The Resurrection and Immortality by William West - HTML preview

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1.        "My lust (nehphesh) shall be satisfied upon them" Exodus. 15:9

2.        "By asking meat for their lust (nehphesh)" Psalm 78:18

WILL (nehphesh) three times

1.        "Unto the will (nehphesh) of mine enemies" Psalm 27:12

2.        "Unto the will (nehphesh) of his enemies" Psalm 41: 2

3.        "Delivered thee unto the will (nehphesh) of them" Ezekiel 16:27

PLEASURE (nehphesh) three times

1.        "When you come into your neighbor's vineyard, then you may eat grapes your fill at your own pleasure (nehphesh)" Deuteronomy. 23:24

2.        "To bind his princes at his pleasure (nehphesh)" Psalm 105:22

3.        "Set at liberty at their pleasure (nehphesh)" Jeremiah 34:16

DISCONTENTED (nehphesh) one time: "Everyone that was discontented (nehphesh)" 1 Samuel. 22:2

GREEDY (nehphesh) one time: "They are greedy (nehphesh) dogs" Isaiah 56:11

HEARTY (nehphesh)

·         Nehphesh–one time. "Of a man's friend by hearty (nehphesh) counsel" Proverbs 27:9

·         Psukee–one time. "And whatsoever you do, do it heartily (psukee), as to the Lord" Colossians 3:23

APPETITE (nehphesh) two times

  1. "If you be a man given to appetite (nehphesh)" Proverbs 23:2
  2. "The appetite (nehphesh) is not filled" Ecclesiastes 6:7

     From the above, it is clear that all the words into which nehphesh and psukee are translated clearly show that a person does not have an immortal something in them that has any existence without the body, or that has any function without the body, or that has any life after the death of the person. "Nehphesh" or "psukee" is not something that has a life of it own that can live without the person; it is any living being, a person, or animal. In a person nehphesh and psukee is the earthly person who is in the image of Adam, not an immortal something in a person that is less than the whole person, and can live without the whole person. Both persons and animals are nehpheshs (living beings, souls); not a living being that has a nehphesh (a soul) that will live without them.


     The following quotation from an unknown author will illustrate the vague idea of many in relation to what may be saved through Christ.

"A man stands looking over the rail of a vessel into the surging water, and cries out, 'Save it!' Men come rushing up with, 'Save what? A man overboard?' 'No.' 'A woman?' 'No.' 'Then it must be a child.' 'No, it is not a child.' 'What then can it be?' 'I cannot tell.' 'Well, what does it look like?' 'I do not know, it has never been seen.' 'What form is it?' 'It has no form.' 'How large is it?' 'Why, it has no size.' 'Well, about how much will it weigh?' 'It has no weight.' 'Will it perish in the water?' 'No, no; it can never perish but save it, save it.'"


"IT" OR "ME"

     Many who believe the doctrine of unconditional immortality often say "IT" when they speak of the soul. Will "IT" be "ME" or will "IT" be my soul in Heaven? If I had a soul and "IT" had thoughts and emotions that were not my thoughts and emotions, then "IT" could not be "ME," but another being living in me.

     The whole person will be raised from the dead at the resurrection. It will be "ME" changed from a "soul" (nehphesh-psukee) a living creature in the image of Adam into a new spiritual body in the image of Christ. Some believe and teach it will only be an immaterial (no substance) invisible part of "ME," which they call the soul "IT" that will be in Heaven.

     If "IT" thinks, has any thoughts or knowledge, has any kind of sensibility different than or apart from "ME"; it is not "ME," but is another being. If the spirit "IT" is not my mind, then "IT" must have a mind of "ITS" own and thoughts of "ITS" own. Is "IT" intelligent and has a brain of "ITS" own? If not, then "IT" has no sensibility, then "IT" is only a nonliving thing.

     If the "soul," ("nehphesh" and "psukee") as used in the Bible, is not our life, mind, feeling and emotions; if "IT" is not the whole of a person; then "IT" could only be another being existing within "ME"; but "IT" and "ME" are not the same; and only the soul "IT" shall be in Heaven, but not the real "ME" (the part that now feels, thinks, and lives). Only this no substance being living in "ME" which I can know nothing about. Not what "IT" looks like, or what "IT" thinks, how "IT" feels, or any other thing about "IT."

     I could not even know "IT" is in "ME" without being told that "IT" is there. Therefore, "IT" could only be another being that will live on after "ME" is dead. When "IT" lives in Heaven, it will be "IT" living, not "ME," and my mind and thoughts will be dead, and "ME" will not even know that "IT" is living.

     If my spirit "IT" is not "ME," then when "ME" dies, my mind will be dead. If "IT" is a part different from my mind, heart, feeling, thoughts, then how can "IT" be condemned for what "ME" thinks, and feels, and does?

     If what will be in Heaven is "ME" (my mind, feeling, thoughts, heart, life) with a spiritual body in the image of Christ; where is the "soul" ("IT"), which I now have, but cannot see, or know anything about what "IT" will be? Will "IT" be in Heaven with "ME," and I still will not know anything about "IT" or see “IT”?

     If "IT" is not my mind, what does "IT" think? If "IT" is only something living in "ME," which I know nothing about; and "IT" will leave "ME" at my death and go onto another home without "ME"; and I still will not know anything about "IT," or what "IT" is, or what "IT" thinks, or where "IT" is, or what "IT" is doing, or looks like.

     After MY death, "IT" will live without a body or substance where "ME" (my mind, feeling, thoughts, heart) cannot live. If I am a "dual being" and "IT" is the second of my two beings, when my first being is dead, "ME" will be dead, and only the second being "IT" will be alive. Only a part of "ME" is immortal and only a part of "ME" will ever be in Heaven or Hell, and that is the part of "ME" that will never know anything about what "IT" is like.

     If my spirit ("IT") came into existence when I was born, and "IT" is different from my earthly being, then "ITS" thoughts are not the thoughts of "ME" (not the thoughts of my mind); therefore, how do I know "IT" has ever had any thoughts, or that "IT" knows anything?

     If "IT" is immortal, "IT" has no need of the tree of life to live forever; but "ME" is not immortal, and could not live forever without the tree of life. Death is not the enemy of "IT" for "IT" cannot die for the sins of "ME." "IT" cannot pay the wages of the sins for "ME."

     WILL YOU HAVE ETERNAL LIFE IN HEAVEN, OR WILL "IT" TO HAVE ETERNAL LIFE IN HEAVEN? The Bible does not teach there is something living in a person, but the whole of a person as he is now, and only the body will be different in Heaven from what we now are. A person is only one being, and will be the same one being in Heaven. We do not have a soul (do not have an "IT"), but we are a living soul, which is the image of Adam, a living beinga living person. Men and animals do not have a soul, but both are a living soul (living creatures). There is a world of differences in being a living soul, as is taught in the Bible, and having an "immaterial invisible" soul that is in us as is taught today.

     After death the Bible never speaks only of the sleep of the body, or only of the sleep of the soul, but of the sleep or death of the person. God's creation of this earth is very good even with the thorns caused by sin; but His creation of Heaven is far better and does not have the thorns. Nevertheless, the soul "IT" is made to be living in us and to be of neither creation, just some thin air something with no substance. When Lazarus was raised, he was the exact identical person he was before his death, with the same body, a "soul" (nehphesh - psukee) living creature in the image of Adam. At the resurrection the saved will be the exact identical person as now, but with a new "spiritual body," in the image of Christ, not some thin air no substance "IT" that will be different from the person we now are.

     Many use "soul sleeping" just as many have used "Campbellism," and "water salvation." They can see only Plato's immortal part of a person that lives on after the death of the person. It will not be Plato's inter immortal no substance part of a person that will exist after the death of the body. It will be "ME" not just something that is in "ME" that will be raised from the dead, not "IT" that is not dead. It is "ME" that will sleep and "ME" that will wake up at the resurrection. Not "IT" that I will know nothing about.

     If "IT" (the soul) is immortal from birth, "IT" can never die for "IT" is immortal. If "IT," whatever it is, is what will be in heaven, there can be no resurrection, for "IT" is not dead to be resurrected. If "IT" can never die, "IT" did not need Christ to die in "its" place to keep "IT" from dying, for "IT" is immortal and cannot die. "IT" has no need of the death of Christ to save "IT" from the death that "IT" cannot die. It is a person "ME" that will put on immortality at the resurrection, and not just something that is in a person "IT," which is both alive and immortal before the resurrection. It will be my life, mind, feeling and emotions, my whole person "ME" that will be immortal in Heaven, not just some unknown something that is in me.

     I do not know how God can raise "ME" from the grave and give "ME" a new spiritual body and it still be "ME"; not just some "IT" which was not dead to be raised; but I have complete faith that He can and will. My faith is in Christ and the resurrection He taught. Will faith in the pagan doctrine or in the immortal soul it teaches save you or condemn you?

     There is no revelation telling about an “IT” that is in “ME,” or anything about an “IT”; therefore, no one could know anything about “IT,” not one thing.

     In Plato’s doctrine of an immortal soul, the person dies, but the soul lives and comes back in another person, it lives without the first person, and it will live after the death of the second person it was in, after the death of the third person that it was in, ete. Yet from this heathen philosophy is where the so-called church fathers got their doctrine of an immortal soul that will live after the death of the person it was in.

     Do you believe that it will be you that will be saved or lost, or that there is something in you that you that is the real you and “it” is what will be saved or lost, something that you cannot see or know what it, something that nobody knows what it really is, something that you cannot now know anything about, and after your death you will not be able to know if it is saved or lost, if it is being rewarded or tormented? The doctrine of a never dying immortal soul is in direct conflict with hundreds of the plainest statements of the Bible. How can anyone say they believe the Bible when they have replaced it with the teaching of the heathen philosophy of Plato?


Life or Death

      Eternal life or immortality is never said to be something a person is born with, but something that only Christians will inherit in the future.

·         Eternal life will be inherited, “And shall inherit eternal life” (Matthew 19:29).

·         Eternal life is a gift, “For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord” (Romans 6:23).

·         Eternal life is now a hope, “We might be made heirs according to the hope of eternal life” (Titus 3:7).

·         Eternal life is promised, “And this is the promise which he promised us, even eternal life” (1 John 2:25).

      Many continually preach, "The wages of sin is death," but then by what they preach they contradict them self by preaching that unbelievers will have eternal life in Hell; therefore, "The wages of sin is an eternal life of torment in Hell" not death.

     The changing of life and death.

·         "Life" has been changed to mean only a "reward," and "death" changed from death to life, eternal life being tormented by God. The orthodox view changes death into a different mode of life, a deathless death.

·         "The wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord." Romans 6:23 is changed to mean the wages of sin is not death, but the wages of sin is eternal life with torment.

     Eternal life is a conditional gift to the saved at the resurrection and judgment. “He that has the Son has eternal life. He that has not the Son has not life” (Immortality) (1 John 5:12.) "He that hears My word, and believes Him that sent Me, has eternal life, and comes not into judgment, but has passed out of death into life" (John 5:24).

     "I have set before you life and death" (Deuteronomy 30:19). Life and death are two of the most misused words in the Bible. Many are unwilling to believe that when God said, "The wages of sin is death" that He did really mean what He said, that death is death and not eternal life in some other place. Death is not life, death is not a lifelong imprisonment with torture. Death is death, not a better life in Heaven, or a worse life in Hell; it is life or death. Death is the exact opposite of life, and death cannot be changed to be eternal life with torment. For a person to have an immortal soul from birth, death as the wages of sin must be explained away. Innate inborn immortality is hostile to God's word. If a person is born with an immortal "immaterial, invisible part of men" (W. E. Vine) that is not subject to death, and this "soul" is the only part of a person that will survive death, the law of God has no power over whether that soul lives or dies, for according to innate inborn immortality a soul cannot die; God can only say how or where this "immaterial, invisible part of men" is to live if this "part of man" is not subject to death and must always live some place.

     "He that hears my word, and believes him that sent me, has eternal life, and comes not into judgment, but has passed out of death into life…they that have done good, unto the resurrection of life" (John 5:24-29). Not a soul “that hears my word, and believes” that that has eternal life passing out of one kind of eternal life into another kind of eternal life, but a person (“he”) that has passed out of death into life. If there were a soul that now has eternal life, it could not be resurrected “out of death into life.” The life could not be literal (real) life if the death was not literal (real) death.

     "It is appointed unto man once to die, and after this comes judgment" (Hebrews 9:27). "For the hour comes, in which all that are in the tombs shall hear his voice, and shall come forth; they that have done good, unto the resurrection of life; and they that have done evil, unto the resurrection of judgment" (John 5:28-29). We now bear the image of Adam, and like Adam, we all will die, but both the saved and those not saved will be raised at the second coming of Christ and be judged. The saved will bear the image of Christ and have life forever (1 Corinthians 15:45-49). The church at Smyrna was told, "Be you faithful unto death, and I will give you the crown of life...He that overcomes shall not be hurt of the second death" (Revelation 2:10-11). Throughout the Gospels, Christ promised life to all who believed Him. Paul says, "His servants you are whom you obey; whether of sin unto death, or obedience unto righteousness" (Romans 6:16). "What fruit then had you at that time in the things whereof you are now ashamed: for the end of these things is death. But, now being made free from sin and become servants to God, you have your fruit unto sanctification, and the end eternal life" (Romans 6:21-22). As clear as human language can be, Paul says, "For the wages of sin is death; but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord" (Romans 6:23).

In Romans 6:23, the issue is:

LIFE - - - - - - - - - - - - - OR -- DEATH

Not life in one place-Heaven – OR -- life in another place-Hell

Death is the absence of life – NOT - another kind of life,

                                     which will be either better

                                     or worse than this life

     All who obeys Christ and "overcomes," will at the judgment be given the crown of life, and shall not be hurt of the second death (Revelation 2:11). The clear implication is that anyone who does not overcome shall be hurt of the second death at the judgment. "He that overcomes shall inherit these things: and I will be his God, and he shall be my son. But for the fearful, and unbelieving, and abominable, and murderers, and fornicators, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, their part shall be in the lake that burns with fire and brimstone; which is the second death" (Revelation 21:7-8).

     There may be more in the New Testament on life and death than any other subject. If God can destroy a person (the whole person, Matthew 10:28), unconditional immortality cannot be true. If a person can lose his life (Matthew 10:39) unconditional immortality cannot be true. Those who believe there is something that is in a person and this something cannot die knows "the wages of sin" (Romans 6:23) must be changed to be something other than death, for if "death" means "death" the sinner will die, he cannot live forever in Hell. The Bible teaching on death must be done away with or there can be no Hell.

      John 3:16: If all have a “soul” in them that now has eternal life and will always have eternal life and cannot perish, why did God give His Son that the “soul” of all who believe on Him would have eternal life and not perish? How could the gift of God to the deathless soul that is in those that believe be eternal life when it already has eternal life? Eternal life is only for those who believe. Just as sure as those that believe on Christ will have eternal life, those who do not believe on Christ will not have eternal life any place. Will be received in the future (John 3:16). The gift of God to those who believe on His Son is eternal life (John 3:16), and this gift is something they did not already have; not something ALL were born with. If all have eternal life from birth, even those who do not believe, how could life be a gift only to believers? When those who believe that all now have a “soul” that is inside of them and this soul now has eternal life read the Bible, and change "life" into "a reward" and change death, die, perish, destroyed, and destruction into "punishment." To them, the Bible cannot mean what it says and they must change it.

·        Only those that believe will be given eternal life, life that those that are not in Christ will never have.    

·        Is changed by those who say they do not change God’s word to, all are born with something in them that now has eternal life, and only whatever a soul is that is in a person, only it will live forever, either in Heaven or Hell.

     Life could not be given to a soul that is already deathless.

“Should not perish, but have eternal life,” it is either or, either perish or have eternal life.

1.                  Those that perish do not have eternal life.

2.                  Those that have eternal life do not perish.

     When a newspaper says, “Twenty persons perished in a plane crash,” twenty persons died, perish means die. Perish is not eternal life with a “lost of well-being,” perish is not eternal life in torment, perish is not any kind of life anyplace.

      1 John 3:11-12: “God gave un