The Power System of God - The Divine Dynasphere by Dr. Frank P. Ferraro - HTML preview

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Without the development of Spiritual Self Esteem there can be no true personality identification

and these believers will develop Inordinate Ambition and Inordinate Competition Arrogance thus

fail under Thought Testing. Without the development of the basic virtue of Genuine Humility

and moving into Spiritual Self Esteem; without the Personal Sense of Destiny of Spiritual Young Adulthood; without understanding the mechanics of the preparation of Escrow Blessings and the

necessities needed for acquiring them, there can be NO understanding that GOD has taken care

of everything in the life of the believer under Spiritual Self Esteem, Spiritual Autonomy and

Spiritual Maturity. This understanding of the Plan of God enables the realization that there is

absolutely no reason for ever becoming humiliated or self conscious about what one may be

doing in life and what one’s status with regard to temporal prosperity may be in life. Spiritual

Self Esteem, Spiritual Autonomy and Spiritual Maturity therefore erases all aspects of THINKING

in terms of inferiority and superiority. Therefore, whether one is rich, poor, successful or

unsuccessful by human standards, whether he is making an honest living with his own hands or

a dishonest living with his mind, there is no reason for self consciousness or humiliation, EVER.

Solutions to People Testing:

Solutions for Testing involving Other People require that the believer develop Virtue First as a

priority in his Spiritual Life and function consistently within Gate #6 of the Divine Dynasphere

the Integrity Envelope. The Integrity Envelope contains Virtue Love as the system to face and overcome all people testing. Personal


for God combined with Impersonal Unconditional


for Mankind is the solution to all people and personality problems or conflicts in life.

Therefore, the believer is HONORABLE when he functions within the Integrity Envelope and is

said to be performing “RIGHTEOUSNESS” (1John 3:7) which is having Motivational Virtue

directed toward God and Functional Virtue directed toward man. These both, Motivational

Virtue and Functional Virtue, are to be developed in order for him to effectively function under

his 2 spiritual Royal Commissions:

◾ Royal Priesthood – Representing himself before God.

▴ Under his Royal priesthood he must maintain or constantly reestablish his priorities

for the Spiritual Life with Bible Doctrine set as Priority #1 resulting in consistent

Post Salvation Epistemological Rehabilitation from daily Perception, Cognition,

Inculcation and Metabolization of Bible Doctrine.

◾ Royal Ambassadorship – Representing God and The Lord Jesus the Christ before man.

▴ This is the believer as part of his Royal Ambassadorship addressing People testing

with Functional Virtue from the Integrity Envelope with the believer functioning

where he must especially use Impersonal Unconditional Love for Mankind. (Jer


This is what results in the priority of Virtue First being the means of resolving MOST people

problems. Therefore, once the believer reaches the Integrity Envelope of the Divine Dynasphere as he moves into Spiritual Autonomy, he develops and deploys Motivational Virtue and

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Functional Virtue to more effectively combat this people testing. It is Personal Love for God which is the Motivational Virtue to use the Impersonal Unconditional Love for Mankind to

handle all people in one’s periphery. This function also allows the believer to have Capacity

for great Personal Love for a FEW individuals based on the support of his Impersonal –

Unconditional Love toward them.

Therefore, the major solution to People Testing is the operation of Motivational Virtues and

Functional Virtues along with functioning under the principles and Characteristics

of Spiritual

Adulthood which causes Impersonal Unconditional Love toward Mankind to operate effectively.

Thus Virtue First resolves MOST people problems while the Faith Rest Drill (5 stages) resolves MOST situational or circumstantial problems. When there is a combination of people and

circumstantial testing then a combination of the functions under the Integrity Envelope of the

Divine Dynasphere and advanced use of the Faith Rest Drill (5 stages) is needed as well.

Therefore, Impersonal Unconditional Love for Mankind backed by consistent residence and

function in Spiritual Adulthood becomes the primary Functional Virtue in the Divine

Dynasphere, the Power System of God and the primary basis for resolving human interactions.

People problems are therefore resolved by one’s own Spiritual Adulthood functions and NOT by

saying nice things about others when one does not like them nor is it engaging in some other

type of hypocrisy or use of a pseudo friendly personality.

Spiritual Self Esteem, Spiritual Autonomy and Spiritual Maturity along with the development

and deploying of the 5 Advanced


Solving Devices , #6-#10, is the only way to solve

the problem of People testing. Therefore a primary solution to or means to pass People Testing

is the development of Virtue and Integrity in the Divine Dynasphere. Then the believer lacking

Virtue Love as a Problem Solving Device means:

◾ If one’s happiness is surrendered to another person he will blame that other for any

unhappiness in his life and the fact that he has surrendered his happiness to another

actually means that unhappiness is just around the corner for him.

◾ If in Personal Love or Personal Hatred one surrenders control of his life to another he

is not functioning under Spiritual Self Esteem, Spiritual Autonomy nor Spiritual


◾ If one is involved in Personal Hatred of another he cannot have tranquility of soul

which is maximized under Sharing the Happiness of God.

◾ If any other person is loved more than Bible Doctrine one has no stability of

mentality which also is maximized under Sharing the Happiness of God.

These things invariably put the believer into Disillusion and Disappointment Arrogance along

with other areas of the Arrogance Complex and he has lost composure marked by self assurance

and again is entangled within the Interlocking

System of Arrogance

. Then Grace disappears in his relationships and he begins to try to mold the lives of all others around him to suit himself

and to force them to align with his personal standards and thus his focus is totally on himself

in the Interlocking System of Arrogance. As a result he LOSES even ERASES the 1st 5 Basic


Solving Devices from his Stream of Consciousness of the Soul and makes constant bad

decision from a position of weakness within the Cosmic Dynaspheres. Thus Bible Doctrine takes

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a secondary priority in his life and he LOSES personal control of his life through total entanglement in the Cosmic Dynaspheres. By losing the Basic Problem Solving Devices he

retrogresses through Reversionism and loses his Personal Sense of Destiny as a result of ERASURE of any resident Metabolized Bible Doctrine from the Right Lobe of the Stream of

Consciousness of his Soul. He therefore lacks Self Confidence, Enhanced levels of Cognition,

POISE and Self Command which totally disappear from his soul and as a result he cannot cope

with life nor deal with his own problems from the strength of his own Royal Priesthood. (1Cor


Therefore, because the development and deployment of the 10


Solving Devices onto

the Forward Line of Troops of the soul; the successful building of a solid structure in the

Edification Complex of the Soul; the progressive residence and function within the Protocol Plan of God, the Divine Dynasphere the Power System of God REQUIRES consistent Post Salvation

Epistemological Rehabilitation from daily Perception, Cognition, Inculcation and Metabolization

of Bible Doctrine, it becomes OBVIOUS that the KEY to all testing and all aspects of the

Spiritual Life is accumulation of a MAXIMUM level of Metabolized Bible Doctrine into the Right

Lobe of the Stream of Consciousness of the Soul. Therefore, when the believer allows anyone

or anything to distract him from consistent function under the Grace Apparatus for Perception, Operation Z, for the inculcation of Bible Doctrine, he creates within himself the functions of

Evil that these others have, by allowing them to control his life and lead him away from Bible

Doctrine. (2Thes 3:14) This does not infer that he is to avoid people that do not follow Bible Doctrine but it means he will never feel threatened by anyone or anything when he has

developed, Spiritual Self Esteem, Spiritual Autonomy, or Spiritual Maturity in his Spiritual Life.

Therefore, since he does not ever feel threatened he can be function under the Impact Virtues

of Impersonal,

Unconditional Love

and always be kind, thoughtful and compassionate toward all

others, including his own family, who function consistently under Negative Volition. Because

he does not allow others to influence him, it does not mean he needs to be unkind to them.

HOWEVER, he must take careful note of the persons who are not interested at all in Bible

Doctrine and understand that one DOES NOT need to and often should not associate with them.

Without the development of Spiritual Self Esteem, Spiritual Autonomy and Spiritual Maturity

personal relationships with other may fall into the Tragic Flaw Syndrome category and result in

the believer making decision that results in his losing out in the Spiritual Life.

People testing requires constant consideration of what Jeremiah had said, “Cursed is the man

who puts his trust in man”. However, this does not say that the man who loves his fellow

man with Impersonal, Unconditional Love is cursed. Once the believer consistently functions

within the Integrity Envelope of the Divine Dynasphere he WILL develop and deploy

Motivational Virtue and Functional Virtue as a secondary battery of Problem Solving Devices to

combat people testing. It is Personal Love for God which provides the Motivation to use the

Impersonal Unconditional Love for Mankind and all levels of its subordinate Impact Virtues to

handle all people in one’s periphery. This allows one to have Capacity for great Personal Love

for a FEW individuals based on the support of the Impersonal Unconditional Love toward them

as well. Operating under Motivational Virtue and Functional Virtue means one does not deal

with other people on the basis of THEIR sinfulness or failures but based on one’s own Virtue

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and Integrity. ALL people fail and sin as a result of possessing an Old Sin Nature and this means one does not ever take one’s friend’s sins or failures and make them public knowledge

and a source of maligning or judging lest he follow them into failure.

Solutions to System Testing

When believers are victims of a Rotten System, Spiritual Self Esteem, Spiritual Autonomy and

Spiritual Maturity are the keys to the solution for this system testing. In the Spiritual Life

there are stages of Progression and advancement which flow from Spiritual Infancy to Advanced Maturity Adjustment to the Justice of God. At Salvation Adjustment to the Justice of God the

Spiritual Life begins with the believer being an infant and KNOWING NOTHING about

Christianity so that he must learn EVERYTHING. He first enters spiritual YOUTH as he begins

to learn the basis of the Spiritual Life and he must develop and deploy the 1st 5 basic Problem

Solving Devices onto the Forward Line of Troops of his soul. The dividing line between spiritual youth and spiritual adulthood is achieved by accumulating enough Metabolized Bible

Doctrine into the Right Lobe of the Stream of Consciousness of the Soul to achieve Cognitive

Self Confidence and thus reach a Personal Sense of Destiny with Spiritual Self Esteem. This level of advancement provides the information and motivation to enable the believer to progress

through the Spiritual Adulthood stages into the Cognitive Independence of Spiritual Autonomy

and develop TRUE VIRTUE as Motivational Virtue and Functional Virtue. During the advancement through Spiritual Adulthood he continues to develop and reinforce the basic

Problem Solving Devices as he adds the 5 Advanced


Solving Devices . This believer

consistently moves toward Spiritual Maturity where he attains Cognitive Invincibility and

becomes totally Spiritually Self Sustaining and by his reaching Maturity Adjustment to the

Justice of God he is then able to Glorify God.

In Spiritual Adulthood the believer is never threatened by authority and has no authority

problems in life even when it is unfair and unjust. God delegates authority under the Laws of

Divine Establishment in government, law enforcement, business management, education,

coaching, parenting, marriage, local churches, military organizations, etc., but such authority is

useless UNLESS one’s own human volition accepts it under all conditions and all circumstances.

One cannot accept authority ONLY when it pleases him because it is when authority crosses

against his Frame of Reference and Norms and Standards that one develops spiritual strength

from function within the stages of Spiritual Adulthood. Beginning with Spiritual Self Esteem

one has a Personal Sense of Destiny and knows where he has been in life and where he is going and that there can be no problem for him under any class of authority. Even legitimate

authority is only effective where it is accepted by the volition of those under it. System testing

is one aspect of Authority Orientation testing for blessing and accelerated momentum from the

accumulation of Metabolized Bible Doctrine and the function of Spiritual Self Esteem, Spiritual

Autonomy and Spiritual Maturity in the life of the believer.

The Supreme Court of Heaven is open 24 hours a day and 7 days a week, and when under any

pressure in life of any kind as in system testing the believer can get on the docket at once by

the use of the Faith Rest Drill (5 Stages) and functioning under Motivational





. However, once the believer turns to any aspect of Mental Attitude Page 148 of 239

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Arrogance with its Mental Attitude Sins he is postponed on the docket of the Supreme Court of Heaven and has a change of venue off of the docket of the Supreme Court of Heaven thus

putting the solution into his own hands. Therefore, to pass System tests the believer must use:

◾ Impersonal – Unconditional Love toward the authority figure as Functional Virtue.

◾ The Faith Rest Drill (5 stages) toward the policy and procedures of the organization.

◾ The Rationales of Bible Doctrine related to the Imputations in life with regard to the

Old Sin Nature.

Dealing with people in both People and System testing requires advance in the Spiritual Life to

Spiritual Autonomy with the development of Impersonal

Unconditional Love

for Mankind .

Dealing with Policy and Objectives of an organization requires FLEXIBILITY or SEPARATION

and one must choose for himself which is pertinent to his situation in life. If one cannot

comply with the policies or fulfill the objectives of an organization then he must separate

himself from it. If the believer who chooses to separate is involved in Arrogance he may find

it hard to find another job because he is TOO GOOD to be around, at least in his own

thinking. If one stays in the organization HE MUST BE FLEXIBLE and thus must fulfill the

policies and objectives of the organization whether he agrees with them or likes them. When

in an organization as an employee one must remember that the organization is in business to

make a profit and it pays him a salary to do his job so he must do it or leave the company.

Therefore, when the believer is a victim of a rotten system or organization he must function

under Spiritual Self Esteem, Spiritual Autonomy or Spiritual Maturity influenced under

Motivational Virtue beginning with Personal Love for God and must also operate under

Functional Virtue of Impersonal, Unconditional Love toward others in the organization. Then,

as a result of this, every person, especially those in control, in the organization should be

treated with courtesy and Impersonal, Unconditional Love. The believer should work hard and

do his job as unto the Lord, then at some time he may have the opportunity to witness to

these other people. This is the means of handling total unfairness directed toward one by those

in charge in the organization.

The believer must be able to Regulate self under the principles of Spiritual Self Esteem, Spiritual Autonomy and Spiritual Maturity. He is supposed to have command of self and never

succumb to peer pressure and therefore he must follow the company policy without regard to

what others do concerning it and without making an issue of it. Having a personal sense of

responsibility, he should be the BEST one on the job. Being a person who cannot stand around

and wait for things to do and by looking for things to do when finished one’s own work is a

wonderful thing and is a plus in passing system testing. However this may be resented by

others in the organization who have no motivation to do good work and no sense of personal

responsibility. This obviously then combines people and system testing for this believer.

Injustice is an inevitable part of system testing and there is a tremendous amount of Bible

Doctrine dealing with injustice in life and the believer can always go back to the Frame of

Reference for the Christian Way of Life which is the Justice of God and apply it as a Bible

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Doctrine rationale under the Faith Rest Drill (5 Stages).

▴ The Justice of God imputed all human sin to The Lord Jesus, The Christ on the

cross and JUDGED them in his humanity for which he paid the penalty of a

Substitutionary Spiritual Death for EACH and EVERY SIN.

▴ The Justice of God imputed Absolute Righteousness to each believer at Salvation

Adjustment to the Justice of God through FAITH alone in The Substitutionary

Spiritual Death of The Lord Jesus the Christ Alone.

▴ While believers may receive great injustice from people systems or organizations

they obviously will never SEE injustice from God.

▴ GOD has the ability to overcome all injustice in life provided one passes the

testing by use of the Assets provided by God for the believer’s life in time.

Injustice can be turned into magnificent situations such as occurred with Joseph who was sold

into slavery by his brothers and ended up being the Prime Minister of Egypt and saving all of

them. In most cases system testing produces acquired flaws in the believer which can only be

corrected by Bible Doctrine. Therefore, ALL injustice in life is resolved and corrected for the

believer who keeps advancing in the Spiritual Life by consistent Post Salvation Epistemological

Rehabilitation from consistent Perception, Cognition, Inculcation and Metabolization of Bible

Doctrine otherwise injustice WILL destroy the believer. God cannot promote or use the believer

who has either inherent or acquired FLAWS which have not been corrected and correction

requires consistent residence and function in the Divine Dynasphere. To successfully advance

through successive levels of system and the other categories of testing requires consistent residence and function within the Protocol Plan of God, the Divine Dynasphere and the believer

reaching Maturity Adjustment to the Justice of God and thus Glorifying God.

Solutions to Disaster Testing

Solutions for testing involving adverse or pressure situations and circumstances in life revolve

around the use of the Faith Rest Drill (5 stages) which resolves MOST situational or circumstantial problems when used consistently. When there is a combination of people and circumstantial

testing then a combination of the functions of Motivational Virtue and Functional Virtue under

the Integrity Envelope of the Divine Dynasphere and advanced use of the Faith Rest Drill (5 stages) are needed.

The face of reality is that history cannot overcome the believer in The Lord Jesus, The Christ

unless he personally decides to let history destroy him. History will only overcome the believer

IF he decides to live consistently in Satan’s Cosmic Dynaspheres under the principles of Evil.

Therefore, even the worst of historical circumstances can be a time of the greatest blessings for

the believer IF he decides to live consistently in the Power System of God, the Divine Dynasphere and his maintaining spiritual momentum in this system guarantees phenomenal

blessing under any circumstances of life. IF the believer CHOOSES to reside in a position of

Strength in the Divine Dynasphere, the Protocol Plan of God, he will have blessing in disaster

just as occurs in prosperity. (Phil 4:11-13) Like the Apostle Paul, the Church Age believer must LEARN contentment and happiness which only comes from a maximum accumulation of

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Metabolized Bible Doctrine into the Right Lobe of the Stream of Consciousness of the Soul and maintaining a status of being under the Filling of God the Holy Spirit.

Solutions for Prosperity Testing

When involved in Prosperity testing the believer must recognize that all that he is and all that

he has is from God. He must understand that he is not promoted unless GOD promotes him

and he cannot prosper under the Plan of God unless GOD provides him prosperity. It can be

maintained or it can be removed but in either case it is GOD, the source of all things, which

will always remain. Therefore, putting the source before the blessing will always result in the

believer being able to appreciate the blessing when he has it today and also even if it is GONE


To pass prosperity testing the believer must remember the principles of Bible Doctrine: (Phil


▴ He must maintain control of his life with a true Scale of Values consistent with the

Priorities of God’s System.

▴ He must maintain control of his life with good decisions from a position of

Strength based on maximum Metabolized Bible Doctrine in the Stream of

Consciousness of the Soul and consistent residence in the Divine Dynasphere.

▴ He must set his priorities around setting aside a part of every day for consistent

Post Salvation Epistemological Rehabilitation through Perception, Cognition,

Inculcation and Metabolization of Bible Doctrine.

▴ He must derive from that Metabolized Bible Doctrine a Personal Sense of Destiny

in order to be on top of life in this world ruled by Satan.

▴ He must recognize and prepare for the fact that whether one has prosperity

individually or collectively he still LIVES in the world ruled by Satan through his

Cosmic Dynaspheres.

The Apostle Paul went through both of the 2 prosperity testings which are absolutely necessary

to reach Maturity Adjustment to the Justice of God and have true happiness in life. Most

people in life have some goal for happiness which is NORMAL. Sooner or later IF the believer

keeps on going within the Power System of God he will have to address this momentum test of

prosperity in his life. Being exposed to Bible Doctrine once per week will not provide sufficient

spiritual advance nor sufficient Metabolized Bible Doctrine in the Right Lobe of the Stream of

Consciousness of the Soul to pass any level of prosperity testing. Paul learned more Bible

Doctrine than anyone in history except for possibly John, who in fact probably learned much of

his Bible Doctrine from Paul, and they both had an incredible accumulation of Knowledge of

Bible Doctrine but with different perspectives. The believer must recognize that his Spiritual

Life is all about LEARNING at all times and is a process of learning and the arrogant person

who stops learning actually has stopped living. In the Spiritual Life the believer must first

develop the foundational virtue of life in order to learn anything and that is HUMILITY which makes the individual teachable.

Therefore, happiness is something one must learn, it is not something one has or a set of

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pleasant circumstances or situation of prosperity, or being with people one enjoys. Happiness is learned from Metabolized Bible Doctrine residing in the Right Lobe of the Stream of

Consciousness of the Soul. Happiness is something the unbeliever learns from knowledge of

and adherence to the Laws of Divine Establishment and Divine Institutions (actually part of

Bible Doctrine). Therefore, happiness, having been learned and residing in the Stream of

Consciousness of the Soul, goes with the believer wherever he may go and in whatever circumstances he may be in. Paul experienced poverty and adversity at different times in his

life and he learned how to handle poverty and adversity. He also had great periods of

prosperity in his life having come from a very wealthy Roman family who though Jewish had

been Roman citizens for generations. Paul had the best academic background and had great

success in many areas of life including Judaism and was famous even as a young man. Paul

LEARNED HOW TO LIVE IN PROSPERITY and in Phil 4:11-13 he is not talking about HAVING

prosperity but knowing how to live in prosperity, under the Momentum Testing of prosperity

distraction. Therefore, for any and every circumstance of adversity or prosperity the believer

must learn the secret of living in prosperity or in disaster.

The Endowed Power of which Paul speaks in v13 is the POWER of living in the Divine

Dynasphere, the Power System of God. He recognizes that there must be consistent advance in

the Protocol Plan of God to Maturity Adjustment to the Justice of God and beyond by means of

consistence in maintaining the Filling of God the Holy Spirit for POWER in the system.

Therefore, the Power of the System of God is derived from daily function under the Grace

Apparatus for Perception, Operation Z, under the Filling of God the Holy Spirit for the purpose of LEARNING and accumulating maximum Metabolized Bible Doctrine into the Right Lobe of

the Stream of Consciousness of the Soul.

Solutions for Evidence Testing

Reaching the Status Quo of Advanced Maturity gives this believer the maximum capacity for

everything in life. This capacity is developed from Complete Spiritual Cognitive Invincibility

with which he can then pass Evidence Testing (2 categories). He now has consistent logistical

support from his lifelong provision of Logistical


and the 40 assets of the Spiritual Life

combined with his 6 categories of Escrow Super

– Grace

blessings for time. Success in passing

Evidence Testing occurs, in part, as a result of the believer using, the Shared Happiness of God

(Problem Solving Device #9, the 5th Floor of the Edification Complex of the Soul) and Advanced Personal Love for God, Occupation with the Person of The Lord Jesus, The Christ

(Problem Solving Device #10) as key solutions and protection against these intensified strategies of Satan. These then must be used in combination with the 2nd Battery of Problem Solving

Devices the Motivational Virtue and Functional Virtue developed in the Integrity Envelope of the Divine Dynasphere thus engaging every aspect of the Protocol Plan of God in the life of

this believer.

Return to the Table of Contents

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Gate #8 – The Maturity Envelope – Execution of the Plan of God

The Maturity Envelope opens as the first victory step from Spiritual Adulthood as the believer

moves from Stage 2 of Spiritual Autonomy into Maturity Adjustment to the Justice of God and

has in fact completed execution of the Protocol Plan of God. The Maturity Envelope continues

through the No Man's Land of Intermediate Spiritual Maturity. It is the function of the believer

continuously involved in Perception, Cognition, Inculcation and Metabolization of Bible Doctrine

in order that he might reach Advanced Maturity Adjustment to the Justice of God the ultimate

completion of the Protocol Plan of God. The Maturity Envelope completes or is a high point of


● Balanced Residence Envelope which begins in Gate #1 of the Divine Dynasphere as the

believer begins the Spiritual Life under the Filling of God the Holy Spirit and has accepted the Bible Doctrine principles of the Gospel of Christ and has now accumulated a

maximum level of Metabolized Bible Doctrine into the Stream of Consciousness of his


● Blessing Envelope as direct blessing from God opens when the believer receives his 6

categories of Escrow Super – Grace Blessings for time and is totally completed upon

reaching Advanced Maturity Adjustment to the Justice of God where the Super – Grace

blessings are enhanced and doubled as Ultra Super – Grace Blessings and with the receipt

of the Mantle of Suffering Blessing.

● Progression Envelope opened in Gate #2 with basic Christian Modus Operandi and

reaches a high point in Maturity Adjustment to the Justice of God and is completed upon

reaching Advanced Maturity Adjustment to the Justice of God.

● Momentum Envelope opened also at Gate #2 reaches a high point as the believer moves

into and through the 3 successive stages of Spiritual Maturity and is completed upon

reaching Advanced Maturity Adjustment to the Justice of God.

● Capacity Envelope opened also at Gate #2 reaches a high point as the believer moves

into the successive stages of Spiritual Maturity and achieves a pinnacle upon his reaching

Advanced Maturity Adjustment to the Justice of God.

● The LOVE envelope which opens at Salvation Adjustment to the Justice of God and is

progressively enhanced and expanded through Spiritual Youth and Spiritual Adulthood

and reaches its high point with the development and deployment of the 10th Problem

Solving Device, Advanced Personal Love for God, Occupation with the Person of The

Lord Jesus, The Christ.

● Testing Envelope which is in fact opened at Gate #1 instantly after Salvation Adjustment

to the Justice of God with the instantaneous testing of one’s volition and is continuous

throughout the Spiritual Life being totally completed with Evidence Testing in Advanced

Maturity Adjustment to the Justice of God.

The believer who is persistent and consistent in using the momentum developed from function

within the first 7 Gates of the Divine Dynasphere, especially the consistent Filling of God the

Holy Spirit and persistent accumulation of Metabolized Bible Doctrine, inevitably reaches the

status of Maturity Adjustment to the Justice of God in his Spiritual Life. His continued advance

in the Spiritual Life from consistent Post Salvation Epistemological Rehabilitation maintains his

function within the Residency Envelope where he creates a balance of residency in his soul of

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Maximum Metabolized Bible Doctrine and the consistent Filling of God the Holy Spirit as the

inevitable result of developing Cognitive Invincibility in Spiritual Maturity. Spiritual Maturity

involves in 3 distinct stages of progressively continued advancement in function for the believer

after completing execution of the Protocol Plan of God:

Basic Spiritual Maturity

This is the point of execution of the Protocol Plan of God with the result of glorifying God the

Father and The Lord Jesus the Christ. This glorification of God results from the believer

receiving his 6 Categories of Super – Grace Blessings as “Alpha Grace” and with them a period

of Rest and Relaxation in his life to enjoy them:

◾ Spiritual Blessings

◾ Temporal Blessings

◾ Blessing by Association with him as a Mature Believers

◾ Historical Impact on one’s region and nation

◾ Heritage Impact for the believer’s progeny and family

◾ Dying Grace for his transfer from time to eternity

Intermediate Spiritual Maturity

With continued progress after reaching basic Maturity Adjustment to the Justice of God the

believer reaches the No Man’s Land of intensified testing in the Spiritual Life. Here he

receives Advanced or Extreme Intensified Providential Preventative Momentum Testing along

with the provision of “Bravo Grace”. This Bravo Grace is support for the believer under this

testing and is the combination of his lifetime Logistical Grace support with his new Super –

Grace Escrow Blessings. This combination provides the phenomenal support necessary for him

to overcome the increased pressure of testing attempting to DISTRACT him from Bible Doctrine

and thus further advancement in the Spiritual Life by emphasizing every aspect of the details of

life. (Eph 6:13)

Advanced Spiritual Maturity

Upon successfully navigating No Man’s Land in the Spiritual Life the believer will then be the

recipient of Ultra Super – Grace Blessings which are phenomenal and unimaginable

enhancements of the Super – Grace Escrow blessing he received upon entering the status of

Spiritual Maturity. This brings with it the HONOR of being brought forward as a PRIMARY

witness for the prosecution in the Angelic Conflict Appeal Trial under Evidence Testing. This is

a maximum intensity of testing for the believer where his entire spiritual life is called as a

Primary Witness for God and presented at the Supreme Court of Heaven where he will be then

Cross Examined by Satan in an attempt to DISCREDIT his spiritual advance. (Eph 6:10-17) Passing this testing results in the believer receiving the Mantle of Suffering Reward in time

which is then carried by him into eternity. In addition there is also Double Escrow Blessing in

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time for the believer who passes evidence testing. This was the testing of JOB and the 2 major categories of testing for The Lord Jesus the Christ first in the Desert by Satan for 40 days and

nights and then at the Cross.

Progression into Maturity Adjustment to the Justice of God

Developing Spiritual Self Esteem upon entrance into Spiritual Adulthood with its Personal Sense

of Destiny and Cognitive Self Confidence is the ultimate in the function of the royal priesthood

to that point in the Spiritual Life. This is a clear indicator of one’s proximity to the 2 stages

of Spiritual Autonomy where there can be the development of Cognitive Independence resulting

in deployment of Motivational and Functional Virtue and completion of a status of contentment

in Sharing the Happiness of God which leads directly into Spiritual Maturity. Reaching Spiritual Maturity the believer has completed the execution of the Protocol Plan of God by

developing Cognitive Invincibility and coming to a point of Advanced Personal Love for God as

Occupation with the Person of The Lord Jesus, The Christ. In Maturity Adjustment to the

Justice of God, the believer has reached the point of glorification of God by his RECEIVING his

Escrow Super – Grace Blessings for time in 5 temporal categories and 1 reserved for his transfer

from this temporal life into eternity.

Escrow Super – Grace Blessings

An Escrow is a written agreement entered into by three parties, the grantor, God the Father,

the grantee, the believer, and the depositary, the Lord Jesus the Christ, the Escrow officer, for

the transfer of certain benefits. The grantor, God the Father, placed Himself under legal

obligation in eternity past to provide two categories of special and unusual blessings, temporal

and eternal, for the grantee, the believer who fulfills the requirement of the Escrow contract,

ie. execution of the Protocol Plan of God. This sealed agreement of God the Father as the

grantor, is accompanied by that which is to be conveyed, and which has been made contingent

on some future happening or on the completed performance of some act by the grantee, the

believer. This Escrow Package has been delivered to the depositary and is held by him pending

the occurrence, performance or completion of the required events by the grantee. When the

required events have taken place or the grantee has performed the specified act, the depositary

delivers to him, according to the agreement, that which has been held in the deposit. The

depositary or custodian is allowed no discretion, but must follow strictly the terms of the

agreement as it concerns the other two parties. The Totality of this Escrow agreement is found

in the composite Bible Doctrines of the Canon of Scripture and can be understood clearly when

analyzed in the original languages of the Escrow Agreement.

The date of the establishment of the Escrow blessings for each and every Christian is eternity

past. In eternity past, both categories of blessings were deposited with The Lord Jesus the

Christ in Escrow, pending the grantee’s, the individual Church Age believer’s future advance to

Spiritual Maturity. Under the conditions of the Escrow, detailed in the Protocol Plan of God

and under the Sovereign Will of God, expressed in the doctrine of election, the Church Age

believer is obligated to fulfill the contingency of execution of the Protocol Plan of God. This is

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accomplished by his reaching Maturity Adjustment to the Justice of God, in order to and prior to, being able to receive the transfer of his assigned blessings from Escrow. Therefore, the

Temporal blessings of the Escrow on deposit are transferred to the believer ONLY when he

fulfills the execution of the Protocol Plan of God during his lifetime. These Escrow Super –

Grace Blessings are not to be confused with Logistical Grace support blessings which are the

obligation of God the Father to support ALL believers living in this world ruled by Satan. The

6th category of the Escrow is Transferred to the Church Age Believer at the point of his Life’s

End as a blessing of transfer to Eternity with God. The Eternal Escrow blessings are transferred

to the mature believer after the Rapture of the Church, the Resurrection of all Church Age

Believers, at the Judgment Seat of Christ, where the Divine Good production of the winner

believer is awarded special rewards. God the Father created the blessings, even before He

expressed His sovereign will in election and before He designed the Protocol Plan of God in

predestination. (Eph 1:3)

These Escrow blessings are infinitely superior to all other categories of divine blessing for both

time and eternity. The sealed agreement from God the Father as the grantor is found particularly in Eph 1:2-3, Eph 1:18, Eph 3:8, Eph 3:16, Eph 3:20, Phil 4:19, Col 1:27, 1Cor 2:9,

Prov 8:18. These Antecedent Grace blessings. part of the portfolio of invisible assets for the believer provided at the point of his Salvation Adjustment to the Justice of God, have been set

aside in Eternity Past for each believer who completes the requirements of the Escrow contract

and include two categories:

● Greater blessings for the believer during his lifetime

● Greater blessings for the believer in the eternal state

Therefore, when the grantee, the Church Age Believer, under the enabling power of God the

Holy Spirit and with momentum developed from the accumulation of Metabolized Bible

Doctrine into the Right Lobe of the Stream of Consciousness of his Soul, attains Spiritual Maturity, he receives the first installment of blessings from the depositary, The Lord Jesus the

Christ, as 5 of the 6 categories of Temporal Escrow Super – Grace Blessings. The 6th category

of Dying Grace Blessing being reserved for his transfer to Eternity. The second installment is

conveyed to him at the Judgment Seat of Jesus Christ where his Divine Good production during

his lifetime is rewarded. Therefore, God’s highest and best is in Escrow for every believer, and

He has provided each and every believer with equal privilege in the Royal Family of God and

equal opportunity under the Protocol Plan of God, the Power System of God, the Divine

Dynasphere, to receive these Escrow blessings. The FACT is that God provided this HIGHEST

and BEST for each believer under Election PRIOR to the believer being given Life at birth and

prior to the Human Race existing at all. This GUARANTEES the provision of these blessings

upon fulfillment of the Escrow contract for EVERY Church Age believer. The INCREDIBLE

FACT is that there are no circumstances in life which can hinder the conveyance of one’s

Escrow blessings in time. The believer who reaches Maturity Adjustment to the Justice of God

and who advances beyond this WILL receive his Escrow blessings as a mature believer even

though the rest of the nation even the entire world is falling apart in destruction around him.

However, believers who CHOOSE to live outside of the Protocol Plan of God, the Power System

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of God, the Divine Dynasphere and within the Power System of Satan, the Cosmic Dynaspheres

are still supported by God under the provisions of Logistical Grace but they forfeit their Escrow

Super – Grace Blessings for both Time and Eternity. These LOSER Believers, living persistently

in the Cosmic Dynaspheres, have not lost their Salvation nor their Eternal Life with God. The

principle of Relation Back Doctrine states that the Escrow is irrevocable from the date of

deposit into Escrow. Therefore the Escrow which God the Father deposited with The Lord

Jesus the Christ in Eternity Past cannot be canceled or withheld from any believer once he has

fulfilled the obligations of the contract, the Protocol Plan of God, and reached Spiritual Maturity. The date of the deposit, eternity past, is the date of irrevocability. The date of

conveyance is the date of fulfillment of the conditions of the contract, the day the individual

believer reaches Maturity Adjustment to the Justice of God. However, IF the conditions are not

fulfilled in the believer’s lifetime, then the Escrow blessings must remain in Escrow, on deposit,

FOREVER, as a memorial to lost equal opportunity. The loser believer can therefore see his

Escrow blessings on deposit forever in heaven as a memorial to his bad decisions and lost equal

opportunity. He does not lose his salvation, but will live forever in heaven with only lesser

blessings. Therefore the challenge to every Church Age believer to reach Maturity Adjustment

to the Justice of God and complete execution of the Protocol Plan of God is found in Heb


Categories of Escrow Blessings for Time

Spiritual Blessings

Spiritual blessing results in maximum awareness of life so that one is very alive and savors

every moment of life, whether in adversity or prosperity, with a zest for life which excludes

being depressed or upset by the ups and downs of life. This is orientation to objective reality,

a maximum amount of objectivity in life, and the accumulation of all the Characteristics of


Adulthood into maximum contentment, tranquility, and happiness in life regardless of

one’s station, circumstances, or status quo in life. This is maximum use of the 10


Solving Devices and the 2 nd

Battery of Problem

Solving Devices the Motivational Virtue and

Functional Virtue developed in Gate #6 of the Divine Dynasphere, all of which produce a

fantastic confidence, which is unique and exclusive to Spiritual Maturity. This includes maximum blessing in the relationships of one’s life, with God, people, and self. Relationship

with God is based upon the Motivational


of Confidence. The relationship with people is

based on the Functional


and their derived Impact Virtues primarily from Impersonal

Unconditional Love for Mankind and Courage. The relationship with self will be based on

orientation to reality from maximum Metabolized Bible Doctrine in the Right Lobe of the

Stream of Consciousness of the Soul and is based on honesty and virtue. Therefore there will


▴ Maximum contentment, the stability of inner happiness

▴ Maximum tranquility, the backbone of inner happiness

▴ Maximum poise, the overt manifestation of inner happiness

▴ Maximum capacity for life, for love, for inner happiness

▴ Maximum production of Divine Good in Christian service under one’s spiritual gift

▴ Maximum function of one’s spiritual gift

A Solidified Personal Sense of Destiny

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▴ Maximum virtue from Genuine Humility, Motivational


and Functional


developed in the Divine Dynasphere

▴ Maximized personality identification

▴ Invisible hero impact in personal, national, and international areas of life

▴ Ability to interpret historical trends and evaluate life from the divine viewpoint

▴ The fulfillment of the Protocol Plan of God

▴ Fulfillment of Phil 4:11-13, 1Tim 6:6-8, Heb 13:5 living in contentment without regard to one’s status or circumstances in life.

Maximum Grace Orientation to life and dependence upon the Grace of God

▴ Living within one’s human limitations in life

▴ Complete niche orientation resulting in God’s plan being executed in one’s life

▴ Cognitive invincibility from maximum Metabolized Bible Doctrine in the Right Lobe

▴ Mental stability

Bible Doctrine Orientation

to reality

▴ Maximum control of one’s life

Temporal Blessings or Prosperity

The primary principle in the Spiritual Life of the believer is that if God doesn’t promote him,

he is not promoted. God does not EVER promote any mature believer above his limitations, or

into a sphere of activity where he would be distracted from Bible Doctrine or where his

spiritual life would be neutralized. The advancing Church Age believer can only be promoted

through the execution of the Protocol Plan of God, which is the result of consistent Post

Salvation Epistemological Rehabilitation from Perception, Cognition, Inculcation and

Metabolization of Bible Doctrine. The Church Age believer must understand that his promotion

results in his becoming an INVISIBLE hero. The various categories of Temporal blessings

provided for believers as a part of their Escrow Super – Grace blessings vary considerably with

the individual believer and with his environment but MAY include:

▴ Establishment prosperity with privacy and freedom; enjoyment of life and property;

protection from crime, reprisal, violence, and vindictiveness; contentment under

national disaster; and acceptance by one’s peers.

▴ Efficiency, success, promotion, leadership in war and national emergency.

▴ Professional prosperity as success, efficiency and stability in one’s profession.

▴ Business prosperity, success as owner, executive, laborer, salesman, administrator.

▴ Social prosperity with loving, faithful, reliable, and stable friends.

▴ Romantic prosperity as a relationship with an opposite sex member where

happiness replaces sinfulness from mental attitude and verbal sins.

▴ Mental prosperity as ability to concentrate, to organize, to synthesize, to analyze,

with greater cogitation and perspicacity; courage as the ability to think under

pressure; wisdom in the exercise of the intellect; development of common sense; an

excellent sense of humor.

▴ Mental Stability as freedom from fear, worry, and anxiety; having objectivity in

thinking, acute awareness of others, having a relaxed mental attitude and freedom

from the mental diseases of old age.

▴ Cultural prosperity with maximum capacity for entertainment with enjoyment of

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the best in music, art, literature, drama, history, and one’s hobbies.

▴ Health prosperity, unless one has violated too many principles of health, with the

ability to cope with any lack of good health. This includes nervous energy and

nervous stability, though not necessarily freedom from pain.

▴ Leadership dynamics as a blessing for some by virtue of either genetics, their

spiritual gift or by being acquired from training; having the ability to take assigned

responsibility and function efficiently, cheerfully, and effectively. The ability to

assume authority and responsibility without loss of virtue and integrity, and

without tyranny.

Reference passages include: Prov 8:18, Ps 23:5-6

Personal Impact as Blessing by Association

This is blessing for those associated with the mature winner believer, the invisible hero who

has fulfilled the protocol plan of God by advancing to Spiritual Maturity. As such, everyone

who has contact with him receives blessing either directly from God or by sharing in his

blessings. This may mean that fantastic blessing is given to those who are undeserving but

who have a relationship with a mature believer and they may include family, friends, loved

ones, business associates, and pets. Also there is indirect blessing from God by association with

the mature believer who possesses all the virtues of Spiritual Maturity, being thoughtful, considerate, kind, tolerant, and often very generous, though in a quiet way. He shares his

wisdom in conversation, and shares whatever prosperity he may have as well. Therefore, the

mature believer shares both his virtue, personality and his material blessings with those associated with him and is a source of stability in the life of those around him in 6 categories:

▴ The spiritual periphery in the local church, prayer meeting, prep school, mission

board, or in some Christian service organization.

▴ The family periphery as husband, wife, father, mother, child, relatives, and even


▴ The social periphery as a friend associated with him.

▴ The geographical periphery in his neighborhood, city, county, state, or nation.

▴ The professional or business periphery in business, in schools, on athletic teams,

medical clinics, law firms, law enforcement organizations, engineering firms,

banks, corporations, symphony orchestras, and military organizations.

Heritage Impact for Loved Ones

There is blessing by association with the mature believer after his death for loved ones who are

left behind. This heritage impact blessing is for the next generation of those who have been

associated with the mature believer. Thus the blessing by association of the mature believer

continues after his death extending into the next generation, and sometimes to the third generation, especially to those individuals or nations associated with the mature believer while

he lived. This often explains how bereaved ones associated with the dead mature believer,

regardless of their spiritual status (even unbelievers) receive blessing and prosperity by association.

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National Impact

The believer who has reached Maturity Adjustment to the Justice of God becomes a part of the

pivot in the client nation to God. It is the size of the pivot in the client nation which is the

basis for blessing or cursing to that nation. A large pivot of mature believers means national

blessing, national prosperity, and historical preservation. A small pivot of mature believers

means the administration of the 5 cycles of national discipline from God. Therefore, as goes

the believer in the client nation to God, so goes that client nation. The Apostasy of Reversionism, the Degeneracy of the Interlocking System of Arrogance and the Antagonism of

the Interlocking System of Antagonistic Emotional Hatred among believers results in horrendous

national disaster. However, having anywhere from 5% to 10% mature believers means

incredible national prosperity and it may take as little as 1% to preserve the nation. (Matt 5:13,

Mark 9:50)

Historical or International Impact

Mature believers in congregations who live in client nations under spiritual prosperity must

send out missionaries who should have wisdom and avoid legalism, making an issue only out of

the Gospel of Christ and Bible Doctrine. It is the winner mature believer missionaries who go

to non-client nations who are the real source, and usually the only source, of blessing to that

non-client nation. Then through the indigenous modus operandi of the preparation of non-

client nation individuals to teach their own people Bible Doctrine, there is blessing for those

nations that have no other source of blessing. This occurs when there is the development of

the mechanisms of providing indigenous Bible Doctrine teaching to the people of these nations.

This non-client nation blessing by association can occur with even just one missionary who is a

winner and an invisible hero.

Angelic Impact

This occurs for the unique believer who has reached Advanced Maturity Adjustment to the

Justice of God and has passed evidence testing. He has been used as a PRIMARY witness for

the Prosecution in the rebuttal phase of Satan’s Angelic Conflict Appeal Trial which is coterminous with human history. Both Elect and Fallen Angels constantly observe Human

History: Luke 15:7-10, 1Tim 3:16, 1Cor 4:9; 1Tim 5:21; 1Pet 1:12; Eph 3:10. Providential Preventative Evidence Testing is designed for the maximum glorification of God in the historical

extension of the angelic conflict and often temporarily removes certain Escrow Blessings distributed at the point of Spiritual Maturity, as occurred in the cases of Abraham, Job, and

David. It also usually comes to the mature believer without warning, since it is administered

by the cross examination of Satan. The successful witness directly assists in resolving Satan’s

appeal trial in favor of the Prosecution by demonstrating that the SOURCE of blessing is greater

than the blessing itself.

Dying Grace Blessings

Dying Grace is the dying status of the winner or mature believer whether he has a quick and

painless death or a prolonged and painful death, where he will have the greatest blessing of his

life as he crosses the high golden bridge between time and eternity. For the mature believer,

this is God’s victory as a special gift given to him. God gives him through the objective reality

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of the Absolute Truth of Bible doctrine the greatest tranquility that his soul has ever experienced during his dying. It is only the sovereignty of God which determines the time,

place, and manner of dying for every believer and once God decides the time of departure from

this life, all believers, winners and losers, depart to heaven under two principles:

▴ “Absent from the body and face to face with the Lord,” (2 Cor 5:8)

▴ “No more sorrow, no more tears, no more pain, no more death; the old things

have passed away,” (Rev 21:4)

Therefore, dying grace belongs to the winner or mature believer as an extension of his Escrow

blessings for time. Both the death and the resurrection of the believer must be classified as the

Lord’s victory and the believer has control over his life after salvation to succeed or fail, to be

positive or negative in the protocol plan of God, but he has no control over the time, place or

manner of his death nor the manner or time of his resurrection. (1Cor 15:55-57) Through his Post Salvation Epistemological Rehabilitation from consistent Perception, Cognition, Inculcation

and Metabolization of Bible Doctrine the believer in Spiritual Maturity has learned how to die,

BECAUSE he has also learned how to live, so that having reached Spiritual Maturity he dies

magnificently as unto the Lord. (Phil 1:21, Ps 23:6)

Escrow Blessings for the Eternal State

Those who are evaluated as mature believers at the Judgment Seat of Christ will receive the

distribution of their Escrow blessings for the eternal state as special rewards and blessings

which go on forever. (see Essentials


 & Non- Essentials


 in the Christian


 Way of Life ) Each and

every believer who makes even 1 step forward in moving from Spiritual Infancy as

advancement in the Spiritual Life WILL receive some escrow badge of recognition for his Spiritual Life progress. In the New Testament Scripture the only rewards described are for the

believer who has reached or exceeded his advancement to Maturity Adjustment to the Justice of

God. Understand though that these are NOT the only rewards and decorations for believers in

eternity but are those promised for the believers who have made the greatest advancements in

complete execution of the Protocol Plan of God. These special rewards and decorations include:

▴ Alpha Cross == The Stephanos or Golden Wreath or Crown of Maximum

Adjustment to the Justice of God for reaching and holding Spiritual Maturity and

receiving Super-Grace or Ultra-Super Grace blessings. (2Tim 4:7-8)

▴ Beta Cross == The Stephanos or Golden Wreath or Crown of Perseverance for

traversing No Man’s Land and receiving Super Grace B or Bravo Grace blessings.

(James 1;12, Rev 2:10)

▴ Gamma Cross == The Stephanos or Golden Wreath or Crown of Glory as the

highest decoration for the Church Age believer which is only for the Pastor

Teacher for fighting successfully in the Angelic Conflict and leading believers to

various levels of Spiritual Maturity.

◆ This will have variations depending on whether the Pastor Teacher has reached

Maturity adjustment to the Justice of God or traversed No Man's Land or

entered Advanced Maturity Adjustment to the Justice of God.

▴ Delta Cross == The Stephanos or Golden Wreath or Crown of Rejoicing for

successful Witnessing and / or Evangelism.

▴ Epsilon Cross == The Stephanos or Golden Wreath or Crown of Exaltation or

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Happiness ONLY for Pastor Teachers as a result of believers under them advancing

in the Spiritual Life receiving lower rewards at the Judgment Seat of Jesus Christ

but not the Stephanos or Wreaths. (1Thes 2:19)

▴ Omega or Ultra Cross == The Stephanos or Golden Wreath or Crown of Life the

highest decoration for the believer in the Church Age for reaching Advanced

Maturity Adjustment to the Justice of God and receiving Ultra-Super Grace. (Phil

4:1, 1Thes 2:19, 1Pet 5:4)

◾ Oak Leaf Clusters or Precious Gems to adorn the various crosses or wreaths awarded

for various production in the Spiritual Life including that of the Pastor Teacher for

anyone he has led to spiritual maturity.

▴ Alpha Oak Leaf Cluster or Sapphire == For the Pastor Teacher leading believers to

Spiritual Maturity who then receive the Alpha Cross and are beneficiaries of Super-

Grace A blessings, to adorn his Alpha Cross or Wreath of Adjustment to the Justice

of God (Righteousness).

▴ Beta Oak Leaf Cluster or Ruby == For the Pastor Teacher leading believers to

Spiritual Maturity who enter No Man’s Land and who become beneficiaries of

Super-Grace B blessings, to adorn his Beta Cross or Wreath of Perseverance.

▴ Omega or Ultra Oak Leaf Cluster or Diamond == For the Pastor Teacher leading

Believers to Advanced Maturity Adjustment to the Justice of God who become

beneficiaries of Ultra-Super-Grace blessings, to adorn his Omega Cross or his

Wreath of Life.

▴ Glory Oak Leaf Cluster or Emerald == For the Pastor Teacher leading men to

discover their spiritual gift of Pastor Teacher or Evangelist possibly to adorn his

Gamma Cross or Wreath of Glory.

Attainment of Escrow Blessings

Escrow blessings are attained through persistent function under the Protocol Plan of God and

received because of function within the portfolio of invisible assets. These blessings are beyond human imagination or conception and refer to blessings only for those who reach Spiritual

Maturity. It is through the utilization of the portfolio of invisible assets that the believer

completes the execution of the Protocol Plan of God, the Divine Dynasphere, the Power System

of God, and then receives these Escrow Blessings. The assets available for the believer to reach

and then exceed Spiritual Maturity include:

◾ Primary assets

▴ Logistical Grace support

▴ Escrow blessings

◾ Computer assets

▴ Election

▴ Predestination

◾ Secondary assets

▴ Volitional assets making consistent positive decisions toward consistent Post

Salvation Epistemological Rehabilitation from a position of strength

▴ Production assets functioning under the Filling of God the Holy Spirit with

motivation from maximum Metabolized Bible Doctrine for maximum Divine Good

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production in Christian service

▴ Undeserved suffering assets in all levels of Providential Preventative Momentum

Testing Suffering

▴ Impact assets of personal, historical, international, angelic, and heritage impact

▴ Personnel assets as one’s spiritual gifts

The inevitable result of the consistent utilization of these assets is the attainment or maintenance of Spiritual Maturity and possible continued advancement to Advanced Maturity

Adjustment to the Justice of God. Reaching Spiritual Maturity results in the conveyance of

Escrow blessings which glorify God in time and eternity. Therefore, Escrow blessings are

attained primarily through perseverance and persistence in Post Salvation Epistemological

Rehabilitation from Perception, Cognition, Inculcation and Metabolization of Bible Doctrine

under the Grace Apparatus for Perception Operation Z. (Prov 8:18) Therefore, Escrow blessings are attained through consistent function in the Power System of God through residence, function, momentum inside the Divine Dynasphere. (Eph 3:20) The “power” needed and to be used is in the Protocol Plan of God and is the enabling power of the God the Holy Spirit.

Therefore, it is only by means of consistent residence in the Divine Dynasphere, under the

enabling power of the Filling of God the Holy Spirit, and momentum from maximum Metabolized Bible Doctrine in the Stream of Consciousness of the Soul, that results in the

attainment of Spiritual Maturity and the consequent distribution of Escrow blessings.

Understanding Spiritual Maturity

The mature believer is defined as a member of the Royal Family of God who executes the

Protocol Plan of God in the great power experiment of the Church Age by his advance to gate

#8 of the Divine Dynasphere. The mature believer is classified as a winner because of his

accumulation of a maximum level of Metabolized Bible Doctrine into the Right Lobe of the

Stream of Consciousness of his Soul. The mature believer is a winner because of his tactical

victory of reaching Maturity Adjustment to the Justice of God and also is an Invisible Hero

because of his invisible impact in human history. The greatest impact in all of Human History

has always come from mature believers. God has designed a system whereby the INVISIBLE

impact from the invisible hero mature believer is far greater than that of any visible hero. The

mature believer also glorifies God in two progressive stages:

● His attainment of Spiritual Maturity and subsequent distribution of his Escrow Super –

Grace blessings for time. (Eph 1:3)

● Passing Evidence Testing where he becomes a primary witness for the Prosecution in the

rebuttal phase of Satan’s appeal trial and both glorifies and pleases God

Therefore, Spiritual Maturity represents the maximum spiritual growth of the believer in time

and is the objective of God for keeping the believer in time after salvation. This is the tactical

victory of the angelic conflict designed to compliment the strategic victory of The Lord Jesus

the Christ who is seated at the right hand of the God the Father. Therefore, Spiritual Maturity

is the divine objective for the believer in time, the purpose for all the mandates of Scripture

related to time, the only way to glorify God and The Lord Jesus the Christ in time, and the

basis for all temporal and eternal rewards and blessings.

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Spiritual Maturity as a GRACE Provision

Within the Protocol Plan of God, God, under GRACE, provides the potential for Salvation

Adjustment to the Justice of God by faith alone in the Substitutionary Spiritual Death of the

Lord Jesus, The Christ, ALONE. The believers who have made this decision all have victory

over the Cosmic Dynaspheres in defeating these systems by making Salvation Adjustment to the

Justice of God using Nonmeritorious FAITH and a ONE TIME decision. This is the Strategic

Winner in the Christian Way of Life. The Tactical Winner (2Pet 3:17-18) has the entirety of the systems of the Cosmic Dynaspheres aligned against him as his Enemy in time. Grace is the

genius of God, Bible Doctrine is the revelation and manifestation of that genius and Spiritual

Maturity is the glorification of that genius. Grace is also the function of the Justice of God in

providing for the believer all of his needs for his advance to Spiritual Maturity or for his failure

to execute the protocol plan of God. Logistical Grace is for ALL believers, winners and losers

alike and it not only provides the necessities to keep the believer alive, but it also includes all

enhanced provisions he might receive before Spiritual Maturity. Under Grace, everything

depends on who and what God is and is not only the means of salvation, but is also the

POLICY and PLAN of God set up for the believer’s advance to Spiritual Maturity. No believer

can attain Spiritual Maturity apart from the use of his portfolio of Invisible Assets provided by God in Eternity Past for his advance in the Spiritual Life during his lifetime.

In Spiritual Maturity, Maturity Adjustment to the Justice of God, the believer has developed

Cognitive Invincibility built on consistent post salvation epistemological rehabilitation. This

Cognitive Invincibility results in maximum perception, metabolization and accurate application

of Bible Doctrine to life. Therefore, the mature believer is totally independent of any form of

advice, counseling, or human encouragement in life. In Maturity Adjustment to the Justice of

God there is a maximum effective use of the 2 batteries of Problem Solving Devices, the 10


Solving Devices especially the advanced Problem Solving Devices and the Motivational

Virtue and Functional Virtue established in Gate #6 of the Divine Dynasphere. The mature believer has maximum inner happiness, inner peace, contentment and mental stability, which is

the ability to think according to metabolized doctrine principles and apply these to every

circumstance in life. (Rom 12:2-3, Phil 4:11-13, Heb 13:5, 1Tim 6:6-8). The mental stability of the mature believer is his ability to put doctrine before experience and includes maximum use

of Functional


. If the believer reaches Advanced Maturity Adjustment to the Justice of

God this includes the ability to make the correct and accurate application of metabolized

doctrine to Evidence Testing. The mature believer has therefore maximized the function of

objective reality, which begins with cognition of invisible God, as a result of consistent perception of Bible doctrine inside the divine dynasphere. Man being spiritually dead from

birth does not have the ability or mentality to understand God and certainly not to love God.

Therefore, under God’s Grace policy, He, God, must reveal Himself to man in a permanent

form, ie., the Canon of Scripture and HE, God, must come to man because spiritually DEAD

man cannot come to God. God does so through the Substitutionary Spiritual Death of The Lord

Jesus the Christ on the cross for all human sins. Therefore, objective reality for the Christian

is his orientation to the grace policy of God, including his own grace thinking, grace motivation, grace decisions, and grace actions, which are all dependent upon the accumulation

of Metabolized Bible Doctrine into the Right Lobe of the Stream of Consciousness of his Soul.

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The believer in Maturity Adjustment to the Justice of God totally avoids subjective reality in the form of religious legalism, emotionalism, asceticism, self-effacement, fanatical or sociopathic

behavior, etc. Subjective reality is closely related to one’s thinking from residence and function

in Cosmic Dynasphere I, the Interlocking

System of Arrogance

, but not so in the mature believer. Historical reality is the status of one’s environment in life and the mature believer

balances and equates objective reality from Bible Doctrine Orientation with the historical reality of his life and therefore, he overcomes his environment.

Characteristics of Maturity Adjustment to the Justice of God

The believer who reaches Maturity Adjustment to the Justice of God has developed maximum

problem solving capabilities totally apart from any outside counsel or help and has maximum

Grace Orientation to life. This Grace Orientation brings with it a consistent Genuine Humility

to the point of maximum fundamental virtue without asceticism, without ridiculous self-

sacrifice, without legalism, and without some form of self-effacement. Therefore, the mature

believer has maximum control of his own life thus maximum utilization of the privacy of his

royal priesthood which is used properly before God as a part of his Motivational Virtue of



for God . This results in a maximum use of Impersonal,

Unconditional Love

toward all mankind which results in the elimination of false applications in life. The mature believer eliminates 3 disastrous false applications in his life:

▴ Competitiveness from the arrogance of Inordinate Competition

▴ Comparativeness from the arrogance of Self Righteous subjectivity

▴ Conspiracy from the arrogance of Inordinate Ambition

Therefore the believer who reaches Spiritual Maturity, lives his own life as unto the Lord rather

than as unto mankind. He is thus able to control his life under the Lord because The Lord

Jesus the Christ really has all the control and the believer’s volition is subordinated to the Lord

and therefore he is in a state of maximum inner happiness. The believer in Spiritual Maturity

always takes responsibility for his own decisions. When he is given any form of authority, he

takes responsibility immediately and also takes responsibility for others under his authority and

he does so without becoming possessive or without seeking to control and interfere in the lives

of others. The believer in Spiritual Maturity is not possessive of those under his authority or of

those whom he loves, thus avoiding the pitfalls of jealousy and power lust.

The believer who reaches Maturity Adjustment to the Justice of God has Maximum use of his

spiritual gift and has the capacity for Maximum Divine Good production in Christian service.

The mature believer has strengthened and expanded his Personal Sense of Destiny and had developed organized thinking, an organized life, self-command, poise, self control, self

regulation, and self restraint which overflows into personal relationships and the exploitation of

his very own portfolio of invisible assets. The mature believer also glorifies God in his body.

(Phil 1:20-21) He concentrates on his #1 priority being his relationship with God over relationship with people and thus the intense concentration on Bible Doctrine results in intense

Application of Bible Doctrine, and this intense application results in Spiritual Maturity.

Integrity in the believer is developed in Spiritual Adulthood so that relationship with self peaks

at Gate #5 while relationship with people peaks at Gate #6 and relationship with God peaks out at Gate #8 in Maturity Adjustment to the Justice of God. Each stage of Spiritual Page 165 of 239

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Adulthood is characterized by a specific experiential relationship with The Lord Jesus the Christ:

◾ Spiritual Self Esteem characterized by “Christ being formed in one’s body,” (Gal 4:19)

◾ Spiritual Autonomy characterized by “Christ being at home in the right lobe of one’s

soul,” (Eph 3:16-17)

◾ Spiritual Maturity characterized by “Christ being glorified in one’s body,” (Phil 1:20) The ultimate mental attitude function of the believer is having the ability to equate living with

dying so that perfect happiness in living overflows into perfect happiness in dying and this is a

major benefit of reaching Maturity Adjustment to the Justice of God. The dynamic Mental

Attitude of the believer in Maturity Adjustment to the Justice of God results from the accumulation of maximum Metabolized Bible Doctrine into the Right Lobe of the Stream of

Consciousness of his Soul plus maximum utilization of the Problem Solving Devices and maximum function under the Integrity Envelope of the Divine Dynasphere. (Phil 3:15-16) Bible

Doctrine Orientation to Reality brings with it a maximum capacity for prosperity which comes to the mature believer in the form of his personal Escrow Super – Grace Blessings for time,

plus the ability to deal with Evidence Testing if he reaches Advanced Maturity Adjustment to

the Justice of God. (Job 1:21). Thus for the mature believer there is the perpetuation of his inner happiness in situations of both prosperity and adversity. (Phil 4:11-13). Having a maximum ability to apply doctrine to experience results in a crystallized, powerful spiritual

common sense which gives the believer a new outlook on life and the ability to unsnarl every

traffic jam in his life. Every decision the believer makes is then inevitably related to what God

has provided for him.

Maximum Living in Maturity Adjustment to the Justice of God

The mature believer has a maximum personal sense of destiny so that no matter what happens

in his life, he relates all the good and the bad to the fact that God has a purpose for his life.

He understands that purpose, applies it to situations, maintains his happiness and passes all

levels of testing for blessing including Evidence Testing which is the greatest challenge in the

spiritual life. Most people think of destiny in relationship to people, success or prosperity, but

the mature believer thinks of destiny in terms of his relationship to God. This is the result of

passing all aspects of Providential Preventative Momentum Testing Suffering and reaching

Spiritual Maturity so that the believer refocuses his life by relating his destiny to God rather

than to man, to history, or to circumstances. As a result, he has a life of maximum Divine

Good production and even in the shorter period of his life as a mature believer he actually has

far greater production than the legalistic believer will ever have in all of his Christian life.

Therefore there is maximum exploitation of his spiritual gift and maximum effectiveness in

Christian service resulting in greater decorations and rewards at the Judgment Seat of Jesus

Christ. This maximum production means understanding one’s human limitations and never

allowing human ambition to exceed human limitations. Instead of living life by standards that

one has developed in past life or by standards that people have developed by flattery, encouragement, persuasion, etc.; instead of drowning in the rat race of arrogance; Spiritual

Maturity develops a fantastic common sense, a marvelous sense of humor, and a modus

operandi of  flexibility that shows one when, how, and where to pull up short and go no further. This believer lacks envy of those whose abilities are greater than his and whose

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success (by human standards) outstrips his. Therefore, Spiritual Maturity wipes out all the cobwebs of frustrations in life caused by not meeting one’s own standards, by not succeeding as

he or others thought he would. The believer in Maturity Adjustment to the Justice of God has

a destiny far greater than that of any person who has ever been successful or great in this life

and his attitude toward Bible doctrine will in reality determine what happens to his country.

In this time period that is the United States of America as a client nation to God. Therefore,

the utilization of divine power reaches its peak in the mature believer and thus the mature

believer spends the rest of his life living and then dying under maximum utilization of divine

power, a phenomenal characteristic, blessing and benefit from reaching Maturity Adjustment to

the Justice of God.

The Means and Results of Attaining Spiritual Maturity

There is a 2 part function required of the believer to attain Maturity Adjustment to the Justice

of God:

◾ Consistent Post Salvation Epistemological Rehabilitation from Perception, Cognition,

Inculcation and Metabolization of Bible Doctrine using the Filling of God the Holy

Spirit under the Grace Apparatus for Perception as a result of consistent residence and function under Gates #1-6 of the Divine Dynasphere.

◾ Passing all levels of Providential Preventative Momentum Testing Suffering for blessing

summarized in Gate #7 of the Divine Dynasphere.

It is only consistent residence, function, and momentum inside the Divine Dynasphere, which is

the means of attaining the three stages of Spiritual Maturity after having passed the categories

of Providential Preventative Momentum Testing Suffering for blessing. This advances the believer into Maturity Adjustment to the Justice of God and enables his glorification of God.

This believer has developed to a maximum level the 10


Solving Devices , constructed to

completion the Edification Complex of the Soul and has moved through all 8 stages of the Divine Dynasphere to the point of receiving his 6 categories of Escrow Super – Grace blessings

for time. (Eph 1:13-14) The believer is warned to beware of failing to reach Maturity Adjustment to the Justice of God in Heb 10:35-36 as a result of failure to be consistent in maintaining momentum in the Spiritual Life. There are fantastic rewards and decorations for

the believer who reaches and exceeds Maturity Adjustment to the Justice of God for ETERNITY

including the previously described Wreaths or Crowns and:

▴ The Order of the Morning Star, a part of the new order of chivalry

▴ The Uniform of glory

▴ Being Recorded on the Honor’s List

▴ Being Presented in the Court of Heaven

▴ Awarded a new order of Knighthood

▴ His name placed in the Lamb’s Book of Life

▴ Ruling with Christ in the Millennium

▴ Receiving his own Coat of Arms

▴ Becoming a member of the Paradise Club forever.

Winners in the Christian Way of Life

The Tactical Winner in the Christian Way of Life (2Pet 3:17-18) must battle against and Page 167 of 239

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overcome the entire system of the Cosmic Dynaspheres in order to maintain his tactical victory of Maturity Adjustment to the Justice of God. The Strategic Winner (1John 5:4-5) in the Spiritual Life is the individual who makes Salvation Adjustment to the Justice of God through

faith alone in the Substitutionary Spiritual Death of The Lord Jesus the Christ on the cross for

all human sins. He enters into the Plan of God at Gate #1 of the Divine Dynasphere the Filling of God the Holy Spirit. He receives instantly Eternal Salvation, Eternal Life, and 39

Irrevocable Assets for the Christian Way of Life along with the Filling of God the Holy Spirit.

He is indwelt by God the Holy Spirit and has the initial Filling of God the Holy Spirit starting

him in the Divine Dynasphere. Then by consistently moving from Gate #1 through to Gate #8

of the Divine Dynasphere he fulfills the objective of the Christian Way of Life, execution of the

Protocol Plan of God and becomes a Tactical Winner in the Spiritual Life. Therefore the

Tactical Winner has consistently moved through the Gates of the Divine Dynasphere during his

Spiritual Life. He has arrived at Gate #8 the Maturity Envelope as a result of having made

Maturity Adjustment to the Justice of God from the accumulation of a maximum level of

Metabolized Bible Doctrine into the Right Lobe of the Stream of Consciousness of his Soul.

Therefore, the Strategic Winner cannot become a Tactical Winner in the Angelic Conflict Appeal

Trial apart from his successful and consistent function in the Power System of God, the Divine

Dynasphere. The ultimate objective of the Christian Way of Life and of having been sustained

by God with Logistical Grace support for his entire life, is for the believer to reach the point of

Tactical Victory in the Spiritual Life. The result for this believer will be receipt of phenomenal

Escrow Super – Grace Blessings in time and special Decorations and Rewards for display and

enjoyment during All of Eternity. Therefore, it is possible and desirable for the believer to be

a DOUBLE winner in the Power System of God. This is the believer who is a Strategic Winner

and who becomes a Tactical Winner as a result of his own consistent decisions to reside and

function within the Divine Dynasphere.

The Possibilities for Each Believer

Once one becomes a Strategic Winner there is the possibility of becoming a tactical loser as a

result of Bad Decisions from a position of Weakness which result in continued living within the

Cosmic Dynaspheres. Also, once one becomes a Strategic Winner there is the possibility of

becoming a DOUBLE winner where the strategic victory moves the believer to become a Tactical Winner by execution of the Protocol Plan of God. The Strategic Winner glorifies The

Lord Jesus, The Christ by his SINGLE, ONE SHOT, instantaneous decision at some point in his

life by making Salvation Adjustment to the Justice of God through FAITH alone in the Substitutionary Spiritual Death of The Lord Jesus, The Christ ALONE. The Tactical Winner

glorifies The Lord Jesus, The Christ by a multitude of hundreds of thousands of decisions based

on Right Priorities to be consistent in Post Salvation Epistemological Rehabilitation through

Perception, Cognition, Inculcation and Metabolization of Bible Doctrine resulting in his advance

in the Spiritual Life to Maturity Adjustment to the Justice of God and beyond. The real issue

and the only reason the believer is given the privilege of continuing to live in this life is to

fulfill the potential to become a Tactical Winner. The tragedy is that the Strategic Winner

glorifies The Lord Jesus, The Christ by his single decision for Salvation Adjustment to the

Justice of God but LOSES all rewards for eternity and even his overall production in his

Spiritual Life is generally Human Good and burned at the Judgment Seat of Jesus Christ. The

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Tactical Winner receives Logistical Grace support as does the Strategic Winner but his status as a Tactical Winner provides him with the capacity to receive his very own Escrow Super –

Grace Blessings in time and possibly even a doubling of his Escrow as Ultra – Super Grace

Blessings NO MATTER what the circumstances of history may be. Therefore, God’s Grace

Provision for the Strategic Winner is Eternal Life, as a result of his accepting the Salvation

Work of The Lord Jesus, The Christ on the Cross in his Substitutionary Spiritual Death, and

Logistical Grace lifetime support. God’s Grace provision for the Tactical Winner includes all

this plus the distribution of Escrow Super – Grace or potentially Doubled Escrow Ultra – Super

Grace blessings in time along with unimaginable Surpassing Grace Blessings and Rewards for all


Only the unbeliever is a strategic losers in the Angelic Conflict Appeal Trial and as a result he

will share the destiny of Satan for ever in the Lake of Fire. The Carnal believer involved in

the Cosmic Dynaspheres is a Strategic Winner but tactical loser. The Tactical Winner maintains

the priorities of the Plan of God and has advanced to complete execution of the Protocol Plan

of God. The Single winner, the Strategic Winner, fails to advance in the Plan of God and

System of God because he lives in the Cosmic Dynaspheres therefore he:

▴ Fears in Life especially regarding DEATH

▴ Usually dies the Sin Unto Death

▴ Is a Cosmic Dynasphere believer and a Strategic Winner but Tactical Loser

▴ Glorifies God in Eternity as a result of his Salvation Adjustment to the Justice of


▴ Receives Divine Discipline in time along with incredible Self Induced Misery

▴ Consistently makes Wrong decisions from a position of weakness

The Double Winner, the Tactical Winner advances and fulfills the Plan of God:

▴ He lives consistently in the Power System of God, the Divine Dynasphere

▴ He has no fears regarding LIFE OR DEATH

▴ He Glorifies God in Time and Eternity

▴ He Receives Suffering for enhanced blessing in time

▴ He Makes right decisions from a position of strength

▴ He produces Maximum Glorification of God and The Lord Jesus, The Christ

▴ He has Maximum time residing in the Divine Dynasphere

▴ He fulfills God’s priority system

▴ He receives Maximum blessing from 6 Paragraphs of Super – Grace Escrow

blessings and possibly the double Ultra – Super Grace provisions.

▴ He has Maximum production under the function of his Royal Ambassadorship

resulting from maximum spiritual growth

▴ He has the ability to cope with all outside pressures of life from both Adversity

and Prosperity

▴ He has become totally Spiritually Self Sustaining

▴ He has control of his life in times of prosperity and adversity

▴ He has a strong Personal Sense of Destiny

▴ He has completion of the Edification Complex of the Soul

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▴ He has Maximum Capacity for happiness, blessing, promotion and prosperity

Return to the Table of Contents

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The 40 Divine Assets for the Spiritual Life

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The 10 Problem Solving Devices

#1 – Rebound Procedure

(1John 1:9, 1Cor 11:31, Rev 3:19, 2Tim 2:25, Eph 4:22, Heb 9:12-15, Heb 12:11- 15

, James

1:21, Phil 3:13, Jer 3:13, Lev 4, Prov 28:13, Ps 32:5, Ps 38:18, Ps 51:1-4, Rom 12:1, Rom 6:12-13) This is a Grace mechanism or procedure to recover from sin or prolonged carnality and

restore the believer to fellowship with God. It requires that the believer simply name, site or

acknowledge his sin to GOD directly functioning under his Royal Priesthood representing self to

God. God is faithful and justified in forgiving him and wiping out all unknown or forgotten

sins because in the Substitutionary Spiritual Death of The Lord Jesus, The Christ on the cross

ALL human sins were already judged and the payment rendered and accepted by God the

Father for them. This allows the believer to regain the Filling of God the Holy Spirit which is

initially provided at Salvation Adjustment to the Justice of God, in order that he is again able

to learn and metabolize Bible Doctrine so as to execute the Spiritual Life. This is the opening

of the Spirituality Envelope.

#2 – Filling of God the Holy Spirit

This is the primary power source of the Grace Plan of God for the believer in time decided at

the Divine Round Table discussion regarding CREATION in Eternity Past. He is the teacher of

Bible Doctrine to the believer under a mentorship ministry by means of the Grace Apparatus for

Perception, Operation Z. This is the 1st Power Option and Spiritual Skill of the Christian Way of Life and the foundation for the Edification Complex of the Soul and Gate #1 of the Divine Dynasphere the power system of God for the believer. This is the completion of the Spirituality

Envelope and an Essential for continued advancement in the Spiritual Life and opening of the Balance of Residency Envelope.

#3 – Faith Rest Drill

This is a Grace provision from God where the believer’s nonmeritorious Faith is progressively

developed and used in 5 stages including:

• Faith Perception – where the believer accepts the Bible Doctrine presented to the Left

Lobe of his Soul by the ministry of God the Holy Spirit, after God the Holy Spirit

teaches this doctrine to his Human Spirit. This “acceptance by faith”, results in

transferring the understood and learned Bible Doctrine, as “Metabolized Bible Doctrine”,

to his Right Lobe of the Stream of Consciousness of the Soul, again under the ministry of

God the Holy Spirit, making it available for modification of his soul and ultimately

application to his life. This is the opening of the Perception, Progression, Capacity, Love

and Momentum Envelopes of the Spiritual Life.

• Claiming Promises from God – where the believer extracts promises he has learned,

under the Operation Z ministry of God the Holy Spirit, from the Metabolized Bible

Doctrine learned and accepted from that which has been taught by a qualified, prepared

Pastor Teacher to handle basic pressures in life. This is opening of the Application

Envelope of the Spiritual Life.

• Supporting Promises with Metabolized Bible Doctrine – where the advancing believer

claims a promise and then adds doctrinal points and principles to that promise to

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strengthen and support it in order to handle intermediate pressures in life.

• Forming Bible Doctrine Rationales – drawing out and adding categorical doctrinal concepts, from the Metabolized Bible Doctrine accumulated in the Right Lobe of the

Stream of Consciousness of the Soul, to the promises of God so that they are thereby

solidified. This results in logical, rational support of the claimed promises and added

principles of Metabolized Bible Doctrine from the believer’s Right Lobe of the Stream of

Consciousness of the Soul. This eventuates in the development of increasing confidence

in God, greater mental stability, inner happiness, peace and contentment as the pressures

of life are addressed and overcome with Bible Doctrine.

• Coming to Bible Doctrine focused conclusions – as a result of combining the promises

from God and applying the points and principles of Metabolized Bible Doctrine to these

promises supported by categorical doctrinal rationales, the believer is able to come to

Doctrinally based conclusions to solve ALL pressures and difficulties in his life whether

from prosperity or adversity.

The Faith Rest Drill (5 stages) is a part of the Basic and the Advanced Christian Modus Operandi of

Gate #2 and Gate #5 of the Divine Dynasphere, the Protocol Plan of God, the Power System of God for the believer.

#4 – Grace Orientation

This is beginning of the Orientation Envelope of the Plan of God resulting from the believer beginning to understand the Essentials necessary for his Progression

in the Spiritual

Life . This is the development of an understanding and appreciation of the Grace Policy and Grace Plan of

God for the believer’s life in time and extending into eternity. It is part of Gate #4 of the

Divine Dynasphere power system of God for the believer and includes a progressive

understanding of the categories of Grace available for the unbeliever as he initially becomes a

believer and as he progresses and advances in the Spiritual Life. See “To an Understanding of


#5 – Bible Doctrine Orientation

This is the 2nd part of the Orientation Envelope of the Plan of God for the believer and is the development of an understanding of the essential necessity of Post Salvation Epistemological

Rehabilitation from the consistent Perception, Cognition, Inculcation and Metabolization of Bible

Doctrine for spiritual growth. It comes with a comprehension of the necessity for the consistent

use of the Rebound Procedure to maintain the Filling of God the Holy Spirit to enable consistent function under the Faith Perception of the Faith Rest Drill (5 stages). This is the 2 nd

floor of the Edification Complex of the Soul and also part of Gate #4 of the Divine Dynasphere.

#6 – Personal Sense of Destiny

This is developed as a result of the increased levels of Metabolized Bible Doctrine accumulated

into the Right Lobe of the Stream of Consciousness of the Soul providing an understanding for

the believer that he IS in the Plan of God and that as long as he lives, God has a plan and

purpose for his life in time. This is the transition point for the believer moving from spiritual

youth into Spiritual Adulthood and shedding much of his tendencies to function within the

Interlocking System of Arrogance while developing a great confidence in the Grace of God and

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Plan of God.

#7 – Personal Love for God