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“The Sovereign LORD has filled me with his spirit. He has chosen me and sent me to bring good news to the poor, to heal the broken hearted, to announce release to captives and freedom to those in prison”.

- (Isaiah 61:1)

  • There is to be no clandestine activities or occultism permitted in the earth under any guise.
  • Legal age of responsibility, accountability and adulthood should be nineteen (19) years of age.
  • Marriage is meant for adult persons only. Therefore minors (those under 19 years of age) may not marry; only adults may marry.
  • Minors should not smoke, nor drink alcohol, nor have sex legally. To do either of these before attaining to adult age would be a penal offence under the law.
  • Owners are to be responsible for their pets willingly.
  • Parents are to be responsible for the offences of their minor children irrespective.
  • If minors engage in contractual agreements or engagements (like employment, etc), their parents would be held accountable and responsible if they fail in their obligations or default on the contract.
  • By the law, orphanages may not and should not mature their wards off until maturity  age nineteen (19).
  • If two adult persons of opposite sex willingly have a child outside wedlock, they would both equally be responsible for the upkeep of the child up until nineteen (19) years of age. From infancy, the child could stay with the mother up until twelve (12) years of age. From there on, it could stay with the father till age nineteen (19).
  • If a minor (or two minors) have a child, the responsibility of the child rests upon the parents of the minors irrespective. However, the minors take full charge upon their attainment of maturity age nineteen (19).
  • If a woman is raped, the entire upkeep expense of the child resultant rests with the father. However, the mother nurses the child from birth until age two (2) years old. Custody may then revert to the father there-on.
  • If a woman is gang-raped, the entire upkeep expense of the child resultant rests with the gang evenly. However, such offspring belongs to, and bears the name of the biological father (upon medical certification). The father is to have custody of the child to care for from age two (2) as in above, with upkeep contributions from the gang evenly.
  • One should not take life, except it be an “unwanted pregnancy”. We argue that a fetus is an integral part of the carrier and can be likened to cancer or fibroid growing in the stomach. Its stay in the womb is at the discretion of the carrier, and so it may be removed as any other disease or growth no matter how come about. But a newborn's life is established - it is independent; and so has the full rights of a living soul! It must therefore not be tampered with under any guise or circumstances.
  • It should however be noted that though abortion may be a sin, it is not an offence or  crime. Man's concern should be to punish offences and crimes and leave sins unto God's judgment. A crime may be defined as a wrong unto a third-party (man or the state), while a sin is a wrong unto God. Abortion is a wrong unto God or oneself, not third-party man.
  • To make up for sins unto God, one may plead mercy or make restitution by prayers. But to compensate or make right a crime unto men or the state, payment be made in cash or in kind (as will be elaborated upon later).
  • Cloning, especially researches to clone humans and other living beings, is to be done away with forever. It is evil and satanic, and an aberration and a perversion before God - a sin-act punishable by damnation to hell!
  • Similarly, bestiality, cunnilingus, anal sex, and all such sexual perversions must be commonly denounced and renounced. They are a debasement of both animal and human dignity; and are sin-acts of sodomy unto God and man! What God grants is liberty, not unbridled freedom!
  • So are same–sex marriages and sex-transplants to be condemned. The accomplices in these sins are equally also as guilty as the doers in judgment before God. They are all Sodomites and perverts before God, and are all damnable to hell! Their acts and practices should best be proscribed, forbidden, abrogated, and outlawed forever! They are as magic or black arts – corrupt and sinful! And are to be done away with.
  • (Granted these very stern, forthright and passionate warnings, some thick-skinned, stiff-necked and die-hard 'Judases' would still do to the contrary. Speculatively, they would still choose to make clones for sex, industrial, domestic, or for whatever purposes best known to them! And some day, the clones would rise against them and cause a colossal war that would destroy the earth and all earthling beings! Therefore, beware! Be alert!! Be on your guard!!! Heaven and earth will pass away, but these words will remain!)
  • Nevertheless, for developmental purposes, cloning science and technology however may be applied in researches to regenerate dead (or dysfunctional) cells in the cure of cancer, gangrene, spinal or brain diseases, etc. – what is objectionable is that it must not be used to replicate whole beings for substitution purposes, nor to improvise God or God's beings! (Remember the admonitions of Proverbs 29:1, which says: “if you get more stubborn every time you are corrected, one day you will be crushed and never recover” ).
  • It would be an offence to wield a weapon at anyone for whatever reasons. That is to say, no one may bear arms except the police and army. Anyone wanting to defend themselves is better advised to learn unarmed self-defense or martial arts. The only exceptions to this rule again are: law agents, “enforcing” the law, “under duty” , and under the “codes of conduct” of their duties. In contravention to this, these also would be subject to the law and can be sued [prosecuted] accordingly.
  • Private security outfits (security corporations), which may or may not employ ex-servicemen in their services, may also bear arms provided they are trained in their use. They too would be subject to the laws regarding arms use and misuse or abuse then.
  • The police are to be decentralized. Each mayoralty is fully to run its own command to police it. Such are in the best positions to understand their own terrains, and are most suitable to understand and police their own people.
  • Incarcerations or imprisonments or quarantines, as punishment for offences, are to be abolished (excepting for quarantines on medical or mental grounds). Alternatively to this, all offences are to be monetized [that is, paid for in terms of money or in kind as alluded to above]. Thereby shall we be making savings of public monies on maintaining criminals in prisons.
  • Monetized charges are preferably to be charged as 'percentage-worth of estate' upon culprits, rather than as absolutes; but that is not to rule out absolutes altogether (as might need be).
  • Also, compensations or restitutions for miscarriages of justice or misjudgment should be monetized to the wrongfully convicted.
  • Corporal punishments, the death penalty, and such harsh judgments in the Nigerian (or others') laws should therefore be abrogated and done away with. Reason is that, if you abuse or take life wrongfully by misjudgment, there's no way you could compensate the adjudged sufficiently thereafter. Therefore capital or corporal offences in our laws (common or martial) should carry monetized charges as suggested.
  • Inability to pay for offenses shall lead to declaration of bankruptcy on the convict. Two types of bankruptcy can be declared: (1) Business bankruptcy and (2) Legal bankruptcy. Legal bankruptcy is insolvency arising from a court judgment [criminal litigation action]. Both types of bankruptcy would limit the convict as given in law.
  • All bankrupts (whether business or legal) would have to serve their charges in capacities or duties the state provides until their charges are liquidated (or discharged). That is, the bankruptcy will not be discharged until upon full payment of bills owed.
  • Convicted persons could be swapped, exchanged, or replaced with or by another. They may also be “bought off” by payment of the bills on their charges by anyone (or self) at any time. Otherwise such persons would have to serve until “discharged”.
  • Convicts even while serving sentence, are free citizens and may not be discriminated against by employers. They may seek employment anywhere to earn decent wages. However, their employers must remit their “dues” from source to the courts or state until discharged. (This calls for collaboration between employers, the state, and the convict).
  • Under no circumstance may a convict “jump bail”. To jump bail would attract an imprisonment term. This is the only time the incarceration or imprisonment penalty may be justifiable. If the convict however later shows remorse or is penitent, their sentences may be commuted to cash or kind [monetized], or pardoned on the prerogative of mercy.
  • All lands are to belong to the central congressional authority. Regional and mayoral governments are to be delineated territories or bounds by the central authority.
  • Citizens of any mayoralty may buy and develop land irrespective from the mayoralty authorities for a lease term of hundred (100) years.
  • The governmental authorities should retain proprietary rights and could reclaim their land rights at any time, but must have to pay commensurate and adequate compensation to the deed owners if reclaimed before the hundred (100) years agreed.
  • Land-owners however may develop or resell their estates before the time redeemable by the authorities.
  • Mineral resource(s) found on any premises prompting redemption by government must be adequately compensated for by the governmental authorities to the leaseholders – perhaps as percentage royalties, until term expires. Or the lessees may exploit such resources as their rightful enterprises, to pay taxes on returns to the mayoral authorities.
  • Mayoralties are empowered to collect taxes, tolls, fines, rates, and revenues, etc., (since these are at the grassroots) and then pass up to the other tiers.
  • Every generation of peoples upon earth is to have laws and agreements binding them for a set time. Agreements or bonds reached by that generation of people should bind for that time of people only. That is, no generations are allowed to jeopardize future generations' own rights with its sealed bonds or templates with themselves (or with other nations) any longer than for their epoch. An epoch or generation by definition is anything between 5 years (minimum) to 6 years (maximum) by God!
  • After a 'generation' has elapsed as set, the incumbent House (of Assembly) of the new era is to sit and reach agreements on general templates, policies and plans they shall be run by until the next epoch; and on and on.
  • Any 'generations of people' therefore could revisit and review the templates and agreements made upon it by its progenitors - whether they are unilateral, bilateral or multilateral - inclusive of, but not limited to: interstate relations or pacts, social, political, economic and developmental templates and plans, etc.
  • All nations under the international community necessarily should append to and abide by these all for more permanent universal peace, justice, and harmony.
  • (In contravention to implementing these lofty ideals, nations and peoples everywhere  might as well be chasing shadows looking for answers to problems that have already been given answers to by God. We therefore need visionary leaders and followers with the fear of God in their hearts who can key-in into these proactive visions and purposes and galvanize the people to actualize them).