The Resurrection and Immortality by William West - HTML preview

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4.      John 10:11-17 "I am the good shepherd: the good shepherd lays down his life (psukee) for the sheep. He that is a hireling, and not a shepherd, whose own the sheep are not, beholds the wolf coming, and leaves the sheep, and flees, and the wolf snatches them, and scatters (them): (he flees) because he is a hireling, and cares not for the sheep. I am the good shepherd; and I know mine own, and mine own know me, even as the Father knows me, and I know the Father; and I lay down my life (psukee) for the sheep. And other sheep I have, which are not of this fold: them also I must bring, and they shall hear my voice: and they shall become one flock, one shepherd. Therefore, the Father loves me, because I lay down my life (psukee), that I may take it again." An immortal soul, as taught today, cannot die; therefore, the translators could not say Christ gave up His immortal soul. He gives His life, not an immortal soul. He died our death.

5.      John 12:27 "Now is my soul (psukee-now I am troubled) troubled; and what shall I say? Father, save me from this hour."

·         "Now my heart is troubled" New International Version.

6.      Acts 2:27 "Because you will not leave my soul (me-psukee) unto Hades, neither will you give your Holy One to see corruption."

·         "You will not abandon me (psukee) to the grave" New International Version.

·         "You will not abandon me (psukee) to death" Revised English Bible.

·         Both replaced “my soul” with “me” as a translation of psukee. It was Christ that was in the grave, not just a part of Him.

7.      Acts 2:31 "He foreseeing (this) spoke of the resurrection of the Christ, that neither was he (psukee) left unto Hades, nor did his flesh see corruption."

·         “For you will not abandon my soul (psukee) to Hades” (Acts 2:27).

·         He (psukee) was not abandoned to Hades” (Acts 2:29) New Revised Standard Version.

8.      Hebrews 10:38 "But my righteous one shall live by faith: And if he shrink back, my soul (I-psukee) has no pleasure in him."

·         "And if he shrinks back, I (psukee) will not be pleased with him" New International Version.

·         "And if he draws back I (psukee) take no pleasure in him" New American Bible.

·         "But if anyone shrinks back, I (psukee) take no pleasure in him" Revised English Bible.

     In these passages psukee, which is translate both life and soul from the same word, refers to God or Christ, not to an invisible something that is in Christ and God.



For notes on these see chapter eight. Those who believe in the Pagan doctrine of an immortal soul from birth, and believe in Hell have no plain easily understood non-figurative statement. That figurative language, metaphors and symbolic passages must be made into literal statements SHOWS THE WEAKNESS OF THEIR BELIEF, that it is from man and not from God. Figurative language and parables are made to be superior over plain statements, and clear language must be made to agree with what is thought to be said in the symbolic language.

1.      Revelation 6:9 "And when he opened the fifth seal, I saw underneath the altar the souls (lives-psukee) of them that had been slain for the word of God." See chapter eight - the fifth seal - souls under the altar in heaven - a symbolic picture.

2.      Revelation 8:9 "And there died the third part of the creatures which were in the sea, (even) they that had life (psukee); and the third part of the ships were destroyed." A third of the immortal undying souls died? Are immortal souls, as the word is used today, in the sea? Do fish have an immortal soul?

3.      Revelation 12:11 "And they overcame him because of the blood of the Lamb, and because of the word of their testimony; and they loved not their life (psukee) even unto death." If this symbolic passage were made literal, it would say the soul (psukee) does die.

4.      Revelation 16:3 "And the second poured out his bowl into the sea; and it became blood as of a dead man; and every living soul (living creature-psukee) died, (even) the things that were in the sea." If made literal, this symbolic passage says living souls are the things that are in the sea. Every "living creature" fish in the sea are "souls (psukee)" that died. When will all the fish in the sea literally die?

·         "And every living thing (psukee) in the sea died" New International Version.

·         "And every creature (psukee) living in the sea died" New American Bible.

·         "And every living thing (psukee) in it died" Revised English Bible.

5.      Revelation 18:13-14 "And cinnamon, and spice, and incense, and ointment, and frankincense, and wine, and oil, and fine flour, and wheat, and cattle, and sheep; and (merchandise) of horses and chariots and slaves; and souls (lives-psukee) of men. And the fruits which your soul (life-psukee) lusted after are gone from thee." If there were an immaterial something that is in a person, could whatever this “soul” is lust after material things, if it can, then will it still lust after the person is dead? Will immortals soul be slaves in Heaven or any other place? Could an immaterial soul be bought and sold as is “cinnamon, and spice, and incense, and ointment, and frankincense, and wine, and oil, and fine flour, and wheat, and cattle, and sheep; and (merchandise) of horses and chariots and slaves”?

·         "Slaves, and human lives (psukee)" Revised English Bible.

6.      Revelation 20:4 "And I saw thrones, and they sat upon them, and judgment was given unto them: and (I saw) the souls (life-psukee) of them that had been beheaded for the testimony of Jesus, and for the word of God, and such as worshiped not the beast, neither his image, and received not the mark upon their forehead and upon their hand; and they lived ("came to life" New American Standard Version, New Revised Standard Version), and reigned with Christ a thousand years." "The rest of the dead lived not until" ("The rest of the dead did not come to life until" New American Standard Version, New Revised Standard Version) Revelation 20:5. Some immortal souls "came to life" and some "lived not." If the soul cannot die, it cannot come to life, and if it cannot die, then all souls live and none can "lived not." This passage is a real problem when taken literal.

·         Five of the six times psukee is used in Revelation, is something that can and does die.

1.       Revelation 6:9 "Souls (lives-psukee)...slain."

2.       Revelation 8:9 "And there died the third part...that had life" (psukee).

3.       Revelation 12:11 "Loved not their life (psukee) even unto death."

4.       Revelation 16:3 "Every living soul (living being psukee) died" (In the sea, all fish died). Can anyone tell me why the translators, who believed the soul could not die and do not believe fish have a soul, put "ever living soul died" in this passage?

5.       Revelation 20:4 "The souls (lives-psukee) of them that had been beheaded"



Psukikos: natural (earthly).

  • "The NATURAL (psukikos) man" (1 Corinthians 2:14).
  • It is buried "a NATURAL (psukikos) body," it is resurrected “a spiritual body” (1 Corinthians 15:44).
    • It is the earthly NATURAL body that is buried and the same body that is resurrected but changed to a SPIRITUAL body, not a natural “soul” that is buried and resurrected a spiritual “soul.”
  • "If there is a NATURAL (psukikos) body, there is also a spiritual body"  (1 Corinthians 15:44).
  • "That which is NATURAL (psukikos)" (1 Corinthians 15:46).

     Neither soul nor spirit is the spiritual body that we will have after the resurrection. The spiritual body is the natural earthly body we now have changed from the image of Adam to the image of Christ; it is us changed, not an immaterial something in us changed to another immortal something after it is not in us. But those that believe either the soul or the spirit is now immortal do not believe either one will be changed to another immortal being, or changed in any way after it leaves us.


1 Corinthians 15 (1) NATURAL BODY    verse 44,46 | WE NOW HAVE

ADAM             (2) A LIVING SOUL      verse 45 | ADAM'S

                 (3) EARTHLY            verse 47 | IMAGE verse 49


                 (1) SPIRITUAL BODY     verse 45 | WE WILL HAVE


                 (3) HEAVENLY           verse 48 | verse 49

     "NATURAL" in verse 46 is used in place of "A LIVING SOUL" in verse 45, and ARE THE SAME THING. We now have Adam's image (a living soula living being, a natural being of this earth), but we will have the image of Christ (a spiritual body).

     "For our citizenship is in heaven; whence also we wait for a Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ: who shall fashion anew the body of our humiliation, that it may be conformed to the body of His glory" (Philippians 2:20-21 American Standard Version), "change" King James Version, "transform" New American Standard Version. Version, "transform" New American Standard Version.

·         “The body of our humiliation” is the body we now have that will be fashioned anew, not an immortal soul that will be refashioned.

·         “That it may be conformed to the body of His glory,” The “it” is the body we now have “that will be conformed to the body of His glory.” It is “our citizenship” that is in Heaven, not something that has no substance.

·         It is us that will be “fashion anew” or “changed” or “transform” by putting on immortality.

     "Beloved, now are we children of God, and it is not yet made manifest what we shall be (what a spiritual body is composed of). We know that, if he shall be manifested, we shall be like him; (have a spiritual body, be of the same substance) for we shall see him even as he is" (1 John 3:2).

     "For in the resurrection they neither marry, nor are given in marriage, but are as angels in Heaven" (Matthew 22:30). "For when they shall rise from the dead, they neither marry, nor are given in marriage; but are as angels in heaven" (Mark 12:26).

     The image of Christ, the spiritual bodies we will have after the resurrection is not an earthly body in the image of Adam. We are now a soul (living being) in the image of Adam, but we will not be a soul (living being) in the image of Adam after the resurrection; it is a body in the image of Christ that will be raised from the dead. All animals are souls (living beings-Hebrew nehphesh-Greek psukee), but animals will never have a spiritual body.

In commenting on "the natural man" in 1 Corinthians 2:14, Guy N. Woods said, "...the soulish man, since the adjective 'natural' translates a form of the Greek word for soul, which may be expressed in English as psychical. Thus, this usage is supported by etymology and required by the context. See, especially, Paul's teaching in 1 Corinthians 1:18-28 and 2:6-16." Gospel Advocate, 1985, November 21.

     "Natural" is translated from "psuchikos." Psuchikos is the adjective form of psukee, and it is used six times in the New Testament.

  1. "But the natural (psuchikos-soulish) man received not" (1 Corinthians 2:14).
  2. "It is sown a natural (psuchikos-soulish) body, it is raised a spiritual body" (1 Corinthians 15:44).
  3. "There is a natural (psuchikos-soulish) body, there is also a spiritual body" (1 Corinthians 15:44).
  4. "Howbeit that is not first which is spiritual, but that which is natural (psuchikos-soulish); than that which is spiritual" (1 Corinthians 15:46). Now we are a natural being, then we will be a heavenly being.
  5. "These are they who made separations, sensual (psuchikos-soulish), having not the Spirit" (Jude 19). "These are the men who divide you, who follow mere natural (psuchikos-soulish) instincts and do not have the Spirit" New International Version.

6.       James 3:15

·         "But it is earthly, sensual (psuchikos-soulish), devilish" (James 3:15). "Natural" in the New American Standard Bible, “earthly” in the Living Bible.

·         Amplified Bible ‘’This (superficial) wisdom is not such as comes down from above, but is earthly, unspiritual (animal) (psuchikos-soulish), even devilish (demoniacal).”

·         Contemporary English Version That kind of wisdom doesn't come from above. It is earthly and selfish (psuchikos-soulish), and comes from the devil himself.”

·         GOD’S WORD Translation “That kind of wisdom doesn’t come from above. It belongs to this world. It is self-centered (psuchikos-soulish), and demonic.”

·         Good News Translation Such wisdom does not come down from heaven; it belongs to the world, it is unspiritual (psuchikos-soulish), and demonic.”

·         Holman Christian Standard Bible Such wisdom does not come down from above, but is earthly, sensual (psuchikos-soulish), demonic.”