The Quran in the Right Order


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Published: 12 years ago

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Book Description

The Quran in the Right Order 2nd edition has new pages added, such as: a few Sunni verse translations vs. a few Quran (alone) verse translations on page 478; The Battle over the word begot and the crucifixion of Christ on page 487 ; a poem from me; I’m not a split Shiate, or Looney like a Sunni, on page 489 and the quick reference guide is now at the front of the book. Translation of the ayats is by: Dr.Rashad Khalifa *except where noted. With the understanding that, the good doctor was not a prophet, but was one of the most enlightened Imams of recent times. “May GOD bless him, and forgive him of his short comings, Amin.” Chapters are now arranged in the original order sent down by GOD, the man made numbering of verses (ayats) are retained in the “traditional order” to facilitate ease in cross referencing and indexing between other tafsirs as well as quotes and references citing particular chapters...

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Keith Jones