaspheres, and all deceitfulness and hypocrisy and jealousy and all slander, maligning, gossip. Like newborn babies, eagerly crave the unadulterated or pure spiritual doctrinal milk,

that by means of the perception of this pure doctrinal milk you may grow up to the tactical

victory of maturity from the strategic victory of salvation. If you have tasted of the GRACE of

God, that the Lord is benevolent in providing Logistical Grace support, AND YOU HAVE

1Pet 3:17-18; For it is better to suffer for doing right, if that should be God's will, than for

doing wrong. For Christ also, once and for all, died once in judgement having suffered for all,

as a substitute for our sins, the righteous just one as a substitute for the unrighteous unjust

ones, in order that he might bring us to face to face with God, on the one hand, having been

put to physical death in the flesh (After Spiritual Death), but on the other hand having received

Life by means of GHS.

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1Pet 5:5-6; Likewise you younger (immature Believers) submit yourselves to the Pastor –

Teacher, the elder, all of you others in the congregation fasten to one another or clothe

yourselves with humility towards one another, being oriented to the Grace of God, because God

makes war against the arrogant Believer but gives grace to the Humble Believer. Therefore be

grace oriented or Humble yourselves under the Mighty or Powerful or ruling hand of God

(Divine Dynasphere Residence) and his delegated authority, that he may exalt or Promote you

in the proper time.

1Pet 5:8-9; Attain Spiritual Self Esteem, Be stabilized, sober, vigilant, self disciplined, in the

Divine Dynasphere, be on the alert from Perception, Cognition, Inculcation and Metabolization

of Bible Doctrine, because, your enemy or adversary the Devil prowls around like a hungry

roaring Lion , a carnivore, seeking someone to devour. Hold your ground against him, resist

him being strong or stabilized in Bible Doctrine, knowing that the same experience of suffering

and pressures which cause worry is found by your fellow believers throughout the world.

1Thes 5:19; YOU habitually Stop Quenching, Squelching, Hindering, Thwarting, Dampening or

Suppressing God the Holy Spirit, get out of His Way!

1Tim 3:16; And by consent of all with everyone in agreement, great is the Mystery Doctrine of

the Church Age, with reference to becoming God Like, He, the unique One Christ Eternal God,

who became visible from the virgin birth to the ascension and session at the right hand of God

the Father, by means of the flesh of his humanity, the same one Christ in Hypostatic Union at

the 1st advent, was vindicated, justified and treated as just by means of God the Holy Spirit, he

was carefully scrutinized and observed by angels from his birth to his session at the right hand

of God the Father, he was proclaimed, by many heralds communicating with the authority of

the King of Kings, among the nations, he was and still is the object of Faith in the world of

satan’s rulership, always resulting in individual eternal salvation, and he was taken via the

ascension up into the place of Glory.

1Tim 4:1; But that same God the Holy Spirit, who during the 1st advent, vindicated the incarnate Jesus of Nazareth, the Christ (1Tim 3:16), explicitly communicates or teaches or

reports, that in latter periods of Time, the dispensations of the Royal Family of God and

completion of the Age of Israel, Between the 1st & 2nd Advents, some Believers in the Royal

Family of God, fail and will become apostate in reversionism, standing away from revolting

against, abstaining from, departing from, rejecting, withdrawing from The TRUE Bible Doctrine

as a result of Demon Influence, constantly paying attention to, concentrating on, applying the

mind to, adhering to, being occupied with fallen angelic deceitful demon teachers

communicating the Doctrines from Demons, EVIL and the Cosmic Dynaspheres.

1Tim 5:21; I Solemnly warn or charge you before The God the Father, the author of the Plan

of God and source of all grace, and before Christ Jesus and before the elect angels, that you to

remain alert, guard, protect and preserve these principles leadership from Bible Doctrine, apart

from or without prejudice, habitually doing nothing by a spirit of partiality.

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1Tim 6:6-8; But in contrast to false prosperity, Godliness, Maturity Adjustment to the Justice of God with balance of residence of God the Holy Spirit and Metabolized Bible Doctrine in the

Stream of Consciousness of the Soul, associated with contentment, Mental Attitude capacity for

life KEEPS ON BEING a great means of prosperity. for, you see, nothing have we, believers,

brought or carried into this life or world, not one thing, and it is certain and obvious, that

neither are we able to carry anything outside or off of this world; Now having and holding

edible and nourishing varieties of foods and a respectable change of clothing, with these let us,

or we shall, as believers in Maturity Adjustment to the Justice of God Super Grace, have our

capacity for life and contentment with our foods and clothings.

1Tim 6:14; I order you, Timothy (who is in reversionism), to guard, keep, preserve this commandment (v13) spotless, unstained, without grieving God the Holy Spirit in carnality, and

free from reproach so as not to be quenching God the Holy Spirit, until the appearing of our

Lord Jesus Christ at the rapture of the church;

2Cor 5:8; Therefore we keep on having confidence are of good courage, and take mental delight

in the fact rather to be absent from the body and at home, face to face with the Lord.

2Cor 9:7-8; Each believer as Royal Priest must do just as he has determined in his own Right

Lobe of the Stream of Consciousness of the Soul from Mental Attitude Motivation, so let him

give not reluctantly or from mental pressure or compulsion from emotion, for God loves one

who gives in GRACE. And the God has the purpose and ability (omnipotence) to cause all

Grace to super abound to you (Super Grace Blessings in time), in order that always having a

capacity for life, all sufficiency (temporal security) in everything you may super abound or have

a super abundance with reference to the production of divine good function.

2Cor 10:4-6; For the equipment and weapons of our conflict or warfare are not human attributes but the attributes of unseen divine power from Metabolized Bible Doctrine in the

Stream of Consciousness of the Soul, and residence in the 8 gates of the power system of God

the Divine Dynasphere, given by means of God in the Protocol Plan of God, against the

destruction of Satan's fortifications or strongholds of EVIL, attacking, assaulting and demolishing

Cosmic Dynasphere thoughts of thinking Human Viewpoint from demon influence and Human

Good production and every subjective arrogant or proud thought obstacle of arrogance of the

Cosmic Dynaspheres which attacks or is against the objective that is the knowledge of God in

Divine Viewpoint, even making a prisoner of every Cosmic Dynasphere or Human Viewpoint

system of thought bringing it under obedience to the authority of Christ, holding in readiness

as an instant reaction force, garrisoning the soul with epignosis Bible Doctrine to punish every

deviation or disobedience of reversionism from obedience of reversionistic Human Viewpoint,

when your obedience of daily function of the Grace Apparatus for Perception has been fulfilled

by attaining Maturity Adjustment to the Justice of God.

2John 7; Because many deceivers who distract have gone out into the world who do not

acknowledge The Lord Jesus, The Christ as coming in the flesh in Hypostatic Union,

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(Gnosticism) this category is the deceiver even the anti-Christ as evangelist for the Cosmic Dynaspheres.

2Pet 3:17-18; You therefore, beloved, knowing this Bible Doctrine beforehand or Ahead of time,

be on your guard lest you be carried away with the error of unprincipled Cosmic Dynasphere

Evangelist men and lose your own stability or fall from your secure position in the Power

System of God, your life in the Divine Dynasphere. But keep on growing in the sphere of

grace and knowledge of our lord and savior Jesus of Nazareth, the Christ, To Him, God, Be

the Glory, both now and to the Day of Eternity. AMEN I believe it

2Thes 3:14; And if anyone believer in the Royal Family of God, does not obey or subordinate

themselves to our Bible Doctrine through this epistle letter, take special note of, mentally tag or

evaluate this person for the purpose of avoiding, and do not associate nor make friends nor

have any social relationship with that person in order that he may receive guilt or shame.

2Tim 1:7; For THE God has, to our advantage, dogmatically, absolutely not given to us, as

Pastor Teachers who have a local church, the life or state of mind of cowardice (Timothy

having been a coward), but of inherent inner power from Metabolized Bible Doctrine in the

Stream of Consciousness of the Soul and reciprocal or virtue love for God, Impersonal Love and

a Relaxed Mental Attitude for Mankind (Rom 5:5, Gal 5:22), and the sound mentality of

wisdom and of self control and self discipline.

2Tim 3:10-12; But you having followed faithfully and closely with the mind, studying

intensively for recovery from reversionism and advance into Super Grace moving toward Ultra

Super Grace, MY doctrine, taught in presentation in public assembly as a mode of instruction of

Bible Doctrine of the predetermined plan of God, MY guidance and instruction under self and

academic discipline and MY presentation organization in preparation of lessons of the body of

doctrine, MY faithfulness and MY reliability, steadfastness, stability, endurance, patience, honesty, lack of Mental Attitude Sins, constancy, fidelity and affection to the Lord transcending

all human failures, MY unshakable and immutable resolution in teaching the body of Bible

Doctrine, my restraining from avenging wrongs toward self or the steadfast patient endurance of

evil, MY Relaxed Mental Attitude and Impersonal Love for Mankind charity, MY ability to

endure and remain relaxed under pressure of opposition and criticism and annoyance without

giving up or succumbing to self pity. All persecutions including religious and satanic from the

Wrong Side of History, and general undeserved sufferings such as or which came into existence

or happened to me, Paul, during the 1st missionary journey at Antioch of Pasidia, At Ico’nium

and At Lystra, such persecutions, the mantle of persecution for the Ultra Super Grace believer,

which I underwent endured, bore, sustained under opposition and annoyance without giving up

and succumbing to cowardice or self pity, and yet out from all of the categories of suffering

and opposition the Lord God the Father, himself, snatched me out, rescued or delivered me

from this difficult situation. Furthermore now also all Super Grace and Ultra Super Grace

believers who keep desiring to continue living godly lives in Ultra Super Grace through consistent Perception, Cognition, Inculcation, Metabolization and Application of Bible Doctrine

resulting in a balance of residence in the Stream of Consciousness of the Soul, in Christ Jesus,

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WILL be pursued and suffer persecution by all satanic forces and systems for no reason.

Col 1:27; To whom THE God willed and decreed to be reality, to make known what the wealth

of the glory of the mystery among the Gentile Believers, which keeps on being Christ IN you,

the absolute confidence of THE glory.

Col 3:18-25; Wives be subordinate or keep on voluntarily yielding yourselves to your husbands

as is protocoled or fitting or proper in the lord (right thing in the right way). The Noble Men

keep {impersonally} loving the woman {relaxed mental attitude} and stop being bitter face to

face with her. The children keep obeying the parents in all things for it is to your advantage.

Parents do not embitter or provoke your children lest they become discouraged and lack self

confidence and Spiritual Self Esteem. Labor, Employees, those in a subordinate position, submit

to the management or authority in everything not in the sphere of external hypocritical eye

service as men pleasing flatterers, but by means of Virtue and integrity in the right lobe of the

Stream of Consciousness of the Soul respecting the Lord. Whatsoever YOU do, keep functioning

from your own soul, as to the Lord under Motivational Virtue - and not to men. Knowing that

from the source of the Lord you shall receive in return the {unexpectedly great} reward from

the inheritance for you are the servant to The Lord Jesus the Christ. Therefore, the one that

does wrong shall receive back the consequences of that wrong, for the thing which he has done

wrong and there is not partiality {by the Lord - all are treated the same}.

Col 3:20; The children keep obeying the parents in all things for it is to your advantage.

Deut 28:49-67 (5th Cycle of Discipline); The Lord will bring a nation against you from afar, for

the Jews with the coming in 70 AD of SPQR, from the ends of the earth as the eagle swoops

down a Nation whose language you will not understand. A nation of stern countenance, who

shall not regard the person of the old or show favor to the young, and shall eat the offspring

of your cattle and the fruit of your ground, until you are destroyed; who also shall not leave

you grain, wine, or oil, the increase of your cattle or the young of your flock, until they have

caused you to perish. They shall besiege you in all your towns, until your high and fortified

walls, in which you trusted, come down throughout all your land; and they shall besiege you

in all your towns throughout all your land, which the LORD your God has given you. And It

(Roman Army) shall besiege you at all your gates, until you high and fortified walls in which

you trusted come down throughout all you land and it (Romans) shall besiege or attack all your

towns throughout all your lands which the Lord has given you. And you shall eat the production of your own body, the flesh of your sons and of your daughters, whom the LORD

your God has given you, in the siege and in the distress with which your enemies shall distress

you. The man who is the most tender and delicately bred among you will grudge food to his

brother, to the wife of his bosom, and to the last of the children who remain to him; so that

he will not give to any of them any of the flesh of his children whom he is eating, because he

has nothing left him, in the siege and in the distress with which your enemy shall distress you

in all your towns. The most tender and delicately bred woman among you, who would not

venture to set the sole of her foot upon the ground because she is so delicate and tender, will

grudge to the husband of her bosom, to her son and to her daughter, her afterbirth that comes

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out from between her feet and her children whom she bears, because she will eat them secretly, for want of all things, in the siege and in the distress with which your enemy shall

distress you in your towns. "If you are not careful to do all the words of this law which are

written in this book, that you may fear this glorious and awful name, the LORD your God,

then the LORD will bring on you and your offspring extraordinary afflictions, afflictions severe

and lasting, and sicknesses grievous and lasting. And he will bring upon you again all the

diseases of Egypt, which you were afraid of; and they shall cleave to you. Every sickness also,

and every affliction which is not recorded in the book of this law, the LORD will bring upon

you, until you are destroyed. Whereas you were as the stars of heaven for multitude, you shall

be left few in number; because you did not obey the voice of the LORD your God. And as the

LORD took delight in doing you good and multiplying you, so the LORD will take delight in

bringing ruin upon you and destroying you; and you shall be plucked off the land which you

are entering to take possession of it. And the LORD will scatter you among all peoples, from

one end of the earth to the other; and there you shall serve other gods, of wood and stone,

which neither you nor your fathers have known. And the LORD will scatter you among all

peoples, from one end of the earth even to the other (True for the Jews from 70 AD to the

present day); and there you shall serve other gods, of wood and stone in apostasy, which

neither you nor your fathers have known. And among these nations you shall find no ease,

and there shall be no rest for the sole of your foot; but the LORD will give you there a

trembling heart, and failing eyes, and a languishing soul; your life shall hang in doubt before

you; night and day you shall be in dread, and have no assurance of your life. And So your

life shall be in constant suspense filled with fear both night and day never shure of your life

(result of 5th cycle of discipline). In the morning you shall say, `Would it were evening!' and

at evening you shall say, `Would it were morning!' because of the dread which your heart shall

fear, and the sights which your eyes shall see.

Deut 31:6; Be strong and courageous with a stable mentality (think, concentrate and apply

Bible Doctrine) do not be afraid nor tremble (control the emotions) because of or before the

enemy, for the Lord your God, Jesus of Nazareth, The Christ, is the one who goes with or

before you, He will never fail you, He will never forsake or cause you to fail because of your

Eternal Security.

Deut 31:8; Therefore the Lord is the one who advances ahead of you, taking care of you in any

disaster, He will be with you from Metabolized Bible Doctrine in your Stream of Consciousness

of the Soul, He will never fail you nor cause you to fail (forsake you), DO NOT FEAR NOR BE



Eph 1:2-3; Grace to you and peace, prosperity, benefit, welfare, tranquility for your benefit as

escrow blessings from the ultimate source of God the Father, the grantor, and our Lord Jesus

Christ, the depositary. Blessed or Worthy of praise and glorification is the God, even the Father

of our Lord Jesus Christ, the one who has blessed provided us, believers, with every spiritual

benefit or blessing in heavenly places because of Christ.

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Eph 1:13-14; In whom (Jesus of Nazareth, the Christ) [ when you have heard (common grace)

the message of the Truth or expression of doctrine or the Gospel or good news of Salvation in

whom (Christ) when you have believed (Efficacious Grace) ] you were stamped with a seal by

means of God the Holy Spirit with reference to the Promise of Eternal Life. Who {God the

Holy Spirit} is the down payment or guarantee or pledge of our inheritance because of the

redemption {Phase III} of the purchased property or possession {Believers from Sin} toward the

Super-praise of His glory.

Eph 1:18; I pray that the eyes of your Right Lobe may be or having become enlightened from

Perception, Cognition, Inculcation and Metabolization of Bible Doctrine and the use of Reciprocity, so or for the purpose that you may know or have permanent knowledge what is

the absolute confidence of his election, the System or Plan of God, or calling of Maturity

Adjustment to the Justice of God, and what are the riches from the source of the Glory of his

inheritance in the sphere of the Saints.

Eph 3:8; To me the very least of all the saints, this grace has been given to me to preach to

the gentiles the inscrutable or unfathomable inexhaustible riches of Christ.

Eph 3:10; that through the church the manifold wisdom of God might now be made known to

the principalities and powers in the heavenly places.

Eph 3:16; In order that He, God the Father, might potentially give to you from Grace, on the

basis or according to the Norm and Standard of the Riches of His Glory as Logistical Grace, of

His character or essence, from antecedent grace that you might receive strength or inherent

power, or become strengthened in reaching Maturity Adjustment to the Justice of God, by

means of the Inherent Power of Metabolized Bible Doctrine in the Stream of Consciousness of

the Soul from daily function under the Grace Apparatus for Perception in the Divine

Dynasphere, through or by means of the personal agency of God the Holy Spirit with reference

to your inner being and balance of residence of Metabolized Bible Doctrine and the Filling and

Indwelling of God the Holy Spirit.

Eph 3:17; In order that, The Christ may be at home, according to a norm or standard of the

character of Christ, in the right lobe of your soul, by means of accumulated Metabolized Bible

Doctrine assimilated in your right lobes by means of or through the instrumentality of the

Filling of God the Holy Spirit, and the Faith Rest Drill (4 categories), in order that, after you have

received and continue being rooted, or stabilized in the life, by Filling of God the Holy Spirit

and Metabolized Bible Doctrine in the Right Lobe of the Stream of Consciousness of the Soul

and after having received and continue to have the stabilized foundation of Metabolized Bible

Doctrine in the Human Spirit, or established (have a secure place) by agency of Reciprocal

Virtue Love for God as Personal Love for God the Father, motivational virtue, Impersonal or

Unconditional Love for Mankind, functional virtue and Occupation with the Person of The Lord

Jesus, The Christ, maximum Personal Love for God.

Eph 3:20; Now to him, God the Father, who is always able, always has the power, to do in

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GRACE, infinitely, exceedingly, abundantly, over above and beyond, more than anything ever

dreamed or thought of or all we are able to ask, think, or imagine, on the basis of or

according to the norm or standard of power of the Filling of God the Holy Spirit, within the

Divine Dynasphere, which keeps on energizing or working or residing within us, (Spiritual Life,

Advance to (gr) pleroma from (gr) Epignosis Bible Doctrine in the Right Lobe of the Stream of

Consciousness of the Soul)

Eph 4:30; Furthermore Stop Grieving GHS, The God, by means of whom you have been sealed

to the Day of Redemption.

Eph 6:10-17 (command for the believer-the Armor from God); Therefore in the future keep on

becoming strong in the Lord (Interlocking of the Gates of the Divine Dynasphere) even by

means of the Rule of his Endowed power (Divine Dynasphere). Put on or wear for yourselves

the full armor of God that you might be able to hold your ground against the tactics of the

Devil, Because our combat is not against flesh and blood human beings, but against rulers, the

demon general officers, against authorities, the demon commissioned officers, against the world

rulers of this darkness, the demon ambassadors to capitals of the world rulers, and against the

Spirit forces of evil the rank and file demons. Because of this Angelic Conflict pick up and put

on the whole armor from God, in order that you may have the ability to resist in the evil day

of attack, even after having achieved everything by reaching Maturity Adjustment to the Justice

of God, to oppose the forces of Satan through No Man’s Land and at advanced Maturity

Adjustment to the Justice of God during Evidence Testing. Stand fast therefore, after having

buckled your bauldritch around your waist by means of Metabolized Bible Doctrine resident in

the Right Lobe of the Stream of Consciousness of the Soul, also after having put on the body

armor of righteousness. Also having put on combat boots on your feet with the equipment of

the gospel even peace or reconciliation. In addition to All this Armor, having picked up and

carried the shield of Faith with which you may be able to extinguish all the missiles of the evil

one. And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.

Ez 28:14-17; You, Satan, were the anointed messianic cherib the highest of angels who covers

in the Throne room of God, I, God, placed you there, you were on the holy mountain of God,

you walked in the midst of the stones of Fire having access to heaven. You were blameless

perfect in your ways from the day you were created until unrighteousness or iniquity was found

in you. By the abundance of your slander or gossip or maligning and genius plans, they filled

your inner life with violence, your motivation and thought pattern was filled with violence (as

terrorists) And you have sinned (Is 14:14) therefore I will in the future cast you out as profane

from the mountain of God in the tribulation (Rev 12) and I will destroy you, oh Guardian

Cherib, from the midst of the stones of fire. Your soul was lifted up above others because of

your beauty in arrogance and egotism, you were corrupted because of your glamor or

breathtaking beauty you have distorted your wisdom or intelligence, I have cast you to the

earth, I have placed you before kings so that they may see you.

Gal 4:19; My little children {little born again ones - babies in Christ} I am sweating you out

{literally means in birth pangs} until The Christ be formed in you.

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Gal 5:1; It is in the sphere of or for freedom that Christ has set you free, therefore keep on standing fast or firm (Execution of the Spiritual Life) and stop being enmeshed again in the

yoke of slavery to Carnality or Good and Evil legalism.

Heb 4:1; Therefore let us fear lest at any time a promised blessing being unclaimed (in time of

disaster), of entering into his rest; therefore anyone of you thought think to default

Heb 10:35-36; Therefore do not throw away as worthless your confidence in Bible Doctrine,

which confidence keeps on having rich distribution of blessing. For you keep on having need

of perseverance or persistence in the Perception, Cognition, Inculcation and Metabolization of

Bible Doctrine under the Grace Apparatus for Perception, in order that when you have

accomplished the will of God of from taking in Bible Doctrine and making Maturity Adjustment

to the Justice of God, you might carry off for yourself the promise of blessing as Super Grace A

for time and Super Grace B for eternity

Heb 13:5; Let your way of life be free from covetousness, the lust patterns of the Old Sin

Nature or love for money, power, details of life etc; keep on being content with what you

possess for he himself has said in the past with the result that it stands written forever “I will

never abandon or desert you or neither will I ever forsake or desert you Deut 31:8 Isaiah”.

Is 14:12-14 (Satan’s Thinking); How have you fallen from heaven oh Shining One (Morning Star

or Day Star, the most beautiful creature from God) Oh day star from the morning, on son of

the Dawn, you are cut down to the earth, you that once laid low the nations. Because you

said in your Stream of Consciousness, “I will ascend into the 3rd heaven (replace God), I will

raise my throne above the shining one’s (angels) the stars of God (getting them on his side by

persuasion), I will sit on the mount of the assembly (Supreme Court of Heaven trial area) in

the recesses of the north (he will change God’s Mind). I will ascend above the heights of the

clouds (winning the Appeal Trial) I will make myself like the most high (take the authority

from God)

Is 41:10; THEREFORE, Fear not, you scattered Jews, for I, The Lord Jesus, The Christ, am

with you, do not anxiously look around for help, for I am your God, surely I will strengthen

and give you power from Metabolized Bible Doctrine in the Stream of Consciousness of the

Soul, definitely I will help you with Logistical Grace provision for any problems, most emphatically I will sustain you with the right hand of my righteousness or my victorious right

hand, the hand of provision.

James 3:14-16; But if you have bitter-jealousy, and contentious or selfish inordinate ambition in

your Right Lobe of the Stream of Consciousness of your Soul do not become or STOP BEING

ARROGANT stop boasting and lying about or Against Bible Doctrine. This pseudo or distorted

evil wisdom from involvement in the Cosmic Dynaspheres is not that which comes down from

above, from Metabolized Bible Doctrine in the Right Lobe of the Stream of Consciousness of the

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Soul, but is what is on the earthly related to demon influence and propaganda of the Cosmic

Dynaspheres, Natural related to Human Viewpoint and psychological living substituting Human

Viewpoint for Divine Viewpoint, and demonic related to demon possession of the unbeliever

where this believer is thinking like an unbeliever. For where jealousy as motivation and

contentious or selfish inordinate ambition exists there is disorder, instability in the life and soul

and every evil function involving the Interlocking System of Antagonistic Emotional Hatred.

James 4:4-7; You adulteresses in reverse process reversionism do you not know that love of the

Cosmic Dynasphere or the world, keeps on being alienation from God, therefore whoever has

decided their options from Volition to be a lover of the Cosmic Dynasphere or world appoints

himself the enemy of God. Or do you presume (Subjective thinking of the Believer) that the

scripture speaks for no reason face to face with or against your jealousy, (Worst Sins) the spirit,

who dwells permanently in us, deeply loves or pursues us with love. Moreover He gives

Greater Grace or super-grace, therefore it, the Old Testament Scripture, says in Proverbs 3:34

“The God makes War against the Arrogant Believer, But he gives Grace to the Humble Believer”. Therefore be subordinate or submit to The God with residence & function in the

Divine Dynasphere resist or oppose the devil and the Cosmic Dynasphere and he will flee from


James 4:8; Draw near to The God through Momentum from Gate 4 of the Divine Dynasphere by

means of Perception, Cognition, Inculcation, Metabolization & Application of Bible Doctrine and

he will draw near to you, cleanse your hands you sinners through rebound and purify your

right lobes you hypocritical double minded people from demon influence and the pollution of

the Evil of Human Viewpoint thinking.

Jer 17:5-8; Thus says the Lord, cursed, receiving unhappiness because of Negative Volition

function, is the person, courageous male hero or exquisitely beautiful female, who uses his

volition and puts his trust in mankind and establishes a pattern from free will Negative Volition

toward any part of the Plan of God and depends on the flesh, the Old Sin Nature, male sexual

ability, or some gimmick for his strength or as a crutch (the basis of attraction), consequently

his Right Lobe turns away from the Lord and his design into the Cosmic Dynaspheres and

Occupation with People in Human Viewpoint through a series of activities. For he (or she) will

be like a tumbleweed, a naked person, in the wilderness of the desert, unstable, and will not

see or identify the good and provision of the Plan of God in Category I Love and with Bible

Doctrine from daily function under the Grace Apparatus for Perception or prosperity when it

comes but having started a pattern he will abide permanently in a status of unhappiness, Self

Induced Misery, frustration, instability, insatiability in parched places of the Divine Discipline of

the desert, a land of salt totally useless and will not dwell in a place of happiness, having no

economic production as a result of the 5th cycle of Discipline. Blessed or being constantly made

to have happinesses to the man, a courageous hero or an exquisitely beautiful woman who puts

his trust in the Lord and Metabolized Bible Doctrine having Category I Love and whose confidence the Lord is from Maturity Adjustment to the Justice of God (Faith Rest Drill 4

Stages). For he shall become like a real tree (Not the tree used to represent Ashterah) constantly being planted by the waters of Bible Doctrine by the river with constant function

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under the Grace Apparatus for Perception he shall spread out his roots with intensified happiness from completion of the Edification Complex of the Soul and will not see nor identify

fear or be disturbed when the heat, adversity or disaster pressure testing comes, but therefore

his leaves of foliage will be green, prosperous and flourishing with perfect happiness and it will

not be anxious, disturbed or upset in the year of drought or maximum pressure from historical

crisis of economic disaster nor shall it cease to yield fruit or manufacture from Metabolized

Bible Doctrine happiness and blessing by association and historical impact.

Job 1:21; And he (Job) said, “Naked I came from my mother’s womb, and naked shall I return

(at death), The Lord Gave (Life at Birth), and the Lord has Taken away (Physical Death),

blessed be the name of the Lord

Job 5:20-21; In famine, depression or economic disaster he will redeem or deliver or purchase

or preserve you, Mature Believers, from death from Eternity Past, in war or military disaster

from the power of the sword in battle, you will be protected and hidden by the Integrity of

God, delivered from the lash or scourge of the tongue in social disasters from maligning,

judging and gossip, neither will you be afraid being unable to think under the pressures of

destruction, violent death, ruin, oppression, tyranny, when it comes because of Dying Grace.

John 3:18; He who believes in Him (JC the son of God) is NOT judged (for sin which is judged

on the Cross, but only for his success or failure in the SL) but he who does not believe has

been judged already, because he has not believed in the Person of the Uniquely born Son of


John 8:32; You will know the Bible Doctrine (truth) and the Truth of Bible Doctrine shall make

you free (To execute the Spiritual Life under the Royal Family Honor Code)

John 10:28-29; I give eternal life to them, and they cannot ever, shall never perish neither is

anyone ever able to snatch them out of my hands. My Father (Humanity speaking) who has

given them to me is greater than all, and no one is able to snatch them out of my father’s


John 15:22; If I had not come and spoken to them, they would not have sin; but now they

have no excuse for their sin.

Lev 26:27-39 (5th Cycle of Discipline); Yet if in spite of this you do not obey or listen to me

from Negative Volition to Bible Doctrine, but continue to act with hostility to me then in my

anthropopathic anger, I will go into extremely wrathful opposition toward you and I will punish

you seven times more for your sins. Furthermore you will eat the flesh of your sons (BC 586

and 70 AD the siege of Jerusalem) and you will eat the flesh of your daughters (Canibalism

malfunction of Laws of Divine Establishment under siege conditions) (any application of the 5th

cycle of Divine Discipline). Then I will destroy your high places of Religious systems and

demon worship and I will cut down your incense altars for false gods and I will stack your

corpses on the corpses of your idols for my soul will despise you. I will give desolation to or

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turn your cities into ruins, I will lay waste to your sanctuaries or make your holy places dumb and no teaching of Bible Doctrine, and I will take no delight in or find no fragrance in your

propitiatory prayer offerings or application of Bible Doctrine in worship. And I will make the

land desolate so that your enemies who settle in it will be appalled by your suffering in it.

You however I will scatter among the nations, I will draw out my sword from the scabbard and

pursue you, as your land becomes desolate and your cities become waste or lie in ruin (Historically the Jews). Then shall the Land be paid for its Sabbatical year requirements (Jews

ignored the sabbatical years) all the days of desolation while you are in the land of your

enemies, consequently the land will rest and be paid it’s sabbath years. All the days of its

desolation it will observe the rest which it did not observe during your Sabbatical years while

you were living in the land. As for those who are left or survive the 5th Cycle I will also bring

weakness or fear into their right lobes in the land of their enemies that the sound of a wind

blown leaf will put them in flight, in fact when no one is pursuing they will run as though

fleeing from a sword and they will fall when there is no one pursuing them. Therefore they

will stumble over each other as though fleeing from a Sword, although no one is pursuing

them, consequently you (Israel) will not have the means through strength, military power, or

patriotic motivation of any kind to stand up against your enemies, (USA in 1980 and now again

today 2013) But you will perish among the nations and the land of your enemies (Assyria,

Chaldea, Rome) will devour you and completely take you over. Then those of you that are left

shall pine away in your enemies' lands because of their iniquity; and also because of the

iniquities of their fathers they shall pine away like them.

Luke 14:11; For everyone who exalts himself (including through the Arrogance of Christian

Service) will be humbled under the Law of Volitional Responsibility being a loser living a

fragmented life, and he who humbles himself shall be exalted (True Humility Gate 3 of the

Divine Dynasphere)

Luke 15:7-10; I tell you, that or in the same way there will be more happiness or joy in

heaven over one sinner who changes his mind toward the gospel of Jesus of Nazareth, The

Christ than over ninety-nine righteous persons who presume to need no repentance. "Or what

woman, having ten silver coins, if she loses one coin, does not light a lamp and sweep the

house and seek diligently until she finds it? And when she has found it, she calls together her

friends and neighbors, saying, `Rejoice with me, for I have found the coin which I had lost.'

In the same way, I tell you, there is joy before the angels of God over one sinner who


Mark 9:33-37; And they came to Caper'na-um; and when he was in the house he asked them,

"What were you discussing on the way?" But they were silent; for on the way they had

discussed with one another who was the greatest. And he sat down and called the twelve; and

he said to them, "If any one would be first, he must be last of all and servant of all." And he

took a child, and put him in the midst of them; and taking him in his arms, he said to them,

"Whoever receives one such child in my name receives me; and whoever receives me, receives

not me but him who sent me."

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Mark 9:50; Salt is good; but if the salt has lost its saltness, how will you season it? Have salt in yourselves, and be at peace with one another."

Mark 10:35-45; And James and John, the sons of Zeb'edee, came forward to him, and said to

him, "Teacher, we want you to do for us whatever we ask of you." And he said to them,

"What do you want me to do for you?" And they said to him, "Grant us to sit, one at your

right hand and one at your left, in your glory." But Jesus said to them, "You do not know

what you are asking. Are you able to drink the cup that I drink, or to be baptized with the

baptism with which I am baptized?" And they said to him, "We are able." And Jesus said to

them, "The cup that I drink you will drink; and with the baptism with which I am baptized,

you will be baptized; but to sit at my right hand or at my left is not mine to grant, but it is

for those for whom it has been prepared." And when the ten heard it, they began to be

indignant at James and John. And Jesus called them to him and said to them, "You know that

those who are supposed to rule over the Gentiles lord it over them, and their great men

exercise authority over them. But it shall not be so among you; but whoever would be great

among you must be your servant, and whoever would be first among you must be slave of all.

For the Son of man also came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom

for many."

Matt 5:13; You, AND ONLY YOU, believers in Maturity Adjustment to the Justice of God

receiving Super-Grace blessings and believers in Advanced Spiritual Maturity receiving Ultra

Super Grace blessings, are and absolutely keep on being, the salt of the land and the

preservation of the Nation, but if, maybe yes and maybe no, the salt becomes tasteless, foolish,

insipid having lost it preservative abilities in reversionism under the influence of Evil, by what

means or how shall it function as a preservative of the nation or as a flavor or seasoning of the

society, it is efficient or has ability for nothing anymore, furthermore it is totally useless,

having been cast outside as useless in the Sin unto death it is trampled down or trodden

underfoot by the agency of the Lord and the 5th Cycle of Divine Discipline for the nation or

Self Induced Misery.

Matt 11:11; Truly as final authority, I say to you, among those born of women there has not

been a greater man than John the Baptist; notwithstanding, in spite of naming the greatest, he

who is least in the kingdom of heaven is greater than John the Baptist.

Matt 18:1-3; At that same time the disciples came to Jesus, saying, "Who is the greatest in the

kingdom of heaven?" And Jesus called to him a little child, and he put the child in the midst

of these disciples, and He, The Lord Jesus, The Christ, said to them, "A Point of Bible Doctrine

I keep on saying to you for your advantage, If or unless you disciples be converted through

Salvation Adjustment to the Justice of God and regeneration, maybe you will and maybe you

will not be, and at that point, for your benefit, have made Salvation Adjustment to the Justice

of God (John 3;36) and you become AS or LIKE a little child, maybe you will and maybe you

will not depending on your volition, you, Judas, nor anyone else will never enter the kingdom

of heaven.

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Phil 1:20; According to my earnest expectation, waiting calmly and humbly under authority and orders, and intense concentration on Bible Doctrine as Priority #1 and daily function under the

Grace Apparatus for Perception focusing on Bible Doctrine taught, and resultant confidence

expectation that in nothing, in the various aspects of life, shall I be put to shame or disgraced,

but with integrity of Maturity Adjustment to the Justice of God and the Royal Family Honor

Code resulting in courage, confidence and total relaxation toward God, even now being in

Super-Grace B, as always Ultra Super-Grace, and in all stages of Maturity Adjustment to the

Justice of God, THE unique Christ shall be magnified or exalted in my person alive on earth in

time, whether by my living in Maturity Adjustment to the Justice of God or by my dying under

dying grace.

Phil 1:21; For you see, or As I, Paul in Super-Grace B, see it, for me, as far as I am

concerned, Living or to continue living, is (elipsis) Occupation with the Person of Jesus of

Nazareth, The Christ; likewise dying is unusual Gain, great Profit, Riches of Glory, Magnetism

beyond life in eternity.

Phil 1:29; In fact because it has been given, on a grace basis freely without any requirements

as a favor from God, to you the unique ones, the believer in the countdown of Maturity

Adjustment to the Justice of God in Super-Grace B No Man’s Land, in substitution for Jesus of

Nazareth, The Christ not only to believe by faith alone with reference to him alone for

Salvation Adjustment to the Justice of God, but also to emphatically suffer intensively in behalf

of him in Super-Grace B No Man’s Land.

Phil 2:2; Bring to completion, by your pressing on, advancing, moving through Super-Grace B

into Ultra Super-Grace, my Sharing of the Happiness of God, in order that you might have the

same thinking, in Super-Grace B, No Man’s Land, from Metabolized Bible Doctrine in the

Stream of Consciousness of the Soul, of the same category of things, having and holding, or

maintaining from the past into the present, the same Love of Reciprocal Love for God,

Occupation with the Person of Jesus of Nazareth, The Christ, united in the Filling of God the

Holy Spirit in soul rapport, intent concentrating on the one purpose or objective of advance to

the high ground of the Spiritual Life, Ultra Super-Grace.



or Keep objectively thinking this Metabolized Bible Doctrine in your Stream of Consciousness of

the Soul in No Man’s Land within yourselves, that which was (ellipsis) also resident in the

Stream of Consciousness of the Soul of the Humanity of Christ Jesus

Phil 3:13; Members of the Royal Family of God, I even I consider, estimate or evaluate myself

even myself, objectively, as not yet to have attained, overtaken, seized, reached and held the

deliberate objective according to the specified Norms and Standards of the Grace Apparatus for

Perception, the ultimate of Pleroma, Ultra Super-Grace, however, now one thing on which I

concentrate, constantly forgetting or deliberately assigning to oblivion those things which have

already happened and lay behind, the things of the great sins related to reversionism as a

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handicap, and constantly and eagerly vigorously pursuing advancing or straining or pressing

toward, the front or what lies ahead, through the function of Grace Apparatus for Perception as

the Ultra Super-Grace objective.

Phil 3:15-16; Therefore, as many as (are) already fully developed, believers in Maturity

Adjustment to the Justice of God in Super-Grace A or B, let us, Super-Grace believers, continue

objective thinking of Divine Viewpoint from maximum Metabolized Bible Doctrine in the Stream

of Consciousness of the Soul. In fact if you are thinking somewhat differently and have a

different Mental Attitude or hold different opinions toward anything, and you are, The God, as

the ultimate source of revelation will reveal through the immediate source of Bible Doctrine

and your right Pastor Teacher, even that to you for your benefit and in your interest. However

the objective or status to which we have already attained or reached in Super-Grace status, by

that same function of the Grace Apparatus for Perception, let us under strict discipline, keep

marching, advancing in step, with others, in ranks by means of enforced & genuine humility

and academic discipline to the next objective of Ultra Super-Grace, by the same rule or

standard or sphere of action or daily function under the Grace Apparatus for Perception with

regard to the sum total of Bible Doctrine in the Canon of Scripture, in persistent Momentum in

the Spiritual Life.

Phil 3:18-19 (Alternative to Effective Rebound for Believers); For many reversionistic believers

keep walking from the past and making wrong decisions falling into various stages of

reversionism and under the influence of evil, concerning, with reference to whom I have

constantly, regularly, repeatedly communicated to ya’all honestly, faithfully many, many times

and now, even though momentarily weeping for former friends and Christians, I continue,

faithfully, to communicate that these not taking responsibility, have made themselves the

enemies of the cross of That Same Christ. (1Sam 28:16) (The reversionists as enemies of the

cross), Whose termination, cessation or conclusion of this life keeps on being or is ruin, the

destruction which one experiences from administration of the Sin unto death discipline, whose

god is his emotion in Emotional Revolt of the Soul and emotional arrogance, who have a way

of life which is to glory in their shame or dishonor, or whose fame or success comes by

cheating, lack of integrity and is dishonor from involvement in the Cosmic Dynasphere #2, who

keep on thinking and form and hold opinions about human viewpoint or earthly things being

under the influence of evil from Satan’s policy and plan.

Phil 4:11-13; Not because I am speaking with reference to poverty, lack, adversity or need for I

have come to know, have learned through instruction from Bible Doctrine to be content or

happy , in whatever circumstances I am, to keep on being self sufficient with contentment. In

fact, I have come to know, during my reversion recovery, both how to live in helpless humiliation, shame, degradation, debasement or adversity from reversionism and Charlie

Logistical Grace of Divine Discipline of the past; also, I have come to know or experienced how

to live and function in success or in prosperity of the 5 categories of Super-Grace blessings in

the present, in every place and in all circumstances; I have been initiated by understanding the

doctrines and policies of God, instructed in the past with the result that this instruction stays

with me, having learned the secret both of how to be well fed, filled or face plenty being

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saturated with Metabolized Bible Doctrine, and how to hunger desiring more and more Bible

Doctrine leading to Ultra Super-Grace, and how to prosper and be in abundance in Super-Grace

and how to be in lacking the Ultra Super-Grace Status Quo. “I have the endowed power of

maximum Metabolized Bible Doctrine in the Stream of Consciousness of the Soul, to attain all

things regarding Ultra Super-Grace and Dying Grace, by means of the one, God the Holy Spirit

and the Grace Apparatus for Perception, who keeps on pouring the power of Metabolized Bible

Doctrine into me”

Phil 4:19; Now My God will keep on supplying, implementing, fulfilling up, making full the

deficiency of all of your every spiritual and material need on the basis or according to the

standards of his wealth or riches in glory by agency of being in union with Christ Jesus.

Prov 3:33-35; The curse of the LORD's is on the house EVIL of the wicked carnal or arrogant

believer constantly under the influence of Evil, the Family living constantly in the Cosmic

Dynaspheres but he blesses the house of Establishment, the believer who has maximum

Metabolized Bible Doctrine in his Right Lobe of the Stream of Consciousness of the Soul

dwelling with Logistical Grace and super-grace where there is the imputed Righteousness of

God. He, the Lord, is caused to mock or ridicule, reject or discipline, makes war against the

arrogant scorning scoffer who is habitually constantly indifferent to Bible Doctrine, but he gives

GRACE to the humble believer. The wise who has teachability from function under enforced

humility having developed genuine humility, who reaches Spiritual Maturity from Perception,

Cognition, Inculcation and Metabolization and Application of Bible Doctrine will inherit honor

or the reward of Divine Good in super-grace blessings, but fools who are in Interlocking System

of Arrogance and Negative Volition to Bible Doctrine carry away dishonor and shame bringing

life to ruin and misery.

Prov 6:16-17; These are 6 things which the Lord hates or abhors this ugliness; yes 7 which are

an abomination to his essence or attributes Involvement in Interlocking System of Arrogance or

pride (Mental Attitude Arrogance and Sins), a Lying Tongue (Verbal Sins); Murder or Hands

which shed innocent blood (Overt Sins),

Prov 8:18; Riches and Fame or HONOR for time are with me, Bible Doctrine, in Escrow Super-

Grace blessings, enduring wealth, integrity, prosperity, righteousness or spiritual production are

with me for Eternity.

Prov 9:7-12; Whoever corrects a scornful, sarcastic negative person brings to himself insult,

whoever rebukes a man who functions under evil brings on Abuse. Do not rebuke a Scornful

person or he will hate you; rebuke a wise man, and he will love you. Give instruction to a

wise man, and he will be still wiser; teach a righteous or virtuous man and he will increase in

learning. The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom, and the knowledge of the Holy

One is understanding of God and Self and People. For by me, Bible Doctrine, your days will

be multiplied, and years will be added to your life. If you are wise, your wisdom will reward

you; if you are scornful and negative, you alone will suffer.

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Prov 10:8; The wise man in his Right Lobe of the Stream of Consciousness of the Soul accepts commands, but a chattering fool who maligns and gossips will come to ruin.

Prov 10:12; Hatred stirs up dissension, but virtue love covers all wrongs.

Prov 11:2; When pride as Mental Attitude Arrogance comes in via Interlocking System of

Arrogance then comes dishonor, but in contrast, with the grace oriented (3 Categories) believers

oriented to the Plan of God there is Wisdom from knowledge of or Metabolized Bible Doctrine

in the Stream of Consciousness of the Soul.

Prov 11:13; A talebearer or gossip, the believer minus Bible Doctrine with Mental Attitude Sins

motivated to discredit others with Verbal Sins, violates the privacy and reveals the secrets of

others, but he who has virtue from a stabilized human spirit storing maximum Bible Doctrine

with maximum Metabolized Bible Doctrine transferred to the Right Lobe of the Stream of

Consciousness of the Soul, conceals or covers a matter of someone else’s business.

Prov 11:17; The kind grace oriented man producing Divine Good benefits his own soul, but he

that is cruel or guilty of Mental Attitude Sins causes sorrow to his own flesh, destroys his own

body with psychosomatic illness from constant Mental Attitude Sins.

Prov 11:22; Like a Jewel, a magnificent beautiful Gem encrusted with or beautifully set in a

ring of gold in a swine's or pig’s snout or nose; so is an absolutely beautiful woman without

discretion or discernment or poise, being minus Bible Doctrine and lacking inner beauty or

virtues of Phase II of the Plan of God.

Prov 12:1; Whoever loves discipline loves knowledge, but he who hates correction is stupid.

Prov 12:15; The way of a fool seem right to himself having pseudo self confidence based on the

Interlocking System of Arrogance, but a wise man with Metabolized Bible Doctrine listens to


Prov 13:10; Through arrogance comes strife or quarrels, but wisdom is with those who receive

instruction of Bible Doctrine or take advice.

Prov 13:11; Dishonest money or wealth dwindles away, but he who gathers money or wealth

little by little makes it grow as he grows with capacity for it.

Prov 15:17; Better is a horrible, unpalatable, dinner or dish of cabbage where category 1 love

toward God or 2 Personal Love toward another, (gr) Agape Mental Attitude and (gr) Philos

Rapport LOVE is; than a stall or grain fed fated ox and the perfect Chateaubriand or fillet steak

accompanied by Hatred from Mental Attitude Arrogance and Mental Attitude Sins resulting in

total misery.

Prov 15:32; The Parent who constantly refuses or rejects the instruction of Bible Doctrine

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DESPISES and destroys his own soul and inner life and his family, but the Parent who

understands from Metabolized Bible Doctrine, reproof or admonition gains understanding and

profits from it.

Prov 15:33; The Respect for the Lord, Occupation with the Person of The Lord Jesus, The

Christ, is the maximum instruction and accumulation of Metabolized Bible Doctrine leading to

wisdom, and before honor there is the Humility of Grace Orientation.

Prov 16:18; Arrogance precedes destruction therefore before a fall or Failure there is a lifestyle

of arrogance in the Interlocking System of Arrogance the strongest of Satanic attacks

Prov 16:32; Better a patient man with Spiritual Self Esteem than a WARRIOR, and he who rules

his spirit or controls his temper is BETTER than he who captures a city under emotional


Prov 19:3; A man's own folly or bad decisions ruins his own life, yet his Right Lobe rages

against the LORD blaming him.

Prov 21:19; Better to live alone in the rough desert or wasteland without people; than with a

contentious, quarrelsome and maladjusted nagging woman.

Prov 23:7; for as he thinks in his Right Lobe of the Stream of Consciousness of the Soul so he

is; He says to you "Eat and drink my food and beverage!"; but his Right Lobe of the Stream

of Consciousness of the Soul is not with you, he is a hypocrite, and in fact against you and he

despises you.

Prov 24:10; If you mentally faint or falter by panicking or becoming hysterical in the time of

pressure or adversity (Heb 12:3), how small is your strength or knowledge and understanding of

Bible Doctrine.

Prov 29:23; A persons arrogance will bring him low through involvement in the Cosmic

Dynaspheres but a life of humility in the Divine Dynasphere will attain honor.

Ps 23:5-6; You have deployed, prepared, a banquet table of maturity temporal and spiritual

prosperity for my advantage and benefit in front of me in the presence and sight of my

enemies; You have anointed my head with oil of noncancelable Promotion and advancement,

the golden banquet cup of my prosperity capacity is full to the top and constantly overflows.

Emphatically, as the basis for confidence, benefit, Divine good of intrinsic value, or prosperity

and unfailing love or grace shall pursue me all the days of my life, and (when my life is over)

I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever wearing the Wreath of Grace and the other

decorations for all eternity.

Ps 24:10; Who is this King of glory? The LORD or commander in chief of the Jewish Armies,

he is the King of glory! [Selah] (Pause and think about this)

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Ps 25:8-9; The Plan of God depends on the Integrity of God; these together with the essence of God is perfect Divine Good, and Honorable is Jehovah, God the Father & God the Son & God

the Holy Spirit; therefore he will cause to teach by discipline, the ones inclined to live by the

Old Sin Nature producing Sin, Evil and Human Good, His ways or Modus Operandi. He guides

or leads in the wagon tracks of righteousness (Ps23) the humble believer who avoids the

Interlocking systems of Arrogance, through or by means of the Logistical Grace provision of

Bible Doctrine from Justice of God and discipline, consequently he teaches, through constant

repetition the positive believer with humility, his road or Path of Bible Doctrine and righteousness

Ps 32:5; I will acknowledge or name or cite or cause to make know my sin to you God the

Father and my guilt or sin I opened up to you OR I did not or WILL NOT cover up or hide my

guilt or sin or depraved action, and I have decided or said to myself “I have been caused to

acknowledge or cite or name my transgression to the Lord”, and YOU completely forgave or

lifted up and carried away the Guilt or Depravity of my sin in Interlocking System of

Arrogance. Selah, NOW REST and THINK ABOUT IT while GOD acts in Logistical Grace.

Ps 38:18; (his Halt) Therefore I will admit, cite, name, declare or acknowledge all my sin (not

Human Good nor Evil), because of your grace, I am worried troubled, concerned, uneasy

because of my sin against You (God)

Ps 56:3; The Day that I am constantly afraid I will trust in you and in your doctrine, slamming

my troubles on you in faith to stabilize my thinking

Ps 103:10-12; He has not dealt with us according to our failure or sins of Nob and Gath nor

rewarded us in the sphere of or according to our iniquities of reversionism. For as far as the

heavens are high above the earth, so great is his steadfast love or Grace in action toward those

super-grace believers who respect and are occupied with and reverently trust him from

knowledge of Bible Doctrine; as far as the east is from the west so far has he removed

completely our reversionistic failures and transgressions from us.

Rev 3:19; Those whom I love, I punish and correct by Divine Discipline; therefore being lukewarm in reversionism, GET HOT, REPENT or change your mind about Bible Doctrine and

recover and advance to Maturity Adjustment to the Justice of God.

Rom 9:19-21; Therefore You will say to me, "Why does he (God) still find fault? For who has

resisted his will or purpose?" On the contrary mankind oh Mankind, you, who are you who

answers back to God? Shall what is formed say to him who formed it, "Why have you made

me like this?” For does not the potter (God) possess authority over the clay (Mankind) from

the same lump to make on the one hand a vessel for the purpose of Honor and on the other

hand a vessel for the purpose of Dishonor, Of course he does.

Rev 21:4; And God shall wipe away every tear from their eyes, and there shall be no more

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death, neither shall there be any more mourning, sorrow or crying neither shall there be any more pain, for the things Jews have endured in the passed the first things have passed away."

Rom 12:1; Therefore, I (command) urge, encourage, exhort, seek to persuade you, NOW,

believers in the Royal Family of God, by means of God’s rational compassionate sympathetic

mercies of grace blessing from the Justice of God, that you constantly place your bodies under

orders as a living holy sacrifice, by using the rebound procedure constantly and the resultant

Filling of God the Holy Spirit, this is acceptable and well pleasing to our God; which is your

rational and spiritual service or worship.

Rom 12:2; Also Do Not be or Stop being conformed or molded to this age or period of time of

human viewpoint or cosmic thinking of Good and Evil, but be constantly transformed by the

renovation of your understanding or thinking, that you might prove what the purpose, plan or

will of God is, namely the good of intrinsic value achievement or production of Divine Good

which is well pleasing to God and complete as the result of Maturity Adjustment to the Justice

of God.

Rom 12:3; For I say or communicate through the grace (the policy of God for mankind and for

blessing for believers) which has been given to me, to everyone, all believers in the Church

Age, who is among you who have the potential for becoming invisible hero’s and part of the

pivot, STOP persisting in over thinking of self in terms of ARROGANCE in your thinking from

residence in Cosmic Dynasphere I, beyond the point of what you ought to think from

involvement in Cosmic Dynasphere II, but think objectively in terms of sanity within the Power

System of God the Divine Dynasphere, for the purpose of being rational without illusion about

self or others, as the God has assigned to each one of us a standard of thinking from Bible

Doctrine the Royal Family Honor Code.

Titus 1:1; Paul a born again Slave from the source of God and an Apostle of Jesus of Nazareth,

the Christ, according to the norms and standards of faith or Metabolized Bible Doctrine of

God’s Elected to Special Privilege ones and the epignosis knowledge of the Categorized Truth of

Bible Doctrine, according to the norms and standards of spirituality, godliness of the balance of

residence of the Filling of God the Holy Spirit and Metabolized Bible Doctrine in the soul which

leads to Spiritual Maturity.

Zech 4:6; Then he said to me, "This is the word of the LORD to Zerub'babel: It is not by

might, nor by power, but by my Spirit, says the Jehovah God of the Armies.

Return to the Table of Contents


Absolute Truth – Exitst in 3 categories for the:

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• Unbeliever – Gospel of The Lord Jesus, The Christ

• Believer – Entire realm of Bible Doctrine from Scripture

• Both – The principles derived from Bible Doctrine concerning the Laws of Divine

Establishment and Divine Institutions.

Adjustment to the Justice of God – Divine grace is administered through the essence of God.

Ultimately, all blessing or discipline from God to us must be filtered through His justice. As

goes the justice of God, so goes blessing or cursing to us. It occurs in 3 areas, Salvation

Adjustment to the Justice of God, Rebound Adjustment to the Justice of God, Temporal

Adjustment to the Justice of God, Maturity Adjustment to the Justice of God

Advanced Maturity Adjustment to the Justice of God – this is the status quo of the believer

who has reached Maturity Adjustment to the Justice of God and continued to successfully

progress through No Man’s Land of Cosmic Dynasphere testing to receive from God his Ultra –

Super Grace blessings and the Mantle of Suffering reward where pressure and adversity only

serve to enhance his blessing and happiness.

Apostasy – Falling away from the system of belief arrived at through the Perception, Cognition,

Inculcation and Metabolization and Application of Bible doctrine, 2Th 2:3. Rejection of Bible

Doctrine for the believer is entering into reversionism which is apostasy.

Baptism of God the Holy Spirit -- One of seven salvation ministries of God the Holy Spirit

whereby the omnipotence of the Holy Spirit enters the believer into union with Christ, making

the Church Age believer a part of the royal family of God.

Blackout of the soul – The status of the believer with persistent negative volition to doctrine,

which results in erasure of any Metabolized Bible Doctrine previously accumulated in the soul.

Category I Love – The love for God expressed as Occupation with the Person of The Lord Jesus,

The Christ but also includes loving God the Father and God the Holy Spirit.

Category II Love – The romantic love involved with 1 special person in life of the opposite

gender in romance and ultimately marriage.

Category III Love – The love involved in close friendship with other individuals.

Church Age – The dispensation of intercalation inserted when the Age of Israel was temporarily

halted by the 5th cycle of Divine Discipline in 70 AD as a result of Jewish overwhelming apostasy.

Client Nation – a national entity under the principle of divine institution #4, nationalism, which

is responsible for custodianship and dissemination of the Word of God, Bible doctrine in the

Church Age taking the place of Israel which is under the 5th cycle of Divine Discipline.

Cosmic Dynasphere I – The system of Satan to control this world based on the Interlocking

System of Arrogance which involves many areas of Arrogance sins and function.

Cosmic Dynasphere II – The system of Satan to control this world based on the Interlocking

System of Hatred which involves Emotional Sins.

Courage – is the expression of Humility under pressure toward man and circumstances and is

the ability to think under pressure and Courage and Poise are the covering of thinking with glory. Courage is a Functional

Virtue when it is directed toward Man & Circumstances.

Cowardice – is the inability to think under pressure thus falling back on emotion which inevitably results in some level of FEAR.

Dispensation – An administrative period of Human History under the auspices of God. A divine

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categories of human history; therefore, both the divine outline and the divine interpretation of human history. A period of time during which a particular revelation of God's mind and God's

will is operative, and during which man is tested as to his obedience to that specific manifestation of God's will, purpose, and plan.

Divine discipline – The punitive action taken by the justice of God under his Grace Policy to

correct, punish, encourage, train, and motivate the believer's free will toward the plan of God

for all dispensations. This occurs collectively for nations under the 5 cycles of Divine Discipline.

Divine Dynasphere – God’s Power system for the believer in the Church Age with 8 areas or

gates of entry and function including Filling of God the Holy Spirit, Perception, Cognition,

Inculcation and Metabolization of Bible Doctrine, Enforced & Genuine Humility, Bible Doctrine

Orientation to reality, Personal Love for God the Father, Impersonal Love for Mankind,

Momentum Testing, Spiritual Maturity.

Divine Good – Production in the Spiritual Life of the advancing or mature believer under the

Filling of God the Holy Spirit.

Divine Institutions – The systems created by God for the proper function and protection of the

Human Race in the Angelic Conflict to allow a resolution of the Angelic Conflict appeal trail.

There are 4 Divine Institutions including, Freedom (Volition), Marriage, Family, and Government

each with its own specific area of and structure for function.

Divine Viewpoint – Orientation of the Right Lobe of the Stream of Consciousness of the Soul of

the believer based on maximum Metabolized Bible Doctrine in the soul.

Dying Grace – This is the final and highest form of blessing in the life of the believer who h as

reached Maturity Adjustment to the Justice of God and is part of his Super – Grace blessing

package. It is the provision of extraordinary blessing and happiness during dying. (Ps 116:15)

The believer in Maturity Adjustment to the Justice of God transitions from Living Grace to Dying

Grace and walks his final journey through the Death Shadowed Valley (Ps 23:4) accompanied by

the Lord in harmonious rapport with him. This walk through the death shadowed valley for the

mature believer is one of inner peace and tranquility.

Enforced Humility – Developed from required conformity to any system of discipline instilled

and based on the proper function of some organizational authority outside the individual.

Essentials – The absolute truths in life of the gospel of Christ, the Laws of Divine Establishment,

and all other Bible Doctrines

Epignosis – Bible Doctrine which is clearly understood having been transferred into the Left

Lobe of the Soul by God the Holy Spirit which is then ACCEPTED by faith and moved by God the

Holy Spirit into the Right Lobe of the Stream of Consciousness of the Soul.

Equation of Hope

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Image 9

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Image 10

Equation of Despair

Evil – The plan and policy of Satan to rule this world. It is satanic THINKING and satanic


Evidence Testing – This is testing only for the believer who has reached Maturity Adjustment to

the Justice of God and continued through No Man’s Land to Advanced Maturity Adjustment to

the Justice of God where he has reached the pinnacle of the Spiritual Life and is where his

Spiritual Life is brought up before the Supreme Court of Heaven as a PRIMARY witness for the

prosecution, The Lord Jesus, The Christ, to be subjected to cross examination by Satan who

attempts to discredit his entire spiritual life.

Expiation – Payment of or cancelation of an unpayable debt, it describes the result of the

Substitutionary Spiritual Death of Christ on the cross with regard to the unpayable penalty of

human sin.

Fear – A part of Emotional Revolt of the Soul which is antithetical to Courage and Poise and the believer is constantly commanded to NOT FEAR anything at any time. (Deut 31:3-6, 2Tim


Genuine Humility – The voluntary volitional conformity to the ABSOLUTE AUTHORITY of the

Sovereignty of God and Bible Doctrine principles including the Laws of Divine Establishment,

Divine Institutions and the entire content of Bible Doctrine developed as a result of properly

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functioning under Enforced Humility to develop Self Discipline.

Gnosis – is academically understood or comprehended Bible Doctrine as a result of the teaching ministry of God the Holy Spirit but which cannot be used in application to life’s

experiences having not at this point been accepted by faith.

Grace – The plan and policy of God toward mankind which is all that God can do for man which

he CAN NOT earn nor deserve based on the Substitutionary Spiritual Death of The Lord Jesus,

The Christ on the cross.

Grace Apparatus for Perception – The mechanic for the Perception, Cognition, Inculcation and

Metabolization of Bible Doctrine for the believer based on the ministry and Filling of God the

Holy Spirit under Operation Z. This involves the Concepts and Principles of the 4 Rs:

• Reception – the consistent Perception, Cognition, Inculcation and Metabolization of Bible

Doctrine under Stage 1 of the Faith Rest Drill (4 categories).

• Retention – the Faith transfer of the learned Bible Doctrine under the ministry of God the

Holy Spirit to the Right Lobe of the Stream of Consciousness of the Soul where it is stored

as memory, vocabulary and categories of Bible Doctrine

• Recall – the Faith application of Bible Doctrine by the:

▪ Claiming one or more of the 7000+ promises of God in the bible.

▪ Using doctrinal principles to support these promises.

▪ Developing doctrinal Rationales from the combination of these promises and


▪ Reaching doctrinal conclusions to control or overcome the situation.

• Resistance – to the influence of Evil and temptations to function within the Cosmic Dynaspheres

Hamartiology – The study of Sin.

Human Good – The function or production resulting from operating under the principles of the

satanic plan and policy for this world, EVIL.

Human Viewpoint – Orientation of the Right Lobe of the Stream of Consciousness of the Soul

of the believer and Unbeliever based on maximum involvement with EVIL.

ICE – This is an acronym for Isogogics, Categories, Exegesis as analytical tools in the overall

method of interpretation of scripture where Isogogics is interpretation of biblical text within its

historical context, Categories is classification of Bible Doctrines according to subject matter

based on comparisons of scripture with scripture, Exegesis is a grammatical, etymological,

synctactical and contextual analysis of scripture from the original Greek, Hebrew and Aramaic


Jeshurun, (heb) – The remnant of mature believers who have advanced into and beyond Super

Grace Statue Quo in the face of a declining number in the Pivot.

Judgment Seat of Jesus Christ – the time after the exit resurrection of the Church Age believers, the Rapture of the Church, prior to the beginning of the Tribulation, the end period of

the Age of Israel, where The Lord Jesus, The Christ will judge or evaluate every Church Age

believer for his performance, his use of the time given him in this life to execute the Protocol

Plan of God. Each Church Age believer will be called to give an account of himself and will

receive rewards based on his spiritual advance and Divine Good production during his lifetime.

Justification – to vindicate or declare righteous, it is a judicial act of vindication of the believer Page 225 of 239

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as a result of having received and possessing the Righteousness of God at Salvation Adjustment to the Justice of God. (Rom 3:20-28)

Kardia – Greek for Heart referring to the Right Lobe of the Stream of Consciousness of the Soul.

Laws of Divine Establishment – Laws or rules God has ordained for the survival, protection

and freedom of the human race during the course of human history to allow completion of the

Angelic Conflict appeal. They provide the freedom to fulfil the divine plan as ordained in the

divine decrees and are designed and directed toward both believer and unbeliever.

Legitimate Organization – this includes any organization including systems of government

which understand and adhere to the principles of the Laws of Divine Establishment and Divine

Institutions in their establishment of Authority structure, Organizational Purpose and the

Policies to support these.

Logistical Grace – The provision of support for every believer designed to provide for him

everything needed to keep him alive in the world ruled by Satan in order that he might have the

opportunity and choice of advancing in and executing the Protocol Plan of God.

Loser Believer – The loser believer combines emotional sins of the Interlocking System of

Hatred and arrogance sins of the Interlocking System of Arrogance and functions under the 3

Arrogance Skills. He has problem solving incompetence resulting in perpetual carnality and has

severely neglected or totally rejected Bible Doctrine and as a result is the Enemy of the Cross,

the Enemy of God, and has become a Hater of God. (John 15:23)

Maturity Adjustment to the Justice of God – Is the result of the believer fulfilling the Plan of

God and his purpose in life of consistent and persistent Perception, Cognition, Inculcation and

Metabolization of Bible Doctrine moving from Salvation Adjustment to the Justice of God and

spiritual infancy through progressive stages of development to Spiritual Maturity having

accumulated a maximum quantity of Bible Doctrine in his Right Lobe of the Stream of Consciousness of the Soul. It is where he receives a package of 6 categories of incredible

blessings for his life in time and a guarantee of special blessings for his life in eternity.

Metabolized Bible Doctrine – Bible doctrine which has been taught, understood academically

and accepted by faith under the ministry and Filling of God the Holy Spirit therefore usable for

application to life’s experiences.

Momentum Testing – 4 Categories of Suffering for blessing and enhanced momentum in one’s

advance in the Spiritual Life occurring in 4 stages of the Sophisticated Spiritual Life beginning

with Providential Preventative Suffering at Spiritual Self Esteem and having 2 levels in Spiritual

Autonomy and intensified Momentum Testing in Intermediate Spiritual Maturity. These 4

categories include testing from:





occurring in

one’s interactions in life.

Nous – (Gr) the Left Lobe of the Soul where academic comprehension or understand of Bible

Doctrine occurs when it is perceived.

Non-Essentials – The accourdaments and accouterments of life, the DETAILS of life, over and

above Bible Doctrine.

Operation Z – The structured involvement and mechanical process of learning Bible Doctrine

based on the Filling of God the Holy Spirit and Positive Volition Faith as a non-meritorious

system of perception on the part of the believer. It involves God the Holy Spirit providing Bible

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Doctrine to the Human Spirit when it is taught by a qualified prepared Pastor Teacher. This Doctrine is then in addition transferred to the Left Lobe of the Soul for academic

comprehension where it is staged for the believer to accept or reject it on the basis of Faith.

Accepting the Bible Doctrine by faith results in its being transferred by God the Holy Spirit to the

Right Lobe of the Stream of Consciousness of the Soul for saturation of the compartments of

the soul and eventual application to life. This process is a GRACE benefit from God and is

therefore labeled the Grace Apparatus for Perception.

Organizational Humility – Conformity to a systematic plan, policy and purpose developed

under some system or organizational function in life based on the delegated authority from

God and the Divine Institutions.

Poise Humility under pressure, therefore humility is not only the foundation

of virtue but

gives the ability to THINK under pressure thus provides for the development of Courage and

courage and poise are the covering of thinking with glory. Poise is part of the Functional


of Courage and is a category of Courage giving one the ability to think under pressure

which is the definition of true Courage. Poise is very important in Academic Discipline so that

when one hears things he disagrees with or cannot grasp initially there must be poise, ie. no

reaction, no disturbance, to distract others concentrating on what is being taught. Poise as the

ability to think under pressure requires concentration and having concentration ability when

learning Bible Doctrine carries over into every aspect of life so that whatever one does in life he

will be able to concentrate on. Facing Pressures in life with Poise means that there is concentration to focus the problem ON TO Bible Doctrine whether it is the result of prosperity

or adversity in life. Courage with Poise and Concentration transfers knowledge which is in the

soul onto the situation no matter what the subject matter is nor the situation. Poise and

Concentration brings with them Objectivity which is expressed as good manners and

thoughtfulness about others. This is the ability to NOT make an issue of self so others can learn

or enjoy. Poise is the combination of Objectivity in life, therefore Enforced and Genuine

Humility, with Courage and is therefore a clear manifestation of Courage. (Deut 31:8, Josh 8:1) When the believer loses his Poise he inevitably succumbs to fear and decisiveness is lost and decisions will be BAD Decisions from a position of weakness as a result of his having left the

Divine Dynasphere and entered into the Cosmic Dynaspheres. (1Chron 28:20)

Problem Solving Devices – The mechanics for overcoming all pressure, adversity, disaster and

testing in the life of the believer as he advances in the Spiritual Life. There are 10 Problem

Solving Devices including; Rebound, Filling of God the Holy Spirit, Faith Rest Drill, Grace Orientation, Bible Doctrine Orientation, Personal Sense of Destiny, Personal Love for God the

Father, Impersonal Love for Mankind, Sharing the Happiness of God, Occupation with the

Person of The Lord Jesus, The Christ.

Problem Solving incompetence – Failure to develop and deploy the 10 Problem Solving Devices and then use them to apply Metabolized Bible Doctrine from the Right Lobe of the

Stream of Consciousness of the Soul to the circumstances of life.

Providential Preventative Suffering – 4 basic or preliminary categories of Momentum

Testing with Suffering for Blessing when the believer enters into Spiritual Young Adulthood and has reached Spiritual Self Esteem as a result of developing a Cognitive Self Confidence in Bible

Doctrine and God from consistency in his Perception, Cognition, Inculcation and Metabolization

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of Bible Doctrine.

Propitiation – this is an offering to satisfy or appease and is a description of the Substitutionary Spiritual Death of Christ on the cross as payment for all human sins which

satisfied the Righteousness of God and appeased the Justice of God. (1Pet 1:17-19)

Rebound Adjustment to the Justice of God – The Grace process provided by God for the

believer to be able to be restored to fellowship with God and regain the Filling of God the Holy

Spirit for Perception, Cognition, Inculcation and Metabolization and Application of Bible Doctrine and function under the Royal Ambassadorship for Christ. (1John 1:9, 1Cor 11:31)

Reconciliation – it is removal of a barrier between 2 antagonists, it describes all that Christ did

in his Substitutionary Spiritual Death on the cross for all human sins to remove the barrier of

antagonism between man to God and includes:

• Unlimited Atonement



• Expiation

• Redemption

Reverse Process Reversionism – The final stage of reversionism in the soul of the believer

where he now subject to the ultimate Divine Discipline of life, the Sin Unto Death as a result of

being useless to God as a witness for the prosecution in the Angelic Conflict appeal trial. It is a

saturation of the soul with the Moral Degeneracy of Legalism or with the Immoral Degeneracy

of Antinomianism from an interaction with the Interlocking System of Arrogance.

Reversionism – This is truly a 9 stage process in the soul of the believer where he reverts to a

status in his Spiritual Life which is equivalent to his being an Unbeliever as a result of rejection

of Bible Doctrine. It is a reversal of priorities, attitudes, affections, accompanied by the destruction of impersonal love, and a change in his manner of operation and personality to

what it was prior to Salvation Adjustment to the Justice of God. These stages are:

• Initial Negative Volition toward Bible Doctrine

• Reaction & Distraction from the Spiritual Life

• Frantic Search for Happiness

• Operation Boomerang

• Emotional Revolt of the Soul

• Locked in Negative Volition

• Black Out of the Soul

• Scar Tissue of the Soul

• Reverse Process Reversionism

Right Lobe of the Stream of Consciousness of the Soul – Is called the (gr) Kardia or Heart in

the scripture and is the residence of Metabolized Bible Doctrine in the soul of the believer from

which this doctrine can be applied to life.

Royal Family of God – Is the title and station given to the believer in The Lord Jesus, The Christ

in this dispensation of the church age which has been inserted into Human History in order to

Christ to have a royal family for his royal patent of King of Kings and Lord of Lords his titles for

his battlefield royalty having achieved a strategic victory in the Angelic Conflict as a result of his

Substitutionary Spiritual Death for all human sin on the cross. This is the result of every

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believer at the point of Salvation Adjustment to the Justice of God being placed into union with Christ by means of the ministry of the Baptism of God the Holy Spirit.

Salvation Adjustment to the Justice of God – In the relationship between God and Man in

Human History man must adjust to God and must do so according to the standards of the

Righteousness of God under the auspices of the Justice of God. In other words man must

adjust to God through his justice in order to have a relationship with God. This can only occur

for mankind by Faith alone in The Lord Jesus, The Christ alone at the instant of Salvation.

Sanctification – the act of setting something or someone apart, a term used to designate

something or someone being SET APART for GOD’S special purpose. It includes:

• Positional – a permanent status of every Church Age believer starting at Salvation

Adjustment to the Justice of God where he is placed by God the Holy Spirit into positional

union with The Lord Jesus, The Christ. (1Cor 12:13)

• Experiential – the believer’s progressive execution of the Spiritual Life in the Protocol Plan

of God from Salvation Adjustment to the Justice of God to his physical death. (John 17:19,

John 17:17)

• Ultimate – the believer receiving his Resurrection Body which glorifies The Lord Jesus, The

Christ for all eternity. (Phil 3:21b)

Scar Tissue of the Soul – This is the distortion of the soul as a result of persistent Negative

Volition toward Bible Doctrine which results from Emotional Revolt of the Soul where the

emotions no longer respond to the Right Lobe but now control it, Black out of the Soul where all

previously metabolized Bible Doctrine is systematically erased and replaced by Human

Viewpoint Evil of the plan and policy of Satan. This makes it unlikely that the believer will

respond to Bible Doctrine at any time.

Sin unto Death – The death of the believer who has rejected God, Bible Doctrine and the

Spiritual Life of the Church Age for function under the plan and policy of Satan, EVIL. This

results in his no longer being useful in the Plan of God as a witness for the prosecution in the

Appeal of the Angelic Conflict Trial therefore being taken out of this life by God under a system

of maximum misery.

Sophia – Metabolized Bible Doctrine in the Right Lobe of the Stream of Consciousness of the

Soul which is available and possible to use in application to life’s situations, conditions and


Spiritual Adolescence – The status of spiritual growth between spiritual infancy which occurs

at Salvation Adjustment to the Justice of God and spiritual adulthood which occurs when the

believer has accumulated enough Bible Doctrine in his Right Lobe of the Stream of

Consciousness of the Soul to have developed Grace Orientation to life and Bible Doctrine

orientation to reality. (See “Pr

ogressions in the Spiritual Life

” for further clarification of stages of spiritual growth.

Spiritual Adulthood – The status of the believer who has accumulated enough Bible Doctrine

in the Right Lobe to have developed and deployed the Adult Problem Solving Devices of a

Personal Sense of Destiny, Personal Love for God the Father and Impersonal Love for Mankind

onto his Forward Line of Troops of his soul. (See “Pr

ogressions in the Spiritual Life ” for further clarification of stages of spiritual growth.

Spiritual Infancy – The status of the believer immediately following Salvation Adjustment to

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the Justice of God and remaining until there has been sufficient Bible Doctrine intake to provide a basic understanding of the Spiritual Life in the Plan of God. (See “Progressions in the

Spiritual Life

” for further clarification of stages of spiritual growth.

Spiritual Skills – Include the Filling of God the Holy Spirit, Metabolized Bible Doctrine in the

Stream of Consciousness of the Soul, 10 Problem Solving Devices developed and deployed onto

the Forward Line of Troops of the soul and complete execution of the Protocol Plan of God.

Spirituality – The ABSOLUTE status of the believer being under the Filling of God the Holy Spirit

or NOT as a result of consistent use of the Rebound procedure after personal carnality to

restore this status.

Super Grace – The Status Quo of the believer in Maturity Adjustment to the Justice of God

where he receives 6 categories of EXTREME or SUPER Grace blessing from God as a result of his

execution of the Protocol Plan of God. These blessings include Spiritual, Temporal, Association,

Historical, Heritage and Dying blessings.

Surpassing Grace – The Status Quo of the believer in eternity who has demonstrated his

successes in execution of the Protocol Plan of God in time by accumulation of a maximum level

of Metabolized Bible Doctrine into his Stream of Consciousness of the Soul and therefore is the

recipient of unimaginable blessing and reward for all eternity.

Temporal Adjustment to the Justice of God – The process which is supposed to occur in the

believer on a daily basis resulting in consistent and persistent Perception, Cognition, Inculcation

and Metabolization of Bible Doctrine to the point of Maturity Adjustment to the Justice of God

and beyond.

The Church – The Body of Christ, the sum total of all believers in the Church Age from approximately 30 AD to the removal of all believers at the rapture of the church which is at the

beginning of the Tribulational Period of the end of the Age of Israel

Ultra – Super Grace – The Status Quo of the believer who is persistent in his progression in the

Spiritual Life after reaching Maturity Adjustment to the Justice of God and receiving his Super

Grace package of blessings, where he is the recipient of blessing beyond imagination in time

despite extreme pressure in life.

Undeserved Suffering for Blessing As the believer advances from spiritual infancy to Spiritual Maturity by the consistent accumulation of Metabolized Bible Doctrine in his Stream of

Consciousness of the Soul, in order for this doctrine to be of any value to him in application to

his life he must be able to access and use it. Therefore as different levels of spiritual advance

occur different levels of testing are provided by God to allow the believer to use his accumulated Metabolized Bible Doctrine in application to the tests. This testing is designed to

enhance and accelerate the spiritual advance of the believer and move him ever closer to

completion of the Protocol Plan of God. This testing occurs as several categories and at

different levels of intensity including 8 Systems or Levels of Testing in 9 Categories:

Basic Spiritual Testing (3 Categories) – Old Sin Nature, Cosmic Dynasphere I & II

Providential Preventative Suffering (4 Categories) – Preliminary Momentum Testing

Momentum Testing (4 Categories) – Basic – Intermediate – Advanced

Evidence Testing (2 Categories) – Regarding God, Regarding Man & Circumstances

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Virtue – The quality of the individual based on the content of his soul and the decisions and actions he makes in life which includes:





Personal Love for God

Impersonal Love for Mankind

Impact Virtue – Sensitivity toward All others

Impact Virtue – Thoughtfulness toward All others

Impact Virtue – Courtesy toward All others

Impact Virtue – Good Manners toward All others

Impact Virtue – Accommodating to All others

Impact Virtue – Kindness to All others

Impact Virtue – Understand toward All others

Impact Virtue – Lack of prejudice toward all others

Confidence toward God

Courage toward Man

Worship toward God

Morality toward Man

Genuine Humility toward God

Enforced Humility toward Authority

Inflexibility regarding God & Bible Doctrine

Flexibility regarding every detail of life

Faithfulness to God

Consistent Unwavering Responsibility toward Man

Virtue Love – Personal Love for God the Father and Impersonal Love for Mankind

Winner Believer – This is the believer who maintains a consistent residence in the Divine

Dynasphere as a result of his use of the IRF (Instant Reaction Force) of the Rebound Procedure

to recover from failures enabling him to be consistent in his Post Salvation Epistemological

Rehabilitation from daily Perception, Cognition, Inculcation, Metabolization and Application of

Bible Doctrine to his life.

Wrongdoing – Wrongdoing encompasses all sin which we either do not recognize as sin or

have forgotten about after committing those sins. It is functioning outside the Plan of God with

rejection of the power of the Spiritual Life given to us by The Lord. Wrongdoing encompasses

such things as the sins involved with whitewashing the devil’s world and greater involvement in

the sins of the Interlocking System of Arrogance or Interlocking System of Hatred.

Return to the Table of Contents

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Alphabetical Index


Alcohol.............................................................................................................................72, 111, 134

Apostasy................................................................................................160, 184, 187, 192, 206, 221


Arrogance..5, 19, 23 ff., 27 f., 30, 33, 35 f., 38, 40 ff., 47 ff., 60 ff., 65 f., 72 f., 75, 77 f., 80 ff., 84 ff., 91 ff., 113, 115 ff., 121, 125 ff., 130, 134, 137, 141 ff., 149, 160, 165 f., 173, 175, 178, 182 ff., 186 

f., 192, 196, 199, 203, 208, 212, 215 ff., 226, 228, 231

Authority......3, 5, 17 f., 23 f., 29, 34 ff., 45 ff., 58, 61 ff., 65, 68, 70, 75, 86, 88, 100, 102, 106, 118, 120 f., 123 ff., 127 f., 141, 148 f., 159, 165, 178, 189, 192 f., 202 f., 205, 209, 213 f., 219, 222, 224, 226 f., 231

Authority Orientation. .3, 17, 34, 36, 38, 40, 46 f., 49 ff., 58, 61, 65, 70, 120 f., 127, 148, 178, 193


Capacity16 ff., 31, 38, 40 ff., 53 f., 60, 67, 86, 89, 93, 97, 112, 118, 132 f., 139, 146 f., 152 f., 157 f., 165 f., 169 f., 172, 179, 193, 203, 217 f.

Catastrophe.....................................................................................................................91, 109, 132

Category I Love.....................................................................................................................210, 221

Category II Love...........................................................................................................................221

Category III Love..........................................................................................................................221

Christian Way of Life....4, 7, 9 f., 14, 16, 27, 31, 33, 38, 40, 47 f., 51, 53 f., 56, 58 f., 63 f., 67, 70 f., 73 ff., 86 f., 97, 99 ff., 103 f., 106, 109, 112, 121 ff., 131, 138, 140, 149, 161, 164, 167 f., 172, 194, 201

Church.....5, 14, 29, 35 f., 43, 45, 47, 54, 58, 68, 78, 86 f., 97, 105, 113, 118, 121, 124 ff., 134, 137, 141, 148, 150, 155 ff., 161 ff., 178, 191, 199 f., 202 ff., 207, 220 ff., 225, 228 ff.

Church Age.......14, 29, 54, 58, 68, 86 f., 97, 105, 137, 150, 155 ff., 161 ff., 191, 199 f., 202, 220 ff., 225, 228 ff.

Client Nation........................................................................................46, 129 f., 160, 167, 191, 221

Common Sense...............................................................................................................37, 158, 166

Concentration.....................................................................15, 29, 96, 103, 105, 144, 165, 214, 227

Cosmic Dynasphere I.....4 ff., 27, 33, 38, 43 f., 47, 59, 61 f., 78, 80 f., 84 ff., 90 ff., 98 ff., 109, 111, 113, 115, 117, 119, 127, 138 ff., 165, 187, 199 f., 220 f., 230

Cosmic Dynasphere II..4 ff., 27, 59, 78, 81, 84 f., 88, 90, 93, 99 ff., 115, 117, 138 f., 142, 187, 220 


Courtesy...................................................................................................................63, 149, 174, 231

Coward...................................................................................................................123, 144, 204, 221

Cowardice..............................................................................................................123, 144, 204, 221

Crime............................................................24, 26, 75, 77, 80, 84, 87, 89 ff., 98, 104, 126, 142, 158

Criminal......................................................................................................75 f., 100, 102, 122, 126 f.


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Death.......19 f., 22, 24 ff., 37, 49, 68, 71, 84, 87, 89, 91 f., 94, 97, 103, 105, 109 f., 122, 132, 135 f., 139, 150, 159 ff., 164, 168 f., 172, 183 f., 187 ff., 194, 198 f., 201, 211, 213, 215, 220, 222, 224 f.,

228 f.

Disaster..........4, 6, 75, 80, 83, 86, 91, 108 f., 120, 128 ff., 150, 152, 158, 160, 206, 209, 211, 226 f.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Survival. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .........110, 226

Discipline.......3 f., 17, 26, 34 ff., 39 ff., 46 ff., 61 f., 75 ff., 85, 91 f., 94, 99, 101, 103, 105, 108, 110, 124 f., 128 ff., 132, 140, 160, 169, 175, 178, 183, 187, 191, 199, 202, 204 ff., 210 f., 213, 215 ff.,

219, 221 f., 225, 227 f.

Dispensation..............................................................................................105, 191, 202, 221 f., 228

Divine Decree.............................................................................................................143 f., 192, 226

Divine Dynasphere. 2 f., 11 ff., 18, 20 ff., 25 ff., 31 ff., 36 ff., 45 f., 48 ff., 53, 55 ff., 63 ff., 67 ff., 72 

ff., 77 ff., 82, 84 ff., 88 ff., 98 ff., 105 ff., 110, 112 f., 115 f., 118, 120 f., 123 f., 127 ff., 136 ff., 143 

ff., 150 ff., 156 ff., 162 ff., 166 ff., 172 ff., 178 f., 188 ff., 192, 194, 196, 199 ff., 207 f., 210, 212, 218, 220, 222, 227, 231

Divine Good..............................13, 24 f., 32, 89, 105, 139, 156 f., 162, 165 f., 203, 216 ff., 222, 225

Divine Institution...3, 19 f., 34, 43, 45 f., 48, 60 f., 75 f., 89, 102, 132 f., 141 f., 152, 174, 179, 183, 194, 221 f., 224, 226 f.

Divine Institutions3, 19 f., 34, 43, 45 f., 60 f., 75 f., 89, 133, 141 f., 152, 174, 179, 183, 221 f., 224, 226 f.

Divine Viewpoint..13, 19, 56, 59, 87 f., 99 f., 103, 105 f., 108 ff., 115, 117, 129 f., 132, 142 ff., 158, 179, 182, 184 ff., 188, 194, 203, 210, 215, 222


Dying...6, 10, 20, 24, 79, 91 f., 105, 132, 141, 154, 156, 160 f., 166 f., 183, 188, 190, 204, 211, 214,

216, 222, 230


Education...................................................................................................................48, 62, 141, 148

Election.........................................................................................................21, 155 f., 162, 192, 207

Emotion5, 7, 14, 27 f., 36 f., 44 f., 48, 53, 55, 59, 64, 66 f., 71, 75, 81, 84 f., 96 f., 99 ff., 104 ff., 109 

ff., 115, 117, 131, 133, 142, 144, 160, 165, 183, 185 ff., 192, 199, 203, 206, 210, 215, 218, 221,

224, 226, 228 f.

Enforced Humility............17, 34 f., 38 ff., 45 f., 48 ff., 61 ff., 65, 118, 124, 127, 216, 222, 225, 231

Authority. . . 3, 5, 17 f., 23 f., 34 ff., 45 ff., 58, 61 ff., 65, 68, 70, 75, 88, 100, 102, 118, 120 f., 125, 127, 148, 178, 189, 192 f., 226, 231


Essence of God.............................................................79, 109, 135 f., 138, 142, 144, 188, 219, 221

Essentials...............................................................................................................161, 173, 222, 226

Evangelism............................................................................................5, 105, 114 ff., 141, 161, 194

Evil.2, 5, 13, 19 f., 22 ff., 36, 38, 40, 42, 46, 49, 51, 55, 60, 66 f., 69, 71 f., 75 ff., 80, 88 ff., 111, 113, Page 233 of 239

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115 ff., 121 f., 124 ff., 130, 135, 141, 147, 150, 183, 186 ff., 192, 199 ff., 208 ff., 213, 215 f., 219 f., 224 f., 229, 231


Fear.......................20, 55, 97, 99, 109 ff., 143 f., 158, 169, 201, 206, 209, 211 f., 216, 221, 224, 227

Flexibility...........................................................................36, 63, 118, 123, 126, 143, 149, 166, 231

Frame of Reference...............................................30, 49, 51, 53 f., 70, 88, 90, 122, 134, 143, 148 f.

Freedom..............................................34 ff., 46 ff., 60, 62, 121, 125, 158 f., 174, 194, 209, 222, 226

Friendship..............................................................................................44, 66, 70, 75, 112, 114, 221

Functional Virtue. 3 f., 15 ff., 39, 41, 48, 51, 53, 55 f., 58 ff., 63 ff., 72 f., 82, 88, 93, 96 f., 106, 110, 114, 118, 120, 123, 127 f., 134, 136 f., 143 ff., 152, 155, 157 f., 164, 174, 179, 193, 199 ff., 207,

221, 227, 231


Genuine Humility...10, 17, 35, 38 ff., 48 ff., 58, 62 f., 65, 118, 120, 124, 127, 145, 158, 165, 215 f.,

222, 224, 227, 231

Glorification of God................................................................136 f., 154 f., 160, 167, 169, 189, 193

Glorify God.................................................................................................................11, 55, 148, 163


. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Confidence.41, 53 f., 56, 59, 63 f., 66 f., 69, 73 f., 81, 97, 114, 120, 136 ff., 142, 147 f., 155, 157,

173, 193, 196, 200, 203, 205, 207, 209 f., 214, 217 f., 227, 231

God the Holy Spirit.............................................................................................................................

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Baptism. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .........................192, 213, 221, 229

Filling3, 7, 10, 15, 20 ff., 25 ff., 37, 42, 59 f., 70, 75, 88, 95, 121, 134, 137 ff., 143, 151 ff., 162 f.,

167 f., 172 ff., 178 f., 191, 194, 198, 201, 207 f., 214, 216, 220, 222, 225 ff., 230

Indwelling. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..............70, 95, 207

Government........................................................................20, 46, 62, 122, 124, 130, 148, 222, 226

Grace...2 f., 6 f., 9, 13 f., 17 ff., 21 ff., 27 ff., 36, 39 f., 42, 45, 48 ff., 53 ff., 59 f., 69, 72, 76, 78, 82 f., 85 f., 88 ff., 97, 101 ff., 110, 118, 130 ff., 134 f., 138 f., 141 ff., 146 f., 152 ff., 160 ff., 172 ff., 178 ff., 196, 198, 201 ff., 206 ff., 213 ff., 225 ff.

Grace Apparatus for Perception.3, 7, 21 f., 25, 27 ff., 39, 48 f., 53, 56 f., 59, 106 f., 141, 147, 152,

163, 167, 172, 181 f., 191, 203, 207, 209 ff., 214 ff., 225, 227

Guilt....................................................................................................90, 96, 107, 141, 204, 217, 219



Happiness..6 f., 16, 19, 31, 35, 39 f., 44 ff., 56, 61, 63, 65 ff., 69, 82, 92 f., 97, 100, 111 f., 114, 116, 118, 121, 128 f., 132 ff., 145 f., 150 ff., 155, 157 f., 162, 164 ff., 170, 173 ff., 179, 182, 185 ff., 193 

f., 196, 210 ff., 214, 221 f., 227 f.

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Hero............................................................................................................120, 158 ff., 163, 210, 220

History...2, 14, 24, 68, 92, 101, 121, 124, 129 f., 132, 150 f., 159 f., 163, 166, 169, 191, 204, 221 f.,

226, 228 f.

Human Good.....13, 24 ff., 28, 40, 51, 75 ff., 80, 84, 87 ff., 98, 104 f., 126, 138, 168, 186, 200, 203,

219, 225

Human Viewpoint. .13, 33, 40, 50, 87 f., 99, 101, 105 ff., 111 f., 117, 129, 131, 186, 203, 210, 215,

220, 225, 229

Humanity of Christ.......................................................................................................................214

Humor..............................................................................................................36, 118, 126, 158, 166


Impersonal Love..........................................................68 f., 114, 136, 199 ff., 204, 222, 227 ff., 231

Imputation....................................................................25 f., 68, 71 f., 89, 135 f., 142, 144, 149, 189

Imputed...........................................................................26, 28, 36, 39, 43, 122, 136, 150, 178, 216

IQ.............................................18, 24, 84, 135 f., 141, 157, 160, 191, 200, 202, 208, 211 f., 214, 219



Jeshurun................................................................................................................................189, 225

Justice of God...6 f., 13 ff., 25, 27 f., 31 ff., 37 ff., 42 f., 46 f., 53, 58 f., 69, 71 f., 74, 76 ff., 82 ff., 86, 89 f., 96, 101, 104, 106, 121 ff., 131, 133 ff., 141, 148 ff., 160 ff., 172, 175, 178 ff., 183 f., 188 f., 192, 196, 199 f., 203, 207 ff., 213 ff., 219 ff., 224, 226, 228 ff.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Adjustment....6 f., 13 ff., 25, 27 f., 31 ff., 37 ff., 42 f., 46 f., 53, 58 f., 69, 71 f., 74, 76 ff., 82 ff., 86, 89 f., 96, 101, 104, 106, 112, 121 ff., 131, 133 ff., 141, 148, 150 ff., 160 ff., 172, 175, 178 ff.,

183 f., 188 f., 192, 196, 200, 203, 207 ff., 213 ff., 219 ff., 224, 226, 228 ff.

Justification...........................................................................................38, 50, 71, 99, 111, 192, 225


Kardia.....................................................................................................................................226, 228


Laws of Divine Establishment. 19 f., 24, 34, 38, 41, 43, 45 f., 48, 60 f., 73, 75 f., 89, 102, 121, 132 

f., 141 f., 148, 152, 174, 179, 183, 194, 211, 221 f., 224, 226

Leadership.................................................................4 f., 35 f., 63, 72, 118 f., 124 f., 133, 158 f., 202


Loser Believer..........................................................................................19, 101, 119, 124, 157, 226

Love......4 ff., 16, 20, 23 f., 42, 44, 46, 53, 56, 58 ff., 63 f., 66 ff., 79, 82 f., 94, 106, 109, 112 ff., 120, 123, 126, 131, 133 f., 136, 144 ff., 149, 152 f., 155, 157, 159, 164 f., 172, 174 f., 179 f., 188, 193 f., 198 ff., 203 f., 207, 209 f., 214, 216 ff., 221 f., 227 ff., 231

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. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Courage.9, 41, 59, 63 f., 67, 97, 110, 129, 144, 157 f., 164, 166, 191, 203, 205 f., 210, 214, 220 

ff., 224, 227, 231

Mature Believer......74, 103, 109, 116, 154, 156, 158 ff., 163 ff., 191, 193, 202, 211, 214, 222, 225

Metabolized Bible Doctrine14 ff., 27, 29 ff., 35 f., 43 f., 48, 51, 53 ff., 65, 74, 77 f., 80 f., 83 ff., 91, 94 f., 98, 103 ff., 108 ff., 114, 118, 120 f., 123 f., 126, 129, 133, 136, 139, 142, 144, 147 f., 151 ff., 156 ff., 162 ff., 166, 168, 172 ff., 179, 181 f., 189 ff., 196, 200, 203 f., 206 ff., 214 ff., 220 ff., 226 ff.

Military.............................................................................................120, 122, 124 f., 148, 159, 211 f.


Missionary.............................................................................................................................160, 204

Morality................................................................................28, 39, 59, 63, 71, 73, 95, 100, 102, 231



Negative Volition5, 7 f., 30, 33, 42 f., 46, 53 f., 76, 84 ff., 95 ff., 100 ff., 106 ff., 117, 132, 147, 182 

ff., 193 f., 210 f., 216, 221, 228 f.


Norms and Standards............19, 29 f., 49, 51, 53 f., 70, 88, 90, 99, 118 f., 134, 143, 148, 214, 220

Nous.......................................................................................................................................160, 226


Operation Z..............3, 7, 21, 25, 27, 31 f., 39, 53, 56 f., 106, 147, 152, 163, 172, 181 f., 191, 225 f.

Opinion................................................................................................................................9, 11, 215


Pivot...............................................................................................................103, 160, 191, 220, 225

Plan of God.4, 6, 11 ff., 16 ff., 22 ff., 31 ff., 36 ff., 40, 42, 44 f., 49 ff., 53 ff., 58, 60 f., 63 f., 68, 72 f., 75, 77 ff., 82, 84 ff., 88 f., 91, 93, 95 f., 101 ff., 109, 112, 114 f., 120 f., 123, 127 ff., 147, 150 ff., 161 ff., 168 f., 172 ff., 178, 181, 183 f., 186 ff., 192 f., 196, 200, 202 ff., 207, 210, 217, 219, 222,

225 f., 229 ff.

Positive Volition......................................................................29, 32, 42, 46, 56, 131, 143, 188, 226

Prayer...............................................................................................................26, 140, 159, 194, 212

Prejudice................................................................44, 63, 67 f., 108, 118, 123, 143 f., 174, 202, 231

Priesthood. 14, 21, 31, 35 f., 54 f., 58, 65, 69 f., 73, 86, 92, 97 f., 114, 118, 125, 134, 140, 145, 147, 155, 165, 172, 190

Primary Essential....................................................................................................................41, 178

Privacy...................................................................34 ff., 54 f., 97, 121, 125, 158, 165, 179, 194, 217

Privilege.......................................................................................18, 21, 54, 135, 156, 168, 188, 220

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Problem Solving Devices..4, 7, 11, 14 ff., 22, 27, 30, 32, 40, 53 ff., 58, 64, 67, 69, 73, 82, 93, 97 f., 111, 143 f., 146 ff., 152, 157, 164, 166 f., 172, 176 f., 193, 227, 229 f.

Problem Solving incompetence...............................................................................................226 f.

Production..13, 23 ff., 28, 32, 34, 40, 47 f., 51, 55, 59, 63, 69, 75, 80, 87 ff., 98, 106, 126, 138, 156 

f., 162 f., 165 f., 168 f., 186, 200, 203, 205, 210, 216, 220, 222, 225

Property.........................................................................................................................158, 194, 207

Protocol.4, 11 ff., 16, 18, 20, 22 f., 25 ff., 31, 33, 36 f., 44 f., 49, 51, 53 ff., 58, 61, 63 f., 72 f., 75, 78 

ff., 84 ff., 88 f., 91, 93, 96, 101 ff., 112, 114 f., 120, 123, 127 ff., 131 ff., 136 ff., 143, 147, 150, 152 

ff., 161 ff., 168 f., 173, 178, 181, 188, 190, 192 f., 196, 203, 205, 225 f., 229 f.

Providential Preventative Suffering...................................................78 f., 81, 83, 190, 226 f., 230

Pseudo Intellectual......................................................................................................103, 107, 116



Reality.......17, 28, 34, 40, 43 f., 49 ff., 53, 59, 62, 65, 68 f., 71, 88, 93, 98 ff., 106, 108, 112, 115 ff., 121, 124, 128, 138, 150, 157 f., 160, 164 ff., 190, 194, 196, 205, 222, 229

Rebound.......7, 15, 21 f., 26 ff., 31 f., 77, 89, 92, 95, 99 f., 110, 137 ff., 142 f., 172 f., 178, 191, 193, 196, 199, 210, 215, 220 f., 227 f., 230 f.

Religion........................................................................................................36, 55, 71, 103, 105, 118

Responsibility..23, 29, 36 ff., 45 ff., 49 f., 56, 64, 72, 75, 90, 99, 112, 118, 120, 122, 126, 149, 159,

165, 188, 191, 212, 215, 231

Reversionism.......7 f., 33, 66, 74, 86 ff., 90 ff., 97, 99, 102 ff., 107 ff., 111, 131 f., 147, 160, 182 ff., 186 f., 192, 202 ff., 210, 213 ff., 219, 221, 228

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Reverse Process. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .........................8, 183, 187, 210, 228

Right Lobe.....14 ff., 19, 27, 29 ff., 35 f., 43 f., 48, 51, 53 ff., 59 ff., 65, 74, 78, 80 f., 85, 91, 95, 103, 105 f., 109 ff., 118, 120, 123 f., 129, 133, 136, 139 f., 147 f., 151 f., 156 ff., 163 f., 166, 168, 172 ff., 179, 181 f., 184, 189, 196, 198, 203, 205, 207 ff., 212, 216 ff., 222, 225 ff.

Righteousness of God.........................................23, 25, 28, 59, 70 f., 79, 136, 188, 216, 226, 228 f.

Royal Ambassador........................................................................45, 58, 65, 69, 145, 169, 188, 228

Royal Ambassadorship...............................................................................58, 65, 69, 145, 169, 228

Royal Family Honor Code...............................................................................32, 193, 211, 214, 220

Royal Family of God........14, 50, 58, 70, 130 f., 156, 163, 187, 192, 196, 202, 204, 214, 220 f., 228

Royal Priest........................................................................................................54, 98, 141, 188, 203


Scar Tissue............................................................................................8, 87, 102 ff., 183, 187, 228 f.

Security..........................................................................................122, 130, 132, 143, 190, 203, 206

Self Pity....................................................................................................................98, 127, 137, 204

Self Righteous................24 f., 28, 40, 51, 63, 66, 71, 73, 93, 95, 98, 100, 102 f., 119, 124, 141, 165

Self Righteousness.......................................................................................................24, 66, 71, 98

Sensitivity.......................................................................3 f., 44 f., 60 f., 63, 68 f., 107, 116, 174, 231

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Sin..2, 4 ff., 8, 10 f., 14 ff., 23 ff., 35, 38, 40 ff., 47 ff., 51, 54 ff., 64, 67 ff., 74 ff., 113 ff., 119 ff., 134 

ff., 147 ff., 166 ff., 172 ff., 178 ff., 183 ff., 193 f., 196 ff., 219 ff., 224 ff.


. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Blackout. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........221

Emotional Revolt. . . . . . . ........7, 64, 97, 99, 102, 109, 111, 115, 142, 183, 186, 215, 224, 228 f.

Sovereignty................................................................................................................161, 188 f., 224

Spiritual Adolescence.............................................................................................................53, 229

Spiritual Adulthood. 4, 8, 16, 18, 27, 44, 53 f., 57, 60, 67, 73, 75, 78 f., 81 f., 93, 114, 120 f., 123 f., 134, 137 ff., 142 ff., 146, 148, 153, 155, 157, 165, 173, 179, 190, 196, 229

Spiritual Gift........................................................................10, 29, 141, 157, 159, 162 f., 165 f., 189

Spiritual Growth 10 f., 15, 17 f., 22, 27 f., 35, 74, 109, 124, 127, 131, 135, 163, 169, 173, 188, 193,

229 f.

Spiritual Infancy...........................................14 f., 18, 27 f., 61, 104, 137, 148, 161, 188, 226, 229 f.

Spiritual Life.....3 f., 6 f., 9 ff., 24, 26 f., 29 ff., 36, 38 ff., 45 ff., 49 ff., 53 ff., 67, 69 ff., 77 ff., 100 ff., 111, 113 ff., 123 f., 126 ff., 134 ff., 142, 144 f., 147 ff., 158, 161 f., 164, 166 ff., 171 ff., 178 ff., 182 

ff., 186, 188, 190, 193, 208 f., 211, 214 f., 222, 224, 226 ff.

Spiritual Maturity. 6 f., 11, 14 ff., 18, 27, 44, 50, 53 ff., 61, 73 ff., 77, 81 ff., 86, 93 f., 96 ff., 106 ff., 111 f., 114, 120, 123, 126 f., 132, 134, 136, 138, 142 ff., 153 ff., 159 ff., 179 f., 188, 196, 213, 216,

220, 222, 226, 230

Spiritual Skills...............................................................................................................................230

Spirituality.......3 f., 15, 18, 22, 26 ff., 31, 51, 88 f., 93, 103, 121, 139, 141, 172, 178, 191, 220, 230

Stream of Consciousness....14 ff., 19, 27, 29 ff., 35 f., 43 f., 48, 51, 53 ff., 59 ff., 65, 74, 77 f., 80 f., 84 f., 95, 98 f., 102 ff., 108 ff., 118, 120, 123 f., 129, 133, 136, 139, 144, 146 ff., 151 ff., 156 f., 163 

f., 166, 168, 172 ff., 179, 181 f., 184, 189, 196, 203 ff., 214 ff., 222, 225 ff.

Strength. .19, 24, 33, 41, 50, 77 f., 82 ff., 87, 89, 106, 128 f., 139, 147 f., 150 f., 162, 165, 169, 173, 178, 186, 196, 207, 209 f., 212, 218

Submission................................................................................................................................48, 63


Thoughtfulness...........................................................................................61, 63, 68, 174, 227, 231

Tragic Flaw...............................................................................................................................45, 147

Tyranny................................................................................................34, 36, 48, 118, 126, 159, 211


Virgin Birth............................................................................................................................191, 202

Virtue. 3 ff., 14 ff., 32, 34, 37 ff., 43 ff., 50 f., 53, 55 f., 58 ff., 82, 88, 93 f., 96 ff., 106, 110, 114, 116 

ff., 120, 123, 127 ff., 134, 136 ff., 141, 143 ff., 155, 157 ff., 164 f., 174, 178 f., 183, 192 ff., 199 ff., 204 f., 207, 217, 221, 227, 231

Volition.. .3 ff., 26, 29 ff., 35 f., 42 f., 45 ff., 50, 53 ff., 59, 75 f., 80, 84 ff., 94 ff., 100 ff., 113, 116 ff., 125 f., 129 ff., 137 ff., 142 f., 147 f., 153, 162, 165, 182 ff., 188, 191, 193 f., 210 ff., 216, 221 f., 224, 226, 228 f.

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Weak Believer...............................................................................................................................105

Weakness....24 f., 55, 75 f., 80, 84, 87, 89, 91, 95, 99, 101, 105 f., 112, 117, 130 f., 139, 146, 168 f., 186, 212, 227

Will of God.........................................................................................14, 34, 141, 155, 189, 209, 220

Word of God...............................................9, 19, 29, 32, 49, 51, 87, 107 ff., 188, 190, 194, 208, 221

Works...............................................................................................................9, 28, 37, 40, 103, 200

Worship toward God..................................................................................................31, 63, 66, 231

Wrongdoing...........................................................................................................................199, 231

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