The Resurrection and Immortality by William West - HTML preview

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5.        "I have occasioned the death of all the persons (nehphesh) of your father's house" (1 Samuel 22:22)

6.        "They traded the persons (nehphesh) of man and vessels of brass for your merchandise" (Ezekiel 27:13). How could they trade souls if no one can see souls?

7.        7 to 30 person(s) twenty-three more times: Genesis 36:6; Exodus 16:16; Leviticus 27: 2; Numbers 5:6; 31:19; 31:35; 31:35; 31:40; 31:46; Deuteronomy 10:22; 27:25; Joshua 20:3; 20:9; 2 Samuel 14:14; Proverbs 28:17; Jeremiah 43:5; 43:6; 52:29; 52:29; Jeremiah 52:30; Ezekiel 16:5; 17:17; 33:6

MAN (nehphesh) four times

1.        "Every man (nehphesh) must eat" Exodus. 12:16. Not "Every immortal soul must eat"

2.        "He that kills the life of a man (nehphesh)" Leviticus. 24:17

3.        "The money that every man (nehphesh)" 2 Kings 12:4

4.        "To him whom man (nehphesh) despised" Isaiah 49:7

MEN (nehphesh) one time

1.        "And of men (nehphesh) a hundred thousand" 1 Chronicles 5:21. A hundred thousand invisible immortal souls or a hundred thousand people?

HIM (nehphesh) four times

1.        "Let us not kill him (nehphesh)" Genesis 37:21, it does not say, "Let us not kill an immortal soul that cannot be killed?"

2.        "Less the avenger of the blood...slay him (nehphesh)" Deuteronomy. 19:6

3.        "And slay him (nehphesh)" Deuteronomy 22:26. Slay an immortal soul or a person?

4.        "Seven are an abomination unto him (nehphesh)" Proverbs 6:16

HE (nehphesh) two times

1.        "He (nehphesh) was laid in iron" Psalm 105:18. An immortal soul in iron?

2.        "He (nehphesh) that labors" Proverbs 16:26

ME (nehphesh) three times

1.        "Let me (nehphesh) die" Numbers. 23:10; this is "let me die" not "let my immortal soul die"

2.        "Let me (nehphesh) die with the Philistines" Judges 16:30

3.        "I pray thee, let me (nehphesh) live" 1 Kings 20:32

YOUR SELVES (nehphesh) six times

1.        "You shall not make yourselves (nehphesh) abominable" Leviticus. 11:43

2.        "Neither shall you defile yourselves (nehphesh)" Leviticus 11:44

3.        "Take you good heed unto yourselves (nehphesh)" Deuteronomy. 4:15

4.        "Take good heed therefore unto yourselves (nehphesh)" Joshua. 23:11

5.        "Take heed to yourselves (nehphesh)" Jeremiah 17:21

6.        "Deceive not yourselves (nehphesh)" Jeremiah 37:9

YOU (psukee) one time: "And I will very gladly spend and be spent for you (psukee)" 2 Corinthians 12:15

HER (nehphesh) one time: "At her (nehphesh) pleasure" Jeremiah 2:24

SHE (nehphesh) one time: "Let her go whither she (nehphesh) will" Deuteronomy 21:14

THEE (nehphesh) two times. "To slay thee (nehphesh)...wherefore should he slay thee (nehphesh)" Jeremiah 40:14; 40:15

US (psukee) one time: "How long do you make us (psukee) to doubt?" John 10:24

WE (nehphesh) one time: "Ah, so would we (nehphesh) have it." Psalm 35:25

THEY (nehphesh) one time: "They (nehphesh) die in youth" Job 36:14

HIMSELF (nehphesh) eight times

1.        "Requested for himself (nehphesh)" 1 Kings 19:4

2.        "He tears himself (nehphesh) in this anger" Job 18:4

3.        "He justified himself (nehphesh)" Job. 32:2

4.        "The Lord...sworn by himself (nehphesh)" Jeremiah 51:14

5.        "Neither shall the mighty deliver himself (nehphesh)" Amos 2:14

6.        "And he that is swift of foot shall not deliver himself (nehphesh)" Amos 2:15

7.        "The Lord God has sworn by himself (nehphesh)" Amos 6:8

8.        "Wished in himself (nehphesh) to die" Jonah 4:8

MYSELF (nehphesh) one time: "I have behaved and quieted myself (nehphesh)" Psalm 131:2

HERSELF (nehphesh) two times

1.        "Hell has enlarged herself (nehphesh)" Isaiah 5:14. Does Hell have an enlarged immortal soul?

2.        "Backsliding Israel has justified herself (nehphesh)" Jeremiah 3:11. Does a nation have an immortal soul?

THYSELF (nehphesh) one time: "Think not with thyself (nehphesh)" Esther 4:13.

THEMSELVES (nehphesh) three times

1.        "They have decreed for themselves (nehphesh)" Esther 9: 31

2.        "But themselves (nehphesh) are gone into captivity" Isaiah 46:2

3.        "They shall not deliver themselves (nehphesh)" Isaiah 47:14

ANY (nehphesh) three times

1.        "And when any (nehphesh) will offer a meat offering" Leviticus. 2:1.

2.        "He that touches the dead body of any (nehphesh) man" Numbers. 19:11. Can anyone touch a dead soul that has no body to be touched and it cannot be dead?

3.        "A man be found stealing any (nehphesh)" Deuteronomy. 24:7

OWN (nehphesh) one time: "The heart knows his own (nehphesh) bitterness" Proverbs 14:10

DEAD (nehphesh) five times

1.        "Any cutting in your flesh for the dead (nehphesh)" Leviticus. 19:28

2.        "There shall none be defiled for the dead (nehphesh)" Leviticus 21:1

3.        "Anything unclean by the dead (nehphesh)" Leviticus 22: 4-6

4.        "Whosoever is defiled by the dead (nehphesh)" Numbers. 5:2

5.        "He sinned by the dead (nehphesh)" Numbers 6:11

BODY (soul–nehphesh) seven times

1.        "Any dead body (nehphesh)" Leviticus 21:11

2.        "Shall come at no dead body (nehphesh)" Numbers 6:6

3.        "Defiled by the dead body (nehphesh) of a man" Numbers 9: 6

4.        "Defiled by the dead body (nehphesh) of a man" Numbers 9:7

5.        "Unclean by reason of a dead body (nehphesh)" Numbers 9:10

6.        "Whosoever touches the dead body (nehphesh) of any man" Numbers 19:13

7.        "Unclean by a dead body (nehphesh)" Haggai 2:13

FELLOWS (nehphesh) one time: "Lest angry fellows (nehphesh) run upon you, and you lose your life" Judges 18:25

DEADLY (nehphesh) one time: "My deadly (nehphesh) enemies" Psalm 17:9

TABLETS (nehphesh) one time: "The tablets (nehphesh) and the earrings" Isaiah 3:20

BEAST (nehphesh) three times. 1, 2, and 3 "And he that kills a beast (nehphesh) shall make it good; beast (soul - nehphesh) for beast (nehphesh)" Leviticus. 24:18 (3 times). Can anyone make an immortal soul good, soul for soul? Can anyone deny that beasts ARE a soul—a living being?

THING (nehphesh) two times

1.        "Any living thing (nehphesh)" Leviticus 11:10

2.        "Every thing (nehphesh) that lives" Ezekiel 47:9

ONE (nehphesh) four times

1.        "Let one (nehphesh) die with the Philistines" Judges 16:30. Can anyone "let" an immortal soul die or live?

2.        "Let one (nehphesh) die the death of the righteous" Numbers 23:10

3.        "I pray you, let one (nehphesh) live" 1 Kings 20:32. Let one soul live but let the rest of the souls die?

4.        "If any one (nehphesh) of the common people sin" Leviticus. 4:27

FISH (nehphesh) one time: "All that make sluices and ponds for fish (nehphesh)" Isaiah 19:10

(3) "The DESIRE of any living creature"

DESIRE (nehphesh) five times

  1. "The wandering of the desire (nehphesh)" Ecclesiastes 6:9
  2. "The land whereunto they desire (nehphesh) to return" Jeremiah 22:27
  3. "To the which they have a desire (nehphesh)" Jeremiah 44:14
  4. "He utters his mischievous desire (nehphesh)" Micah 7:3
  5. "Who enlarges his desire (nehphesh)" Habakkuk 2:5

MIND (nehphesh) fifteen times

1.        "If it be your mind (nehphesh) that I should bury" Genesis. 23:8

2.        "In mine heart and in my mind (nehphesh)" 1 Samuel. 2:35

3.        "My mind (nehphesh) could not be toward this people" Jeremiah 15:1

4.        Twelve more: Deuteronomy. 18:6; 28:65; 2 Samuel. 17:8; 2 Kings 9:15; 1 Chronicles 28:9; Ezekiel 23:17; 23:18 (2 times); 23:22; 23:28; 24:25; 36:5

Psukee–soul three times

1.        "And made their minds (psukee) evil affected against the brethren" Acts 14:2

2.        "With one mind (psukee) striving together for the faith of the gospel" Philemon 1:27

3.        "Less you be wearied and faint in your minds (psukee)" Hebrews 12:3

HEART (nehphesh) fifteen times

1.        "And cause sorrow of heart (nehphesh)" Leviticus. 26:16

2.        "Se